Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. "On approval of the Procedure for accounting for rental houses for social use located on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and land plots provided or intended for their construction." n

Decree of the Government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of August 11, 2015 N 224

"On approval of the Procedure for recording rental houses for social use located on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and land plots provided or intended for their construction"

In accordance with part 2 of article 91.18 Housing Code of the Russian Federation The Government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for recording social rental houses located on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and land plots provided or intended for their construction (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) in accordance with application.

2. Recommend to local government bodies of municipalities of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in the territories of which the creation of rental houses for social use is being carried out or planned, to organize the maintenance of municipal registers of rental houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction, in accordance with In order approved by this resolution.




Karachay-Cherkess Republic


accounting of rental houses for social use located on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and land plots provided or intended for their construction

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Procedure for recording rental houses for social use located on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and land plots provided or intended for their construction (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), in accordance with part 2 of article 91.18 The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rules for recording information about rental houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction in municipal registers and the rules for maintaining such municipal registers.

1.2. The municipal register of rented houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction (hereinafter referred to as the municipal register) is a systematized set of information about rented houses for social use located on the territory of the municipality and land plots provided or intended, registered in accordance with this Procedure. for their construction.

The municipal register is a municipal public information resource.

1.3. The maintenance of the municipal register is carried out by authorized local government bodies (hereinafter referred to as the authorized local government body) of settlements, urban districts, in the territories of which rental houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction are located, in accordance with this Procedure.

2. Objects of accounting and composition of information in the municipal register

2.1. The objects of accounting in the municipal register are:

2.1.1. Land plots located in territories within the boundaries of a settlement, urban district, provided or intended for the construction of rental houses for social use.

2.1.2. Rented houses for social use located on the territory of a settlement or urban district.

2.2. Information about accounting objects subject to inclusion in the municipal register is:

2.2.1. Accounting number of the accounting object.

2.2.2. Type of accounting object (land plot, rented house for social use).

2.2.3. Location (address) of the accounting object.

2.2.4. Cadastral number of the registration object.

2.2.5. The area of ​​the accounting object (for a rented house for social use, the total area and number of residential premises in such a house to be provided under rental agreements for residential premises in the housing stock for social use are additionally indicated).

2.2.6. Details of the act, decision, agreement providing for the provision of a state or municipally owned land plot for the construction of a rented house for social use or for the development of territory for the purpose of construction and operation of a rented house for social use, or the construction of such a house on a land plot that is privately owned; for a rented house for social use in the event that in relation to the land plot on which such a house is located the specified acts, decisions have not been adopted or the specified agreements have not been concluded - details of the act, decision, agreement that establish the purpose of using the building as a rented house for social use .

2.2.7. Information about the state authority or local government authority authorized to act, respectively, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the municipality as the owner of the object of registration or all premises in the rented house of social use that is the object of registration, or about another person who is the owner of the object accounting or all premises in a rented house for social use that is the object of accounting.

2.2.8. For a land plot - information about the person acting as the developer of a capital construction project (rented house for social use) on such a land plot, if the developer is not the owner of the land plot; for a rented house for social use - information about the legal entity acting as a lessor of residential premises in a rented house for social use, if the landlord is not the owner of such residential premises.

2.2.9. For a land plot - details of the permit for the construction of a rented house for social use; for a rented house for social use - details of the permit to put the house into operation.

2.2.10. Information about the types, volumes, conditions and sources of state, municipal and (or) other support provided for the creation and operation of a rented house for social use.

2.2.11. Information on the fulfillment (non-fulfillment) of the conditions for the provision of state, municipal and (or) other support for the creation and operation of a rented house for social use.

2.2.12. Information about the deregistration of the object, indicating the date and reason (cessation of the purpose of using the building as a rented house or changing the purpose of using the building as a rented house for social use, other basis).

2.3. Specified in subclauses 2.2.7 And 2.2.8 clause 2.2. of this Procedure, information about accounting objects includes:

2.3.1. In relation to a government body or local government body - the full name of such body and the public legal entity on behalf of which it acts.

2.3.2. In relation to a legal entity - full name, location address.

2.3.3. In relation to an individual - last name, first name, patronymic; in relation to an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, the date and state registration number are also indicated.

2.4. In addition to the information specified in clause 2.2. of this Procedure, the municipal register may include information about accounting objects provided for by the municipal legal act.

3. Rules for maintaining the municipal register

3.1. Information about accounting objects is entered into the municipal register and into accounting files. The municipal register is a systematic collection of records about accounting objects in text form. Accounting files are a set of compiled and systematized documents, on the basis of which the relevant information is entered into the municipal register.

3.2. The municipal register is maintained on electronic media in accordance with the form Appendix 1 to this Order.

3.3. The procedure and terms for storing accounting files are established by municipal legal acts.

3.4. If information about accounting objects entered into the municipal register changes, the information previously entered into the municipal register is retained.

3.5. Each accounting object, information about which is entered into the municipal register, has an unchangeable, non-repeating registration number over time and on the territory of the Russian Federation. Accounting numbers are assigned to accounting objects by the authorized local government body.

3.6. The accounting number of the accounting object, information about which is entered into the municipal register, consists of 12 characters. Account number formula:

xxx xx xxx xxx x, where:

the first three characters identify the serial number of the accounting object;

signs from the fourth to the eleventh inclusive identify the municipality according to the All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Entities ( OKTMO) OK 033-2013;

the twelfth character identifies the type of accounting object (1 - land plot; 2 - rented house for social use).

3.7. When maintaining the municipal register, the authorized local government body performs the following procedures:

3.7.1. Entering information about accounting objects into the municipal register.

3.7.2. Accounting for changes in information about an accounting object in the municipal register.

3.7.3. Exclusion of information about an accounting object from the municipal register.

3.7.4. Correction of errors in the municipal register.

3.8. The authorized local government body enters information about accounting objects into the municipal register, changes such information and excludes such information from the municipal register on the basis of applications and (or) documents submitted to such body in accordance with section 4 of this Order.

3.9. Entering information about the object of registration into the municipal register is carried out by the authorized local government body no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application and (or) documents specified in section 4 of this Order.

4. The procedure for submitting applications and documents to the authorized local government body for entering information into the municipal register, changing or deleting such information

4.1. Entering information into the municipal register, changing or excluding information from the municipal register is carried out on the basis of an application from the person who is the owner of the object of registration or all premises in the rented house of social use that is the object of registration, in the form according to Appendix 2 to this Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the application) with the attachment of the necessary documents confirming such information (hereinafter referred to as documents confirming the information of the municipal register), unless otherwise provided in paragraphs 4.2. And 4.3 . of this Order.

4.2. In the event that the object of registration or all the premises in a rented house for social use that is the object of registration are owned by the Russian Federation, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, or a municipal entity, entering information into the municipal register is carried out in the order of information interaction between the authorized local government body and state authorities and local government bodies authorized to act, respectively, on behalf of the Russian Federation, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, a municipal entity as the owner of such an accounting object or all premises in a social rental house that is such an accounting object.

4.3. Documents confirming information from the municipal register may not be provided if such information is contained in the unified state register of rights to real estate and transactions with it, in the state real estate cadastre, other state or municipal registers, cadastres. The authorized local government body independently requests the specified information from state authorities, local government bodies, and organizations authorized to maintain the specified registers and cadastres.

4.4. The application and (or) documents for inclusion of supporting information in the municipal register must be submitted to the authorized local government body by the specified government bodies, local government bodies, and other persons no later than one month from the date of adoption of the relevant act, decision, signing of the relevant agreement or the day of approval of another such document.

4.5. The application and documents confirming the information of the municipal register are submitted to the authorized local government body specified in paragraphs 4.1 And 4.2 of this Procedure by state authorities, local self-government bodies, other persons or their representatives in person or sent to the authorized local government body by mail with a list of the contents and with a receipt, unless otherwise established by the procedure for information interaction between state authorities and local self-government bodies.

5. Providing access to municipal register information

5.1. Information from the municipal register is publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited by federal law.

