The seller asks to close the dispute on Aliexpress. What to do if the seller asks to close a dispute on AliExpress The seller asks to cancel the dispute and wait

I opened a dispute on Aliexpress, the seller asks to close the dispute, what should I do?

    I think there is no need to close the dispute. As soon as you do this, the seller will immediately go into obscurity. and that will be the end of it. I recommend seeking a positive decision in your favor (refund of funds). I speak based on my own experience.

    If you agree to wait for a new parcel from the seller, and he is really ready to send it, then you can do the following.

    The seller extends the Buyer Protection period and sends you a new package. You, in turn, after receiving a new track number, CANCEL the dispute (namely cancel), then there will be no problems.

    If the parcel is not tracked within 10 days, feel free to open a dispute.

    If everything goes well, after some time you will receive the parcel and complete the order.

    In general, according to Aliexpress rules, you can cancel a dispute (there is a special button for this) and reopen it until the end of order protection. But I doubt that the seller will send a new product again, most likely he will play for time, he may send a fake track.

    It’s probably better to wait until Aliexpress arbitration is activated (after 7 days, if the seller does not accept the terms of the dispute earlier).

    Under no circumstances should you be persuaded by these sellers; they won’t care about you later when they get what they need!

    You correctly wrote that you will close the dispute only after the seller has completed his work. Stay on it! And the fact that it can have a bad effect on their store is only their problem! It was necessary to immediately monitor the quality of the goods.

    I had a similar situation! The seller also asked me to give him my electronic wallet number and he would return the money to me, this should not be done under any circumstances! Everything needs to be done through the website

    Do not agree to close the dispute under any circumstances! I know this first hand because I blog on Aitao. And there are many people complaining that the dispute was closed, but the goods did not arrive to them, and the money was not returned. Chinese sellers, for the most part, are honest people, and upon opening a dispute, they compliantly return the money, but there is a black mark in the family. There are many fly-by-night companies on Aliexpress - they received money for orders, but behind the beautiful picture of the product they often hide the fact that they do not have any product. They write to you that your order has been sent, but it is impossible to know whether this is true, especially if the track is not tracked. Why am I writing this? Moreover, it is possible that they do not have replacement parts for your purchase, and they are not going to send anything, so they are asking to close the dispute.

    Until your problem is resolved, the dispute cannot be closed. No matter how the seller persuades you, do not close the dispute. If you succumb to the seller’s persuasion and close the dispute, then your problem is considered automatically resolved and the seller no longer owes you anything. You can hope for his integrity and wait for what was promised (parts or money), but there are no guarantees left and it’s easier to say - you won’t get anything!

    You could have immediately done something different, provided that you received the order quickly and have time to communicate with the seller without opening a dispute. Let’s say the seller gave 60 days for delivery of your goods, but the goods arrived in 30 days. that is, you have a supply of 30 days - you write to the seller your claims and present evidence. If during this period (and the seller can extend the period) the seller does not solve the problem - sends new parts or returns the money and the delivery period comes to an end - you will have to open a dispute. In your case, it seems to me that it is better to demand a partial amount of money; no one will give guarantees for the parts.

    Vladimir55! You answered absolutely correctly. The dispute will be closed after receiving the defective product and not otherwise!

    In this situation, the seller will be incredibly happy about your compliance if you close the dispute.

    And you may never get anything from him.

    If he is so honest and decent, then why should he waste time and prolong the protection? Wouldn’t it be easier to fulfill your requirements, send a quality product and thereby solve the problem?

    In a word, DO NOT give in!

    Risky business, to be honest. Usually they believe the Chinese, but never see the goods; I have heard of many such cases. I also had such a case, I refused, I believed it. But I was lucky, the goods arrived a day later, apparently they just got lost. The seller promised to send it, it turns out that the second one, but the second one did not arrive. So I think maybe I didn’t send it, or maybe where it’s going...

    Aliexpress is a serious company and all sellers are very afraid if they cannot trade there. Therefore, in any case, wait for Aliexpress arbitration to connect. And they will return your money or send you the goods. And the seller is just playing for time.

