What programs should you keep? Programs for mounting disk images on a virtual drive. Setting apps as default

Millions of users have been able to use a computer for a long time and this is great. But often I notice that after reinstalling operating system, the same users, simply do not know what mandatory programs they need.

On the one hand, the situation is very simple, I won’t go far, a few days ago I exchanged Windows for a friend of mine and after installation I asked what programs should I install right away? To which I heard a very vague answer - but we don’t know. And then they asked me, what kind should there be?


That is why today I will tell you what programs should be on every computer, and let’s understand a little about additional programs, which will expand the functionality of the computer. Below you can familiarize yourself with the content and draw initial conclusions, but I still advise you to carefully read the entire article, this is the only way you will learn all the necessary knowledge.

Let's start with a short introduction, first of all you need to understand that a computer is just a machine with certain parts that cannot work on their own; for each piece of hardware there must be a program inside that will tell it what exactly to do.

Operating system - starting the computer

Therefore, the whole life of absolutely any computer begins with installing an operating system. For most users, this simply sounds like installing Windows or Windows, but in fact this is already a huge set of the most important programs that will in the future control almost all actions on the computer.

Please, don’t be clever, just remember that the most important thing is the operating system; it is the most necessary program. Its kit already includes hundreds of small programs that will make the computer work.

Now let's move on, after installing your favorite operating system, the user will encounter the following problem. Everything works very slowly and freezes. And sometimes, when moving a window to a new location, a trace remains, we see slow movement of the windows and this is terribly annoying.

The problem is not your incorrect actions or any breakdown, here you need to know that when installing the operating system, only standard sets of programs are installed, and you, for example, have a new video card or a very cool monitor, or maybe gaming mouse with a dozen buttons and the operating system simply does not know how to properly manage these devices, so other programs that know exactly what needs to be done should come to the rescue.

Drivers - correct operation of components

Popularly, such programs are called drivers (firewood, if we really like it). Don't think that these are some cool programs, which are difficult to find, but also should not be confused with ordinary firewood from a bathhouse.

Now let me clarify a little, system unit your computer has quite a lot various parts, which are assembled at different factories, different manufacturers, in fact, in most cases they compete with each other. Everyone is trying to create their own masterpiece; for this they work for years and create individual control algorithms specifically for their parts. Therefore, if you buy, for example, a new video card, you will always find a CD in the package that will contain a program that will control this particular part. And actually for each part, manufacturers create individual programs For driving. They are called drivers.

That is, drivers are regular programs, which should be included with every complex technical device.

When we have finished installing all the drivers on the computer, it’s time to think about your loved ones. You need to install the most necessary programs for your comfortable use computer. I want to advise you on a few must-have applications in my opinion.

Archiver - needed for our convenience

Start by being on the safe side and downloading an archiver. This small programs, which are like storage for files and folders. They will come in handy when you download any information from the Internet. Most of the downloaded files will be added to the archives and in order to get them from there you will need special program, which is called the archiver.

I always install the best archiver in my opinion, it’s called WinRaR, it’s more than enough for me. It is absolutely free to use and install.

Codecs - increasing the “knowledge” of the computer

Now you are armed with a standard set of programs and are ready to improve your system to maximum return. Sometimes this becomes an unattainable task, because the computer is not able to open all the files you like, and the reason is very simple. Its capabilities just need to be improved by installing special codecs

Codecs are also small sets of programs that are simply necessary for everyone, because by default, not all music formats, much less video, can be included on the computer. Installing codecs guarantees that you can play your favorite movies in any format.

The idea is simple, imagine that your computer initially knows only one language, and after installing a set of codecs it will know all languages, so no matter what language the file is provided in, your computer will always be able to understand and open it.

So, codecs are the ability of a computer to understand many different extensions, recording formats.

Browser - it's time to make your choice

When you have completed this task, you need to think about installing a browser, it is through it that you will view pages on the Internet. You can choose any browser to your liking. For example, I'm on this moment I prefer Google browser Chrome (Google Chrome), but in general you can read it on my website interesting article, in which I talked about my choice of browser. Read it and you can easily find it too convenient browser for myself.

