Technical information about the domain. What is Whois? Whois service, service. Domain verification. Whois information. Why do you need domain name information?

Hello friends! Vasily Blinov is with you again, and in today’s next part about domain names, I will tell you how to check the history of a domain and why you need to do this before purchasing.

As part of my course “How to create your own blog/information site and make money from it” in the Knowledge Base, I strongly recommend students to do a domain check and take only those with zero or good history. Now I will explain why.

Why check history?

If you are a beginner and not familiar with what search engine filters, domain reputation, indexing and website ranking are, then let me briefly explain in simple words.

On the Internet and in any search engine, there are a lot of algorithms that analyze each resource according to many indicators. During the operation of the site, it undergoes thousands of checks. Since no indicators can be applied to the resource data itself, due to the fact that they are constantly changing, all check parameters are assigned to its address, that is, the domain.

If on the site for a long time there was non-unique content, viruses, prohibited materials (for adults, extremism, drug propaganda, etc.), low-quality links were bought or sold, over-optimized articles were published, spam, etc., then most likely the domain name of such a site is under filters and blocked.

So when you buy a domain like this with bad story, be prepared for problems with indexing and promotion. This situation online can be compared to imprisonment; the “previously convicted” status on the name will remain for a long time, perhaps even forever, and will interfere with development.

It is unrealistic to find out about all the filters and blockings; you can only guess by analyzing the data saved in history on some special services. Let's look at how to use them in detail.

7 History Check Methods (paid method)

The first method you can use is a special history check tool from the official registrar REG.RU.

Of course, it will be expensive to check all the addresses while searching and choosing the right one. Therefore, it is better to use it if you have already specifically decided on some free option.

All subsequent methods are free. — standard service to view publicly available information about the domain. Works only with domain zones .ru, .su, .рф.

It is not necessary to use the advanced functionality, no matter how many times I tried it, it does not show particularly important data. Just enter the address in the green field and click “Find”.

Data for each year is shown separately, in my case - for 3 years:

  • Hosting server where located.
  • Availability status.
  • Registered by. If on individual, as in my case, it doesn’t show specifically to whom.
  • From which registrar was it purchased?
  • Registration date (age).
  • Dates when it was extended.

Based on this data, the most important thing that can be seen is whether he was previously busy with someone or not and how long ago he was busy.

If you see that it has already been used, we analyze it with the following services.— a tool for analyzing incoming, outgoing and internal links on a website. If there was previously a website on the domain, and it was indexed normally, then this service will show which links were on this website and which links to it.

In this way, you can determine the topic of the former resource and the quality of the links.

In my case, the domain is completely new and all data for the last 5 years is zero. Here's an example busy domain, the site on which no longer works, is up for sale and which I wanted to buy.

You can also see which pages were recently on the site.

There is nothing wrong with such a domain; we can assume that the story is normal. But the price they offered for it was 28,000 rubles. And it goes against my principles to buy domain names from cybersquatters.

is a service that takes screenshots of websites and saves them in history. Its downside is that it only takes screenshots of popular sites.

It does not show various small resources that were on the domain for a short time. The following service copes with this task better. a worldwide Internet archive that periodically preserves the appearance of sites throughout its operation. You can see what popular Internet giants looked like before and have changed since their creation.

The scale at the top shows all the years and the number of saves. And in the calendar - circled and highlighted bold numbers when the archive was saved. By clicking on them you can view it. This is what my blog looked like when I first launched it in 2014.

Using these extreme two methods, you can determine what kind of site was on the domain, and whether it violated any Internet norms.

Checking in search

It also doesn't hurt to ask Yandex and Google what they remember about the former website located on the domain of your choice. To do this, enter the entire domain name into the search bar and see the results.

If you put a domain in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark in front of the word (I recommend reading the article about search secrets), then Yandex will show only direct occurrences of the word you are looking for.

There were 12 thousand pages where my domain was mentioned. By this analysis you can understand what kind of resources link to a domain name, and determine whether the material located on it was good or bad.

RDS bar

RDS bar is a browser extension that helps webmasters quickly get available information About the site. Even if the site for the required domain name does not open, it will still show statistics.

To do this, install the extension. In the browser line enter required address and try to open it. When it displays an error about unavailability, click on the icon.

If the numbers are not zeros, it means it was used previously and was indexed. By clicking on the numbers you will see detailed data.


I have listed all the main methods of history checking that I use. There are also others similar to these, but they will not show more information.

You can also run the address through general analyzers, for example, these:


They can also show something useful if there is a story.

I wish you success in checking! If you have questions, ask them in the comments. Also share your tools that you use.

In the next part I will show. Stay tuned!

What is Whois?

Nowadays, the Internet is so hidden that you don’t even know that your chat interlocutor may be your friend behind the wall, and your wife may be the most assertive opponent on your favorite forum. But anonymity is not always hidden. There is such a service as Whois, which exposes the owners of Internet resources.
What is it like? Whois term? In fact, everything is simple here. This is a protocol through which the server can transmit information to the client about who the domain or its name is registered to. IP address. The data is provided by special databases that contain information about users of a particular domain. Naturally, this information may be outdated or unreliable, since this information is provided by a person when registering a domain. This information It can also be detailed: the database contains the user name, registration address, e-mail, phone number, name of the company that registered this domain. This also applies to information about IP addresses.

