Program for estimating the construction of a house. Professional budgeting capabilities. Program for preparing estimates for construction work "Turbo Estimator"

In the construction industry, the accuracy of reporting documents, in other words estimates or estimate documentation, has always been important. And drawing up such an estimate sometimes took a long period of time, because the estimate business is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is not tied to any specific pattern and requires knowledge of the matter. After all, the preparation of estimate documentation includes work on choosing the form of the estimate, knowledge and ability to use regulatory frameworks, coefficients and all kinds of indices. In a word, automation of the budgeting process was simply necessary.

With the advent of the first estimate program, the work of estimate engineers became much easier. The software package already contained all the necessary regulatory frameworks, regional indices and coefficient calculations. In addition, the program also allowed you to enter and use the necessary formulas. And creation printed forms and automatic verification of calculations has significantly reduced the time spent on creating estimate documentation.

After some time, several more estimate programs entered the Russian construction market. And here literally every company was faced with a choice for the first time. We can say that this expansion of software products has simply led many organizational leaders to confusion. This problem exists today, in this article we will try to cover the most popular estimation programs in construction, as well as the criteria for their selection.

The most popular estimating programs

Today, about two dozen different cost estimate programs are widespread in our country, but not all of them are in demand and have the functions and capabilities that are simply necessary in construction. Five of the most popular software products that have received recognition from construction companies will be presented to your attention.

In principle, all these programs have approximately equal capabilities for drawing up estimates, and each of them is capable of completely satisfying the cost estimate engineer. These cost estimate programs can be considered dominant in the construction market not only because of the impressive sales volumes, but also because they all have huge potential for further development and resources to create new ones software systems. However, each, even the most popular construction program, has both its pros and cons.

"Estimate 2000"/"Resource estimate"

Among the advantages of this program is the ability to compare estimates with regulatory frameworks, and acts with accumulative statements. The program also allows you to determine the actual and planned consumption of materials in construction and generate statements of need for these resources and materials write-off forms M-29. In addition, the program has great amount ways of forming calculations using different coefficients and amendments.

In addition, "Resource Estimate"/"Estimate 2000" also interacts well with accounting programs. It also has a fairly useful function of the examination mode of ready estimates and allows you to adjust, according to the changes made, both the compiled documents and other elements of the estimate.

The universal format ARPS 1.10, which was created to facilitate document flow between construction organizations, is also implemented in the PC "Estimate 2000" / "Resource Estimate".

Another most important indicator The superiority of Estimate 2000 is the presence in its composition of a complete regulatory database on the territory of Russia, which includes both regional, district and local standards, as well as regulatory frameworks for the regions of the Far North.

Let us remind you that today in our country such regulatory frameworks as in EPEP-84 - IV part of the annexes to SNiP 1984 and SNiR-91 1991 are in force and used by construction firms, but, unfortunately, not all of them are provided in full in the basic delivery of one or another software package.


This program was created by the same company as Estimate 2000/Resource Estimate, so it can be called a kind of the most advanced version of Estimate 2000. "Smeta.RU" has the same capabilities, but its advantages also include the ability to visually monitor the progress of work and generate KS-6.

Another important aspect in the characteristics of estimate programs is the possibilities search engine.

And the PC “Smeta.RU” has, of course, the most powerful search engine among all the programs under consideration. It allows you to carry out a diverse and flexible search across the entire volume of estimate documentation and reference data.

In addition, "Smeta.RU" is able to implement automatic check estimate documentation for compliance with the standard base and other sources. And the last thing that definitely needs to be mentioned is that PC "Smeta.RU" has best app For networking compared to other types of development.


This program can be proud of such advantages as a developed system contextual help, as well as the ability to adjust the accuracy of calculations. In addition, "WinSmeta-2000" has a common universal format for transferring data from estimates to accounting program, which is available to all developers, while other estimation programs can exchange data only with programs developed by the same company and transfer some information to other programs.

