How to disable content on Beeline: from the operator and third-party companies. How to disable paid services on Beeline

Articles and Lifehacks

Typically, the term “content” refers to various contents. Many subscribers are interested in what is Beeline content. Perhaps they mean directly digital content, developed taking into account the technical features of a particular mobile device. However, this article is devoted to a special service of the Beeline operator called “Content Provider Services”. Those who have already found out and decided to take advantage of this offer, of course, will not be able to use the competitor’s service.

“Content Provider Services” service from Beeline: what is it?

This service allows Beeline subscribers to find out the cost of content for free, even before they request to download it to their mobile device. Various information and reference services, games, melodies, etc. are offered as content.

We may well see advertisements for many of these services on television. To order this or that content, you just need to make a call to the specified short number, send an online request or send an SMS message. There are services that are provided on a subscription basis and fees for these are debited from our balance on a daily basis.

Beeline is responsible for ensuring that high-quality content is provided to its customers' requests. The suppliers of such content, that is, providers, are various organizations offering information, entertainment, gaming and other services. To access services, separate short numbers are created. They usually contain 4-6 digits. The list of such numbers can be found on the operator’s website. You can also read the terms and conditions for these services there. In addition, you can find out exactly for a specific subscriber.

Having decided what Beeline content is, we have the right to find out its cost for free by sending an SMS message with a question mark to the specified short number. The company selects its partners very carefully. If we encounter unfair or low-quality provision of services, we can contact the support service at 0611. You can also leave a request on the Beeline website.

To pay for the selected service or services, you can activate an additional balance. To do this, you need to send a request *110*5062# and press the call button. This is done free of charge.

How to activate the “Content Provider Services” service from Beeline?

To receive this or that content, it is enough to make a request, having previously found out its cost. The service does not require a special connection. As already mentioned, clients can report all illegal actions by calling 0611.
This service is available only in the Russian Federation and is not provided in roaming.

Subscribers of the popular domestic operator Beeline may notice that funds in the amount of 30 rubles per day have begun to be regularly debited from their mobile account. When calling the operator, it turns out that the subscriber himself has activated the “Order Content” service by calling 9731. For use of which there is a daily subscription fee of 30 rubles. At the same time, the subscriber does not remember ever having either activated such a service or confirmed its activation with the mobile operator. What happened? Below we will look at what the “Order Content” service is by calling 9731 Beeline and how to disable it on your mobile device.

In addition to earning money from mobile communications and providing access to the Internet, an important part of the mobile operator’s income is paid subscriptions of subscribers to various forms of services. Such services may include SMS or Internet information about weather forecasts and exchange rates, pictures and “yellow” news, trailers and music. All this is sent to the subscriber at regular intervals for a certain fee.

But how can you force a subscriber to pay for receiving content that can easily be found on the Internet absolutely free?

The Beeline operator, under whose brand the PJSC company operates, enters into an agreement with an Internet company (let's call it Informpartner LLC). Under the terms of the agreement, such an Internet company is provided with a four-digit telephone number (for example, 9731). In return, the Internet company offers the mobile operator the “Mobile Click” service, through which a paid subscription is activated. The “mobile click” itself can be different. For example, a user on a website clicked on the cross to close the banner, followed a news link, and so on.

List of Informpartner LLC websites where a paid subscription is activated

After the user makes a “mobile click,” Beeline automatically connects him to some paid service (for example, “Order content”) and begins to debit money from the subscriber daily. He can notify the subscriber about connecting the service via SMS from the four-digit number previously provided to the Internet company (in our case it is 9731). Or it may not notify at all, and the subscriber will be able to notice the debiting of funds only by checking the status of his mobile account.

Such SMS does not always come

Having performed a similar trick with thousands of its subscribers, Beeline makes a profit of hundreds of thousands of rubles. And this figure is far from the limit.

What is this “Content Ordering” service from Beeline?

This very service “Order Content” from Beeline 9731 provides the subscriber with various forms of paid digital content - pictures, news, jokes, horoscopes, music and more. This service is provided through a mobile click by Informpartner LLC. The subscription fee for using the service is 30 rubles per day, and 900 rubles per month.

In the vast majority of cases, you may not even notice how you connected to a paid service, because confirmation of connection (for example, by entering a confirmation code on the site) is not used here. In the best case, you will receive an SMS from number 9731 that you have already subscribed to this service. At worst, you will find out about it after the balance on your mobile account becomes negative.

Clicking on the player's play button on one of these sites will automatically connect you to a paid service from Beeline

In case of complaints from subscribers, the operator usually refers to the virus that performed the “mobile click” for the subscriber. At the same time, the operator is not at all embarrassed by the fact that a “mobile click” can be carried out from an old push-button telephone, which actually does not have an operating system. And, consequently, the viruses themselves.

To check the services connected to your number, we recommend dialing *110*09# on your phone and pressing the call button. You will receive a response in the form of an SMS message.

