How to create a second account in Odnoklassniki. Starting to re-register…. How to change personal data and indicate your email

Surely you, like most computer users, have an account on at least one social network. Most often, we are talking about several social networks, and often one of them is Odnoklassniki. So, it’s likely that you’ve had a dilemma: how to create a second page in Odnoklassniki? This is necessary, for example, if you have one computer for several household members, and one of them also expressed a desire to have a profile in OK. Or you forgot/lost all the login information for your page and wanted, so to speak, to start with clean slate. In general, the reasons can be very diverse, but this does not change the essence.

In fact, creating a second page is quite simple, especially if you already have experience registering yourself on Odnoklassniki. If not, it’s okay, now I’ll tell you about all the nuances!

How to create a second page in Odnoklassniki

Before I get into the process of registering a new user, I want to point out a few general points that you should consider when creating a new page, namely:

  1. If you want to use the same browser for two pages in OK, then you will have to exit the first one. To do this, in the right top corner Click on the arrow next to the photo and select the “Exit” line. Or click on the “Exit” button just above.
  2. If for some reason you don’t want to go out, you can simply use different browsers For different accounts. In this case, the need to leave the first one will simply disappear.
  3. And the last one, the most important aspect: when registering a second page in Odnoklassniki, you cannot use the same phone number and email address, which were indicated when registering the first profile. The fact is that this data remains in the site database and is reuse forbidden.

How to register in Odnoklassniki

We will assume that you have already created a new one email box, bought new SIM card, opened another web browser (or signed out of the first profile) and are ready to start registering. I’m sure most of you know how, but just in case, I’ll briefly remind you.

So, go to the main page of the site, go to the “Registration” section and fill out the proposed fields. So, you need to indicate your full name, date of birth, country and city of residence, email and at the end come up with a password.

Next, you need to activate your profile; to do this, enter your phone number in the specially provided field, then fill out the missing items in the form and upload your photo.

There is nothing wrong with creating a second page in Odnoklassniki, and if you registered your first account yourself, then there will be no problems with the second one!

Register now from your computer with your phone number

What you need to know and have before registering

In order to register with Odnoklassniki right now you will need:

  • Mobile phone number. It is necessary that the number be available to you in the future, as it may someday be useful to you to restore access to your Odnoklassniki page;
  • Address Email. Email should also be available to you. If desired, it can receive notifications from Odnoklassniki;
  • Password. You can come up with a password in advance. It should be easy and understandable for you and complex enough for other people to not be able to guess it.

Start of registration

So, let's start registering right now. Go to the Odnoklassniki website by clicking here You can also get to the site by typing in search bar Yandex or Google the word “oddnoklassniki” or simply “”. On the search results page that opens, you just need to click on the first link in the list. This will take you to the main page of the Odnoklassniki website.

In the upper right corner home page Odnoklassniki you will see the “Registration” buttons above social buttons. Click on it.

A data entry window will open.

Select your country and enter your phone number. By default, Russia is indicated in the Country field, but you can select any country you need. To do this, simply click on the button with a triangle in the Country field and select your country in the list that opens.

In the Phone number field, enter your number and click Next.

An SMS message with a code will be sent to the phone number you specified, which you will need to enter in the window that opens. Then you need to click the Next button, as shown in the figure.

Now your login to log into Odnoklassniki will be your phone number, and you need to come up with a password to log in.

Password is a code word for entering the site. To ensure the security of your page, only you should know your password and you should not tell it to anyone. It must be at least 6 characters long and can use capital letters, lower case, numbers and Special symbols, For example. ! # % $ () _ + -. The password should be such that no one can guess it, but at the same time you can easily remember it.

When entering your password, pay attention to the keyboard layout, i.e. what language is enabled on it when you enter the password. If you enter your password in English letters, do not forget that in the future, when logging into your page, you will also need to enter your password in English letters. Similarly with the Russian keyboard layout, if you enter a password on the Russian layout, then in the future pay attention to which keyboard layout is enabled, and, if necessary, switch to Russian. It’s best to write down the password you come up with so you don’t forget it in the future.

Entering personal information about yourself

The first thing you need to do after registering is to enter basic personal information about yourself. The picture below shows what you need to specify:

  • First and Last Name. You can indicate your own or fictitious ones. However, remember that under fictitious name and your last name will not be able to be found by your classmates, who may also be looking for you and want to communicate with you;
  • Date of Birth. You can specify them using the drop-down lists; to do this, simply click on the Day and select your birth date in the list. Do the same with the month and year of birth;
  • Floor. Simply select your gender by clicking the dot next to the corresponding “Male or Female” item;
  • Save the entered data by clicking the Save button.

So, basic information about yourself has been entered and now you are ready to search for your friends and classmates, fellow students, work colleagues and many other people!

You will learn how to add your photo to the page, enter additional information about yourself, for example, your favorite movie or favorite dish, and find classmates and friends in our next article.

Registration in Odnoklassniki from a mobile phone

IN Lately Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, largely due to the fact that they allow us to have access to social networks, including our beloved Odnoklassniki. Using the mobile version of Odnoklassniki on your phone, you can stay in touch with your friends at any time and at any moment in your life, you will receive notifications about your friends’ birthdays, and you will also be aware of all other important events in their lives.

