Work without investment on the Internet using proven methods. Work from home - daily payments. Sports betting with daily pay

Description: On the Internet you can find many advertisements with vacancies at home, but not all of them are equally safe. There are many scammers among such employers, and you should be on your guard. I will look at frankly false vacancies, and give examples of home work without investment and deception. There are 16 real options in total, but this is not a complete list. If you wish, you can find another job.
Payment: different
Requirements: it is desirable to be able to do something

In this article, I will not consider working on the Internet, because my entire site is devoted to this topic and you can easily find the information you need. You can start with these links:

Don’t discount online work, because at home this is one of the best options. But if this doesn't suit you, let me give you examples of working from home.

Home work with investments and deception

I'll start with a warning - be more careful when searching, because you can stumble upon scammers and lose money. In my experience, it’s unpleasant to go through this, so let’s immediately look at frankly false vacancies.

  • Assembling handles at home- many are still attracted to this vacancy and the number of deceived people is not decreasing. Don't be one of them - don't believe such advertisements. The advertisements may contain various assurances, explanations of such work, some complex payment schemes (cash on delivery, payment to the courier upon receipt, etc.). But remember - no entrepreneur will pay for assembling pens, because they are now assembled by automatic machines. You can read more about this type of scam in this article, and also watch a video with automatic assembly of the handle. I think after this you will have no doubts.
  • Envelope gluing- a vacancy in the same field as pens. Often, scammers hide behind the Russian Post or Ukrposhta in order to instill confidence in the ad. They even took the time to create copies of sites that ask you to enter all the information about the card in your payment details, including the numbers on the back. And if you send them, attackers can rob your accounts. Do not trust such advertisements; be sure to read to see money scams.
  • Typist- You may still find real customers in this area, but this is very rare. Most often, advertisements are posted by scammers who ask to make a deposit, pay an insurance premium, transfer money to confirm their card, etc. There are a lot of schemes for getting money, but it’s easy to spot a scammer - they promise a lot of money. The average price for 1 sheet of text is about 10 rubles; if they offer more, they won’t pay. More detailed schemes and reviews about scammers in this article.
  • Teletrade— reviews about this company are mostly negative, but the company’s name is usually not written in the advertisements. Sometimes even during the interview they don’t name him, but simply say “take 2 weeks of training and start earning a lot of money on Forex markets.” In this case, you will not only lose money, but also a lot of time. 2-week courses from scratch are not enough to successfully start on the stock exchange. Employees simply brainwash you, tell you success stories and offer to invest a sum (from $100 to infinity), because you already know how to do everything. Personally, I don’t trust working on forex exchanges, but if you’re interested, read the basics in this article.

There are many other ways to deceive gullible citizens, so you always have to be on your guard and look for a catch in a vacancy. Never pay your employer money, no matter what good reasons he gives.

What kind of work can you do from home?

When you look through the ads, you will be surprised how many scammers try to find a naive victim. Now you have certain knowledge, you will be able to skillfully bypass fraudulent vacancies, but it is much more difficult to find a real job in advertisements. But probably. Let's look at the options you can consider.

  • Dispatcher- most often they recruit people for the office, but sometimes you can find such a vacancy at home. Typically, dispatchers are hired by small taxi companies so as not to have a special office and staff. I wrote about my experience of such work in this article, you can read in more detail.
  • Cold calls- similar to the work of a dispatcher, but there are significant differences. In this case, you don’t just answer calls, but call the numbers provided and offer goods/services. They usually provide instructions, conversation templates, answers to frequently asked questions, and other information that will help guide the dialogue. Most often, payment depends on the success of negotiations - a percentage of sales. In my opinion, it’s not the best job, because if you can’t sell, you can be left without money.
  • Online consultant at home- work from home, but via the Internet. You will need a headset so that you can talk on Skype or a special program with customers. In this case, they again provide instructions, answers to questions and other information, but the payment is most often fixed or hourly. You don’t have to beg people to buy something - just answer questions. Read more at this link in the article.
  • Network marketing- yes, yes, everyone already knows about this type of income. Many are perhaps surprised that this option was not included in the list with other wiring, but you can really make money on this. Not everyone succeeds, sometimes it costs pennies, but in the literal sense this is not a scam. However, it’s better to read the pros and cons of the job in this article so that you can decide for yourself whether it’s suitable or not.
  • Mystery shopping coordinator- you rarely meet a person who has never heard of secret shoppers. It’s also not a bad job, but it can’t be done while sitting at home (unless you check online stores), so I’m not putting it on the list. But behind these secretive personalities there is an even more mysterious figure who always remains behind the scenes - the coordinator or curator. Something like a boss who recruits workers, issues tasks, answers questions, monitors the work and generates a report for the company. If this is your first time hearing about this work, I recommend reading about it.
  • Scan products at home— they don’t pay much, I’ll say right away, but you don’t have to do anything (5 minutes a day). If you just want to increase your income a little (by 300-500 rubles per month), then you can. But in general they pay too little money to focus on this work.
  • Joint purchases is a very popular topic among moms to save money. And the organizer can also make money from this. The work is not entirely home-based, because in any case you will have to go - at least to the post office. It will turn out to be almost a mini-business. How to arrange everything and basic information can be found in this article.
  • Nanny at home- It is desirable to have a pedagogical education, but if you set a low price, you can find people without strict requirements. Usually, young mothers who have experience communicating with children and are ready to babysit someone else’s child earn extra money in this way. It is worth considering some points that you will learn about from this article.

As you can see, for these options you do not need to have any special education or be able to do anything specific. I deliberately put them in a separate group so that they do not interfere with other, more complex options. So below you can see a list of jobs for which it is desirable to be able or learn to do something.

  1. Accountant at home— if you have an economics education or work in the accounting department of a company, you can earn extra money in the evenings. Hundreds of people need professional help to fill out returns, pay taxes, or perform other financial transactions. If you understand this, read and work in your specialty.
  2. Lawyer at home- can also conduct consultations after work, if there is still strength and desire to do this. After all, few people are able to independently understand all the legal nuances without special training.
  3. Tutor— foreign languages, physics, chemistry and other complex subjects. It is advisable to be a teacher for this job, but sometimes it is enough just to have an excellent understanding of the issue. You can teach not only school knowledge, but also other skills: drawing, playing the guitar or other musical instrument, etc.
  4. Massage therapist at home- even if you have not yet received such an education, this can be done quite quickly. You don't have to study this skill for 5 years. Although, first, it’s worth learning about professional pain and other disadvantages of this profession before devoting your life to it.
  5. Sew to order- suitable for craftswomen who love to do this and want to make a living doing what they love. Of course, if you have just begun to develop in this area, you will have to improve your skills and practice before you start getting paid for it. And when the time comes, read how to do it.
  6. Make money from a hobby- handicrafts, cooking, drawing, growing flowers and more. Whatever brings you joy can also bring you profit. After all, people make money by playing games, which means any hobby can turn into a profitable business. Examples of how to do this. If you wish, you can turn any hobby into a source of income.
  7. Designers— it’s possible to find work from home, but it’s much faster to find orders on the Internet. After all, the ability to create beautiful graphics is valued and highly paid here. For example, you can create banners or designs for groups on social networks.
  8. Geeks, i.e. people who are well versed in computers can provide equipment repair services. Many people have no idea how to get rid of a virus or how to install Windows, so you will definitely have clients. But for this it is not enough to just be an experienced PC user; it is enough to understand many nuances.

This list of ideas will be enough for you to find something suitable or be able to build on it to find the ideal work from home job for you. Don't be afraid to learn new skills - it usually doesn't take too much time, but it opens up a lot of opportunities for you.

