What iPhone 8 can do. Faster, longer, more powerful. How optical stabilization works

Over the ten-year history of the iPhone, Apple has accustomed consumers to the fact that after the announcement of a major version of smartphones, a continuation of the “S” line comes out. Therefore, this year many were waiting for the 7S model. But contrary to established tradition, the Cupertino team immediately showed the iPhone 8. What is the new product and has the device deservedly skipped a whole generation?

The new product was shown on September 12 at the Apple presentation at the Steve Jobs Theater. A few days later, pre-order of the device became available, and on September 22, sales began in some “first wave” countries. Russia entered the second echelon and the smartphone appeared on our shelves a week later: September 29.

Technical characteristics of iPhone 8

The characteristics of the iPhone 8 have improved significantly. It received the Apple A11 Bionic processor. In it, 4 cores are energy efficient, and the other 2 are productive. The new controller allows for a smooth transition between the two when needed. It is important that the engineers managed not to reduce autonomy. By the way, the A11 Bionic chip is designed to work with neural networks. This means the device will perform tasks more intelligently in many use cases.

  • Display: 4.7-inch IPS with a resolution of 1334x750, PPI - 326
  • Processor: Apple A11 Bionic
  • Cameras: 12 MP main, f/1.8; 7 MP front
  • Permanent memory: 64 or 256 GB
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Battery: 1821 mAh
  • Interfaces: Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC
  • OS: iOS 11
  • Weight: 148 g
  • Dimensions (WxHxD): 67.3 x 138.4 x 7.3 mm


The new product did not receive anything fundamentally new in its design. It's still the same look and feel of the iPhone 6 from 2014. The layout of the elements is the same: at the front there is a display, a Home button and sensors, and at the back there is a camera and flash. The large frames on the front have also not gone away; after all, the “eight” is not at all similar to the iPhone X.

For lovers of fashionable framelessness, this will be a huge minus. But in terms of practicality, this solution gives the new product a few points of advantage, since in the event of a fall, the risk of the display collapsing is slightly less. The iPhone 8 did not receive an aluminum case; now only the side frame is made of metal, and there are glass panels on the front and back. At the same time, it was possible to maintain protection from water and dust according to the IP67 standard.

This was probably done for the convenient introduction of wireless charging, which also debuted in the new product. But now the smartphone inevitably needs to be hidden in a case, otherwise expensive repairs cannot be avoided. In addition, Apple claims that the glass on the back panel is very durable (and expensive) and should not break. Practice shows that behind these words there is more deceit than real benefit.

Still, the iPhone 7, made of brushed aluminum 7000 series, calmly withstood even serious falls on an uneven surface. And if you don’t take into account the Jet Black version of the smartphone, scratching the device was not so easy. The glass in the iPhone 8 behaves fundamentally differently and is likely to show a large number of traces of use.

Many may also be upset by the lack of a MiniJack for headphones. The included headset is connected via a lightning connector. There are two ways to get out of the situation: use an adapter or Bluetooth headphones.


The display also remains unchanged for the fourth year: the same 4.7-inch IPS matrix with a resolution of 1334x750. The dot density is 326 PPI. The time-tested screen is still a kind of standard in the Apple world. It has excellent viewing angles, natural color reproduction and pleasant contrast. And unlike OLED technology, there is no unpleasant pixel burn-in effect.

But one cannot help but blame Apple for still using a display with such a low resolution. Most competitors have been using Full HD or even QHD matrices for a long time. And these are not just marketing ploys, since the difference between the Retina display in the iPhone 8 and the Full HD matrix in another top-end smartphone is noticeable.

Among the innovations, the TrueTone function is notable. Previously, it was used only in expensive iPad Pro tablets, but now this feature has appeared on the iPhone. The essence of its work is to automatically adjust the white balance depending on the lighting. If we look at typical usage scenarios, TrueTone will make the displays “cooler” in bright daylight and go into warm colors in the room.

This technology should not be confused with another tool - Night Shift. It changes the display temperature based on the time of day rather than the lighting. Although both functions make the screen readability more pleasant and the eyes less tired.

Performance and memory

Another extremely important feature of the iPhone 8 was the abandonment of PowerVR graphics accelerators. The iPhone 8 has a 3-core processor of its own production. The company claims that the new chip is up to 30% faster than its predecessor.

In fact, the smartphone shows approximately the same results as last year's model. All applications and games work flawlessly: there are no stutters or fps drops. In this regard, the smartphone is ahead of many competitors, and the low screen resolution played an important role in this.

In terms of memory, everything is also excellent. There are 2 permanent storage options to choose from: 64 or 256 GB, no microSD slot. The RAM size is 2 GB. The values ​​are quite acceptable and should be enough for most tasks.


The main camera remains largely unchanged. There are the same 12 MP cameras with f/1.8 aperture, but a faster matrix and a new filter have been introduced. The gadget works with HDR enabled by default. This was probably done so that the resulting images, even without processing, would look more saturated. This is exactly how the cameras in Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy smartphones work.

Although, unlike its competitors, the gadget from Cupertino produces natural colors and does not bother with over-sharping. During the day, the resulting photos are at an excellent level, at night things are a little worse, but the result is still acceptable. We can confidently note the improvement in the quality of pictures in poor light compared to the iPhone 7. Unfortunately, the new product does not receive support for the “Portrait” mode, which is available in the Plus version.

Among the minor improvements, it is worth noting the improved flash. Now, when shooting in the dark, the diodes adjust the intensity and the background is not darkened, but remains as light as the main subject.

Videography has also received noticeable innovations. iPhone 8 is capable of shooting 4K videos at 24, 30 or 60 fps, and recording at 240 fps has become available in Full HD mode. Stabilization is present, and the device is among the best in video quality.


It is also worth considering the operation of the operating system. iOS 11 works well, but there are rare animation jitters or errors with font display. In this regard, the iPhone 8 is not unique; almost all Apple smartphones began to perform worse after updating to version 11 of the system. But new products always get bug fixes and, probably, the G8 will function more smoothly.

