Information support for educational events in the library. Information support for the user in a modern library. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buryatia

The library as a center for information support and development of students' intellectual potential

Kunyazova Aisulu Socialovna

methodologist of the Innovation Center

development of education and upbringing

Pavlodar region

Together with a changing society and new tasks of education, the activities of the library of a general education institution are being transformed. At the stage of development of the information society, the school library becomes the center of the educational process, as well as a platform for pedagogical innovations. A powerful, technologically equipped library and information center begins to play a central role in teaching schoolchildren a complex of knowledge and skills in working with information.

In the context of the continuous expansion of the information space, school librarians are entrusted with the function of training schoolchildren and teachers in the skills of working with information, which puts forward the need for continuous training and professional growth.

In the context of the transition to a knowledge society, the mission of libraries in educational institutions has been rethought. School Library MissionXXIcentury is to form the information culture of the individual.

The technology of the school library, which is a set of certain processes and operations that ensure its normal functioning, has undergone significant changes. Today, achieving a qualitatively new level of library and information support in schools is associated with the introduction of new information and telecommunication technologies in the activities of each library (electronic catalogs, automated library and information systems, etc.). In these conditions, the process of integration of traditional and innovative methods (methods) of library and information services is growing.

Since school libraries are called upon to provide information and library support for the process of education and upbringing, focusing on innovation in this area, this forces them to strive to change the composition of library collections, largely determines modern approaches to acquisition, and forces them to look for new methods of work.

The library of an educational institution is part of the information and educational space that is emerging and actively developing inXXIcentury, and is a cultural, educational, scientific and auxiliary social institution that ensures the accumulation and general availability of documentary and information resources.

The document collections of school libraries, including educational, fiction, reference, popular science literature, periodicals, are supplemented by educational videos, multimedia textbooks and teaching aids, reference books and encyclopedias, training programs, etc. Schools actively use educational Internet resources.culture

The entry of human civilization into the era of the information society, the unprecedented growth rate of information technology, the fundamental changes occurring in subsequent years in school education - all these factors have determined the need for the formation of a special culture - the information culture of the individual. “The concept of “information culture” includes the successes of traditional library and bibliographic culture, combined with the culture of a new information civilization based on the achievements of “information technology”.

Information culture is expressed in the presence of a person’s complex of knowledge, abilities, skills and reflexive attitudes in interaction with the information environment.

Giving schoolchildren full-fledged training in this area is possible only by integrating the process of forming an information culture into almost all educational courses and extracurricular project and research work. At the same time, it is necessary to reinforce the acquired knowledge by independent work with various sources of information. The most convenient place to do this is in libraries.

The organization of such systematic practice for schoolchildren should be the result of the joint efforts of the school and the library.

The main directions of work on developing the information culture of schoolchildren are as follows:

I. Acquisition of the library collection.

    Information and methodological work.

    Massive work with schoolchildren.

    Individual work with readers.

    Systematic improvement of one’s own professional level.

Working with information of various kinds forms a holistic worldview in schoolchildren. It is the library as a documentation center that helps to carry out interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary connections. This is also a platform for the implementation of already acquired skills, for the manifestation of creativity (and not only literary), and, most importantly, for the manifestation of independence.

Work on developing the information culture of schoolchildren will be effective only if the school library manages to become a coordination center and establish information, documentary and methodological support for this activity.

The library, being a structural unit of the school, sets itself the tasks of preparing students for life in the information society:

1) teach students to independently search for the information they need in various types of publications (books, periodicals, etc.);

2) introduce students to scientific, fiction, and reference literature and develop their skills of independent work with it;

3) develop the cognitive interests and creative abilities of students.

Work on developing the information culture of students is carried out in the library according to plan. A system of classes is being created, during which students acquire information skills gradually; each class has its own topic, taking into account the content of the curriculum in individual subjects. When selecting forms and methods, the age characteristics of students are taken into account.

The main directions in the work of the library should be:

Information and bibliographic support of the educational process;

Development of the creative potential of the student’s personality by means of introducing reading, showing at extracurricular activities the attractiveness of the image of a reading person;

Activation of the intellectual abilities of children with disabilities, correction of their behavior and social adaptation through communication with books;

Introducing students to use a computer to gain new knowledge;

Training in techniques for working independently with a book, searching for information on electronic media, and user skills with comprehensive knowledge.

School age is precisely the age when the foundations of personality are laid, a system of values ​​is developed, priorities are formed, awareness of oneself as a Belarusian, a sense of belonging to the national culture - a process in which the book plays an important role. In this regard, events dedicated to significant dates and holidays should be held at the library, thematic exhibitions of books should be organized, for example, for Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, a thematic shelf “Reading books about war” could be created.

At school, as an elective, an integrated course can be introduced to work on developing the information culture of students, for example, the course “Fundamentals of the Information Culture of Schoolchildren.” It introduces students to the world of knowledge, skills and abilities, allowing them to independently identify and use information in order to meet needs that have general scientific, general educational and practical significance.

Main goals:give students an idea of ​​modern information technologies;teach students to independently search for the information they need in various types of publications: (books, periodicals, encyclopedias, etc.), both inside and outside the school library;introduce students to scientific, fiction, reference and encyclopedic literature, and develop their skills of independent work with it;strengthen interest in learning about the world around us and in academic subjects.

When working with students, various methodological techniques can be used: reviews, practical exercises, excursions, messages, independent work, tests.

Thus, the information environment of a school library today is both a resource, that is, a technical system that allows storing information, retrieving it and providing it to the user, and a communication one and acts in this case as an integral fragment of culture.

The library at school serves as a meeting place for communication between representatives of various groups. Through the library, it becomes possible to form heterogeneous, different-age groups, in which school teachers, parents and students participate jointly.

The reader today is objectively interested in expanding the range of information products and services provided by the library. Readers today are attracted not only by book lending, the opportunity to work with literature in the reading room, exhibitions, conversations, references and reviews, etc., but also by receiving annotated lists of references, copies of articles, book fragments, assistance in purchasing new textbooks, information about publications in periodicals, the ability to work with an electronic textbook

The formation of the library information environment is the main process in building a unified information space for the school. The main criterion for assessing the quality of education is not the quantity and variety of acquired knowledge, but the ability of students not only to obtain knowledge, but also to take part in the creation of information resources themselves.

The school library, representing one of the initial links in the chain of lifelong education, now has a unique chance to raise its prestige and strengthen the status of the school librarian by turning the library into a special center - the center for the formation of an individual’s information culture. A center where students receive special information training: they master the knowledge and skills of organizing information retrieval in both traditional (manual) and new information technology, analysis and synthesis of information found, technology for self-preparation of information products necessary during training.

The organization of information training for students requires a clear demarcation and differentiation of the actions of school libraries and general education institutions in a single process of information education. Overcoming difficulties in finding fruitful solutions for developing methods and means of information education, developing a real mechanism for interaction between educational institutions and libraries, will require combining the efforts of managers and organizers, theorists and practitioners in the library and educational spheres.

To improve the activities of school libraries, it is necessary to carry out work in the following areas:

Technically equip libraries;

Update and strengthen the resource base of school libraries;

Provide libraries with access to Internet information resources;

To create unified electronic databases of educational collections of libraries of general education institutions;

Develop a form of resource integration (exchange of textbooks needed by one educational institution and unclaimed in the library of another);

Create a provision on the status of basic schools, in which libraries with rich book collections would act as resource centers;

Develop a system of advanced training for library workers in educational institutions.

In order for the joint activities of teachers and school librarians in information training for students to be productive, it is necessary to have special training for the organizers of this process themselves, and for them to master the technology of forming the information culture of schoolchildren. Such training should be based on a system of practice-oriented classes; be accompanied by the development of educational and methodological literature and didactic means of teaching the basics of information culture to schoolchildren.

Only by uniting the efforts of general education institutions and school libraries, all teachers and school librarians, can we solve the task of information education that is so urgent today, the task of forming a high level of information culture of the younger generation.


    Library of a general education institution: collection. regulating document [Text] / comp. G.V. Chulkina, O.V. Kozlova. – M.: GNPB im. K.D. Ushinsky RAO, 2000. – 80 p.

    Library and the young reader: A practical guide. - M: Book Chamber, 1987. – 214 p.

    Borodina V.A. Library services [text]: educational and methodological manual / V.A. Borodin. – I: Liberea, 2004. – 168 p.

    To help the school librarian: Instructional and methodological materials on the activities of the school library. – School book, 2004. – 64 p.

    Gendina N. Didactic foundations for the formation of information culture / N. Gendina // School library, 2002, No. 7. – pp. 34-38.

    Children. Book. Library. Searches and discoveries of the 90s. – Chelbinsk, 2000. – 318 p.

    A quick reference guide for the school librarian. St. Petersburg, 2001.- 497 p.

    Kruk N.V. Library of an educational institution in the information space // Library Science. – 2007. – No. 1. – P. 23-29.

    Melentyea Yu.P. The library as an institution for the socialization of youth. – M: ASOPiR, 2001. – 417 p.

    Chudinova V.P. Children, libraries and new mass information technologies // Library Science. – 2002. – No. 5. – P. 40-50.

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Information and bibliographic support for education, self-education, professional self-determination and nurturing the information culture of youth

(T.V. Vinogradova, head of information and bibliographic department)

The introduction of advanced information technologies into everyday library life and computerization of librarians' and bibliographers' workplaces is accompanied by an expansion of library information resources. This fact allows us to improve traditional and develop new forms and directions of bibliographic services for all users of the May 1 Central District Hospital, including young people.

1. One of the most important areas of individual work with youth is reference and bibliographic services. Certificates completed at the request of young people account for 70-73% of their total number. Moreover, the majority of young readers turn to our library in search of information on the humanities: economics, law, sociology, statistics, history, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology and cultural studies.

It should be noted that reference and bibliographic services for young people in modern conditions is a complex process that requires from the duty bibliographer-consultant not only professional knowledge, broad erudition, but also good command of computer technology.

Every year, satisfying readers' educational needs becomes more and more difficult and takes up an increasing part of the working time of bibliographers. This is due not only and not so much to the difficulties in acquiring library collections and the imperfection of the LBC. With the emergence of new directions in human activity, new specialties and, as a consequence, new academic disciplines at school and university, the information needs of students are constantly expanding, and the number of references requiring complex bibliographic searches is increasing. At the same time, when communicating with young readers, we note with sadness that the level of knowledge of schoolchildren and students is falling, some of them cannot even clearly formulate the topic of their request.

This year, bibliographers had to work hard to find information on the following requests from students and schoolchildren:

Who was the commander of the construction squad that built Novgorod Ponizovsky?;

Verbal “blunders” in the speech of Russian politicians;

Who is a doyen and who is a doyen in Russia?;

Psychological portrait of the criminal’s personality;

Creativity and personality of A.S. Pushkin in Russian philosophical criticism;

Why was Marxism so widespread in Russia, but not in developed capitalist countries?

Another aspect of the problem of complicating bibliographic searches is that teachers, when giving assignments to high school students, often have little idea whether there is any literature on a particular topic in the library collections. Illustrative examples include the following requests from schoolchildren:

Application of radioactive isotopes in agriculture;

Environmental problems of the Arabian Peninsula;

The main departments of the tax inspectorate and their functions.

At the request of pupils and students, bibliographers compile bibliographic lists for abstracts, reports, coursework and dissertations. So, this year we compiled lists on the topics: “Leadership in an organization”, “Nonverbal communication”, “International capital migration”, “Pedagogical excellence”, “History of Lend-Lease”. “Youth subculture”, “Character education”, etc.

