How to open your computer in safe mode. Tips for users: how to log into the system in safe mode. Using the BCDedit Command

Hello everyone, today I want to talk about how to enter Windows 7 and enter safe mode, what problems may arise and how quickly you can overcome them, let's get started!

Sometimes after installing a new driver (program) or changing computer settings, the operating system simply stops starting (or malfunctions). Moreover, it is impossible to even eliminate the cause of the problem, because for this you need, at a minimum, to start the system.

In this case, starting in safe mode (failsafe mode) will help. This launch differs from the usual one in that it uses minimum operating parameters and only the most necessary drivers. This way, the file that is causing the problem will simply not be executed, allowing the system to start. And already from safe mode it can be safely removed.

You should use Safe Mode for the following problems.

  • Updating or installing a new driver. Usually the problem occurs due to graphics driver, because it is he who is responsible for displaying information on the screen.
  • Changing screen resolution. If the resolution has been changed to one that is not supported by the video card or monitor, the information will no longer be displayed. If you do not touch anything for several seconds, the system will return initial parameters. But the user can randomly(for example, by pressing the Enter key) save the changed resolution.
  • Viruses. There are viruses that simply cannot be removed normal mode. They run along with the system and block all attempts to remove them.
  • Change settings. Inexperienced user computer may just accidentally change important parameters. For example, disable desktop display.

Now let's look at ways to start safe mode.

Ways to enter Safe Mode in Windows 7

The easiest way is when the computer starts. During the boot process, you must press the F8 key several times. If, after doing this, nothing happened and the manufacturer’s logo appeared on the screen, it means that pressing the key was done too late. You must repeat the steps by restarting your computer.

Sometimes function keys(F1-F8) are disabled, and, accordingly, the system will not respond to them. To fix this, you need to first hold down the key Fn, then press F8. Function keys are most often disabled on laptops.

If everything was done correctly, a window for additional boot options should open.
We will be offered 3 options for safe mode:

  1. Ordinary.
  2. With loading network drivers.
  3. With command line support.

Most often, only the regular version is useful.

After selecting the desired option, all you have to do is wait a few minutes, after which the operating system will be launched. Before we start, the system will ask us if we want to use System Restore. If ever created backup copy system (restore point), then this function will allow you to use this copy.

By default, restore points are created automatically when any major system parameter is changed (for example, installing or uninstalling drivers).

Starting Safe Mode from Windows

If you don’t want to restart your computer right now, you can start safe mode directly from Windows environment. To do this we need to use the service msconfig. To do this, open “Start” and enter the name of the service in the search bar. You can also open it using the “Run” command.

After this, the “System Configuration” window will open, where you need to go to the “Download” tab. Now all that remains is to click on the checkbox “ Safe mode” and select download options.

We have 4 loading methods and 4 additional options.

  1. Minimum - Graphics mode work with launching only the most necessary drivers.
  2. Another shell - Working using the command line.
  3. Recovery Active Directory— Graphical mode of operation with service launch Active Directory.
  4. Network - With the launch of all network components.

Extra options:

  1. No GUI - Disables the Windows welcome screen.
  2. Download log – allows you to save all download information in a log. It is saved in a file %SystemRoot%Ntbtlog.txt.
  3. Basic video - activating the minimum operating mode graphic VGA drivers.
  4. OS information is a function that will show the user a list of downloadable drivers.

If you often use Safe Mode, you can enable the “Make these boot settings permanent” checkbox so you don’t have to set this data again in the future.

After saving this data, the system will ask if you need to start Safe Mode right now. If this is necessary, then you need to click on the “Reboot” button. If you need to log in later, you need to click “Log out without rebooting”.

Erroneous launch of safe mode

If the operating system itself starts safe mode without user intervention, then the computer may have malfunctioned. This could happen due to the recent installation of a new driver or program.

The first thing you need to do is try to start the computer in normal mode. Most often, the system can be loaded even after errors appear. But if the launch turns out to be a failure, then you will have to correct errors in safe mode. You should start by removing those programs and drivers that presumably caused the failures.

