Connecting to email. Why do you need email, why have your own email address. Creating and sending a letter

Sending emails directly from the site and receiving them there is inconvenient, so here I will share my achievements on how to create an email on a computer.

I’ll say right away that if you do as it’s written here, you won’t want to go back to your past torment.

So, to create an email on your computer, you will need two things. First, download and install the email program.

How to create your own email for free

I won’t write much about registering a mailbox. Everything there is simplified to the minimum. Go to the Google website ( and click on the email:

Of course, there are many other programs to create email on your computer. I tried them all and this one was the best in every way.

This also applies to settings, however, you don’t need to configure anything, just enter your login and password, provided that the mailbox is on Gmail.

After installing the program, click the box at the top and select create a new one:

In the fourth step of creating an email on your computer, leave everything as is:

In the fifth, check the box - leave letters (if you want) and enter the password:

That's all you can use. on the computer you created.

In conclusion, I’ll just say that this program has a lot of settings.

For example, checking mail at a given time or sending letters to many friends at the same time.

The most important thing is that all this will now be on your computer, and visiting sites will no longer be a problem.

Category: Uncategorized

In order to be able to correspond by email, you will need a mailbox where letters will be received and stored, as well as your own email address. How to create them will be discussed in this material.

First, you need to decide on which mail server your email will be located. Surely, when you connected to the Internet, your provider had already allocated you a mailbox on its own server. But we would not recommend using this option, since providers change, but addresses remain for a long time. Therefore, the best option would be to use the services of some large free email service.

Currently, there are more than two dozen large free postal services in Russia, of which the most popular are:

Of course, you can choose less popular services, but keep in mind that not all of them are equally convenient and functional. But large mail services have in their arsenal advanced anti-spam tools, a convenient user interface, support for all kinds of mail clients, their own utilities for checking mail, and also pay a lot of attention to the stability of the service.

Almost all mailers provide users with the following basic features:

  • Accessing your mailbox via a web page. This means that you will be able to view your correspondence, create, receive and send emails by using your browser to access a special page hosted on the mail service server. Thus, it is possible to work with e-mail from any computer connected to the Internet.
  • POP3 access. This protocol allows you to work with e-mail not through a web browser, but using special programs such as: Microsoft Outlook, The Bat!, Mozilla Thunderbird, Opera and others, called mail clients.
  • IMAP access. It is a more advanced alternative to POP3 and provides users with enhanced capabilities for working with electronic correspondence when using email clients on their computer.

Unlike POP3, not all email services support the IMAP protocol; for example, has stopped using it.

In order to create your own mailbox, you need to register on the service you like. If you have chosen one of the four above services, then to start registering, simply click on its name, after which the corresponding registration page will open in front of you. But before that, still read this material to the end.

One of the key issues when creating a new mailbox is choosing its address, that is, your future email address. In general, the email address looks like this:

< Your invented name (login) >@ < Postal service name >

The “at” (@) symbol separating the login and the name of the mail server is called a “dog” in our country, a “snail” in Italy, and a “monkey” in Germany.

As you understand, the name of the mail service is entered automatically, depending on the service for which you register, and all you have to do is create a login, which must be unique and consist of a single word. In this case, the name can consist of Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

On mail services where tens of millions of mailboxes are registered, choosing a unique login, and one that suits you, is a rather non-trivial task. So to an address containing your personal name, e.g. [email protected] or some popular word like [email protected] , you can't count on it. At the same time, the registration system will immediately check your address for uniqueness and warn you if such a name is already taken.

When coming up with a name for your mailbox, be sure to take into account the purpose for which it is being created and with whom you will correspond. If you are creating a mailbox for business correspondence or are an adult, then it is quite appropriate to use a combination of your first name or its first letter and last name in its name, for example [email protected] . But keep in mind that a name that is too long will be awkward to write.

Many users use completely “neutral” and in some cases “puffy” names in their email names, such as “coolguy” or “bestgirl”. When corresponding with friends or registering on some resources, this is quite acceptable, but using this type of address to send business proposals or a resume to a potential employer is unlikely to be appropriate.

So, after selecting a unique name and entering some personal data, registration will be completed, and you will become the owner of a new personal mailbox. Now it is important to remember or even write down a few basic meanings:

  • Just created by you email address(For example, [email protected] ).
  • Login (username) to connect to a mailbox. As a rule, it coincides with the mail address itself or the left part of it located before the “dog”.
  • Created by you password to connect to a mailbox.

These three values ​​will be enough for you to work with email through a browser. To do this, simply go to the website of your mail service, enter your username and password, after which you will be taken to the personal page of your mailbox. There you can see a list of received letters, read them, write new ones or send replies, and much more.

Users who lead an active life online can have several mailboxes at once, using them for different purposes. For example, one of them is for business correspondence, the second is for personal correspondence, and the third is for registering on various network resources. It is possible that you will soon need an additional mailbox, creating which is no longer a problem for you.

