How to transfer money from mobile to mobile mts. How to withdraw money from an MTS phone, monetary transactions with an MTS account

Telephone companies keep up with the times, expanding the list of their services and capabilities. One of them is MTS.

Different situations happen in life. It happens that the balance on the phone is zero, that is, there is not a penny, but you urgently need to call. It happens that you need to top up the account of another MTS subscriber, but there are no terminals or ATMs nearby. Of course, MTS cannot ignore such unforeseen situations, preventing them and providing a whole list of functions for such cases.

New opportunities

Here are some answers to the question of how to top up your balance on MTS:

"In full confidence"

In addition, if you have had an MTS SIM card in use for more than three months, and over the last three months you have deposited at least 300 rubles into your account, the “In Full Trust” service will be available to you. To activate it, you need to call *111*32#. After activation, you will have access to funds in the amount of 300 rubles for calls, SMS and mobile Internet. The more you spend on calls, the higher the trust limit amount. The service is activated free of charge at one time.

"Promised payment"

You can use the “Promised Payment” service to top up your account. The funds lent to you are calculated depending on how much money you spend per month on mobile payments using your MTS number, and will be withdrawn from your account after a week. That is, the company gives you a loan for seven days, charging a commission of five rubles for this service. Activation combination: *111*123#call.

Personal Area

Finally, how to top up the account of another MTS subscriber using your personal account via the Internet? Log in to your MTS personal account, go to the “Easy payment” section and fill out a form where you indicate your friend’s phone number, and the funds transferred to him will be automatically withdrawn from your phone account, which is linked to this account.

Good afternoon, dear readers! The topic of this article will most likely be of interest to many. The point is that we will figure out how to transfer money from MTS to MTS? Each of us can top up our balance. To do this, the caring operator has provided a lot of ways: cards for replenishment with Scratch panels, terminals, ATMs, via the Internet and others. But there is one way that differs from those listed above. We are talking about transferring money from your balance to another MTS subscriber.

The reasons why you sometimes need to top up your MTS balance in this way can be very different. For example, if your child runs out of money and you are at work. There is no money or opportunity to replenish in another way. For example, when traveling by train. Or the funds simply ran out, and the salary is in a few days.

Direct broadcast: it was there, but it was gone!

Previously, MTS called the function for transferring money from one mobile account to another “Direct Transfer” (DP). On January 26, 2016, the operator decided that it was necessary to suspend the service. Unfortunately, management decided to eliminate the service for all network subscribers, regardless of tariff plan or region of residence. This change also affected those who used the program regularly. All user settings for this function have been automatically disabled.

For those who are not in the know, let us remind you how it was possible to transfer money from MTS to MTS six months ago. So, there were three options:

  1. Use MTS USSD code.

    You had to dial *112*number of the friend to whom you are sending funds*amount#, and then press the call button. After which the operator received a message with the following content: “To confirm the operation, dial the combination *112*ХХХХ# and press “Call”. Instead of four Xs, of course, there were numbers. The subscriber dialed the code and money was immediately sent from his account to his friend’s mobile phone.

  2. Direct transmission via menu. In order to send money this way, you had to do the following:
    • Enter the MTS USSD command *111*7#. Thanks to this, you got to the menu.
    • From the options offered, you had to choose “Direct transmission”.
    • Next, enter the number of the subscriber to whom you want to send money. You had to start entering immediately with the code, that is, +7 was implied by default.
    • Then the amount was entered and the transaction was confirmed. All!

    The money was immediately transferred to the recipient subscriber's account.

  3. Transfer via SMS message.

    This option was one of the most convenient. You just had to send a message to 9060, indicating the recipient’s details and the amount separated by a space. It looked like this: 9112223334 150. A few seconds later a message came with a code, which was sent again to the same service number. And literally immediately the money was transferred from your account to the recipient’s mobile phone.

Of course, there were certain conditions that had to be met in order to top up a friend’s MTS account:

  1. The amount you want to withdraw must be less than the balance by at least 70-90 rubles, depending on the region.
  2. However, it should not exceed 300 rubles.
  3. The sender and recipient had to be not only MTS subscribers, but also belong to the same region, because money could only be transferred within the home region.
  4. The sender must have at least 97 rubles in his mobile account. 90 rubles is the minimum possible balance on the sender’s account; 7 rubles were charged as payment for the operation.
  5. Only five transfers per day were allowed, that is, the maximum possible amount that could be transferred to MTS friends was one and a half thousand per day.

