Pick up the parcel without notification. What to do if a package without a track code is lost? There may be an additional charge for storing parcels.

The AliExpress website sells a lot of useful little things. I want to buy a lot of things. And the goods are relatively cheap.
When buying an inexpensive product, buyers are faced with a situation where the parcel is sent either without a track at all, or with tracks from courier services that are not tracked in the recipient’s country. And the buyer just has to wait until the postman drops the treasured notice in their mailbox that a parcel is waiting for them.

And everything would be fine, but it happens that the notification does not arrive for some reason. And the package, although inexpensive, is long-awaited. And it will not be stored in the mail for a long time. It will lie in the post office for 30 days and will be sent back. What then to do? You can open a dispute because the package was sent back to China, return the money and order the product again. But this will take a lot of time. And oh, how I want to receive my cherished purchase early.

In such situations, experienced buyers advise visiting the post office once every 2 weeks with a smile, sweets and a passport. For the postal worker to look for the package in your name.

But unfortunately the candy trick doesn't always work. Postal workers are informed that without notice or without a normal track, they are not obliged to search for the parcel. This happens very often in Russian post offices. And, to be more precise, you will be very lucky if the postal worker begins to help you.

The question arises: Is the post office employee required to search for your package when presenting your ID?

We can find the answer on the official website of Russian Post:

“If you do not have a notice or a tracking number, upon presentation of your ID, you can ask a Post Office employee to find the item by the name and address to which it was sent.” https://www.pochta.ru/support/post-rules/receiving-sending

As we see, this text is posted in the “Postal Services and Rules” section. That is, according to the rules of the Russian Post, you can officially contact a postal employee with such a request.

Therefore, when a smile does not help, and a postal employee refuses your request, you have to use “heavy artillery”, namely, show the employee this information from the official website of the Russian Post, and also ask him to write a written refusal. This trick usually helps, and the postal employee reluctantly searches for your package using your passport and without a tracking number.

By the way, you can also find information on how to leave a complaint against a postal service employee on the Russian Post website https://www.pochta.ru/support/claims/leave-a-complaint

We wish you to meet only kind and helpful employees at the post office. Enjoy the shopping!

If you have any other secret ways to influence postal workers so that they look for packages without a tracking number, then write about them in the comments!

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The exchange of parcels is becoming more and more popular. And if previously bulky boxes with things were sent to each other mainly by relatives living in different parts of the vast Motherland, now the population is actively ordering goods from online stores via mail. Many people use foreign sites to deliver more affordable items. The standard delivery time for parcels from abroad to the addressee is 1 month. Having ordered a product online, the buyer, as a rule, regularly tracks the shipment track and knows about its arrival at the post office even before the notification is delivered. What to do in such a situation and is it possible to go to the post office to pick up a parcel without a notice in hand? The answer to this question is yes. Having arrived at the local post office with an identification document and the item number, you can ask the operator to hand over the parcel.

Simplifying searches for shipments

Without the identification number of an international item, the recipient who comes to the post office at the place of registration may not accurately formulate the class of the item. Some people don't see the difference between parcel, 1st class and small package. The operator will go through file cabinets for a long time before he finds what he is looking for. Therefore, receiving a parcel without notification will be noticeably faster if the applicant knows exactly the class of the item and the SPI number.

Can the operator refuse to issue it?

Operators at post offices are overworked. In addition to endless queues and customer service, postal employees have a lot of paperwork to do. Parcels are stored at the department for a month, and if the recipient for some reason was unable to come pick up the parcel within 1 week, a second notification is issued. Many people have reasonable questions. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification in conditions of overload of the security service and does the operator have the right to refuse delivery to the client?

The regulatory documents of the Russian Post stipulate that it is impossible for operators to refuse to issue RPOs provided that the identification number is reported. After checking the presence of the shipment, the operator will issue or print a repeat notification.

Why is notice required?

