Opera express panel restore. How to install sidebar in Yandex browser. Visual bookmarks for Yandex browser: the basics of working with them

At one time, every search engine tried to get its own browser (web page viewer) and Yandex was no exception. A good application appeared in 2012. How to install Yandex Browser, how to configure and use it? Read the article and answer these questions for yourself.

Installing Yandex Browser

You can download Yandex Browser on the official website.

Click the “Download” button

Launch the downloaded file.

Click “Start using”

We wait a few minutes while the browser is installed.

Now we have the first page of Yandex Browser. At the top there is a proposal to make Yandex Browser the default browser. If you specifically downloaded this browser to use it regularly, select "Set as default". But if you want to try it, maybe you should wait.

In any case, it will open before us “ Quick Access Toolbar", which contains bookmarks of popular sites, by default most of them are Yandex services.

But, this panel can be easily customized. How? Let's get a look.

Setting up the Yandex Browser Quick Access Toolbar

At the bottom of the panel, on the right we can see two buttons “ Settings" And " Add" Click "Add" and a line for entering the site address appears. You can also select sites from the list of recommended and popular ones by clicking on the logo of the corresponding site below the address entry line.

Click “Add”

It’s very convenient that you don’t have to enter the site address here in the form “http://pcgu..

My customized panel

How to remove unnecessary sites? For this there is a cross in the upper right corner of each tile.

Pressing special icon in the upper right corner we get to the section "Downloads" or the downloaded files section.

Downloads button

As you can see, I haven’t downloaded anything via Yandex Browser lately, so the list is empty. Let's press the button "All downloads" and let's see what's there.

All Downloads button

Pay attention to the button "Open folder". Clicking this button will open a folder at С/Users/User_name/Downloads or in another way My Computer - Downloads. All downloaded files are stored in it. You can change this folder by going to Settings - All settings - Show advanced settings - Download folder.

Open Folder button

My Computer - Downloads

Working with history in Yandex browser

Click the button "Recently Closed" next to the button "Downloads". Now we can see the last visited sites. Press "The Whole Story" to see a complete list of visited sites.

Let's press the button "Additionally" to see what can be configured in Yandex Browser. And now click "All settings".

Here we have all the settings of Yandex Browser. The following shows what some of the settings do.

Where to start- when you launch the browser, what will open is the Yandex page, the Quick Launch Panel, or the sites you were on when you closed the browser.

Appearance Settings- show the “Yandex” button at the top, left.

Bookmarks bar- this is a panel that is convenient to use in, but in Yandex Browser, it seems, it is not so popular, although .... in general, this is a panel of quick links to sites under the address panel.

Search- as you understand, Yandex is not a despot and understands that you can use not only Yandex search, but also Google or, for example, often use Wikipedia and the search selected here affects the following: when you enter a query in the search bar (addresses), the results will be transferred to the search engine selected by this setting.

Synchronization- if you have a Yandex account, you can store all browser settings remotely and synchronize it on any other computer. It is very comfortable.

User Profiles- this can be useful when you want to open, for example, two VKontakte accounts at the same time on one computer. Then you will need two users, like two different browsers. This is just such an opportunity. Clicking "Add user" you can create a separate shortcut with your own separate bookmarks and settings. This can also be useful when several people use the computer.

A set of additional elements makes any browser more functional, powerful and comfortable for daily use. The “idyll” is broken when, when opening the Yandex browser, the “Taskbar” disappears - this is the bottom panel on the screen; if it disappears, we will not have access to active shortcuts, tray, etc. The reason for the disappearance of multifunctional elements is due to incorrect configuration or accidentally pressing the FullScreen button. It is not difficult to return the bottom and top panels; we can use one of the methods described in the article to secure them.

When you start Yandex Browser, the bottom panel with all the shortcuts, displaying active tasks, time, tray, Start button, etc. may disappear. Several basic conditions can become the root cause of the disorder:

  • The browser is switched to full-screen mode, then the program frame and the panel at the bottom disappear. This feature is useful when used for its intended purpose - viewing content without being distracted by extraneous screen elements. The mode itself can create significant inconvenience if launched unintentionally;
  • The taskbar is in a undocked state. The application shortcut bar may become hidden when using various programs. If the panel does not appear when you launch most programs, the problem is most likely a lack of fixation and not a problem with the web browser;
  • The setting “Hide the taskbar in…” mode is set, there are 2 operating mode options: tablet and desktop. When this item is activated, the panel will be hidden each time the cursor moves away from the bottom of the window.

