How to remove scratches from your phone screen. This is not difficult to do by following this algorithm. Video: how to polish scratches on phone glass

With prolonged use, the phone's display may become covered with small scratches. And they really ruin it appearance. But how to get rid of scratches on your phone screen is quite simple to understand. If they are not deep, you will be able to remove most of them. And for this you won’t have to overpay specialists in specialized salons.

Simple ways to get rid of scratches on your phone screen

The first option is GOI paste. It can remove scratches from your phone screen. You can polish its surface with a cloth. This is a long and painstaking process, but it has a good result. True, it will not be possible to eliminate all the damage.

Suede fabric can add shine to the screen. It is completely safe. But it’s difficult to remove scratches with it. Although, many sites recommend it.

You can buy a wheel polish. They completely remove scratches. But their effect is short-lived. The screen will have to be processed every month. It's annoying. But on the other hand, you can safely restore the appearance of your phone at any time.

You should not try to erase the top layer of the display and reapply it. This procedure can only be done by “traditional craftsmen”. Such aggressive polishing can completely break the screen.

How to remove scratches from your phone at home?

The most simple option regular toothpaste is used. It has some abrasive properties. It can be applied to the smartphone screen:

  • Cotton swab;
  • Towel;
  • A napkin;
  • Paper cloth.

But for this it is necessary to use exactly toothpaste, not tooth gel. Please inquire about this before purchasing.

Soda solution has the same effect. Add enough water to the baking soda to form a paste. After this, you can polish your phone to remove scratches.

Toothpaste should be applied in a thin layer. Excessive amounts will only stain the device. Rub it in in a circular motion until the effect is noticeable. You can then remove any excess homemade polish and enjoy the result.

But don't try to remove deep damage. They can only be treated by replacing the screen. If you use excessive effort, you can aggravate the situation without achieving the goal.

Service center

If your phone warranty has not expired, you can contact service center. They will simply replace the screen and you will get an updated device. But when the warranty expires, such a procedure will be expensive.

The center may also admit your guilt. Then the repair will be paid. Therefore it is not effective option. But it's still worth a try.

If the service doesn’t work, then read everything about the structure of the phone screen. This will allow you to choose the most safe way polishing Without theoretical training, the gadget can simply be damaged.

If desired, you can seek the help of specialists. They leave their contact information on the Internet. Many of them professionally remove scratches. The main thing is to find a reliable intermediary.

Preventing scratches on your phone

To prevent the risk of this problem, be sure to buy a protective film. It will protect your phone from any mechanical influences for several months.

Also, clean your screen frequently. If dust particles do not accumulate on it, the risk of scratches will be reduced. Just worth wiping special napkins, otherwise you will scratch it yourself.

It is better to carry phones in cases or in special pockets. Don’t let your smartphone lie around in the “expanses of your bag.” So, he can hurt himself.

You can buy a phone with a regenerating display. It has a plastic coating that smoothes out minor damage. But this is not a solution. More or less significant scars will appear even on such a screen.

Of course, it is possible to get rid of scratches on your phone screen. But it is unlikely to be possible to do this forever and effectively. Therefore, he pays due attention to new things. Then the novelty of the screen and case will be maintained without any extra effort.

Today, when almost everyone has a smartphone with a touch screen, scratches on the screen are not surprising. They can represent either a minor cosmetic flaw or a complete breakdown of the device, depending on the size and location of the scratch on the screen. In the worst case scenario, the screen may need to be replaced, but minor scratches can be fixed at home.


Using toothpaste (plastic screens)

    Prepare your toothpaste. Toothpaste is mandatory attribute first aid kits and morning procedures. With its abrasive properties, toothpaste can remove a scratch in the same way it cleans teeth. Available in every home and without the need for additional purchases, toothpaste is the recommended way to remove scratches on plastic surfaces. It is important to make sure that you have toothpaste and not gel toothpaste. For a successful result, the toothpaste must have abrasive properties. If you don't know what type of toothpaste you are using, read the description on the package.

    • A baking soda solution has similar abrasive properties. Once you opt for baking soda, mix it to a paste consistency and use it in the same way.
  1. Apply toothpaste using the applicator. Because this home method to solve the problem, you can use any applicator. This could be a soft cloth, paper towel, cotton swab or toothbrush. Squeeze out a small pea-sized ball of toothpaste. Excessive amounts will only stain your smartphone.

    Apply toothpaste to the scratch. Squeeze the toothpaste onto the applicator and begin rubbing it in using light circular motions. Continue until the scratch is barely noticeable. Since the paste is abrasive in itself, you won't need to apply excessive pressure. Rub until you see results. Even if the scratch is too large to completely get rid of, light sanding will reduce its size.

    • If the scratch is significant, then one toothpaste will not be enough. In any case, it will significantly reduce the size of any scratch.
  2. Clean your phone. After reducing the scratch, you need to remove the toothpaste from the screen. Using a soft, slightly damp cloth, remove any remaining toothpaste from the screen. After this, you should take a polishing cloth and remove all the dirt and greasy marks present on the screen. Thanks to this, you will update the appearance of your phone to its original state.

    Using glass polish (glass screens)

    1. Buy a cerium oxide polish. If your phone has a glass screen (not a plastic one), then you will need to use a more powerful solution than toothpaste or baking soda to remove scratches. In this case, a polish based on cerium oxide is recommended. It can be purchased both in the form of a soluble powder and in finished form. The second option is more convenient, but in the first case you will get a higher quality product.

    2. Mix the powder solution. If you purchased cerium oxide powder, you will first need to prepare a solution. It is very simple and also economical. Pour the powder (approximately 50-100 g) into a small container. Slowly add water until the solution reaches the consistency of cream. Mix the solution well as you add water to maintain proportions.

      • For polish, it is not necessary to adhere to ideal proportions. The main thing is to add enough water so that the polish is absorbed normally into the applicator.
      • Skip this step if you purchased pre-made polish rather than powder.
    3. All vulnerabilities The phone needs to be covered with tape. Cerium oxide polish should not get into openings such as the speaker, headphone jack, or charger. Also, in theory, polish can pose a danger to the phone camera lens. Taking into account all of the above, you should first cover the area you are going to polish with tape. Tape all parts of the phone that need to be protected from liquids.

      • Taping your phone before cleaning may seem like an overkill, but we strongly recommend not skipping this step, otherwise you could permanently damage your phone if you make a mistake.
    4. Apply polish to the scratched area. Dip a soft polishing cloth in the cerium oxide solution and begin buffing the scratched area using vigorous, circular motions. Continuously monitor the appearance of the scratch. It's best to wipe the solution off with a dry cloth every 30 seconds or so, re-dip the cloth in the polish, and repeat the process again for maximum effect.

      • When using an abrasive polish, you should be more aggressive than when cleaning the screen normally. It is important not to overdo it with effort. There is absolutely no need for you to get new defects on your screen while trying to get rid of old scratches.
    5. Cleaning your phone. After applying and removing the polish, wipe the entire phone with a polishing cloth. This will remove any remaining dirt and mortar from it. Remove the protective tape and wipe your smartphone one more time. After spending just a couple of minutes, you will be surprised how much better your phone will start to look.

      • Clean your smartphone screen regularly. The frequency of twice a day may seem excessive, but taking a couple of seconds will ensure your screen always looks clean.

      With every mobile phone, smartphone or tablet, trouble can happen at any time. For example, he fell on the asphalt with the screen facing up and rubbed it against the keys in his pocket or bag. Yes, many more things can happen. How can I delete it after that? small scratches from the screen? With large deep scratches and even with cracks it’s clear that the only thing you need to do is change the glass. And in the case of sensory devices also a touch screen. But you can, in principle, try to eliminate minor abrasions. How? Now we’ll tell you about several ways that will help with both regular mobile phones, and with iPhones, iPads and other tablets, smartphones, etc.