    Do not close the dispute until the buyer is satisfied. We need to insist.

    I once also had a dispute over batteries. They didn’t send me what I ordered, but after a dispute they sent me my order in the next parcel, but the previous one was not claimed because it was an obvious fake.

    I hope for your successful outcome.

The Aliexpress platform is very popular among many Internet users. There is nothing surprising. Aliexpress has a huge range of different products. From small jewelry, mobile phones, to clothes and shoes. Low prices for goods, compared to retail stores, also make this store attractive.

In this article we will tell you what to do if the seller asks to close a dispute on Aliexpress.

Most often, buyers come to Aliexpress looking for a product. After the desired product has been found, the next stage begins - communication with the seller and placing an order. It is worth noting that a mandatory condition for fulfilling an order is 100 percent prepayment for the selected product. After the package with the desired product has been sent, an exciting time of waiting begins. Most often, the orders received pleasantly please the buyer. But sometimes disappointment sets in.

In this case, the Aliexpress platform tries to respect the interests of both parties, the buyer and the seller. During the entire delivery period of the parcel, a buyer protection system is in effect. If you receive a low-quality product, or if the package is lost, the money for the product can be returned.

To do this, the buyer must open a dispute. However, it very often happens that the seller on Aliexpress asks to cancel the dispute, explaining his request for some reason. Let's look at what to do in this case.

Money transferred during checkout is stored in Alipay. This is the monetary system operating on Aliexpress. It is used for settlements with sellers. During the delivery of the parcel with the goods, the funds remain in Alipay. That is, the seller does not receive money for the goods immediately, but after confirming that the buyer has received the parcel.

A dispute can be opened in the following cases:

  • If the buyer for any reason has not received his order. There are several options offered here. You can write to the seller, if he does not answer, or is trying to “hang noodles on his ears,” then the only right decision will be to return the money through a dispute.
  • The seller sent the parcel to the wrong address and refuses to help;
  • The parcel is taking too long, and all delivery deadlines have already passed. In this case, it happens that the buyer has opened a dispute on Aliexpress, the seller asks to wait.

Sometimes this is justified. Especially if the product is inexpensive and sent by parcel with a track that can only be tracked to the Chinese border. But if all delivery deadlines have already passed, then you need to insist on your point and not close the dispute.

However, there is one caveat here.

You can open a dispute due to non-receipt of goods if the buyer protection period is still in effect.

Sometimes dishonest sellers on Aliexpress ask you to close the dispute. This can be done, but only if the protection has not expired. If the protection period has come to an end, the order will be closed automatically and the seller will receive the money. If the delivery time of the goods has passed and the protection period expires, then it is absolutely impossible to close the dispute. Even if the seller really asks for it.

Buyers often encounter the following problems:

  • The seller generally sent the wrong product that was ordered;
  • The product did not fit in size or color;
  • We ordered several items from the store, but were sent the wrong quantity.
  • Another reason for an open dispute may be receiving a low-quality product.

Unfortunately, some customers receive parcels with defective or low-quality goods.

You can verify the quality of the product only after receiving the parcel. Having received the parcel, it is advisable to open it, recording this process using photos or videos.

If the product turns out to be of poor quality, then the photographs will be useful for the dispute. They will have to be included as evidence.

What should I do if the seller asks to close a dispute on Ali, promising to send another product? It is best to ignore the seller’s request to close the dispute when receiving a low-quality product. Otherwise, there is a high probability of being left without money.

Do not forget that the seller first of all wants to receive payment for the goods. Therefore, it is beneficial for him to have the dispute closed as quickly as possible.

The Aliexpress platform itself punishes sellers for low-quality goods. If disputes due to defects occur frequently with a given store, then it may even be closed. Trying to avoid such complications, Chinese sellers resort to a variety of tricks.

For example, a seller on Aliexpress asks to cancel the dispute and return the money to the buyer via PayPal. Dishonest sellers often make such requests to the buyer. The fact is that in this case, the Aliexpress platform cannot guarantee the security of the transaction. After the dispute is canceled, the seller will receive the money and disappear. Therefore, it is best to bring an open dispute to its logical conclusion, namely a refund.

