Download microsoft outlook express Russian version

Not so long ago there were few, but now almost every user who has access to the Internet. For clarity and simple way email management, many programs have been created. One such program is Outlook Express, it belongs to Microsoft. With the help of this program it is very easy and simple to communicate online, this is due to the presence large quantities hints and pointers.

Outlook Express allows you to manage more than one mailbox from one window; therefore, you can create two or more accounts. This program has many functions, with its help you can search interesting groups news, read and subscribe to them. If the user receives unwanted messages, then this mail can be blocked by blacklisting any user; just select the blocking parameters. You can also simply remove it from the blacklist. If there are a couple of people in a conversation, useful function There will be a grouping of messages and replies. This program sorts the responses so that they appear under the corresponding message. You can create caption files that contain links to pictures, phrases, quotes, or contact information. Like many programs, Outlook Express has a Spelling feature that allows you to send messages without spelling errors.
The advantage of the program can be considered: every time the computer connects to the Internet, automatic receipt new mail, also unlike other programs, you can send messages big size. The work of this program consists of two parts: and preparing answers.

Outlook Express setup

To begin, in the Subject field you need to enter a brief description of the issue that the message will be devoted to. After specifying the subject, this text becomes the title of the message; the recipient's address must be entered in the To column. A connection to the server is not needed during the process of creating and editing a message, but only when sending a message. In order to send a letter, you need to click on the Send window. All messages that are sent are located in the “internal” folder system of Outlook Express, received messages are located in the “Inbox” folder; by opening it, you can see any message, the contents of which will appear below.

Typically, use Outlook programs Express implies a dialogue, in this case you need to send a response to the received message. To do this, just open the message in a new window, and using the Reply button, a message is sent to the author.

This program is very convenient for users who have not one, but a couple of mailboxes. In order not to climb through each mailbox, Outlook Express will do all the work for the user; to do this, just launch the program, and it will collect mail from all mailboxes. Today this program is very popular and it is included in standard set software Windows software. The only problem for a novice user is setting up the program.

Although most home users now use webmail, most businesses rely on using email clients to carry out all your emails and contact lists, making it more convenient for safe storage details both online and offline. There are many different email clients on the market today, but the industry standard remains those products made by Microsoft. By far the most popular and among the most sophisticated email clients used in modern business is Microsoft Outlook, included in all editions Microsoft Office. Businesses can use mail client to work with multiple email accounts without restrictions, including web email accounts. It can also store thousands of contacts and help you organize your daily communication tasks.

Unfortunately, there can also be serious compatibility issues when it comes to using Microsoft Outlook or simpler free email clients included in Windows. Windows XP and earlier Windows releases include Outlook Express while Windows Vista comes with Windows Live Mail and bought Windows 7 with it Windows Mail . This is where people need a program, both to overcome these common migrations and program compatibility. helps mitigate email client-related issues when migrating to more new version Windows. It does Outlook Express to Outlook Converter Ideal for both business and home users who use an email client to handle their email accounts.

Outlook Express to Outlook Converter is EML to PST converter and more, format support emails and contacts Saved by various editions of email products from Microsoft. Although Microsoft's email products provide basic import and conversion functionality, they are very limited and do not provide as much functionality as Outlook Express to Outlook Converter does. Outlook Express to Outlook Converter saves all email attachments and also retains the directory structure from the old email client. There are also issues without encoding or file size limits, making this the most fully featured and versatile solution available.

Additional functions

Outlook Express to Outlook Converter provides free MBOX to EML conversion tool which allows users to retrieve emails stored in MBOX files, those used by email clients such as Thunderbird And Environment. While the tool can also be downloaded separately, it is included as part of the download package.


For those who are already using software earlier, you can also update to full version without reinstalling anything. All you have to do is click on the link to be redirected to the order page, allowing you to complete your purchase. This way you can obtain a valid license and unlock the trial version, which turns into a fully functional one email conversion tool.

System requirements

Outlook Express to Outlook Converter has modest system requirements and it will run on any Windows operating system from Windows 98 to Windows 7. A 1 GHz processor and 512 MB of memory is enough to run the program and all its features. 10 MB free space on the hard drive is required. All Microsoft versions Outlook 98 to 2010 is supported, including the 64-bit 2010 edition.