Among the nice things about iOS 11 is the widespread adoption of machine learning. The company talks about the work of neural networks in Siri, the camera and some other elements of the system. Due to the A11 Bionic processor, tailored for such tasks, such functionality will develop more and more over time.


Apple places great emphasis on augmented reality technology. Along with iOS 11, ARKit was introduced, with which developers can create various software in this area. There are already a huge number of games and applications available that use AR. For example, you can now easily measure distance, height, throw a ball into a virtual hoop, or control your army, which will fight right in the room.

The potential of the technology has not yet been revealed, so soon the App Store will be filled with interesting augmented reality content. To prove this conclusion, we note that after the announcement of ARKit, Google began developing its own technology and so far the “good corporation” has not been able to demonstrate interesting results.

Autonomy and battery

iPhone 8 has a 1821 mAh battery. By the standards of devices from the Android world, this is just pennies. But in reality, a smartphone can work all day from morning to evening without any problems. Based on the numbers, the following results are obtained:

  • Talk time: 14 hours
  • Music listening time: 40 hours
  • Surfing the Internet: 12 hours
  • Video playback: 13 hours

The measurements were carried out under ideal conditions, so in reality you should expect slightly lower values. In general, the new product works approximately like the iPhone 7.

But the nice thing is that Apple has finally introduced wireless and fast charging into its device. But Cupertino, in their favorite manner, made the functions additional and did not include the required accessories in the delivery package. To use fast charging, you need to buy a MacBook power plug and a Lightning to USB-C cable from the official store. The kit will cost almost 7 thousand rubles.

The same situation applies to wireless technology. Although Apple used the well-known Qi standard, the corresponding docking station must be purchased separately. The average cost of such a device is 2 thousand rubles. In total, to unlock all the functionality of the iPhone 8, you need to spend an additional 9 thousand rubles.

We noted the bad, now about the good. With fast charging, the smartphone can be charged 50% in 30 minutes, and 100% charged in about 75 minutes. Through the Qi standard, everything happens a little slower and as a result, the gadget is fully charged in 3-4 hours. But in this case, it is the elimination of wires that is important, rather than the speed of operation.

iPhone 8 price

In Russia, iPhone 8 is sold at a price of 56,990 rubles for the 64 GB version and 68,990 rubles for the 256 GB model. Prices are high, especially compared to tax-exempt states in the US, where the new product sells for $699 and $849. Therefore, when buying a smartphone abroad, you can save a lot of money.

The new models are a little heavier, but if you don’t specifically weigh them, you won’t understand. The covers from previous models fit the new ones like a glove.

But there were no complaints about performance and viewing angles before. These are all nice features and nothing more. The main thing that's really worth buying an iPhone 8 or 8 Plus for is the camera. This is the miracle, magic and triumph of machine learning.

Apple made the dream of idiots come true and created the “make it beautiful” button. More precisely, a camera and photo processing algorithms that make beautiful things out of almost anything. Moreover, the technical data is the same as in the iPhone 7: a 12-megapixel matrix with a wide-angle six-lens lens. But the sensors are different. And in general, it’s not a matter of megapixels, even Chinese manufacturers have already realized this, it’s a question of image processing algorithms. Apple changed them.

Firstly, all photos are now taken in HDR, a high color range, by default. That is, the phone takes two pictures: one “overexposed” - dark areas are clearly visible in it, the other “underexposed” - to preserve light objects, such as the sky - and then connects them. All this happens instantly, the iPhone doesn’t think for a second.

HDR mode was available in iPhone 7, but HDR is different from HDR. The new one is much better; it actually retains both shadows and clouds. Apple has always been committed to making photographs realistic and showing the world as it is. Unlike the same Samsung, in whose photographs the world was brighter, more ideal - the way we would like to see it.

Well, the cameras on the new iPhones still capture the real world. But the photographs became a little more saturated, a little more vibrant, a little more smoothed out. It would never even occur to anyone to suspect that reality is not nearly as good as in the photo, as is often the case with photos from Samsung phones. Everyone will just think: “Damn, this is so beautiful.” A fine line. Professional photographers in Photoshop or colorists in cinema do the same thing for a lot of money.

The iPhone has become better at shooting in the dark. Without a flash, it still loses to the same Note 8, and decent people don’t take pictures with a flash. Well, we haven't filmed it before. Until iPhone 8. The flash with four LEDs of different temperatures now works using Slow Sync technology: a short flash after a long shutter speed. As a result, no flat faces or overexposed noses, only uniform illumination. The results lead to a state of “Oh my god, how is this even possible?” This photo was taken in the dark.

Plus to this delight, the iPhone 8 Plus has a “Portrait” mode. We have one question for Apple: why do they continue to discriminate based on palm size and don’t give fans of compact phones the same opportunities, and don’t build a second camera into the iPhone 8. It’s a pity that this is a rhetorical question and it’s impossible to call them to an answer.

The iPhone 8 Plus has a built-in dual camera system, in which 12-megapixel sensors are combined with different optics. One lens takes wide-angle shots, the second takes a telephoto lens, through which all objects look closer. When shooting in Portrait mode, the iPhone 8 Plus compares images from both cameras and builds a depth map, so to speak, so it can separate the foreground from the background. At the same time, algorithms search for the person’s face. Then everything that is not human is blurred by the algorithm. The result is a photograph with a bokeh effect, when everything except the most important thing - the person - is blurred.

This mode was available in the iPhone 7 Plus, but the iPhone thought for a very long time before taking a photo, and periodically it lacked something: either light, or it was necessary to move away. Now everything happens quickly (thanks to six cores), the maximum distance from the object is two and a half meters, photos are clearer, and blur is more natural. And in this mode you can now use the flash.

All kinds of pimples, redness, dark circles disappear somewhere by themselves, while there is no blurry face effect, as on Korean smartphones with the auto-enhancement function. A beautiful person just stands there - as if after a delicate, hand-made Photoshop.

Long exposure

In addition to the Portrait mode, the ultimate wow tool is Portrait Lighting. Do you remember the joke about the photographer and the beautiful bride? Here is “Portrait Lighting” - it’s as if the light was put on you by a professional and in the studio.

The function analyzes the face to “adjust” the light after the photo has been taken. There are five variations. “Daylight” is the default: the face is evenly illuminated, the background is blurred. "Studio light" makes the face brighter. “Contour light” is a kind of “add drama”: dark areas become darker, light areas become lighter. And the next two are obvious future Instagram hits: “Stage Lights” - the face is illuminated, the entire background turns to black; “Stage light - mono” - everything is the same, but in black and white. That is, it doesn’t matter what was in the background during the photograph - repairs, deposits of alcohol or a carpet with a sleeping grandmother - none of this will be visible, just pure beauty.

Yes, sometimes the algorithms fail and can blur a piece of glasses, imperfectly separate hair from the background, or bite off a piece of a cheek and take it to black. But first of all, this is a beta version. Secondly, algorithms learn. And thirdly, what do these failures matter if, sitting in the kitchen under a single light bulb, not knowing how to take photographs, not knowing anything about the focal length and how to set the light, you can get a photo that looks like it was taken in a studio by a good photographer on the Mark III? Ok, this is an exaggeration, but a very small one. A good photographer will take an excellent photo with anything - but how much time and effort will it take and how many of us who post photos on social networks are good photographers?

By the way, you may also know nothing about color correction. For the first time ever, Apple has built some mind-blowing filters into its Photos app. They don't shout with twisted colors and aggressive blur, but simply make the pictures better. They work best with portraits. However, they are also quite capable of making a decent photo from an ordinary selfie; you don’t even want to twist anything with your hands.

We also add new effects for Live Photos here. First, you can finally select the main frame of a live photo directly in Photos, without third-party applications. You no longer have to choose: a beautiful story for three seconds or a decent static photo - everything can be combined perfectly. If you drag a Live Photo from the bottom up, effects for Live Photos will appear, seemingly made specifically to annoy Instagram and their Boomerang:

“Loop” - makes a looped video from a Live Photo;
“Pendulum” plays the video forward and then backward (your cat can forever jump on the cabinet and back);
“Long exposure” creates the effect of shooting at a long exposure - useful for photographs of something in motion.

Actually, that's all you need to know about the new iPhones. The rest of the innovations are just pleasant bonuses and in many ways set the stage for the future. Wireless charging is simply a logical step towards a wireless future. It’s nice that for once Apple didn’t do something that only works with their devices, but built a Qi module into the new iPhones, which all existing wireless chargers work with. You will appreciate this in about six months, when all cafes and coworking spaces will acquire tables with built-in bases.

4K video can now be shot at up to 60 frames per second, and 1080p video at up to 240 frames per second. This is all cool, of course, but it’s not very clear why. Not every laptop can reproduce this quality, let alone installation.

True Tone technology came to the new generation of iPhones from the iPad Pro. The sensor analyzes the lighting and adjusts the color temperature of the display. That is, the image will behave as it would on paper: if the light is cold, then the image will become a little bluer; if the light is yellow, the display will become warmer. A nice thing: the eyes get tired less, the colors are more natural. But it would be hard to call it a decisive argument for a purchase.

Night photography

There is still nothing to really evaluate the full power of the new processor: there are still very few interesting applications with augmented reality in the AppStore. You can study the stars or see how the human heart works, but you don't need the power of the iPhone 8 for that. By the way, Yandex was among the first among Russian developers; their maps now have an AR mode. It always shows where the object you are going to is located. So far this is all just cool and interesting, but not a new era of applications. Come on, IKEA, release an application on the Russian market for trying on new furniture in a room without any measurements and 3D models, it will at least be useful.

Now, with a clear conscience, let’s move on to answering the main question: Is it worth buying an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus?. Possible answers:

If you want to buy an iPhone X and are willing to wait another six months (Apple is having production difficulties and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to buy it in November), then, of course, you shouldn’t.

if you have a lot of money, then buy it, you won’t be disappointed;

if the most important thing for you in a phone is the camera, then yes, buy it, and an iPhone 8 Plus;

if you have an iPhone younger than the 7th generation and are ready to upgrade, then this is also a great option;

If you have an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus and you don’t take portraits every day, then you can skip this generation with a clear soul, you won’t lose anything much.

The new generation of iPhone came in three colors: gold, silver and space gray. There is no longer a model with 32 gigabytes of memory; the minimum configuration is 64 gigabytes. iPhone 8 costs 57,000 rubles for 64 gigabytes and 69,000 for 256 gigabytes. iPhone 8 Plus - 65,000 and 77,000 rubles, respectively.

It would be more logical to call the iPhone 8, announced this fall, the iPhone 7s. And all because the “eight” incorporated a number of improvements to the already existing iPhone: a new processor, wireless charging. Externally, the difference between the old and new model is extremely insignificant. From the front both are identical. The difference lies only in the back side. In the iPhone 8 it is made of glass, while in the iPhone 7 it is aluminum. Well, we’ll figure out what’s so interesting about the eighth iPhone, and why it costs so much.

It just so happened that almost immediately after the presentation of the apple company’s new smartphones in 2017, people began to look askance at the iPhone 8. The reason for this is that it has earned the title of flagship. But the “eight” was only a kind of cosmetic improvement of the iPhone 7 announced a year ago. An aggravating circumstance is that the iPhone 8 is incredibly expensive at the start of sales. The price of a similar, and in some places even more advanced, is at least 10 thousand lower than an Apple smartphone.

In technical terms, the iPhone 8 has very solid characteristics. The smartphone is equipped with a 6-core Apple A11 Bionic processor, 3 GB of RAM, and 64 or 256 GB of internal memory. Compared to the iPhone 7, the performance of the built-in cameras has been significantly improved. But the Retina screen remained exactly the same as four years ago - 4.7 inches diagonal, resolution 750x1334 pixels.

Externally, the G8 is not much different from its predecessor. The front side is an exact copy of the iPhone 7, but the back has a glass panel. Thanks to this, the smartphone can be charged wirelessly.

Technical specifications of Apple iPhone 8

Characteristic Description
Operating system: iOS 11
Case materials: Aluminum, tempered glass
Protection: IP67 dust and water protection
Screen: 4.7 inches, IPS (Retina HD), resolution 750x1334 pixels (326 ppi), contrast 1400:1, TrueTone, automatic brightness adjustment, 3D Touch, oleophobic coating
CPU: 6-core A11 Bionic 64-bit, integrated M11 motion coprocessor
Flash memory: 64 GB or 256 GB
SIM card type: nanoSIM, one slot
Mobile connection: EDGE/GPRS/GSM (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz), WCDMA (850/900/1900/2100 MHz), FDD-LTE (bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13 , 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 66), TD-LTE (bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41)
Communications: dual-band Wi-Fi 802.11 ac/b/g/n, Bluetooth 5.0, Lightning connector for charging/synchronization and headset connection, NFC for Apple Pay
Navigation: GPS, AGPS, GLONASS
Sensors: Light sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer/gyroscope, magnetometer (digital compass), Touch ID (fingerprint identification sensor)
Main camera: 12 megapixels, f/1.8, autofocus, quad-LED flash, optical stabilization
Front-camera: 7 megapixels (ƒ/2.2), HD video 1080p
Video recording: 4K video recording at 24, 30 or 60 fps, 1080p HD video at 30 or 60 fps, 720p HD video at 30 fps, optical image stabilization, optical zoom; 6x digital zoom, slow-motion video shooting at 1080p resolution at 120 or 240 fps, face and figure recognition, video recording in HEVC and H.264 formats
Battery: non-removable, 1821 mAh, Qi wireless charging, operating time on the Internet - up to 12 hours, video viewing mode - up to 10 hours
Dimensions, weight: 138.4x67.3x7.3 mm, 148 g
Case colors: gold, silver, space gray

Apple iPhone XR price


Delivery package and first impressions


Like all Apple smartphone models, the iPhone 8 comes in standard hard cardboard packaging. The color of the box depends on the color of the device body. Well, since there are three color options: gold, silver, “space gray,” the packaging is golden, white and black. The front side shows the phone facing backwards. On the sides there is the logo and the inscription “iPhone”.

Inside is the standard iPhone 8 package, which includes:

Apple iPhone 8 64Gb or 256Gb

Apple USB Power Adapter

Wired stereo Apple EarPods with Lightning connector

Apple Lightning Connector to USB Cable

Lightning to 3.5mm Headphone Out Adapter

"Master key" for a SIM card


Quick Guide

iPhone 8 is very tiny by the standards of modern smartphones. Its dimensions are 138.4 x 67.3 x 7.3 mm and its weight is 148 grams. The apple phone feels great in your hands. The only thing I can note is that the body of the device is quite slippery. This applies to the glass backdrop. For this reason, you need to be extremely careful when placing your phone on uneven surfaces; it can simply slip and fall. An option to solve the problem could be to buy a case or a protective bumper: it will protect against falls and the appearance will not deteriorate over time.

There are no problems with carrying a smartphone in the pockets of tight clothing. The ergonomics are familiar. The phone is convenient.

Design and appearance


There's nothing new about the iPhone 8's design. Outwardly, this is still the same good iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 (underline as appropriate). That is, this is the fourth generation of iPhone with this design.

The changes affected only the rear panel. It is now made of glass rather than aluminum. Thanks to this, you can use wireless charging (purchased separately). When dropped, glass is susceptible to destruction and cracking. This is confirmed by reviews from iPhone 8 buyers who dropped the phone on asphalt, concrete and stones. Evidence of this can be found in large quantities in photos on the Internet. By the way, the average cost of replacing a broken screen for an iPhone 8 is 16 thousand rubles. In this regard, I recommend that all owners of the device buy a case, bumper, etc. accessories. This will be significantly cheaper than replacing the screen.

iPhone 8 has a very effective oleophobic coating. Although fingerprints appear on the surface, they are very quickly removed with a cloth and other available materials.

On the front side of the smartphone you can see a 4.7-inch IPS screen with a 2.5D effect (slightly rounded edges) and fairly large frames. Above the display is a speaker for phone calls. On the left you can see a 7 MP front camera, as well as various sensors, including a light sensor, an accelerometer, etc.

Below the screen is the Home button. It has a built-in fingerprint scanner. Everything is standard here.

The back panel of the phone is made of tempered glass. Here you can also see a protruding 12 megapixel camera module with a built-in flash.

The layout of the controls is typical for Apple phones. So, on the left side there is a lever that turns on the silent mode, and just below there are two volume control buttons. On the right side is the on/off button, below is a compartment for nanoSIM-sized SIM cards. It is worth noting that the smartphone supports only one nanoSIM-sized SIM card.

At the bottom end in the center there is a Lightning connector (used to connect charging, headphones and an interface cable), and there is a speaker on the right. Speaker volume is high. The sound quality is also very decent. The sound is loud, high quality and spacious. The device also uses two microphones: one at the bottom end, the second at the rear of the camera unit. The noise reduction system works averagely; in noisy conditions, your interlocutor hears extraneous sounds.

The phone is powered by a built-in battery. There is support for wireless charging.
The smartphone has IP67 protection. It can be immersed in water to a meter depth and kept there for half an hour. But there is a footnote on Apple's official website that says water damage may be outside the warranty. So you should be careful with this.

The quality of workmanship and assembly of the Apple iPhone 8 deserves the highest praise. Not the least role in this was played by the materials of the case and the sensations they evoke.

