How to unlock Samsung j2 if you forgot your password. How to unlock a Samsung smartphone if you have forgotten your password. To generate the unlock code for your phone, we need the IMEI number of your phone. To find out the IMEI number, dial *#06# on the keyboard,

Keeping in touch with family and friends has become much easier and faster thanks to our Android smartphones. However, not all people who can contact us via mobile phone are people we love; some of them are spammers, annoying strangers, marketing companies and other unwanted callers. Stop suffering from unwanted calls. Time to block them! In this guide, you will learn how to block phone numbers on your Android smartphone.

Most Android devices have their own option to block certain numbers. There is no single way to do this, as manufacturers often integrate different software.
That is why this procedure is individual for each individual device and depends on the phone model. In this article you will learn how to block calls using the most popular devices as an example.

How to add a number to the blacklist on Android Samsung

Most of you probably use Samsung phones. After all, they are the largest manufacturers of Android smartphones. Trying to get rid of annoying callers? Let us tell you how.

  • Open the "Phone" tab.
  • Select the number you want to block and click the “Options” button (located in the upper right corner).
  • Select “Add to Black List”.
  • To remove or make more changes, go to Settings > Call Settings > All Calls > Auto Reject.

How to add a number to the blacklist on Android LG

The process is very similar, but there are slight differences. Let's take a closer look:

  • Open the Phone app.
  • Click on the three dots icon (top right corner).
  • Select “Call Settings”.
  • Click on the “Reject calls” option.
  • Click on the add “+” button and dial the number you want to block.

How to add a number to the blacklist on Android HTC

  • Open the phone app.
  • Touch and hold a phone number.
  • Select “Block”.
  • Then click “OK”.
  • You can remove contacts from the blacklist in your phone settings.

11.05.2018 Frank 4 comments

On Android phones, you can block a phone number you don't want to receive calls from.

To do this, you need to open the list of contacts and display the one from which you do not want to receive calls.

Then press the menu button on your smartphone and select the option “Transfer calls to voicemail” (the name of the command may differ depending on the version of Android).

In this way, incoming calls from a blocked number will be automatically sent to voicemail.

No matter how simple it is, not every Android allows you to add a contact number to the blacklist in this way.

It depends on the phone itself: Samsung, Lenovo, ZTE, Nokia, Alcatel, LGi, Micromax and TE, versions of Android 6.0, Android 5.1, Android 4.4 and TE and the provider Tele2, Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Velcom, Yota, Kyivstar and those de.

Therefore, read the instructions below and select the option that is suitable for your phone, Android version and call operators.

The first way to add a subscriber number to the phone blacklist

Here I’ll show you how to add a contact number to the blacklist on a Samsung phone with Android 7.0 (unfortunately, this option seems to me to have been presented only on Android 7.0 Nougat).

To do this, open the numbers in your phone and select the subscriber from whom you do not want to receive calls.

Then click on the details, go to the menu (on the right, vertical ellipsis at the top) and click on the “Block contact” item.

If the number is not in your list, then in the “Phone” application, select settings, then “Blocking numbers” and enter the subscriber’s contact.

NOTE: in the Lenovo phone, as far as I remember, it does not display “block”, but “Reject calls”.

The second way to add a contact to the blacklist on an Android phone

If you were unable to find the option to add a number to the blacklist, then there are applications on the Play Market that should help.

One of these is Avast antivirus, which has blocking functions. It may be useful in other cases, so I recommend it first.

Although I myself avoid using antivirus programs because they are very battery intensive, Avast can be recommended as it is not very invasive.

Another app is Zoner. It is available on both smartphones and tablets. Zoner is a little different from its predecessor.

There's no denying that there's a big gap in terms of looks, but Zoner is even slightly better—it also blocks messages.

The third popular application for creating a black list of numbers is Blacklist Calls. The free version of the program displays ads, but they are not intrusive and should not bother you.

Installation from the play store is automatic, without user intervention, while the APK file downloaded from the site must be placed on the memory card and then installed.

The app's home screen shows blocked numbers, allows you to activate or deactivate the module and add a new list, while the second tab shows a log of recently blocked calls and messages.

To add a new contact to your blacklist, click the blue plus button on the start page and then select one of the available input options.

The first three options allow you to enter a number from your Contacts list, Messages list, and Calls list, while the fourth allows you to enter a number manually. It is especially useful to block everything starting with these characters.

When trying to make a call, the subscriber will receive information that “the user is busy”, and the text message sent by him will not be delivered to the recipient. He will not be informed of the blockade imposed on him.