Today we will talk about remote work on the Internet, its types and vacancies that are relevant in 2019, as well as how to find a job on the Internet without investment or deception and receive above the average salary in your city.

Greetings, dear reader! With you are the founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

For more than 7 years we have been earning money via the Internet, now we have our own team, we have a free schedule and work from home.

But it was not always so.

We didn’t have rich parents, at the very beginning we barely made ends meet and more than once faced deception.

From the article you will learn:

  • How Find a real job at home and not run into scammers?
  • What vacancies Are online jobs relevant in 2019?
  • Where to start your way on the Internet as a newbie?

Sit back and close all additional windows on your screen! You will not regret reading the article to the end!

1. Working on the Internet at home - what beginners need to know

Working on the Internet from home gives a person the opportunity to forget about schedules, waking up at 7 am and scheduled vacations. By starting to earn income through the World Wide Web, you will gain financial stability, and most importantly, you will work only for yourself.

In recent years, the remote work and freelancing market has been growing by an average of 30% per year.

According to leading Russian analytical agencies, in 2015 the total amount of funds earned by freelancers and remote employees amounted to about 1 billion dollars!

Even if your profits are low at first, you will gradually improve your skills and soon you will definitely achieve a level of income that satisfies you.

However, many people have concerns when it comes to working on the Internet, because for most it is fiction. It seems to them that working from home is impossible to earn money without their own investments and deception on the part of employers. People who have encountered scammers more than once are wary of new opportunities.

We assert that Internet activity is a real prospect, accessible to almost everyone.

To earn income using a computer, you don’t have to be a cool IT specialist or programmer. It is enough to have constant access to the network, free time, an electronic wallet, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money and a desire to work.

Benefits of working online

Let's look at the main advantages that working on the Internet gives us:

  • No formal (special) education required. No matter how many classes you've completed, what your social status is, or who you are, there are jobs online that you can do and get paid for;
  • Unlimited income. There is no upper limit to your earnings. If you are a sufficiently talented person and are able to quickly learn new things, then you will succeed in this matter without any problems;
  • Ability to manage your time. Working online, you set your own schedule. You can take breaks whenever you want, start your workday after lunch, and schedule a day off any day of the week. People who work in an office or workshop “from bell to bell” can only dream of such a schedule.

Beginners should be immediately warned that high profits in the first weeks and even months of working online are unlikely to be expected, especially if you are looking for income without investment or risk. Working on the Internet for beginners is usually a painstaking and monotonous activity: making money by performing various kinds of cheap tasks.

This type of work is more suitable for those who want to earn some money during the holidays or in their free time from studying.

This also includes making money from games and paid surveys on the Internet. There is even such a type of earnings as typing: it is proposed to simply translate audio or video content into a text file. Such work is paid, it must be said, meagerly.

The main thing is not to stop at this level for a long time, otherwise stagnation awaits you financially and personally. When starting to work in the electronic space, always think about the prospects: if your income is constantly increasing, and the time spent on work, on the contrary, is decreasing, then you are on the right path.

What is the difference between working on the Internet and standard office work - 10 main differences

We invite you to visually compare the advantages and disadvantages of remote work on the Internet with standard office work in production.

Please study the table below carefully:

Comparison criterion Standard office and industrial work Distant work
and freelancing
1 Flexible schedule No

(almost always)

2 Income amount Limited

(In most cases)



3 Income growth dynamicsLow High
4 Official employment Yes

(in case of official registration under the labor code)


(if officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC)

5 Dependence on the customer (boss) Eat

(to a greater extent)



6 Nature of income Projected



(unstable at the beginning)

7 Degree of responsibilityAverage High
8 Remuneration form For the process

(in most cases salary)

For the result


9 Labor costs before the first moneyHigh High
10 Geographical reference to the placeEat No

So we figured out the concept of “Working on the Internet” and clearly saw its advantages and disadvantages.

Before moving on to the next information block, I would like to note that working on the Internet in most cases is impossible without your own website, on which you can, for example, place your portfolio, or at least without knowledge of how websites are created and function in general, therefore It’s a good idea to undergo special training before switching to freelancing. A resource where you can learn all these subtleties for free and online and which we personally trust -

2. Remote work and Freelancing: features and advantages

Freelancing and remote work are almost similar concepts.

"Freelancer" means, translated from English, “freelance employee,” that is, a person who works remotely without a strict schedule.

If you choose this path, then you will have to look for clients yourself. Having found a customer, you do the work and receive a fee for it. Freelancing can be considered as ).

Distant work- this is practically the same work in its classical sense, only in this case you are not geographically located in the same office or premises with the employer. For example, you are an accountant who works from home and keeps records of finances and document flow for a certain company.

Remote work can be found online for representatives of hundreds of professions - journalists, designers, programmers, teachers, translators, managers, engineers. Any skills and abilities that do not require your direct presence at the place of work can be implemented via the Internet.

Today, through the Internet, you can write articles, teach people English and yoga, draw pictures, create business projects and bet on football matches taking place in New Zealand. Any type of activity that you master perfectly can, with a reasonable approach, bring you a stable profit.

Working from home on the Internet is a chance to express yourself and turn your talent into money.

Today, both representatives of creative professions and narrow technical specialists are becoming freelancers.

According to statistics, people who work remotely earn 1.5-2 times more than their office colleagues, while spending less time on work (this also includes the time it takes to get to work).

The average salary of a specialist working online is approximately from 30 to 100 thousand rubles monthly.

In classic remote work, the customer and the contractor do not meet each other in person, but communicate exclusively through means of communication - the Internet, telephone, Skype or email.

However, some freelancers can find clients in their hometown and communicate with them personally, in which case the work will not be remote.

For remote work, it doesn’t matter where you live - in a village with a population of 2,000 people or in a metropolis. The Internet will give you the opportunity to instantly connect with anywhere in the world.

Working as a copywriter, translator, or IT specialist, you can communicate with clients from different countries: the main condition for successful cooperation is mutual understanding and fair wages.

5 main advantages (+) of remote work and freelancing

Let us now consider the main advantages of remote work and freelancing:

  1. Saving time and money resources. You don’t spend money on travel, a car, office clothes and travel time to work;
  2. Stability and prospects. When working in an office or factory, you have only one employer, on whom your salary depends. If you work online, the number of customers is potentially unlimited: you can choose the most generous and adequate partners yourself. The loss of one of the customers is not a dismissal;
  3. Flexible schedule. For example, you have children who cannot be left unattended, or it is physically difficult for you to get up at 6 am: all these problems are easily solved if you choose to work from home;
  4. Feeling of inner freedom. A freelancer does not have a direct boss and is not tied to a place of work: he is a free person who lives where he wants.

    Some types of freelancing require payment for work every day: this is more convenient than receiving a salary once a month or once every 2 weeks;

  5. Opportunity to combine work and travel. You can live in warm countries, continuing to work according to your own schedule: the customer does not care where you send the work done from, the main thing is meeting deadlines and quality.

But don’t think that becoming a freelancer means getting money for next to nothing. This type of work also has certain disadvantages. The main one is the lack of a social package. If you have not registered your activity as, or not, you do not have the benefits that officially employed people have.

For example, you will have to pay for hospital services yourself if you get sick. Vacations will also have to be paid for out of your own pocket.

On forums, blogs and special websites for freelancers you can find reviews about working on the Internet from those who have actually tried this type of activity or are still practicing it. Below, you will also find our reviews and reviews of our friends about working on the Internet.