Regarding the filling of "WinSmeta-2000" with regulatory frameworks, it is worth saying that the program is not supplied with all-Russian restoration prices and is not equipped with all the standards for the Moscow region.

Universal format ARPS 1.10. in the software package is also, unfortunately, not included in standard delivery and can be provided to clients only for additional fee.


The functionality of estimate programs can be called a continuation of their professional capabilities.

The “WinAverse” program precisely declares “complete openness of the system,” understood as the ability to create estimates of an arbitrary structure, its own regulatory framework, and make calculations taking into account actual prices for materials. In other words, the user is asked to independently create an algorithm for calculating the estimate. But on the other hand, it is difficult to say how appropriate such an approach is in modern work estimate engineer, because sometimes it’s easier to use ready-made tools than to create algorithms anew each time.

Another advantage that may be useful in some areas of construction is that the program allows you to convert specifications that come from architectural and construction packages (ArchiCad, AllPlann, ArCon). “WinAverse” also allows you to use a calculator for intermediate calculations, and there is also a very well implemented system for searching prices by context or code across the entire database of standards or individual collections.

Among the shortcomings of the software package, one can highlight the fact that for some reason the regulatory framework for SNiR of 1991 is absolutely not supplied with this program. In addition, "WinAverse" does not include consolidated prices and price lists wholesale prices for materials and products in the Moscow region, as well as price tags for installation of equipment in Moscow.

For an additional fee with this program, the client can purchase prices for the Far North and universal format ARPS 1.10 whereas in some programs they are already included in the standard package.

"Grand Estimate"

The most significant advantage compared to other programs in “Grand Estimate” is several search modes.

Among the so-called shortcomings, one can highlight the absence of all-Russian restoration prices, as in the WinSmeta 2000 program.
Also, "Grand Estimate" is not equipped with SNiR standards of 1991 and 1984 standards for Moscow, most likely this is due to the fact that initially the software package was distributed exclusively in the Siberian, Volga and Ural regions federal districts.

However, for an additional fee, you can obtain a separate regulatory framework for five more construction zones in Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets from PC "Grand Smeta" autonomous okrugs Tyumen region.

Selecting an estimate program

As you have already seen from all of the above, even the most popular program has a number of its own shortcomings, therefore, determining whether this or that program for calculating estimates is suitable for you or not is based only on your needs. And we will name several criteria by which you should focus:

  1. Pay attention to the functionality of the program. Ideal program for drawing up estimates does not yet exist in the world, so be guided by those development requirements that suit you in most respects. For example, if the program does not have a search system, but you don’t need it, then you can not pay attention to such shortcomings at all.
  2. When choosing a program, also take into account such quality development characteristics as ease of installation, simple interface, etc.
  3. Quite often the determining factor when purchasing a calculation program is the price. In this case, you must first set for yourself certain criteria that affect the price. These criteria include: the price of the main workplace, the price of an additional workplace, the term free updates program and the cost of purchasing an update after this period. Next, you should focus on when you want to save, for example, you can buy basic workplace programs are more expensive, but then pay less for updates, or do the opposite, buy cheaper, but then spend a large amount. And do not forget to pay attention to the duration of free updates.
  4. Except internal parameters construction organization, the choice of program is influenced by external factors. The most important of them is the popularity of using a particular estimate program in your region. The fact is that during the interaction of various estimate programs, all sorts of failures can occur, even when using a special estimate format. It will be much more convenient if you and your partners work with the same estimate program, then you can be absolutely sure that the estimate will reach your partner without any distortions.

And as a conclusion, I would like to note that you should not dwell on a certain budget program, relying only on one parameter, try to study all the disadvantages and advantages of other programs, even cheap ones, because this does not mean at all that they are less effective and functional!

During construction, clear and accurate reporting is very important - estimate documentation or simply an estimate. However, it is not as simple as it might seem at first. Compilation construction estimates requires knowledge of the matter, and training in estimating is a rather long and labor-intensive process.