Third way add hidden or unknown number to blacklist on android phone

In order to add an unknown or hidden number to the blacklist, there are applications, but in Android, although I suspect that not everyone has their own tool.

To do this, you just need to move the slider next to the “Block unknown callers” line in the call settings (see figure above).

The fourth way to blacklist a phone contact on Android

You can enable such blocking from your operator. In general, if your “fan” calls from a limited number of phones, you can contact the police (if this is harassment)

NOTE: Windows Phone 7.5 / 7.8 phones unfortunately do not provide users with this feature and as far as I know you will not find an additional application - Microsoft does not allow it - apparently it causes too much interference in the system.

With Windows Phone 8 the situation is a little better, but only a select few and definitely Nokia Lumia users with Amber software are happy because only they can use the call filter.

Samsung is the leader in this regard - it has this option built-in and can be used without installing additional applications.

To sum it up: If you have an Android phone, Symbian, Lumia with Windows Phone 8, iOS, then you can be sure that you will be able to enable the blacklist.

What's worth remembering? If the calls have become burdensome or are related, for example, to threats or other matters not permitted by law, you can seek help from the relevant authorities. Good luck.

This article answers one of the most common questions from cell phone owners. Namely, how to add a number to the blacklist. If someone calls you regularly and it annoys you and takes up your time, just block this subscriber and he will not bother you anymore. How to block a number on an Android phone or through a cellular operator is described in this article.

I blocked the number and can't cancel!

I want to warn you that this situation is also extremely common. As shown in the article below, blocking a phone number is very simple, but one day there may be a situation where you are waiting for a call from that number. And you won’t wait for an obvious reason...

Therefore, before I talk about blocking numbers and adding them to various black lists, I want to remind you that these methods should not be used just like that, but only if you really don’t want this subscriber to ever call you again. Because after adding a number to the blacklist, you simply forget about it!

Black and white lists

First of all, you should first check whether your phone has a built-in locking function. This is the so-called "black list". Let's first sort something out first so that there are no questions later.

Incoming calls can be processed in three ways, and this does NOT depend on the phone model or its software. Namely: when an incoming call comes, it can be compared with a “black list”, “white list”, or not be controlled at all. The last option is always the default, that is, any incoming calls to your number are missed.

"Black list" or black list - ALL incoming messages are allowed, EXCEPT those added to this list. Thus, if you are very tired of someone, then you NEED TO ADD him to the blacklist. I’ll repeat again - add (!) on purpose. You will understand why I highlighted this below when defining the white list. In the meantime, I can only say that when calls are rejected based on the blacklist principle, this very list will be continuously replenished with unwanted numbers.

If you read carefully and thought about what you read, you should have already drawn a conclusion. Namely: the subscriber you blocked can simply call you back from ANOTHER number. Moreover, he can have many numbers. This is very important when you receive persistent calls from various companies (a typical example is microfinance organizations offering loans at astronomical interest rates). Regarding why you should not take out loans, you can read a separate interesting article. As for calls from incomprehensible companies with bottomless reserves of phone numbers, this is already more difficult.

In general, a blacklist will not help here if the subscriber calls you from a new number every time. You will simply waste time endlessly adding the phone to the black list. In this case, it is worth trying other methods, not of a technical nature. These exist, you can believe me. I somehow got rid of one VERY persistent company in this way. But in this article I’m writing about ways to block using your phone, so let’s continue.

"White list" or white list - ALL incoming calls are prohibited, EXCEPT those included in the list. Obviously, in this case, when using a white list, only people you know will be able to call you, whose phone numbers you manually entered into the list. In most cases, this is simply inconvenient, because someone won’t be able to call you just like that. But if you decide to limit the circle of people with whom you communicate by phone to a minimum, then this option is ideal.

In fact, white lists are rarely used, so in most cases, phones have filters based on a black list or the so-called call reject list.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

How to add a number to the Android blacklist

As a rule, most people immediately run to look for an application to block incoming calls. There are many of them for Android phones, but before downloading such applications, make sure that your phone does not have a built-in function for working with a reject list for incoming calls. For example, in my version of Android (2.3.4) there is such a function and I successfully use it so that it is not clear who calls me.

As an example, I will show you how I can block someone else's number when there is an incoming call on my phone. By analogy, you can do this at home. I’ll say right away that there is nothing complicated here and you can easily do it, you just need to put in a little effort.

To add a new number to the reject list, you need to go to your phone settings. Typically, this is an icon that looks like a gear. There, select “Call Settings” and go to the “General” tab. Next, select “Reject call”. But then let's look in more detail.

By default, as I wrote above, this list is OFF. Therefore, before adding numbers to the block (reject) list, you must first change this setting. You can do this in the Call Rejection menu using the appropriate selection list. I won’t show screenshots, since there are different versions of Android. You need to select a setting called " reject by list" or similar. This means that calls will be received from all numbers except those you specify here. This setting can always be canceled and returned to how it was.

Now you need to actually add the new number to the rejection list. You can do this by opening the list itself. If there are already numbers there, you can view them or delete them. If the phone number included in the rejection list is in your contacts, the name from the address book will be displayed instead of the number.

Add a new number to the reject list can be done in several ways:

  • Enter manually (long; rarely used)
  • Add from contact list
  • Add from call log (most often)

As you can see, you can block calls from any number without installing a special application on your Android phone. The built-in functions in this case provide minimal and fairly convenient functionality for working with the blacklist. It's also worth noting that you can bar all incoming calls altogether. It is rarely required, but nevertheless there is such an opportunity. For what cases it can be used - think for yourself.

Blocking incoming calls through the operator

When you block a call using the black list on your phone, the call still comes, you just don’t hear the call and it doesn’t cause any inconvenience to you. But there is another way, namely, to make sure that calls from certain subscribers are blocked at the level of the cellular operator and do not reach you (your phone) at all. Operators provide this opportunity.

You can block a phone number using a special USSD command, similar to the one you dial when requesting a balance. These commands differ for different operators, so the table below is given. The table shows how to block a number or unblock it back using a USSD command. You can also save this table, which is presented as a picture for convenience.

How to add a number to the Beeline blacklist.
Beeline subscribers can add someone’s phone to the blacklist, as well as remove it from there, using the following USSD commands. Instead of xxxxxxxxxxx, enter the number of the blocked phone, and write all 11 digits, that is, together with the seven.
Blocking: *110*771*xxxxxxxxxxx# and call
Cancel blocking: *110*772*xxxxxxxxxxxx# and call

How to add a number to the MTS blacklist.
If you are on MTS, then managing blacklists is done using the commands below. Here xxxxxxxxxx is replaced by 10 digits of the number (7 is NOT needed).
Blocking: *880*26*xxxxxxxxxx# and call
Cancel blocking: *880*27*xxxxxxxxxx# and call

How to add a number to the Megafon blacklist.
And finally, for Megafon, everything is also similar to other operators. The X's need to be changed to a full number (from 7).
Blocking: *130*xxxxxxxxxx# and call
Cancel blocking: *130*xxxxxxxxxx# and call

In fact, even though all the commands are similar, it is still better to keep cheat sheet for USSD commands so as not to get confused. Just save the picture below to yourself and you can always quickly block calls from unwanted interlocutors and all sorts of “wrong” numbers.


Adding a phone number to the blacklist is easy!

You can prevent certain people from calling you anymore. Use the built-in functions of blocking incoming calls in your phone, install an additional application, or block the call on the side of the cellular operator - decide for yourself which method is more convenient.

In any case, you should not block numbers without a good reason.
What if you expect a call from them later?

Is your smartphone bursting with endless and uninterrupted calls from an unknown number? Is someone constantly silent on the phone? Threats and torments you with incomprehensible claims? There is an exit! You need to block an unwanted caller using the settings built into your smartphone.

What is a blacklist and what is it used for?

The “black list” (BL) in telephony is a special function that allows you to block calls (and sometimes messages) coming from numbers belonging to any operators, be it local or foreign. Emergency situations work in different ways - sometimes access to subscribers is blocked on the smartphone through built-in capabilities or using downloadable tools; sometimes, when the blocking does not work, it is easier to contact the operator and, by paying according to the tariff, get a total, but little functional blocking. No matter which method is chosen, the main goal is to close yourself off from unnecessary numbers once and for all!

Transfer contacts from SIM to phone memory

To take advantage of the opportunity to add a subscriber to the blacklist, you need to transfer contacts from your SIM card to your phone. You can do this like this:

  1. Open “Contacts”;
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the three dots;
  3. Select “Import/Export”;
  4. Specify where you will copy contacts from and click “Next”;
  5. Specify where you want to copy the contacts and click “Next”;
  6. Select the contacts to transfer and click “OK”.