I hope the choice has been made and now you can comfortably spend time on the Internet. At first glance, we can say that everything is already working and we can enjoy the correct operation of our computer. But here it is important not to forget about your safety.

Antivirus - everyone chooses their own

Many have already guessed that we will talk about antivirus programs. After all, until you install an antivirus for yourself, I do not recommend “walking” the Internet. Nowadays, there great amount“traps” that are configured for maximum productivity and are mainly designed for the user’s stupidity and illiteracy.

And even if you suspect that there are already viruses on your computer, I can easily tell you how to remove them completely free of charge.

This is where the list of required computer programs can end. But just in case, I’ll add a couple more applications that are not at all necessary, but they can significantly improve your relationship with your computer. I hope the list of programs that will be discussed now will be no less useful than the first part of the article.

Additional programs - expanding the capabilities of your computer

Nero- a program that will allow you to easily burn discs of any complexity; with the advent of flash drives, this application has lost its former glory, but it is worth knowing about it - it is very powerful tool for burning CDs.

Kerish Doctor– one of the highest quality optimizers for computers. This application will help you remove unnecessary ones in a few clicks digital trash, clean the registry and display dozens of tips for improving your computer based on an analysis of all the components that the program can scan. Soon I will make a detailed article with a review of this program, so do not forget to subscribe to my website news at the end of the article and receive peace of mind useful information straight to your email.

ACDSee is an interesting photo editor that will help you view photos much more conveniently regular funds by viewing. Well, again, you can immediately crop the photo, flip it, add text and make some changes. Agree, it’s nice when everything is at hand?

– well, there’s no escape from this powerful collection of programs, which is simply necessary for all students and office employees. It is through him that the majority are created text documents. Actually, I’m currently writing an article in Word - this is also a component of this collection. Also, using the full set of Microsoft Office, you can work with tables and create presentations. There are too many possibilities in this set of programs, so I listed only the most popular ones.

Video review of required computer programs - consolidating knowledge

The video format of the entire article is very convenient for pinning or when you are just too lazy to read. To be honest, I would also pour better coffee and just watch the video, but sometimes it’s much more useful to read.

At this point I think the topic can be closed. I need your support in this article, do not be lazy to write in the comments your options for the most necessary programs and I will periodically update the article filling it with your competent suggestions. I'm waiting for your thoughts.

Welcome! Today we will talk about 7 programs for Windows that should be present on every computer.

This article will not be a revelation for advanced guys and girls. But it can be a good reminder for those who are just taking their first steps in independently servicing and setting up a personal computer.

1. Archiver. Squeeze and unclench are still in fashion.

An archiver is a program (a set of programs in one graphical interface) that should be the first to take up space on your computer.

Most likely, immediately after installation Windows, You may come across a driver or program that is packaged in an archive.

And here it will be a shame if it is. To unpack it, you need an archiver. To download the archiver you need network driver. Vicious circle.

This combination of circumstances seems unlikely. But many experienced users can confirm that this has happened, and this can happen.

Therefore, the archiver should be on your flash drive at the moment when you are about to reinstall your OS.

There are a huge number of various archivers with a graphical interface (previously archivers worked from the command line).

All of them support the overwhelming number of formats - zip, rar, iso, jar, cab, tar, gz, ace, arj etc. Therefore, by installing just one program, you will receive a whole set of tools with archives.

The names of some of these programs are: 7-Zip, WinRAR, WinZIP, HaoZIP etc. almost ad infinitum.

We will not go into the functionality of each program. Our goal today is different.

Although WinRAR is a paid application, it will work fine for many years in its trial version, only occasionally reminding you that it is “paid”.

You have the right to use the archiver that you find more convenient and advanced.

2. Browser. Surfing the Internet.

Browser - from English browser reviewer. Actually, from this name it is not difficult to guess the purpose of the programs of this group. With their help, we view (browse) pages on the Internet.

Once upon a time, back in 1995, the first version of the operating system appeared Windows 95. The disadvantage of that version was complete absence any browser out of the box. I had to install Netscape Navigatorthird party browser. Now I don’t even remember, maybe there were others.

MicroSoft's own browser appeared later, a little over a year later, in OS Windows 95 OSR2 and was called...