There are also those who are categorically not satisfied with “complete freedom”: no one tells you how and what to do, you have to figure everything out with your own mind. But, if you joined this business very successfully, then most likely you will no longer wish for any other job other than freelancing.

3. Work on the Internet from home without investment - TOP 10 vacancies

If you are interested in the prospect of working on the Internet without investment, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most in-demand and popular vacancies.

We would like to warn you right away that working online is work that requires discipline, responsibility and time investment. If you are a lazy, dispensable and irresponsible person, then you are unlikely to have many customers.

However, if you love what you do, have a goal, know exactly what you are worth and what you are capable of, then the Internet will provide you with many opportunities to realize your potential in the best possible way.

Vacancy 1. Designer

Designer is a very popular profession online, but competition in this area is quite high. To join this industry, you will need a lot of time and effort: at first you will have to work for pennies, but gradually your pay will increase.

For any designer, the most important condition for successful work is having a portfolio. If your folder (or website) contains examples of successful author’s projects, the likelihood of receiving an order increases many times over.

It must be said that there are many different areas in this specialty, and for each of them there is its own audience of customers. The most popular specialty in this category is web designer. Essentially, this is the person who will make your website beautiful, recognizable and functional.

A designer for an Internet resource needs to be a specialist in several areas at once, but the payment can be very decent. Price per project varies from $100 to $3000 and above.

Popular design trends:

  • printing design (creating layouts for packaging, magazines, booklets);
  • 3D design;
  • video game design;
  • creating flash graphics;
  • creating illustrations;
  • technical design;
  • graphic design (creation of logos, corporate identity, etc.).

As you can see, the field of activity is more than vast, and for a person with creative abilities there are thousands of options for self-realization.

Vacancy 2. Copywriter

, - in fact, these are different areas of the same profession.

The essence of a copywriter’s work is the creation of unique text content for Internet resources. This is the most classic remote work via the Internet: writers almost never meet their clients in person.

The specialty of a copywriter requires patience, perseverance and, most importantly, masterful command of words. The creator of text content must be able to write technical instructions for repairing a refrigerator, make a working advertisement for a spa salon, or rewrite any article so that even the author himself does not recognize it.

The profession is not an easy one: not everyone becomes a successful text creator. Experience as a journalist, literature teacher, and philological education helps in this. If you learn to sell goods and services using words or create unique content that is interesting to readers, your services will become in demand and expensive.

A good copywriter can earn a month from 45 to 100 thousand rubles ($500 - $1500).

For talented authors with a name and fame in the network space, there is no upper ceiling. If the owner of the resource understands that the site’s income directly depends on the text content, he is ready to pay a good copywriter the price that he sets himself.

The work of a copywriter is similar to the work of a creative and talented seller - his level of income directly depends on his ability to sell a product.

Vacancy 3. Internet project manager

A specialist in this area is engaged in creating the concept, strategy, and structure of an Internet project (site). Such a person develops technical problems, conducts marketing research, is engaged in website optimization, promotion and promotion in search engines.

Internet management specialists are not yet trained in universities, but the field of activity itself is already quite in demand.

Owners of websites, online stores and other online commercial resources are willing to pay their project managers from 30 thousand rubles ($500) per month and above.

Vacancy 4. Personal assistant to an entrepreneur

The functions of a personal assistant to an entrepreneur on the Internet are the same as those of an assistant in real life - organizing current affairs, optimizing the “boss’” schedule, working with documentation.

The difference is that the work is carried out via the Internet. This specialty requires attentiveness, creativity, flexibility of thinking, and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Often, a high level of communication skills is required from an entrepreneur's assistant. After all, he often interacts with his manager’s clients and partners.

A remote assistant for a businessman should:

  • good command of IT technologies and computers;
  • be able to enter reports;
  • draw up business plans;
  • work with freelancers and set technical tasks for them;
  • have flexible thinking and a high level of business communication.

The monthly earnings of a good specialist in this business are unlimited: it all depends on the generosity of the entrepreneur.

Vacancy 5. Call center specialist

A call center operator is a person who helps to obtain information, talks about services, and advises on a particular issue via the Internet.

Basically, these specialists work in two areas:

  1. Processing incoming requests;
  2. Sales or customer information (outgoing messages).

One of the functions of such remote workers is communication via online chat.

The specialist is live and answers text messages, audio calls, and sometimes video calls.

Work in this area requires deep knowledge of the subject matter with which the operator works, plus the ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 6. Programmer

Everyone knows who a programmer is.

Programmer is a developer and creator of unique computer programs.

There is always a real job on the Internet for a good digital specialist. If you speak English, you can work with foreign customers, where the pay is much higher. To become a remote programmer, you must either have a higher technical education or be a talented self-taught person.

Nowadays, application development is a particularly popular area for programmers. Specialists in this field earn up to $10,000.

Vacancy 7. Private consultant

A specialist in any field can advise other people online - via email, chat, Skype and other electronic means of communication.

Such activities do not require renting a special room, a strict work schedule or other attributes of working in the “real world”.

All that is required of you is your knowledge and ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 8. Foreign language teacher

Hundreds of thousands of people want to learn a foreign language. This is necessary for students, schoolchildren and everyone who wants full access, for example, to the English-speaking segment of the Internet space.

If you are an expert in the field, you can teach languages ​​to others via Skype and other video or audio communication tools.

Distances are no longer a hindrance: theoretically, while living in Voronezh, you can teach Russian to a resident of Alaska, if, of course, you have the appropriate knowledge.

Vacancy 9. Internet marketer

Marketer– a specialist whose goal is to increase the company’s sales volume.

An Internet marketer promotes products, services and events of companies and private clients on the Internet.

The salary of such a specialist in the market ranges from 50 000 before 150 000 rubles or more if he works as a full-time employee. Data on wages are provided by the authoritative portals and

If you master this profession, you can easily work remotely from anywhere in the world, even as a full-time specialist. That is, being, for example, in the city of Voronezh or even in another country, you can easily do work for a client from Moscow or New York.

I wrote that 50-150 t.r.- this is the income of a STAFF employee, that is, if you work for some company, this will be your salary, possibly with a bonus part.

But there is another way to make money in this profession - to provide marketing services for companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet for a percentage of sales.

For example, you know how to find clients for events (concerts, trainings) via the Internet and then you can ask the organizers for your percentage of each ticket sold.

If the volume of ticket sales through you was 1500 000 rubles, then you can negotiate from 25% of your commission. What in this case will be 375 000 rubles from one project.

How to learn this profession?

To do this, I recommend that you take a training course from Skillbox. The training is conducted by marketing agency specialists with a guarantee of future employment.

Vacancy 10. Administrator of websites and groups on social networks

The work of a network administrator is similar to the work of a website content manager. Groups in social networks are a potential consumer audience: the administrator’s task is to create advertising posts, texts, conduct competitions and other organizational work.

The site (group) administrator is also responsible for moderating comments and maintaining the proper level of work of the administered project.

4. Our own Internet experience

We have also been engaged in Internet activities for the purpose of generating income for several years. We started with “offline” and freelancing, where we gradually reached our own online business. Now we have experience of both permanent remote employees of the company and employers. Below we will briefly talk about each direction separately.

1) As remote employees

Since this all started. Only after several years of hard work did we really understand Internet technologies, marketing, and Internet promotion.

Vitaly Tsyganok, co-founder of the business magazine

We earned about 500,000 rubles ($7,000). At first, orders were accepted exclusively in their own city, later they connected Internet channels for searching for customers. Word of mouth also played a significant role - satisfied clients recommended us to their friends and it was no longer us who were looking for orders, but the customers who wanted to work with us as quality performers.

