There is no signal from the megaphone mobile network on the phone. What to do if the network signal is lost

What to do if the phone does not receive or loses the network? If you watch this video, then this is a problem again. We will explain the reasons simply, this video is not about how cellular communications, satellites and fiber optic cables, etc. work. This video is about how to find out what is the reason for the loss of signal: in the device itself or in third-party circumstances?

Samsung Guide channel video.

Any cellular operator’s network is built using base stations – towers. Each has its own coverage area. The quality of communication depends on how tightly the area of ​​​​each base station is adjacent to each other. When a phone moves from the area of ​​a certain tower, the system automatically determines the direction of movement and transmits a signal from it to another. The subscriber does not notice transitions when the zones of several stations intersect. You can move, talk and use the Internet freely. But it happens that there are gaps between zones. In this case, the subscriber has no connection until he moves.

There are several network modes: 2G – E – second generation. When the phone receives reception, the letter E appears at the top. In the settings it is designated as GSM 3G - H+ - third generation, the H or H+ icon appears. In the settings it is designated as WCDMA. 4G is the fourth generation, it is displayed on the screen, in the settings it is designated as LTE.

The coverage area varies for different communication standards. For example, 2G always has slightly more than 3 or 4G. There are certain rules for switching between these modes. The device always strives to connect to a newer and faster mode. That is, if you are in an area with a strong 2G signal and a weak 3G signal, the device ignores a high-quality 2G signal and picks up a weak 3G signal. The result is poor communication. Change the network mode to a more stable 2G for a while to eliminate the possibility that the phone is in an area with a low signal. Go to settings - Other networks - mobile - mode - GSM - this is 2G. If the device works fine with a 2G signal, this means you are in an area of ​​poor 3 or 4G reception. It makes sense to contact your mobile operator for help. If the phone doesn’t even receive 2G, we’ll look into it further.

Perhaps your SIM card is simply worn out or damaged. Replace it. The connection does not appear, then test the operation of the smartphone with a SIM card from another operator. This is necessary for the phone to register in a different network and at other base stations. If the smartphone receives normally, it means that the connection problem is on the operator’s side.

If the phone also works poorly, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of software malfunctions. To do this, a reset is used, which serves to eliminate accumulated errors in the device’s operating system. How to do this correctly, watch the video below. As a result of resetting the settings, all data will be erased, and errors will go away with them. If this method does not help, we use heavy artillery. The service center can do two things: update the software and replace faulty parts. The firmware is installed, excluding errors that may remain during an independent update. Well, we don’t recommend changing parts yourself at all.

Poor mobile signal reception or simply “no network” is a fairly common problem when working with modern smartphones. In some cases, it “does not catch” due to the large distance to cell towers; other malfunctions occur due to errors in the operation of the software or hardware parts of the device.

Some problems can be solved by changing the phone settings; to resolve others, you need to contact your mobile operator or the manufacturer’s service center.

All reasons can be divided into several categories: hardware and software.


  • Failure of the SIM card slot. A malfunction can happen for many reasons - dropping the phone, carelessly connecting the SIM card, or moisture getting into the case.
  • Damage to the SIM card itself is a fairly common cause. This may occur if the SIM card is constantly moved from one device to another or is handled carelessly.
  • Disconnection of the antenna loop or breakdown of other modules associated with connection to the operator. In this case, the device stops picking up cell towers and the network constantly disappears.


  • Malfunctions in the operating system that caused the communication module to turn off.
  • Incorrect cellular settings in the smartphone settings.
  • Infection of the device with malicious software that can affect signal reception.

SIM card malfunctions

If you suspect that your SIM card has failed, first try installing the problematic card in another device. Everything works fine - that's not the problem. If your smartphone has 2 SIM slots, move the card from one to the other.

This procedure can be performed independently and does not require disassembling the phone case. If you determine that it is the SIM card that is broken, contact the service center of your mobile operator for help. Services for issuing a new card are usually free when the old one is out of order, but a passport may be required.

Communication module failure

As a result of mechanical impact on the smartphone body, the modules responsible for receiving the network signal can be damaged.