For what purpose was it needed? this protocol Whois? In recent times, when the Internet was just beginning to develop, and no one had heard of such a problem as cybersquatting, it was assumed that site administrators would use it to find necessary information about each other and decide various problems. Currently, it is needed mainly in order to catch cybersquatters and fight them.

To work with the Whois protocol, there is various programs(clients). Some of them have a console interface, others have a graphical interface, but mostly they work via a web interface, i.e. You can also obtain information about domains and IP addresses using browsers. Available a large number of Whois service ov that are easy to find using Yandex, Google or another search engine. Most services are limited to certain domain zones for which Whois information can be searched due to the nature of the databases containing the information.

Databases that contain information about domain users and IP addresses can be distributed or centralized; however, there is no single database with information about all domains or IP addresses in the world. In centralized databases (ORG domain zone) everything is quite simple: one server responds to all Whois requests, because he has all the necessary information. If the database is decentralized (COM domain zone), the server sends requests to other servers that have information about limited number domains. Currently, centralized databases are used in domain zones where there are many domains, while a distributed database is more suitable for large domain zones (which is generally seen in the example of ORG and COM).

If you have registered your domain through a colleague or your web developer, check it on the Whois service to see if it really belongs to you. If the domain was registered through friends and important information lost – password, username then you can lose your domain forever. Its capabilities will also help you monitor your competitors and understand their strategy, which they use, and the Internet and develop response steps to neutralize them.

from 101domain | Saturday, July 15, 2017

We have already talked in the article “” about how to understand and where to see how old your or any other domain is.

How can you find out the domain registration date?

The registration date refers to the time when the domain name was created. You can check the domain registration date in the Whois service.

1. Whois service

Whois This network protocol, the purpose of which is to store data about domain registration, the servers on which it is based and records about it.

The “check domain with Whois” and “Whois search” services are available at almost all domain registrars on the site. In addition to the registrars, this service provide domain zone registries.

On the Whois search page, you enter the name you are interested in, follow the instructions and prompts, and if everything is entered correctly and the domain you are looking for is actually registered, you receive a whole list of domain information.

The check will make it possible to find out the domain registration date and how old the domain name is.

2. Determine the domain registration date by line

Among all the data in the list, you can see several dates. You can find out the registration date in the line “ created» — creation date (year, month and day).

In line " paid-till" the period for which the domain is registered and paid for will be indicated.

There is another line " free-date“, in which you can see the date of release of the domain name in the event of lack of payment and further renewal of the domain name registration.

Lines " paid-till" And " free-date» will change after the domain name is renewed for the next period.

Line " created" will not change until the moment when, for some reason, the domain name is removed from delegation, released from the registry and free for further registration.

3.Whois with Linux

If you are using an operating room Linux system, the whois program is already installed in it. To find out the registration date of the site, enter in the terminal next command: “whois site domain” or “ whois IP address" The date the site was created will appear in the “created” line. But please note that the data obtained in this way is not always correct. Not all registries respond to such requests correctly.

You visited the site and you wanted to know who owns the domain. Maybe you want to buy this domain, maybe you have a conflict with the owner of the resource, or maybe, on the contrary, you want to communicate with him, but there are no contacts on the site. But it's not a problem. You can use our service, which allows you to easily and simply determine the owner of a domain in any domain zone, as well as on which ns servers the domain is located.

To find out information about the owner of a domain, you need a Whois service. In order to receive necessary information, just enter the domain you are interested in in the search bar and in a few seconds you will know what you need.

Of course, if the Private person option is set, the owner information will not be shown. But, having written a letter to specified address you can be sure that the registrar will forward it to the domain owner

— Domain check and site name search — Domains are searched with us

Whois service is a service for checking domains.

Enter any site name in search bar, and find out whether the domain is free or busy. If a domain name is already taken, you can find out who owns it and how to contact them.

Convenient selection of domains works: after turning on the “query history” mode, all the domain names that you have already searched for are visible. If you are interested in purchasing a domain during your review, some domain registration services are listed on the right side of this page. A name search for a website and a domain selection service are available for domain names in Russia, CIS countries, international and national domain zones. Domains are searched from us.

— whois service, geography by IP, SEO site analysis

This universal service, written in Ajax, which contains all the main network services, allowing you to quickly obtain the necessary information about a domain, website, or IP address. Whois service supports any domain zones, including New.Net. The request goes directly to the domain registrar's whois server, which allows you to receive accurate, complete information.

— Get information about a domain, website or IP address

Our whois service allows you to obtain information about a website or IP address.
Here you can:
Find out the registration information of the site owner.
Determine the server IP address by domain.
Find out the location of the server by IP address.
Determine the server type and find out which one is under control operating system the server is running.
To know DNS servers and E-mail of the DNS administrator.
Determine the device manufacturer by its MAC address.
Find out which sites are on IP.
Find out your IP address, get information about your computer.
Determine country and city by phone number.

