How to open windows defender. Completely disable Windows Defender. Positive aspects of the Defender

Turning on Windows Defender in Windows 10 is the right decision for all users, because it is a built-in antivirus that “on the fly” monitors all received files and opened pages. It will prevent malware from entering your computer. If you have not installed an antivirus from another manufacturer, then this service will help protect your PC. Below we will look at all the ways to enable the “native” antivirus.

Through parameters

The most obvious way to enable Windows 10 Defender is to use the built-in graphical interface provided for managing the service.

First you need to launch its control center. This can be done in the parameters window, or you can use the search.

There is an icon menu on the left. The shield icon means you go to the protection settings area. On the Home screen, you see a warning that you need to turn on Windows 10 Defender.

Press the power button. The warning will remain, since the defender consists of two parameters: the antivirus itself and the cloud one.

The first click allowed us to enable Windows Defender in Windows 10, now we click again to complete its activation.

All this can be done in additional parameters.

If the service is disabled in this way, it will be automatically launched upon reboot - the developers have provided automation of security installation.

However, sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where Windows 10 Defender does not turn on. You see a message that the service is being managed by someone else or an error message appears when you try to restart.

This is because the user or program has disabled the service at the system level, in the registry, or in the Group Policy Editor. This means that you can enable Windows Defender in Windows 10 in the same way.

Using the registry

Open the window for entering +[R] directives and type regedit .

Sequentially select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Policies\ Microsoft\ Windows Defender.

On the right side, look for the DisableAntiSpyware variable and set the value to zero by opening the properties by double-clicking.

Check that in the “Real-Time Protection” section all parameters starting with the word “Disabled” also have zero values.

Changing the policy

This option is only suitable for Professional and Enterprise versions. The home version does not provide such a function (in fact, the editor can be installed).

Open the policy management window: command execution window + gpedit.msc.

In the computer configuration area we find administrative templates. Clicking on the arrow will expand the list.

Then we need the operating system components and a link to the antivirus program.

Here you need to change the value of the service shutdown parameter. Open properties by double clicking on it.

Win-updates-disabler program

This program provides a convenient interface for managing components; the portable version does not need to be installed; you can simply open a file from a folder. Download.

Enabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 is done on the Enable tab. Place a check mark in the required line.

You can enable both the program itself and its service center. It’s worth noting here that the service itself and its settings center are different components. Disabling the center does not disable the antivirus. You just lose the GUI.

Let's talk about how to enable Windows 10 Defender Security Center: open the registry again and go to the path Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SecurityHealthService.

Set the start variable to 2.

After restarting, the center interface will become active again.

Hello, friends! While I was writing about Microsoft Security Essentials, I came across Windows Defender 7. I realized that I didn’t know anything about it and decided to write an article to make it a little clearer for myself why Windows Defender 7 is needed and when it is advisable to use it.

The main window of Windows Defender 7 is shown in the figure below.

If Windows Defender does not start, you may need to manually start the service of the same name. Also, by searching in the Start menu, launch the “Services” utility.

Finding a service Windows Defender and double click on it. In chapter Startup type select from the drop-down menu Automatic (delayed start) and press the button " Launch»

After this, we should launch Windows Defender without any problems. If the service, for some reason, failed to start, then I would check the computer for viruses with two different utilities (for example, Dr.Web Cureit and Kaspersky). Then I would check for Trojans using MBAM. I rebooted and tried to start the service. If the result is negative, then perform system file recovery. If the result is still negative, then I would think about reinstalling the operating system.

Hopefully, getting Windows Defender up and running will be easier.

How to disable Windows Defender

Everything seems to be clear with excluded files, folders and file types. If the defender mistakenly reacts to a file that is known to be safe, then you can add it to the exceptions.

On the tab in detail, Just like in Microsoft Security Essentials, I check the box to scan USB devices so that the defender scans connected flash drives, external hard drives and other storage devices.

In chapter Administrator You can turn off the defender completely and allow the log to be shown to all users. If you have multiple users using your computer, you can allow them to see what Windows Defender 7 has detected.

Everything is done with the settings.

Windows 7 Defender Update

If you want, for example, to conduct a full scan of your computer, then it is advisable to check for updates before doing so. You can do this by clicking on Down arrow next to the help icon and selecting Check for updates


In chapter Magazine you can view what the defender did with the detected objects.

Microsoft SpyNet

In the Journal section you can join the Microsoft SpyNet community. That is, if unknown spyware is running on your computer and you are connected to Microsoft SpyNet, then the information from your computer will be sent to Microsoft. There they will be processed and the “Antidote” will be found. Then this “antidote” with new definitions will be downloaded into Windows 7 Defender on all computers in the world and this spyware will be neutralized.