To facilitate the work of a modern estimator, about two dozen various programs for drawing up construction estimates. This review contains several similar software for various types works

For medium-sized businesses that operate in construction industry, these programs will become indispensable.


This documentation application will allow you to create estimates that focus on construction and renovation, as well as estimate the necessary costs.

For a person who has decided to renovate his own apartment or build a garage and has little knowledge of the intricacies of construction, this program for drawing up estimates is perfect.

In addition, it is free and can be downloaded freely from the developer’s website. Simplicity and ease of use have made “Mini-Estim” one of the most popular estimating utilities for private use.

The generated estimates are transferred to Word or Excel, and they can be printed on a printer. It is also possible to automatically fill out an estimate and make calculations in both rubles and dollars.

Program for drawing up construction estimates

A small application for creating estimates “My Estimate” is intended for operations with data that are presented in two-dimensional array (spreadsheet). A very easy-to-use program will allow you to begin work on drawing up estimates and calculating costs with virtually no preparation various works. For individuals and small firms This software is perfect for helping you create estimates and assess additional costs for materials and various services.

The main program window is a list of imported or created estimates. They can be edited, copied, deleted, exported to .xls and .html formats, and also sorted by various parameters using a filter.

The program saves all entered data automatically. They can be reused later, there is no need to retype them. You can create an unlimited number of sections of the estimate; the utility itself will calculate the costs for each section and the total cost of expenses. There is a function for printing out all estimate documentation, calculations of the cost of materials and certificates of work performed. The necessary forms are generated by the program independently. You can also display the level of payment for the estimate, its additional costs, add comments, and set the amount of VAT.

Main characteristics:

  • selective printing for individual sections, a certificate of completion or the entire estimate;
  • convenient structure of estimates;
  • the ability to add discounts and coefficients;
  • several reports: register of works, journal of estimates, expenses, payment and others;
  • database backup;
  • detailed help and Russian interface;
  • ability to export to several formats.

Utility "Kors Estimate"

To create estimate documentation for repairs and construction, you can use: network version programs on the developer’s website, and buy this software there. The program takes into account the progress of work, its cost, automatically fills out estimates, distributes materials by type of work in accordance with price categories, selects performers, conducts mutual settlements. Built-in function for maintaining financial and warehouse accounting, database archiving.


Program for preparing estimates for Finishing work will require the user only to draw up a floor plan and indicate the types of planned work. The utility will calculate the rest of the data automatically. There is also a built-in editor with document templates and already created basic estimates for the main types of work. You only need to indicate your own tariffs and prices. On the official website of the program you can download its online version.

Program for preparing estimates for construction work "Turbo Estimator"

This software is intended for estimators who are involved in drawing up and checking local estimates, resource sheets, certificates of completion of work, write-off forms for materials, accumulative sheets, etc. Among the diverse offerings on the market software this software stands out from similar ones, convenient and simple interface, and also nearby unique opportunities and a wide range of different functions:

  • creation of custom regulatory frameworks;
  • the ability to work in one window with various collections;
  • instant transition from viewing the contents of the collection to the price, section or table;
  • display on the monitor of all information about the price: scope of work, accounted and unaccounted resources;
  • the principle of operation of the program for preparing estimates “Turbo Estimator” is similar to the technologies for creating tables in Excel;
  • conversion factors for standards for overhead costs and estimated profits, and winter price increase factors are automatically applied;
  • application of all mathematical formulas;
  • simultaneous display of an estimate and a standard collection on the screen;
  • Printing of the verified document with verification results and color coding.

Software Smeta.RU

Designed for drawing up and checking estimate construction documentation. It is ideal for both large construction companies that work with a large amount of estimate information, and for small contractors. The popularity of this budgeting program among estimators is based on its broad functionality, convenient interface and computing power.