POP3 server: mail.
SMTP server:mail.
Username (for pop3): @
Username (for smtp): @

Advice: To send messages, it is best to use the server (SMTP server) of your provider. This reduces the load on the network - your messages will go out faster. Find out your SMTP server address from your network administrator or ISP.

Here are some popular addresses:

Provider SMTP server address
Comstar-direct (Tochka.Ru, Stream)
Corbina telecom
Komkor (Akado)

Instructions for setting up email clients

MS Outlook

To work in MS Outlook with a mailbox, you need to set up an Account.

If you already have an Account and you want to reconfigure it to work with your mailbox, select it (Mail tab) and click the Properties button. Next, follow the instructions to set up a new account.

Setting up an Account.

1. Having launched Outlook, select Tools from the menu, then Accounts.

2. To create a new account, click Add > Mail. The Internet Connection Wizard will launch and help you fill in all the required values.
If you are launching Outlook for the first time, the Wizard will launch automatically when you start the program.
3. In the first step, enter your full name or account name, click Continue/Next.
Next, enter the full name of the mailbox, including the "@" icon and the domain name (for example, [email protected]).
4. On the next page, select the incoming mail server type - POP3 and enter the names of the incoming and outgoing mail.
Incoming mail server (POP3 server): mail..
Outgoing mail server (SMTP server): mail..
You can specify the SMTP server of your provider as the server for outgoing mail (You can find out its name in the user support service of your provider).
5. For the username, enter the full mailbox name, including the "@" icon and the domain name (for example, [email protected]).
In the "Password" field, enter your password for your mailbox.
The Secure Password Authentification (SPA) options should not be enabled.
6. In the next step, on the Connection page, select your method of accessing the Internet. Click OK - setting up your Account in Outlook is complete.

1. Enter the list of accounts (menu Tools -> Account Settings or Service -> Internet Accounts).
2. In the list of accounts (Internet Accounts), select an entry and click Edit (Properties).
3. Make sure that the fields for the incoming and outgoing mail server (mail.your domain) are filled in correctly, then Other settings, Outgoing mail server
4. Check the box next to "SMTP Server requires authentication" and check the box "Same as server for incoming mail"
5. Click OK - setting up SMTP authorization in Outlook is complete.

The Bat!

To work at The Bat! with a mailbox You need to set up a "Mailbox".

Setting up a Mailbox.

1. To create a new mailbox, select Account > New from the menu. A Wizard will launch that will help you fill in all the necessary values.

If you run The Bat! for the first time, the Wizard will start automatically when you start the program:
Next, select the name of the box. Any phrase will do, for example POCHTA.

You can also, if desired, select a folder that will be used to store your mail. Click Next.
2. Enter your entire E-mail address.
Fill in the fields "Full Name" and "Organization" at your own discretion. Click Next.
3. Enter incoming and outgoing mail names:
Incoming mail server (POP3 server):
Outgoing mail server (SMTP server): You can specify the SMTP server of your provider as the server for outgoing mail (You can find out its name in the user support service of your provider).
Click Next.
4. For the username, enter the full mailbox name, including the "@" icon and the domain name (for example, [email protected]).
In the Password field, enter your password for your mailbox.
Make sure that the Use encrypted login method (APOP) option is not enabled.
Other parameters can be set at your discretion:
Click Next. Setting up a Mailbox in The Bat! completed.

To send emails you need to configure SMTP authorization.

Please note: the above settings are correct for using the SMTP server. If you specified your provider's SMTP server as the server for outgoing mail, check your SMTP authorization settings with your provider's customer support service.
1. Enter the properties of the selected account (Menu Account > Properties).
2. Select the Transport section in the left column:
On the right, in the SMTP Server settings section, click the Authentication button.
3. Check the Perform SMTP Autentication item, then select Login as an incoming mail server, the parameters specified below), as the user name, enter a name in the form _ (for example, [email protected]), and in the Password field enter your password for the mailbox. Do not check the Require secure authentication checkbox.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Mail (OS X)

1. Internet accounts -> Add another -> Mail account

2. Enter your name, email address and email password

3. In the properties of the incoming mail server:

  • account type - POP;
  • mail server - (where is the address of your site)
  • password - your password

4. In the properties of the outgoing mail server

  • SMTP server - (where is the address of your site)
  • username - your email address
  • password - your password

If problems arise, please contact technical support: 616-2886, 925-5731


Register a new mailbox to set up your email. To do this, go to the website of any free email system, for example, Select the “Create an account” link, then fill out the registration form: login, password, first and last name, security question (used if you forget your password).

Click "Create an account." Next you will be transferred to your mailbox. To set up mail, go to “Settings”, then “POP Forwarding”, select the “Setup Instructions” option. Next, you need to select the email client that is installed on computer and follow the instructions provided.

Launch Outlook Express to set up your email on computer. Go to the “Tools” menu, select the “Accounts” command, click the “Add” button, then select the “Mail” option. Enter the name that will appear in your emails in the “Short Name” field, click “Next”. In the next window, enter your full email address ([email protected]) in the “Email Address” form field.