Absolutely right - Internet Explorer . Not the best and fastest browser.

20 years have passed since then, but the habits of the mega-corporation remain the same. Only in version 10 Windows, I.E. they simply hid it in a folder, away from the user’s eyes, without even displaying a shortcut in the menu “ Start". And to replace it they brought a new miracle with the same letter - Edge browser . But as users joke, the purpose of both mentioned programs is to download another browser using them.

But let's not mock - I.E. was and remains the favorite browser of older accountants and software developers for these same accountants.

There are a huge number of browsers on the market now. All of them are usually free. They are created on the basis of each other, use the same engines and in essence are not much different.

For example, Google Chrome ,Yandex.Browser and now also Opera- use the same technologies and engines Chromium. You can easily verify this by looking at each page “ About the browser«.

The whole difference is in the improvements, add-ons, extensions, appearance and default settings.

The top four is completed by Mozilla Firefox - a browser with its own unique engine, history and fans. Firefox- present out of the box in several operating systems of the family Linux. Taken as a basis when creating the program Tor Browser.

It has many extensions that make its possibilities almost unlimited. Although other browsers are no longer inferior to it in this regard.

  1. Google Chrome is fast, but power hungry random access memory browser. Has thousands of extensions for any purpose. Has a built-in Flash plugin, which replaced Adobe Flash Player Pepper Flash Plugin, which is updated along with the browser. Synchronizes data in your Google account. Can translate pages into Russian.
  2. Opera evokes warm feelings in many people. Beautiful, pleasant, simple, but at the same time functional and fast. Has its own extension store. Does not have built-in Flash plugin, it must be installed separately. More resistant to uncontrolled installation unwanted extensions And Malware.
  3. Yandex.Browser is beautiful and modern. Easy to use. Has data synchronization (like all mentioned browsers), for which your email is used Yandex account. So simple and clear that everything you need fits into one small menu. I don't really want to go into settings. It has the function of translating pages into Russian from other languages.
  4. Mozilla Firefox is a browser with history. Ognelis is loved by Linux users, programmers, testers, SEO specialists and many other technically literate people. It has a huge number of extensions, themes, addons, plugins, etc. Just a good browser with a bunch of tweaks.
  5. Tor Browser is a browser based on two things: Mozilla Firefox and full anonymity. Tor allows you to use proxy servers and virtual private networks to browse the web. Does not leave cookies, does not store cache and does not write history. Best browser for anonymity on the Internet.

3. A set of codecs.

Something no one can do without modern computer- codecs.

Codecs are small converter programs that compress video and audio when recording videos, and also decode them during playback.

If you do not install a codec on your computer that matches your family video camera, it is unlikely that you will be able to view video from it on your computer. Likewise, if you don't have a DVD codec, you won't be able to watch your favorite DVD.

To watch a movie in MKV- need a codec Matroska, to view video from surveillance cameras you will need H.264, and so on.

If you had a situation where the video did not open, or opened without sound or image, then most likely the appropriate codec was simply not installed on your computer.

How to understand what codecs are needed and where to get them?

Actually, how simple user, we shouldn't worry much about what codecs we need. Let this worry the guys involved in video processing. We must understand that there are sets of codecs that include the most popular, or even almost all possible codecs.

These sets are called " packs» ( pack- set, set, package, pack). Codec sets differ both in the manufacturer (who assembled the codecs and released the final product) and in the contents of the package.

I think many will agree - at the moment the package is in the lead K-Lite Code Pack.

Several configurations available of this productBasic, Standard, Full, Mega.

The contents of each package are clear from the names. If we want everything at once, download it Mega.

IN included light, fast and pleasant Media Player Classic which will reveal EVERYTHING.

All programs and games that use “exotic” codecs that are not in the package deliver them themselves during installation.

6. Cleanliness is the key to health. Even on computers.

Despite all the delights of the operating system Windows latest versions, she still has quite a bit weak points. One of them - registry. The registry needs to be monitored and maintained. But not every user is able to independently monitor errors in its structure, much less manually eliminate them.

The second rather unpleasant thing is catalogs temporary files, which viruses and other computer evil spirits love so much. You can clean your computer from viruses as much as you like and Malware, but if you forget to clean the directories of temporary files, you can wait for the “guests” again.