If you have not been registered with Odnoklassniki before, you need to go through simple procedure registration. In the search bar of any browser, type “m ok ru” and a window with search results will open in front of you. Click on the first link in the list of search results and you will be taken to the page mobile version Odnoklassniki. The main page of the Odnoklassniki social network will open in front of you with the ability to log in and register. We are interested in registration, so click the Registration button.

The following window will open in which you will need to indicate your country and your mobile number phone.

The default Country is Russia, but you can select another country by clicking on the word “Russia”. Scroll down the list of countries to find your country.

Enter your phone number in the Phone number field. Then click the Get Code button.

Within a few minutes you will receive a message on your phone. secret code, you will need to enter it in the SMS code field. After that, click the Confirm button.

That's all, you have a registered page on Odnoklassniki. As you can see, registering with Odnoklassniki on your phone is very simple!

If you have already registered with Odnoklassniki on your computer before and you just need to have access to your page on your phone, you just need to log into your account (page, profile) on your phone. No need to register again!

In the search bar of any browser (Google, Yandex), type “m o ru”. Next, in the search results window, click on the first link, as shown in the figure.

You will be taken to the main page of the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki website.

In the Login field, enter your login - if you did not change it after registration, most likely, your login will be your phone number. Next, enter the password you came up with when registering online, taking into account the input language on your phone (Russian or English). Click the Login button. If you enter your login and password correctly and successfully, you will find yourself on your page in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki.

Register another page in Odnoklassniki (second time)

Registering with Odnoklassniki for the second time is very easy. To do this, you just need to have a second phone number.

So to register one more new page In Odnoklassniki, first, let’s log out from our first personal page - click the Logout button in the upper right corner.

You will find yourself on home page this social network. Here you can register with Odnoklassniki again for free. To do this, repeat all the steps to register an account described above in the article, starting with indicating your country and phone number.

Register without a phone number

Previously, you could register on the Odnoklassniki website without a phone. However, last couple years, registration of new accounts on the network is possible only with reference to specific number phone number to which the activation code is sent. This decision is associated with additional security and improvement of network operation: the number of registered fake pages has decreased, the volume of fraudulent activity and page hacking.

One of the not very reliable ways to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number can be virtual number distribution services. The Internet is full of information about these services, and on the service websites there is detailed instructions, how to get a phone number and code. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that most of these services are either paid or do not work. And, most importantly, even if you pay money on the virtual number service to get a number and register with Odnoklassniki, you still won’t go further than your page until you specify the phone number in the settings. That is, you will not be able to search for friends, write messages, add photos - this will be a page with limited capabilities.

Video instruction


Many Internet users remember paid registration on the Odnoklassniki network (OK for short), but now it’s free.

Below we will look at registration on the OK website on computers and laptops, for smartphones and mobile devices the principle will be the same.

What is needed for registration

Three elements are needed:

    1. First of all you need number cell phone , which you use constantly. In addition to registration, your mobile phone number may be useful for accessing your Odnoklassniki page in the future.
    2. E-mail address. They will come there private messages with notifications of new events, friendship requests, and so on. Thus, you can follow “life” in Odnoklassniki without going to the OK page. It's a matter of taste and habit.
    3. You'll still need to come up with something password. Naturally, it must be unique. It is better not to use the date and year of birth: such a password is very easy to hack. It is better to choose a combination of letters and numbers of at least 6 characters, you can use a password generator.

The password must be written down in a notebook or notepad - than more complex password, the harder it is to remember, in any case, it must be written down.

Registration on the Odnoklassniki website

I must say that

but there is no difference between them, we will still end up on the same site.

So, to register on Odnoklassniki, go to the official website:

By clicking on the link, a new window will open in your browser, in which you can begin registering on the OK website, and the article with my tips will remain in this window. Moreover, between different windows you can switch to top line browser by clicking on the desired window.

If it turns out that after clicking on the link above, another user’s page or yours opens old page, which no one has used for a long time, then you need to click on the “Exit” button in the upper right corner.

Rice. 1 Main page of the Odnoklassniki website

On the main page of Odnoklassniki we see 2 sentences:

  • Entrance,
  • Registration.

It is not yet possible to access the site using the “Login” button (in Fig. 1) - there is no password or login. First you need to register with Odnoklassniki. Registration takes place only once, then they enter OK only through “Login”.

Click on the “Registration” button in the window that opens (Fig. 1), enter your phone number and select the country.

Rice. 2 First step to registering for OK

To register, you need to select a country from the list that appears after clicking on the small black triangle (Fig. 2). Then enter your mobile phone number.

Rice. 3 Second step to register for OK: enter the code from SMS to confirm

After entering the code from the SMS, we see that our mobile phone number has become our login. Now you need to enter your password. When you enter a password, messages will appear indicating that the password is good or bad (this means that it is easy to hack).

You must have the password written down in your notebook or notepad!

Rice. 4 Third step to register on OK: enter a good password

The password can be changed; to do this, go to Settings, which will be discussed below. After entering the password, click “Next”.

