Program for removing spyware and Trojans. Spyware on your computer. How to detect and remove spyware


Dr.Web CureIt is free antivirus program from a well-known developer. Dr.Web CureIt is able to scan your computer and detect the presence of various viruses on it. In this case, the program will try to disinfect the files as much as possible. If they cannot be cured at all, then Dr.Web CureIt will send them to quarantine. The program successfully fights all manifestations of viruses: Trojans, dialers, spyware, etc. Anti-virus databases The program is updated regularly, so it can be used in critical situations. The program can be launched from command line. In this case, you can ask her which folders need to be scanned...


RogueKiller is a lightweight antivirus product that allows you to quickly and effectively remove and clean the entire system of malicious applications. The program will easily find and neutralize any worms, Trojans, or rootkits. After downloading the program, the scanning process begins immediately. Antivirus utility finds everything running malicious applications and stops their action. Then a window appears asking you to delete, disinfect, or replace the infected file. This utility can restore HOST files, DNS, proxy servers, changed as a result of the influence of malicious software. RogueKiller is able to quickly remove infected autologin elements...


Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is a software that allows you to detect and remove various exploits, vulnerabilities and threats. Provides effective fight even with those pests against which traditional antiviruses are powerless. For high-quality computer protection against malicious exploits, we use Newest technologies Zero Vulnerability Labs. The application is equipped with screens for all browsers and their components. It is possible to block exploit systems such as Blackhole, Sakura and others. A convenient quality is that there is no need for regular signature updates. Another important advantage...


BitDefender is a free antivirus scanner that scans your system on demand or on a schedule. We must warn you that constant protection this program does not provide, and therefore it is not recommended to use it as the main means of protection. The user is offered several operating modes to choose from. You can conduct a quick scan, you can do a full scan, or you can set the scan to run on a schedule, which is very convenient if the computer is constantly running, but you are often away. In addition, BitDefender has a quarantine function, which makes it easy to isolate all detected...



SuperAntiSpyware is a free program designed to detect malware (spyware, Trojans, worms, keyloggers, rootkits and many others) and then correctly remove it. The utility provides protection by scanning random access memory, registry, files on internal and external devices. Identified unwanted software is removed or quarantined. The program is easy to use, the interface is intuitive even for an inexperienced user, and at the same time, the website offers answers to many questions that may arise while working with the program. The user can...


EMCO Malware Destroyer is an antivirus scanner with a unique engine and low system requirements. May be useful when the main antivirus agent becomes insufficient. For example, if you know for sure that there is a virus on your computer that is not detected by your standard antivirus. In this case, installing EMCO Malware Destroyer will help. This anti-virus scanner very quickly checks the system for viruses, after which it provides a list of detected threats and suggested actions. Except simple scanning files and folders, the program is able to check Internet browsers for spyware...


IObit Malware Fighter is free application, designed to identify, block and remove various malicious software that can harm your computer. This application equipped with an improved action algorithm that helps to easily detect and neutralize different types viruses and spyware. There is a built-in “cloud technology” for real-time device protection. Settings can be fully customized by the user, allowing you to configure security features based on the most small details this process. The program is also equipped with improved...


Cezurity Antivirus Scanner – powerful antivirus ny product. The program helps to search for viruses and treat files from them. Usage cloud technologies speeds up the process of checking your computer for Trojans and spyware. The user of Cezurity Antivirus Scanner does not need to download signatures every time. Principle of operation antivirus scanner is extremely simple: the scanner collects information (hashes) from the computer, and later transmits this information to cloud service for analysis. Cezurity Antivirus Scanner also checks files differently. The application checks critical system files for integrity. This check only takes a few minutes, so...


AntiSMS – boot disk to restore your system after being blocked by SMS blockers. You are probably familiar with the situation of your computer being blocked by various SMS blockers. Those. When you boot your computer, you are presented with a window asking you to transfer some amount to specific number, or send SMS to short number, which basically means the same thing. There may be several pretexts, for example, they may write that your computer is blocked for distributing unlicensed content. This problem occurs quite often and is also easy to solve, however, due to the fact that the system is locked, you cannot...