You can join as ordinary participant or in the role experienced participant. In the second case, more data will be transferred from your computer and, as I understand it, the efficiency of finding an antidote will become higher.

You can also join the Microsoft SpyNet community in the “Programs” section

I have chosen to join as an Experienced Member or the Advanced Membership Program.

It is advisable to update before performing the scan. To perform a Quick check, just press the button Check. If the computer begins to work unstably, then it is advisable to conduct a Full scan. You can launch it by opening the menu to the right of the Check button.

Custom scan Used to scan individual folders or external devices. Click Choose to select individual drives or directories (folders) and then Check now

Everything about settings and use.

How to enable Defender in Windows 7 through the registry

Valentina shared this method in the comments to this article. Thank you, Valentina.

  1. Go to the registry branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender to the DisableAntiSpyware key, and change the value (1) to (0).
  2. We restart the computer and rejoice, Windows Defender is working.


In this article, we figured out what Windows 7 Defender is. It is not a full-fledged antivirus solution, but only protection against spyware and other potentially dangerous software. That is, protection from Trojans. I will use it on very old computers (for example, on my grandfather’s laptop), since the defender requires less resources than a full-fledged antivirus. My grandfather only communicates on Skype and looks at photos. That is, the likelihood of infection is minimal. I would be glad if you share your opinion on using Windows Defender. By the way, in Windows 8, the developers abandoned Microsoft Security Essentials and transferred all its functionality to Windows Defender 8, which also comes with the operating system. I wonder what will happen in Windows 10?

Windows Defender is a built-in component of the operating system that helps protect your computer from malware such as viruses, spyware, and other potentially unsafe applications.

Essentially, Windows Defender is the same antivirus, only free, if you do not take into account the cost of the operating system itself. So why disable it, if it performs such useful functions and you don’t have to pay extra for it or install it separately?

The thing is that Windows Defender only does basic protection computer. Third-party antiviruses do a much better job of protecting your PC. You can see this for yourself by looking at where Defender is located according to research from the AV-Test laboratory (clickable image).

On the other hand, if you are a “diligent” user of the computer and the Internet, do not go to suspicious sites, do not download or use pirated software, and use only trusted storage media, then Windows Defender 10 will be enough for you to ensure minimal security.

But let's return to the main topic of the article. How to disable Windows Defender 10?

First of all, it should be noted that Defender turns itself off automatically when installing additional anti-virus software, provided that the system correctly recognizes third-party software.

Next, let's look at an option that I deliberately did not include in the general list of ways to deactivate Defender. The fact is that it only has a temporary effect. After some time or after rebooting the computer, the defender will return to working status. This is a feature of Windows 10. In Windows 8.1, using this method it was possible to completely disable the built-in antivirus.

  1. Open PC settings ( Windows + I).
  2. Go to the section " Update and Security».
  3. Select " Windows Defender» in the menu on the left.
  4. Disable the " Real-time protection»

Now let's look at methods that completely disable Defender.

Disable Windows 10 Defender permanently

Method 1 – Through the registry

1. Open the window Execute» ( Windows +R), enter the command regedit and press " OK».

2. Go to the following registry branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender

3. Right-click on the empty space on the left and create a DWORD (32-bit) value named .

4. Double-click the newly created parameter and assign it a value 1 and press " OK».

Now you can close the Registry Editor and check the effect of this method through the computer settings. There you can make sure that all Defender-related settings have become inactive. You can also try running the built-in antivirus by clicking the link at the very bottom " Open Windows Defender».

As a result, you will receive a message that Windows 10 Defender is disabled by Group Policy.

If you want to reactivate the disabled Windows 10 Defender, you just need to delete the DisableAntiSpyware parameter or change its value to 0.

Method 2 – Using the Local Group Policy Editor

1. Run the command gpedit.msc through the window " Execute» ( Windows + R).

2. Continue to the next section:

Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Endpoint Protection

In some versions (builds) of Windows 10, this section may be called Windows Defender or Windows Defender.

3. In this section on the left, find the item “” and open it.

4. Activate this option as shown in the image below and click " OK».

Close the Group Policy Editor and you can, as in the first method, check whether Defender is disabled.

If you need to turn Windows Defender back on, follow all the steps described above and set the parameter to " Not specified" However, a reboot may be required to activate the built-in antivirus.

Method 3 – NoDefender Program

If the methods described above do not help, you can try utilities specifically designed to disable Windows Defender. One of these is NoDefender.

Attention! Use this method only as a last resort. Programs of this kind are not officially supported by Windows developers, and therefore no one gives any guarantees that they will not affect the performance of the operating system.