The conditions were quite loyal and understandable, which were easy to comply with. Since our team does not blindly trust various publications on the Internet, we decided to check whether the service is no longer valid! And what happens now when you try to transfer money “the old fashioned way”? This is what happened!

The MTS USSD code entered gave the following result: “The service is temporarily unavailable. Contact your phone operator. 0890(1025)". And naturally, the money, as it was in the sender’s account, remained there.

  1. Promised payment
  2. With complete trust.
  3. Call me back.
  4. Back.

The “PP” item simply disappeared. This means that this method is no longer the answer to the question of how to transfer money from MTS to MTS.

Testing the last method was also not encouraging. Attempts to send a message to 9060 simply failed: the message was not sent. Conclusion: you can forget about the service!

Using the “Direct Transfer” function was convenient and comfortable! So why did the operator decide to cancel such a good and, importantly, beloved feature by many? We'll talk about this in the next section of our article.

How to transfer money from MTS to MTS: secrets, intrigues, investigations!

In an attempt to find out what caused the cancellation of this convenient way to send funds to loved ones, we identified three main versions.

Version 1. MTS USSD code: one thief, ruin for the whole world!

Since representatives of the MTS operator have not given an official explanation regarding the disabling of the function, one can only speculate. So, the first version is that there was a lot of fraud associated with USSD commands. Dropping money took no more than a minute. Therefore, 300 rubles at a time could disappear from a phone accidentally left behind. Most often, the person who noticed the loss turned to the operator for information. Depending on the subscriber’s personality, such conversations have more than once led to conflicts with Call Center operators. It is likely that this is what led to the cancellation of the function.

Version 2. Top up your friend's MTS account: we reduce costs!

The second version is more prosaic. In this case, we are not talking about caring for network users, but about the profit of MTS OJSC. A few years after the appearance of “PP”, a new service was developed, which was called “Easy Payment” (LP). This led to duplication of functions, and, accordingly, unnecessary costs on the part of the operator. Perhaps it's not just about the LP service. In the fall of 2015, MTS launched a new project called “Transfer by SMS”. Its difference from LP is that all operations are carried out using SMS messages.

After the launch of “Transfer by SMS”, the number of services duplicating each other reached three. Apparently this was the main reason for abandoning the “Direct Transmission”. The decision to remove the software was most likely based on the fact that the service, strictly speaking, had only one function. It was abandoned in favor of multifunctional services that solve the same problems, but in different ways (USSD commands, SMS messages, Internet).

Version 3. Prices are stifling!

True, in this case it is not the consumer who is being strangled, but the supplier. The cost of one transfer of money using a PP was 7 rubles, and if you set up regular transfers, it was completely free! To transfer funds from MTS to MTS using LP you will have to pay 10 rubles, regardless of the amount and frequency. The same is true with “Transfer via SMS”.

For many MTS users, it was extremely profitable to use PP in order to send money to their relatives every day. For example, it was very convenient and profitable to send money to your children, while setting a daily spending limit! Two in one: control and savings! But the benefit for the operator was very dubious. Not only could children not spend more than a certain (obviously small) amount, but replenishment was absolutely free with significant costs on the part of the operator.

Probably the only disadvantage of the PP was that the funds received in this way can only be spent on paying for mobile communications. In the case of LP and transfer via SMS, there are no such restrictions. Money can be withdrawn from the account or spent on anything the user wishes.

We do not undertake to say what caused it, but simply offered our versions. How wealthy they are is up to you, dear readers! And we continue. And then we will discuss in detail how to transfer money from MTS to MTS without the good old “Direct Transfer”.

Easy payment: 4 ways to transfer money from MTS to MTS!