How to pin the “Taskbar” when working in the Yandex browser?

The first thing you should check is whether the “Taskbar” is not displayed only when you are in the Yandex browser or whether it is hidden when you launch any program. In the first case, you should close full-screen mode, and in the second, go to setting up the panel itself.

Another diagnostic method is to move the cursor to the place where the bottom panel should be. If it does not appear, full screen mode is active. If it hides after removing the mouse, the reason is in the Windows settings, not the program itself.

If the “Taskbar” has disappeared while you are in the Yandex browser, we recommend following the following algorithm of actions to solve all the problems listed above.

How to pin the panel while working with Yandex browser:

In rare cases, the “Taskbar” is hidden when opening the Yandex browser due to system failures. During a prolonged system freeze, Windows removes all screen elements because there are not enough system resources for them. If the bottom panel disappears due to the launch of the Yandex web browser for this reason, the panel should appear on its own after a short time (5-45 seconds depending on PC performance). The process will speed up, if the “Yandex Application is not responding” window appears, we better select “Quit.”

If the “Taskbar” disappears frequently and regardless of launching the Yandex browser, that is, it is just as likely to disappear when another application is activated – there is a high risk of virus infection. First of all, we recommend eliminating the possibility of a lack of system resources due to weak technical characteristics of the PC or excessive load on it. We simply close unnecessary programs and wait for the files to be copied, games installed, and then launch the browser again.

If the system continues to freeze and automatically hides the “Taskbar” when opening the Yandex browser, it is worth removing the increased load on the system due to viruses, and then removing the infected files.

How to return the bottom panel while working with the Yandex browser when Windows freezes:

  1. Open “Task Manager”. The item of the same name appears after right-clicking on the panel below.
  2. Click on the “More details” button (if the “Task Manager” is displayed in a reduced form).
  3. Click on the “CPU” column on the “Processes” tab, so all actions will be arranged according to the number of resources required. We remove the most resource-intensive tasks (taking up 20%), especially if there is an unreadable title and no signature. To end the process, right-click and select “End task”.
  4. The computer should start working better now, but the virus will start again if it is not removed. It is worth running an anti-virus scanner, it can be any anti-virus built into the system or small software products like: Dr. Web, Avira Free Antivirus, Kaspersky Free.

All of the listed methods on how to return the “Taskbar” while in the Yandex browser are best done one by one. If the panel disappears, it is usually due to it being unpinned or accidentally pressing F11. Much less often, the cause of hiding is viral activity.

Fixing the top panel

The browser's full-screen mode also blocks the appearance of the tabbed bar located at the top of the browser. Usually, after pointing at the place where the tabs should be, the panel pops up. If the top panel has disappeared in the Yandex browser, just click F11.

Another reason for the disappearance of the panel at the top is its movement to the other side of the screen. To restore the element’s original position, just right-click on the panel at the bottom and select “Show tabs on top”.

How to restore the bookmarks bar?

The express panel that appears when you go to the main page of the browser is not always suitable for quick access to specific resources. The problem is that it displays frequently opened sites and they are constantly changing. To compile a list of necessary sites, it is better to use the “Bookmarks Bar”.

If the browser hides bookmarks, the panel can be easily returned in one of the following ways:

How to restore the “Toolbar”?

First of all, it’s worth determining what kind of panel it is? – This is the line on which extensions are located in the Yandex browser. Where is the “Toolbar” located in the Yandex browser? – To the right of the “Smart bar”, to the left of the “Downloads” button, under the “Minimize”, “Close” and “Shrink window” or “Make full screen” buttons.

Sometimes the panel stops displaying. Most likely, it disappeared and was replaced by an ellipsis due to the expansion of the search string. Simply move the mouse over the end of the “Smart Line” until the cursor is replaced with multi-directional arrows and drag the end to the left. The endpoint differs depending on the number of extensions.

Also, the reason for the absence of a panel may be the hiding of plugins. To set their display, you must activate the display of buttons. How to do it:

If the “Taskbar” unintentionally disappeared after launching the Yandex browser, this causes discomfort and needs to be fixed for the usual use of the system. Now, knowing how to fix panels, full-screen mode can be used comfortably, activating it during moments of studying information, so that incoming messages and extraneous tabs do not distract. The mode is especially useful for owners of small monitors; they can fit much more information.

Yandex.Browser is a fairly popular and popular search engine, ranking third in the second echelon among its peers. The new version is a convenient, multifunctional and bug-free version of the Internet browser, which also has the function of Turbo loading “heavy” web pages at maximum speed. The browser has many important and worthy characteristics, which will be discussed in more detail in today's review.