I would like to say a special thank you to our work with Alexander at the Alex Yanovsky School of Business and Personal Development, where we dealt with promotion, marketing and positioning of the Business School brand.

At the same time, we created our own online business, and so we left our work on the Internet, and the Internet business began to bring us much more and we decided not to scatter ourselves, but to develop only our business.

In my opinion, everything happened as it should have. We went from simple to complex: training, then the first projects, then work and regular orders, and only then our Internet business, now it brings us several thousand dollars a month.

Therefore, I was convinced from my own experience that working on the Internet is not only possible, but also necessary, if you have the desire, the money will come.

2) As employers

Now we no longer take orders, although we can recommend our friends who will carry them out efficiently.

We are currently developing our business of creating and monetizing information sites on the Internet. You are now reading this article on one of these sites.

Now we ourselves regularly use the services of remote employees, primarily copywriters (text authors), and also occasionally collaborate with designers and programmers.

Having been in the shoes of remote workers, we have learned to correctly select specialists whose price and quality of services best meet the needs of our projects.

And if you work online as a freelancer, then know that if you wish, it will be much easier for you to open your own business than for a classic office employee.

After all, a freelancer is an entrepreneur!

5. Reviews from real people about working on the Internet

Anyone dreams of being online, regardless of whether a person has experience of this kind or these are the first steps. Main advantages: no need to get up every morning and get to the other end of the city to your place; you don’t need to work for “uncle”, but only for yourself, without leaving home. All you need is a computer and a network connection.

But is there a way to make money or is it a myth, and all advertisements of this nature are posted by scammers?

How to find a job on the Internet without investment

A novice applicant will immediately face many pitfalls.

There are thousands of times more offers than you can imagine. And they all shout and beckon with high incomes, instant or daily payments.

First of all, you need to learn to distinguish fraudulent sites from. To do this, there are services for checking the domain name (the website address that is displayed in the browser), where real users share their impressions of various resources.

You should not choose sites that require investments or investments to get started or open some kind of access. This is what scammers do again.

Most often, a small amount in the region of rubles is indicated, but it should be remembered that work is sought for profit, and not vice versa. All services that involve depositing funds should be ignored.

Many may argue that it all depends on the amount or per month, which is also true. But if the applicant is completely new, then, naturally, he won’t be able to earn a lot right away.

On the Internet, as in life, experience and diligence are required, as well as real skills in some areas. It would be better if it was programming knowledge.

And one more important rule that you should always remember is that making money on the Internet is harder than in real life, no one will ever pay for it just like that.

Options for making money on the Internet without investment

For inexperienced users, it is best to start with the simplest thing - earning money without investment from clicks. There are many services for this, both domestic and foreign.

They are called axleboxes or mailboxes. The principle of operation is the same for everyone - viewing advertisements for money.


Domestic axle box (, which is the leader among all others.

Main advantages:

  1. Does not require investment.
  2. Easy registration.
  3. Clear website interface.
  4. Withdrawal of funds every 24 hours to popular electronic wallets (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Perfect Money, Payeer, Payza).
  5. Instant payments.
  6. More than 20 thousand tasks.
  7. 4 types of earnings.
  8. 2-level referral system.

A huge plus is that the project has about 10 thousand permanent online users. This explains the huge number of tasks and surfing sites.

There are four work options:

  1. Surfing – a section for viewing advertising sites.
    One view is no more than a minute (usually 20-30 seconds), for which 5-6 kopecks are charged. You don’t need to be immediately alarmed by such prices, this is normal, because it means viewing in large quantities.
  2. Letters are the same as surfing, but to gain access you need to read a short text and answer a question.
    It is valued at one and a half times more.
  3. Tests – include 3-5 questions, the answers to which are on the advertiser’s website.
    They take 2-3 minutes each and are rewarded with 0.25 rubles.
  4. Tasks are based on the principle of visiting the advertiser’s website with a mandatory report.
    Links of viewed pages are inserted into the report. After submitting the report, the advertiser checks and if everything has been completed according to the conditions.
    The average cost is 2-3 rubles.

You don’t have to waste time on “penny” surfing, but only complete tasks. It’s realistic to complete 15-20 tasks per hour, which will cost about 50 rubles.

Thus, in a 10-hour working day you can easily earn 500 rubles. You will have to put in maximum effort and patience, because the activity is monotonous.

The good thing about the service is that all tasks cannot be redone, and many are simply daily - designed to be completed every 24 hours, which simplifies the process because you no longer need to delve into the requirements.

Registered users using a referral link bring passive income up to 10% from tasks and up to 40% from surfing, letters and tests. Many users earn several times more this way.


It is considered the second most popular box (, although . The principle of operation is similar - surfing, tasks.

But there are a number of differences:

  1. The site currency is dollars.
  2. The maximum withdrawal for beginners is $0.25 (further increases with increasing rating).
  3. The first three payments are made after consideration by the moderator after three days.
  4. Relatively low prices for back-end services.
  5. Undervalued dollar exchange rate when converted to ruble wallets.
  6. 5-level referral system.

For a long time, the resource accepted only WebMoney dollar wallets for withdrawal. At the end of May 2016, Payeer and Yandex.Money were added.

You can earn about the same amount as on the previous axle box. Website design and internal currency are not an acquired taste.


The leading position is occupied by “Internet.poll” ( The project is based on passing a test for a monetary reward.

Amounts range from 20 to 100 rubles depending on the complexity of the survey and the number of questions.

When registering, you must provide an email (this is where tests are sent) and a mobile phone (withdrawals are only possible to this number or donation to charity directly on the site). After registration, you are asked to fill out a profile and take mini-tests to determine your interests.

It is advisable to fill out all fields, even if you have no knowledge of this. This affects the number of tests sent and their frequency.

They may arrive several times a day, or maybe not a single one in a week. When taking the test, it is possible to stop at the very beginning or in the middle with the message: “Sorry, you are not suitable for us.”

One can only guess about the reasons.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 500 rubles. Provided that they arrive on the phone, then in a month this is quite enough to avoid wasting money on communication with a minimum investment of time.

Learn about working on the Internet and cheating with instant withdrawals on YandexMoney and Webmoney from the video.

Mobile earnings

Mobile application developers also do not stand still and offer to make money on a smartphone or tablet. The point is to download applications and games, for which the user receives a profit.

There are a lot of options, but not all applications withdraw funds to your account as promised.

A worthy program would be AdvertApp. It can be downloaded freely from Google Play and the App Store.

Simple registration with phone verification. If you plan to withdraw your earned money not to your mobile phone, then withdrawal to WebMoney is provided.

Programs for downloading are presented both in sections and in your personal account in the form of an individual offer. The average price for installation is 4-6 rubles.

After transferring funds to the balance, you can delete the application if it is not of interest to the user.

There is no minimum threshold for withdrawal, nor the number of times per day. You can withdraw at least one ruble several times in a row.

Funds are instantly credited to your account. It’s quite possible to earn 200 rubles in a month.

Based on the fact that this is mobile earnings, it’s quite good.

Making money on a blog

A fairly popular and effective method to earn decent money on the Internet without investment. Involves more serious actions than just clicks or surveys.

You will have to work hard to achieve results.

To create a personal blog, you only need to have a Google account. If not, registration is simple.

Next, you need to go to the Blogger project (, log in via Google mail, and click the “new blog” button. You should come up with a name for the blog (in the future the address will look like “”) and a design theme.

But where is the profit? When the blog “promotes” a little and becomes popular or has a certain number of subscribers and views, then it can be monetized.