  • Disabling the SIM slot cable or antenna is a fairly common cause of problems. To fix it, it is best to contact a specialist, since any tampering with the device’s body will void the warranty.
  • Replacement of the antenna with a low-quality Chinese analogue during repairs. Some “masters”, hoping to save money, use the cheapest modules. This leads to deterioration in the quality of signal reception and rapid failure of the board.

Provider failure

In some cases, it is enough to wait about an hour and the problem will go away on its own. There is an overload of equipment on the side of the cellular operator, as a result of which the entire network goes down. Technicians are very quick to respond to cell tower incidents like this and fix the situation within minutes.

Checking the settings

Android and iOS devices may “lose” the signal after errors in the operating system. Below is how to set up the network on your phone.

  1. Open the notification shade and go to the device settings.
  2. Go to the “Mobile hotspots” tab and find the list of SIM cards. If your card is not detected, check whether it is installed correctly in the slot. Open the "Access Points" menu.
  3. Click on the "Add" button. In the window that opens, enter the parameters for the current configuration.

Important! All necessary data can be found on the mobile operator’s website. If you do not find information on the web portal, contact any of the offices and request data from consultants.

  1. Save the information and check whether the cellular signal is working (as an option, whether “sticks” have appeared in the status bar of the device).
  2. Tap on the “Search...” item. The phone will scan for available access points. The procedure can take from 30 seconds to several minutes on older Android smartphones.
  3. After completing the search, click on the name of the mobile operator whose SIM card is in the phone.
  4. Check if the “Data in roaming” checkbox is checked. Try turning the radio button on and then off again.


After incorrectly flashing the device, the network may periodically disappear or work intermittently. In this case, you need to carry out a full diagnostic of the device and return the factory firmware.

In “especially advanced” cases, you cannot do without a complete reset of the settings.

  1. Go to your smartphone settings.
  2. Open the “Backup and reset” tab, tap “Reset settings”.

Important! Do not check the box next to “Delete all user data and clear internal memory.”

  1. Confirm the reset. The procedure may take from 15 to 30 seconds, depending on the load on the phone's processor.

Roaming error

The signal may disappear if the signal is weak or the roaming settings are incorrectly configured. To resolve most problems, simply restart your smartphone or reset your network settings. How to do this is described in the previous paragraph.

Incorrect firmware

If you flash your device with incompatible firmware or perform the procedure incorrectly, the communication module drivers may fail. At the same time, the message “No network” will be displayed on the screen. In some cases, it will be enough to reflash the gadget back to the factory version of iOS or Android; sometimes you will have to turn to specialists for help.


Problems with cellular communications occur for various reasons - in some cases the fault lies with the operator, but most problems are caused by user actions. If a malfunction is detected - the cell phone says the mobile network is unavailable, it is best to contact a service center, but a regular reboot, reset and replacement of the SIM card can be done at home.


If you came to this page, then most likely your phone has stopped seeing the Wi-Fi network, or networks. This could be a home network, somewhere at a party, a public wireless network, etc. The problem is that the network we need does not appear in the list of available ones on the phone. He simply doesn’t find it, doesn’t see it, and accordingly it’s impossible to connect to such a network. There are often cases when a mobile device does not find a specific Wi-Fi network. Which, for example, a laptop sees and connects without problems. Or it may be that the phone does not find any networks, but other devices see them and work perfectly with them.

In this article I will try to collect all the most popular reasons and solutions that can help you solve this problem. As usual, it is first advisable to find out what the problem is: in the mobile phone or Wi-Fi router. If there is a problem with the Wi-Fi network at home, then we have a better chance of fixing everything, since we have access to the router itself. If this is someone else's network, then it is unlikely that anything will be done.

Basically, it doesn't make much difference on which device you have the problem. It is clear that this is most likely an Android or iOS phone. Well, maybe Windows Mobile. Since this problem can hardly be solved in the settings of the mobile device itself, it doesn’t matter what device you have. Same thing with the router.

I have already written separate articles on Android and iOS devices:

The phone does not see the Wi-Fi router: possible reasons

1 Disable/enable Wi-Fi, restart your phone and router. To get started, just go to your phone’s settings and turn off Wi-Fi. I think everyone knows how to do this.