Before using NoDefender, be sure to back up your system. It is also worth noting that the process of disabling the defender using this utility is irreversible. At least, the functionality of the program does not allow you to turn Defender back on.

2. Unpack the resulting archive and run the program.

3. In the first program window, click “ Next».

5. Disable the following options: Real-time protection, cloud protection and automatic sample submission.

7. Then click " Next" and at the last step " Exit».

All. Windows 10 Defender is disabled. Now if you try to activate Defender, the message “ The application is disabled and does not monitor the computer».

The application developers claim that re-launching NoDefender allows the defender to be activated again. I couldn't do this.

Defender is an antivirus component preinstalled in the Windows 7 operating system. If you are using anti-virus software from a third-party developer, then it makes sense to stop using Defender, since its functioning remains of little practical use. But sometimes this component of the system is disabled without the user’s knowledge. Turning it back on is quite simple, but it’s not always possible to figure it out on your own. This article will consist of 3 ways to disable and enable Windows Defender. Let's get started!

Windows Defender is not a full-fledged antivirus program, so comparing its capabilities with such mastodons of computer protection software development as Avast, Kaspersky and others is incorrect. This OS component allows you to provide simple protection against viruses, but you can’t count on blocking and detecting any miner or a more serious threat to your computer’s security. Defender may also conflict with other antivirus software, which is why this service component has to be turned off.

Let's say you are satisfied with the work of this antivirus program, but because of some recently installed program or as a result of another person setting up the computer, it turned out to be disabled. No problem! As was said earlier, instructions for resuming the work of the Defender will be indicated in this article.

Disable Windows Defender 7

You can stop Windows Defender by turning it off through the interface of the Defender program itself, stopping the service responsible for its operation, or simply removing it from the computer using a special program. The latter method will be especially useful if you have very little disk space and every megabyte of free disk space is valuable.

The easiest method to disable this component is in its settings.

  1. We need to get to "Control Panel". To do this, click on the button "Start" on the taskbar or on the button of the same name on the keyboard (engraving on the key "Windows" matches the key pattern "Start" in Windows 7 or later versions of this OS). On the right side of this menu we find the button we need and click on it.

  2. If in the window "Control Panels" view type enabled "Category", then we need to change the view type to "Small Icons" or "Large Icons". This will make it easier to find the icon Windows Defender.

    In the upper right corner of the content window there is a button "View" and the established type is indicated. Click on the link and select one of the two viewing types that suit us.

  3. Finding the point Windows Defender and click on it once. The icons in the Control Panel are arranged chaotically, so you will have to skim the list of programs located there yourself.

  4. In the window that opens "Defender" on the top panel we find the button "Programs" and click on it. Then click on the button "Options".

  5. In this menu, click on the line "Administrator", which is located at the very bottom of the left options panel. Then uncheck the option "Use this program" and press the button "Save", next to which a shield will be drawn. In Windows 7, a shield indicates actions that will be performed with administrator rights.

    After disabling Defender, a window like this should appear.

    Click "Close". Done, Windows Defender 7 is disabled and should not bother you from now on.

Method 2: Disable the service

This method will allow you to disable Windows Defender not in its settings itself, but in the system configuration.

Method 3: Uninstall using a third-party program

Standard installation and removal tools will not allow you to uninstall a component built into the operating system, but Windows Defender Uninstaller makes it easy. If you decide to remove built-in system tools, be sure to save the data that is important to you on another drive, because the consequences of this process can seriously affect the further performance of the OS as a whole, including the loss of all files on the drive with Windows 7 installed.

Enabling Windows Defender 7

Now we will look at the methods to enable Windows Defender. In two of the three methods described below, we only need to check a box. We will do this in Defender settings, system configuration and through the Administration program.

Method 1: Program settings

This method repeats almost all the instructions for disabling it through the Defender settings, the only difference will be that Defender itself will prompt us to enable it as soon as it is launched.

We repeat the instructions "Method 1: Program settings" from 1 to 3 step. A message from Windows Defender will appear, notifying us that it is disabled. Click on the active link.

After some time, the main antivirus window will open, displaying data about the last scan. This means that the antivirus has turned on and is completely ready to work.

When you search for virus software on your computer, all applications installed on your computer are among the suspects.

Viruses spread not only along with email messages, programs and files that enter the computer via the network and on external media, but also as part of screen savers, themes, toolbars and other Windows 10 add-ons. To protect your computer from interference by unwanted software, Windows 10 includes a special multifunctional tool - Windows Defender, which acts as an antivirus and general security program.