Especially for this, in the settings there is a “profit” button, through which you go to fill out the form for submitting an application to Google AdSense. If the blog passes moderation, then it will be possible to add blocks of advertisements to the pages, clicks on which from other users bring profit.

The blog must be popular enough (at least 300 visits per day, preferably 1000) to generate income of $100 per month or more. Otherwise there will be no point in all this.

How to make money on video

Millions of views on YouTube ( bring good income to their authors. The principle is similar to a blog, but instead of text posts there are videos.

Monetization occurs in the same way through Google AdSense. The application is sent from the YouTube channel settings.

The advantage of making money like this is that it is less painstaking, you don’t need to write and come up with topics for articles (not everyone likes to write and read in general), but it is enough to make a beautiful and high-quality video on a current topic for views to begin to gain momentum. There are various methods of promotion - social networks, forums, links.

Your own website without experience and without investments

The days when creation required a programmer education are long gone. Today, anyone can create a website in a couple of hours.

To do this, you only need to have the skills of an ordinary PC user.

Reasons why you might need a website at all:

  1. Blogging is an alternative to a Google blog.
  2. Writing texts on any topic.
  3. Placement of personal referral links.
  4. Placement of advertising blocks of any affiliate programs, not just Google AdSense.
  5. Placement of paid advertising from private advertisers.
  6. Placement of personal paid services.

There are several ways to create a website for free:

  1. Free website builders -,, and many others.
    They all work on approximately the same system. Just register and you can start building a website.
    Templates, design themes, block sizes are offered. Everything is customizable to your taste.
    For complete beginners, this method is ideal to understand what a website consists of from the inside, how to design it correctly and is it difficult? But in the free version you will have to endure a third-level domain name.
    It will look like this, for example – “site”. Hosting is also provided by the site.
    On the one hand, this is convenient, on the other, it does not always work properly, as if hinting at a paid version of the constructor.
  2. Website based on WordPress (
    It will be a little difficult for a beginner, but there are quite a lot of free video tutorials with step-by-step installation (namely, installation, and not in the online version, like in constructors), and if you wish, you can figure it out. However, this will take more than one day...
    As a result, a full-fledged website is born and completely personal, independent of designers. To begin with, you can use a free domain and hosting, but later you will have to purchase it.
    Not all advertising companies accept sites on a completely free basis. Further actions are similar - the site is filled, promoted and an application is submitted to Google AdSense.


This service ( differs sharply from all previous ones in its specifics of operation, but also does not require any investment. The principle is based on sales of other people's goods.

How it works? The site presents numerous products that mostly represent “unique courses” on something - how to make money on the Internet, how to become a successful person, how to build a house, how to find love, etc.

The authors of these creations, for various reasons, do not make sales themselves, but display their product on the service with all the links for sale and promotional materials for other users. They, in turn, receive a percentage for each copy sold.

Everything is fair and legal.

All you need to do is register, select “all products” or a specific category, select a suitable item (you should pay attention to the price, royalty percentages and sales) and click on “become a product partner”. Then it’s a matter of ingenuity and imagination where to place your links about the sale (social networks, forums, mail, bulletin boards).

With the right approach, this type of income can generate sufficient income if you sell 1-2 goods a day with deductions of 500 rubles (there is a commission of 3000 per course, and people buy such courses!).

In your personal account you can see detailed statistics:

  1. Number of clicks on the link.
  2. Number of transitions to the payment form.
  3. Number of sales.
  4. The amount of sales in general and for each day separately, commission and account balance.

Content Exchanges

This type of income can be safely called creative and without special skills it is better not to engage in it. To do this, at a minimum, you need to know the Russian language “well” (error correction services will not help), a passion for writing and well-spoken speech, both oral and written.

Well, the desire to earn money.

Popular exchanges are Etxt ( and Advego ( The principle of operation is writing texts to order or adding your own for sale.

You can find absolutely any topic, so everyone can find what they are best versed in. The main requirements are literacy and uniqueness.

Several services are offered for verification so that errors can be corrected before the order is submitted. Prices start from 5 rubles per 1000 characters without spaces.

But this is only at the beginning, when there is no rating. Further more expensive orders become available.

The average cost of an article for a couple of A4 sheets is 100-150 rubles, and the total income directly depends on the time spent on work. You can earn 500-1000 rubles a day without any problems.

Withdrawals are made to electronic wallets WebMoney, Yandex.Money and QIWI. The downside is that the withdrawal is not instantaneous, but lasts about 5 days, with an urgent withdrawal - a day, but an additional commission is charged.

Free earnings scam

For scammers, deception is also income. There are a great many schemes by which money is extracted from users, and new ones are invented every day.

The surest way to avoid falling for their bait is to never make advance payments or pay for expanded access to services that “open up even greater earning opportunities.” You should take it as a rule that honest earnings never require investments.

However, the scammers took this into account too. Lately, quite often on the Internet you can come across advertisements about high earnings without investment in just a few days.

And not only without investments, but as the author claims, he himself will provide start-up capital, demanding in return only responsibility and high performance indicators.

This offer will interest anyone! It's all too good to be true.

The essence of divorce

On a one-page website, a certain person writes that he is looking for responsible people to work without investments with start-up capital from the customer. Next are email and skype contacts.

There is no catch. The user writes to one of the addresses and asks for details.

The “employer” is interested in the seriousness of intentions, asks for name and age. Normal correspondence, as it were.

Then they drop boilerplate information about the essence of making money - supposedly there is a certain scheme with which you can beat roulette (the scammer definitely knows in which casino it is easiest to beat roulette). Again, he does not ask for money, but offers to create an account for the user, where he will deposit $500, and the user will play according to the scheme.

In the end, all the winnings are divided in half. Why not try, because there is no material risk.

Everything happens this way. One condition is to win no more than a certain amount per day ($160), play for 4-5 days at intervals so that the casino security service does not notice the catch.

The account has been created, the user is provided with a login and password, the account has $500, the game is on. The scheme works, the user wins, anticipating rapid enrichment.

Losing money: option 1

The user sees $500 in the account and guesses that the employer will eventually withdraw the entire amount and not share. The balance can only be withdrawn to the wallet from which it was replenished.

And then the user decides to top up the balance himself with the same amount (or the minimum possible) from his wallet, and then withdraw all the money together. As a result, he loses his funds and the opportunity to earn money.

Losing money: option 2

The user does everything strictly according to the instructions, everything works out, the balance is almost doubled. And at one point it went to zero.

In recent transactions, you can see that the amount was withdrawn by the customer. Great! Soon they will share with me how the player thinks.

But the customer replies that he did not intend to share, and the payment for the work was a perfectly working scheme. And then the user decides to win money on his own, especially if the person is a gambler.

As a result, any credited amount disappears, as does the “employer”.

Why is this happening

The casino looks real, the money is on the balance too, even the transactions indicate the date when these 500 dollars were deposited into the account. Why are they not displayed?

In fact, there is no casino, there is no money on the balance initially, everything is fake, based on scripts and nothing more. The author of such a site can draw any amount that is supposedly on the balance sheet, but when deposited into the account, the money is instantly deposited into his wallet.

Such deception can safely be called psychological, because the user has no idea about anything until the last moment. Even when money is deposited that does not appear in the account, excitement can take over and funds are deposited again.

Or the fraudster can simply draw them on the balance sheet, which will now definitely be lost.

As a result, you can only say one phrase - free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

There is real work with daily withdrawal of funds without investments on the Internet, only for these funds you need to work the same as in ordinary life, and sometimes a little more.

The main thing is to set a goal, find something that suits your liking and capabilities. And avoid falling into the clutches of scammers.

