Check latitude and longitude coordinates. How to indicate your location to others if you don’t know the address (search by coordinates). How to find the right address in an unfamiliar city

On Yandex Maps, geographic coordinates are recognized in degrees, presented as decimal fractions. At the same time, several other formats for recording coordinates are used in the world, for example, in degrees, minutes and seconds.

Coordinates are a pair of numbers that determine the location of an object on the map.

The first digit in the format adopted on Yandex Maps is , or the angle between the local zenith direction (that is, the direction pointing directly upward over a specific location) and the equatorial plane. Northern latitude is designated by the letter N, southern latitude by the letter S.

The second number is longitude, or the angle between the meridian plane (the line of section of the surface of the globe by a plane passing through a given point and the axis of rotation of the Earth) and the plane of the initial prime (Greenwich) meridian. Longitudes from 0° to 180° east of the prime meridian are called eastern (E), and to the west - western (W).

Entering coordinates on Yandex Maps

Open your browser and type in the address bar, or open the Yandex Maps application on or. Enter the coordinates in the search bar, for example: 55.751710,37.617019 - then click “Find”. In the application, to call up the search bar, you must first click on the magnifying glass icon (usually located at the bottom of the screen). Please note that the format for entering coordinates should be exactly this: first latitude, then longitude; the integer part of the coordinates is separated from the fractional part by a dot; numbers do not contain spaces; latitude and longitude are separated by a comma.

After clicking on the “Find” button, the marker on the map will move to the point that the coordinates describe - now you can build a route.

To the left of the map, the address corresponding to the coordinates will be displayed, as well as an alternative representation of them - with degrees, minutes and seconds. In our case it will look like this:
Latitude: 55°45′6.16″N (55.75171)
Longitude: 37°37′1.27″E (37.617019)

If you enter coordinates in the wrong order - for example, first longitude and then latitude (some navigators and other electronic mapping services work with data in exactly this sequence) - on Yandex Maps you can quickly change the order of the numbers. To do this, click on the “Swap” link under the full description of the coordinates, and the marker will move to the correct point.

Modern technologies greatly facilitate our lives, making it easier, simpler and more convenient. Among the variety of such innovations, an important place is occupied by tools that make it easy to navigate the terrain, build a convenient route to a particular geographic point, and find toponyms and other topographical objects on the map. One of the options for finding the desired object on the map is to search for it using geographic coordinates. And in this material I will tell you how to search by coordinates on Yandex Map, and what are the features of this search.

As you know, in the modern digital market of cartographic services there are several competing companies that offer the user the ability to search for a point by coordinates. The list of such services includes the popular “Google Maps”, “Yandex.Maps”, “2GIS” (specializing in detailing cities), “Bing Maps”, “HERE WeGo”, “OpenStreetMap” and the previously existing “Yahoo! Maps" (now closed).

The main competitors in the Russian market are “ Google.Maps" And " Yandex maps" If using maps from Google is preferable on a global scale, then in the vastness of Russia we would recommend using the Yandex company’s service. The latter provides better coverage of Russia, has a high level of detail, boasts a special tool for editing maps by users called “People's Map”, displays traffic jams in domestic cities, works well with “Geocoder”, and has other useful features.

To determine your location in the Russian Federation, it is better to use Yandex.Maps

At the same time, you can use the Yandex.Maps functionality either using a regular desktop browser on your PC or by installing the mobile application of the same name on your phone (for example, from the Play Market).

Search by latitude and longitude

If you are faced with the question of searching for any geographical place on the map, or there is a need to point out some place on the map to another person, then you should use the method of determining the location of a geographical object by its coordinates, including latitude or longitude.

Let me remind the reader that latitude coordinates show the location of the desired object in relation to the North and South Pole (i.e. it is a point between north and south), and longitude coordinates determine the location of the object between east and west.

The usual zero latitude is the equator, therefore the south pole is at 90 degrees south latitude, and the north pole is at 90 degrees north latitude.