The operator offers subscribers to use the “Easy Payment” service, which serves as a worthy replacement for PP. With its help, you can pay for mobile communications, Internet, TV, games, utilities, landline telephone, repay loans, send money to relatives and much more. There can be two sources for payments:

  1. Mobile phone account.
  2. User's bank cards.

There are four ways in total to top up your MTS friend’s account:

  1. Payment application.
  2. Website.
  3. Mobile app.
  4. USSD portal.

Payment app: born to crawl cannot fly!

We are talking about an application that is installed by the manufacturer directly on the SIM card. You can install it not on all cards, but only on those that support the STK standard (SIM TOOL KIT). If you have been using a SIM card for a very long time, then most likely it does not support this standard and you will not have access to the payment application.

Many will probably ask the question: why do we need a service built into the SIM if there are mobile applications. The fact is that these STK applications are under the control of the operator, therefore they are considered the most reliable and safe. Information and payment data are under control and cannot accidentally reach third parties. To use such applications, you do not need access to the Internet, an environment where fraud of all kinds flourishes.

Owners of old SIM cards should not despair! We will teach you how to gain access to a reliable payment service!

Tip 1. Go to an MTS salon and ask to replace the card while keeping your phone number!

For a minimal fee, the salon specialists will issue a new SIM card that will support STK. Tariffs, settings, balance will remain unchanged.

How to check the availability of an application? Very simple! Look among the icons for one that will be signed MTS-Pay. If you find it, then you don’t need to change anything, enjoy it for your health!

How to top up a friend's MTS account through the official website: step-by-step instructions!

In order to transfer money to the balance of an MTS subscriber through the official website you need to:

  1. We go to the MTS website. Select the “Financial services and payments” tab and look for “Pay for goods and services”. The website of the “Easy Payment” service will automatically load. . Or directly enter the address in the address bar
  2. Click on the MTS icon and select the “Payment for MTS from your phone account” section.
  3. Next, fill in the payment details, namely the number of the person to whom you need to send money and the amount. Click “Next”.
  4. Now we are waiting for SMS.
  5. Answer it (any content). And wait for confirmation of payment, which will be reflected on the site.

“Easy Payment” application: modern, fast, convenient!

Another way to top up your balance on MTS from your mobile phone, which requires Internet access and a modern gadget on Android or IOS. So, instructions on how to transfer money from MTS to MTS!

Step 1. Go to the Google Play application (Play Store). Enter Easy payment in the search bar. The results will appear, select the icon with the image of the wallet and install it on your phone. If you have the “My MTS” application installed, then you can go to its menu and select “MTS Applications”, in the window that opens, find the same icon and install it.

If for some reason you can’t install the application through the Play Store, don’t worry!

Secret 2. You can find the installation file on the Internet, bypassing the Market!

The installation file for Android has the extension APK. This is, of course, not a reliable method from a security point of view, but, in extreme cases, it can be used.

Step 2. Open the application. Instead of login, enter your phone number, create a password and log in.

Step 3. Select “Pay” and then “Mobile phone”. Then click on “MTS”.

Step 4. Fill in the payment details: number, payment amount, payment option. By the way, the amount that can be donated varies from 10 rubles to 10 thousand rubles. In the “Payment option” item, select “From phone account”. Click “Next”. Next, the system will request confirmation of details and confirmation of payment. If you do everything correctly, after a few seconds you will receive a message confirming the operation.

USSD portal: the old fashioned way!

There is no time to install applications, you are not “friends” with modern phones, there is no way to use the Internet. How can you send money to a friend in this case? There is an exit! Good old USSD commands will help you! In this case, everything is very simple! Let's move on to the instructions.

Step 1. Enter the command *115#. A dialog menu opens. Select "1". Click “Send”.

Step 2. Another window opens. Again select “1”.

Step 3. In the next paragraph, click on the first option again.

Step 4. Enter the number without the country code.

Step 5. Specify the amount.

Step 6. Select the source of funds: “MTS personal account.” And this is also the first option. We will receive confirmation via SMS!

We looked at all the ways to transfer money from MTS to MTS using LP. Which one to use is up to you! But here's another tip for you!

Tip 3. If you have a modern smartphone and security is not your last priority, then useSTK-applicationMTS- Pay!

And you won’t have to worry that someone is counting your payment details and money will start disappearing from your mobile phone or credit card.

Automatic payments from MTS to MTS: done and forgotten!