Users include the following benefits of the software package:

  • an extensive library of regulatory documents and data - collections of estimate standards, price tags for equipment, materials and structures, prices for work, price tags for the operation of machines and mechanisms, regulatory and methodological literature, elemental estimate standards;
  • directly in the estimate program it is possible to create and adjust your own proprietary prices for the regulatory framework;
  • construction estimates are formed according to different levels and character;
  • automatically checking estimate documentation in comparison with the regulatory framework for compliance;
  • in the program for preparing estimates Smeta.RU, estimate calculations are carried out according to accepted and newly specified templates and formulas;
  • versatile and flexible search across the entire reference volume of data and estimate documentation.

Owners land plots those planning to build a house often worry about whether there will be enough for the plan Money. You can start planning your expenses using budgeting software. You shouldn't do this manually. To avoid errors, it is recommended to work on your computer using special application. This review will look at the best budgeting programs.

Application "My estimate"

The peculiarity of the utility is that it is aimed at home use. The interface is simple and clear. The program for drawing up an estimate for apartment renovation is distributed in Russian. The size of the distribution is 3.8 MB. The application works on any version of Windows OS.

The user has the option of generating customer directories, coefficients, current exchange rates, etc. The program contains functions of exporting and importing data, maintaining a catalog of materials and works, recording payments and expenses, as well as calculating the total cost of construction. You can print the report at any moment to have all the information about the budget before your eyes. The advantages of the application include the ease of use of the utility, the clarity and information content of the help system.

In the unregistered version, you will not be able to activate the “Form Designer” option, print documents, or export reports to Word format and Excel. After registration, all restrictions are removed. Among the shortcomings of the utility are the lack of flexibility in individual settings and the lack of a document management system. The cost of a license is 500 rubles.

Application "Lightik-Estimate"

In this utility, construction and repair estimates are prepared using a simplified method. The user needs to select a material or work from the catalog, indicate the quantity (rate), set the parameters of the structures and look at the “Total” column. IN last line construction cost is displayed. The amount is indicated in rubles, USD and EUR. You can fill out estimates automatically.

The program implements the functions of maintaining warehouse records, generating reports, estimating the cost of repairs and phased tracking of construction. The user can export data in Word and Excel format, as well as print certificates of completed work. It is worth paying attention to the service functions. The program for drawing up estimates for finishing work prompts the user to complete backup, as well as restore the saved database. The entered information will not disappear as a result of software or hardware failure, unexpected power outage, etc.

If desired, you can transfer the data to external media. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the difficulty of adding items to catalogs of works and materials. Even advanced users may encounter difficulties when trying to close the estimate without losing the entered data. The trial version has a quantity limit created documents and the number of positions in them. A license can be purchased for 500 rubles.

Application "AvanSmeta"

The utility is used to calculate the cost of repair, construction or redevelopment. In the program, you can maintain a variety of directories, determine the cost of materials, apply coefficients, and print estimates. The data is displayed in several ways. This allows you to understand where you can save money. If desired, you can print information about each construction element.

The disadvantages of the program for drawing up estimates include a complex interface and the lack of required settings. The distribution size is 2.6 MB. The cost of the activation key is 3990 rubles.

Bronn-Smeta application

The utility fully automates the process of calculating local estimates using the resource method. Inexperienced users may be confusing a large number of buttons and functions. After a certain period of time it becomes clear that this free program for drawing up construction estimates is simple and easy to use. Before you start working with the application, you must set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768. Otherwise, some elements of the main window will disappear from visibility.

This free budgeting program contains a list of GESN reference books. This information will help to get an idea of ​​the volume of construction work and its approximate cost. The budgeting process is convenient. Documents are printed in Word and Excel format.

Users consider the program's disadvantages to be insufficient flexibility. individual settings. This free budgeting program has no other disadvantages. The distribution size is 16.1 MB.

Application "WilDWooD Estimate"

To install the utility, you need to run installation file and follow directions. The trial version of the program can be used for 1 month, after which you need to purchase a license. To get started, you should indicate the initial data in the appropriate reference books. Then you need to view and, if desired, edit the parameters in the settings. Next, you need to open the “Open estimate” line in the “File” menu section.