If you can receive a parcel without a piece of paper, the notice loses its meaning, some believe. However, the notice form has two sides. And if the front part serves as a notification of the arrival of the parcel to the addressee, and also informs about the operating hours and address of the post office, then the reverse side is a document that is presented by postal service employees to the head office of the office. On the reverse side the recipient indicates his date and signature. Thus, the notice serves as a receipt for control by a higher authority. Blank notice forms are stored in all departments, and modern mail service programs can print a repeated personalized notice in a matter of seconds.

What to do if the recipient does not live at the place of registration?

There are situations when relatives do not remember the exact address, or the parcel arrived at the place of registration, and the recipient actually lives at a different address. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification if the addresses do not match? If the recipient does not know that a postal item has been sent to him, then upon expiration it will go back to the sender. When changing your address, you must contact the post office with an application for forwarding. In this case, the postman will deliver all subsequent notices to the place of actual residence.

It happens that notices printed by operators “walk” around the area during the entire period that the RPO is in the department. The addressee simply cannot be found; no one knows where he lives at the moment. It also happens that the notification form falls into the hands of the addressee a month after the parcel arrives. But when the branch turns to the point of issue, the operators only have to shrug their hands in sympathy.

Rental of PO Boxes

The notice that the postman brought and put in the mailbox can be picked up by hooligans, the box may not close, and in some residential buildings there are simply no such notices. If a person often uses postal services, then it is advisable to rent a PO box from the post office. Situations can be different; the key to the box may be lost or the recipient may forget it at home in a hurry.

Is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification if the key to the PO box is lost? And will postal workers fine you for losing a key? Most often, mailboxes are rented by regular clients whom security guards know by sight. Therefore, it will not be difficult for operators to find the shipment. In addition, postal workers themselves often warn regular customers by telephone about the presence of RPOs in the recipient’s name at the branch. For a duplicate of a lost key, the tenant will pay its cost. No additional fines will be charged in this case.

How to receive a parcel without notification? Poste restante correspondence

Renting postal mailboxes is actively used by organizations and wealthy citizens. If a person is not confident in the safety of notices in his mailbox or in the integrity of the postman, then he can leave correspondence in his name on demand at the post office at the place of registration. The fee for this service is comparatively cheaper than renting a box from a branch. The client regularly visits the post office asking if there is any correspondence addressed to him.

The recipient will not have a question about whether it is possible to receive the parcel without a notice, because a notice marked “poste restante” is stored in the OPS and cannot be lost. In addition to parcels, the department may receive a valuable or EMS shipment, a valuable 1st class parcel, a small package from abroad, or parcels with books in the recipient's name.

How long is the item stored at the branch for free?

Operators immediately register each newly arrived shipment on the Russian Post website. Parcels are stored free of charge in the OPS for 7 calendar days. For subsequent days of storage, a fee will be charged according to postal rates. How to receive a parcel without notification if the recipient lives in the outback and the postman can only get to the place once a week? Would it be fair to charge such a client a fee for storing the item? In the event that the addressee lives in a remote area (and the postman does not visit the addressee regularly), office employees often do not charge additional fees for storing parcels, doing their best to accommodate the client.

SMS notification service

If a regular postal customer finds it difficult to track his shipments via the Internet or does not have the opportunity to regularly visit the post office with the question “Is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification?”, then it is better for him to activate the SMS notification service when placing an order. The company that sent the goods itself tracks the path of the valuable shipment.

If on the website next to the client’s track there is a mark “arrived at the place of delivery,” the organization sends the customer a message about the arrival of the parcel. Some clients confuse messages about the dispatch of the RPO and its arrival at the place of delivery, annoying operators with a request to release the parcel while it is still in transit. In this case, you need to carefully read the text of the notification and respect the work of postal workers.

Can a relative receive the parcel?

Not all people can come to the post office on weekdays due to their excessive workload. What to do if the shipment is important and urgent? Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification to someone who comes to the office with the recipient’s passport? Postal workers do not have the right to issue valuable items even if the recipient has a passport. Parcels and valuable parcels are issued only in person! If the recipient has a busy work schedule, he can go to his office on Saturday or issue a power of attorney for his relatives by registering it with the local administration or with a notary.