What is not unimportant is that through MTS-Pay, the LP Mobile application and the official website, you can easily set up regular money transfers! This is suitable for those who have used this function using PP. To configure, find the “Autopayments” section. Click “Add auto payment”. Then do everything as indicated in the step-by-step instructions. At a certain stage of processing transfers, you will need to specify the “Auto payment type”:

  1. According to the balance threshold.
  2. Scheduled.

We’ll leave it up to you to decide how to send money to your loved ones. If desired, transfers can be made daily, weekly, monthly, on a specified date or periodically.

Service "Transfer by SMS" from MTS: everything for the convenience of users!

How to transfer money from MTS to MTS if for some reason the methods described above are not suitable? The operator has provided another money transfer service – “Transfer by SMS”. How is it different from LP? There are three differences:

  1. The source of funds is only a mobile account!
  2. The method for making transfers is SMS messages only!
  3. Recipients are only mobile network subscribers.

With this service, everything is simple and clear, there is no need to remember application passwords, rack your brain over which menu item to choose or how to make a payment correctly. This is a very convenient means of payment!

Step 1. Select a recipient from the phone book.

Step 2. Send an SMS to his number with the following text: “#transfer XXX.” Instead of three x's, indicate the amount.

Step 3. A message with further instructions will be sent to your mobile phone within a minute.

Step 4. Send a reply SMS with any text and wait for confirmation! All!

In case of sending money to MTS subscribers, the commission will be 10 rubles, as in the case of LP. When transferring to other mobile operators, another 4% of the amount will be added to 10 rubles.

A significant advantage of this service is that you do not need to manually enter the recipient's number, which minimizes the chance of error. And again, these transfers bypass the Internet, so the likelihood of fraud is significantly reduced! And one more tip!

By accidentally leaving it for a couple of minutes, you will be sure of the safety of your funds!

Perhaps readers will find this method too primitive. After all, money can only be transferred to the personal account of a mobile network subscriber. But did you know that you can easily withdraw money from your mobile phone through virtual payment systems. For example, QIWI. You just need to issue a Unistream money transfer, and indicate “MTS” in the transfer source. That's all!

Top up your balance on MTS with MTS: there is always a choice!

In the age of rapid development of Internet technologies, a variety of alternatives will satisfy even the most capricious user. The methods described above on how to transfer money from one number to another can be called “official”. Now let’s discuss another method, so to speak, “from intermediaries.” To do this, you must have a gadget with Internet access.

Step 1. Enter the name of one of the payment services in the search bar. For example:

  • MobiMoney.

Select the “Mobile Communications” section.

Step 2. Specify the amount and recipient number.

Step 3. Select the payment method “Mobile phone” and enter your number in the appropriate field.

Step 4. Wait for an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it.

Step 5. Receive confirmation.

The commission varies from 3 to 5%. Higher than with “official” methods. However, transfers through intermediaries have their advantages.

  1. Possibility to send money anonymously.
  2. Transfer limits are higher. You can lose 5 thousand rubles in one go. Per day – 15 thousand rubles.
  3. You can accept an unlimited amount per number.

Those who handle significant sums will like this method of transferring money.

Important addition: how not to get into trouble!

Competition pushes mobile operators to constantly search for convenient innovations. So in 2013, the so-called mobile slavery abolition program was developed. Its essence is that a subscriber of one network can switch to another network with full preservation of the phone number, including the code. For example, the number +7916ХХХХХХХ may not refer to MTS, but, for example, to Megafon or Beeline. Therefore, before making transfers to friends, you need to clarify which network they are subscribers of. If during registration you indicate MTS, but in fact the number belongs to Beeline, then the payment may not go through correctly.

Scammers' tricks: forewarned is forearmed!

Finally, let’s discuss another important point: how to avoid fraud? Unfortunately, it is the LP service that leads in the field of Internet theft. So, how are subscribers deceived?

With the help of Trojans, they steal passwords that come in SMS and send money to the desired number. Install a reliable antivirus on your phone.

Reception 2. Personal call with a request to provide the code that came to the “victim’s” phone.

Naturally, the arguments are “iron”: accidentally mixed up the number, made a mistake, really needed it, urgently, and so on. In general, a matter of life and death! Just hang up!