In the new window, click on the “Add” button. After this you can start working. The catalog of GESN reference books in the application is designed for those who understand construction. In the trial version of the program, you can create several estimates simultaneously. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of necessary reference books and catalogs.

The application is clearly not designed for home use. Information about construction can only be printed in the form of a work completion certificate. The settings present in the program have virtually no effect on functionality. The size of the distribution is 1 MB. The cost of license renewal is 500 rubles.

Application "Win Estimate"

The utility is distinguished by its unique interface structure and the complexity of the process of adding data. The advantages of the program include flexibility of configuration and the presence of built-in catalogs. The user can also create their own directories with completely arbitrary content. The number of sections and positions of the estimate is not limited. If you wish, you can print out information about individual objects and make a summary statement of costs.

The program has buttons for exporting and importing data. The contents of the catalog and the structure of the estimate can be displayed in the main application window simultaneously. The spending limit mode will be of interest to those who are very strapped for money. The disadvantages of the utility include interruptions in operation and an inconvenient interface. The full version of the program for preparing estimates can be purchased for 6,500 rubles.

DefSmeta application

The utility will be useful to users planning large-scale construction. The program for drawing up repair estimates DefSmeta is more complex and functional than the products listed above. The application has a function for creating prices that are independent of GESN directories and other regulatory documents. You can edit parameters that affect the price, as well as apply index coefficients. It is allowed to divide construction into stages.

The user can calculate the construction time of structures, draw up work schedules, create lists of resources, etc. Directories are designed to store source information. Items are selected from catalogs. This eliminates the need to enter the same data repeatedly. Reports can be printed in the form of schedules, acts and cost breakdowns.

The help system is not very informative. The user will need time to learn the functions of the program to create estimates. Some reports can take a very long time to generate. The distribution size is 17 MB. A license can be purchased for 9,000 rubles.


For home use The first three review programs will do. Using the Bronn-Smeta utility, you can carry out complex calculations. Interface this application understandable even to a novice user. For professional work The last 3 programs discussed above are suitable.

Filling of estimated software packages with regulatory frameworks.

On this moment In Russia, the regulatory frameworks of 1984 (EPEP-84 - Part IV of the appendices to SNiP) and 1991 (SNiR-91) are valid and can be absolutely legally used by all construction organizations. The 1984 standards, as the last fully published standards, are the most popular, and, accordingly, form the basis of the regulatory framework for all budget programs. However, these standards are provided to users of different software systems in different volumes of the basic supply. “WinSmeta 2000”, “WinSmeta Neo” and “Grand Smeta” do not supply all-Russian restoration prices with the program. The same “Grand Estimate” is not equipped with the 1984 standards for Moscow (this is apparently explained by the fact that the program was initially distributed exclusively in the Ural, Volga and Siberian federal districts). “WinSmeta 2000” and “WinSmeta Neo” are not equipped with all the standards for the Moscow region, with the exception of price tags for reinforced concrete products and prices for new construction and repair work. “WinAvers” does not provide consolidated prices and wholesale price lists for materials, products and structures in the Moscow region as part of its programs; restoration prices, price tags for installation of equipment, price lists of wholesale prices for materials, products and structures in Moscow. Local prices and price tags for territorial entities of the Russian Federation (i.e. local standards, except for the Moscow region) of 1984 are also supplied by different developers estimate programs in different quantities:

    Group of companies "StroySoft" (PC "Resource Estimate" / "Estimate 2000" and "site") - 45 bases as part of the supplied set.

    Firm "VinSmeta" (PC "WinSmeta 2000" and "WinSmeta Neo") - 13 databases on an additional CD.

    LLC "ERTIsoft" (PC "WinAvers") - 30 databases as an addition to the main set.

    STC "Hector" (PC "Estimator-Builder") - information not specified.

    LLC Center "Grand" (PC "Grand Smeta") - 30 bases as part of the supplied set.