In operating systems of the family Linux, catalog /tmp is cleared automatically upon completion of work.

What prevented the developers Windows do the same? Unknown.

In addition to the above, it wouldn’t hurt to check the startup items. So that unnecessary things are not loaded along with Windows.

It would also be nice to get rid of programs that were installed without asking with other products.

All this and much more can be done by one very good, and most importantly free, program. Experienced comrades most likely have already guessed what we are talking about.

A program that should be on every Windows computer is CCleaner.

Recently, many little-known programs have appeared that pretend to be “cleaners” and antiviruses. Be carefull.

7. Security is not just an antivirus.

Well, we got to the most pressing issue. Before defense.

Many are ready to beat themselves in the chest and defend the honor of this or that antivirus. Oh, how many disputes, quarrels and squabbles there were on this basis.

That is why today we will not talk about an antivirus, but about its alternative.

Meet - Malwarebytes Antimalware- a powerful product that will protect you from unwanted browser extensions, advertising of gambling establishments that interfere with work or watching a movie.

It is he who will make your computer “breathe” in a new way and give a second chance to the operating system.

Has 4 levels of real-time protection (paid version):

  • Anti-Malware
  • Defence from ransomware
  • Defence from exploits
  • Defence from malicious websites

A free version, is a powerful scanner that identifies threats that simply cannot be seen by any antivirus. It (free version) has a powerful heuristic file analysis.

Suitable for use with conventional antivirus. Doesn't conflict.

By using Malwarebytes You can cure a heavily infected computer yourself without resorting to the help of specialists.

If before computers were something inaccessible to the average person and were used by a few, but now stationary computer systems, laptops or mobile devices, which can also be classified as computers, will not surprise anyone. There are tens of thousands of manufacturers, numbering in the hundreds, but each of them contains mandatory and necessary programs for a computer. Let's try to briefly describe what is needed for normal functioning any computer system.

Programs required for computer operation

If we talk about the most necessary software, first of all, you need an operating system. We will start from the fact that it is already installed.

What is the necessary set of programs for a computer? It can be roughly divided into several main categories: device drivers, software packages for system protection (antiviruses), utilities for operating the OS, applications for working with office documents, programs that provide full Internet access, archivers, packages for improving the quality of video playback or audio, as well as specialized software responsible for the advanced capabilities of computer systems.

Windows OS programs

So, let's look at the simplest computer programs. The list of Windows operating systems, unfortunately, does not meet all requirements modern systems. The fact is that after installing the operating system itself, it contains a minimal set, mostly focused on the use of system utilities.

In fact, it is of no interest to the average user. However, you can find something here. This applies to Windows. But, depending on the version of the operating system itself and the hardware, not all devices may have appropriate drivers. As is already clear, the consequence is partial or complete inoperability of one or another component. That is why correct installation the necessary driver is one of the priority tasks for any system.


What programs are necessary for a computer from this point of view? First of all, a “native” utility called DirectX. It was missing in earlier versions and had to be installed manually. DirectX is now included in standard set Windows OS.

It is worth noting that this is a universal utility not only for diagnosing basic hardware or some software components. DirectX is also a program for setting up a computer and a tool for finding out the versions of device drivers. With its help you can determine whether it is worth installing new driver, and in general, whether it is available in the system itself.

Installing missing drivers

For this you can use standard Windows features. For example, "Device Manager" in Control Panel. All devices with missing or incorrect installed drivers marked yellow. Using the Properties menu on the tabs, you can find buttons for installing, updating and uninstalling the driver, as well as disabling the device itself.

For example, when it is disabled, the system will display a message indicating that a new device has been detected and will offer to install the appropriate software from its own distribution. This doesn't always help. If the installation fails, you will have to install the driver from the original disk, any removable media, or from the Internet if the network connection is active.

Minimum list of required programs for a computer in Windows

As already mentioned, in the OS itself Windows list programs are very limited. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the average user to work with what is available immediately after installing the operating system, because many of the tools that are so necessary for work are simply not available. Let's look at the most basic ones. Applications can be found using the sequence “Menu” / “All Programs” / “Accessories”.