Technique 3. Auto payments are stolen.

Automatic payments are issued in order to avoid constantly returning to transfers. That is, the control is minimal. This is a bonanza for scammers. Passwords are read and transfers go not to the recipient, but straight into the pockets of the scammers! Do not use recurring payments unless absolutely necessary or remember to monitor this process.

What to do if trouble happens and the money goes to the wrong place? First of all, don't top up your account! Secondly, reset your password using USSD *117#. Thirdly, call the operator or go to a communication salon!


Despite the fact that Direct Transfer, beloved by many, is no longer a dream, there are many convenient ways to transfer money from MTS to MTS. We have tried to describe each of them in great detail. The choice is up to the readers. The main thing is to never forget about security and control payments. Our carelessness is the bread and butter of scammers!

Modern people cannot imagine themselves without cellular communications, because with the help of the phone we work and study, have fun and communicate. A situation where the account runs out of money and communication becomes unavailable is tantamount to a disaster. To reduce such situations to zero, mobile operators offer their customers a wide range of options for replenishing their accounts. One of these methods is transferring money from an MTS personal account to MTS accounts of other subscribers.

Terms of transfer

When concluding an agreement with MTS, a separate personal account is opened for the subscriber. The money paid by the subscriber for communication services is credited to the account. These funds can be used to fulfill the subscriber's obligations to pay for services provided by third parties.

Transactions and payments from a personal account are carried out within the framework of the MTS Money Wallet service. To join the agreement on the use of the service, the subscriber only needs to create an order to make a payment using one of the provided methods.

If the transaction is successful, a subscription fee of 10 rubles is charged from the subscriber's account. Funds are written off when a message about the completion of the transaction is received from numbers 7763 or 3316.

How to transfer money from MTS to MTS

There are many ways to transfer money from a personal account to the accounts of other MTS operators. You can transfer money through the website, via SMS messages, in your personal account, using a mobile application. They all have advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

“Direct transmission” service

The Direct Transfer service is no longer available. Instead, you can use the “Easy Payment” service.

Easy Payment is a mobile application. After downloading it to your mobile device, you will be able to make payments from your personal account and bank card of any bank anywhere.

To get started, you need to download and install the application, follow the prompts, create a personal password, select a payment recipient, enter the amount and other requested parameters and send an order to make the payment.

Through the mobile application it is convenient to pay for mobile communications, Internet provider services, games, TV, housing and communal services, social networks, transport, repay loans, and make purchases. All payments are safe, comply with standards, and are certified.

The age limit for using the Easy Payment application is 4+, which indicates its simplicity and accessibility.


To transfer money from MTS to MTS using SMS messages, you need to send a message with the text to the phone number of the person whose account you are going to top up:

#translation<сумма операции>

For example, to top up your account with 300 rubles, the message will take the following form:

#translation 300

After this, you will receive an SMS from the short number 6996 asking you to confirm the operation. Follow the instructions, send “Yes” and the money will be debited from your account immediately.

In your personal account

The easiest way is to transfer money from an MTS account to the account of another MTS recipient directly on the website. To do this, in the menu of the main page of the website, you must select the section Payment for goods and services / Mobile phone. In the list of possible payment recipients that opens, select MTS.

USSD commands

Transferring money via USSD requests has its advantages:

  • the method is simple and clear
  • does not require an internet connection
  • available on any mobile devices, including regular old-style push-button phones
  • has no restrictions on the number of operations

To transfer money from MTS to MTS you need to dial the following combination:

Click Call. After sending this command, a menu will appear on the screen in which you need to select the “Mobile phone” section and the “MTS” operator, that is, press “1” and “1” again. Next, you need to dial the transfer recipient’s number and the amount. The system will prompt you to select the location from which the money should be debited. Select “MTS Personal Account” by pressing “2”. Confirm the payment by pressing "1".

One-time and regular transfers

To make a one-time payment, you can dial the USSD command:

*112*<номер телефона>*<сумма>#

  • <номер телефона>- this is the phone number of the person whose account you want to top up
  • <сумма>- replenishment amount, which should not exceed 300 rubles.