As a rule, prices for the Far North are perceived as another way to generate income. For an additional fee, they are supplied by ERTIsoft LLC (PC WinAvers) and STC Hector (PC Estimator-Builder), LLC Grand Center (PC Grand Estimate) sells a separate regulatory framework for five clusters (zones) ) concentrated construction in the Khanty-Mansiysk (north of the 60° parallel) and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts of the Tyumen region. However, the standards “Tomsk-North, Tyumen region, North (12 gas clusters)” and “Tyumen region, North (5 oil clusters)” are included in the Grand Smeta PC as part of the standard regulatory framework.

Normative base according to SNiR 1991, is supplied by all the developers of estimate programs discussed in this article, except for LLC Center “Grand” (PC “Grand Estimate”). LLC "ERTIsoft" (PC "WinAvers") and Scientific and Technical Center "Hector" (PC "Estimator-Builder") provide this database for an additional fee.

Currently, a transition is being made to a new regulatory framework, GESN 2001, approved by the State Construction Committee. These standards are supplied by all the developers we are considering on the same basis (at the same price). A similar situation has developed with state federal prices for repair work (FERr). Unfortunately, the agreement on the supply of GESN and FERR on uniform terms is not supported by all companies that develop and distribute estimate programs in Russia, but this does not apply to the companies whose products are discussed in this article.

The supply agreement on uniform terms also applies to the Moscow territorial estimate standards (MTSN 81-98), developed by the Moscow Center for Pricing in Construction (JSC MCTS "Mosstroytseny"). Of course, the Moscow user is primarily interested in their availability, but these standards will also be useful for the regional user: the use of MTSN 81-98 is cost-effective, which is proven by the conclusion of Mosgosexpertiza dated 08/31/01, which states that the use of MTSN in the price level 1998 gives a reduction in the estimated cost of construction of facilities from 0.63 to 11.6 percent. As mentioned above, MTSN is not included in the database of PC “Grand Smeta” (LLC Center “Grand”). We have no information regarding the availability of MTSN as part of the RiK-Net program.

Let's summarize the first part of our review. The most complete regulatory database on the territory of Russia, which includes both district, regional, local standards, and regulatory databases of the regions of the Far North, is presented in software products StroySoft Group of Companies. A fairly complete base is supplied by Scientific and Technical Center "Hector" and LLC Center "Grand" (with the exception of MTSN 81-98 standards).

Professional budgeting capabilities.

Almost main criterion quality of programs - the ability to generate and maintain a variety of estimate documentation. As a rule, the estimator has to create the following documents:

    local calculation;

    object calculation;

    summary calculation;

    resource calculation;

    acceptance certificates for completed work (including KS-2);

  • resource statements;

    statement of material requirements;

    uniform M-29;

    labor cost sheet;

    accumulative statement;

    local and other calculations according to MTSN 81-98.

This entire set is available to users of software systems created by the StroySoft Group of Companies (“Resource Estimate”/“Estimate 2000” and “website”), which also allow you to compare estimates with regulatory frameworks, acts with estimates and accumulative statements; control the planned and actual consumption of building materials, structures and products, generate statements of resource requirements and materials write-off forms M-29). All of the above features are also available to users of the “Hector: Estimator-Builder” program (STC “Hector”); PC "WinSmeta 2000", "WinSmeta Neo" (TZHV "Soft"). PC "Grand Estimate" (LLC Center "Grand") and PC "RiK-Net" do not allow you to create a cumulative statement.

The opportunity to support different ways calculations - basic, index, resource and mixed methods. The developers of all analyzed programs declare support for these calculation tools.

The next criterion for evaluating budget programs is the wealth of ways to apply coefficients and corrections.

Functionality of budgeting programs
and user-friendliness of the interface.