Blacklist on Android below 4.0

The process of blocking unwanted numbers on the Android operating system version below 4.0 occurs in several stages, which are essentially no different from the actions performed on “five” and higher. The main thing is to understand the only nuance - you can add a number to the blacklist when they are saved in the phone’s memory, and not on the SIM card:

  1. First of all, you will have to activate the “Black List” using the settings in the “Calls” section.
  2. In the menu that appears, select “Call Rejection” and call up a panel with three parameters – “Disabled”, “All numbers” and “Black List” (selectively rejecting calls from unsuitable callers).
  3. After saving the changes, all that remains is to go to the contact list and, holding your finger on some unwanted contact, open a special drop-down menu, where the “Black List” will appear and enter the phone number.

Using the same principle, you can eliminate any number that is stored in the smartphone’s memory.

Blacklist on Android above 4.0

  1. With the release of the operating system version 4.2, it became easier to sort through unwanted numbers - no more exhausting running around the extensive “Settings” menu, just look in the “Phone Book” and find the subscriber who is tired of endless calls. The next step is to click on the three vertical dots located next to the editing pencil.
  2. In the menu that appears, select the item “Black list” or “Voicemail only” or some similar values ​​that differ due to different versions of the operating system.
  3. Again, the method works with those contacts that are saved not on the SIM card, but in the smartphone’s memory!

Setting up a black list

The capabilities built into the operating system for changing and making adjustments to emergencies can easily be counted on one hand. Here you can either receive voicemail notifications or transfer them to the White List. You can’t even dream of complex settings for blocking subscribers by date or time period. For such functionality, you should safely turn to third-party tools, of which there are plenty on Google Play - they allow you to block all unfamiliar numbers that are not added to the phone book, check incoming SMS in various ways, and even save the history of incoming voicemail. In addition, the developers of some tools even allow you to see when, who called and why, how many times and on what attempt you gave up.

Possible problems and solutions

Difficulties when interacting with “Black Lists” on Android rarely arise, but, just in case, it’s worth understanding a few important nuances.

Firstly, it’s worth remembering that it is possible to block those numbers that are saved in the smartphone’s memory. If for some reason the contact cannot be transferred from the SIM card, then you should re-create the contact, re-add the number and fill in the remaining data. It is better to delete the old entry (to avoid confusion).

Secondly, if for some reason you can’t change anything through the built-in system for interacting with the address book, then you should turn to third-party tools downloaded exclusively from Google Play (and not from third-party sources). If such assistants fail to cope with the task, then the last option remains - contact the mobile operator and add unwanted subscribers to the “Black List”. True, you will have to pay a subscription fee for such a function, but everything will definitely work.

Removal from the blacklist

You can return a contact from an emergency in three different ways:

  1. If we are talking about an Android version below 4.0, then you will have to look at “Settings”, then switch to “Calls”, and then, in the “Call Rejection” item, set the “Disabled” option (that is, uncheck the box next to the selective blocking of individual contacts) . All subscribers included in the unwanted list will immediately be able to make calls and leave SMS messages.
  2. From version 4.0 and higher, you will have to uncheck blocked numbers separately for each contact listed in the phone book.
  3. If catching each individual subscriber yourself is too time-consuming and inconvenient, then the time has come to download some third-party tool that displays information about blocked numbers, and at the same time opens up the opportunity to return everything back literally in no time.

Third party programs

The list of omnipotent third-party services that allow you to filter, customize and change Black Lists at lightning speed can be read for hours - on Google Play you will find both free tools from independent and barely known developers, and paid options without advertising for professionals from world-famous studios. What to choose is up to users to decide, but you should definitely look at the following options:

  1. . A straightforward name, a design close to minimalism, a modest but really working 100% of cases (no root rights are needed!) functionality - the developers from Vlad Lee do not throw dust in the eyes, but diligently help block and blacklist everything on Android extra numbers and return to a calm life. Interesting features include a minimum of advertising, blocking VOIP contacts (those coming from Viber and Skype), receiving notifications about calls and SMS, emergency history, the ability to turn off full protection or turn it back on from a widget on the desktop.
  2. . A free system tool with a visual interface and extensive capabilities focused on quickly blocking all incoming numbers (total protection from subscribers not included in the phone book) or some specific ones at the first click (due to special integration, you can even enter some numbers you don’t have to - everything happens on the fly).
    By the way, the tool always diligently reports on third-party activity that occurred outside the “Black List” using SMS and notifications. If someone's number was blocked by mistake, you can always get a timely hint to correct the situation.
  3. . An increasingly popular service aimed at interaction between community users. We are talking about numbers that anyone can enter into the “Scammers” database - just indicate the number and describe the reason (for example, an unknown bank with excellent offers, a one-day law firm, incomprehensible Forex assistants and brokers with overdue loans), and then the rest of the participants will only have to coordinate the emergency with the specified database and don’t have to worry about scammers and companies deceiving clients.
    An additional advantage is the ability to create special “White Lists” that can call at any time, even when complete blocking of other contacts is enabled. The feature is interesting and helps in those moments when you want to take a break from the whole world, but an important call can (or should) still disturb the peace.