Windows Defender scans all data streams coming into your computer: downloaded files, emails, network traffic, instant messages, and files coming from external drives and drives. If necessary, you can also tell Windows Defender to view data stored in OneDrive folders. When Windows Defender detects actual or potential threats, it displays a message similar to the one shown in Figure 1. The job of a computer security program is to quarantine viruses and other malware before they can cause harm to your computer.

How to enable Windows Defender

If a window appears when you start Windows Defender "This application has been disabled by Group Policy" as shown above and fails to enable Windows Defender, do the following:

1. Open the window " execute" and enter gpedit.msc click OK

2. In the Local Group Policy Editor window that opens, go to Computer configuration >> Administrative Templates >> windows components>>Endpoint Protection

3. Click on the tab

4. In the window that appears in the upper left part, set the switch to Disabled and press OK

5.Restart your computer

6. After the computer reboots into search field enter a word Windows Defender and click

7. In the window that opens Windows Defender click on the button Launch

How to disable Windows Defender

To disable Windows Defender, you need to complete the first 3 steps from “How to enable Windows Defender”

  1. Open the Run window and type gpedit.msc click OK
  2. In the Local Group Policy Editor window that opens, go to Computer configuration >> Administrative Templates >> windows components >> Endpoint Protection
  3. Click on the tab Turn off Endpoint Protection
  4. In the window that appears in the upper left part, set the switch to position Included and press OK

Windows Defender is turned off, to check in the search field enter windows defender And click. We see that Application disabled by group policy but the defender itself does not work

How to update Windows Defender

Windows Defender updates completely automatically, allowing you to continuously scan your PC in the background and detect even the latest threats. However, if you notice that your computer is behaving strangely, force scan it for malware “infection”. To do this, you will need to launch Windows Defender manually.

  1. Click the Windows Defender button on the taskbar (it's located next to the clock icon). The window of the antivirus tool built into Windows 10 will appear on the screen.
  2. In the antivirus program window, click the Scan Now button. The computer is scanned for unwanted software immediately and continues for a specified period of time.

How viruses penetrate a computer.

Even if your operating system has a special antivirus tool, to avoid the risk of malware entering your computer, follow the steps described in the instructions below.

  • Never send or open attachments to emails that you don't know about. If you receive a strange letter from a friend or work colleague, take the time to first contact the sender and make sure that it was not sent by criminals.
  • Be extremely suspicious of all one-click attachments. For example, if you receive a message asking you to become friends with someone you don't know on Facebook, don't click on it. Instead, visit the Facebook website using a browser and make sure that the person in question actually wants to be your friend. The fewer links you click embedded in emails, the less likely you are to give malware access to your computer.
  • Don't even try to respond to one of the emails asking you to enter your login name and password for your e-wallets or credit cards. When you see a letter like this in your inbox, visit the website of your bank or other financial institution and complete the necessary financial transactions from there. Even if this is not particularly necessary, once again make sure that everything is in order with the money in your accounts. If you are careful and do not disclose your credentials, then nothing irreparable will happen. (The operation of extracting passwords for credit cards and credentials is called phishing; it is described in detail in the next section.)
  • Windows Defender updates itself completely automatically using Windows Update. This service starts with Windows 10 and continues to run until your computer shuts down, so you don't have to specifically update Windows Defender.
  • If you prefer to use third-party antivirus tools, you may not need to look into Windows Defender's capabilities. During the installation of any other antivirus, Windows Defender automatically stops working. You should not abuse the installation of several antivirus programs at once, since they are guaranteed to conflict with each other.

Windows Defender reliability

Like previous versions of the Microsoft operating system, Windows 10 includes the Windows Defender antivirus program as part of its basic set of tools. It is installed along with the operating system, has high performance, is automatically updated and catches most of the malware that tries to penetrate the computer. The question is, does it do its job better than third-party software, especially paid software? The answer is ambiguous and depends on the criteria by which the effectiveness of the program is assessed.

For example, most third-party antivirus products are better at fighting viruses than Windows Defender. But the more carefully the antivirus searches for malware, the less fast the computer becomes. Some software displays warning messages on the screen so frequently that another threat has been detected that working on the computer becomes unbearable.

Windows Defender is ideal for users who are trained in computer security. If you know how to recognize the main threats that come from attachments in email messages and links on sites of dubious origin, then you can get by with the built-in antivirus tool in Windows 10. If you need a system with a more serious level of data protection, then be prepared to purchase it for an additional fee. There is no single criterion.

Again, the choice of protection depends on your expectations. If you are able to purchase serious comprehensive computer protection software, then don’t hesitate to buy it. When using the antivirus tool built into Windows 10, you will often have to make your own decisions about blocking access to your computer for a variety of software, which is not always as difficult as it seems.