Then turn it back on.

Reboot the phone:

  • On Android, just press and hold the power button, then select "Restart". Depending on the manufacturer and version of Android, the steps may vary slightly.
  • On an iPhone, you need to press and hold the Home button and the Power button. The phone will reboot.

Reboot the router. If you have access to it. It is enough to turn off the power for a minute and turn on the router again. You can perform several reboots in a row. You can read in more detail.

2 Let's determine what the reason is.

Check all three points:

  • If your phone does not see any Wi-Fi networks, but they exist and other devices find them, then it’s clear that the problem is specifically with your smartphone. All I can advise is to reboot it and remove the case from it. If he is. If this doesn't help, you can try doing a full reset. If this does not help, you will have to take the device to a service center.
  • When a device does not find one network, the first thing you need to do is check whether other devices can see it. If they don’t see it, then most likely the problem is on the router’s side. First we reboot it. If this does not help, then see the article:.
  • If other devices find the Wi-Fi network, but your phone does not, but still sees other networks, then most likely the problem is in the router settings. As a rule, changing the wireless network channel and region helps. Below I will talk about this in more detail.
3 Change the router settings.

You need to go into the settings of your router, go to the section with Wi-Fi settings, and try to set a static wireless network channel and a different region. You can also set the channel width to 20 MHz. It's better to take turns.

On TP-Link routers it looks like this:

More details in the article: . You can experiment with the channel and region. For example, set the region to USA. If you had a static channel set in your settings, then set it to "Auto".

Other problems with detecting Wi-Fi networks

I also noticed that people often write that the phone does not see the laptop’s Wi-Fi. As I understand it, the problem occurs when distributing the Internet from a laptop or PC. In this case, I advise you to first make sure that the laptop distributes a wireless network. For example, view from other devices. You may have started the access point incorrectly. This is where the article will come in handy. Bring your phone closer to your computer.

The next case is when problems with Wi-Fi appear after the phone has been repaired. For example, after replacing the battery, screen, glass, case, etc. In such cases, I advise you to immediately take the phone to the workshop where it was repaired. Since the master most likely did not connect the antenna or the Wi-Fi module itself.

Well, there is no need to rule out hardware failure. Everything breaks down, and the module that is responsible for connecting to Wi-Fi is no exception.

As always, you can leave your question in the comments, or share useful information on this topic. I am always happy to answer your questions and grateful for additions to the article.

Has the internet on your phone suddenly stopped working? There can be many reasons why it works, each of which requires separate consideration and solution.

There are a number of reasons why the Internet on a phone does not work, which are commonplace and often happen due to simple inattention.

However, there are also those that are more difficult to deal with; they require a longer and more complex solution.

We have collected the most common problems with the Internet not working.

Trivial problems

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These reasons include a number of problems that can be solved using the simplest methods.

Checking these points is a priority if there is no access to the network.

  • The first and also the most common reason why there is no mobile Internet on the phone is a negative balance. Sometimes mobile operators withdraw funds without the user's knowledge. It could also be due to simple forgetfulness. In any case, if there is no Internet, it is worth checking the funds in your account. Verification methods usually differ depending on the mobile operator.
  • Lack of network can also be the reason for lack of internet. In this case, it is enough to check the network indicator. The solution to this problem can only be movement in space. Since the cause of this phenomenon is the specific location of the user. Depending on the distance of the communication towers, the network in different locations can vary from excellent to non-existent. This directly affects the operation of the mobile Internet. That is, if the network is low, then the Internet will be slow. Sometimes the reason may lie in the device itself. If the network is always quite low (even if the user is near the tower), then it’s worth taking the phone for repair.
  • "Data transfer" is not enabled. In modern gadgets, mobile Internet does not work on its own. It consumes a certain amount of phone power. In order to reduce battery consumption, a function was invented that allows you to turn off. Therefore, it is worth finding this item in the settings and checking it or switching the toggle switch (depending on the model).
  • Network registration failed. This phenomenon is possible after there is no network. As mentioned above, it is enough to change the location of the deployment. However, it happens that the user has come to a place where the network should work perfectly, but it is still disabled. The solution to this problem is to restart the phone. Often this problem is specific to 3G networks.