Browser advantages and characteristics

I would like to immediately introduce you to main advantages search engine for further informed choice:

  • Built-in blocker advertising.
  • Advanced functional an interface that, unfortunately, does not exist in Google Chrome.
  • Intuitively simple settings and options that even a beginner can easily understand.
  • Turbo technology significantly speeds up the process of working with http by compressing pages and allows you to freely visit blocked sites.
  • Convenient Yandex panel with bookmarks, in principle, like in any other browser.
  • "Smart" address bar, which very usefully gives hints when typing site names.
  • Powerful built-in antivirus protection from Kaspersky Lab.
  • Built-in translator in 9 common languages.
  • There is a version for the Mac OS operating system.
  • Mobile version for Android and iOS.
  • Versatility in installing all extensions from Chrome.

Where to download and how to install

You can and should download the free and updated version of the Yandex browser from the official website. On the website you need to select suitable version for its operating system, in principle, all existing versions are offered there.

The browser folder is set to system drive C. In any case, a browser shortcut will appear on the desktop. If desired, you can find it in the Start menu, Application Manager menu, or through search. In order to detect all browser folders, you can use search in drive C itself. This is done like this:

Installation is provided for user selection: standard or default. After all the checkboxes have been checked, the installation will take place in a couple of minutes, and we will go directly to the convenient settings “for yourself”.

How to set up Yandex Browser

After installation, you will be taken to the Yandex home page with several visual tabs in the middle of the screen. By the way, a very convenient thing for quick access to the most visited sites. In order to get to the settings menu, you need to click on the small three-line icon in the upper right corner and select the function that we need from the drop-down menu.

Please note that many functions can be configured through the drop-down menu, let's look at each one separately. Let's start with the very first setting.


A convenient feature that allows you to store and carry your favorite bookmarks, passwords, extensions and personal history to any synchronized devices.

Access to personal data on the server protected by an authorization system, so all synchronization processes will take place using your Yandex.Mail account. If you already have an account, just log in, if not yet, then you need to. The next step is to check the boxes for the types of data that need to be synchronized.

The user, at his own discretion, has the opportunity to disable this function or change the selected data at any time. To do this, open the “synchronization” section through the control panel.

Home page at startup

The user has the right to choose where to start work when opening the browser– from a clean slate or from saved tabs that were opened in a previous session. What do you want to see when you launch the browser – a scoreboard or recent tabs? Make your choice by ticking the appropriate boxes.

Search settings

In Yandex you can configure fast advanced search, and the additional display of visual site icons visible in the search results is a convenient plus. To do this, we will use the settings page. Customize a convenient and correct search for yourself.

Appearance Options

Initially, when installing a search engine, all items enabled by default. If you wish, you can change the browser interface to your taste.

Bookmarks bar

A little lower are the bookmarks bar options. Many active users choose the convenience of saving bookmarks in the panel located under the address bar. There's another great opportunity visual icons, of which 20 can be saved on the screen.

Adding a site to your bookmarks is quite simple, just a few clicks. The easiest way is to use a special asterisk at the end of the address line. Click on the star– select a folder – click done! Everything is very simple!

Another convenient way is to add bookmarks whole groups.

Search engine of your choice

To suit your taste, install the search engine you are used to using.

Setting up notifications

The browser supports the option on and off notifications about new materials on the website.

By the way, on social media tabs, you can enable a convenient function - displaying notifications about new messages. To do this, the “Informer” option is provided in the Tableau settings; activate it and be aware of the latest messages.

User profile

A user’s personal profile is a personal set of all the favorite settings and data of the Yandex search engine. Profile created automatically during installation and securely stores all your data.

If you are not the only user of the system, it is recommended to create a separate profile for each user so that your settings and preferences remain only in personal access. To do this, just go through the settings and add profile. In the same settings, you can delete or change the profile if you wish.

You can view all current browser profiles and log in and switch between them using the icon on the top panel.

Default browser

If you like the Yandex browser and would like all hyperlinks to open in it, enable this function.

There is also built-in ad blocker– set up exclusions for useful advertising of your choice.

Connect Turbo mode

Be sure to enable Turbo mode, in any case it won’t hurt, especially if you have a mobile connection, the mode will help save traffic. On the start page with the Tableau you need to click on the button “ additions"Next go to settings and turn it on.

The basic settings end here, but there are additional ones that also play an important role and have several useful parameters.