Branches of neighboring countries

This is how things are in Russia. Residents of neighboring countries are also interested in whether it is possible to receive a parcel without notification? At Ukrposhta, in Belarus, in Kazakhstan and in the post offices of other neighboring countries, there is a similar procedure for issuing RPOs, be it domestic or international items. The addressee must present a passport or other identification document. For example, a soldier serving outside his country presents as a document. Relatives can inform the soldier or his authorized representative the SPI number indicated on the receipt that they were given by the OPS upon dispatch. As we can see from all of the above, receiving a parcel without notification is a fairly common and ubiquitous phenomenon.

The exchange of parcels is becoming more and more popular. And if previously bulky boxes with things were sent to each other mainly by relatives living in different parts of the vast Motherland, now the population is actively ordering goods from online stores via mail. Many people use foreign sites to deliver more affordable items. The standard delivery time for parcels from abroad to the addressee is 1 month. Having ordered a product online, the buyer, as a rule, regularly tracks the shipment track and knows about its arrival at the post office even before the notification is delivered. What to do in such a situation and is it possible to go to the post office to pick up a parcel without a notice in hand? The answer to this question is yes. Having arrived at the local post office with an identification document and the item number, you can ask the operator to hand over the parcel.

Simplifying searches for shipments

Without the identification number of an international item, the recipient who comes to the post office at the place of registration may not accurately formulate the class of the item. Some people don't see the difference between parcel, 1st class and small package. The operator will go through file cabinets for a long time before he finds what he is looking for. Therefore, receiving a parcel without notification will be noticeably faster if the applicant knows exactly the class of the item and the SPI number.

Can the operator refuse to issue it?

Operators at post offices are overworked. In addition to endless queues and customer service, postal employees have a lot of paperwork to do. Parcels are stored at the department for a month, and if the recipient for some reason was unable to come pick up the parcel within 1 week, a second notification is issued. Many people have reasonable questions. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification in conditions of overload of the security service and does the operator have the right to refuse delivery to the client?

The regulatory documents of the Russian Post stipulate that it is impossible for operators to refuse to issue RPOs provided that the identification number is reported. After checking the presence of the shipment, the operator will issue or print a repeat notification.

Why is notice required?

If you can receive a parcel without a piece of paper, the notice loses its meaning, some believe. However, the notice form has two sides. And if the front part serves as a notification of the arrival of the parcel to the addressee, and also informs about the operating hours and address of the post office, then the reverse side is a document that is presented by postal service employees to the head office of the office. On the reverse side, the recipient indicates his passport details, dates and signatures. Thus, the notice serves as a receipt for control by a higher authority. Blank notice forms are stored in all departments, and modern mail service programs can print a repeated personalized notice in a matter of seconds.

What to do if the recipient does not live at the place of registration?

There are situations when relatives do not remember the exact address, or the parcel arrived at the place of registration, and the recipient actually lives at a different address. Is it possible to receive a parcel without notification if the addresses do not match? If the recipient does not know that a postal item has been sent to him, then after the expiration of the storage period it will go back to the sender. When changing your address, you must contact the post office with an application for forwarding. In this case, the postman will deliver all subsequent notices to the place of actual residence.

It happens that notices printed by operators “walk” around the area during the entire period that the RPO is in the department. The addressee simply cannot be found; no one knows where he lives at the moment. It also happens that the notification form falls into the hands of the addressee a month after the parcel arrives. But when a post office customer goes to the collection point, the operators only have to shrug their shoulders in sympathy.

Rental of PO Boxes

The notice that the postman brought and put in the mailbox can be picked up by hooligans, the box may not close, and in some residential buildings there are simply no such notices. If a person often uses postal services, then it is advisable to rent a PO box from the post office. Situations can be different; the key to the box may be lost or the recipient may forget it at home in a hurry.

Is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification if the key to the PO box is lost? And will postal workers fine you for losing a key? Most often, mailboxes are rented by regular clients whom security guards know by sight. Therefore, it will not be difficult for operators to find the shipment. In addition, postal workers themselves often warn regular customers by telephone about the presence of RPOs in the recipient’s name at the branch. For a duplicate of a lost key, the tenant will pay its cost. No additional fines will be charged in this case.