The functionality of the programs is a continuation of their professional capabilities. Let's consider which of the manufacturers of estimating software systems can offer more convenient ways classification and structuring of budget elements. The idea of ​​openness of the system and freedom of action remains relevant. For example, ERTIsoft LLC declares “complete openness of the system” as most important property PC "WinABePC", understood as the ability to create your own regulatory framework and estimates of an arbitrary structure, directories of estimated coefficients (markups), calculation of estimates taking into account real (actual) prices for materials. In this system, the user is invited to independently create an algorithm for calculating the estimate. It sounds tempting, but it is difficult to say how appropriate such an approach is in the daily work of an estimator. We would venture to suggest that in daily work It’s easier to use ready-made tools than to re-create algorithms every time.

Other capabilities of cost estimate automation programs

Another aspect in the characteristics of estimating software systems is the capabilities of the search system. Perhaps the most powerful is the “site” PC (flexible and versatile search across the entire volume of reference data and estimate documentation). The WinABePC software package implements a system for searching prices by code and context throughout the entire regulatory framework or individual collections. Several search modes are provided by the Grand Smeta PC. WinSmeta 2000 can be proud of its developed contextual help system.

These are the most General characteristics estimated leading programs. Meanwhile, each of them has unique additional features. "Resource estimate"/"Estimate 2000" have extremely useful function mode of examination of ready estimates and allow you to adjust, in accordance with the changes that have occurred, not only already compiled documents, but also coefficients and other elements of the estimate. The “site” PC implements automatic verification of estimate documentation for compliance with the regulatory framework and other sources.

WinEstima 2000 provides the ability to customize the accuracy of calculations. "WinEstimate Neo" is rich in pleasant software capabilities(included module for calculating position volumes - a tab when placing the cursor on a position, which is a simple calculation sheet; a database of counterparties - contractors and customers; a currency database with the ability to recalculate estimates in another currency; the ability to automatically work with e-mail).

“WinABePC” suggests using a calculator for intermediate calculations (however, the built-in calculator is difficult to classify as an original development; other programs also provide this opportunity).

PC "Estimator-Stroitel" contains a number of functions for regional pricing centers in construction (by the way, there is a client-server system created by StroySoft Group of Companies specifically for regional pricing centers in construction and developers of estimate and regulatory bases, which is not included in this review). Additionally, the module for mutual settlements with customers and subcontractors can be connected to the “Estimator-Builder” program.

Technical requirements

It makes no sense to dwell on technical requirements to the computer configuration: they are almost the same (at least Pentium II, Celeron; RAM at least 32 MB; hard disk space - from 30 MB to 1 GB). Of much greater interest may be the issue of ensuring the safety of programs from copying. There is reason to believe that one of the most secure programs is the “Resource Estimate”/“Estimate 2000” program (this issue is covered in more detail in the Internet publication “Analysis of the protection of estimate programs from unauthorized use.”


Price - important factor in choosing an estimate program. We invite the reader to independently analyze the table we have compiled and draw conclusions at their own discretion.

Comparative analysis of the cost of estimated programs 1

Developer, program, version LLC "Firm StroySoft" LLC "TZHV SOFT" ErtiSoft LLC STC "Hector" Center
website Resource estimate WinEstimate 2000 WinEstimate Neo WinAverse Construction estimator Grandee-
Estimate 1.0.9. Region. option Prof Version 3. Basic kit Regions-Prof -
Price for standard equipment 15 000 9 600 7 250 11 990 14 820 9 000 15 000
SNiR-91 0 2 0 0 0 3 000 0 0
Price lists 0 0 0 3 000 0 0
Prices for the Moscow region. 0 0 0 0 0 2 100 0
GESN, FER for Russia 0 0 0 0 0 3 000 0
Converter of estimates to ARPS 1.10 format 0 0 3 0 0 850 0 0
MTSN 81-98 for Moscow Requires additional payment on the terms of MTsTS "Mosstroytsena" Not delivered
Commissioning works 0 0 1 000 0 1 800 0 0
Regional regulations 1984 0 0 1 450 each 0 3 000 each 0 0
Far North 0 0 0 0 6 000 1 500 3 000 4
The cost of an additional workplace 2 250 2 250 4 350 6 350 5 180 3 600 10 500 5
Total price of the usually required equipment 6 15 000
(17 250)
9 600
(11 850)
9 700
(14 050)
11 990
(18 340)
32 470
(37 650)
32 800
(36 400)
18 000
(28 500)