Supported File Formats

Input: EML, MSG, EMLX, MBOX, MBX Output: PST, RTF, TXT, EML, MSG, MHT, TNEF and HTML * – DBX format is not supported, please save Outlook Express letters in EML files first – . MBOX and MBX formats are supported by the free add-on.

. You receive a lot of letters every day. There may be a need to view some of them, but the Internet is turned off at that time. Storing emails with passwords in Internet mailboxes is not safe, or rather, very dangerous. Some “miracle genius” will come along and hack your mailbox. It’s okay if he just does it to test his “superpowers.” What if he takes your passwords and goes to “destroy” your sites and accounts?

I had a case when I accidentally got into someone else's mailbox and, without understanding it, began to delete spam. And when I looked around, it turned out that this was not my box. Apparently there was some kind of glitch on the server, and I went through a time portal, easily and simply.

How to setupOutlookExpress

That’s when I started thinking and decided that it would be better if my letters were stored on my computer. And I advise you to do the same, especially since mail program already included operating system Windows XP. It's called Outlook Express. Its icon can be found in the menu " Start ».

To avoid searching for it every time, click on it right click mouse and in the list that opens, select “ Create a shortcut " It will appear somewhere at the end of the list of programs (in the same menu “ Start »).

Now take this one new icon and drag it onto your desktop. Left-click on the new Outlook Express icon. An Outlook Express window will open.

Now we need to configure a mailbox to receive mail from mailbox Internet.

To do this, open the menu “ Service" and in the list that opens select " Accounts».

In the next window on the tab " All"Click on the button on the right" Add" There will most likely not be a single account in your window, just like mine.

And select from the list “ Mail… ».

The following window will open “ Internet Connection Wizard " In the window " Display name "we write a word that the recipient of your mail will see. Write the first half of the name of your mailbox (simba) and press the button “ Further ».

In the window " Email "we write the full name of our box (I have [email protected]) and press the button again Further ».

In the next window " Incoming message server “No need to change anything. In the window " Incoming message server (POP3IMAP orHTTP) » we write – (for Yandex - ). For all other mailboxes, also after POP3, write through the dot the second part of your mailbox, which is written after the icon @ .

In field " Outgoing message server (SMTP) » we register – (for Yandex - ). Click the button " Further" and move on.

In the next window opposite “ Account "yours should already be there Account. And in the field " Password» enter the password that you assigned to your mailbox on or

You simply forward your mail to your computer. And don't forget to check the box " Remember password " Otherwise, you will have to enter it every time you connect. And again press the button “ Further ».

Now press the button " Ready ».

Our account has been created. You can now close the window Accounts ».

All that remains is to set up your new mailbox.

Open the menu “ Service » — « Options ».

On the " Are common"check the box opposite " When starting, immediately open the Inbox folder» .

On the " Reading"check the box next to " Read all messages in text format ", otherwise you will not be able to read some letters.

You can leave the rest of the tabs alone for now. Most likely, you won't need them. Save all your settings and connect to the Internet. Let's try to get mail. To check, you can send yourself a letter.

Now, as soon as you connect to the Internet, your mail will quickly download to your computer, but it will not be on the Internet server. Connect to the Internet more often so that it does not linger on the server.

So we looked at the question of how to configure Outlook Express .

The only version that really works including send-to, remembering passwords, and many other working features.

Outlook Express, one of the most used email client worldwide, discontinued after Windows XP, now available again for all newer versions of windows including Windows 7,Windows 8.!

Available install languages ​​on this version:
English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified, Chinese, Traditional, Chinese, Arabic, Albanian,
Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Brazilian, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Russian, Czech, Polish, Hungarian,
Portuguese, Turkish, Greek, Bulgarian, Estonian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Thai, Hebrew

Language of Outlook Express can be changed also after installation through settings menu on .

Usefull settings that can easily changed.
(To open tray icon menu right click on tray icon on bottom right of taskbar, if you can"t see Outlook Express tray icon, click on small arrow to expand tray icons.)

Outlook Express is included on "Default Programs" List of Windows so it can be easily set as default email,news and mapi client.

Fidolook was an excellent add-on for outlook express, I improves outlook express with much features, patched specially for this OE version, can be enabled through right click on outlook express tray icon menu!

