iTunes does not see iPhone: the main causes of the problem. iTunes does not see iPhone: causes and solution to the problem

You don’t have to worry about whether the iPhone is genuine if the device is purchased at a hardware store or at one of the offices of cellular networks, such as MTS or Svyaznoy. But if you intend to order an iPhone via the Internet (for example, from a Chinese store) or buy a gadget “from hand”, you need to be careful and insist on preliminary verification of the authenticity of the gadget via the Internet.

This method is the most suitable, because to use it you don’t even need to open the box and take out the device itself. Follow the instructions:

Step 1. Find the serial number of the device on the packaging - it should be located on the back of the box between the IMEI and the part number (Part No.). The serial number consists of 11 or 12 characters (numbers and letters).


If the iPhone is printed and activated, check the “serial numbers” on the packaging and in the device settings (path “ Settings» — « Basic» — « About this device»).

When connecting your iPhone to a computer or laptop to work with digital data, the user may encounter the problem of the device not being recognized. The reason for this may be malfunctioning software or a malfunction of the Apple gadget itself.

Some breakdowns can be corrected yourself, otherwise you will have to contact a service center. Let's look at the reasons why iTunes doesn't see the iPhone and their solution.

Common problems when syncing your Apple device with your computer

Regardless of whether you connect your iPhone to a regular personal computer, laptop, or MacBook, you may experience a lack of synchronization. To solve a problem, it is necessary to discover its cause.

The main reasons for unstable operation:

  • failure or incompatibility of the USB port with the device;
  • non-working or non-original USB cable;
  • problems with software or operation of the Apple Mobile Device;
  • iPhone malfunction.

Let's look at each one separately. It is necessary to adhere to a given procedure for diagnosing the performance of a PC and Apple device.

Diagnostics of the functionality and compatibility of the USB port with the device

If you plug your iPhone into a USB port and nothing happens, the port may be broken or the port may not be compatible with the device. Insert a flash drive or other USB device into this port to test functionality. If the device is detected and works stably, reconnect your iPhone to another port, preferably located on the back of the system unit. For stable operation, it is recommended to use USB 3.0 or higher.

If reconnection does not give any result, move on to another diagnostic point.

Diagnosis of a broken cable

Connect the cable you are using to the charger and try to charge your iPhone. If the device does not charge, the reason is the cable, replace it. Otherwise, let's move on to working with the software of iTunes and the Apple device.

iTunes does not see iPhone: diagnostics of software functioning

Check that the appropriate software is installed on your computer or laptop. iTunes is a universal media player that combines the functions of playing music, movies, text books, an online store and an explorer that allows you to synchronize with other devices of the Apple family for data transfer. The program is available for installation on MacOS, Windows and Linux completely free of charge. It is recommended to download the software from the official Apple website (if you have a Mac, then AppStore), so you get the latest version of the software and a guarantee of security from intruders.

Devices running the Windows or MacOS family of operating systems have the Apple Mobile Device service, which is necessary to discover a connected Apple device in real time. Failure to recognize device synchronization may be due to its inoperability. To fix this problem, restart the service.

How to Restart Apple Mobile Device

To restart the service in the Windows operating system, you must:

  1. Disconnect your Apple device from your computer and close iTunes;
  2. Go to the control panel, find the “Administration” item, then open the “Services” tab;
  3. Find the name of the service in the list and click on the “Stop” button;
  4. Wait a while, make sure the service is completed and turn it back on;
  5. After a successful launch, connect your Apple device and wait for synchronization.

If nothing happens, the problem is in iTunes itself or with the technical part of your smartphone. Find the folder with the installed program and uninstall it. Download and install the latest software for your operating system version from the official Apple website.

It is not possible to restart the Apple Mobile Device service on devices running the MacOS operating system using standard tools. To disable it, you need to do the following:

  1. Disconnect your iPhone and close iTunes;
  2. Delete icons and folders with iTunes contents located in the library;
  3. Find the AppleMobileDevice.kext and AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg files and delete them;
  4. Empty the recycle bin and reboot your devices;
  5. Reinstall iTunes;
  6. Connect your Apple device and wait for synchronization.

Let's consider what to do if iTunes does not see the iPhone even after performing operations with the Apple Mobile Device service.

Diagnostics of iPhone for USB port performance

A problem with synchronizing an Apple device and a computer may be hidden in the unstable operation of the device itself. First, perform an external inspection of your smartphone. Check the charging connector for dirt and small objects; this often interferes with charging and connection to the computer.

"Trust but check"

iOS developers have come up with a unique “Trust in Connected Devices” system. When transferring information to a third-party computer or laptop for the first time, you will see the “Trust this computer?” prompt. Adding a computer adds it to the list of trusted devices. If you have not allowed the computer to trust your iPhone, then you will still have to do this to synchronize with iTunes, but first you need to do some manipulations that will allow the computer to “forget” its initial prohibition on interaction.