How to disable service 9731?

After we have figured out what this “Content Ordering” service from Beeline is, let’s look at how to disable the 9731 service. If you have become a victim of scammers from Beeline, we recommend deactivating the “Content Ordering” service, do the following:


We found out what this Beeline number 9731 is, we recommend that you immediately disable the service, which will protect your account from further debits. The systemic fight against such fraudulent policies from Beeline is quite difficult. Therefore, we recommend that you think about changing your mobile operator to a more worthy alternative.

If, after receiving invoice details, you have encountered charges for ordering some services, then this article is for you. Ordering Tele2 content - what it is, how the service is connected and how to disable it - today we will talk about everything a person needs to know about mobile subscriptions.

Briefly on the topic

Ordering content on Tele2 is consent to the provision of certain paid functions or materials.

What it is

So, what is ordering content in Tele2? We are talking about a variety of services that are provided to the subscriber on a paid basis:

  • Color pictures, logos, melodies, games and applications that the subscriber downloads through the SIM menu
  • Entertainment services, such as weather information, horoscope, dating, news, etc.
  • Payment for “Voices” in the social network “VKontakte” and “Okov” in “Odnoklassniki”
  • Subscription to use multimedia content from third party sites

You can read more about what content is on Tele2 and how to disable it in our other article.

How to connect

Let's list the ways in which a subscriber can subscribe to the service:

  1. SIM card menu
  2. Sending messages to a short number
  3. Call to a short number
  4. Visiting third-party sites with multimedia content
  5. Website, focused exclusively on paid services
  6. Reply to a received push message

How to disable

How to disable ordering content on Tele2? In order to get rid of services or subscriptions with a monthly fee, you can use the following methods:

    1. Call the Tele2 contact center at 611 , write to specialists via Viber or Telegram, fill out the feedback form on the official website or visit the nearest service point. The company’s employees will tell you when the request to connect the service occurred, and how much money was written off, and most importantly, they will help you turn off everything unnecessary
    2. "Personal Area". How to disable ordering content on Tele2 through the “Personal Account” on The method is simple and accessible to every subscriber. Log in through a special form on the website, open the “Manage Subscriptions” tab and disable all unnecessary services.

    1. By dialing the short command *189# and a call button, you will receive a message with a list of active subscriptions on your number. Information on how to disable each subscription (corresponding short code) is attached.

  1. Download from the AppStore and Play Market, and then install the “My Tele2” application. Here, in addition to many other functions, management of paid services and subscriptions is also available. Menu-Tariffs and Services-Manage Subscriptions

Watch video instructions:

If money begins to disappear from your Beeline account, but you do not use any additional services, most likely one of the “Order content” options is working on your number. Through this portal, you may have accidentally activated a paid subscription. This could happen as a result of following an unknown SMS link, or, for example, when clicking on an advertising banner of a mobile operator. In this article we will tell you what Beeline “Content Ordering” is. And also from the review you will learn how to determine which paid subscriptions work on the number, and how you can disable the entertainment and information service.

What is paid content?

What is “Ordering content” in Beeline? This is the purchase of a paid subscription from the operator or its partners. This could be a subscription to a weather forecast, a horoscope, fashion and cinema news, exchange rate newsletters, etc. By the way, additional paid content may appear on the number by accident. As mentioned above, you can get it simply by following the provider’s advertising link, or by responding to an unknown message.

Attention! To protect your account from senseless spending, ignore SMS from the following short numbers: 4867, 3241, 9731, 9931, 9190, 1615, 1559, 500, 1121 and 771061. All indicated phone numbers belong to the “Order Content” portal, Beeline and offer to connect various types of entertainment resources.

Of course, this doesn't mean you should ignore the services you need. For example, if you want to activate the “Who is calling” service, then you can safely send SMS to the number 771061.

If the mobile operator has not installed custom content on your number, but the Nth amount of money is debited from your account every month, you can check which paid services work on your mobile phone.

To check the content “ordered” on a SIM card, you can use any convenient method:

  1. Dial the number combination * 110 * 09 # on your phone and press the “Call” button. After a few seconds, the device will receive an SMS with the necessary information.
  2. Voice menu. Dial number 0674 on the gadget's keyboard and press the call button. After this, you will be redirected to the voice menu, where, following the prompts, you can find out about all the services, subscriptions and options activated on the SIM card.
  3. Personal Area. Log in to your page and go to the “My Services” tab. Here you can get acquainted with all the paid and free services available on your phone. In the same way, you can view the availability of paid services through the My Beeline mobile application.
  4. Call the operator. The presence of paid services on your phone from the Beeline Content Order portal can be checked by calling the provider’s hotline. To do this, call 0611 (for mobile phones) or 8 800 700 06 11 (for landline phones and subscribers of other cellular networks). For calls from abroad, use the number +7 495 977 88 88.
  5. Office. This is, of course, not the most convenient way to check, but if the Beeline service center is within walking distance from you, you can easily use it. In this case, all you need to do is have your passport and mobile phone with you.

How to deactivate the service?

After finding out which paid subscription is eating up your money, you can safely disable the content using one of the following methods:

Personal account or My Beeline application

There are a number of system requests with which you can deactivate paid subscriptions to Beeline:

  • “Chameleon” – * 110 * 20 #;
  • “Stay informed” – * 110 * 400 # ;
  • “Stay informed+” – * 110 * 1062 #;
  • “Internet notifications” – * 110 * 1470 #;
  • “Weather” – * 111 * 4751 #;
  • “Hello” – can be disconnected by calling the number 067409770;
  • “Horoscope” – * 456 #;
  • "Beeline. Music" – * 714 #;
  • “Answering machine” – * 110 * 010 #.

We looked at the most popular combinations. More USSD can be found on the official website of the mobile operator.

To turn off paid services, you can also use Beeline SMS messaging services. To turn off a particular service, you need to send the word “Stop” to a specific number. Write the text without quotes.

Numbers for sending deactivation messages:

  • “Videomir 18” – 6305;
  • "Beeline. Kiosk” – 6395;
  • "Beeline. Books” – 6277;
  • “Top up and win” – 5555;
  • "Unified Post" - 2824;
  • “Newsletter” – 5054;
  • "Locator" - 5166.

If you have activated one of the services from Beeline’s partner, the RGK Production company, you can disable all content at once by sending an SMS with the word “Stop” to the number 9855.

You can also turn off paid services by calling a special phone number:

  • “Currency rates” – 068422330;
  • “Horoscope” – 0684211525;
  • “Fact of the day” – 0684211646;
  • “Love predictions” - 0684211640;
  • “Hello” – 067409770;
  • “Be the first to know” – 067405551.

You can also always contact the technical support of your mobile operator for help by calling 0611. After connecting, ask a company employee to rid you of this or that unnecessary service.

Important! For personal identification purposes, the operator may request passport data.

If you do not want to deal with money leakage from your mobile account in the future, you can activate the special “Content Ban” service. After connecting the service, not a single paid subscription will be able to independently join your SIM card. And you will no longer be disturbed by intrusive advertising from the provider.

You can enable the service in your personal account or by calling 0858.

Hello everyone, in this article I will tell you how to disable a paid subscription from number 9731. But first, a little background. The beginning of the month, as usual, I topped up my phone balance with 400 rubles and this amount should have been enough for 30 days. After about 10 days, when I try to call, I find out that my number is blocked and they ask me to top up my balance, the Internet also stopped working.

I checked the balance, there is a small minus on the account. I immediately went into Beeline’s personal account and looked at the details of expenses, where I found an interesting item “Order content” - 30 rubles per day. I looked into “Connected services” - “Services” and there we found a connected subscription with number 9731.

Now let's restore the course of events.

I went to some site and read the information of interest; after the text there was a video player similar to Youtube. I thought that this was a continuation of the article in video format and decided to watch it. Clicked the Play button. See the image below.

A new window opened, due to my carelessness I did not notice the gray text “Access: 30 rubles for 1 day” and clicked on the “Watch” button.

After which, a subscription was activated for my number and the first 30 rubles were withdrawn from my account. Then, over another 10 days, 30 rubles were debited from the balance. The site opened - it was for access to this site that I paid. But I didn’t understand what happened and without thinking I closed it and moved on.

After subscribing, I received an SMS message: “You have activated your subscription on number 9731, the subscription fee is 30 rubles. in 1 day." The service is provided by Informpartner LLC. To cancel your subscription, send STOP0386 for free to number 9731″ - which I read 11 days later 🙂 and donated my hard-earned 330 rubles.

Here's the story. Now let's repeat once again how to disable this subscription.

  • Send an SMS message with the text STOP0386 to number 9731. After which you will receive an SMS notification about the successful deactivation of the service.
  • If it doesn’t work, then you need to send an SMS message with the text STOP to 9731.

If everything went well, you will receive a response SMS message with a notification.

How to disable subscription 9731 from Informpartner LLC through your Beeline personal account?

If sending an SMS message did not help, then you need to go to the “Connected services” - “Services” item, find the orange button with the inscription “9731” and switch the switch to the OFF position. See the image below.

This switch in your personal account may not be active, then you can disable subscription 9731 only through Beeline support.

How to disable subscription 9731 through Beeline support?

  • Contact a Beeline specialist using a short number 0611 and ask to turn it off. If you don’t know how to reach a live operator, .
  • If you have an account on the VKontakte social network, you can write to Beeline employees at this address: During business hours they respond within 10-15 minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can visit the nearest Beeline salon and ask the employees to disable the 9731 subscription.

I think these methods will be sufficient. Write in the comments whether it helped or not. If it doesn't help, we'll look for other ways.