How to recognize a dishonest seller

You can guess the dishonest intentions of the seller by following

  • Writes letters asking to close the dispute;
  • Offers to return money to your Paypal account;
  • Begins to drag out the time of the dispute, extending the terms of protection;
  • Sometimes sellers themselves accuse buyers of trying to deceive them.

In this case, we can only advise one thing. Edit the dispute, collect additional evidence and escalate the dispute. In this case, Fliexpress employees will join the dispute.

At the same time, we must remember that if sellers do not ask to close a dispute that has already escalated, then the order itself will be closed along with it. In this case, the seller gets his money, and you lose yours.

You can close it, but only if the cause of the dispute is eliminated. Otherwise, you need to involve site employees. Otherwise, you can lose the dispute and lose money.

Is it possible to cancel a dispute and then open it again for one order?

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Let's consider a situation where you received your order, but it turned out to be either faulty, or what you ordered was not what you ordered, or the wrong quantity, etc. Naturally, you open a dispute and demand a refund of the cost of the goods.

But soon you receive a message from the seller that an error has occurred and he offers to resend the goods. But for this, you must close the dispute.

The seller explains his request to close the dispute by saying:

  • the dispute has a bad effect on the store’s rating;
  • that the seller has an evil boss and therefore, because of his mistake, he may lose his job, and he has 3 small children who need to be fed;
  • promises coupons, discounts, gifts, etc.

In general, the Chinese come up with a bunch of different stories to pity the client so that he closes the dispute.

Options for developing this situation

  • believe him that he will resend the order and close the dispute.

This cannot be done. After this, the order is completed and the money goes to the seller. Believe me, as soon as he sees that the order is closed, he will not send anything.

  • bring the dispute to an end and, if necessary, by sharpening it, you get your money back and order this product again, in this or another store.
  • Some sellers are very ask to support them and allow resend the goods to them. They are concerned about their reputation and want you to be satisfied with your order and to return to them for a new purchase in the future.

Let's look at option 3 - you decided to wait for the resent parcel.

To ensure transaction security, you must do the following:

We agree with the seller that he will extend the buyer protection period and send a new parcel within 1-2 days, plus provide you with a new track number.

Check to see if they have extended the protection.

After this, you can “Cancel Dispute”. Exactly cancel, and not close.

Within one or two days, the seller must give you a tracking number; if he is silent, open the dispute again. But usually, good stores resolve such issues quickly and even provide a photo of the new shipment.

Basically, after he resends the goods, you just have to wait for the parcel to arrive and, if there are no problems with it, complete the order.

But during this period, it is necessary:

  • if the parcel has an international track, control its movement using tracking services, since you will not have information about it in your personal account;
  • if it is trackless, watch out for the delivery protection period.

If you have any suspicions or problems, open a dispute and resolve these issues.

Let me remind you again. If you decide to wait for a resent item, you need to cancel the dispute, and not close it and wait for a new parcel.

“The dispute is closed, but there is no money!!! When will they be returned? - this question can be found on almost every thematic forum related to purchases on Aliexpress (the largest Chinese trading platform).

The administration of this site guarantees the safety of purchases, which is why they treat dishonest sellers with the utmost severity. If the seller indicated dishonest characteristics of the product, did not send the order on time, did not get in touch, etc., then he will be obliged to answer for this. Each buyer has the right to open a dispute on the site, prove that he is right (if the client is really right, then this is easy to do) and get his money back. In principle, everything is extremely simple, the main thing is to do everything correctly and consistently, and then your honestly earned money will be returned quickly.

If for some reason the buyer (they are listed in the aliexpress menu) decides to open a dispute, then it is important not only to open this dispute, but also to monitor every stage of its development. Each seller, of course, does not want to part with money, but many sales representatives also have no desire to lose their rating, reputation on the site and receive sanctions from the administration. Therefore, dispute resolution on the marketplace is usually truly fair. If the client is right, then the money will be returned to him, there is no doubt about it. Now it is important to know the following - where, when and how this money will be returned. Let's try to figure this out in this material.