If automatic start safe mode was performed for a more serious reason, such as loss or damage system files, then everything can be fixed only using the system restore function.


Safe Mode allows you to solve many problems without resorting to such tough and lengthy actions as reinstalling Windows. Therefore, everyone should be able to use this mode. Moreover, it runs approximately the same on all operating systems, so no matter what Windows is installed, there should be no problems with this.

A must read.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 8!?

Safe Boot Mode operating system is a minimal download option required quantity functions and software.

When you log in using Safe Mode, labels appear in the corners of the screen.

This is used to diagnose system problems. The absence of a problem when running in safe mode allows you to exclude essential services from the suspected causes.

Also a large number of Problems can only be resolved from .

There are several options available to initiate system startup in this format. This can be done using either a simple keyboard shortcut or a bootable optical/flash drive.

Method #1: Keyboard shortcut during boot

This option is known to most confident users earlier versions OS that knows how to enter safe mode windows 8 while loading.

It consists of several quick presses"F8" before the system boots.

In some cases you will need to use “Shift + F8”. As a result, a screen should appear with a list of download options.

Using the arrow buttons, select “Safe Mode” and confirm your selection with the “Enter” key.

In the latest version of the operating system, this option may not be compatible on all PCs.

If you cannot use the combination of buttons mentioned above, then you should take the following actions:

After these manipulations, loading can be done using hot keys.

The described method will help answer the question of how to enter Windows 8 safe mode on an HP laptop.

Method #2: OS Configuration Tool

To call the utility to configure operating system settings, you will need to press “Win ​​+ R”. This action will open a progress bar in which you will need to enter “msconfig”.

After pressing “Enter” or “OK” the settings window will appear directly. In it you need to open the “Download” tab.

At the bottom of the window, in the “Download Options” field, you must select the items “ Secure Boot" and "minimum".

After agreeing to all the above settings, you will be prompted to reboot.

It can be confirmed, or it can be postponed. This will allow the computer to apply the settings after the first OS restart.

Note! The system will always boot in safe mode until the user deselects the boot options. After fixing problems, it is important not to forget to return the settings to normal.

Method No. 3: Diagnostic tools

If you need to activate the buffer format of a running OS, then it is better to use next way. To do this, you will need the “Options” button on the sidebar.

Then you will need to select “Shutdown” and, while holding down the “Shift” button, click on the “Restart” item.

These steps will launch the diagnostic screen. On the “Select Action” screen, click on “Diagnostics”.

In the Diagnostics window, you will need to open Advanced Settings.

On this screen, you need to select the “Download Options” option.

Here you will see a list of conditions under which the OS will boot. After familiarizing yourself with the parameters, you need to click the “Restart” button.

On next step diagnostic program will provide several download options. The selection is made using the “F1-F9” keys.

The list requires a fourth item, that is, you will need to press F4.

After these manipulations, the computer will boot into safe mode and you can perform the necessary actions.

Some users think: “how to enter Windows 8 safe mode through BIOS?”

So this is impossible to do, because the BIOS is not connected to the OS.

Safe Mode in Windows 10 is necessary for debugging and troubleshooting the operating system and software: driver problems, to remove viruses, troubleshoot errors, etc. In safe mode ( Safe Mode) are only loaded with the system standard programs and drivers necessary for the system to function in safe mode.

In Windows 7, to enter safe mode, at the very beginning of the system boot, you need to press the “F8” key. This method does not work on Windows 10. According to Microsoft representatives, starting from the operating room Windows systems 8, to speed up the computer boot, the use of the “F8” key was disabled, because this key did not have time to work.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10? You can start Safe Mode in Windows 10 using other methods. In this article I will talk about four of the most simple ways, with which you can enter safe mode in Windows 10 (there are other more complex methods).

Three methods for booting Windows 10 in safe mode can be used in a working operating system, and the fourth method will help if the Windows operating system does not boot at all on the computer.