      Method 1. Special automobile vehicle for removing small scratches. Read the instructions and carry out as written. Usually the sequence is as follows: you need to apply the cream to a clean soft cloth and then gently wipe it.

      Method 2. Baking soda and water. Mix these two components to a more or less thick paste. After this, apply the paste to a soft cloth. Then wipe the screen in a circular motion. We remove the remaining water and voila... the scratches on the screen are removed!
      By the way, you can also use simple toothpaste (not gel and without filler) or tooth powder. The effect is the same.

      If necessary, you can use regular baby powder instead of baking soda. It works the same way as baking soda.

      Method 3. Silicone or vegetable oil. This tool not only allows you to remove scratches from your phone screen, but also polishes your phone screen and makes it shiny. As a result, minor damage will not be visible on it. Must be applied a small amount of substances using a clean soft cloth. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to fill the device with oil.

      Method 4. GOI paste and kerosene.
      To remove scratches from the screen of a smartphone or tablet, mix GOI paste with kerosene (it will be ideal if you find aviation grade). Apply the resulting mixture to the entire surface of the phone screen.
      We wait 5-7 minutes so that the active particles can be absorbed into the chipped areas on the display, then thoroughly rub with a dry, preferably drapery, cloth.
      Then you need to remove the remaining mixture with a clean cloth. As a result, the scratches must be eliminated!
      Note: This method not suitable for phones with oleophobic or other additional coating on the phone screen.

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      The undoubted convenience of a smartphone lies in touch screen- so easy to work with. The quality is marred only by the formation of cracks on the surface. Damage can be avoided by using a protective film, but often this accessory significantly reduces the sensitivity of the sensor. Learn how to polish your screen in different ways.

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      How to remove scratches from your phone screen using professional means

      Liquids and paste mixtures developed specifically for cleaning the front of the device, contain components that will cope with the task and will not damage the device.


      Often for professional means additionally may be required cotton pad or car wipe, which will make it easier to apply the mixture.


      In some cases Application tools are included in the kit, making cleaning easier and faster.


      Store-bought compounds can polish both iPhones and other devices.

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      Polishing with goi paste


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      The choice of screen cleaning method depends on the depth of the defects. When looking for how to get rid of scratches on a phone screen, they remember GOI paste. It uses chromium oxide powder as an abrasive, and the product itself can be of four types. For polishing phone glass, only the first option, which has the least abrasive ability, is suitable. Before polishing, you need to carefully glue the sides of the phone with double-sided tape so that the product does not get into the cracks and holes of the device. The paste is available in two forms, which determine the method of application:

      • Impregnated felt circle. Containing a certain amount of paste, felt is more convenient to use, but may be inferior in effectiveness to the second option. To clean your phone glass with this device, just walk over it several times, focusing Special attention deep scratches.
      • Pasty substance. The advantage of this form is that the user can regulate the quantity himself. Squeeze a certain amount of the substance onto the screen and spread it in a circular motion with a soft cloth. Once cleaning is complete, remove excess with a dry, clean cloth.

      How to remove scratches from your phone with displex paste

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      Unlike the previous version, this pasta is more modern. Development created especially for displays, including touch ones. When choosing how to remove scratches from a phone screen, the user is more likely to give preference to a specialized product.


      Displex comes in a small tube with a pointed spout, which is convenient for applying the composition to the screen.

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      To remove defects from glass, you will need soft light fabric. Its color is important, since during the polishing process the cloth will definitely darken, which will allow you to control the result.


      Once you've finished cleaning, wipe the glass dry and check if the paste has done its job.


      If you notice that a few cracks still remain, repeat the steps again.


      You can polish it this way camera glass so that the photos are of higher quality.

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      Price of products for removing scratches from phone screens

      Faced with the problem of minor visual defects on mobile device, the user focuses not only on the effect of the product, but also on the cost. You can put your favorite gadget in order at a very symbolic price. For example, GOI paste will cost only 65 rubles for a 45 g jar, which is enough for more than one phone. A foreign assistant in the fight against cracks will cost much more. At a price of 300 rubles. you will receive a small five gram tube. These compositions and similar ones can be purchased in the online store using the catalog, ordering delivery to any city.

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      Polishing your phone screen with folk remedies

      You can refuse specialized means and resort to traditional methods, but in this case you must be fully aware of the risks. Users deciding how to remove scratches on their phones are often faced with the ineffectiveness of the chosen home remedy.


      They try to return the mirror shine to the surface using the most unexpected methods, for example, by preparing a mixture of baby powder and water. The result of such tricks directly depends on the depth of the cracks: a fine-grained composition will not cope with serious damage.

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      Before you begin implementing the methods suggested below for removing scratches from your phone screen, you should do some preparatory work.


      1. Turn off the device.
      2. Cover the external connectors with masking tape or electrical tape. This will prevent water and other foreign substances from getting inside the gadget.
      3. Be patient, as some scratches are very durable. You may need not minutes, but hours of painstaking work.



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      How to get rid of scratches on your phone using toothpaste


      This is easy to do by following this algorithm:

      1. Before removing minor scratches from your phone screen, wipe the glass to remove dust particles and larger particles that can cause even more damage.
      2. Seal the headphone and charging jacks with tape, and close any gaps where the compound might get in.
      3. Squeeze a small amount of paste onto the screen and spread it in a circular motion using a cotton pad.
      4. After exposure, wipe the device dry and check whether the desired effect is achieved.
      5. If the scratch has not completely disappeared, repeat the procedure.

      How to polish your phone screen with baking soda

      At home, all methods are good, especially those that are familiar to us from an early age. It is known that when darkening dishes it is better to use baking soda, which will scrape off plaque and give plates and cups a pristine appearance. When wondering how to remove scratches from the glass of a smartphone, you can resort to the same product, which is very affordable. You can also replace the baking soda with baby powder.

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      Step-by-step instruction:

      1. Dilute baking soda powder with water in a 2:1 ratio to a paste.
      2. Cover all slots and connectors of the phone to avoid damaging the gadget.
      3. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the clean glass of your smartphone.
      4. Using a cloth, rub the mixture in for about 10 minutes.
      5. Wipe the surface first with a slightly damp and then with a dry cloth. Evaluate the effect.

      Removing scratches from a phone screen with polish

      Compounds designed for cars can clean the surface. For example, car polish may be one of the solutions to remove scratches on glass.

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      This option is not intended for displays, so it must be used very carefully and in small quantities. If, after rubbing the polish in a circular motion on the glass, you If you don't notice any improvement, don't repeat the process again.

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      There are polishes for displays, similar to automobile ones in appearance, but different in composition. They won't hurt sensor sensitivity and anti-reflective coating.

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      How to remove small scratches on a phone screen using vegetable oil

      In addition to receiving desired effect, any user wants to clean the display from defects at an adequate price. Oily textures are not able to cope with serious damage, but they can give the phone a cleaner look.

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      Work order:

      1. Before removing scratches from your phone screen, wipe off any dust from the display.
      2. Apply a drop of oil to the glass.
      3. Rub with a microfiber cloth until the oiliness is no longer noticeable.
      4. Remove any excess by blotting the display with a tissue.

      A mixture prepared from eggs, aluminum and potassium sulfate

      1. Combine one egg white and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate (popularly known as alum), which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
      2. Preheat to 65 degrees in an aluminum pan.
      3. Soak a piece of microfiber in the prepared solution.
      4. Place it on aluminum foil and place it in an oven preheated to 150 degrees until the fabric is completely dry.
      5. Then immerse the microfiber in cold water for half a minute.


      The steps described above should be repeated 3 times, then leave the fabric to dry for two days. After this, you can polish the phone screen with a cloth.



      What methods of removing scratches from a phone screen do you know? Share them in the comments!

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      Video: How to remove cracks and scratches on phone glass


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      It is difficult to remember and imagine how people used to get along without mobile phones. These days even a few hours without it little helper cause a vague feeling of anxiety. And, of course, I want it to modern gadget not only worked, but also looked impeccable.

      Many people have encountered such a phenomenon as small scratches on the display and edges. They do not affect functionality at all, but significantly spoil the appearance of the device. It is important to know how to remove scratches from your phone screen so that you don’t have to go to a repair shop to fix the defect. For such work, you can use both special equipment and improvised ones.

      Professional polishing

      Every owner of a stylish device can remove damage from the screen with the same professionalism and quality as a workshop employee. To do this you will need one of the special abrasives:

      1. Paste GOI. This composition was developed by specialists of the State Optical Institute (GOI) for polishing glass, metal and ceramics. It does not damage the surface, but only makes it perfectly smooth, therefore it is suitable even for. Thanks to such a gentle effect, it can be used to update touch displays.
      2. Displex paste. The product can be purchased at specialized communication stores. With its help, shallow scratches and abrasions are removed.

      The procedure is simple:

      1. A small amount of the composition must be applied to the screen.
      2. Using a piece of cloth, rub the abrasive in a circular motion.
      3. After the defects disappear, remove the remaining paste.

      For additional protection all elements that do not need exposure can be sealed with masking tape.


      A dental care product will help not only maintain the radiance of your smile, but also restore a radiant appearance to your mobile display. You can use any toothpastes of classic consistency. Gel products are not suitable.

      The principle of operation of this product is similar to the effects of professional pastes. The smallest abrasive particles polish the glass, and scratches on the phone disappear.

      A small amount, literally the size of a pea, should be applied to the display. Rub with smooth circular movements using a cloth. After the defects have been smoothed out, remove the residue with a soft, barely damp material.

      Masking tape will additionally help protect your gadget.

      Car polishes

      Great for repairing minor damage to phone displays. special compounds designed for car care. They effectively polish the surface without damaging it further.

      To work you will need a small amount of paste and a cloth. The product must be applied to the screen and wiped in a circular motion. Usually, already in the process of work, you can see how the damage becomes less pronounced and gradually disappears completely.

      Residues should be removed with a damp cloth.

      Baking soda

      Baking soda, which is found in almost every home, is a multifunctional product used for polishing surfaces and removing dirt, for example. It will help you remove scratches from your phone screen efficiently. Its abrasive particles will smooth out all the irregularities on the body of the device.

      The procedure is as follows:

      1. In a small container, mix 1 part baking soda and 2 parts water until smooth.
      2. Apply the paste to a piece of fabric and polish the gadget display with light circular movements.
      3. Remove any remaining soda mixture using a damp cloth.

      When using any polishing method, it is very important that the material being used to remove residue is only slightly damp. Excess fluid can cause more serious problems than minor damage.

      Baby powder

      You can prepare a polishing paste from cosmetics intended for the care of children's skin. Talc in its composition will act as a gentle abrasive.

      The powder should be diluted with a few drops of water. Stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply the prepared mixture to the display and, using a soft cloth, smooth out defects with light circular movements.

      Remove excess with a damp cloth.

      Vegetable oil

      By using vegetable oil You can eliminate small, shallow scratches and abrasions. Absolutely any natural fatty product will do, such as sunflower, olive, sesame or corn oil.

      One drop of the food product should be applied to the display and rubbed in thoroughly. Such an impact will return the gadget to its former shining appearance.

      A scratch, even a large one, can be disguised; to do this, just stick a protective film on the display. It will hide defects and protect against the appearance of new ones.

      And so that in the future you don’t have to wonder how to polish your phone screen, it’s worth securing it even before you start. active exploitation. And high-quality covers will help with this, protective films and careful use.