In contact with

Working from home and daily payments are very real and comparable things. We'll talk about them today. Perhaps you weren’t looking for exactly what you were looking for, but I’m sure you won’t regret it if, of course, you forget about the words: laziness, doubt, passivity. Looking ahead, I will say that work from home with daily payments will not require any investment from you. It's wonderful, isn't it?

Depending on your skills, desires and goals, you can choose a really good work from home job. Most likely, you expect to earn money and quickly withdraw your money. This is a completely normal desire, because probably somewhere deep down you have doubts and thoughts that your work may not be paid. This won't happen because today is your lucky day - honestly.

The article will present:

work with instant withdrawal of money(a great way to make money online for beginners and schoolchildren);

- (a method of earning money that will require some skills);

- (with payment today, tomorrow and the prospect of receiving even more).

Before we start, I’ll say that all ways to make money can become:

- part-time work;

- main source of income;

- favorite job.

You can focus on one of the methods or combine each of them (I chose the second)

Work with instant withdrawal of money. Where and how to start?

Perhaps, working with instant withdrawal- the easiest and most understandable way to make money online. The obvious advantage is that at any time you can take the money, slam the door, slam your fist on the keyboard and leave. Or start working, study the site, watch how others make money on it and grow. Try something new.

Actually, here is the site itself: .

Work on the Internet weekly payments. Who can handle it?

Despite the fact that this method of making money on the Internet is advertised as work on the Internet weekly payments, I will say that you can also withdraw money every day (as long as you have time to earn money). The advantage is the same as in the first case: if you don’t like it, we slam the door (if it has not yet flown out after the first time), beat a drum roll on the keyboard and say au revoir (arevoir). Like? We understand that you can earn $40-50 a day on the Internet and we work.

Here is the link to the site: .

Working on the Internet with perspective. More details

Whenever they told me about working with a prospect, I always thought that it was a mess or a scam. In today's case, working on the Internet with prospects is a little secret that I will tell you. It's about. All you need is 100 subscribers, which you can get very easily, and 3000 views on all videos. After that, you can go to contacts and write to me. I'll tell you what to do to master it work on the Internet with prospects.

Also, I am ready to advise on any other method of earning money presented on my website. Don't be afraid to try. When else will they show you how to make money on the Internet without investments, without asking for a penny?

Repost the article, maybe one of your friends needs:

— work with instant withdrawal;

- work daily payments part-time;

— working with prospects on the Internet.

Greetings to all readers of the Time for Money project! Today I want to talk to you about the topic: working on the Internet without investments and deception with payment every day. The crisis in the country and dissatisfaction with income at work are forcing more and more people to look for part-time work on the Internet. Alas, the Internet is not a fabulous place where everyone can earn millions without particularly straining.

The same laws apply here as in ordinary life: the applicant is looking for a job, and the employer is looking for performers. The only difference is that you can earn money on the Internet and receive your money on the same day. No one here will enter into an employment contract with you, and therefore there is no need to wait every month.

There are exceptions: when people switch to long-term cooperation, the form of payment often changes to monthly.

But since the relationship between people on the Internet is not regulated by law, the risk of being deceived increases many times over. Therefore, you need to carefully select the sites where you are going to work and carefully look at the advertiser’s profile. Today we will talk about:

  • what kind of work on the Internet allows you to earn money avoiding scammers and with daily payment;
  • what sites are there for working on the Internet at home with daily payment;
  • I’ll give you some tips on how to recognize a deceiver and not fall for the tricks of scammers when looking for a job online;

Everything written below is based on my personal experience, the experience of my acquaintances and friends. If you are a complete noob on the Internet, but want to start earning decent money here, then my experience will be very useful to you.

Making money on the Internet is available to absolutely everyone, whether you are at least 12 years old, a student, a young mother on maternity leave, or a person with disabilities. There are no boundaries here; most employers and performers have never seen or heard each other. This is the beauty of the Internet.

The Internet is not great because you can simply be scammed out of money and you won’t even have anywhere to turn for protection. It's a shame. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between conscientious employers and scammers, of whom there are a dime a dozen on the Internet.

You can work on the Internet without special knowledge, but it’s still better to start learning a profession, because your monthly amounts will directly depend on this

How much can you earn working from home?

As in ordinary life, your earnings on the Internet will depend entirely on your knowledge and time devoted to work. If you don’t have the knowledge, then you’ll have to start by doing the simplest tasks on the axle boxes and your earnings will seem limitless. But if you are a specialist in tax law, then your earnings can reach up to 50 dollars per hour, according to research by Payoneer specialists. Do you agree that there is something to strive for? But such income must be earned, people study a lot and hard for this.

Speaking of hard work. Most believe that the hardest working freelancers are Indians. In fact, remote workers from Kenya work the most, they work more than 42 hours a week, but Indians are only in 4th place with 37 hours. Russian freelancers work just over 33 hours a week.

I would divide income into the following groups:

  • a beginner with earnings of 5 - 15 thousand rubles;
  • advanced from 20 to 25,000 rubles;
  • professionals with an income of 30 - 40,000 rubles;
  • expert more than 40,000 rubles;

Yes, my main figures are relevant for residents of Russia, but you can just estimate for yourself the average salary and earnings on the Internet. If we take my surroundings, my copywriters earn an average of 25 thousand rubles a month, but all the webmasters I know began to earn indecently large amounts of money that they even stopped publishing financial strips on their blogs.

Watch the following video:

TOP 17 Jobs on the Internet without investment and deception with payment every day

Let's move on to the most important question - what type of income to choose so as not to be deceived and not invest money.

Entering captcha

The essence of making money is to solve the systems of protection against computer bots on sites and enter them. You often come across such a system when, for example, you want to register on a portal or write a comment.

Entering captcha is one of the least paid and most labor-intensive ways to make money on the Internet, but it does not require any special knowledge or skills from you. Sit for yourself and solve it all day long until you get bored.

The advantage here is the fact that you do not need to look for a customer. All captchas go automatically to the captcha solving service, where you solve them and receive a reward. Cheating is practically impossible here. You can work at foreign analogues to increase your earnings. Read more about the type of earnings from entering captchas.

Where to look for work:

  • MegaTypers (use invites to register (CFLV, CFM0, CFM1)

Clicks, reading emails and surfing

Another menial job with very little pay, but again it excludes interaction with the employer directly, and eliminates the risk of being scammed. This type of work is sought at the axle boxes, and here you can also find better paying work.

You can try, but you won’t earn a lot of money purely from clicks. It is possible to earn money automatically using special bots, but there is a risk of being banned from the box if you are caught for automation, or of being deceived by sellers of miracle programs for automatic earnings, so be careful.

Sites for making money by watching short videos:

  • VeeDok

Performing paid actions

Likes, reposts, registration, subscription, activity and much more - for completing such tasks you will be paid more money. You will only need accounts on social networks; you do not need to have any special knowledge.

Earning money on small tasks is recommended for beginners, and it is advisable to have several accounts on social networks, because too frequent activity from one account can lead to its blocking. You can earn a couple of hundred rubles a day, but you quickly get tired of monotonous work.


Posting, writing paid comments and reviews

Everything is clear from the name. You will be required to write paid messages, comments and reviews. They can pay here from 25 kopecks to 100 rubles, which can be your first good income.

Alas, hidden behind the apparent ease are pitfalls. Most assignments will require you to find a suitable site or forum and leave a review with a link back. If the resource is not abandoned, then there is a high probability that its administrator will delete your comment. Finding suitable platforms and moderating your posts takes too much time. This type of earnings is well suited for sociable people who already have confidence in forums, blogs and other resources with account registration.