— checking a free domain

The WHOIS (Who Is) service is automated system, providing public access to information about the domain name and its Administrator. This service allows you to find out the date of domain registration and its expiration, the end date of the preferential renewal period, the registrar supporting the domain name, as well as information about the Domain Administrator, if he did not use the service of hiding personal data. According to the Rules for registration of domain names in the .RU and .РФ domains, information about the Administrator domain-individual presented in an impersonal form. To contact the Domain Administrator in the .RU and .РФ zones, you must use the form feedback presented in WHOIS.

Whois domain service is not only user-friendly interface searching for a domain, IP address, DNS server, registrar, or converting a domain name to punycode and back, but also the ability to check the functionality of the site, where you can get full information about its availability, find out information about the domain. The main innovation is the display of information Whois service in Russian for domains in the .RU / .SU / .РФ zones (status, domain age and registration date, end of the domain name).

Enter the domain / IP / DNS / Registrar in the appropriate query field and get complete information!

— check the domain for availability, find out information about the domain

The Whois service is a program or script that allows you to check whether a domain is occupied or find out registration information about a domain.
The principle of operation of the whois service is to request a server that stores data for all domain names registered within one zone, obtaining this data and displaying it to the end user.
Use this service to check the Russian Federation domain or any other IDN domain. Punycode conversion is carried out automatically.

To find out domain registration information ( whois data), including:
Domain DNS records;
domain status;
domain owner name;
contact phone And email domain owner;
Registrar ID;
domain creation date (delegation start date)
domain registration end date (delegation end date);
enter the domain name and click the check button.

— Domain whois check, whois check by site ip — full information about the domain

WhoIs check allows you to find out registration information about a particular site. As a rule, it is used to study competitors' sites, but you can use the WhoIs service to obtain information about your own site.

How can such a service be useful?
After conducting a WhoIs check, you will be able to receive information about when the domain name lease ends. You may be able to repurchase a domain name if its owner forgets to pay for it. Of course, such manipulations are quite rare, but if we're talking about about competitive and “money” niches, then such a check is one of the main ones, allowing you to fight for each domain as efficiently as possible.

What is domain information used for?
Most often, this service is used to check whether a domain is occupied. For example, you came up with a beautiful domain name and want to check whether such a domain exists, and if so, who owns it. Often, a situation also arises when there is no website, but the domain has been purchased by someone - in this case, checking the domain will allow you to determine its owner and obtain his contact information if necessary. It takes a few seconds to check if a domain name is busy, and after that a short time you can get the coordinates of the person you need.

network utilities— Ping, Traceroute, IP Lookup/whois, DNS Lookup.

Main features of our service:
Whois - obtaining information about second-level domain names in 134 zones (more than 1000 domains third level),
including Cyrillic domains in, .su, .com, .net, .org.
Domain catalog: alphabetically.
IP Lookup/Whois - obtaining information about IP addresses.
DNS Watch - view DNS records.

The starting stage of website publication is checking the availability of the domain name. Correctly selected network name largely determines the time of its initial indexing search engines, the rate of growth of visitors and, in general, the entire future success of the Internet resource.

Things to consider when checking your address:

  1. First of all, the domain name must be free: this can be checked using any WHOIS service. If the domain was previously occupied, it is important to look at the history - how exactly former owner used the domain, what information was posted.
  2. The website address on the Internet should be short (preferably no longer than 7-10 characters), easy to read and remember by users. In order to check how convenient the chosen domain will be for visitors, try dictating it to someone over the phone. The interlocutor must be able to write it down without errors.
  3. Domain name should contain an emphasis on the topic of the site or the type of activity of the services offered.
  4. Use only those foreign words that are widely known and will be understood by all visitors (shop, auto, top, etc.). Not everyone knows a foreign language and the rules for writing certain words perfectly.
  5. If a website represents a brand, the domain must reflect this and be recognizable. At the same time, you should not perform ordinary transliteration for complex multi-component names. So, for example, it is better for the Western Heat Generating Company organization to choose the shortened address rather than full name Latin characters.
  6. If all suitable domains are already taken, try checking the domain by including numbers. Thus, the address is in no way inferior to the domain
  7. Experts advise registering domains in several zones at once (RU, SU, COM) and “gluing” them together by setting up redirection to the main site. This increases the position of the resource and protects against the risk of cybersquatting. Therefore, before you take a domain for yourself, do mass verification names for other zones: perhaps a similar brand already exists.

The most recognizable domain zones

  1. RU. Regional zone of the Russian Internet region. The most common option for sites aimed at Russian-speaking audiences. Suitable for all areas: commercial resources or personal Internet blogs. The area to check first.
  2. RF. Cyrillic equivalent of RU. Less busy, but may cause difficulty navigating to sites in browsers outdated versions. A website address like “namesite.rf” is easy to remember.
  3. COM. Initially, only commercial websites of organizations were included in the zone, but now anyone can choose it. It is recommended to check for multilingual platforms and resources operating internationally.

On Majordomo you can check a domain for availability in all zones - RF, RU, COM, ORG, NET, RUS, SU, TECH, ONLINE, STORE, SITE and others.