Screen. Graphics capabilities


The iPhone 8 uses a 4.7-inch touch screen that displays 16.7 million colors. Compared to the G8’s display, it’s noticeably weaker. The screen resolution here is only 750x1344 pixels, versus 1440x2960. The pixel density is 326 ppi. For a high-tech company like Apple, this is more of a minus than a plus.

Nevertheless, the picture is clear, the fonts are not grainy, but for fans of the sky-high performance that Korean devices demonstrate, this will not seem enough.

Another talk of the town is the width of the frame around the iPhone 8 display. It is very wide. At least much wider than competitors. It looks out of date and attracts attention. Still, it would be possible to make them smaller, thereby providing either a larger screen or a smaller body.

iPhone 8 uses True Tone technology. Using the RGB sensor on the front panel, it evaluates lighting conditions and shifts the white balance point. Colors are more natural; for this reason, the picture looks more naturalistic, regardless of the intensity of external lighting. iPhone 8 screen contrast is 1400:1.

Hardware platform: processor, memory, performance


At my disposal was an Apple iPhone 8 with 64 GB of memory on board. There is also a 256 GB version on sale. Memory is distributed dynamically between thematic sections.

iPhone 8 uses Apple's most advanced processor, the A11 Bionic. This is a 64-bit processor with six main cores. The Bionic prefix means that AI algorithms are supported, this is almost the same thing that is used in the Snapdragon 835 and similar chipsets.

In order not to constantly use the power of the main A11 processor, Apple used the M11 coprocessor, which is responsible for monitoring motion and position sensors. In this way, energy consumption can be stabilized.
The device has 2 GB of RAM. There is no shortage of RAM in the smartphone. The user interface of the pre-installed iOS 11 is very fast and beautiful. No freezes found. Traditionally, the iPhone demonstrates some of the highest results in synthetic tests.

Communication capabilities


The main means of communication between the Apple iPhone 8 and a computer is an interface cable or Bluetooth 5.0. The phone is detected as a removable disk in any operating system. It is possible to transfer files from an apple phone to a computer.

The smartphone supports Russian LTE networks (A1905), frequency aggregation.

The device supports Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band and 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac standards. The maximum wireless network speed reaches 150 Mbit. In standby mode, the user can launch the Wi-Fi Network Wizard. It can search for them in the background and, if necessary, connect to such networks. Work with wireless networks is implemented efficiently. In theory, the iPhone is perfectly suited for surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

iPhone 8 has NFC support, and there is also the popular payment service Apple Pay, which uses user identification using Touch ID.

The smartphone can also be used as a navigator. GPS and GLONASS navigation are used here. Installed applications work smoothly and quickly. The location is determined with an accuracy of 3 m.

Duration of work


iPhone 8 is equipped with a battery with a capacity of 1821 mAh. The stated operating time is about 12 hours when using mobile Internet, 12 hours of music playback, 40 hours of audio playback.
The battery capacity has decreased compared to the iPhone 7, but the battery life remains the same. This is due to optimized hardware and the Apple A11 Bionic chip.

Under testing conditions, with a number of calls of 25 - 30 minutes per day, and listening to an mp3 player through a headset for 3 hours, with Wi-Fi/4G always on, the device worked for 20 hours. When continuously watching video, the device lasted 10 hours under test conditions, and when listening only to music - 1.5 days. If you use the phone as a navigator, it can last for 3.5 hours. If you disable data transfer, the phone will work for 2 days.

To be honest, these are not the best indicators for premium smartphones. The same one works exactly 2 times longer, and - 1.5 times longer.

The phone charges in about two hours.

iPhone 8 supports Qi wireless charging. To charge, you need to buy a separate accessory. Apple wireless charging costs about 6,000 - 7,000 rubles.

User Interface and Operating System


Apple iPhone 8 comes with iOS 11 pre-installed.

Thus, the iMessage application introduced synchronization of messages between devices, end-to-end data encryption and support for payments between users. When logging in from a new device, all messages and images are downloaded from iCloud, and if the user deletes a sent message, it is deleted from everywhere.

Changes in iOS 11 affected almost all standard programs. HEVC support in the Camera application allows you to make videos less voluminous while maintaining the same quality, and photos are saved in the new HEIF format, instead of JPEG.

In iOS 11, the company has completely updated the Control Center interface. Firstly, it now consists of one page, while in iOS 10 there were two. Secondly, it actively uses the 3D Touch function to adjust various parameters. Looks much simpler and more intuitive.

The Photos app now has three options for processing Live Photos. Users were able to remove frames from the middle of live photos, loop video playback, and apply shooting effects such as long exposures. According to the developers, Live Photos will become a real tool for digital creativity.

The Apple Maps application has received an update. It now includes indoor navigation for airports and shopping malls. In navigation mode, maps will prevent the user from being distracted by messages, and will even allow you to send quick responses to incoming requests in iMessage.

iOS 11 has radically updated the App Store interface. The application is designed in the style of Apple Music with large titles, fonts and covers. New sections “App of the Day” and “Game of the Day” have appeared on the main page of the store. In the "Games" tab, application information includes information about in-game purchases.

Augmented reality technology deserves special mention. It provides fast and reliable tracking of motion and ambient light.

iOS 11 includes a new Files app for working with local files and data in cloud services. iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive and others are supported. From the application you can retrieve files for attachment in your email client.

Camera. Photo and video capabilities


iPhone 8 received a 12 megapixel main camera with an ƒ/1.8 aperture. There is optical zoom and 10x digital zoom. The camera received optical image stabilization, a six-element lens, and a True Tone Quad-LED flash with Slow Sync function.

It also has a BSI sensor, autofocus with Focus Pixels technology, touch focusing, extended color range for photos and Live Photos, HDR when taking photos.

The quality of photos taken from the iPhone 8 camera is extremely high. Portrait mode also takes similar pictures, now called Portrait Lightning and artificially changes the lighting of the scene. For this purpose, there is a scene depth algorithm in the Apple A11 Bionic processor. It cuts out the face of the person you are filming, changes the light, distorts the color, etc. There are several new filters.