If you have MacOS:

  1. Open Finder and click on the top menu transition and choose go to folder;
  2. In the field that opens, enter the path /var/db/ and click go;
  3. Open the folder lockdown and delete its contents. If the folder is marked with a small “stop” icon, this means that you do not have rights to open it, but this problem is very easily solved. Right-click on it (folder) and select properties;
  4. Here we click on the padlock in the lower right corner and enter the account password;
  5. Now click on + in the lower left corner and select your account;
  6. Next, you need to expand user rights. To do this, opposite your “account”, change only reading on read and write;
    1. Next we follow the path C:\ProgramData\Apple\Lockdown(if you have version 7,8,10 of Windows), for XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple\Lockdown
    2. Deleting the contents of the folder Lockdown.

    If this procedure on the Windows platform does not help, then you should try updating the driver.

    If none of the above helps, contact a service center, where highly qualified specialists will determine why iTunes does not see the iPhone.

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When your iPhone is not detected on your computer, this can cause serious inconvenience. iOS is good, but not perfect: a system restore may be required due to memory consumption by some applications. iTunes also becomes necessary for quickly downloading videos, music, movies and saving data on your computer.

What should you do if you once connected your iPhone, but your computer or iTunes itself refuses to see it? We suggest using the recommendations that should help solve the problem of identifying an iPhone.

Checking the cable

On the latest iPhone models (since iPhone 5), manufacturers began using the Lightning interface. The 8 pin connector is designed not only for a high-quality connection, but also has a certain system of protection against the use of non-original cables.

A small chip is built into the cord, which makes a decision whether to work with such a cable or not. Manufacturers of non-original accessories have learned to create cables with similar chips, but they work exclusively for charging. And it becomes impossible after a couple of months of use. Conclusion: the cable must be original (if the cord included in the package is torn, we buy it).

Read This cable or accessory is not certified...

Checking the operation of the USB port

The problem may also be in the computer or its hardware. The USB port could easily fail. Connect other devices and check their functionality. Open Device Manager. If, when you connect your iPhone, even an unknown device is not added there, you may have to repair your computer. It won't hurt to restart your computer and check everything once again.

Install the latest version of iTunes and check the system

If your iPhone is not detected in iTunes, we recommend updating the program. The latest version must be installed. Make sure that all current system updates have been correctly installed on your computer. Any failure in them can lead to problems with drivers and the USB interface itself. After installing iTunes, restart your computer just in case.

Checking iPhone settings

It is possible that you accidentally denied access to the iPhone for this computer. When connecting, you need to unlock your iPhone and select the “Trust” option. Then there should be no problems with synchronization due to smartphone settings.

Solving a problem with Apple Mobile Device

If you are sure that everything is in order with your iPhone, the computer has no problems with the USB interface, system and drivers, and the connection is made via the original Lightning cable, you need to reinstall the Apple Mobile Device service. Let's take a closer look at how this is done on Mac OS and Windows.

Mac OS

Follow these steps:

  • Disconnect your iPhone from your Mac;
  • Open Finder, find iTunes in the programs folder, then move it to the trash. The program shortcut is there;
  • In the "Go to Folder" menu, you must enter /System/Libraries/Extensions, and then click the "Go" button;
  • The AppleMobileDevice.kext file should be moved to the trash;
  • In the "Go to folder" menu, enter /Libraries/Receipts/, go there;
  • Find the file AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg and place it in the trash.
  • Empty the trash;
  • Reboot the Mac;
  • Install the latest version of iTunes. Downloaded from the Apple website.

After this, the iPhone should be recognized by iTunes.

When your iPhone is not detected on your computer, this can cause serious inconvenience. iOS is good, but not perfect: a system restore may be required due to memory consumption by some applications. iTunes also becomes necessary for quickly downloading videos, music, movies and saving data on your computer.

What should you do if you once connected your iPhone, but your computer or iTunes itself refuses to see it? We suggest using the recommendations that should help solve the problem of identifying an iPhone.

Checking the cable

On the latest iPhone models (since iPhone 5), manufacturers began using the Lightning interface. The 8 pin connector is designed not only for a high-quality connection, but also has a certain system of protection against the use of non-original cables.

A small chip is built into the cord, which makes a decision whether to work with such a cable or not. Manufacturers of non-original accessories have learned to create cables with similar chips, but they work exclusively for charging. And it becomes impossible after a couple of months of use. Conclusion: the cable must be original (if the cord included in the package is torn, we buy it).

Read This cable or accessory is not certified...

Checking the operation of the USB port

The problem may also be in the computer or its hardware. The USB port could easily fail. Connect other devices and check their functionality. Open Device Manager. If, when you connect your iPhone, even an unknown device is not added there, you may have to repair your computer. It won't hurt to restart your computer and check everything once again.