With viruses and the consequences of their impact on computer systems Today almost all users are familiar with it. Among all the threats that have become most widespread, a special place is occupied by spyware that monitors the actions of users and engages in theft. confidential information. The following will show what such applications and applets are and discuss how to detect spy program on your computer and get rid of such a threat without harming the system.

What is spyware?

Let's start with the fact that spy applications, or executable applets, usually called Spyware, are not viruses as such in the usual sense. That is, they have virtually no impact on the system in terms of its integrity or performance, although when infecting computers they can constantly reside in RAM and consume part of the system. system resources. But, as a rule, this does not particularly affect the performance of the OS.

But their main purpose is precisely to track the user’s work, and, if possible, the theft of confidential data, substitution Email for the purpose of sending spam, analyzing requests on the Internet and redirecting to sites containing malware, analyzing information on the hard drive, etc. It goes without saying that any user must have at least a primitive anti-virus package installed for protection. True, for the most part neither free antiviruses, much less the built-in firewall Windows full there is no assurance of safety. Some applications may simply not be recognized. This is where a completely logical question arises: “What then should be the protection of a computer from spyware?” Let's try to consider the main aspects and concepts.

Types of spyware

Before you start practical solution, you should clearly understand which applications and applets belong to the Spyware class. Today there are several main types:

  • key loggers;
  • hard drive scanners;
  • screen spies;
  • mail spies;
  • proxy spies.

Each such program affects the system differently, so next we will look at how exactly spyware penetrates a computer and what they can do to an infected system.

Spyware penetration methods into computer systems

Today, due to the incredible development of Internet technologies The World Wide Web is the main open and weakly protected channel that threats of this type use to infiltrate local computer systems or networks.

In some cases, spyware is installed on the computer by the user himself, as paradoxical as this may sound. In most cases, he doesn't even know about it. And everything is banally simple. For example, you seem to have downloaded from the Internet interesting program and started the installation. In the first stages, everything looks as usual. But then sometimes windows appear asking you to install some additional software product or Internet browser add-ons. Usually all this is written in small print. The user, trying to quickly complete the installation process and start working with the new application, often does not pay attention to this, agrees to all the conditions and... ultimately receives an embedded “agent” for collecting information.

Sometimes spyware is installed on a computer in background, then disguising itself as important system processes. There may be plenty of options here: installing unverified software, downloading content from the Internet, opening dubious email attachments, and even simply visiting some unsafe resources on the Internet. As is already clear, it is simply impossible to track such an installation without special protection.

Consequences of exposure

As for the harm caused by spies, as already mentioned, this generally does not affect the system in any way, but user information and personal data is at risk.

The most dangerous among all applications of this type are the so-called key loggers, or simply put, they are the ones who are able to monitor the character set, which gives an attacker the opportunity to obtain the same logins and passwords. bank details or card PIN codes, and anything else that the user would not want to make available to a wide range of people. As a rule, after all the data has been determined, it is sent either to a remote server or by e-mail, naturally, to hidden mode. Therefore, it is recommended to use such important information special encryption utilities. In addition, it is advisable to save files not on the hard drive (hard drive scanners can easily find them), but on removable media, and at least on a flash drive, and always along with the decryptor key.

Among other things, many experts believe that the most safe to use on-screen keyboard, although they acknowledge the inconvenience of this method.

Screen tracking in terms of what exactly the user is doing is dangerous only when confidential data or registration details are entered. Spy just through certain time takes screenshots and sends them to the attacker. Using the on-screen keyboard, as in the first case, will not give any results. And if two spies work simultaneously, then you won’t be able to hide anywhere.

Email tracking is done through your contact list. The main goal is to replace the contents of the letter when sending it for the purpose of sending spam.