Downloaded files

By default in all browsers, downloaded files are placed to your downloads folder. You may find it convenient to set your own folder once to save all downloaded files. You can also use and install a function in which the system will ask each time where it is better to save the downloaded file.

– a relatively new option that allows you to quickly perform all sorts of actions using special gestures. Allows you to scroll through previous pages.

Passwords and forms

If you are single user Your computer has a convenient function for automatically filling out forms and saving passwords. This option allows you to save time when accessing accounts.

Context menu

Enabling this option allows you to quick search highlighted words in Yandex.

To work, you need to highlight a word or sentence and click on the one that appears. triangle button. The context menu will instantly display the result - a quick answer or translation.

Web Content

Poor eyesight? If you want to enlarge the font or change its type, no problem! You can even zoom in on an entire page.

Network, language and region

An excellent solution from an advanced search engine is the choice of a suitable network for work, a convenient language and the ability to change the country at any time.

System, power saving and hardware acceleration

When disconnected from the mains, your device will be able to significantly save battery power and extend operating time.

The system has a productive option called “ hardware acceleration", which allows you to use the graphics accelerator; in addition, you can optimize images to reduce RAM consumption.


The reset button allows you to reset Almost all settings are back to factory default.

Tableau setup

Each new empty Yandex tab is a special, spectacular Tableau. Tableau is a quick launch panel for pages on which visual bookmarks of the most visited websites are located in convenient tiles. Also posted here buttons for quick access to your browsing history, catalog of downloaded files, installed add-ons, etc.

Adding visual bookmarks to the Tableau is very simple; to do this, copy the site address and the panel for adding will immediately automatically appear, then click done and the site will already appear as an icon on the Tableau.

If you need to remove or edit any icon, you need to hover the cursor over the right corner of the visual tab and click on the appropriate element.

Important! If you have a new version of the Yandex browser installed, but the display is not displayed, it’s time to check your device for viruses. Very often, such trouble occurs as a result of malware.

It is most likely possible to disable the Tableau. At least on the official website it is written that in the browser settings there is an option “open scoreboard”, which should be turned off. But we could not find such an item. Apparently this feature has been removed in new versions.

Setting up a theme

In Yandex.Browser, you can choose any theme for the start page from those installed in the program - regular or animated images. You can also additionally download from the Internet. On the start page, under the visual icons, there is the inscription “ background gallery"or the "customize screen" button.

Click on the button and select from the available ones, then click on the “ ready" Everything is easy and simple.

Setting up add-ons in Yandex

The Yandex search engine already has several useful programs and extensions built in that improve the functionality of the browser and make it more versatile. Using the drop-down Menu we get to the add-ons.

Here you can connect various add-ons and special modules, also created by third-party developers. By clicking on the button " additions» we find ourselves in the plugin manager. This page displays list of all add-ons, both preinstalled and those that the user will connect himself in the future.

Using the On/Off buttons you can easily control all add-ons. What really has no boundaries is the huge selection of all kinds of extensions from the catalog for Yandex (more than 150). Scroll down the page and click on " extension directory».

Important information! You can install a large number of different extensions, but remember - the more extensions you install, the slower the browser will work.

Disable plugins and remove toolbars

Very often, when installing third-party programs, various toolbars or toolbars appear on your computer. For their high-quality automatic removal, you can use universal special utilities, for example Toolbar Cleaner. But, there is another way to always be aware of events and manually check which programs and plugins are installed.

To do this, paste in the address bar of the browser browser://plugins and press enter, a page with all current plugins will immediately open. This is what she looks like:

Here you can manage all extensions and necessary plugins for work. If you want to find out more about any particular program, click “more details” in the upper right corner.

Deleting browsing data

In order to clear your browser cache and cookies, you need to go to the browsing history page. You should go to the menu, select the line “ additionally", in the pop-up window click " clear the history»

In the background window that opens, set for what period of time the history should be cleared, and what exactly needs to be deleted. You can bring up a window on the screen using the hotkey combination “ Ctrl+ Shift+ Del" It looks like this:

Optimizing for maximum performance

To optimize, you need to go to the browser's hidden features page. We will change all the fine settings of our search engine. In the search address bar, enter browser://flags/, you can use the hotkey combination: Ctrl+F.

Increase maximum available RAM

On the page you need to find the name of the function “ Maximum number of images" In the menu, set the value to 512, this will significantly increase the speed of the search engine, without increasing RAM consumption.

Increase image loading speed

To quickly process images, we use as many threads as possible. Find the line " Number of bitmap threads" and change the default values ​​to number 4.