It is also worth noting that the smartphone can record 4K video at 24, 30 or 60 fps, 1080p HD video at 30 or 60 fps, and 720p HD video at 30 fps. There is optical image stabilization, optical zoom, 6x digital zoom, slow-motion video shooting with a resolution of 1080p and a frequency of 120 or 240 fps, face and figure recognition, video recording in HEVC and H.264 formats.

The front camera in the iPhone 8 has a resolution of 7 megapixels. It is noteworthy that selfies can now be taken in “studio light” mode, in which the lighting of the person and the background changes. The settings are analyzed by the True Depth depth sensor, which Apple installed for the first time in the front camera. On the street and in good lighting, the technology works great, but in difficult conditions the picture becomes blurry.



In terms of its technical equipment, iPhone 8 is a direct competitor to Huawei Honor 9, Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017), Xiaomi Mi6, Huawei P10. The Apple device has a familiar design, an average screen, powerful hardware, and a standard set of telecommunications capabilities. The only thing that distinguishes an Apple smartphone from its competitors is a better camera. At the same time, the device costs 2-2.5 times more than its competitors, and this is the main problem. What’s even more surprising is that the iPhone 8 in the minimum configuration is sold more expensive than the more advanced one. It's just the finish line!

In addition, the iPhone 8 has a number of obvious disadvantages. And the most significant is the short battery life. On average, you have to charge your phone at the end of each day. Under heavy load, the battery lasts only 20 hours. It's unnerving.

It is also worth noting that software errors are constantly being discovered in iOS 11. Thank God this is being fixed with the next update.

The glass body of the phone is a cause for concern, as it can easily be broken simply by accidentally dropping the phone. It is better not to use iPhone 8 without a case or bumper.

Taking into account all the pros and cons, I note that the iPhone 8 is an extremely worthy smartphone. True, it should cost no more than 35,000 rubles for the version with 64 GB of internal memory. In reality, the price is about 50,000 rubles. Hence the conclusion - there is no point in buying an iPhone 8. It’s better to take a closer look at alternative smartphones with prices up to 30,000 rubles. , which are worth paying close attention to.


High quality build

Good camera with optical stabilization

Fast and beautiful interface

High-quality stereo sound from speakers

Fast charging support

Wireless charger


Extremely short operating time when actively using Internet services

Errors in iOS 11

Danger of breaking glass housing

No jack for standard headphones

You can use fast charging and wireless charging only if you purchase additional accessories (6-7 thousand rubles each)

The presentation of the new IPhone 8 has taken place, and the start of the first sales is just around the corner. The company introduced three new iPhone models. Those who expected the release of the iPhone 7s and 7s Plus were mistaken, because Apple introduced completely new models: IPhone 8, IPhone 8 Plus and IPhone X (which is also called the tenth iPhone). True, at the beginning of sales a very limited number of smartphones will be available, about 2 million devices.

Closer to November, the number will increase significantly and iPhone 8 will become available to everyone who has $700 or more in their pocket. This is the price stated in many sources. Moreover, it is considered the most minimal. Apple plans to sell about 270 million of its products in 2018. Let's figure out why it's worth giving that kind of money? What new has Apple prepared for us? What are the differences from previous generations - IPhone 7 and 6, and most interestingly - what is the cost of the new gadget in Russia?

Apple's promotional video, presented a month before the presentation date of the new model:

Characteristics of the new iPhone 8

The new model of Apple products has received very powerful characteristics. Let's look at them in detail.

  • 4.7 inches;
  • 3D Touch;
  • QHD resolution (1334×750 pixels);
  • OLED matrix;
  • Operational – 2 GB;
  • Permanent – ​​64/256 GB.
  • Main 12 MP;
  • Front 7 MP.

Dimensions: 138.4 x 67.3 x 7.3 mm, 148 grams.

Operating system: iOS 11.

IPhone 8 Plus Specifications

  • 5.5 inches;
  • Corning glass with Gorilla Glass protection;
  • 3D Touch;
  • QHD resolution (1920×1080 pixels);
  • OLED matrix;

Processor: 6-core Apple A11 Bionic with a frequency of 2.4 GHz, neural system, built-in M11 motion coprocessor.

  • Operational – 3 GB;
  • Permanent – ​​64/256 GB.
  • Main 12 MP;
  • Front 7 MP.

Battery: 2700 mAh with wireless charging.

Dimensions: 158.4 x 78.1 x 7.5 mm, 202 grams.

Colors: Gold, silver, space grey.

Operating system: iOS 11

IPhone X Specifications

  • 5.8 inches;
  • Super Retina display;
  • 3D Touch;
  • QHD resolution (2436 x 1125 pixels);
  • OLED matrix;
  • Ultra-thin bezels around the screen.

Processor: 6-core Apple A11 Bionic with a frequency of 2.4 GHz, neural system, built-in M11 motion coprocessor. Memory:

  • Operational – 3 GB;
  • Permanent – ​​64/256 GB.
  • Main 12 MP;
  • Front 7 MP.

Battery: 3000 mAh with wireless charging.

Dimensions: 143.6 x 70.9 x 7.7 mm, 174 grams.

Colors: Gold, silver, space grey.

Operating system: iOS 11

And also: waterproof case, Face ID facial recognition technology.

What's new?

The new iPhone 8 has gone through significant changes in appearance. The aluminum casing, which has been used by Apple since 2012 with the iPhone 5 models, has now faded into the background. Such changes will significantly distinguish the new smartphone from the line of other models. Instead of an aluminum cover, it will use a glass one, which can be found in the iPhone 4s. It looks much more attractive, but itself is fragile and quite heavy.

But the decision to return to a glass body was due to the fact that over the past 5 years, glass manufacturing technology has advanced significantly and the material has become much stronger than before. Now you don't have to worry about scratches, chips, or damage. At the same time, the weight has not changed much, which is to be expected from glass panels. And all this thanks to the thin OLED panels that are used for the display.