So, what to do when the dispute is closed and it was the buyer who won it? - you ask. The answer is simple - there is no point in doing anything, you just need to wait. Yes, yes, just wait. Even if the money was not returned on the first day (as almost every deceived client wants), then this is not a disaster at all. We will provide a full picture of the refund, but a little later. Then readers will find out how long they need to wait for a refund.

How long it takes to get your money back depends solely on how you paid for the order. If the order was paid through the WebMoney system, then the money will be returned there; if the payment was made using a bank card, then you should expect the money on the card. It's simple, the main thing is not to panic. If the client knows how he paid for the order, then he automatically knows where the amount of money spent will be returned to him. But there are some nuances here too.

Aliexpress users often have their accounts in the Alipay payment system (aliexpress affiliate site). And it often happens that the dispute is completed, the money was returned, but it did not arrive on the card/Qiwi wallet/webmoney. The question is where did the money come, and did it come at all? If the dispute stage is completed, and after checking the card, the required amount is not found, you need to check your Alipay account. Some users sometimes don’t even realize that the money was returned to this account. If this happens, you need to look at the information in the settings - it happens that money from the seller comes to Alipay by default. Then the settings can be changed, and the funds will be returned to the place where the funds came directly from.

To see where and what amount the seller returns, you need to log in to the aliexpress system and open the “My Orders” tab. There you need to select your order and click on the “Details” tab. Visually it looks like this: (photo 1).

By opening this tab, the client will see detailed information about the product and on this page you need to open the next tab - “Payment”. In this tab you can find out everything about getting a refund for your order. In photo 2 you can see how it looks visually.

The only thing that may not suit the buyer in this situation is that there is no information about where the money will be returned. But as mentioned above, the funds will come where they should - to the account from which they were directly withdrawn.

The Aliexpress system guarantees a refund if the dispute is won and closed. But the period for the return of money provided by the site administration can be seen in the following table: (photo 3).

Money for purchases will be returned to each customer, you just need to wait. To reassure our readers, we offer in our material real reviews from customers who were faced with such an issue as a refund after a dispute. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Stages of returning to Aliexpress: 14 comments

    I buy from Aliexpress regularly. In principle, there were no problems - I tried to order goods only from trusted sellers with a high rating. But one day I got caught and decided to take a risk, and the risk turned out to be unjustified. In principle, then there was a refund, but before that there was a scandal with the seller, which really frayed my nerves. When I received my order in the form of a cheap phone case (and I ordered, please note, a serious leather wallet!!!), my indignation knew no bounds. And since I don’t have patience, I quickly photographed this “cool thing” and hastened to open a dispute with this...seller (I’d like to say it differently). The site realized that this person’s goods did not correspond to the description, and he was “asked” to return the money to me as the injured party. He, in turn, began to ask me to cancel the dispute, saying that he would send another wallet (most likely of the same “quality”), and blah blah blah. Since I’m a dead bird, I didn’t fall for the persuasion, the dispute accordingly didn’t cancel, but on the contrary escalated, and began to wait for the administration’s reaction. In general, in order not to write a whole novel here, I will speak briefly - the money was returned to me on WebMoney - a week later my 9 dollars were in my dollar wallet, and after this incident this seller, of course, did not cooperate with me, or rather, I ordered from him did it for the first and last time