Will be indicated here installed utilities, as well as the “System” folder, which contains the necessary programs for the computer that are responsible for diagnostics, maintenance, administration and system recovery.

Standard programs

As for the average user, from the entire proposed list (say, in Windows 7) he best case scenario You may only need four applets: Paint program, Explorer, Notepad and WordPad.

However, it is worth considering that the Word document viewer is extremely limited opportunities not only by editing the relevant files. These applications are also not able to recognize some other formats. That is why it is worth installing additional software that can work with other types of files.

In addition, the Start menu itself contains utilities such as Internet Explorer for working in World Wide Web And Outlook Express for simple actions performed with email.


Among the utilities included in the standard Windows set, three components are worth noting separately. The most necessary programs for a computer (not counting the others) are presented here as follows: “System Restore”, “Disk Cleanup” and “Disk Defragmenter”.

The first utility is responsible, as is already clear, for restoring the system to an earlier working condition (control point). The second ensures removal from hard drive unnecessary or unused files and folders. The third allows you to defragment, moving frequently called programs, files and directories to the fastest areas of the hard drive, which significantly speeds up access to them.

Microsoft Office

Speaking about what the necessary programs for a computer are, one cannot fail to mention such a well-known software package, How Microsoft Office. You can't go anywhere without him today.

The applications included in this package allow you to work with almost all the main types known today standard documents, not counting some specific formats. Let's highlight the most basic programs:

Microsoft Word - text editor with advanced capabilities;

Microsoft Excel - table and tabular data editor;

Microsoft Power Point - presentation creation system;

Microsoft Access - a tool for working with databases;

Microsoft Outlook is an application for Email with a large functional set.

Of course, there is a lot more there, but it’s unlikely inexperienced user will use absolutely all programs presented in the standard office suite.


Now let's move on to the cornerstone. Antivirus protection has become an integral part of any system. It is no secret that there are now a huge number of viruses, as they say, for every taste. Here you will find viruses, the action of which disables the system, and hackers of the OS and passwords to gain access to confidential information, and Trojans, and computer worms, and keyloggers, etc. It’s simply impossible to list everything. Therefore, to be completely confident in their security, each user should use antivirus packages with the most latest databases data. It is better if the virus signature databases are updated automatically. But this depends only on the developer and

It is clear that you can find a lot of packages in this list. There are certain choices to be made here. For example, not every free program has enough capabilities and means to prevent virus attacks or On the other hand, paid applications Not everyone can afford it. Here you can install trial versions, renewing keys (like NOD applications), or using “hacked” utilities, although this is illegal. You will have to decide for yourself which package to choose. It is worth paying attention to the fact that professional software products such as Kaspersky, although they provide maximum protection, nevertheless use the computer’s system resources to a very high extent.

However, in any case, such a program for the computer system in terms of protection is mandatory to install.

System Maintenance

In terms of services, optimization and speedup, Windows doesn't have a lot of tools. IN in this case better install third party utilities like TuneUp Utilities, Ashampoo WinOptimizer,Advanced System Care and others. Such packages can optimize the system in 1-Click Maintenance and offer many additional modules.

In fact, any of these applications is a program for setting up a computer in terms of its system part. In some cases it is worth installing special applications, responsible for devices or correct removal of unused ones. However, in most cases they are paid. In general, you can install such packages only at your own peril and risk. Therefore, there is no need to do much experimentation.


"Native" Windows tool for working on the Internet (Internet Explorer) many do not like. And there is a reason for it. We won't go into technical details. At the very least, this browser seems too slow and awkward to use. That's why it is also jokingly called a tool to find and download Opera.

However, you can now find a lot of browser systems. These are, say, Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Yandex Browser, etc. The list can be continued almost indefinitely. Here you just need to test each application to choose the best option for yourself.

Don’t forget about specialized downloaders that can speed up file downloads. This can be anything: from ordinary “Download Wizards” and programs from to practically illegal programs that work with torrent trackers.


The archiver application is an integral part of the system, especially when the user actively uses the Internet, downloads applications, installs new ones from removable media, etc. It's no secret that any programs for installation on a computer are supplied in the form installation file Setup (sometimes with additional information files, less often - in the form dynamic libraries, connected to work through hosts such as DX, VST, RTAS, AAX, etc.). But, as a rule, such files take up a lot of space. In order to save disk space, they are packed into special archives that are smaller in size.