Recently, reference and bibliographic services for young people have actively used not only traditional reference and bibliographic apparatus, but also modern information resources: the Internet and electronic databases. Thus, in the absence or insufficiency of the information provided on the thematic request of a student or schoolchild, the duty bibliographer must invite them to use the services of the Internet room. Thus, for example, requests on the topics: “Dueling Code”, “Ensuring environmental safety at the NORSI enterprise”, “Declarative programming languages” and many others were fully satisfied.

The formation of electronic databases began in our library in January 2002: specialists from the acquisition and processing department began creating an electronic catalog, and bibliographers, accordingly, began creating an electronic card index of articles. As of September 1, 2004, almost 7 thousand entries were entered into the electronic catalogue, and the electronic card file of articles totaled 11,109 entries. Since January 2004, the electronic catalog and electronic card index of articles have become available to all library users. Searching for information using these databases is carried out by an on-duty bibliographer-consultant in the catalog room. Over 9 months, with the help of these databases, 285 certificates were completed for boys and girls to help their education and self-education.

In recent years, among the youth audience of the Central District Hospital named after May 1, the number of students of legal and economic technical schools and universities has noticeably increased, and, consequently, the needs of this part of users for legal information have increased significantly. Considering this circumstance, in January 2002, the “Consultant Plus” system was installed on the computer of the duty librarian-consultant, and in May 2004, the “Garant” system was installed. A new type of reference and bibliographic service turned out to be in great demand among readers, including young people. According to our calculations, on average, this group annually accounts for more than 1/3 of the entire array of documents found using legal reference systems.

The diagram shows two trends in reference and bibliographic services for young people in the May 1 Central District Hospital over the past 3 years. Firstly, this is the annual increase in the total number of certificates completed at the request of young people: from 1056 in 2002 to 2392 in 9 months of 2004. Secondly, this is an increase in the number of certificates executed using electronic media in relation to certificates executed using the traditional SBA: if in 2002 this ratio was 10.6% against 89.4%, then in 9 months of 2004 - already 27.6% versus 72.4%.

Total number of certificates on youth requests


Using a traditional SBA


using electronic databases

2. The second direction of bibliographic services for young people at the May 1 Central District Hospital is bibliographic information.

It is carried out jointly by the information and bibliographic department and the service department and includes a wide variety of forms of work.

So, on a youth subscription, from year to year, monthly individual information high school students in the Sormovsky district about the arrival of new educational, educational, methodological and popular science publications to help the school curriculum, as well as about the latest issues of scientific and educational magazines “Rodina”, “Literature at School”, “Science and Religion”, “Science and life”, “Around the world” and others. Records of issued literature are kept. Thus, in the first half of 2004, 150 pieces of information were sent to subscribers and 131 publications were issued.

Loan librarians for high school students have compiled 5 information lists of new books to help the school curriculum on the following topics:

"The History of Two Millennia"

"The amazing is nearby"

"For students of Russian history"

“Books in the series “Home Tutor”,

"My Russian history."

One of the most popular and effective forms of bibliographic information to young people is thematic Information Days. When determining the topics of these complex events, we try to go beyond the school curriculum, attract the attention of high school students to the most pressing issues of our time and present literature on the topic of the Days with the greatest completeness - both in content and in types of publications.

For example, after UNESCO announced the 10th anniversary of the culture of peace, we responded to this initiative with Information Day “Man. Society. Civilization". The emphasis in this event was on literature that reveals the problem of confrontation between Western and Eastern civilizations using the example of two countries - Iran and Russia. There was a presentation of a thematic issue of the journal “Science and Religion,” entirely dedicated to Iran, and one of our colleagues shared with the guys her impressions of her trip to this fabulous country. Students listened with interest to a bibliographic review of journal publications about the vast and mysterious Russian soul entitled “Russians... What are we?”, and at the end of the event, high school students very actively answered questions in the “History of World Civilizations” quiz.

Among the most pressing problems facing modern society today is the problem of protecting our younger generation from drug addiction. Our modest contribution to the fight against this worldwide evil was the holding of Information Day “Drug Addiction - a Global Problem of Humanity.” The program of the Day included: a literature review at the book exhibition “The Trap for Homo Sapiens”, a warning conversation by the local juvenile affairs inspector of the Sormovsky district, an information digest “About drugs without hysteria” and a mini-presentation of a bibliographic warning list for teenagers “Drug addiction is a sign” troubles."

Career guidance has always been one of the priorities in the work of libraries with young people. In 2003, for high school students in the Sormovsky district, all adult libraries of the Central Library District held a single Information Day “Time to choose the future.” In the Central District Hospital named after. On May 1, bibliographers presented to young men and women a bibliographic review based on the materials of the exhibition-panorama “Time to choose the future”, an educational excursion “For a young man pondering his life...”, a bibliography “Rare professions”, a press express on the newspaper “Exchange Plus Career” and a meeting with a professional - psychologist of the employment resource center.

Increasingly, in our work we use such a form of information services for young people as information and educational hours or hours of cognition. These events are like mini-Days of Information: the duration is limited to one academic hour, and the topic for the event is chosen more narrowly, for example, some significant event from Russian history or an introduction to the life of the most prominent representatives of Russian science or culture. Over the course of three years, 15 informational and educational hours were held for high school students in the Sormovsky district on the following topics:

- “Preparing for final exams”

- “My beloved Sormovo”,

- “Book Rus'” (about books and libraries in Rus' in the 11th-15th centuries),

- “Modern Russian Literature”,

- “Where to go to study”,

- “For students of Russian history”,

Hour of Slavic culture “Light for the whole world”,

Hour of philosophical knowledge “Wisdom in personality” and others.

In providing information services to young people, we actively practice such forms of work as bibliographic reviews, information digests, press dossiers, and express information. In 2002-2004, they were prepared and conducted for 36 high school students. Here are the topics of some of them:

Ø “Global problems of our time”,

Ø “Heroes of our time” (based on the works of modern Russian writers),

Ø “They left to stay with us” (about outstanding figures of Russian culture of the late twentieth century),

Ø “I love you, Peter’s creation” (Image of St. Petersburg in Russian poetry), Ø “Rare professions”, Ø “Prose of the life of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya”, Ø “Essen and Nizhny Novgorod - twin cities”,

Ø “Informals: group portrait in the interior.”

3. The third direction in the work of the information and bibliographic department with young people is the education of information culture, and the role of bibliographers here is especially interesting and varied.

It is generally accepted that young readers learn the basics of information culture in the libraries of educational institutions (schools, universities). In fact, a significant number of library users, and especially young ones, have a low level of library and bibliographic knowledge. This is manifested in the inability to express information needs in the form of requests for service, independently search for literature and factual data, and record what is found.

Therefore, work to improve the information culture of our young readers is constantly being carried out in the following areas:

Training in library and bibliographic literacy;

Teaching the culture of reading;

Mastering a whole range of additional knowledge, skills and abilities in obtaining information using electronic library resources.

Already when enrolling in the library, every young reader receives the first lesson in library and bibliographic literacy: librarians and on-duty bibliographer-consultants introduce him to the rules for using the library, the structure and composition of the collection, the system of catalogs and card files, the rules for filling out requests for literature, about which a note is made on the back of the form. There were 2,284 such individual consultations for young people in 2002, and 3,004 in 9 months of 2004.

But no consultant is able to teach in a matter of minutes the skills and abilities necessary for a young reader to fully select, perceive and understand a printed work.

Therefore, in 2002-2004, bibliographers of the Central District Hospital named after. On May 1, 16 library lessons and 11 group consultations, 18 reviews of reference publications and 10 premiere bibliographic manuals for young people on the following topics were prepared and conducted:

· “Reference and bibliographic apparatus of a modern library: its purpose, composition and search capabilities”;

· “Bibliographical aids are your assistants in choosing literature”;

· “Modern Russian literature; thematic and personal bibliographic manuals";

· “SPS “Consultant Plus” - a perfect resource of legal information”;

· “Learning to take notes”;

· “How to correctly compose an essay and record a lecture”;

· “The essay is excellent!”

All of the above events were part of the programs of Bibliography Days, Information Days, Periodicals Days, Knowledge Days and InformCollege classes.

We do not forget such a traditional form of work as library excursions. In 2002-2004, 15 such events were held. During the excursions, librarians introduced high school students from schools and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Sormovsky district to the history of the Central District Hospital named after. May 1, the work of each of its departments, as well as with the information resources of the library. Tours of the Internet room, the pride of our library, invariably aroused particular interest among young people.

Bibliography Days have become firmly established in the work of the May 1 Central District Hospital with youth audiences. The basis for their implementation are bibliographic aids, which are specially created by bibliographers for these events. In 2002-2004, 3 indexes and 18 lists were released and presented to young people. When preparing Bibliography Days, we also actively use bibliographic aids developed by our colleagues from the Central City Hospital and from other districts of Nizhny Novgorod.

Thus, for the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize, bibliographers prepared a bibliographic index “Ahead of Their Time,” which collected materials about all Russian scientists - laureates of the prize in natural sciences, stored in the funds of the Central District Hospital named after May 1, and a bibliographic list of literature “And creativity , and miracles”, dedicated to the Russian poet and Nobel laureate Boris Pasternak. It was these two manuals that served as the basis for the preparation and holding of the Bibliography Day “Constellation of Great Names” for high school students in the Sormovo district. For the first time on this Bibliography Day, we put into practice such a new form of work as the video debut of a bibliographic manual, in which we tried to combine the presentation of the new bibliographic list “Both Creativity and Miracle-Working” with a demonstration of fragments of the video film “Boris Pasternak”.

In recent years, the work of city library bibliographers to create local history bibliographic aids on a wide variety of topics has noticeably intensified. We also did not stand aside from this endeavor and published 2 bibliographic manuals dedicated to our fellow countrymen: a bibliographic index of literature “Glorious in Good Deeds” (about Nizhny Novgorod philanthropists and patrons of the 19th - early 20th centuries) and a bibliographic list “Charity, patronage, sponsorship in Nizhny Novgorod region today." It was these publications that provided materials for the preparation of the ring Day of Bibliography “Let the hand of the giver never fail...”, which, with the help of employees of the information and bibliographic department, was held for youth audiences in the Central District Hospital named after May 1 and in all 6 branch libraries serving the adult population.

The most important stage in the socialization of youth in modern society is the choice of profession. The content side of this process has recently undergone significant changes. The prestige of many professions has fallen, others have risen rapidly, and many previously unknown specialties have appeared.

Therefore, the main goal of the Bibliography Day “Find Your Profession,” held in April 2004, was to introduce high school students to modern, most promising specialties. Materials about them were collected and presented at the “Find Your Profession” exhibition. In the current review “Which specialists are in great demand today?” An employee from the Sormovsky District Employment Center announced for the children the ratings of the most in-demand professions on the labor market today. High school students got acquainted with 6 issues of new bibliographic manuals for young people from the series “The World of Modern Professions” under the titles: “Lords of Computers”, “Such Different Managers”, “Mosaic of Economic Activity”, “Profession - Seller”, “Creators of Beauty” and "HR specialists needed." The bibliographers presented the children with a futurological bibliography “Job Jobs of the Future, or What People Will Do in the 21st Century” and a mini-presentation of the information guide “Where to Go to Study.” At the end of the event, high school students took a trip to career guidance sites on the Internet.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that thanks to the introduction of computer technologies, work on information and bibliographic services for young people has acquired new directions, the efficiency and completeness of information on requests has significantly increased, the range of bibliographic services has expanded, including paid ones, and the appearance of bibliographic products has changed qualitatively , it has become more attractive to modern “advanced youth”.

In 2005-2006, the priority areas of work of bibliographers with young people will be:

1) information support for education, self-education and professional self-determination of this group of users;

2) training young people in the skills of independently searching for information using an electronic catalog and electronic file cabinet of articles.

The basis for successful education, the key to a person’s information and functional literacy, is reading. Awareness of the unity of goals of different educational and cultural institutions in the field of promoting reading and the formation of an individual’s information culture leads to the consolidation of people of different professions belonging to the field of book culture.

In the MUK "TSSDB im. A.S. Pushkin"Mutual understanding and coordination of work with teachers from different institutions of the city have been achieved, i.e. thanks to the full use of the sociocultural opportunities of the urban educational space. This allows the library to “keep its finger on the pulse” and be a catalyst for changing priorities in education.
All work is systematized and carried out in the following areas: Library and preschool educational institutions:

    Systematic work with kindergarten groups within library cycles.

    Non-stationary services for children in kindergartens.

    Giving consultations and book reviews at parent-teacher meetings.

    Information and methodological assistance to educators:

“Mobile methodological shelf” service;

Information and reference online service on the blog “Biblio-S-traveler"

Library and school

Based on the school:

    Exits with conversations, reviews in classes.

    Participation in school-wide events.

    Presenting reviews and consultations at parent-teacher meetings.

Based on the library:

    Systematic work with classes (extended day groups) in key areas of the educational and educational process.

    Exhibitions to help the educational process.

    Bibliography days.

    Subject weeks.

    Carrying out joint events in different areas of the educational process.

    Organization of citywide events in support of the educational process (Involving organized groups of schoolchildren from several schools to participate in library events)

    Seminars, meetings, conferences of teachers and librarians of city schools on the basis of the MUK TsSDB.

    Research activities (questioning of teachers and teenagers)

Library and other institutions:

    Out-of-station services for children on the basis of children's health camps “Beryozka”, “Lesnaya Polyana”, “Gaidar”.

    Creative assistance in writing scripts for events held jointly with Children's Music School and Center for Religious Art.

    Participation of students from additional education institutions in library events.

    Organization of exhibitions of works by students of Children's Art School, Syuta, Children's Art School on the basis of the library.

    Providing consulting assistance to children's reading leaders, selection of specialized literature for teachers and students of additional education institutions

    information and reference online service in the blog “Biblio-S-traveler"

In the library. A.S. Pushkin, every child is given free access to all available media, all conditions are created for the formation of an information culture for readers.

For students from grades 1 to 11, 14 literary and educational cycles have been developed, which cover not only schoolchildren, but also preschool children.

Work in cycles was carried out with organized classes, systematic visits - once a month. The topics of the meetings included various forms of working with children, a synthesis of illustrative, visual, musical, literary and educational material. The emphasis was on unlocking library resources to help the educational process, developing creative abilities and thoughtful analytical reading skills.

About some events in 2011

The disclosure of funds was facilitated by interactive search exhibitions “How to do it correctly?”, “Words on the world map”, “Why do we say this?”

Much attention was paid to information literacy: the departments held information and bibliographic lessons and biblio-minutes “Russian speech of the sovereign nicknamed Dictionary”, “To the treasures of the native language”, “Get to know: index!”. Literary and educational conversations “Springs of folk traditions.” Educational game “Funny letters.

Reader and creative development took place in the course of acquaintance with electronic resources on the topic: e-learning disk “Lessons of Malvina”, electronic presentation-acquaintance “Beyond the Distance - Dal” (about V. Dal).

In total, 9 public events, 18 individual and group consultations were held, and 7 exhibitions were organized. 322 people served.

Week "Cultural Heritage" took place from May 23 to May 28, 2011.

Main events of the week:

Conversation at the book exhibitions “A good book as an inheritance”, “Words also have a family”, “Great culture of Russia”, “Bow to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius”, etc.

Electronic quiz “Young art critic”;

Information and bibliographic game “If you know, answer”;

Linguistic watches “Where did Slavic writing come from”, “Precious heritage - BOOK”.

344 people were served, 352 books were issued.

A highlight was the complex event"Bibliotwilight-2011", dedicated to Library Day. Interactive educational exhibitions, experimental exhibitions, and literary search tasks were prepared in all departments of the central children's library. Participants were given “record books,” which were filled out as they participated in the work of various sites. The most active participants received prizes.In total, “Bibliotwilight-2011” was visited by 350 people (adults and children).