Faster closing of tabs

Enabling this option will help save both time and nerves, especially when the Internet connection speed is low, when open tabs tend to freeze. Find the item " Allow quick closing of tabs/windows» and activate the option.

Hardware acceleration

After activating this option, the browser will use all the resources of the built-in video card, even if the card is outdated and weak. Find the name in the search " Overriding the software rendering list" Activate.

Don’t forget to periodically clear your browsing history, cookies and search engine cache, which in turn maintains the maximum performance of any Internet search engine at a high level.

Pin the Yandex button to the taskbar

For faster access to the search engine, you should pin it to the taskbar. How to do it? After installation is complete, almost all programs offer the option to “Create a shortcut on the desktop,” “Create a shortcut in the Start menu,” or “Create a shortcut on the Quick Access Toolbar.” The taskbar is our “Quick Access Toolbar”.

But, perhaps you forgot to check the box during installation or decided much later to add the search engine to the taskbar. To do this you need:

Yandex Elements (Yandex express panel) is a set of add-ons to the Internet browser that significantly simplify working with all company services.

Then you need to click on the “Install” button. The browser's security system will warn you about a blocked request, on which you will need to click "Allow".

In other browsers this may not happen, and the download will begin immediately after clicking the button.

After this, a window will appear warning you about installing add-ons. It will contain a list of extensions to install.

In our case, these are “Yandex Elements” and “visual bookmarks”. In this window you will need to click “Install Now”.

The message will warn you that malicious programs may harm your computer or serve as a means to steal personal information.

After downloading and using applications, you will need to restart the browser. To do this, a window will appear with a notification and a “Restart now” button, which you will need to click.

The browser will close, after a few seconds, a simple message will appear, it will say that the extensions were successfully installed.

After clicking “Continue”, after a few seconds, the browser will load with ready-made extensions.

Note! The start page has noticeably changed; icons for Yandex extensions have been added to the panel to the right of the address bar: “Mail”, “Weather” and “Disk”. Along with them, an invisible one is added to the toolbar - “Yandex.Translation”, which works in the background and appears only in the context menu by right-clicking on the selected word.

The new start page provides many more options than the previous visual bookmarks bar:

  1. To use the Yandex.Mail and Yandex.Disk applications, you will need to log into your account on the Yandex mail service.
  2. Button for quick access to recently closed tabs.
  3. Open your browser's download manager.
  4. Button to call the bookmark manager.
  5. Calling a window for working with the history of viewed pages.

In addition, it is possible to add a new bookmark. To do this, you need to click on the button located in the lower right part of the page.

The maximum number of bookmarks on a page is limited to two and a half dozen.

There is no option to combine bookmarks into folders.

This action will open the add bookmark form.

The new address can be either entered into a special line or selected from the most frequently viewed or recently visited pages.

Setting up visual bookmarks

To configure the express panel in the best way, you will need to click “Settings” in the lower right corner of the page.

Then you will need to click “Other options” to open a form with more detailed settings.

  1. This “slider” allows you to change the number of bookmarks from one to 25.
  2. Here the user selects a background image. Button 2a allows you to upload your own image.
  3. In the drop-down menu you can select the type of display of sites in bookmarks. You can display the logo and title, the logo and a screenshot of the main page, or only the screenshot.
  4. The checkboxes in this block allow you to: enable/disable the search bar, bookmarks bar, sending statistics and contextual suggestions.
  5. A button that allows you to make the visual bookmarks bar your home page.

Additional features

Along with the visual bookmarks panel, Yandex.Elements provides the user with several useful services designed as an extension for the browser.

With their help, you can quickly view your mailbox and cloud storage contents, monitor the weather, and translate text from foreign languages ​​directly in the browser.

Yandex Mail

Allows you to open incoming emails from the browser toolbar.

To send emails or other actions, the add-on redirects the user to the mail service page.

To use, you must log in to your own Yandex account.


By clicking on the service icon, the weather forecast for the current day for the region is displayed.

Provides information about cloud cover, humidity, wind direction, pressure and temperature fluctuations throughout the day.

To receive a forecast for the next ten days, the user is redirected to the service page.


This extension provides all files stored in the cloud in the form of a list.

Each of the files can be downloaded, and it is also possible to send a link in order to download files from Yandex Disk.


This feature allows you to translate foreign words directly on the page. To do this, you need to highlight the word of interest and right-click on it.

In the drop-down menu there will be an item “Find translation”.

Clicking on it will redirect the user to the Yandex.Dictionary page with a comprehensive translation.

From the same menu you can send the selected text via email or perform a search.