    I decided to write and warn buyers on Aliexpress against too cunning sellers who use the Paypal payment system (a stick - that’s what we call it). The system itself is safe, but only beginners can fall into the scam of dishonest traders. I'll tell you what happened to me. I ordered cool headphones. According to the descriptions and characteristics, I was more than satisfied with everything, there were few reviews, but still there were some, and without thinking for a long time I placed an order. What should I do? I’m practically an expert on Ali, but I always made payments through a bank card (I have a special one, dollar for Internet payments) and in case of disputes I also received funds on the same card. This time, as they say, I fell for it. The headphones arrived on time (relatively quickly - just two weeks after payment), but the sound was terrible, and on the one hand there was no important detail at all. This really infuriated me - the amount I paid for them was not small, so opening a dispute was not long in coming. But then this cunning bug (seller) began to persuade me to cancel the dispute, and he would send me money for a stick. To be honest, I haven’t used this system, but I heard from friends that everything seemed to be ok, so thinking that I had nothing to lose, I took it and agreed. Having opened my account on a stick, I sent the coordinates to the seller and waited. Very quickly, even before the due date, he returned the money to me, I calmly made sure that the dispute was closed and it seemed that that was all - the conflict was settled. No way! When I had nothing to do, I decided to place an order and pay for it with the money that was in the stick’s account. But there was a SMALL nuance - when I went into my personal account, I saw that there was no money there, I don’t know where it went, and even the administration made me a fraudster, since it turns out that I deceived the poor buyer (without selling anything ). Yes, yes, it turns out you can do it this way. It’s just that, due to my ignorance, I confirmed the wrong refund. There are two types of them on a stick - one goes as a simple transfer, and the second as a transfer for goods. So, the seller offered me a second one, although I needed the first one. Accordingly, I happily confirmed it, since I didn’t expect any trick here. In general, I’ll try briefly - the administration punished me with sanctions - money was withdrawn from my account in favor of the seller. It’s not very pleasant, but what can you do – it happens. They learn from their mistakes. My 15 dollars and 37 cents were gone and I was left with broken headphones, but it's not the end of the world. I hope that at least my review will help people not to make such mistakes, and not to act thoughtlessly on such suggestions (as I did).

    The following happened to me. Usually I received all parcels at Russian Post. I ordered stage sneakers. I see the product is not tracked. Instead of the usual code, with a letter ending, there are just numbers at the end. I waited a long time and entered into correspondence with the seller. As it turned out later, the seller sent the goods not according to the postal code, but to some private company, the parcel lay there for 10 days and was returned. Having entered into correspondence with the seller, I took his word of honor that he would send the parcel back. I've been waiting for the third month, the seller does not respond to correspondence. Ali Express closed the dispute. I have no idea what to do, please tell me if anyone knows.

    I managed to send me new ones after receiving the headphones and closing the order and not returning the old ones. I bought a player for swimming in the pool, confirmed receipt, and a month later one earphone stopped working. As you understand, there is no question of any Chinese guarantee, but nevertheless I wrote to the seller (6 times), sent a video at the seller’s request (however, how can you determine the sound quality in headphones from the video?), and a week later the seller sent I need new headphones (albeit the same ones) without returning faulty ones. Now I have two player flash drives and one working headphones. Lucky.

    What should I do if the dispute was resolved in my favor, but the processing of completing the payment was delayed? For one dispute I’ve been waiting for a refund for a month, for another - 3 weeks, although, in theory, the money should have been returned within 15 days...

  • Hello, everywhere I see the same thing, that the money will be returned to the account and how to argue correctly. I placed an order in several stores, never received the 2nd parcel, opened a dispute, won, the return period has expired, but the money was not returned, the “Waiting for refund” and “refund processing” stages have been completed, but the “Refund” is still not there, what to do in this case? I wrote to support, but there has been no response from them for two weeks now.

  • An enclosure in a small package was stolen. I wrote a complaint to the post office of the Russian Post asking for an investigation into the Small package. I made an inventory of the received goods and handed over a small package to the Russian Post for clarification.
    Sender (seller) Store: Teclast Official Store (Store No. 1726325) deliberately delays time and does not understand or does not want to understand the reason for the refund. Gets in touch. I didn’t open a dispute, I wrote a message to the seller hoping for understanding, then the waiting time expired and the order status became completed. We have New Year's Eve then at their place, it's my own fault (for the first time in 4 years of purchases and I didn't have such a theft), but a refund is required. The investment was stolen.
    The reason for the refund for the Order by identification number is that a small package weighing 624 grams arrived at the Customs of the Russian Federation. The declared weight of the sender is 1 kg 193 g in document No. ***** from customs, which records: damage to the shell, penetration of the attachment, change in weight.
    The penetration was carried out at the stage of an international Malaysian carrier (According to the Post, or maybe the Post itself stole such a board from it. The point is not that I have a document in my hands that was stolen at the stage of an international Malaysian carrier).
    To date, no material compensation has been received for Order No.: ******.
    All evidence is on sheets with certified seals.
    I hope for the help of the site and kind people to help me resolve the situation.
    I chatted with a robot (Rebeca or someone else) to the AliExpress team for help, 15 days have passed, and there is no answer.
    E-mail address Permalink