For example, if you want to transfer 150 rubles, the message will look like:


After sending the message, you should receive an SMS containing a recharge code. Send it with the command:

*112*<код из СМС>#

For example, having received confirmation code 5245, the message will look like:

A regular payment is configured by the command in the following format:

*114*<номер телефона>*<код периодичности>*<сумма>#

  • <номер телефона>- recipient's phone number
  • <код периодичности>- a figure corresponding to the period for sending the payment, which can take on the following values: 1 - every day, 2 - once a week, 3 - once a month
  • <сумма>- regular transfer amount

Example. In order for the amount of 150 rubles to be transferred from your personal account to your child’s account every week, you need to create the following message:


Receive the verification code and send a reply message as described above.

To cancel a previously configured regular payment, you need to send a message:

*114*<номер телефона>#

  • <номер телефона>- phone number of the recipient of the payments you want to cancel

Auto payment

To replenish your MTS account, there is an “Autopayment” service. True, in this case the account is replenished not from the personal account of one subscriber to another, but from a bank card account. This service is popular with parents who want to keep their children connected and with adult children who are worried about their parents.

It is possible to set up automatic payment from a set amount or at certain intervals. In the first case, when the personal account balance drops below the established amount, a message is sent to the bank about the need to make the next payment and the account is replenished. In the second case, payments are made at a set frequency, once a day, week or month, regardless of how much money is in the recipient's account.

Advantages of the service:

  • the ability to quickly replenish your account balance
  • payments are made without your further participation
  • Individuals and legal entities can activate the service
  • connection is available at any time of the day or night

Limits and restrictions

MTS imposes some restrictions on making transfers from the personal accounts of its subscribers:

  • You can transfer funds to an MTS subscriber registered in the same region as the sender of the money
  • minimum payment amount 1 rub.
  • The maximum one-time amount for replenishing an account is 300 rubles.
  • number of payments - 5 per day
  • The maximum amount of payments per day is RUB 30,000.
  • The maximum payment amount per month is RUB 40,000.
  • the account balance after making the payment is 10 rubles.

Transferring an order to make a payment from a personal account will cost you 10 rubles. Payment will be charged upon successful payment at the time you are notified.

After debiting the payment, there must be an amount of at least 10 rubles remaining in the account. Otherwise, your operation will be denied. Bonus and credit funds cannot be used to top up the account of other MTS operators.

To a phone number from a bank card is a very popular operation today. The mobile operator MTS offers its customers a reverse service - transferring money from a phone number to a bank card. , the user will also be able to manage finances, both on a mobile phone and on a Sberbank card, by sending SMS or short USSD requests. Let's find out how to transfer money from MTS to a Sberbank card.

How to transfer money from an MTS balance to a Sberbank card

Today, any MTS subscriber can transfer from his phone to a Sberbank card. This function will be useful when there is a sum of money on the mobile number, the amount of which exceeds the cost of paying for the tariff of the mobile operator, or you need to pay with a Sberbank card, and the required amount of money is only available on the phone balance. In any situation, the user can resort to transferring from MTS to a Sberbank card. There are plenty of translation methods, including special ones, and which one to use is up to the subscriber to choose.

It must be said that with this method of replenishing a Sberbank card, a higher commission is established than for. There are also certain rules and restrictions set by the mobile operator. For those who are wondering: how to transfer money from MTS to a Sberbank card without commission, below are all possible methods.

Current restrictions on transfers from the operator’s balance to the card

The mobile operator has set the maximum amount for one operation to top up a bank card in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. The minimum threshold is 50 rubles. The absence of any restrictions and limits complicates control over ongoing operations, and this increases the level of risk for mobile operators and banks. Russia has passed a law limiting the maximum allowable amount of money transfers if the user's identity is not sufficiently identified.

Sberbank also sets restrictions that increase the overall level of security. So, for full-featured cards, there are no restrictions on this procedure (exceptions are VISA Business and Mastercard Business cards). All other bank cards of these companies are open for money transfers from MTS. With budget and social cards of Sberbank, such as: or, the situation is different. You will not be able to top them up from a mobile phone using the methods below. the same exception applies to “” cards from Sberbank. There will be no problems with those Maestro cards whose number includes 16 digits, but those cards that have an 18-digit number are not intended for transferring money from a mobile phone.