How to Boot into Safe Mode in Windows 10

The first method: enter safe mode using the system tool, which works on the operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

Press the key combination “Win” + “R” on your keyboard. In the Run window, type: "msconfig" (without quotes), and then click on the "OK" button.

In the System Configuration window, open the Boot tab. At the bottom of the window, activate the “Safe Mode” item. By default, the minimum load is selected. Therefore, if in safe mode you need network connections, check “Network” to download network drivers.

After this, the Windows 10 operating system will start in safe mode. Before finishing working in safe mode, enter “Computer Configuration” using the method described above to disable safe mode.

How to enable Safe Mode in Windows 10

The second method is suitable for users of the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8. In the boot menu that opens before Windows start 10, will be added new item"Safe Mode" (or something like that, at your discretion).

Click right click mouse on the Start menu. In the menu that opens, click on “Command Prompt (Administrator).” In the command line interpreter, enter the command:

Bcdedit /copy (current) /d "Safe Mode"

This text must be entered with spaces, where they exist, and quotation marks from the English keyboard layout. After entering the first quotes, switch to the Russian keyboard layout, enter the text: “Safe Mode” (or something similar), then switch to English layout, enter the second quotation marks.

After that, simultaneously press the “Win” + “R” keys on the keyboard. In the “Run” window, enter: “msconfig”, click on the “OK” button

In the “System Configuration” window, in the “Boot” tab, you will see that among the list of operating systems there is new entry"Safe mode". Here you can select the minimum boot in safe mode, or boot from the network. In the “Timeout” field you can change the display time of the boot menu. By default, the menu will be displayed for 30 seconds, you can select a different time period, for example 10-15 seconds.

Before starting the operating system, the “Select operating system” window will open. This window offers a choice of two options: “Windows 10” and “Safe Mode”. Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, highlight "Safe Mode" and then press the "Enter" button.

If you do not select anything in this window, then after a certain period of time, Windows 10 (Windows 8.1, Windows 8) will be launched.

This window will open before each startup of the operating system.

To remove the system selection menu, enter “System Configuration”, highlight “Safe Mode”, and then click on the “Delete” button. After rebooting, Windows 10 will be immediately loaded.

Boot Windows 10 in Safe Mode

Third method: Boot into safe mode using special option downloads. Press and hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard, go to the “Start” menu, click on the “Shutdown” button, and then in the context menu that opens, click on “Restart”.

After this, the “Select Action” window will open in the environment Windows recovery(Windows RE). Click on "Troubleshooting".

In the Advanced Options window, select Boot Options.

In the "Boot Options" window, click on the "Restart" button.

In the next window you will need to select one of the following safe mode options:

  • Enable Safe Mode (F4).
  • Enable safe mode with loading network drivers (F5).
  • Enable safe mode with command line support (F6).

To select boot options, use the number keys, or the function keys “F4”, “F5”, “F6”.

After selecting the appropriate mode, the Windows 10 operating system will start in safe mode.

Entering Windows 10 Safe Mode if the system does not boot

The previous methods work when the operating system is working: Windows 10 boots first, and then enters Safe Mode. If the operating system does not boot at all, then you can enable safe mode in Windows 10 using bootable flash drive, or installation DVD disk with an operating system image.

Boot your computer from a bootable USB flash drive, or from DVD disc. After this it will begin Windows installation"(don't be alarmed, we won't install the system).

Next, the “Select Action” window will open (see image No. 6 for previous method above, the images are identical for both methods). Next, in the “Diagnostics” window (image No. 7), click on “Advanced parameters”. In the “Advanced Options” window (image #8), select “Command Prompt”.

In the next window you will be asked to enter a password for account. If your computer allows you to log in without entering a password, do not enter anything. Next, click on the “Continue” button.

A command line interpreter window will open. Enter the following command at the command prompt:

Bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

After entering the command, press the “Enter” key. Close the command prompt window when the operation is complete.