Proxy spies cause harm only in the sense that they turn local computer terminal into some kind of proxy server. Why is this necessary? Yes, only to hide behind, say, the user’s IP address when committing illegal actions. Naturally, the user has no idea about this. Let’s say someone hacked the security system of a bank and stole a certain amount of money. Monitoring of actions by authorized services reveals that the hack was carried out from a terminal with such and such an IP, located at such and such an address. The secret services come to an unsuspecting person and send him to jail. Is there really nothing good about this?

First symptoms of infection

Now let's move on to practice. How to check your computer for spyware if suddenly, for some reason, doubts creep in about the integrity of the security system? To do this, you need to know how the impact of such applications manifests itself in the early stages.

If for no apparent reason a decrease in performance is noticed, or the system periodically “freezes”, or refuses to work at all, first you should look at the load on the processor and RAM, and also monitor all active processes.

In most cases, the user in the same “Task Manager” will see unfamiliar services that were not previously in the process tree. This is just the first call. The creators of spyware are far from stupid, so they create programs that disguise themselves as system processes, and they can be detected without special knowledge in manual mode It's simply impossible. Then problems begin with connecting to the Internet, the start page etc.

How to check your computer for spyware

As for checking, standard antiviruses there will be no help here, especially if they have already missed the threat. At a minimum you will need some portable version like or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (or better yet, something like Rescue Disc that checks the system before it boots).

How to find spyware on your computer? In most cases, it is recommended to use narrowly targeted special programs Anti-Spyware class (SpywareBlaster, AVZ, XoftSpySE Anti-Spyware, Microsoft Antispyware, etc.). The scanning process in them is fully automated, as well as subsequent deletion. But here there are things that are worth paying attention to.

How to remove spyware from your computer: standard methods and third-party software used

You can even remove spyware from your computer manually, but only if the program is not disguised.

To do this, you can go to the programs and features section, find the application you are looking for in the list and start the uninstallation process. True, the Windows uninstaller, to put it mildly, is not very good, since it leaves a bunch of computer garbage after the process is completed, so it’s better to use specialized utilities like iObit Uninstaller, which, in addition to deleting in a standard way, allow for in-depth scanning to search for residual files or even keys and entries in the system registry.

Now a few words about the sensational Spyhunter utility. Many people call it almost a panacea for all ills. We beg to differ. It scans the system yet, but sometimes it gives a false positive. This is not the problem. The fact is that uninstalling it turns out to be quite problematic. For the average user, just the number of actions that need to be performed makes their head spin.

What to use? Protection against such threats and search for spyware on your computer can be done, for example, even using the ESETNOD32 or Smart Security With activated function"Anti-theft". However, everyone chooses for themselves what is better and easier for them.

Legalized spying in Windows 10

But that's not all. All of the above concerned only how spyware penetrates the system, how it behaves, etc. But what to do when espionage is legal?

Windows 10 in this regard distinguished itself not in better side. There are a bunch of services that need to be disabled (data exchange with remote servers Microsoft, using identity to receive advertising, sending data to a company, determining location using telemetry, receiving updates from multiple locations, etc.).

Is there 100% protection?

If you look closely at how spyware gets onto a computer and what it does afterwards, there is only one thing we can say about 100% protection: it does not exist. Even if you use the entire arsenal of security tools, you can be 80 percent sure of security, no more. However, there should be no provoking actions on the part of the user himself in the form of visiting dubious sites, installing unsafe software, ignoring antivirus warnings, opening email attachments from unknown sources etc.

Even if you have installed a powerful antivirus that controls your operating system inside and out (as the developer claims), it will not always cope with such a headache as spy scripts. They open the door for attackers and scammers, which means your personal data remains at risk. This may help you here special software- anti-spyware programs.

Most antiviruses operate according to a simple and proven scheme: there is a database of viruses, websites and spy scripts, including where the utility works on the principle of reconciliation, that is, it saw something suspicious, then checked with the database, deleted the bad ones, left the good ones.

Anti-spyware programs work in a slightly different way. Of course, they have their own databases, but they also have other, highly specialized solutions that specifically deal with scripts. Today we will talk about such specific software.