Is it possible to transfer money from MTS to a Sberbank card without commission?

At the moment, when transferring money from MTS to a Sberbank card, a commission of 4.3% is charged, but not less than 60 rubles. Therefore, the smaller the replenishment amount, the higher the interest on the transfer. For example, when transferring 120 rubles to a Sberbank card, the commission will be 50%. Therefore, you need to understand that transferring small amounts is not profitable. Also, the balance on the mobile account from which the transfer is made must be at least 10 rubles.

It is not possible to transfer money from a mobile phone to a card without a commission.

How many times can you transfer money from MTS to a card?

Limits on the number of transfers are set by the mobile operator. Currently, the limit of transfers should not exceed 5 per day. The maximum amount of money available for transfer per day is 75 thousand rubles. The commission for all transactions will be 3,000 rubles. It is not advisable to transfer less than 1,500 rubles at a time, because... in this case, a commission of more than 4.3% will be withheld (since the minimum commission is 60 rubles).

Available methods of transferring money from MTS to a card account

You can transfer money from MTS to a Sberbank card in three ways - through your Personal Account, via SMS or by sending USSD requests. Each method has its own advantages.

Using MTS Personal Account

MTS has developed an interface that allows you to manage your mobile account online. In your Personal Account there is a function called “Money Transfers”, it allows you to make a single transfer or set up automatic sending.

In your Personal Account, expand the “Manage Payments” tab and follow the “Easy Payment” link. The page will open a list of available money transfer directions - there is a large selection, ranging from bank cards (including from Sberbank), ending with various payment systems and even online stores. You should select “Transfer from phone account to card” and follow the step-by-step instructions that will be displayed on the screen. It should be noted that it will not be possible to transfer all the money from MTS to a Sberbank card, because You must have a minimum balance on your mobile account.

For security purposes, a verification code will be sent to your phone, which must be entered in a special line. Funds are credited instantly or within a few minutes after the payment is made. We remind you that Maestro cards do not support money transfers in this way, only VISA and MasterCard. If the system generates an error when trying to carry out an operation, then first of all you need to make sure that the type of bank card meets the requirements of the service.

The method described above is the simplest, but access to your MTS Personal Account is only possible from a computer or mobile device (smartphone, tablet) with Internet access. However, there are situations when you urgently need to top up your card, but you only have a mobile phone at hand.

Transfer via SMS via number 900

Let's consider the second option, how to transfer money from MTS to a Sberbank card. - this is the short service number "". To top up your card, you need to send an SMS with the following content: “ 79ХХХХХХХХ 0000 199" The template is deciphered as follows:
  • « 79ХХХХХХХХХ" - this is the phone number from which the debit is made;
  • « 0000 " - the last four digits of the bank card;
  • « 199 » - transfer amount in rubles.
The replenishment conditions and restrictions are the same as when making a payment through the official website of the MTS company. The standard minimum balance is 10 rubles. The money will be credited within a few minutes after sending the message.

Transfer via SMS via number 6111

Another Sberbank service number is 6111 . The message template is as follows - “ card 1234567890123456 XXX" In this case, the set of numbers is the full bank card number (usually 16 digits), and “ XXX» - replenishment amount.

Transfer money using USSD command

The fourth way to transfer money from MTS to a Sberbank card is to use, which is dialed in the call menu, like a regular phone number. The command looks like this - " *611*ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ*999#" You must indicate the full card number and the transfer amount in rubles. After confirmation from the operator, the money will be credited to the Sberbank card almost immediately. The list of possibilities of USSD commands is not limited to transfers from a mobile account to a bank card. The client can also perform the reverse procedure - .

How to transfer money from MTS to a Maestro card

The standard functionality of Mobile Sberbank and MTS Personal Account does not allow transferring money from a mobile phone to a Maestro bank card. However, this can be done through the services of intermediaries. The principle is simple - first you need to withdraw money from MTS to a VISA or MasterCard card (by one of the four methods described above); after which you can transfer money from it to your Maestro card. This procedure requires more time. If you only have a Maestro card, then you need to contact someone who has a Sberbank VISA or MasterCard card.