    What to do if the so-called “Processing of Funds” has been going on for 1-2 months? I have 16 disputes proven in my favor (10 for seeds from which weeds grew) something was broken, something did not match in quantity, one was sent to Lipetsk, instead of St. Petersburg, and something did not arrive at all.
    A week, 10-15 days - okay, but 1-2 months, in my opinion, is too much....

    Hello, tell me what to do please. I ordered a phone from Ali with accessories. I received a notification that the package has been delivered. I came to the post office to receive it. The parcel arrived with documents. The postal worker looked at the reports in front of me, it was written there that instead of the 521 grams sent, only 207 arrived. I have never been in a similar situation, although I often order here. She advised me to simply not receive the goods, and they would send it back. I guess I should come home and open a dispute. That's exactly what I did. As a result, the dispute was already closed and I was left without money and without goods. Tell me what should I do to get my money back??

    I have been ordering all sorts of cases and similar non-electronic things from Ali for a long time. Then I decided to order my wife a lamp for drying nails, the lamp is beautiful, the price is tempting, 13 dollars, other sellers have the same from 18. Realizing that there wouldn’t be any fancy electronics there, I ordered the lamp in 13. It arrived in 10 days, the track was tracked. I came, I plug it into the outlet, but it doesn’t turn on. I made a video about how she didn’t want to work, opened a dispute and uploaded my video as proof. As soon as the dispute opened, the lamp also opened through my efforts)) everything was banal and simple, the wire suitable from the micro-USB input was short, and came off from it, quickly built up the wires, about 3-4 cm was enough so that it would not be torn off . I understand that I acted a little rudely towards the seller, but I was able to fix it, but someone else would not have been able to. As a rule, this product is ordered by girls who, for the most part, are very far from soldering. Therefore, 3 cm of wire cost the Chinese 13 dollars.

An Aliexpress dispute is one of the forms of resolving disputes between a buyer and a seller. According to Aliexpress policy regulations, every buyer can open a dispute if he is dissatisfied with the quality of the product, did not receive the order on time or at all, the seller sent the wrong color or size, etc. In this case, the buyer can count on a full or partial refund of the cost of the goods. According to the rules of the site, the seller cannot ask to close an order until it is received or not to open a dispute in case of poor quality service. To resolve disputed orders, the seller and buyer are required to discuss further resolution of the problem, but if the seller does not agree to the terms of the refund, then the buyer is required to open a dispute to officially return the money. If the seller asks to cancel the dispute, then the buyer will not receive his money back. There are several ways to deal with this situation: accept the seller’s terms or wait for the intervention of the site administration. The correct solution to a problem depends on the situation. We will talk about what to do if the seller asks to close a dispute and how to identify an unscrupulous seller.

Dispute is a form of appealing an order on Aliexpress. Any user who is not satisfied with the seller’s product can open a dispute. You can only dispute an order when the goods have been received and their arrival has been confirmed, and also if the delivery period has expired and the goods have not been received. You should not close a dispute if the goods have not yet arrived. The seller may ask you to close the dispute, but if you have not come to a common decision, then you should wait for the dispute to escalate. If the order does not arrive even though the delivery time has expired, the buyer may request a full refund of the purchase price, and the seller must accept the terms and return the money. You can close a dispute only if the seller accepts the conditions specified in the dispute parameters. If the dispute is closed, then so is the order. If the seller acts dishonestly and does not want to return the money, you can appeal the dispute within a certain time. For each order there is a certain period for appealing the dispute. The dispute should not be closed in several cases:

  • after opening a dispute, the seller did not respond to the dispute;
  • the seller asks to close the dispute without compensation;
  • the seller offers to return the money without a dispute;
  • the seller offers an alternative solution that is detrimental to the buyer;
  • the seller provided false track information;
  • the order was not received in a timely manner and the seller places the blame on the transport company without the possibility of compensation;
  • there is no information about the order, the seller himself extended the buyer’s protection period;
  • the seller did not send the order before the end of the processing time;
  • the product does not correspond to the description, the seller refuses to compensate the cost;
  • The seller sent the wrong product and does not admit his guilt.