Websites where to look for tasks:


Carefully! 99% of job offers as a typist or typing operator on the Internet are fraudulent schemes to deceive users with a purpose. profit.

Everything is simple here: the employer gives you a data source ( manuscript, scanned documents, books, magazines), and you will be required to retype all the contents into a new word processing document. If you work for an “uncle”, then you can earn 12 rubles per thousand printed characters, and if you look for customers yourself, then earnings can reach 50 rubles per thousand, but for such figures you need to earn yourself a rating.

The work is perfect for beginners, it does not require any special knowledge, it would be a good idea to master the touch typing method in order to complete the task faster. You can get good at moving into rewriting or copywriting. You can read more about typing in.

One type of typing is “” - translation of the contents of audio and video files into typewritten text.

Job search sites:

  • typing-text.rf
  • Aveptext (if there is a set of new typers)
  • ToDo (no longer works)

Copywriting and rewriting

The profession of a copywriter/rewriter is one of the most in demand on the Internet, which is why many webmasters come from copywriting exchanges.

  • Copywriting- writing unique articles, posts, reviews, product cards, advertising and presentation texts.
  • Rewriting- presentation of the text in your own words while preserving the meaning and uniqueness of the text.

If you are an absolute beginner, but want to become a webmaster and make your own websites to make money, then rewriting and copywriting can be your first step. Firstly, copywriting allows you to earn good money; now the average payment for 1000 characters fluctuates around 45-70 rubles, if you can understand narrowly niche topics, or speak a strange language, then for a thousand you can get 100-150 rubles, and on closed exchanges the cost of a thousand symbols from a professional can reach 1000 rubles. Rewriting brings in a little less, but you can still make good money on it.

If you have a well-developed imagination and style, then you can earn extra money by writing titles, slogans and domain names, it’s called -.

Copywriting allows you to have a good understanding of the requirements for good articles, which will make it easier in the future to become content managers or webmasters. In order not to wait for the customer to appear, you can write articles and sell them through article stores on exchanges.

Copywriting exchanges and job search sites

  • (I use this exchange the most)
  • TextBroker (closed type copywriting exchange, you can get here only by submitting an application and having a portfolio and accounts with a good rating on other exchanges)
  • ToDo (no longer works)

Author of school, student and scientific works

Scientific copywriting is perfect as a part-time job for school teachers, university professors, talented students, and just people with a good education. The purpose of the work is to write scientific papers to help students, applicants, etc. in their studies.

This work is wonderful because:

  • huge amount of work;
  • variety, from solving school problems to writing scientific dissertations;
  • good pay;
  • short time.

Yes, I count short deadlines as an advantage of earning money, because the deadlines for such work in an educational institution are strict and no one will move them for the sake of the student. Therefore, the customer has one chance to choose the right contractor for his work and look for a cheaper option here, excuse the tautology, not an option. The pursuit of cheapness for the customer can be expensive, hence the good payment for such work. The main exchanges for searching for orders are: “Author 24” and “StudWork”. On these exchanges you can earn your first money on the Internet without investments and withdraw it to a card or e-wallet.

Poster of articles

Poster of articles- a specialist who designs and publishes articles on websites. His task includes filling the Internet resource with posts, correctly formatting the text with headings, subheadings, lists, paragraphs, images, etc.

You won’t need any special knowledge here; it will teach the webmaster everything, help you understand the CMS, and show you how he wants to see articles. Payment is usually piecework and depends on the volume of the article and the number of images in it. There are both postings for 10 rubles and for a hundred. They are often looking for permanent posters, since content is constantly published.

You can look for a job as a poster on:

  • Thematic forums for webmasters (SearchEngine, WebMasters, etc.)

Content manager

A content manager is the editor and curator of a website. On his shoulders lies the search and selection of relevant information, the selection of keywords, the preparation of technical tasks for copywriters and other performers, the search for thematic pictures, videos and other media content.

Many people believe that anyone can be a content manager. Well, this is partly true if the webmaster makes “dull shit” and not a site for people. If he is going to promote his own resource for good earnings, then he will make serious demands on his content manager. Therefore, before you start making money online as a content manager, you will have to spend some time brushing up your knowledge in SEO, website building, and web analytics.

Typically, a content manager is hired on a permanent basis, i.e. they pay for a month of work. But you can also find a job on a piece-rate basis; you will be paid for each published post.

Yes, content managers often take on the function of article poster.

The profession of a content manager can be either remote via the Internet, or you can get a job in an office offline. They are often required in SEO offices, large Internet portals, magazines and newspapers.

Personally, I myself combine both a webmaster and a content manager and poster. But articles are written by copywriters, because in many topics I "swimming".

You should look for work on:

  • freelance service exchanges;
  • Thematic platforms for webmasters
  • Job vacancy aggregators (,,, etc.)

Administrator of a group/public on social networks (SMM manager)

A similar profession to a content manager, but you need to fill out public pages and groups on social networks. You will be required to regularly fill the public with fresh information, relevant pictures, communicate with community members, hold competitions and promotions, monitor spam and delete it.

You can find either a permanent job or work for weeks at a time. The good news is that you can administer several communities a day, even ten, the main thing is to have time to publish the latest information. This allows you to earn a lot of money via the Internet without fear of being deceived.

For running one public page they usually pay from 3 to 10 thousand rubles , so working as an administrator of social networks can be a good help for complete dummies. In addition, you will gain experience in running a community, and no one will forbid you to create your own at the same time. Their public pages still bring in much more money, naturally, if they are promoted.

Look for a job directly in the VK public page or on job search sites (,, etc.)


Freelancing- a general concept that implies remote work of freelancers, i.e. private specialists in a certain field, working freely without labor obligations via the Internet. Working as a freelancer means that you already have some specialty and skills.

Can you draw in Photoshop? You are welcome to the freelance exchange. Do you know how to layout layouts and draw templates? Same way. You can draw up the company’s annual reports, and again, you can find work on freelance exchanges.

Freelancers are usually hired to complete one specific project, but often the relationship with the customer becomes permanent. You need to become a freelancer when you already have a ready-made portfolio and experience. Money won’t hurt either, because all popular exchanges sell paid accounts, which have some advantages over regular ones. You can withdraw money every day, the main thing is that you reach the minimum wage.

Look for work on freelance exchanges:

Technical support or call center operator

Another way for beginners to make money on the Internet, which does not require initial capital or special knowledge. Of course, if you go as an operator to the technical support of an Internet provider, you may need some knowledge of network equipment, but the employer usually provides some kind of FAQ with the most common questions and answers to them. If the client on the other end of the line asks more complex questions, then you simply transfer the call to a specialist.

This work is real and usually takes place without deception. Although one of my friends applied for the position of a call operator at a well-known bank, in the end she was offered to take out a loan, but was denied the job. They pay 15,000 - 20,000 per month . Usually they pay once or twice a month, but sometimes the employer agrees to a meeting and pays daily, you need to communicate.

Working as an operator is well suited for young mothers on maternity leave or people with disabilities. You will need to have a computer, a headset, good internet and complete silence. As a rule, call center operators either answer customer questions or engage in cold sales, then your earnings will depend, in addition to salary, on the number of sales.

You should look for a job as an operator at online recruiting agencies:

  • SuperJob
  •, etc.

Personal consultations

You can give personal consultations via Skype or other voice messenger on the Internet. True, this implies that you are an expert in some field. If you are not one, then you can still make money on the Internet in other ways and learn something at the same time.

Consulting, financial and legal advice is very good here. Foreign language teachers are in great demand. There are also a lot of people teaching how to make money on the Internet, but you have to be careful here, because they can turn out to be ordinary “water carriers” and make money only from such paid consultations.