Sometimes the previous points are irrelevant, and then you have to look for a more compelling reason for the lack of network.

Access settings are lost

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This is not uncommon for modern gadgets. Therefore, it is worth checking the settings related to the network access point (APN).

Usually it is not difficult to find this item in the settings, but its location may vary depending on the phone model.

There are 2 ways to solve this problem:

  1. Request settings from your network operator. Not all users know how to fix this problem. Therefore, you can contact your mobile operator, who will not only tell you everything point by point, but will also send you automatic settings; you just need to download them.
  2. Manual setup. A more complex option and it is not suitable for everyone, since many users do not even know where to find the settings item (not to mention how to fix them). Typically, this setting will still have to be done with the help of an operator. It happens that automatic network setup for a certain phone model is not possible. In such cases, again, you need to call your cellular operator and find out the points for setting up the network manually. Usually the operator will tell you point by point where to go, what to click and enter in the fields. After this, click the “save” button. Problem solved!

Usually, eliminating the above points is enough to solve the problem. However, it also happens that the reason lies deeper.

If the above points did not help you log into the network, you should contact a specialist. Sometimes the phone requires more serious settings, flashing or even some repairs.

Sometimes it is enough to contact the service center of the service operator. Perhaps they will be able to find the cause and eliminate it.

To connect to high-speed mobile Internet, you need to switch to the appropriate tariff of your mobile operator.

And although nowadays almost all of them provide access to high speeds, the old tariffs do not have this opportunity.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose the most convenient and suitable tariff that provides such services and buy a card, or reconnect using an operator or enter certain combinations, you can also send an SMS with a code.

However, it is worth considering that such Internet functions are not possible on all phones, but only on modern smartphones.

And not all of them support 4G functionality. Therefore, when connecting a tariff with this function, you should make sure whether it is supported by the gadget.

However, such functions consume a large amount of traffic, so when choosing a tariff you need to take this into account and give preference to unlimited access.

But this possibility is not always present. Therefore, when leaving the network, you need to turn off “data transfer”.

Do not forget about the banal reasons for the lack of Internet and check this function when connecting to the network.

If the tariff is not unlimited and the user has not disabled “data transfer”, funds may be debited from the account if the allotted number of available MB has been exhausted.

Therefore, it is worth considering this point in the absence of access and checking the account.

Speed ​​mode

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It is also possible that high-speed Internet coverage is not available in a certain region. In this case (on some mobile operators) there is an automatic transition to using 2G Internet.

It also happens that there is no access. In this case, you need to contact the network operator and find out what the reason is. Sometimes it's enough to reconfigure your phone.

But it’s impossible to solve the coverage problem, so when connecting to a tariff, you should carefully study the information on the website on this issue so that there are no difficulties later.

Sometimes there may be difficulties with access if the network user is on the move. This usually does not apply to simple walking.

The problem is relevant when traveling by transport, since sometimes the phone does not have time to switch between communication towers, which causes interruptions in the Internet.

In this case, you should either reduce the speed of movement, or be patient with logging into the Internet until the vehicle stops.

The lack of Internet is also possible if 3G technology is disabled.

This is an item in the settings of some smartphones, which is responsible for the operation of this function and is disabled to save energy or traffic. Therefore, if there is no connection or low load, it is worth checking whether this item is enabled.

One common problem may be a SIM card that has been used for more than 5 years. The fact is that the production of new SIM cards uses improved technologies to speed up the connection.

In this case, it is enough to change the SIM card to a new one, which will eliminate the possibility of this problem.

The most popular Internet access is Wi-Fi connection.

All modern phones have the capability of such a wireless connection.

In addition, public institutions also provide such access.

Nowadays, you can easily connect to the network if there is an open connection.

However, problems with Wi-Fi are not uncommon.

In most cases, the problem of deteriorating signal reception can be solved at home, or by contacting your cellular operator. But in some situations, service repairs and replacement of individual components may be required. Let's look at the most common reasons why the mobile network becomes unavailable on Android, as well as methods for solving them.