Any situation related to poor quality service or product requires resolution through a dispute. The seller has no right to demand closure of the dispute until the situation is resolved and the buyer has received compensation. In any situation that contradicts the terms of the dispute, there is no need to close it. If the dispute is not resolved between the parties, then the site administration will intervene and, based on the order history, decide what decision the seller should make.

When can a dispute be cancelled?

If the dispute is open, but the situation has been resolved, then it can be closed before a final decision is made. That is, if a dispute is opened on the basis that the parcel was not delivered on time, and then it arrives late, then in fact the seller is not to blame, and accordingly, the dispute must be withdrawn. Also, the dispute must be closed if the order parameters chosen by the buyer do not meet his expectations. When choosing a size or color, you can always contact the seller. Also, a sizing chart is provided to help you select parameters. If you did not ask for help and, based on the information on the site, chose an item that is too small for you or has a slightly wrong shade, in fact, the seller is not to blame. It is noteworthy that if the actual measurements of the clothes do not correspond to the description, then it is still the seller’s fault and you can demand a refund.

Cancellation of a dispute is possible at the initial stage of its opening. That is, if you have just started a dispute, you have 7 days to resolve the problem with the seller, after which the Aliexpress administration will intervene and independently decide on the outcome of the dispute. If during this time, the order arrived or the seller offered another solution that suits you, then you can cancel the dispute. A completed dispute by the buyer can be appealed. If the dispute escalates, then after reviewing the order history, it will be closed automatically. In other cases, when the order does not correspond to the description, the seller sent the wrong thing or the package was lost and there is no tracking information, you need to complete the dispute only after it has been resolved.

Unscrupulous sellers

Promises of store owners to send other goods

If the product arrived defective or the seller sent the wrong product that was placed in the order, a situation may arise when the seller promises to send a new product. Firstly, if you need to exchange a product, you will still have to open a dispute. A “Return Only” form is provided for this purpose. The buyer returns the goods to the seller, and after receiving it, sends a new one. This is a lengthy procedure, and sellers want to get money as quickly as possible, so they can offer the option that the buyer closes the dispute and the seller simply sends a new product. Secondly, in this situation the seller is at a loss, since he will receive money only for one product, but will be forced to send two. Accordingly, this is a deception. Promises from store owners to send a different product should only be accepted if a dispute has been opened and this decision has been discussed between the buyer and seller. In this case, the order history is recorded and it will not be closed during the exchange process. Also, if an exchange of goods is provided, the buyer will have to send the item received and inform the seller of the track number, and when the seller receives the first item, he will send a new item. The procedure will take several months. If you ordered one thing and the seller sent another, it is better to open a dispute for a full or partial refund, keep the item and re-order. This will be easier and more reliable, since in any case, through a dispute, you will get your money back.

Requests from sellers to confirm receipt of goods in advance

Sellers do not have the right to ask buyers to confirm receipt of the goods before the parcel arrives. This violates site policy. If the order is still in transit, the buyer must wait until it is received or the delivery period has expired before confirming receipt. If the buyer confirms receipt in advance, and the goods arrive defective, then a dispute can be opened within a certain period. After its expiration, the dispute cannot be opened. Sellers' requests to confirm receipt of goods in advance are determined by the seller's desire to quickly receive money for the goods. You should not confirm receipt until the order has actually arrived, since the site has certain regulations. First, the package arrives, then the buyer confirms receipt, writes a review, etc. If the goods are in poor condition or have not arrived, then you need to open a dispute. If you close the order in advance, the buyer's protection will be completed. Conscientious and honest sellers do not ask buyers to confirm receipt before the parcel arrives.

How to recognize unscrupulous sellers?