It is precisely archivers that allow you to extract all the data from files of this type. The most famous ones here are WinRAR, WinZIP, 7-ZIP, etc. But here, as with browsers, it is better to immediately study all the capabilities of the application, and only then use it for everyday tasks.

Connecting tablets and smartphones

Regarding connection mobile gadgets, which have recently gained incredible popularity, here you can use “native” utilities that come with your smartphone or tablet. For example, for Apple devices this is iTunes, for Samsung gadgets these are programs like Samsung Kies etc.

If the software is not included in the package, you can find it on the Internet universal utilities, allowing you to work on computer terminal or laptop with specific device via USB or Bluetooth communication.


It is impossible not to say a few words about audio and video playback. The problem here is that the system does not always have special codecs and decoders that are responsible for correct work with files of these types. Audio and video encoding and decoding technologies do not stand still. So it's better to install last package, containing all the means. The most simple option can be software K-Lite Codec Pack. That being said, universal remedy for all occasions.

However, when setting parameters in a task, you need to select all components. Perhaps some of them will not be needed, but it is not worth the risk. You never know what situations may arise.


It is important to understand that this article provides only a brief overview of the programs and applications that are necessary to operate your computer or use its advanced capabilities. However, it is worth noting that this is a basic functional set that no one can do without. modern user. Naturally, there are still a huge number of tools that allow you not only to expand the functional base, but also to gain some convenience when working. However, as is already clear, it is simply impossible to describe them all.

The only thing that can be noted is the desired installation of funds hard partitioning disk into logical partitions. After all, if the system “flies”, then the information stored in virtual partitions, will remain unchanged. And after restoring the system, you will be able to use the saved data as if nothing had happened.

The variety of computer programs is so great that sometimes the user, without thinking, clogs his system unnecessary software, then complaining about low productivity gland. Therefore, we will determine the most necessary programs, dividing them into several groups.

The first category is safety

This includes antiviruses. The most popular is Nod32, full version which is paid. However, even with minimum set computer tools guaranteed high level protection and performance.

The second, no less popular, is Avast Antivirus. Easy to use and free update– benefits of antivirus.

The third most popular is Kaspersky. Lengthy search for keys, licenses and more paid versions do not prevent users from protecting their device using this software.

The fourth position was taken by the Microsoft antivirus product Security Essentials - free, simple, and consumes a minimum of system resources.

The top five is closed by AVG AntiVirus Free, which provides reliable protection PC and has a number of additional functions.

The second group is office suites

Not a single client can do without software for working with documents. Therefore, Microsoft Office is a popular software package for viewing, editing images, text files and tables. OpenOffice is similar, which is popular among workers government agencies, because it is absolutely free.

The third category of programs is disc recording

Let's highlight the top three.

  1. Nero – the most complete and feature-rich processing and recording package multimedia files. It takes up a lot of hard drive space, but records discs with high quality.
  2. Burn Aware Free – software for quick recording. Consumes a minimum of resources, has downtime and a clear interface.
  3. Infra Recorder is a popular program with a huge set of tools. Clear and convenient. Does not write to some types of discs.

Fourth group – PC diagnostics and cleaning

  1. CCleaner – cleaning your computer from unnecessary garbage and fixing errors in the registry.
  2. Auslogics Disk Defrag is a powerful tool for improving system performance.

Fifth category – Flash Player

Monopoly leadership belongs to Adobe Flash Player - an integral element of high-quality display of Internet pages. Videos, pictures, graphics - everything works thanks to this program.

Sixth group – reading PDF files

To read books, tables, magazines, you need to have high-quality software. The most famous in this category are Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, Adobe Acrobat. The first two are free, only the last program requires a paid product registration.

Seventh category – codecs

Without K-Lite Codec Pack it is impossible to listen to music or watch videos. The developers have invested the most in this package full set tools. Therefore, its installation is mandatory.

Well, what about archivers, which make up the seventh group of necessary programs.