Without a mobile network, a smartphone turns into a sophisticated toy with which you can listen to music, watch a movie and play an application. It is no longer possible to make calls from it, which means the main function of the mobile phone is lost. The first and most common reason for the lack of mobile communication is a problem with the SIM card. In this case, several scenarios are possible:

  • The SIM card is blocked by the operator. As a result of a long period of inactivity, the operator intentionally blocks the SIM card, and, accordingly, such a card cannot receive a signal.
  • The SIM card is damaged. With prolonged use, as well as frequent replacement of the SIM card, its contacts may be damaged. As a result, a phone with a weak radio module may have poor reception or even display the message “mobile network not found.”
  • The SIM card is cut incorrectly. New Android smartphones can only support SIM cards of -micro or -nano SIM format. This means that the user needs to cut his old SIM card to the required size. If you do this at home, you can damage the contacts and ruin the card, which will not receive the signal from the mobile operator.

A similar situation often arises only when using the same SIM card for a long time. Although in some situations the problem may appear in the first days of operation. Let's consider how this problem can be solved.

How to solve a problem

If your Android phone does not see the cellular network, then try inserting another SIM card into it and preferably from the same operator. If the smartphone immediately finds the network, then the problem is definitely in the SIM card. If it is blocked, you can contact the service center of your mobile operator to remove the blocking. But if it is damaged, then it will not be possible to save it. You can only restore your old phone number in the customer support center, which will be assigned to a new SIM card.
When cutting a SIM card to -micro and -nano sim formats, it is recommended to take the help of mobile center professionals. They have a special device for this, a stapler, the dimensions of which strictly correspond to the necessary standards. And when performing this operation yourself, you should be careful not to damage the SIM card contacts.

The reason is the smartphone

If, even after replacing the SIM card, the phone displays the message “no connection to the mobile network,” then the problem is probably in the device itself. At the same time, it bifurcates into two components:

  • Software. For example, failure of mobile network settings or mobile phone software as a result of updates, viruses, etc.
  • Hardware. As a result of falling, careless handling and wearing without a case, the cable of the mobile phone is damaged and problems with the antenna may occur. Problems of failure of the radio module can also be: electrical short circuit, prolonged exposure to low or high temperature conditions.

If the phone crashed just before the selected mobile network stopped working, then the problem is probably in the mobile phone. Don’t immediately despair and run to the store for a new one. After all, the problem with a certain degree of probability can still be corrected. Let's consider what to do in this case.

How to solve a problem

If the cause of the problem lies in a software failure, then you should go to the Android system settings menu and select the “Automatic” network search mode. When this method does not give the desired result, and the network still does not work on the phone, configure it manually. As a last resort, restart your mobile phone and reset it to factory settings.
If the cable or the radio module itself is damaged, they will need to be repaired or replaced. You can do this work yourself, but it is safer to contact a specialized service center. The cost of the work will depend on the brand of your phone and the extent of damage. We recommend watching a training video on replacing the antenna on an Android phone.

The reason is incorrect flashing

One of the most common reasons why the signal disappears in phones running Android OS is incorrect flashing. Installing custom firmware, which has higher functionality, personalization capabilities, etc., is fraught with compatibility problems with a specific phone model. As a result, system failures occur, which can also lead to the phone no longer seeing the network.

How to solve a problem

Instructions for custom firmware

If the firmware used is not compatible with the version of the communication module used in the phone, then you just need to install the required version of the custom firmware. To do this, before downloading the zip archive, read the instructions and find out which smartphones it is intended for.

If the firmware is compatible with your smartphone, but there is still no network, then use the following method. Through the file manager, we find the Dev Tools application preinstalled in memory. Having launched it, click on the item Bad behavior - Crash the system server and restart the mobile phone. After a normal reboot, the phone will begin to display the reception of your operator's network.

You should also not forget about the banal reasons why your Android may not receive a signal. These include being outside the operator's coverage area or not having a SIM card in the corresponding slot on the phone. Only after checking that this is not the case should you begin to eliminate the causes using the methods described above.