While the iPhone 8 remained visually similar to its previous generations, the iPhone X has changed dramatically. The design of the smartphone has certainly become even more attractive. Thin, comfortable, minimalistic. The glass lid and metal frames, as well as the frameless screen, will not leave anyone indifferent.

As for the display, here too the company decided to try new technologies. We are talking about an OLED display. The news that Apple has entered into an agreement with the manufacturer Samsung to supply these new panels has been flying around the Internet for a long time. Using these panels instead of LCD allows you to make your smartphone even lighter and thinner, which is a definite plus.

Indeed, these panels are the ones of the future, since they can be used even on devices with a curved shape, so it’s not for nothing that manufacturers of Apple products have switched to them. In addition, such displays have a better contrast ratio, excellent viewing angles, and also help make power consumption more economical. The only disadvantage of OLED panels is that they have a shorter service life than the LCD panels mentioned above.

The iPhone X features ultra-thin frames and the absence of a Home button. Now the screen occupies about 90% of the front panel, and this makes using this smartphone even more convenient. At the top there will be a small cutout for the front camera, speaker, sensors and sensors. The familiar Home button will no longer be at the bottom; it will be replaced by a virtual one, which means the screen itself will be even larger.

The fingerprint scanner will be replaced by facial recognition technology. Facial recognition will be needed not only to unlock your smartphone, but also to make payments online. How can you unlock an iPhone without the standard round button? Just touch the bottom of the screen and pull up a little.

The same gesture is used to open the application window, where you can select or close them. The power button is used to call Siri. In the iPhone X it is slightly larger than in other models; with its help you can easily call the voice assistant, just press and hold for a few seconds.

The new Face ID technology has good prospects. It can fully replace a fingerprint scanner, because the technology is developed in such a way that security has become even higher. This is ensured by the True Depth system, which recognizes a person by sight, even if he has changed his hairstyle or grown a beard.

The smartphone recognizes its owner, even if he is in the dark. This way you can be sure that no one else will use your phone. Moreover, all smartphone payments will also be confirmed using Face ID. Facial scanning can be used for another cool feature: bringing emoji to life. In the new iPhone they are presented in three-dimensional form. They will repeat the movements of your face. Thus, communication using a new gadget will become even more fun and interesting.

Improvements have also been made to the processor. The developers promise new chipsets built on the 10 nm process technology. This means improved energy efficiency and performance. The Apple A11 processor will have as many as 6 cores with a clock speed of 2.4 GHz.

As for the video accelerator, it will have 8 cores. The iPhone 8 will have an additional coprocessor, whose task is to provide operation to various sensors. The new processor will work almost 70% faster than the previous one, which will provide faster focusing when shooting video and photography.

In iPhone 8, you can expect a dual main camera with 12 megapixels. It’s worth remembering that in the iPhone 7 Plus the lenses were positioned horizontally, but here they are positioned vertically. The new camera will continue to be great for portrait shots, and there will be a new feature: studio lighting. The camera also has new AR technology, with which you can create amazing pictures on your smartphone. The front camera will delight selfie lovers with a 7-megapixel lens with autofocus and f/1.7 aperture.

The developers of IPhone 8 promised that they would surprise fans of Apple smartphones with a new charging technology that has never been seen before. It won't just be wireless charging, it will be long-range charging. What does it mean?

This means that you can charge your smartphone not just on the wireless base, but at a considerable distance from it. This is certainly a serious step forward, and we hope Apple will cope with this task and give the world a new wireless charging technology. In addition, according to rumors, a whole team of engineers was hired for this purpose - professionals in such device charging technologies. But the world will see wireless charging a little later than the new iPhone, so it’s difficult to say with certainty what it will be like.

The new smartphone will receive not only wireless, but also wired charging. With its help, you can fully charge your phone in just an hour and a half. And the capacity is enough to spend a whole day on your smartphone.

This year, Apple released three smartphones: IPhone 8, IPhone 8 Plus and IPhone X. As in the 7 line, there are no plans to release an S version.

As for other interesting new features, the iPhone 8 will have super-fast NAND flash memory, an idea taken from Samsung. In addition, there will be an iPhone version with even more memory – as much as 256 GB.

The first review of the model from the official presentation is in the video:

How is IPhone 8 different from IPhone 6 and 7?

What's the difference between iPhone 8 and previous models?

  • A glass back panel, which is many times more beautiful than a regular aluminum one, with stylish metal frames. No visible antenna inserts on the rear panel.
  • Colors – no black or rose gold. Only silver, gold and a new color - space gray.
  • Memory – you can now buy an iPhone with as much as 256 GB.
  • New display with OLED panels and True Tone technology.
  • Improved technical characteristics, namely a new 6-core processor with support for augmented reality technology.
  • Wireless charging is the most important innovation in the iPhone 8, which was introduced thanks to new glass panels.

When the iPhone 7 was released, many were surprised to not see the familiar headphone jack. Then Apple introduced new wireless headphones to the world. As for the iPhone 8, the headphone jack is still missing and the company has no plans to return to it. But now, for those who find wireless ones inconvenient, there is an opportunity to buy wired EarPods with a Lightning connector. That is, the headphones will be inserted into the charging connector.

The new 8 will include the iPhone itself, EarPods with a Lightning connector, an adapter with a 3.5 mm headphone output, a charging cable and a USB power adapter. As for the wireless station, its developers will present it only next year. For now, the smartphone can be charged like all previous models - using a cable. Well, the future accessory will be able to charge not only the iPhone, but also the Watch Series 3 smart watch, as well as AirPods headphones.

How much does an iPhone 8 cost?

What interests iPhone smartphone lovers the most? Of course, the price of the new product and the start date for pre-orders. In Russia, you can pre-order the iPhone 8 as early as September 15. Official sales in America will start on September 22. It is worth noting that previously the first wave of sales of Apple products almost always passed by Russia, but not this time. Pre-orders for the iPhone X will begin on October 27, and the first sales are planned for November 3.