Let's highlight two of the most popular:

  1. WinRar – works with all existing types of archives.
  2. 7-Zip is an archiver that is in no way inferior to its predecessor, and moreover, it is free.

Summing up, we can conclude that the above programs constitute the required minimum for working with a PC and do not load the processor. All other software is designed to entertain the user and work in certain areas.

In this article we will talk about what programs you need to install on your computer first. This will be the most important set of software that mandatory must be installed on any user's PC. This minimum will be useful for both comfortable work, and for safe.

For the most impatient, I will right now post a list of programs that will be discussed in this article below, and accordingly this is what what needs to be installed on your computer Firstly.

  • Antivirus
  • Player
  • Codecs
  • Browser
  • Torrent
  • Converter
  • Archiver
  • Record

1. Antivirus

An antivirus program is the first thing a user should install on their computer after purchasing a computer or after reinstalling the system. Nowadays, especially for a novice user, it is very easy to pick up one. All this can end in disaster, including theft of personal data.

So take care of this. The answer to the question is no. It is different for everyone, but among the leaders we can highlight the following: Kaspersky, Avast, NOD32 and Doctor Web. And the choice is yours.

2. Player

To listen to songs and watch videos, we need a player. Of course, you can limit yourself to a standard “viewer” and “listener” Windows Media Player, but many want something more. Therefore, choosing and installing a player is also included in this list.

One of the coolest players for watching videos is Aimp and Winamp for listening to music. Also quite popular is the JetAudio player, which can both play video and play music.

In addition to previous point We have codecs. To fully reproduce absolutely any audio and video formats, you need. One of the most popular codec sets is K-Lite Codec Pack that will help you play almost any movies and music.

4. Browser

I doubt that any of you are not connected to the Internet. Take this article for example, most likely you are reading it from your computer, which is connected to global network. Therefore, the browser is also one of the essential programs that you need to install immediately on your computer.

We won’t even talk about standard Internet Explore; it’s terrible in one word. We need to install more modern browser, for example, Mozilla or, as a last resort, Opera. This is up to your taste, I have listed for you the most popular browser programs and the really good ones.

You will need these programs for daily use. After all, most of the users, every time they spend time at the computer, listen to music and watch videos, so a normal player and codecs are simply necessary. Where would we be today without the Internet, because anyone modern man already uses it, so a fast browser is also important, and to ensure that time spent online does not turn out to be dangerous for the computer, you need to install a good antivirus.

5. Torrent

If you are going to download something from the Internet, then of course you need some kind of torrent client. One of the most popular programs, the purpose of which is to download files from torrent trackers, is uTorrent. MediaGet and Zona have also spread recently. Install one of them on your computer so that you can access the necessary files in the future.

6. Converter

Often users have to convert various files. Change the movie format in order to download it later to your phone or convert audio to mp3 or wav. Sooner or later the program will be needed in any case. Therefore, I suggest getting acquainted with free program Format Factory(Format Factory), which converts your video or audio into absolutely any popular formats.

7. Archiver

To pack and unpack files from an archive, we need an archiver program. Quite often, when downloading files from the Internet, they end up packed into an archive, and indeed for transfer or transfer to another computer large quantity files, it’s easier to pack it all into an archive. In a word, you either need to install 7-zip so that, if necessary, you can extract files from the archive, or vice versa - pack them.

8. Recording files

Another common task for everyday users is writing files to disks. You've probably heard about a program like Nero - this is a huge package that is designed not only for, but also for working with video, audio, and so on. But for us this powerful program will not need. For our purposes - recording data on disks, a simple program will suffice, for example, Discs Studio, which I recommend to everyone who wants to record movies, music or something else onto a blank (empty disk).

On the one hand, it seems that the list is small, only 8 programs, but on the other hand, if you think about it, most of the time when working at a computer, the user needs these programs.

We surf the Internet using a browser, we have music playing in the player, the antivirus constantly protects us from malware, when downloading packed files from the network via torrent, the archiver will help us unpack them, and if we need to write something to a disc, then installed program will come to the rescue. We also have a program for converting files that can easily change the format, size and, if necessary, turn off the computer.

So if you have a question, what programs to install on your computer, then feel free to return to this list and recommend it to everyone!