In the Select Action window, click Continue.

After the computer restarts, you will see the “Boot Options” window (see image No. 10 above, for the previous method). Here, using the keyboard keys, you need to select the appropriate item to boot the system in safe mode: “Enable safe mode”, “Enable safe mode with loading network drivers”, “Enable safe mode with command line support”.

At every new download Windows, you will see the Boot Options window. To boot the system normally, you need to press the “Enter” key.

To remove the System Settings window every time booting Windows, you need to boot again from a bootable USB flash drive or DVD, and then select “System Restore” in the “Windows Setup” window. Another option: Press and hold the Shift key, go to the Start menu, click on the Shutdown button and then Restart.

Bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings)advancedoptions

Close command line, and then turn off your computer. Now, after starting Windows, you will no longer see the Startup Options window.

Conclusions of the article

You can enter Windows 10 safe mode using the system tool. After adding an additional item to the boot menu, you can choose to boot into safe mode when Windows startup 10. With special ways boot in Windows RE recovery environment can be started various options safe Windows mode 10. Using a bootable USB flash drive or installation DVD, you can boot Windows 10 in safe mode when the system does not boot.

« Safe Mode" - this is the name of safe mode. This is a specific mode used for debugging, diagnosing and identifying, as well as eliminating errors in any operating system. In diagnostic mode, Win7 disables many components, as well as drivers. There remain only those without which the system will not boot. This allows the computer to limit the download unnecessary programs with components and make it possible to understand where the failure occurred in the system, one by one launching programs used in daily work.

Windows7 allows each person to use the diagnostic mode in two different ways. The first method - diagnostic mode can be started when the computer starts. And the second way is from the environment of the system itself. And to do this you need to change the downloads in the OS Configuration. Learn more about how to log in using one or the other method.

Windows 7 safe mode at system startup

Turn on your computer in the traditional way, and while the system boots, instantly, several times, click the “ F8" When Windows logo 7, you should turn off the computer and try pressing F8 again because the security mode did not load. If several attempts are unsuccessful, wait a moment and turn on the computer again. But if you try to enter diagnostic mode for a long time, then the problems may be as follows:
  • Function keys do not work (disabled in default setting). This can be fixed by turning on F1-12 special key"Fn" To do this, when starting Win7, you need to hold down two keys at once - “Fn” and “F8”;
  • If you use a keyboard with arrows and numbers, turn off "Num Lock" by pressing the desired button;
  • If you have more than one operating system on your work computer, you must first select Windows7 by clicking the arrows, and then use “Enter”.
If everything works out, you will be taken to " Additional options downloads", where you should select with the arrows " Safe mode" and press " Enter" It will take a couple of seconds for the system to boot into debugging mode.

Safe system mode from Windows 7 environment

This is where changes to the configuration settings will be needed, and they are easy to implement using the following tips. The “Start” button contains a search bar, and in it you need to type msconfig on the keyboard and click “ Enter».

This command will open Windows configuration 7. In it you need to find the “Download” tab. In this tab, check the following line - “ Safe Mode, Minimum Type" There you will see several safe modes, and they differ in what they launch different components and services.

In minimal debug mode Windows 7 loads settings and starts the most important operating system services. But network elements are not loaded in this mode.
Recovery Mode loads the user UI, significant services Win7 system and a special Active directory.
Another shell in debug mode, it loads only the system services necessary to start, other components (network and graphics) are disabled.
In the network diagnostic mode are loaded and important programs, And custom settings, and network components.

The following values ​​of the “” tab, which is located in the OS configuration, are also of interest.
The boot log stores data about system loads (responsible for safety Text Document Ntbtlog).
In the computer information you can see all loaded drivers.
You can disable the welcome screen in the GUI.
The main video will load limited custom settings without monitor drivers.
Unchangeable download parameters. Every change that is made to the OS configuration can be undone later, but only manual mode. By selecting the options above, normal booting of Windows7 will not be possible.