How to receive a parcel without notification? Poste restante correspondence

Renting postal mailboxes is actively used by organizations and wealthy citizens. If a person is not confident in the safety of notices in his mailbox or in the integrity of the postman, then he can leave correspondence in his name on demand at the post office at the place of registration. The fee for this service is comparatively cheaper than renting a box from a branch. The client regularly visits the post office asking if there is any correspondence addressed to him.

The recipient will not have a question about whether it is possible to receive the parcel without a notice, because a notice marked “poste restante” is stored in the OPS and cannot be lost. In addition to parcels, the department may receive a valuable or registered letter, an EMS shipment, a valuable 1st class parcel, a small package from abroad, or parcels with books addressed to the recipient.

How long is the item stored at the branch for free?

Operators immediately register each newly arrived shipment on the Russian Post website. Parcels are stored free of charge in the OPS for 7 calendar days. For subsequent days of storage, a fee will be charged according to postal rates. How to receive a parcel without notification if the recipient lives in the outback and the postman can only get to the place once a week? Would it be fair to charge such a client a fee for storing the item? In the event that the addressee lives in a remote area (and the postman does not visit the addressee regularly), office employees often do not charge additional fees for storing parcels, doing their best to accommodate the client.

SMS notification service

If a regular postal customer finds it difficult to track his shipments via the Internet or does not have the opportunity to regularly visit the post office with the question “Is it possible to pick up a parcel without notification?”, then it is better for him to activate the SMS notification service when placing an order. The company that sent the goods itself tracks the path of the valuable shipment.

If on the website next to the client’s track there is a mark “arrived at the place of delivery,” the organization sends the customer a message about the arrival of the parcel. Some clients confuse messages about the dispatch of the RPO and its arrival at the place of delivery, annoying operators with a request to release the parcel while it is still in transit. In this case, you need to carefully read the text of the notification and respect the work of postal workers.

Can a relative receive the parcel?

Not all people can come to the post office on weekdays due to their excessive workload. What to do if the shipment is important and urgent? Is it possible to receive a parcel without notifying a close relative who comes to the department with the recipient’s passport? Postal workers do not have the right to issue valuable items even if the recipient has a passport. Parcels and valuable parcels are issued only in person! If the recipient has a busy work schedule, he can go to his office on Saturday or issue a power of attorney for his relatives by registering it with the local administration or with a notary.

Branches of neighboring countries

This is how things are in Russia. Residents of neighboring countries are also interested in whether it is possible to receive a parcel without notification? At Ukrposhta, in Belarus, in Kazakhstan and in the post offices of other neighboring countries, there is a similar procedure for issuing RPOs, be it domestic or international items. The addressee must present a passport or other identification document. For example, a soldier serving outside his country presents a military ID as a document. Relatives can provide the serviceman or his authorized representative with the SPI number indicated on the receipt that they were given by the OPS upon dispatch. As we can see from all of the above, receiving a parcel without notification is a fairly common and ubiquitous phenomenon.

Over the past few months, in 18 regions of the country, Russian Post has been testing one innovation in pilot mode regarding the receipt of prepaid parcels. We are talking about a postal passport, and more specifically, about an electronic signature. The bottom line is this: now you can create your own electronic signature directly on the official website of the Russian Post and receive already paid parcels without a passport and filling out various forms. The management of FSUE PR is very proud of its innovation, because this supposedly does not exist in any country in the world. But what do clients say? How did they rate the simplified parcel receipt scheme?

As it was before? The oldest and most proven method is as follows:

  • we come to the post office;
  • waiting for our turn;
  • approach the employee;
  • We inform you about your desire to receive the parcel and provide your passport;
  • the employee looks for your package and gives you a form to fill out;
  • write down your passport details, initials, residential address;
  • put a signature and the current number;
  • we receive the shipment

At first glance, everything sounds complicated, but it has always been this way, but in fact it is a simple process, which, moreover, will not take much time, provided there are no queues. All you need is your passport and nothing else. This option is perfect for people who do not often receive parcels and, accordingly, do not often visit the post office, and are not aware of various innovations. Plus, this method is most suitable for older people.

