Cleaning your macbook from dust. Cleaning MacBook, Pro, Air, Mac mini, iMac from dust, prevention of Apple computers. Deleting unused localization files

Users of any laptop model are faced with the problem of dust in the keyboard and or in their PC. Cleaning it is not always easy. A device like a Macbook was very much protected by the company from dust getting into it. It is not even always possible to disassemble it.

Preparing the laptop

To begin any dust cleaning work, including Macbook Pro, you need to turn off the device, and then remove the back cover. For this MacBook you will need to unscrew 10 bolts, but their number may vary for different device models. When unscrewing them, be extremely careful. Don't get lost or confuse them with others.

After completing these operations, remove the cover. The lid is made of aluminum, which makes it pleasant to the touch. On the back of the cover there are detailed instructions for removing it.

To turn off the power system, disconnect the battery cable from the charging port, as well as from the main board.

To ensure that your MacBook Pro is completely dust free, you need to remove the hard drive. This should be done extremely carefully, without damaging any of the contents of the laptop.

The system responsible for cooling must be removed and cleaned. Without this step, you cannot clean your MacBook from dirt and dust. After this, you should disconnect the radiator. Now remove the SSD itself. After removing it, you will notice a huge amount of dust that needs to be cleaned.

For cleaning itself you need to use special brushes. In severe cases, a solution is used that removes dirt well, but does not harm the metal.

How to clean your keyboard from dust?

Method 1

If one of the keys sticks, you should not run to a repair shop, because this problem can be corrected yourself. However, for this you need to buy a can of compressed air.

When cleaning with this can, it is important to have a special tube for air distribution. The distance between them should be approximately 1.5 cm.

Turn the laptop 75 degrees and spray air over the keys. This must be done from left to right.

other methods

  1. Shake the keyboard lightly over the trash can. Usually a lot of crumbs and bugs accumulate there. Although in MacBook Pros all this can hardly get there, it’s worth cleaning it this way.
  2. A cotton rag can help you clean, but avoid using synthetics.
  3. You can also use special wet wipes for glass.
  4. You can also take a cotton swab, moisten it with window cleaning solution and clean the keyboard. Then wipe with a dry stick or cloth.


After disinfection, you need to let the keyboard dry for 5–10 minutes.

If you clean your device from dust at least once every 3 months, then your device will work stably. The keyboard should be cleaned once a week. Everything is thought out on MacBooks, and not always a lot of dirt accumulates in them. I would also like to warn you that you need to be careful when using a cylinder and a MacBook. Disinfection should also be carried out regularly, since harmful microbes and bacteria regularly accumulate there. We hope that you have no questions left. But if you have them, then write them in the comments. We will also be grateful for liking and reposting this information to your friends.

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The MasterSoft service center offers assistance in repairing and servicing Apple products, including professional cleaning of iMac and MacBook from dust. The company employs competent craftsmen with specialized education, extensive experience, appropriate qualifications, and the ability to find the right way out of non-standard situations. Regular maintenance of your PC will extend its service life, maintain its original characteristics and eliminate malfunctions, freezes, and overheating.

How often should the procedure be performed?

Any computer strongly attracts dust, which often leads to contamination. Small particles settle on structural parts, causing overheating and other unpleasant deviations from the norm. Also, few people will like dust on the iMac screen. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, MacBook Air or Pro should be cleaned 1-2 times a year. The event consists of the following manipulations:

  • removal of dirt and dust particles from all surfaces of equipment, boards, fans, radiators;
  • replacing thermal paste;
  • fan processing.

To determine when to clean your MacBook Pro from dust, you can install special programs.

Symptoms of the problem

The following signs indicate that it’s time to clean your Mac from dust:

  • uncharacteristic heating of the case;
  • regular switching on and constant operation of fans;
  • system freeze;
  • decrease in functional speed - the monoblock begins to “dull”;
  • sudden shutdowns with the possibility of being turned on again only after the device has cooled down;
  • increase in noise level and appearance of extraneous sounds.

If at least one of the above symptoms is noticed, you need to urgently call a MasterSoft technician to your home or personally contact the service center.

Why is a large accumulation of dust dangerous?

Small specks of dust are called “killers” of a computer, since, according to statistics, it is this element that causes many serious, expensive breakdowns. Failure to clean dust from Mac devices for a long time leads to problems such as:

  • heat exchange disturbance;
  • cooler malfunctions;
  • overheating of the video card board;
  • reduction of heat transfer from the radiator;
  • disruption of the stable functioning of the power supply chain;
  • motherboard failure.

Dust has its own electrical charge, which, when particles accumulate, is transferred to the board, affecting its tracks. A thick layer of dust has serious stress levels that lead to destruction.

Advantages of ordering a service through the MasterSoft service

MasterSoft is a proven service where the list of services includes cleaning iMac from dust at an attractive price. The center is equipped with the necessary equipment for carrying out diagnostic and repair activities; the company employs experienced, competent craftsmen. We have original spare parts and components with a manufacturer's warranty.

By contacting MasterSoft, the client receives the following benefits:

  • quality;
  • low prices;
  • correct attitude;
  • solving the problem in a short time;
  • responsibility;
  • honesty.

The user does not have to look for spare parts on his own and wait a long time. At the customer’s request, technicians travel to the specified address and can clean the device or carry out repairs at the customer’s home.

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so you don’t have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for the service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

Service repairs and delivery

A good service values ​​your time, so it offers free delivery. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give your Macbook for repair to an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Sometimes preventive maintenance is required. For example, cleaning iron from dust. This is an important part of prevention. Even 10 years ago, it was possible to encounter breakdowns associated with a large accumulation of dust inside the system unit or laptop. Dust envelops the contacts, after which a short circuit occurs. Such problems are rare today, especially in Apple products, but no one is immune from contamination.

The microprocessor cooler (fan) requires special attention. Dust clogs the blades, which in turn slow down and the processor begins to heat up. Overheating causes the processor to perform worse and eventually stops working completely.

Today we will tell you how to clean the insides of a Macbook Air yourself. It is recommended to perform the same actions with other models of Apple laptops.

Macbook Air cleaning algorithm

  1. You need to place the laptop on a soft cloth with the monitor facing down. Then remove the bottom cover of the Macbook Air. Pentalobe screws are used here.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the cover itself from dust.
  3. It is necessary to disconnect and remove the battery. Dust should be wiped off with a dry microfiber. You also need to wipe down the battery tray. The contacts can be gently wiped with an alcohol solution and then wiped dry with cotton swabs.
  4. Use a compressor or vacuum cleaner to blow off the dust inside the Mac itself. If you do not have these devices, it is recommended to use a large makeup brush. It is better to shake off dust outside (balcony) or in a room with good exhaust hood.
  5. It is necessary to disconnect the cable that connects the Input/Output Board to the motherboard. It is located next to the cooler. It is recommended to use a special plastic stupor plate. If you don’t have one, then a plasticine spatula or a wooden manicure stick will do. There is no need to peel off the rubber band from the cooler.
  6. Next, you should carefully remove the SSD drive (it can be removed easily).
  7. The cooler should be carefully removed. It is not recommended to mix fan screws with Macbook Air cover screws. They are similar in appearance, but they have different carvings.
  8. The cooler needs to be thoroughly cleaned. If necessary, wipe with alcohol. Radiator connecting the cooler and processor. It is recommended to clean it with a toothbrush.
  9. Once again, you need to blow off the dust from all parts of the Macbook Air. This can be done with a makeup brush. The SSD drive should also be dusted off.
  10. Then you need to put all the parts in place. The screws from the cooler are first lightly tightened until the user puts everything in place, and then tightened. They should not be twisted too tightly.

Now your Macbook Air is clean and ready for further use.

Remember how fast your Mac was when you first bought it? How did it load instantly and open websites and apps smoothly? Over time, your Mac becomes filled with various applications, system updates, documents, photos and a variety of other files that cause a slowdown effect. If you want to make your Mac as fast as it was when you first took it out of the box, we've got some helpful tips for you.

1. Clear the startup list

Most of the applications you install are automatically added to the startup list, and every time you turn on or restart your Mac, the system is forced to waste resources to launch all these applications and services. As long as there are few of them, they do not have a significant impact on performance, but sooner or later this moment comes.

Fortunately, in OS X it is very convenient to control and regulate all this “economy”:

  • Open system settings and go to the section Users and groups.
  • Select your account in the list on the left and open the tab Login objects.
  • We carefully review the list and leave only those applications that you really need immediately after starting the system. We mercilessly remove all the rest from there by highlighting and pressing the button .

2. Update to the latest version of OS X

Your Mac should update itself, but it's a good idea to make sure your computer is running the latest OS. You can easily check this using the Mac App Store. Just open the application and go to the tab Updates. The icon will show the number of available updates, which you can download both together and individually. For the future, it would be a good idea to check and enable the automatic download and installation of updates in the section App Store system settings.

3. Putting the disk in order

One of the best ways to prevent system performance is to clear your hard drive of various files that you no longer need. The category of such files includes all kinds of logs, caches, temporary files, extensions, duplicate files and much, much more. To find and remove this file garbage, you can resort to special applications or use Disk Utility.

  • Launch Disk Utility and select your hard drive from the menu on the left
  • Go to the tab First aid and press the button Check, and then To correct.
  • The system will start scanning and correct errors if any are found.

After that, check your home folder and other folders on the drive to see if there are caches or temporary files that you no longer need. If you don’t want to delve into the depths of the file system, it’s better to use a specialized utility.

4. Checking for gluttonous processes

If you notice a drop in performance while working on your Mac, using System Monitor you can easily determine which application is eating up all your resources.

  • Opening System monitoring from folder Programs - Utilities.
  • Switching between tabs CPU And Memory and looking through running processes, we find applications that consume excessive amounts of resources.
  • If you find a process consuming more than 90% (not a root process), feel free to terminate it using the button Complete.

5. Delete unused localization files

Every Mac has a ton of unused language files. Usually we use Russian and English, but the rest of the localizations that developers supply their applications with remain “dead weight” on the hard drive. You can remove them manually (a very tedious process) or use some special application. For example, the same CleanMyMac can do this and when cleaning, it always, among other “garbage”, scans the file system, including for the presence of unused language files.

6. Clean the desktop

Some users prefer to store files and application shortcuts on the desktop, considering it very convenient. Not really. Because the system has to handle all of these connections over time, this approach to storing and organizing your workspace can negatively impact system performance and responsiveness. Therefore, remove all unused icons and move documents and files to appropriate folders. Better yet, check out our guide to achieving desk zen.

7. Disable widgets

Widgets are miniature applications located on a specially designated desktop. You can add as many different widgets as you like, such as a virtual aquarium, an interactive calendar or a convenient weather informer. While some of them perform useful tasks and help you, many simply consume resources, thereby slowing down system performance. Therefore, audit your Dashboard and disable or delete all unnecessary widgets that you do not use - this will free up memory and increase system responsiveness.

All of the above tips are more relevant for owners of old Macs or machines with insufficient RAM. The slowdown effect on newer computers will be almost unnoticeable or noticeable even at the most advanced stages (monitoring tools). However, in any case, prevention and putting things in order have never bothered anyone. ;)