Mobile payments are gaining more and more popularity. In fact, there is a gradual process of creating a unified payment instrument. Therefore, there is nothing difficult in topping up a bank card from Sberbank with MTS. A significant disadvantage of this method is the relatively high commission (4.3%). Therefore, topping up a card from a mobile phone balance is usually resorted to in the most extreme cases. You need to know about the existence of this function and how to transfer money step by step from MTS to a Sberbank card.

Quickly transferring money from a cell phone balance to another subscriber's number is an extremely convenient service that is very popular.

There will be situations when your loved one, friend or relative does not have money on their phone just at the moment when you need to make an important call. Time does not always allow you to look for a payment terminal and exchange cash in such a way as to credit the required amount without change.

If you are an MTS subscriber, you can help in this situation by making a quick transfer of funds to another person’s phone, even if he is a user of the services of another mobile operator.

MTS clients can make these transfers in several ways:

  • via SMS;
  • in the payment portal menu;
  • using the “Easy Payment” service on the MTS website.

The first two methods are universal for all operators. Translation via the Internet has small nuances, which are discussed in detail later in the article.


SMS transfer from MTS to the balance of another operator occurs as follows. You need to select the number of the recipient of the funds and send an SMS to it, built according to a certain format with a code word. The message does not reach the recipient - instead, the SMS processing center recognizes it as a service command and transfers money from your balance to the addressee’s account.

The message should look like this:

#translation 150

Wait for a response SMS from your mobile operator with instructions to complete the operation.

In the menu of the mobile portal for payment

Another universal method is through a mobile payment portal. An Internet connection is not required to access the portal. Dial *115# and press call to go to the main menu. Here, select Mobile Phone. Next, enter the recipient number and transaction size. You will receive an SMS with a preliminary report. To confirm, send a message back - with any text except 0 (zero). An SMS with a single “0” cancels the operation.

From MTS to Beeline - from one number to another

One of the simplest and fastest transfer methods is through the “Easy Payment” Internet service from MTS.

To do this, select “To mobile phone” in the “Financial services and payments” section:

Then you need to select the mobile operator on whose phone the transaction will be made. In our case, this is Beeline:

After selecting the communication provider we need, we need to enter data to transfer funds:

The web form asks us for very basic information. This is the phone number of the transfer recipient and the transaction amount. Enter this data in the special fields, and then make sure that the “From MTS mobile account” option is checked. Click Next. At the final stage, confirm the operation by following all the required instructions. You will be required to enter a confirmation code that will be sent via SMS.

From MTS to number - MegaFon

Transactions to Megafon operator numbers are carried out using one of the universal methods via telephone or in your MTS personal account.

The algorithm of actions is simple: on the official MTS website, go to the “To mobile phone” subsection of the main menu item “Financial services and payments”.

Click "Megaphone":

If you select the icon of another operator here, and at the next stage enter the MegaFon number, the transaction will not go through and you will have to do the entire operation again.

After selecting the correct operator, enter the transaction details - recipient’s phone number and transfer amount:

Confirm the operation by entering the special code from the received SMS. After this, you will see a report on the successful completion of the transfer.

From MTS number to another number - Tele2

Transferring money to Tele2 from an MTS phone is possible via SMS or a special menu, as mentioned above, as well as on the operator’s website.

Go to the special section of mobile transfers of the Easy Payment service through the main menu. To do this, select “To mobile phone” in the “Financial services and payments” section.

Be careful: If you make the wrong choice at this stage, you will have to carry out the entire operation again later.

After clicking on the Tele2 logo, fill out this convenient web form:

Enter the recipient's number and the amount you want to debit from your balance. Check “From a mobile phone account” in the list of transfer sources and click “Next”. Complete the transaction by confirming it with a special one-time code from the received SMS.

How to transfer money without commission?

All transfers from MTS to phones of other cellular networks are subject to a single commission. This has a logical basis: the operator suffers technical costs when servicing transactions. These costs are covered by retained commissions. Unfortunately, there is no way to transfer funds without a commission.

The good news is that in the fiercely competitive Russian mobile services market, operators cannot inflate commission fees, leaving them at an acceptable level.