1 The table does not include PC PC “RiK-Net” (LLC “SC RIK”), since at the time of writing the article, data on the cost of this program was not available.
2 The value “zero” is taken by an item included in the delivery set at no additional cost. The comparison did not include the bases GESN, FER and TER, the terms of delivery of which are equal for all. The analysis did not take into account the cost factor of program support (training, consultations in the office and by phone, visits to the user, generation of documents, regulatory frameworks, purchase of new versions, etc.). When analyzing the cost of these services, the leader in terms of minimum cost is the “Resource Estimate” program. For example, the developers of “Resource Estimate” supply an additional workplace for less than a quarter of the cost complete package, additionally implement instructive and teaching materials, and almost all other manufacturers have a discount for additional package is no more than 30% of the full price.
3 Consisting of prof. Set (cost - 13,800 rubles).
4 Regulatory framework for five clusters (zones) of concentrated construction in the Khanty-Mansiysk (north of the 60th parallel) and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts of the Tyumen region.
5 Installation software on the 2nd and subsequent PCs - with a 30% discount.
6 The price of a set with one additional workplace is indicated in parentheses.
7 Prices are subject to change! Please don't forget to check. Our price list


These are in general outline comparative characteristics products that are leading today Russian market estimating software. It is difficult to say which of the software systems discussed in the article has the best chance of development. Time will show.

The implementation of serious construction projects, repairs or other similar activities begins with the formation of a plan for upcoming expenses for various needs. Making an estimate is easier in special programs, which offer everything you might need during this process, in addition, will help systematize and sort information.

The main focus of this program is on the preparation of construction estimates. However, you can create a table for any project, you just have to give up some built-in functions; they won’t be needed. WinAverse allows you to store an unlimited number of projects and work with several at the same time. The catalog has a search and editing tool that will help in your work.

Pay attention to the directory database. The program sorts the data stored in it and displays it in thematic tables. Go to the pop-up menu, where there is a list of available directories. Any of them can be printed immediately after opening. trial version WinAvers is available for free on the official website, but for full-fledged work you'll have to buy the full version.


AvanSMETA offers a set of tools with the help of which an estimate for construction or repair work. This representative differs from others in its detailed base with tasks, future premises and work plan. Using the wizard, the user creates a new object, adding rooms, plumbing, ceiling, floor and transitions to it.

Drawing up a report of completed work will help you always be aware of costs and progress in the project. After each action, the program writes changes to a table with monetary transactions, where the user can track the status of his budget. Use a ready-made one or create your own reference book of materials so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time monitoring prices in the future.

Kors Estimate

Kors Estimate is the simplest and clear program of all those presented on our list. It allows you to quickly create a project, add tasks, specify necessary materials. There is a set of built-in documents, the search for which is carried out through a separate window.

After the purchase full version access to reference books is provided. This software saves each entered row, after which it sorts it and compiles thematic tables. In addition, the opportunity to work with warehouses opens up. But before purchasing, we recommend downloading the demo version to study the program in detail.


The last representative on our list is WinSmeta. We recommend that new users immediately familiarize themselves with the built-in templates; they are also suitable for the first acquaintance with the program’s capabilities. All actions take place in one window; you only need to switch between tabs at the bottom of the work area.

The developers have added functions for sorting data into various tables. They are located in the estimate properties window. Graphs are displayed there, all financial transactions are displayed and Additional Information about the work done. After drawing up the project, indicate everything required parameters in its properties. A trial version of WinSmet is available for download on the official website.

In this article we have selected for you special software, whose main task is to prepare estimates. But suitable tools and functions can be found in other similar programs business oriented.