There are many programs of this kind on the Internet, but a good half of the applications create only the appearance of fighting threats and rightfully charge money for license support, while some are actually protégés of viruses. Therefore, here you need to behave as carefully and carefully as possible.

So, we present to your attention a selection of the best anti-spyware programs for the Windows operating system, which are distinguished by their effectiveness and weight. positive feedback on specialized forums.

Super AntiSpyware

This utility is one of the most effective solutions to eliminate malicious scripts. In addition, this anti-spyware program will intelligently clean your operating system of Trojans, worms and other suspicious code.

The utility has smart heuristic tools at its disposal to detect spies that are not in the main database, that is, potential threats. The anti-spyware program itself is updated about a couple of times a year, and the signatures are updated two or three times a month.

The utility interface allows you to scan both the entire platform and some individual components, like disks, separate folders or RAM. This anti-spyware program works on Windows 7, 8 and 10. There were no problems with adaptation to a particular OS. The software distinguished itself comparatively quick scan and minimal resource consumption, so it is suitable even for the weakest computers.

Spybot Search & Destroy

This anti-spyware program is in Russian and is distributed from free license. The developer often asks for financial assistance to support the product, but, as they say, without fanaticism, so you won’t see half-screen advertising blocks and other aggressive surroundings.

The utility copes well with the tasks assigned to it, and can also find and, if desired, remove any traces of the user. This is especially true if the computer is an office or “transit” one. It would also be useful to mention the pleasant appearance interface, which, by the way, can be changed using numerous skins and add-ons.

Features of the program

In addition to its direct responsibilities, the software does a good job of dealing with various ad viruses, which attack browsers. Here we are talking about the extremely aggressive “Amigo”, “MailRu” and other unwanted “infiltrators” into everything possible.

For inexperienced users and for those who like to experiment with settings and the system, there is a backup functionality where you can return the operating system to normal in case of failure. The anti-spyware program works on Windows 7, 8 and 10. It is adapted to the platform, judging by user reviews, quite competently, so there should be no problems with brakes or any glitches.

Spyware Terminator

This is something of a pioneer in the anti-spyware field, which was a recognized leader until numerous smart competitors appeared. But to this day this product enjoys enviable popularity.

Essentially, the utility is comprehensive solution and is positioned as an antivirus. There is a deep system sanitization mode that allows you to find well-hidden malicious codes. To provide maximum efficiency, the program works in real time and monitors everything and everyone. Naturally, such control significantly loads the platform, so its requirements for the technical component of the computer are quite high. Well, or as an option - this is a relaxation of work and a transition to normal mode threat detection.

It is also worth mentioning the special HIPS protocol, which allows you to patch up all the security holes in the system. Such a barrier will become a serious obstacle to all sorts of Trojans, worms and other malicious scripts. The anti-spyware program works on Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and has no problems adapting to platforms.


This utility can do almost everything that was described in previous programs. In addition, she also has her own unique opportunities that make Ad-Aware one of the best apps to search and eliminate spyware.

The software is able to block third party systems location tracking, which means preventing automatic activation malicious code when visiting sites that use a similar protocol. The program also prohibits or completely deletes scripts aggressive advertising, by completely sanitizing browser add-ons and plugins, as well as the system registry.

Distinctive features of the software

The utility databases are updated daily and automatically, so there are no problems with the relevance of the protection. You can additionally connect a number of plugins for some specific detection of malicious code (usually for OS emulators), as well as modernize the existing interface different extensions. The latter can turn the utility into a real “monster” that will attack everything that moves and will not miss a single third-party script that may in any way threaten your platform or personal data.

The only thing worth noting is that each plugin or extension increases the load on your processor and the OS as a whole, so you shouldn’t get carried away. Otherwise, you will get excellent “armor”, but a slow-moving Windows platform, which is already capable of properly loading the “stuffing”. Well, for virus-phobes, this is ideal software and a good night’s sleep with the understanding that the OS is under reliable protection.