Payment here is hourly. The range is huge: from 500 rubles per hour to 10 thousand per consultation, it all depends on your qualifications. There is room for improvement.

Personal consultations sell well through personal pages on social networks or on their own blogs.

Remote tutor

Remote tutoring is well suited for people associated with a school program or translators. Parents try all year round to teach their children the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam and God knows what else. Remote language learning is generally always a popular service:

  • a person goes to work abroad;
  • a person moves to a company where knowledge is mandatory;
  • a married couple is going on a savage journey;
  • Well, no one canceled the education of schoolchildren.

If your city is large enough, then you can rehearse in the classical way by simply coming to the student’s home. If this is not possible, then you can safely do this via Skype. The tutor himself sets prices for his services, the main thing is not to raise the prices so much that all clients run away.

Prepayment will save you from any form of deception and you will receive your money every day, the main thing is that there are clients. If you are a professional in your field, they will!


Information business is the creation of text, audio or video educational material, which is subsequently sold on the Internet. The people who create them are called “infobusinessmen”.

Water carriers are information businessmen who sell water in beautiful packaging. They themselves don’t know how to do anything, but they teach others.

You cannot make money in the information business here and at this very moment. You will have to spend a long time creating material, and even longer distributing it. But if you manage to promote it well, you will skim the cream every day.

Now this market is oversaturated and the information business has changed into the same paid consultations or personal coaching. I can tell you a secret that will be popular very soon and bring in a lot of money - these are sites with private information and a monthly subscription fee for access to information. Now we are implementing this in some niches on thematic forums, but soon it will become widespread following the Western Internet.

Remote Assistance

Often, small entrepreneurs or owners of online stores need to shift some of the responsibilities to an assistant, but it is not possible to hire a full-time person in the office, and often there is no office. Therefore, they resort to free people on the Internet, hiring them as their remote assistants. This is a good way to start earning real money without investments, and often the employer can sign you up under an employment contract, which eliminates fraud.

If you are about to start your journey to a million rubles as a personal remote assistant, then your responsibilities will include:

  • work with documents;
  • business correspondence;
  • notifying customers about new products and services;
  • drawing up advertising or presentation material, creating a commercial offer;
  • search for freelancers, copywriters and preparation of technical documents. tasks for them;
  • planning the manager’s working day, his meetings with contractors, purchasing tickets, etc.
  • analysis of enterprise activities, preparation of reports;
  • analysis of competitors and their offers.

Referral guide

A referral leader is an Internet entrepreneur who attracts users through his referral and affiliate links. The work of a referral guide is excellent in that:

  • you work for yourself;
  • active referrals bring absolutely passive income.

More and more people are looking for work or extra income on the Internet; many professions have gone into freelancing. The size of the job market is growing, and so is the money supply. Today they are already writing special courses for referral guides, for example, “Rich referral guide” from Svetlana Mikheeva.

I personally am involved in attracting referrals through this site, although I have not taught any courses. The money is good, but so far the mentality of many does not allow them to start working on the Internet. For example, here is a screenshot from the Author 24 affiliate program for attracting performers to the exchange.

I brought 235 authors, but only 7 of them started working. For each active author I receive 300 rubles. Imagine the income if at least 1/3 started working. But nothing, the situation is changing for the better, there is a lot of money in real life, but the budgets of the Internet market are growing every day. And I have a very large number of such sites, as they say - “The bird pecks at the grain”.

The list of responsibilities can be increased or decreased depending on the needs of a particular manager. Many remote assistants combine the positions of copywriter, poster, content manager, call center operator, advertising agent, etc. Your salary will depend on the volume of your work. Typically, remote assistants are paid 2 times a month, but if you find work through special exchanges such as Work-zilla or Youdo, then money can be withdrawn daily.

Working as a remote assistant is a great opportunity to earn money, learn new skills and see a business or online store from the inside.

You should look for a job as a remote assistant on online recruiting resources and freelance exchanges.

Professional capper

A capper is a professional analyst who makes money on sports betting.

Do you think sports betting is something similar to casinos, sports lotto and other scams? No and no again. People who are seriously involved in sports analytics are able to earn serious money from betting and they don’t even need to invest their own. A professional capper can sell his predictions or accept money from private investors for a percentage of the winnings.

Yes, becoming a privateer in a month or two is unrealistic. It takes years to follow a specific sport, the athletes and their daily lives. After all, even the loss of your beloved hamster can negatively affect the most important match. Study the sport, follow it, try to bet “on paper” and see the pass percentage of your predictions. Next, you can create a group where you can first post your forecasts for free, and if people see the effectiveness of your forecasts, you can start selling them or make the group paid. There are a lot of options here.

You can also work here as an investor, but you need to look for a capper thoroughly, monitor his rates for a long time, and not give money to any crooks who promise you a 100% result. No other professional has this.

How to recognize scammers and deception - 5 basic rules

Fraudsters are everywhere, and they are always looking for a naive victim who can be scammed out of money or simply scammed without paying for the work done. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the following rules of conduct and you will never be deceived.

  1. Carefully study the customer’s account, look at the number of successful orders, positive and negative reviews.
  2. Don't rush into overly attractive offers. Too good a price for not the most difficult work should alert you.
  3. Do not pay money under any circumstances . If a customer asks you to pay him money as a deposit, you should know that you are being deceived. Today our topic is work without deception and investment.
  4. Work through exchanges, where the customer simply will not be able to complete the task until he transfers money to a special account. If you work through classic freelance exchanges, then try to respond only to applications with a “safe transaction”.
  5. If you work directly with an employer, then ask for either an advance payment or the conclusion of a civil employment contract. Without a contract, you can only work with the person with whom you have worked for a long time through exchanges.

Coming to the end of today’s question, I want to give you some recommendations on how to look for a well-paid job to your liking.

  1. Sit down and think carefully about what kind of work you might like, what kind of work will, if not bring you pleasure, will at least cause disgust. If you can’t decide, then try working in each to make your choice.
  2. At the very beginning of your journey, work not for earnings, but for your name and reputation, then they will work for you.
  3. If you have chosen a job, then do not spread yourself thin on many projects at once, build up a rating for yourself on one or two sites.
  4. Combine work. Don’t sit and wait for orders in one direction, start mastering others. If you are a copywriter, then offer the customer to place it on his website for an additional fee.
    Attract new participants to the systems using affiliate and bonus programs. Participate in various competitions and promotions from the administration, this will allow you to earn money in a passive way.
  5. Constantly learn and improve your skills. Maybe today you will have to click on advertising for the sake of pennies, but at this time you can devote yourself to learning and in the future forget about this menial work as a bad dream.
  6. Set yourself a goal and go towards it without deviating from your chosen path. For example, do you want to become a webmaster and create online resources that will bring you a lot of money? What will help you with this? Of course, work as a copywriter, poster and content manager. Working in these professions will bring you money, valuable experience and knowledge.


All dear friends, it’s time to conclude today’s article. Today I tried to describe to you as simply as possible the work on the Internet that you can choose and start earning money from without initial investment or deception. There are, of course, always and everywhere deceivers, but I have given you simple rules that will help you not fall into their traps.

I would advise you to immediately discard the “makakin” work, in the form of entering captchas and making money on clicks and advertising, and move on to real work, for which you can get real money. Your main action is not to be afraid to start! Cast aside all doubts. No one will punch your face in for your attempt. Decide on a goal and go towards it like a tank. All in your hands.

That's all I have. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments or on the “” page. Good luck and good earnings to you .