The price has increased by more than $100. Last year, the new iPhone 7 had a price starting from $549. For the iPhone 8 you will have to pay more than $699. In general, the price of a new gadget will be something like this:

  • iPhone 8 64 GB – from $699;
  • iPhone 8 256 GB – from $709;
  • iPhone 8 Plus 64 GB – from $799;
  • iPhone 8 Plus 256 GB – from $869;
  • iPhone X 64 GB – from $999;
  • iPhone X 256 GB – from $1,149.

Approximate prices for the new line of iPhones in Russia look like this:

  • iPhone 8 64 GB – from 56 thousand rubles;
  • iPhone 8 256 GB – from 68 thousand rubles;
  • iPhone 8 Plus 64 GB – from 64 thousand rubles;
  • iPhone 8 Plus 256 GB – from 76 thousand rubles;
  • iPhone X 64 GB – from 80 thousand rubles;
  • iPhone X 256 GB – from 91 thousand rubles.

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A month ago, Apple announced its new products: , and . Many people did not understand why Apple missed the number 9. After all, the first two smartphones are not very different from the previous generation of devices. Of course, the new products have changed, but this update would be more understandable with the name 7S.

The main innovations of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus: they changed the case material - now the back panel is made of glass, installed wireless charging, added True Tone technology, as in the new iPad, and improved the 12 megapixel camera. The iPhone 8 Plus added a new “Portrait Lighting” feature and improved the portrait shooting mode.

Smartphones turned out to be ambiguous. This also confirms the low interest of buyers at the start of sales. There were no queues or rush. But if you nevertheless purchased this device, then most likely you have already familiarized yourself with it. We've picked out some interesting features that you might not know about. Let's start.

Key specifications of iPhone 8 Plus:

  • Display: 5.5 inches IPS LCD, 1920×1080p, 401 ppi
  • Processor: Apple A11 Bionic
  • RAM: 3 GB, LPDDR4
  • Flash memory: 64/256 GB
  • Main camera: 12 MP + 12 MP with f/1.8 and f/2.8
  • Front camera: 7 MP
  • Battery: 2691 mAh
  • Navigation: GPS, GLONASS
  • Wireless interfaces: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC
  • Operating system: iOS 11
  • Dimensions: 158.4×78.1×7.5 mm
  • Weight: 202 grams

How to drag multiple icons at once?

If you have a huge number of applications on your desktop and need to organize them, then, of course, moving each one individually is not an option. You can move several icons at the same time: select one application, hold your finger on it and, as soon as it is selected, select the next ones with another finger and all the shortcuts will be combined into one.

I think this function will be useful for many. It’s also nice that this applies not only to desktop shortcuts, but also to the new Files application. Select the file you need, add a few more to it, with the same movement, and move it to the location you need.

How do I get the HDR button back?

In new smartphones, Apple has worked hard on the camera system. Of course this is very good. The company has updated photo processing algorithms and improved shooting speed. Apple trusted the algorithms so much that it removed the HDR button. The camera itself will decide when to turn it on.

If you still want to decide for yourself when to turn this function on or off, then the button can be returned to the camera interface. You need to go to the settings of your smartphone, find the “Camera” section there and turn on the automatic HDR mode.

Chat with Siri

With the iOS 11 update, Apple has slightly updated the design of the Siri voice assistant. But from a systemic point of view, the company seemed to ignore it. The only thing that has changed is the chat function with Siri. If you still feel awkward talking on your phone, then this is for you. It’s just not entirely clear why you can’t quickly switch from voice to chat.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Find the "Basic" section.
  3. There you can find Siri settings.
  4. Turn on Typing for Siri.

3D Touch on notification folders

If you have a separate folder with all instant messengers, then of course you know how notifications will be displayed on the folder in the form of a number with the number of messages. But with 3D Touch technology, you don't even have to open the folder. You will immediately see a list of applications where your messages have arrived.

3D Touch to preview filters in camera

Sometimes when you're trying to choose a filter for your photo, you may forget what the original looked like during the process. That's why there's a great new filter preview feature using 3D Touch technology. In the Camera app, select the desired filter. Using 3D Touch, all other filters will disappear and you can look at the original and processed photo, moving up and down.

How to enable video recording in 4K 60 fps?

Have you heard about the new photo format in iOS 11 that can reduce the size of an image or video by 70%? Or that the new iPhones can shoot 4K video at 60 fps? Yes, it really is in new devices from Apple. But we are sure that some users do not know how to enable this feature.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Select the "Camera" section.
  3. Enable the ability to record 4K video at 60 fps.

How to unlock your device using Touch ID without pressing it

Even with iOS 10, iPhone unlocking, which is familiar to everyone, was removed. In fact, everything has been changed to make it easier to work with Touch ID. But to do this, you still need to turn on the screen and then put your finger on it. With the system update, a new feature has appeared that has been available on Android smartphones for a long time. You just need to put your finger on the scanner and the device will unlock.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Then find the "Accessibility" item.
  3. There you can find the “Home” item.
  4. Turn on the “Open with your finger” feature.

How to Create a Keyboard Shortcut Function Sheet

Most iPhone users know that there is a keyboard shortcut feature associated with triple-pressing the Home button. But there are a lot of them: brightness changes, color inversion, virtual controller, light filters, magnification, etc. Now you can choose exactly those functions that you really need.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Go to the "Basic" section.
  3. Then find the "Accessibility" item.
  4. There you can find the “Keyboard shortcut” item.
  5. Select one or more functions you need.

How to remove the notification indicator on applications?

If you are the person who has 100,500 unread emails, and also has a notification indicator on the YouTube application and it all annoys you, then with the system update, you now have the opportunity to turn it off from individual applications.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Go to the "Notifications" section.
  3. Select the application you need.
  4. Disable the Sticker on Icon feature.