In this case, northern latitude is designated by the letter “N” (Nord), South – by the letter “S” (South), western longitude by the letter “W” (West), and eastern longitude by the letter “E” (East). ).

Find a place by coordinates on the Yandex Map

To determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of an object, just open “Yandex.Maps”, find the object we need on the map, and click on it with the cursor. A small window will immediately open next to the cursor, informing about the selected object and indicating its latitude and longitude coordinates.

Now, to find this object on the map, it will be enough to write down these numerical values, and then simply enter them separated by commas in the “Yandex.Maps” search bar and press enter. The map will immediately move to the given location and point you to the object specified by the entered coordinates.

It is most convenient to share such coordinates while somewhere in nature; the other party will easily find your location simply by entering your coordinates into the Yandex.Maps search bar.

In addition to finding the desired point by latitude and longitude, the Yandex.Maps functionality makes it possible to build a pedestrian, car, or bus route to it. To do this, just enter the latitude and longitude numbers of the object you need into the search bar, click on enter, and after it appears on the screen, click on the button on the left “Build a route”.

Click on “Build a route” to build various route options to the desired geographical point

You will need to enter the coordinates of the starting point of your journey (or type its address), and the service will automatically plot the most optimal route to it, and also indicate the approximate travel time and mileage.


If you need to search by your coordinates on Yandex Map, then it will be enough to enter the coordinates of the desired object by latitude and longitude in the search bar, and then press enter. If you just need to get the coordinates of the object you need, it will be enough to find it on Yandex.Map, click on it, and the required latitude and longitude coordinates will immediately be displayed in the sign that appears on the left.

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to determine your coordinates and tell them to a friend. By the way, a very popular article.

Now consider the inverse problem. Let's say you received an SMS message or an email or a message from some messenger from a lost friend, in which he reports the coordinates of the place where he is and asks you to drive up to him and help him out.

What do you need to do? The answer is very simple: you need to use, for example, the application GoogleTOarts or YandexTOarts(you can download and install them using the links provided), enter the received coordinates in the search bar, find this place on the map and get directions using these applications. Let's see how it's done.

Yandex maps

1. When opening the application, the system determines your location and shows this place in the center of the map. In this case there should be GPS enabled navigation ( Geodata in the curtain).

2. In the bottom line, click Search.

3. In a new window enter in sTRoku Search the coordinates you received. You need to enter them definitely in this form : only in the form of decimal numbers (without any degrees, minutes and seconds) with a dot separator, first latitude, then longitude and with a comma between them. For example, like in the screenshot: 60.0, 30.3 Press on the on-screen keyboard Search. The found location appears in the center of the screen in the form of a mark.

4. Click below Finding a route. The application finds route options (you can choose for car or public transport) and, when the Internet is turned on, taking into account current traffic jams.

5. Select the one you need and click yellow arrow in the upper right corner or option Travel with Yandex navigator. And you go, you meet a friend who is waiting for you and says thank you. :)

Google Maps

The actions are almost the same as those described above. I provide explanatory screenshots.

1. Open Maps, enter coordinates in the search bar.

2. Click the car icon in the lower right corner. Choose the type of transport.

3. Choose one of the proposed routes. Click on the arrow icon in the lower right corner.

4. You are driving, walking, etc.

AND one more note. If in a friend’s message the coordinates are given in as a link like,30.3, then everything is much simpler and faster: you just need to click on the link and select Open URL. This will automatically open the Google Maps application (if it was installed by default for such links) or a browser window with maps and the desired point will be in the center. And then everything is as described above: we are looking for a route, etc.

If in the found area there are no roads, there are no pedestrian roads (for example, in a forest) and it is not possible to automatically build a route, then, seeing your position and the position of a friend on the map, you can simply you go "in azimuth". :) But it is clear that a friend should in any case remain at the point whose coordinates he gave you. Warn him about this by phone or ask him for new coordinates.

Good luck to you, see you again on the pages of my site.

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Dear Android smartphone users!

Sometimes a situation arises when you are in an unfamiliar place and don’t know where exactly. For example, you are lost in the forest or in an unfamiliar area of ​​a big city, and you need the help of a friend to find you. Or maybe you're just at a fancy resort and decide to show off to a friend by letting him know your whereabouts. You never know what other cases there are when you need to quickly determine your coordinates on the ground and communicate them to someone.

You just have to remember that in your pocket you have a lifesaver in the form of your favorite smartphone on Android OS. And it provides excellent opportunities for solving the above problem, because, as a rule, it is equipped with a system for determining coordinates using satellites of the global positioning system GPS and sometimes also GLONASS.

Let's look at several methods, one simpler than the other. However, there are many others, no less complex.

1. Yandex Maps

If you do not have this application installed, install it immediately. Very useful application. Further, in the situation described above, the sequence of actions is as follows.

Open the application Yandex maps. It (with the GPS module enabled in advance in the settings) automatically detects your location and displays a mark in the middle of the map. You wait until the circle around the mark, indicating the accuracy of the location, narrows or disappears altogether, and the round mark turns into a compass arrow.

Click on this label, its name appears. Click on it again and you get another screen.

If you select SMS, then the text with coordinates has already been entered into the SMS; all that remains is to add the recipient and send. And if you choose More..., then a lot of additional opportunities will open up for sending coordinates, including through well-known messengers (Skype,Viber,whatsapp) and even social media.

And a friend or friends will see your message by clicking on the link, open a map with your location and contact you. And if necessary, they will find you. Only in the latter case, do not run through the forest and do not change coordinates.

2.GPS Test

This application is designed to test the functionality of the GSM module, determine coordinates, altitude, course, speed and other parameters. I covered it earlier in this article.

But it also makes it easy to share your current coordinates with a friend. To do this, use the left soft key to open Menu, find the point Share and then you get a screen similar to the screen shown just above with a lot of possibilities for transmitting information about coordinates.

3. WhatsApp and Viber messengers

If you have one of these wonderful messengers installed, then the matter is quite simple. Because in them built-in transfer capability chat with a friend not only pictures, photos, videos or contacts, but also voice messages and, especially for our case - location information. Moreover, the latter is done in literally three clicks.

For example, in case whatsapp , in the chat with the desired recipient, press paperclip at the top of the screen(V Viber- plus sign below), select Location, the program detects it and displays a map. Next click Submit your location. That's all!

Good luck to you, see you again on the pages of the site.

To keep up to date with new products on the site, I recommend subscribing to the periodic weekly mailing “Tales of the Old User” on the portal.

We suggest using a similar service from Google - + location of interesting places in the world on the Google Maps diagram

Calculation of the distance between two points by coordinates:

Online calculator - calculating the distance between two cities, points. Their exact location in the world can be found at the link above

Countries in alphabetical order:

map Abkhazia Austria Australia Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Brazil Great Britain Hungary Germany Greece Georgia Egypt Israel Spain Italy India Kazakhstan Canada Cyprus China Crimea South Korea Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Moldova Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Syria Slovenia United States of America Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Turkey Tunisia Ukraine Uzbekistan Finland France Montenegro Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan Russia's neighbors? regions of Russia Republics of Russia Krai of Russia Federal districts of Russia Autonomous districts of Russia Federal cities of Russia USSR countries CIS countries European Union countries Schengen countries NATO countries
satellite Abkhazia Austria Australia Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Brazil Great Britain Hungary Germany Greece Georgia Egypt Israel Spain Italy Kazakhstan Canada Cyprus China South Korea Latvia Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Moldova Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Russia +stadiums Syria Slovenia United States of America Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Turkey Tunisia Ukraine Finland France +stadiums Montenegro Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan
panorama Australia Belgium Bulgaria Brazil +stadiums Belarus Great Britain Hungary Germany Greece Israel Spain Italy Canada Crimea Kyrgyzstan South Korea Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Russia +stadiums United States of America Thailand Turkey Ukraine Finland France Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan

Determining latitude and longitude on a map?

On the page you can quickly determine coordinates on the map - find out the latitude and longitude of the city. Online search for streets and houses by address, using GPS, to determine coordinates on a Yandex map, how to find a location - described in more detail below.

Determining the geographic coordinates of any city in the world (find out latitude and longitude) using an online map from the Yandex service is actually a very simple process. You have two convenient options, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Fill out the form: Rostov-on-Don Pushkinskaya 10 (with the help and if you have the house number, the search will be more accurate). In the upper right corner there is a form for determining coordinates, which contains 3 precise parameters - the coordinates of the mark, the center of the map and the zoom scale.

After activating the “Find” search, each field will contain the necessary data - longitude and latitude. Look at the “Center of the map” field.

Second option: In this case it’s even simpler. Interactive world map with coordinates contains a marker. By default, it is located in the center of Moscow. You need to drag the label and place it on the desired city, for example, determine the coordinates on. The latitude and longitude will automatically match the search object. Look at the “Mark Coordinates” field.

When searching for the desired city or country, use the navigation and zoom tools. By zooming in and out +/-, and also moving the interactive map itself, it is easy to find any country or search for a region on the world map. This way you can find the geographic center of Ukraine or Russia. In the country of Ukraine, this is the village of Dobrovelichkovka, which is located on the Dobraya River, Kirovograd region.

Copy the geographic coordinates of the center of Ukraine urban settlement. Dobrovelychkovka — Ctrl+C

48.3848,31.1769 48.3848 north latitude and 31.1769 east longitude

Longitude +37° 17′ 6.97″ E (37.1769)

Latitude +48° 38′ 4.89″ N (48.3848)

At the entrance to the urban settlement there is a sign announcing this interesting fact. It will most likely be uninteresting to examine its territory. There are much more interesting places in the world.

How to find a place on the map using coordinates?

Let's consider the reverse process, for example. Why do you need to determine latitude and longitude on a map? Let's say you need to determine the exact location of the car on the diagram using GPS navigator coordinates. Or a close friend will call on a weekend and tell you the coordinates of his location, inviting you to join him hunting or fishing.

Knowing the exact geographic coordinates, you will need a map with latitude and longitude. It is enough to enter your data into the search form from the Yandex service to determine the location by coordinates successfully. Example, enter the latitude and longitude of Moskovskaya street 66 in the city of Saratov - 51.5339,46.0368. The service will quickly determine and display the location of a given house in the city as a mark.

In addition to the above, you can easily determine the coordinates on the map of any metro station in the city. After the name of the city we write the name of the station. And we observe where the mark is located and its coordinates with latitude and longitude. To determine the length of the route, you need to use the “Ruler” tool (measuring distances on the map). We put a mark at the beginning of the route and then at the end point. The service will automatically determine the distance in meters and show the track itself on the map.

It is possible to more accurately examine a place on the map thanks to the “Satellite” diagram (upper corner on the right). Look what it looks like. You can do all of the above operations with it.

World map with longitude and latitude

Imagine you are in an unfamiliar area, and there are no objects or landmarks nearby. And there is no one to ask! How could you explain your exact location so that you can be found quickly?

Thanks to concepts such as latitude and longitude, you can be detected and found. Latitude shows the location of an object in relation to the South and North Poles. The equator is considered to be zero latitude. The South Pole is located at 90 degrees. south latitude, and North at 90 degrees north latitude.

This data turns out to be insufficient. It is also necessary to know the situation in relation to the East and West. This is where the longitude coordinate comes in handy.

Thank you to the Yandex service for the data provided. Cards

Cartographic data of cities in Russia, Ukraine and the world