Enter the following address - in the "Incoming message server" option, and the outgoing mail server address - in the "Outgoing message server" field, click "Next" to continue setting up the email box. Enter your username, including the part of the account name, then fill out the field called “Password” and click “Next.”

Click on the “Finish” button, select the “Account” field, highlight the line there, click on the “Properties” button, go to the “Advanced” tab, check the box next to “Connect via a secure connection”. Next, go to the “Servers” tab, check the box next to the “User Authentication” option.

Click OK. Setting up mail on computer completed. Similar instructions for other email clients can be found on the website


  • how to set up email on your computer

Each of us once went online for the first time, slightly bewildered by the abundance and variety of opportunities available. First site, first forum... Sooner or later (usually sooner) the moment comes when it becomes necessary to create your first mailbox. After all, without an email address it is impossible to register in any online service; it is required for the forum, for an online game, and for ordering in an online store.

Millions of people have opened their first mailbox on the national mail service, which has been a leader in this area of ​​the RuNet for many years. Let's try to set up mail ru too, especially since there is nothing complicated in this process, and no payment will be required either.

  1. Open the main In the upper left corner there is a block for entering your name and password. Click the Registration link in your email.

  2. In the form that opens, fill in the required fields. Personal data: first name, last name, date of birth, city and gender will be needed to process letters (the “From” field) and for the password in case of loss.

  3. In the Mailbox field, create and enter a mailbox ID. Some difficulties may arise here, since the identifier must be unique, that is, not match any of the several million identifiers already existing on If your imagination is not enough to create a unique, yet memorable identifier, use the prompts that will appear when you try to register an identifier.

  4. Enter and duplicate your password. Re-entering is necessary in order to make sure that you did not make a mistake, because passwords are replaced with asterisks for security reasons (this way no one can peek your password over your shoulder), so it is impossible to notice an accidental typo.

  5. To recover your password, you can specify your mobile number, as well as a secret question and answer, by which the service can identify you if the password is accidentally lost.

  6. All you have to do is enter s and registration is complete. You can use a mailbox.

Video on the topic


  • setting up mail ru

Most Internet users have several email accounts registered for different purposes. At the same time, some prefer to work with mail using the online server interface, while others like it when letters from all mailboxes are stored in one place on the computer’s hard drive.


Computer programs that allow you to work with electronic mail clients. There are quite a lot of programs of this kind. Among them there are the well-known powerful ones: The Bat! or MS Outlook, as well as less common programs: Becky Internet Mail, FoxMail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Si.Mail and others. Which of these programs you can choose yourself. We will further explain using MS Outlook as an example, since this program is no less widespread than the Windows operating system itself.

After launching the program, go to the “Tools” - “Email Accounts” menu and select “Add a new account.” Next, specify the type with which the mail client will work. To find out these settings, go to the mailbox help section dedicated to setting up clients. All information on servers, as well as encryption methods and other settings that will be needed later, should be taken from there.

In the next settings window, fill in the proposed fields: login and password to access your mailbox, incoming and outgoing mail, encryption methods used, and other settings if necessary. You can check the correctness of the entered data and specified settings by clicking the “Account Verification” button. If everything was filled out correctly, go to the next window and click “Done”.

Thus, you have created one email account. It will appear in the main program window on the left. If you also need to work with correspondence from other mailboxes, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of them.

Video on the topic

Email is a necessary attribute of an Internet user. It is necessary not only for correspondence and communication with other users, but also for registering on various forums and websites, making purchases in online stores, and subscribing to online publications. The advantages of email are obvious: free, fast delivery of letters and ease of access to your email inbox.

You will need

  • - a computer connected to the Internet.


Some services will offer a choice of one of those included in the mail system. When filling out the fields of the registration form, do not forget to take into account that the name must begin with a lowercase English letter and contain letters of the English alphabet, numbers and underscores.

When choosing a login, avoid names with a small number of characters, otherwise your mailbox will become an excellent target for spam mailings.

Then read the “Agreement on the procedure for using the free service”, read and agree to all the terms and conditions by checking the appropriate box. By clicking the “Next” button, you automatically accept the terms of the agreement.

In the future you will need to enter it twice for your mailbox. Create a password of at least six characters and containing only numbers and symbols of the English alphabet. Keep your password secret and don't lose it.

After this, you can complete the registration by clicking on the “Complete” button.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

You should not create a password that is too simple, as this will make your mailbox vulnerable to attackers and may lead to loss of confidentiality of correspondence.

Outlook Express is a fairly simple and convenient email client. The program has a wide range of functions for working with email. With its help, you can sort letters into categories, save them on your computer’s hard drive, and perform many other tasks. But before you can use Outlook Express, you need to configure it.

You will need

  • - Outlook Express email client.


Now you should enter your details. In the line “Your name”, respectively, enter your name, in the line below - your email address. Then fill out the Login Information section. In the "Username" line, enter the name of the email address. For example, if your address is [email protected], then the username will be slava. Enter your email password below.