5.2. The authorized local government body places information from the municipal register, with the exception of information to which access is limited by federal law, on the official website of the local government body on the Internet information and telecommunications network no later than 10 working days after such information is recorded in the municipal register.

Annex 1


Municipal Register

rental houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction

* For a rented house for social use, the total area and number of residential premises to be provided under a rental agreement for residential premises in the housing stock for social use are additionally indicated.

** Details of an act, decision, agreement providing for the provision of a state or municipally owned land plot for the construction of a rented house for social use or for the development of territory for the purpose of construction and operation of a rented house for social use, or the construction of such a house on a land plot that is privately owned, for a rented house for social use, if in relation to the land plot on which such a house is located, the specified acts, decisions or agreements have not been concluded - details of the act, decision, agreement that establish the purpose of using the building as a rented house for social use.

*** Information about the executive authority or local government authority authorized to act on behalf of the Russian Federation, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, a municipal entity as the owner of the accounting object or all premises in a rented house for social use that is the object of accounting, or about another person who is the owner of the accounting object or all premises in a rented house.

**** For a land plot - information about the person acting as the developer of a capital construction project (rented house for social use) on such a land plot, if the developer is not the owner of the land plot; for a rented house for social use - information about the legal entity acting as a lessor of residential premises of a rented house for social use.

***** For a land plot - details of the permit for the construction of a rented house for social use; for a rented house for social use, a commissioning permit.

****** Date and reasons for deregistration (cessation of the purpose of using the building as a rented house for social use, other grounds).

Note:specified in columns 8 And 9 information about the accounting object includes:

1. In relation to a government body or local government body - the full name of such body and public legal entity on behalf of which it acts.

2. In relation to a legal entity - full name, main state registration number, location address.

3. In relation to an individual - last name, first name, patronymic, taxpayer identification number, in relation to an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, the date and state registration number are also indicated.

Appendix 2


IN _____________________________________________________

(name of the authorized local government body)


on entering, changing, deleting information from the municipal register of rental houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction

I beg

__________________________________________________________ (add/change/exclude - indicate as necessary) information from the municipal register of rental houses for social use and land plots provided or intended for their construction, in relation to:

(name of the accounting object - land plot or rented house for social use)


(location (address) of the registration object) (cadastral number of the registration object - indicated at the request of the applicant)

The following documents confirming the information of the municipal register are attached:

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

About the automated information system “System for monitoring information systems of the city of Moscow”

In order to ensure interdepartmental information interaction and provide access to information systems and resources of the city of Moscow, it decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the automated information system "System for monitoring information systems of the city of Moscow" (appendix).

4.6. Automation of the process of collecting information on the functioning of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow and increasing the efficiency of its processing in order to ensure the stable functioning of information systems of the city of Moscow and high-quality provision of communication services for the needs of executive bodies and government agencies subordinate to them of the city of Moscow.

4.7. Increasing the efficiency of using funds from the budget of the city of Moscow, provided for financial support for the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services to executive bodies and government institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to them.

5. SMIS consists of the following subsystems:

5.1. Unified Directory Service.

5.3. Unified system for monitoring and administering telecommunication services of executive bodies.

6. The main functions of SMIS are:

6.1. Administration of user accounts and rights for access to information systems of the city of Moscow, ensuring authorization of users at workplaces and in information systems of the city of Moscow using a single account.

6.2. Prompt collection and analysis of information on the performance of information systems of the city of Moscow, informing executive bodies and government agencies of the city of Moscow subordinate to them about failures in the operation of information systems and the provision of communication services.

6.3. Collection of statistical information on the functioning of information systems in the city of Moscow.

6.4. Accounting, monitoring and management of communication services provided to executive bodies and government agencies subordinate to them in the city of Moscow, as well as information resources used to ensure the provision of communication services.

6.5. Processing applications from executive bodies for connection and/or disconnection of communication services, changing the conditions for their provision.

6.6. Collection and synthesis of information about the incorrect operation of information systems of the city of Moscow, failures in the provision of communication services, received from participants in information interaction using SMIS, which is the basis for conducting claims work.