The main advantage of the Aliexpress website is that each user can leave feedback and their opinion about the product and cooperation with the seller in general. You can recognize unscrupulous sellers by looking at the rating and number of orders. It is rare on the site that the store has no orders at all, and the rating is not available for viewing. If the store was created relatively recently, then the rating may not have been formed yet, but if the store is a year or more old, then the lack of a rating is a serious reason to doubt the integrity of the seller. Another indicator of reliability is reviews. If there are no reviews, then it is impossible to determine the reliability of the seller. Some sellers inflate reviews using bots, and then they contain the same message repeated several times, supposedly from different users, which in reality is not the case. If a store has no reviews, ratings or ratings, then it is better to look for another store.

But if you have already become a victim of a scammer, and he does not send the order for a long time, then you can cancel it before sending it in order management. If the seller sent you the wrong tracking number, write him a private message. He could have done this by mistake, then he will give a new one. If this is a scammer, then wait until the buyer protection period expires and open a dispute. If you order from an unscrupulous seller, you can count on a full refund.

How to cancel a dispute on Aliexpress?

If you have already opened a dispute and then decide to cancel it, then this must be done before the dispute escalates. To do this, go to your personal account and open the “Returns and Disputes” section. It contains information about all disputes that are currently ongoing. While the dispute is not closed, indicate “Cancel dispute”. Then confirm the cancellation again. After this, the dispute status will change to “Dispute closed”. Make sure you really want to cancel the dispute, as once the dispute is completed, it will not be possible to file an appeal.

Is it possible to open a dispute on Aliexpress after it is cancelled?

After the dispute is completed, it can be resumed, but this is given a limited amount of time. You can appeal the decision of the dispute within 7 days from the date of completion of the dispute. As soon as you confirm receipt or close the dispute, the seller receives money for the goods. After the dispute is canceled, it is closed, so it cannot be reopened, but you can file an appeal and try to get some of the money back. This is possible if, for example, the goods took a long time to arrive, there is no track information, you opened a dispute and at that moment the parcel arrived. You have examined it and are satisfied with the product. Accordingly, there is now no point in the dispute, and you cancel the dispute. But after the first use, the product breaks. You can quickly appeal the dispute and provide evidence, then you can return at least part of the money, but after the appeal period of the dispute after the exchange expires, it is not subject to appeal.

Closing an aggravated dispute

An aggravated dispute is a dispute in which a third party, that is, the site administration, intervened. In this case, the dispute is closed if the buyer and seller do not come to a common agreement, or if the seller does not agree with the claims specified in the dispute. The closure of an aggravated dispute is carried out by the site administration. After she analyzes the terms of the dispute, she will make a final decision. Aggravated disputes are closed automatically and can be appealed within a week after the decision is made.


Any desire of the seller to bypass the Aliexpress system is suspicious, so if the seller asks to confirm receipt of the order in advance, close a dispute, or return money for the product bypassing the payment system, do not agree to these conditions. What to do if the seller turns out to be dishonest:

Situation Her decision
The seller asks to confirm receipt of an order that has not yet arrived Do not agree to these terms, wait for the parcel to arrive or the buyer protection period to expire
The seller asks to cancel the dispute Do not accept the terms, ignore the messages and wait for the dispute to escalate
The seller does not send the goods for a long time and himself extends the processing time Cancel your order before it ships
The seller sent an old track number and the parcel is not tracked Ask the seller to send the correct tracking number, wait until the delivery period ends and open a dispute
The seller asks to give 5 stars for a bad product The rating is formed based on the ratings, therefore, by agreeing to deception, you are letting other buyers down
The seller asks you to write a good review Write reviews that match your impression of the order
The seller offers to close the dispute and return the money in another way You will not receive your money, wait for the dispute to end after the escalation

Video: why does the seller ask to cancel the dispute?

Aliexpress has its own rules that both the seller and the buyer must follow. The site provides guarantees to the seller that if the delivery time is exceeded or the quality of the goods is poor, the seller will return the money. All questions about the return of money are resolved only through a dispute. If you doubt the integrity of the seller, do not take his word for it. You can learn more about why the seller asks to cancel the dispute from the video: