How to register a foreign Apple ID. Password requirements

In any case, it makes sense to register your iPhone so that you can recover data from the device if it is stolen or damaged. Enrollment does not affect the AppleCare plans or warranties that come with your mobile purchase. However, registration speeds up the process of providing support for your smartphone. If iTunes doesn't recognize your iPhone, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow to resolve the issue. Once you sign up for iTunes, you can sync important business documents, apps, and other content from your iPhone.

So, how to register an iPhone online

Step 1

Go to the Apple website to register your product.

Step 2

Select "Select your location" from the drop-down menu and find your country.

Step 3

Find the appropriate language from the Select tab desired language" in the drop-down menu.

Step 4

Enter Apple ID and password in the required fields. Select the Continue button.

Step 5

Click the “One Product” radio button. Select Continue.

Step 6

Select twice iPhone menu. Then select the version of iPhone you are registering. This article provides an example of how to register an iPhone 4s, but this process is the same for all modifications. Then - “Continue”.

Step 7

Enter your iPhone. Click on “Continue” and then “Finish” to complete registration.

Troubleshooting iTunes recognition problems

Step 1

Open iTunes, then click apple menu and select Check for Updates on your Mac. On Windows, select the Help menu and look for Check for Updates.

Step 2

Check that you are not stuck foreign objects or contamination inside the iPhone-4g connector (the characteristics of all models and the structure of the ports are identical). Make sure that the contacts computer port The USB is not dirty or damaged.

Step 3

Open "Start", in it - "Control Panel" and open "Add or Remove Programs" on Windows computer. Then check if Device Support is installed Apple Mobile. If it is missing, uninstall iTunes, and then download the service again and install a new copy.

Step 4

And a computer. Then connect your iPhone to your computer and try to sync again after launching iTunes again.


To complete the instructions on how to register an iPhone, find serial number by clicking on the “Settings” menu and then “General”. Go to the appropriate option to view your serial number.

Additional registration for downloading free programs

One of the things that really surprises users is that App Store it is impossible to download applications for free without registering data about credit card. However, this can be worked around. Below are instructions on how to register an iPhone in iTunes without providing payment card information.

Step 1

Open iTunes and click on any of the free apps in the App Store.

Step 2

Clicking on an app will take you to a description page. After that, click on the “Get” button located next to it. This will open a new window. Select "Create" new account».

Step 3

You will see a welcome message from iTunes. Click Continue. The terms and conditions of purchases will then be displayed. You must check the “I agree” box and proceed further.

Step 4

Now enter necessary information- current address Email. Once you have entered the information, click Continue.

Step 5

You can see that there is a “None” option in the “Payment Method” titles. Previously this choice was not available. Set the radio button to None and enter personal information and "Continue".

Step 6

You will receive a message indicating that a confirmation has been sent to the email address you provided.

Step 7

Check your email, you should receive a confirmation sent iTunes Store. The email will ask you to click a link to activate the account you just created in the iTunes Store.

At this point, the instructions on how to register an iPhone can be considered complete. You can now log in and start downloading all the apps that are available for free without entering any credit card details.

Ever since those seemingly ancient times, when from Apple services Only the iTunes Store was available, Apple began dividing content according to region. For North America new products appeared earlier, for Europe - later. And the countries of the former socialist camp, including Russian Federation, for a long time were not covered at all, and for a resident of Russia who wanted to make online purchases in Apple stores, there was only one way out - registering a foreign Apple ID account.

Benefits of a Foreign Apple ID

Apple services have reached with their tenacious hands to the most remote corners of the Earth. But still, the most delicious goodies, promotions and free services are provided by the AppStore of the United States of America. However, this also applies to Apple hardware. And if purchases such as music, movies and books are better purchased in regional branches of the AppStore (prices are significantly lower, and there are often discounts like for third world countries), then programs and services are more interesting to connect through the American branch and here’s why:

  1. Games and programs appear in the American AppStore earlier than in other branches, and some exclusive editions are even released only for the USA. Special programs discounts and cheap subscriptions also work only in the United States.
  2. Services iTunes radio, Spotify, Rdio will only work through an American account, and if the access problem is solved by life hacks, using proxy servers and anonymizers, then applications for these services can only be downloaded using an American account Apple registration ID.
  3. Such a nice thing as service free installation paid programs FreeMyApps, again, only works with an American account - and this is completely legal way save a hundred or two dollars. At the very least, this is much better than installing hacked programs and infecting your device with viruses.

So in order to take advantage of the full amount of abundance, you will have to register a North American Apple ID.

When you register an Apple ID in the US, you get access to promotions and free services, which are not available to Russian users

How to register a foreign Apple ID

You can create an account in a few simple steps, using both a mobile device and a desktop computer. It will be possible to switch accounts “on the fly” without losing installed programs and downloaded applications and subscriptions. Just don’t forget that you can only link to one mobile device three free accounts.

Since in both options for creating an account (from a desktop PC and from mobile device) Maps.Google service will be used, register yourself Google account, if you don't have it yet. Without it, access to the cards will be impossible and the task will become somewhat more complicated.

Registration using a desktop computer or laptop

To create an American account from a computer, you need to do the following:

  1. We check whether the computer is connected to the Internet, then open iTunes app, if you already have an Apple ID connected.
  2. From the “Applications” section we go to the AppStore category. Scroll down the page and click on the flag to select a region.
  3. Select the United States region - it is already assigned by default.
  4. Select any one from the list of programs free application, for example - Instagram.
  5. On the page with brief description application, click the Get button.
  6. In the dialog box for entering authorization parameters, select “Create an Apple ID.”
  7. In the invitation dialog, we examine what features will be available after registration and click Continue.
  8. Read license agreement and turn on the checkbox confirming that you have read and agreed with it. Click the Agree button to go to next step. If this is not done, registration will be aborted.
  9. Enter your registration details and information that will allow you to regain access if you forget your password. Please note Special attention to select secret questions and answers to them. If for some reason you lose access to your account, you can restore it only by providing all three answers to the security questions.

    Enter your login, password and three secret question with answers that will allow you to restore access if necessary

  10. If you do not plan to make purchases through this account, in the window that appears, select None in payment methods. Otherwise, you need to enter your bank card details, which must be an American bank or a bank that allows you to electronic payments abroad. If three free accounts are already linked to your device, you can register only by connecting a bank card.

    When creating an Apple ID account, select the option without connecting a bank card if you do not plan to make purchases and no more than three free accounts are linked to your phone

  11. At this step you need to perform a delicate operation - entering personal data. You need to provide your first and last name, as well as a real American address with a phone number:
  12. Double-check the entered data and click Create Apple ID. If everything is correct, a verification screen will appear, and to confirm your email, an email will be sent to it with a link to activate your account. Opening in mail client received letter, follow the link.

    Sign in to iTunes using your new login and password. Now you have access to all the features described at the beginning of the article.

Table: required personal data for registration in the AppStore

EmailUse the mail services of an American provider: gmail, yahoo or hotmail. Russian letters in the email address are not allowed. Even if you have an email account with Cyrillic in the name registered and working normally, it will not be suitable for registering an Apple ID
PasswordPassword, at least 8 characters, must contain lowercase and capital characters Latin alphabet and numbers or underscore.
Security InformationThree security questions from the list provided. You may need answers to them when restoring access to your Apple ID. For example, the name of your first dog, your favorite food and the city in which you met your first love, or the make of the car you drive
Date of birthDate of birth - your own or one that you can remember and not forget. If you choose an arbitrary date, make sure that the difference between current date and the day of your apparent birth was over 13 years old, otherwise registration will be interrupted

Below are the names of the fields that must be filled in when entering information about the account owner's address. The way buildings are addressed in America is different from ours, so you need to carefully transfer the information into the fields with the appropriate names. An explanation of their purpose is given in the table.

Table: address data for registration

Video: creating an account in the American AppStore in 3 minutes

Registering an Apple ID from a mobile device - iPhone or iPad

There are situations when you are far from your computer, but you need to create an account right now: vacation, business trip, trip to the country. The main difference from creating an account on a PC is that the created free account is linked to the device. After three linked entries further creation free Apple The ID will only be available after resetting the device to factory settings.

  1. Open from the main screen app Store and leave your existing account(if he is). On the “Selection” screen, scroll down and, by clicking on the login, select “Log out”.
  2. Go to the search tab and find any free program. It is important to choose a free application, otherwise the system will definitely require you to link a bank card, and we need to register an account without it.

    Choose any free application to download

  3. Click Get and select “Create Apple ID” in the account login dialog.

    In the menu, select the creation item new Apple ID

    Since the country selection checkbox is already set to United States, we accept the license agreement after reading it carefully (or not so much). If you are satisfied with everything, click on Agree. You may not agree, but then you won’t be able to register an account.

    Select America, it is already checked by default

    As in the case of registration from a PC, we indicate the location of the hotel, restaurant or even library as the registration address. The easiest way to find such an object is to use google maps. We transfer all address information from the sidebar, including postal code and contact phone number.

    In the Billing information section, select the payment method None, then click Next.

Video: creating an American Apple ID account on iPhone

The account is not registered - causes and solutions to the problem

Circumstances may arise such that it is not possible to register an account. Below we will look at the most common causes of errors.

  1. Sometimes Apple server checks whether your IP address matches the range of addresses specific to the region to which you are linking your account. Simply put - register with a Russian IP American Apple You won't be able to ID. The way out of the situation would be to use one of huge amount proxy servers that can pass off your IP as American.
  2. U Apple There is strict rules: The account owner must be at least 13 years old (and all features and content of the AppStore will be available only from 18 years of age). If you are actually under thirteen (or, when entering an arbitrary date of birth, you made a mistake and indicated too young age) - the “account” will not be registered. And the worst thing is that if you sent data from a mobile device, then re-registration will only be possible after a factory reset. If the reset option does not suit you, you will have to create an account with desktop computer or laptop.
  3. Invalid characters in your login, password, or even email address. The most common ones are Cyrillic. And yours Post service can normally perceive Russian letters and register Mailbox. But the Apple server will not accept such an address. The result is refusal of registration.
  4. There is a limit on the number of free Apple IDs associated with your device. Their number is limited to only three, and if you have experimented with different “accounts”, you have probably already exceeded this limit. There are two options for solving the problem: either create an account with an attached bank card, or create it on another device or desktop PC, and use it on your gadget.
  5. The hosts file contains elements that block iTunes access to servers Apple activation. Most often, such records appear after running programs that produce installation of JailBreak on your iPhone. In this case, you need to run the Notepad program with administrator rights, open the hosts file and delete from it all lines in which the word apple appears.

    IN hosts file you need to remove all lines that block iTunes access to the activation server

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in gaining access to the foreign segment of the AppStore. It is important to remember the main rule: the regional affiliation of the AppStore is determined by the Apple ID, or rather, the region that you chose when registering it. It will not be possible to change it in the future, so register your account carefully, double-checking yourself after each step and checking the instructions.

My name is Sergey and today I will show you how you can create an Apple ID on your iPhone and computer. That is, we will consider separately, first the option with an iPhone, and then with a computer.

There is nothing complicated here, but again the topic is relevant. I looked at the statistics and every month several thousand people They are looking online for information on how to create an Apple ID, in particular without a credit card.

So, let's go!

How to create an Apple ID on iPhone?

First of all, let's look at all this on the iPhone. So let’s pick up our smartphone and repeat after me. We find standard application App Store and launch it.

Here at the very beginning important point. You need to select a free application and go to the download page. Next I’ll tell you why we do this.

I chose this toy. Click Download and after a second, Install.

We are told that we need to sign in, or “Create an Apple ID.” Naturally, click on the second point.

The registration process begins. The first thing you need to do is choose a country. I will choose Ukraine. If you need Russia, then it will most likely be substituted automatically, and if not, then scroll through the list and find the desired country. After making your selection, click Next.

We accept the terms of the agreement. Click Accept and Accept again.

Next you need to enter your real email address. I recommend using email from Gmail. We come up with a password. Please note here that the password must contain both letters and numbers and must have at least one capital, i.e. capital letter. For example, I created the password Testpass1234.

I go lower and here, to ensure safety, you need to select three different questions and answer them. This data will be needed if you suddenly lose access to your Apple ID, that is, if, for example, you forget your password or something like that.

Fill out the answers to the questions and go even lower. Here you can enter additional emails, but this is optional.

Below, enter your date of birth. Please note that if you are under 18 years old, you will not be allowed to register. Therefore, indicate the year so that you are 18 years old.

The next step in registration is adding a credit card for your Apple ID. Remember in the beginning we tried to download a free application. We did this so that there would be an opportunity here not to indicate your card. There is a No option here. Let's choose him!

We selected it, go down and enter your data. First name, last name, street, house number, city and zip code.

And at the bottom we are asked to enter a mobile phone number. I'll try to introduce a not real one, I hope it will work. So, it looks like you don’t need to fill out anything else here. Click Next.

We are told that a verification email has been sent to our email. You need to follow the link there.

I immediately received a message in my email, I need to find a confirmation link there. Click "Confirm address".

Enter the password you used during registration.

And the account is confirmed. It takes us back to the App Store and again asks us to enter a password, don’t be surprised, a password is always needed here. I sometimes wonder how long it takes to enter a password each time.

Now we try to Install and Download this toy again.

No, they're just kidding, you need to enter the password again. OK.

So, you can remember the password for 15 minutes. Oooh... for 15 whole minutes, I won't be asked for my password. Really. Fine.

Well, everything is ready, go to the last screen and here is our downloaded and installed game.

By the way, if we return to the first page of the App Store Selection and go down to the very bottom, we can make sure that we are now signed in to the Apple ID.

How to create an Apple ID from a computer?

If you encounter any errors when creating an Apple ID on your iPhone, or you are simply not comfortable entering all the data on your phone, you can create an Apple ID from your computer. It seems to me that this is made even easier!

Go to the Apple website and find the Create Apple ID link. Let's press it.

As is the case with creation of Apple ID on iPhone, we need to fill out a bunch of fields here. Mail, password, answers to 3 security questions And security code. Fill it out and click Continue.

To confirm the address, you need to enter the code that was sent to me by email.

I found the code and it is 619221.

I go back and enter it into the form.

Well, that's it. Us in in this case They didn’t even ask me to provide my card details, name, address. Although there is this data to add.

Well, let's now go back to the iPhone and see if they will let us through with this username and password.

We launch the App Store again and go to the very bottom. Click Login and fill out.

We are told that this Apple ID has not yet been used in the iTunes Store and we need to click View.

Still, you have to select a country, accept the terms of the agreement and enter your data. That's because it won't let you through without them. You must at least indicate the country, enter the name, address and city.

After filling out all the fields, we are told that an account for the iTunes Store has now been created.

Now you can try to download something with this Apple ID.

Well, as you can see, you can register both on your iPhone and on your computer.

Registering for the iTunes Store in iTunes

There is another way to register. If we need to create an Apple ID so that later we don’t need to enter other data on the phone, then to do this we need to register on the computer via iTunes program. I remembered the first time I registered to download applications, I did it through the iTunes program.

There you can also select a free application and try to download it; we will be prompted to either log in or create a new account. Naturally, we choose to create an account and fill out the fields that are already familiar to us.

Well friends, we have dealt with this issue and once again I will remind you that so that you are not asked for your card details at the registration stage, but there is a NO option, you need to remember to select a free application at the beginning.

That's all, creating an Apple ID on an iPhone or computer is very simple. See you in new lessons and articles. Bye!

Beginning mobile developers often have difficulty uploading their projects to Google Play and App Store. And if with the first special problems does not arise, then you will have to tinker with the second one, especially if you are posting an application from a legal entity. Therefore, to help beginners, we decided to write a tutorial on posting to official app stores for iOS and Android.

One of the main goals of Scorocode is to help Russian mobile developers. But life cycle The application does not terminate after creation. It still needs to be published, developed and maintained. To help at various stages of existence mobile applications and services, we will periodically publish various articles and notes. Follow the blog updates.

App Store

Let's start with the most difficult thing - placement in the App Store from a legal entity.
  1. For let's start let's go go to and register as a new developer. We do not recommend using an existing account if you have never used it to publish applications before, as there may be errors in its data. Better create a new one that will be used for further work and placement.

    When working with Apple, provide only true and correct information when filling out any forms. This will help avoid problems in the future, reduce the time it takes to make decisions on your issue and make life much easier. It often happens that when registering applications, because of one typo in the company name or other important data, the entire process has to be started again.

    Filling out simple shapes, we accept the license agreement and confirm the email with the code sent to it, after which we receive an Apple ID for the developer, with which we log in.

  2. The next step is company registration in iOS program Developer. Go to the tab Account and click on Apple Developer Program. We read beautiful selling descriptions of all the advantages of the program and click further until we see the inscription Start your enrollment. Click on it and begin the registration process.

  3. To begin with, we have to choose whether our applications will be published from a legal entity or from an individual. Choose Company(in no case is it a government company - don’t get confused). Next, we will be asked to fill out personal and company information.

    First of all you need to indicate correct name(which in the future will be used as the name of the seller of published applications), telephone number and full address with postal code. Next, you can choose yourself as the owner or trustee a company responsible for all interaction with Apple and having the appropriate authority (and Yabloko may well request confirmation of these authorities in the form of an official order with a seal). Or you can indicate the details of another authorized person if you are just registering, and in further process the interaction will be led by someone else.

  4. Here we will be asked to indicate the so-called D-U-N-S number, which is now used by Apple instead of providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities translated into English to verify that your company really exists. It is at this step that a problem arises for many developers. D-U-N-S numbers are assigned by D&B, to which Apple has entrusted all verification responsibilities legal entities. Apple's website has information about why they need this number, but the link to obtaining it is not working. At least by clicking on it, you won’t be able to get D-U-N-S, since the procedure changed in 2015. The cost of assigning a number is 12,240 rubles. Until you receive it, you will not be able to continue the registration procedure with Apple, but there is nothing terrible about that, since all the completed data will be saved. Please note that your company name on the Apple and D&B websites must fully coincide.

    All data on the D&B website is filled out in Russian; the company translates it into English independently. After filling out the form, a letter with an invoice in the amount of 12,240 rubles will be sent to the specified email. Within 5 working days after payment, information about your company will appear in the D&B register. But keep in mind that they will only become available to Apple after 14 business days. If you try to enter D-U-N-S before this period, it will not pass. In total, you will have to wait 19 working days, actually a calendar month. Once the number is accepted by Apple, the longest and most difficult registration stage is over.

  5. Next, we need to gain access to the developer tools to publish the application in stores, obtain certificates, etc. Access is paid and costs $99 per year. For this amount you will get the opportunity to develop applications for three platforms - iOS, Mac and Safari. However, if you host content on iTunes (books, movies, and music), you may need to use separate account AppleID.

    We carefully check the data and confirm the information, after which we wait for confirmation from Apple. This usually happens within 1-3 days, after which you will be called at the number specified in the application form, at English language They will thank you for registering and inform you that they will send you a link to continue registration by email. By by and large, this call is made in order to once again check the reality of the company’s existence and the correspondence of the contact information.

  6. Having received a letter with a link, click on it, accept the agreement and pay for the program. For Russia, you can only pay with a credit card by filling out special form and sending it to Apple. We do not recommend specifying personal cards, for this it is most convenient to issue a prepaid virtual card on the required amount and transfer her data. Within 1-3 days the funds will be debited and you will receive an email with an activation code to complete the registration procedure.
  7. Click on the code and press Continue in the window that opens, after which the long-awaited button will become available Get Started. By clicking on it, we will get access to the Developer Member Center, where we will see full developer functionality, support and, most importantly, access to the developer portal.

That's it, the process of preparing to host the application is complete. On this portal, you will be able to submit applications for pre-moderation, see all the statistics on already published products, etc. Applications are checked very thoroughly, so before submitting, be sure that all functionality works and corresponds to what is described in the support.

For individual everything is much easier. On the page, click the button Enroll, select an individual, fill in the data with full name, address and telephone number, accept the license agreement and... That's all.

Next, we have a Buy button, clicking on which takes us to a page with credit card information. The entire previous process takes about 5 minutes. Then everything is exactly the same as for legal entities. We pay, wait a couple of working days and get access to the resource for developers.

Google Play

The process of registering an app on Google Play is similar to registering with Apple as an individual - just a few simple steps.

What's next?

Registration is only part of the larger process of uploading an application to the site. To make your creation available to the world, you need to perform many more procedures, and also make sure that your application meets certain criteria.

An Apple ID is a personal account that allows you to access Apple services.

Without an Apple ID, you won't be able to:

    download programs, games, movies and music from the App Store and iTunes Store;

    sync your iPhone data with cloud storage iCloud;

    exchange text messages(iMessage) and make video calls (FaceTime) between Apple technology users;

    Find your iPhone, iPad or Mac if it's lost or stolen.

Read also other ways to create an account Apple entry ID:

To create a new account with using iTunes you will need:

    Mac or Windows-based computer;

    Internet connection;

    iTunes program (download from Apple website);

    your email.

The following points are exactly the same for both Windows and Mac.

1. Launch iTunes, go to the iTunes Store and click on the “Login” button.

3. In the welcome window, click “Continue” to confirm that you want to create an account.

4. At this point, read and accept Terms of use, by checking the box next to the phrase “I have read and accept these terms and conditions” at the end of the agreement. Then click the "Accept" button.

5. In the next window you need to enter the required data in the appropriate fields. All fields are required:

    Email. In this field, enter your existing address email that you have access to. It is this that will act as the username when logging into your Apple ID.

    Password. Try to come up with enough complex password, consisting of at least 8 characters, in which there are capitals and lower case and numbers. Do not choose easy passwords to avoid your account being hacked. In the second text field, enter the password you created again.

    Safety. Select three security questions and write your answers to them in text fields. This information will be useful if you need to regain access to your Apple ID account.

    Backup email. Enter additional address email (if you have one) to make it easier to regain access to your Apple ID account if you lose your password. This field is optional.

    Enter your date of birth. According to Apple's internal policy, the system will refuse to register an Apple ID if less than 13 years have passed from the entered date to the present. If you indicate that you are over 18 years old, then you will not be subject to age restrictions on iTunes.

At the very bottom of the page, the system by default subscribes you to receive recommendations and various advertising information to the e-mail entered above. You have the right to uncheck the boxes and refuse to receive this information in your email inbox.

After entering all the information, click “Continue” in the lower right corner of the page. If all data is entered correctly, the system will open next page registration. If any data is entered incorrectly, they should be replaced with the correct ones, and then click “Continue” again.

6. Payment information. At this point you need to enter payment information about your bank card, as well as the physical address required for written delivery of invoices.

Keep in mind that iTunes automatically detects your region of residence, to which your Apple ID account is subsequently linked. That is, if you are in Russia and register in the Russian segment, then the card you specified must be issued on the territory of the Russian Federation and the physical address must be indicated within the Russian Federation.

If you wish, you can later change your country and payment details in your account settings.

After entering all the data, click “Create Apple ID”

7. Account confirmation. A registration confirmation email will be sent to the email address specified as your Apple ID.

Yours Account will be verified and your Apple ID will be created.