Locking the screen using a pattern, password or PIN code significantly increases the security of your phone. This protection will not allow an attacker to gain access to your files, photos, crack passwords and find out bank card numbers. But sometimes the blocking turns against the owner of the gadget. Below are several ways to unlock your Samsung Galaxy phone. The methods also work with the company’s tablets.

Unlocking a Samsung smartphone with an incorrectly entered PIN code

After 6 incorrect PIN codes, the gadget blocks the entry of new data for 30 seconds. After this time, the user has a chance to enter the cherished numbers again.

Therefore, the first method to unlock Samsung is to simply wait for the timeout to expire after entering an incorrect PIN code and try another combination.

How to unlock a Samsung phone remotely

This method is useful in two cases:

  • The user has forgotten the graphic password or PIN code on the phone and cannot unlock the gadget’s screen.
  • The user wants to provide access to the smartphone to another person without sharing the secret combination of numbers or graphic password on the Samsung phone. For example, so that your child can play games on the tablet you left at home.

The proprietary remote unlocker, the Find My Mobile service, will need access to the gadget. Before using this method for the first time, you should prepare your phone for remote control.

How to prepare a Samsung phone for remote control

Select a device from the list of gadgets you own and click Prepare.

The user is informed of the steps by following which he can prepare the gadget for remote control. The main point is that in the Settings menu, in the Lock screen and protection section, the Search for phone item should be open.

In the options menu, you must set the Remote control flag.

The points regarding transmitting the location of the gadget are secondary and have no direct relation to the ability to lock/unlock the device.

How to unlock the screen on Samsung

Select the desired phone from the list. A menu of available actions will appear on the right. They can be done without direct access to the phone.

Do not forget that the gadget must be registered in a cellular or Wi-Fi network. If you turn on Airplane mode, the method will not work.

Select Unlock and wait for the result. At this moment, the Internet service will remove the screen lock. The success of the operation is confirmed by changing the color of the item in the menu on the website.

This method allows you to remove the lock using a PIN code, pattern or password. All modern Samsung smartphones are controlled in this way, including duos, Samsung Galaxy J1, J3, mini, A5 and others running the Android operating system.

You can access the Find My Mobile service website from a friend or relative’s phone. The gadget does not have to be made by Samsung. A device on any mobile OS is suitable: Android, iOS, Windows Mobile. Internet access is critical.

How to unlock Samsung using Safe Mode

If the blocking is not removed in the usual way, the phone may be blocked by some malicious applications. This does not necessarily mean viral activity, but it is a fact that deserves close attention.

  1. Start in safe mode. To do this, completely turn off your smartphone. When turning on, hold down the volume down button.
  2. The Safe Mode inscription in the lower left corner will indicate the successful completion of the procedure. Unlock your device in the usual way: by entering the unlock PIN code or graphic password.
  3. In safe mode, third-party programs are blocked. Only system applications that come with Android work. The work of the malicious program that caused the non-standard blocking may also be blocked.

If the attempt is successful, analyze the recently installed applications and remove them from the gadget. Once the operation is complete, restart your smartphone as usual.

How to remove a pattern or PIN code via data reset

If the user has forgotten the pattern key, but remote access through the Find My Mobile service is not available, he still has one more unlocking option on Samsung. or Hard reset will solve the problem.

Resetting data via Find My Mobile

Go to the website of a branded web service for finding lost mobile phones and find your device in the list. Select Remove my device.

All data will be deleted and the phone will return to its factory state.

Important note for owners of modern phones running Android 5.1 and later versions. To ensure increased user security, Google developers have provided protection against gadget theft.

After resetting your mobile phone, the user must enter the password of the last account installed on it. Otherwise, only specialists from the company’s service center will help and only upon presentation of documents for the device and receipts for its payment in the store.

Hard reset using keys

What to do if you forgot the password for a gadget that is locked without access to the network? Performing a hard reset using the buttons will help.

  • Turn off the phone completely.
  • We press three buttons: power, volume up and home.
  • When the Samsung logo appears, release the power.