Install the latest version of iTunes and check the system

If your iPhone is not detected in iTunes, we recommend updating the program. The latest version must be installed. Make sure that all current system updates have been correctly installed on your computer. Any failure in them can lead to problems with drivers and the USB interface itself. After installing iTunes, restart your computer just in case.

Checking iPhone settings

It is possible that you accidentally denied access to the iPhone for this computer. When connecting, you need to unlock your iPhone and select the “Trust” option. Then there should be no problems with synchronization due to smartphone settings.

Solving a problem with Apple Mobile Device

If you are sure that everything is in order with your iPhone, the computer has no problems with the USB interface, system and drivers, and the connection is made via the original Lightning cable, you need to reinstall the Apple Mobile Device service. Let's take a closer look at how this is done on Mac OS and Windows.

Mac OS

Follow these steps:

  • Disconnect your iPhone from your Mac;
  • Open Finder, find iTunes in the programs folder, then move it to the trash. The program shortcut is there;
  • In the "Go to Folder" menu, you must enter /System/Libraries/Extensions, and then click the "Go" button;
  • The AppleMobileDevice.kext file should be moved to the trash;
  • In the "Go to folder" menu, enter /Libraries/Receipts/, go there;
  • Find the file AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg and place it in the trash.
  • Empty the trash;
  • Reboot the Mac;
  • Install the latest version of iTunes. Downloaded from the Apple website.

After this, the iPhone should be recognized by iTunes.

Readers often contact us with various questions about solving any problems related to mobile devices and software. One of the most popular: “ iTunes doesn't see iPhone, what should I do?".

In contact with

You can find a working way out of this situation on the Internet, but you have to make your way through mountains of various information. In this article, we decided to combine all possible solutions and figure out why, after all, “ iTunes doesn't see iPhone«.

iTunes often scares iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users. The program seems confusing, complex and extremely inconvenient. It also throws out various pearls. Either the music is not synchronized correctly, or the applications have disappeared somewhere, or even iTunes cannot detect the iPhone (iPad or iPod Touch).

There is no need to despair (and switch to Android), there will always be solutions to the problem. If iTunes does not see the iPhone, check its functionality:

  • Software. Reinstall iTunes by downloading the latest version.
  • Cables. Try using a different cable.
  • Computer. iTunes does not see iPhone due to a malfunction of the Apple Mobile Device. Another computer may help resolve the problem.
  • USB ports. Often the problem lies in the USB port. Try using the connector on the back of the system unit.

If all standard methods do not help, then it’s time to take on the heavy artillery.

Doesn't see because he doesn't trust

iPhone or iPad are completely self-sufficient, stand-alone devices, but they still have to be connected to a computer from time to time to transfer large amounts of data, install software, etc. In this case, sometimes a device synchronization problem arises, which can often be solved using the methods described below.


We will talk about trusted computers, or more precisely, the operating systems installed on them. When connecting an iPhone or iPad to a new computer for the first time (or after reinstalling the OS on an old one), the user receives the request “Trust this computer?” and must answer yes to access settings and content on your mobile device.

If you reject the request, then a synchronization problem may arise in the future., and to solve it you will need to use the instructions below.

On Mac

So, to get a second request and “start trusting” your Mac computer, you need to select “ Transition —> Go to folder"(or use the keyboard shortcut " ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + G«),

and then go to the address /var/db/lockdown and delete all certificates in this directory.

On Windows XP, 7, 8, 10

In the case of Windows OS, you will also need to delete the contents of the Lockdown directory. To do this, you will need to enable the display of hidden folders and files ( Start —> Control Panel —> Folders settings),

and then go to the address C:\ProgramData\Apple\Lockdown(for Windows 7, 8, 10) or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple\Lockdown

If deleting certificates from a Windows PC does not solve the problem, you will have to use a more complex method:

1 . Right-click on the shortcut " Computer", select " Properties" and find " device Manager«;

2 . In chapter " USB controllers"Right-click to call up the context menu of the item " Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" and click " Update drivers...«;

4 . In the window that appears, click “ Review" and go to the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers, where we are interested in a file called " usbaapl“, which is what needs to be installed.

If none of the methods described above helped solve the problem, then it is likely that the cause does not lie in obtaining a trusted status for this computer. Try this:

iTunes does not see iPhone or other Apple device in Microsoft Windows XP

1 . Close iTunes after disconnecting your device;
2 . Go to Start -> Execute and enter in the window that appears services.msc or open Services In chapter Administration Control panels;
3 . Find an item Apple Mobile Device and in the next window click on Stop;
4 . After stopping in the same window, click on Launch;
5 . After restarting the service, iTunes will be ready to work with your device.