6.7. Automated interaction with the information systems of telecom operators providing communication services in the interests of executive bodies and government agencies subordinate to them in the city of Moscow on the basis of concluded government contracts, in order to ensure control of the quality, volumes and timing of the provision of communication services.

6.8. Generating statistical and operational reports on the functioning of information systems in the city of Moscow and the quality of communication services provided in the interests of executive bodies and government agencies subordinate to them in the city of Moscow.

7. Participants in information interaction using SMIS are users and suppliers of information, performers of services (work) provided for the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow, communication services, and the SMIS operator.

9. Suppliers of information are executive bodies, government agencies of the city of Moscow and performers of services (works) for the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services.

10. Information providers:

10.1. Place in SMIS information about the equipment of information and telecommunication systems used and its configuration parameters, about the required communication services and their parameters, about failures that have arisen, malfunctions in the operation of information systems and resources of the city of Moscow, about the inadequate quality of provision of communication services and then update it in the following manner and deadlines set by .

10.2. Appoint persons authorized to carry out operations for posting information in SMIS, and arrange for authorized persons to receive identifiers (logins) and passwords for working in SMIS.

10.3. Ensure the completeness, reliability and relevance of the information provided in the SMIS, as well as the entry of the specified information into the SMIS within the established time limits.

11. The procedure for information interaction between its participants, the regulations for access and work in SMIS, the timing of the provision of information in SMIS are determined.

12. SMIS operator:

12.1. Provides methodological guidance for the use of SMIS, including providing consultations to users and information providers on technical support and operation of SMIS.

12.2. Provides operation and technical support for SMIS operation around the clock.

12.3. Organizes the implementation of work on the development (modernization) and operation of SMIS.

12.4. Connects to SMIS information systems of the city of Moscow that meet the technical requirements established by.

12.5. Provides interaction with the information systems of those performing work on the operation of information systems of the city of Moscow and the provision of communication services.

12.6. Provides differentiation of access rights to SMIS, keeps records and statistics of user activity in accordance with the regulations for access and work in SMIS.

12.7. Organizes work to ensure the safety of information posted in SMIS.

12.8. Provides consulting support to participants in information interaction on the use of SMIS.

13. Connection and interaction of information systems of the city of Moscow using SMIS is carried out in accordance with the requirements for such connection and interaction, approved.

14. The SMIS operator is not responsible for the content, quality and reliability of information transmitted to SMIS by information providers.

15. Certain functions of the operator may be transferred to a subordinate government agency of the city of Moscow or another organization by decision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

It does not work Editorial from 23.03.2001

Name of documentDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2001 N 224 "ON CONDUCTING AN EXPERIMENT TO IMPROVE THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION"
Document typeresolution
Receiving authorityRussian government
Document Number224
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date23.03.2001
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
  • Document in electronic form FAPSI, STC "System"
  • "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 62, 03/29/2001
  • "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", N 14, 04/02/2001, art. 1360

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2001 N 224 "ON CONDUCTING AN EXPERIMENT TO IMPROVE THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION"

In order to improve the quality of education and upbringing, create conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students, and ensure the continuity of educational programs of general and vocational education, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the concept of the structure and content of general education, which determines the procedure for the development and implementation of new general education programs, prepared by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and received support at the All-Russian meeting of educators in January 2000.

2. Accept the proposal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, agreed with the interested federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, to conduct an experiment to improve the structure and content of general education, establishing regulatory deadlines in educational institutions participating in the experiment mastering general education programs at the levels of general education:

Stage I (primary general education) - 4 years;

II stage (basic general education) - 5-6 years;

III stage (secondary (complete) general education) - 2 years.

3. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, should develop and approve within 2 months a procedure for conducting an experiment to improve the structure and content of general education and begin its implementation on September 1, 2001.

4. Entrust the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Education with scientific and methodological support for conducting an experiment to improve the structure and content of general education.

5. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually, at the end of the school year, submits a report to the Government of the Russian Federation on the progress of the experiment to improve the structure and content of general education.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

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