For advanced Internet users, Russian Post offers to download the receipt notice on the official website. It looks like this:

  • We enter the necessary data.

  • Click on the Download form button
  • We put the file on a flash drive and go print it, or if you have a printer, we do it at home

This option is no better than the classic one, it simply saves the time spent filling out the form at the post office, since you still have to stand in line and wait until the employee finds the package, as well as show your passport. This is not a bad topic for those who have a printer at home or at work, otherwise it is easier to come to the branch and fill out the form provided by the employee than to look for where you can print the file in order to receive the package at the Russian Post.

There are real regulars at post offices; such people are almost pros in receiving mail. Here's their method:

  • Download the official PR application on your mobile phone
  • We arrive at the branch and wait our turn.
  • Showing the shipment barcode
  • The employee scans the barcode and goes in search of the parcel.
  • At this time, an SMS with a control dialing of numbers is sent to your phone number.

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According to eyewitnesses, employees do not require a passport, and no forms need to be filled out. But the information has not been confirmed, since the Russian Post still has regulations, and the document may be required.

A new way to receive parcels

To receive a parcel at Russian Post without a passport, according to the new rules, you need to create an electronic signature or a postal passport:

  • We go to the official PR website and fill out a signature. You may also be offered this service directly at the post office.
  • Now, when you receive a package, go “to the post office,” stand in line, tell the employee your initials and the tracking number of the shipment.
  • The employee goes to the warehouse to look for the package, then asks you for your phone number and sends you an SMS message.
  • We inform the employee of the received code and you’re done.

It seems that the method is not so bad, but where is the claimed time saving of as much as 5 times? Instead of showing a regular paper passport, you now have to take out your phone, find the tracking number, still give your last name, first name and patronymic, plus your phone number, and then wait for the SMS to arrive. Yes, you can save on filling out the form, but this saving is very doubtful.


Let's start with the fact that from time immemorial postmen have delivered notices to mailboxes. A person could easily fill it out at home and only then go to the department to pick up the parcel. But in all regions they simply stopped delivering notifications en masse - the entire Internet is teeming with similar complaints. By the way, in this way, Russian Post saves a very good penny. But how much inconvenience this method of saving brings to people! What about older clients who do not use the Internet and may not have a computer. How should they know that the package has arrived? Constantly going to the post office? We always forget about socially vulnerable layers.

Now they are simply trying to accustom clients to the fact that they need to print out the application themselves, i.e. the costs are borne by the recipient of the parcel. It is quite possible that soon paper notices and forms will simply cease to exist - everyone will be transferred to modern methods of receiving parcels at Russian Post using a mobile phone or an electronic signature.

Regarding innovations with electronic signature. This method requires the Internet to obtain a postal passport and a telephone to receive SMS. Again, what about the elderly, because this option is unlikely to suit them. It’s one thing if the Russian Post leaves the classic method on par with the new one, but it’s another thing if the good old filling out the form by hand simply no longer exists. It smacks a little of the infringement of socially vulnerable groups.

If you returned the money, but after some time you still received the parcel, then further actions are at your discretion, but the most honest option would be to contact the seller and agree on how to pay him again, especially if you are satisfied with the quality of the product .

Untracked package disappeared from the mailbox

If one day you find your mailbox opened and suspect that a long-awaited package has been stolen from it, then, unfortunately, you will no longer be able to return it. What can you do to avoid similar incidents in the future? These tips will be especially relevant for those who often travel and cannot independently control the condition of their mailbox.

  • Agree with your neighbors, relatives, and friends to check your mailbox regularly.
  • Write a free-form statement asking them to keep all correspondence sent to you.

FSUE Russian Post
from __________
your address ___________
your phone number ________


I ask that all mail sent to ________________ (full name), residing at the address _____________, be stored at the post office and issued to him (her) only upon personal request from the recipient.
Signature ____________

"___"__________ 20__

Along with the signed application and passport, go to your post office.

We wish you never lose your trackless parcels!