Using right click menu and sending emails through other programs (Mapi mail) now works just like on XP!

Outlook Express Import-Export works normally so you can import old emails or export existing.

Address book can be launched directly through Addresses Book shortcut without opening Outlook Express.

Download Outlook Express for win 7, 8, 8.1 and 10:

*For users that use WinMail: Windows Mail (WinMail) is incompatible with Outlook Express, OE installer may disable some WinMail features.

Latest Updates:

v.2.2.1 -8-12-2017
Fixed windows 10 installation issue.
Faster installation

V.2.2.0 -19-10-17
More reliable installer
Fixed Windows 10 (build 16299) installation issue
Fixed "wab32.dll interferes with Windows Fax and Scan" issue
Some other minor fixes

V.2.1.1 -19-5-16
More reliable installer
Work offline feature (using right click on )
Fixed eset issue (hang on users that have eset and "email intergration" enabled)
Some other minor fixes

V.2.1 -23-11-15
Fixed installation problems
Fixed runtime errors
Send-To for Windows 8 and 10
Simple Mapi mail now available (Send emails through other programs) for Windows 7, 8 and 10.
Fixed Help menu
Faster and easy installation

V.2.0.0 - 26-3-15
Simple Mapi mail now available (Send emails through other programs) for Windows 7.
Address Book can run directly through shortcut (no need to run through OE)
Email Import-Export fixed and working like on XP!
Added new settings multi purpose menu with usefull settings.
Runtime error when OE started Fixed.
Attachments box (was small size) isue fixed.
UAC Prompts Fixed (asked every time to run OE)
Fixed problems opening attachments.
Fixed "Show HTML content" missing setting problem.
Fixed problem for drop eml files directly to OE from external folders.
Fixed some installation problems

Fixed startup problem (starts minimized)
Fixed Problems when moving mail folders (crashed)
Added Strartup type option on tray menu (maximized,minimized,normal)
Optimized installer issues
Fixed windows 8 and 8.1 compatibility problems

Fixed missing text format toolbar on all languages ​​except English.
Fixed attachments problem.
Added tray icon menu (change language,auto hide to tray, enable-disable fidolook add-on.
Added FidolookSL add-on option (enable on right click tray icon menu)
Added Internet Explorer Add-on, to send pages and links to Outlook Express (still in beta phase).
Added tool to check for new versions (on right click menu)
Fixed sendto menu "permission denied" problem on 64 bit systems
Fixed some compatibility problems caused by WindowsMail

Fixed Default Programs problem on 64bit systems.
Fixed bug when opening external links from emails.
Updated "SendTo" app (Fixed some bugs,support all file names, work on all languages,much faster).
Updated Language Changer (change language to address book and internet messages also).


Outlook Express 12.0.6535.5005 is an advanced email client for computers running Windows 7/10.

Many users avoid it because... They believe that it is intended only for Hotmail. Although both he and this service are part of Microsoft, the first statement is a big misconception. The utility works perfectly with all services, including those very popular in Russia and Ukraine:

  • Yandex;
  • Mail;
  • Yahoo;
  • And others;
Moreover, you can use the software without any domain restrictions, so it is perfect for corporate clients. For example, you can apply the solution to your own [email protected]. This is very convenient, because... allows you not to be tied to the browser.

Alternative use of mail

How exactly do you use your box now? Surely, first you go to Google Chrome (or analogues), then go to some site where you enter data and only then do you see all your letters. It's like that? If yes, but we have more for you convenient option, which will allow you to significantly simplify the entire process.

Outlook Express 12.0.6535.5005 is a client that works just like the website, but you don't have to use third party programs. Moreover, if you are the only PC user, you can use this software even without a password. It is noteworthy that if you do not trust the web service, you can store everything on your computer. This will save you from a situation where your service provider closes/breaks down and you lose access to your data. Everything is much better when it is stored by both you and the service provider. The same point applies to offline work. You can run the software on a plane/train or outdoors, and you don't need access to the Internet to view the story.

The distribution is available from the official website or via Torrent and is presented in Russian. To get other options, you need to use the international version. It weighs more and is most often not needed by users. We also recommend installing separately from the package, which also includes this tool. This way you will protect your Windows computer from unwanted software. Several Yet useful tips and you will get additional information from the following video: