VKontakte hidden mode on the computer. How to be invisible, offline offline on VKontakte (VK)

VKontakte (www.vkontakte.ru, vk.com) is one of the three most popular social networks in Russia and the CIS countries. The vast majority of schoolchildren and students have one or even several VK accounts. They exchange videos and music, share impressions, organize meetings and even look for work. And sometimes relationships are born in the vastness of the Internet - camaraderie, friendship, and in some cases, love. Every time you go to your page, or to the pages of your comrades, the words “Online” will appear in their list of friends next to your avatar. But there are also cases when you need to go to your VKontakte page invisible to its other participants. The reasons may vary. In this post I will tell you how to be invisible on VKontakte so that you can be offline for others.

The easiest way to remain invisible on VK is to use third-party services.

On the Internet there is special services, allowing you to secretly surf VKontakte. Personally, I like APIdog.ru the most:

When entering the service, you need to select the “Full authorization” section, enter your online account login and password:

You will see a list of actions:

Select the ones you need and click the “Allow” button. That's it, you are on your page and can surf the net secretly. The service has a number of advanced settings:

Keep in mind that as soon as you write a message on the wall, you will immediately become visible.

The second way is to make yourself invisible using a program.

On the Internet there is special programs, to turn on VKontakte invisibility. Of these, I like the VkLife utility most, which in addition to hidden visit and a number more interesting features even the ability to download videos and music.

The program can also work with Mail.ru and YouTube.

Method three. We make ourselves invisible on VKontakte by dancing with a tambourine.

This option cannot be called anything other than shamanic actions. The point here is that in this case we will use bugs of the VKontakte network itself, which allow us to be invisible if certain conditions are met, that is, offline for everyone.

Option 1 - it works every once in a while and somehow.
We log into the social network as usual - online and go to “My Messages”. We sit there doing nothing for about 15 minutes. Somewhere at this time the VKontakte connection timeout should expire. Now you can navigate to pages other than your own. It’s also not worth writing messages and posts on the wall.

Option 2 only works in Firefox browser:
— Enter in address bar: about:config
Your browser settings will open.
— In the “Filter” field you must enter:

This way you will find this parameter. Now you need to change its value to 0 to disable redirection processing. Remember the old meaning!
- Now let's launch another one, new tab, go to VKontakte and log in.
If it gives an error, don’t pay attention.
— Open to any other page. For example, "My friends."
— Return to the parameters tab and return the old value of the parameter network.http.redirection-limit.
Option 3 is relevant. The same can be done on the Opera browser. To do this, open the menu item “Tools” -> “Settings” -> “Advanced” -> “Network”.
Here you need to uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection" Then log in to the social network and open any page. Now you need to go back to the settings and check the “Enable automatic redirection” checkbox.

Do you often listen to music on VKontakte? Surely you have had cases when, upon seeing your online status, your friends immediately start sending you messages. But you just want to sit on your favorite VKontakte, while watching a movie or listening to a popular single. How can you prevent your friends from seeing you online? There is always a way out, and we offer you three simple ways what to do invisible VKontakte .

Well, before we move on to considering the first method, I would like to briefly cover another equally popular topic, which is definitely of interest to many of you. The topic of promotion and promotion of VKontakte is no less popular today than the topic itself social network. Over 50% of VKontakte users are interested in how to attract target, active audience how to get a lot of likes and reposts under publications - an excellent solution for such needs is the online PR service - Soclike. This resource For several years now, it has been pleasing its customers with the quality of the services provided; all orders are carried out by the service using only safe methods. We use it.

Method number 1. The easiest way without using any computer tricks: go to your profile page, then go to the section personal messages. Spend 15 minutes on this page in idle mode. During this time, you will be lost in the social network, so you can then wander through the remaining pages absolutely calmly. BUT you cannot visit other people’s pages, as well as “My Page”.

Method No. 2. Another way how to be invisible VKontakte suitable only for users who access the network via Mozilla browser Firefox. In it, open a new tab and enter about:config in the address bar. Click Enter key and you will be taken to the settings page for this browser. In the Filter field, enter network.http.redirection-limit. Then double-click on the remaining line to change the value from the standard “20” to “0”. Now you can go to your VKontakte page. But after entering your login and password, an error warning will pop up. Anonymity when visiting other pages is guaranteed until you go to your personal page. To return to normal mode visibility - return the network.http.redirection-limit settings back.

Method number 3. This method is suitable for users Opera browser. You should go to the browser menu using the following route: “tools – settings – additional – network”. Uncheck the “Enable automatic redirection” checkbox. Now you can log into your VKontakte profile. When entering your login and password, an error warning will appear. Be confident in your invisibility and visit everything without unnecessary worries interesting pages, except for other people's and your own profiles. And to return to previous regime and be visible, return the settings to the same route – turn on automatic redirection.

That's all the wisdom how to be invisible VKontakte and at the same time be aware of all changes on its pages.

Today, such a social network as “” is wildly popular among residents of Ukraine and Russia. Many people cannot imagine their life without visiting the site at least once a day, chatting with friends there, listening to their favorite music collected on their page and watching some video.

The very mention of this social network. Networks in conversation have long been overgrown with jokes, special terms and catchphrases. However, today we will talk about how to become invisible on VKontakte, and at the same time engage in social media. networks with their own affairs. In this case, we are not talking about receiving SMS. And about how to log in in stealth mode from the main, personal page, without anyone knowing that you are online.

How to sit quietly in VKontakte so that no one sees you.

Several ways to remain invisible to friends on VKontakte.

There are situations when you go to your favorite site with absolutely no intention of communicating with friends or other VKontakte users, then we are at your service the following recommendations, how to stay on the site and at the same time be offline:

  • You don’t need to go to the VKontakte website, but you should add it to your bookmarks or favorites address some VKontakte page, but in no case yours or another user’s page, but, for example, the vk.com/music page, and in the future you will use it to access the site;
  • Remember, you cannot go to “My Page,” as well as the pages of your friends and other users, otherwise you will immediately be exposed. You can wander around the site, using the invisibility of VK, looking and viewing your “News”, “Audio recordings”, “Bookmarks”, the main thing is not to view your home page and other users.

If you fulfill these conditions, then you will be viewed only as an invisible VK, while remaining online. Make it a rule to log into a social network using bookmarks, going to any address, but without ending up on user pages.

If you ask a similar question on the Internet, you may be advised to change certain browser settings, which in itself is a risky business: what if you do something wrong, and you don’t know what it might turn out to be. The method described above is much easier and safer, since it does not involve any questionable operations.

Many people use programs such as VK-AVision, IceIM to become VKontakte offline, but their effectiveness and safety are not 100% proven or tested.