  • surname,
  • date of birth and
Rice. 5 The fourth step of registration on OK: fill out the form

Now that all the fields are filled in, feel free to click on the “Save” button. If you did something wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will generate an error automatically. It is usually highlighted in red, and the reason will be indicated. If everything is in in perfect order, then you will immediately get to your new page in Odnoklassniki.

How to change personal data and indicate your email

Logging into the Odnoklassniki website all the time using your mobile phone number is not always convenient. For some users, it is more common to do this using their e-mail addresses. However, we still haven’t indicated it anywhere, how to do this?

Rice. 6 Fifth step of registration on OK: in Settings change personal data

In the upper right corner of the website, click on icon 1 in Fig. 6, and in the drop-down menu – select the “Change settings” option.

In Settings you can change:

  • last name
  • phone number,
  • City of residence,
  • password for entering Odnoklassniki,
  • languages
  • other fields.

To change something, you need to move the mouse cursor to a particular field. In this case, you can see that the “change” option pops up. You need to click on it and edit your personal data in Odnoklassniki.

Rice. 7 Sixth step of registration on OK: enter your e-mail

By pointing the mouse in the “Email address” field. mail”, click on the “change” link that appears and enter your e-mail. But this is not enough, you also need to confirm your email. To do this, immediately, without putting it off, go to your mail and there we find the following letter:

Rice. 8 Seventh step of registration on OK: confirmation of e-mail

Having opened the letter, we read:

Perhaps we can now say that registration in Odnoklassniki has been successfully completed.

Fill out your personal page OK

Let's move on to creating a personal page. To do this, click on your first and last name, after which a window will open (Fig. 9):

Rice. 9 Enter information about yourself in Odnoklassniki

You need to upload one or more photos to the site, depending on your desire. If there are no photos, you can upload them later or not upload them at all, but in this case there is very little chance of communicating with classmates.

Next, we indicate the educational institutions in which they studied: school, college, university, and so on. When the job is done, you can search for friends on the social network, former classmates, fellow soldiers and work colleagues.

How to get to Odnoklassniki

As I already wrote, registration in Odnoklassniki is needed only once, and then you only need Login. You can get to Odnoklassniki using this link

Or you can enter the English letters OK.RU into the search engine, and then in the search results click NOT on the advertisement (it is usually located at the top), but on the Odnoklassniki website.

Rice. 10 Login to the Odnoklassniki website

A window will appear as in Fig. 10. Enter here

  • your email or phone number,
  • and also the password,
  • Click “Login”.

If it’s difficult to remember the password, and you don’t want to enter it all the time, then it will be easier to check the “remember password” box (Fig. 10). If your browser is configured so that it is , then accessing the Odnoklassniki website will be much easier. To be honest, I don’t save passwords in the browser and to train my memory I enter them, and if I forgot, I look for the password in notebook.

Registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone?

You can use a virtual phone number, which I wrote about in more detail for registration on the VKontakte website.

This option with virtual number not simple, moreover, it is similar to “dancing with a tambourine,” but sometimes it happens that you can’t do without a tambourine.

Now you know how to register in Odnoklassniki, the page is ready and all that remains is to give a couple of final tips.

How to leave Odnoklassniki

This is not about deleting a page from Odnoklassniki, but about correctly logging out of your page

You can correctly exit any program, as well as any site where there is registration, by clicking the “Exit” or “Exit” button. There is no particular difference between these buttons, just click on one of them. These buttons on the Odnoklassniki website are located in the upper right corner.

Rice. 11. Button Leave Odnoklassniki

The “Exit” button will appear only after clicking on icon 1 in Fig. eleven.

If you need to log into another Odnoklassniki account, click “Login to another profile” (3 in Fig. 11). Then you will automatically log out of your account and either other profiles will appear or the “Add profile” button will appear.

If another account in OK is not needed, then to exit the site click on the “Log Out” button (2 in Fig. 11). In this case, the “Exit the site” window appears, and there will definitely be an advertisement on it, which is shown in Fig. I don’t give 12:

Rice. 12 Exit the site correctly OK

Click on the “Exit” button (Fig. 12), that’s all – you’ve left the OK website. Next time we will access our page through the “Login” button.

Is it possible to register two pages for one email and phone?

If there is a need to register two pages in Odnoklassniki from one computer, then you will need two email addresses and two different numbers phone. Register two pages for one “soap” (one e-mail) and one mobile phone it is forbidden.

I wanted to create a second page in my class, but it doesn’t work! How to start it? I need it for work.

  • Smart-Tronics

    Well, there shouldn't be any difficulties with this. Perhaps you mean that when you go to your classmates’ website, you are taken to your profile. Then everything is simple, there are two options:

    1) Exit your profile and register a new page with a _new_ (!) phone number. Just to the new one, otherwise you will lose access to the old page. You may need to clear your cookies in your browser.

    2) Either do not touch cookies and old profile, but just download another browser and register through it.

  • Alexander

  • Igor

    Hello. If I have two emails on my laptop, can I create a second page in classmates, for example for my wife under a different name. Thank you.

  • Elena

    From one computer I registered 2 pages in Odnoklassniki on different names indicated when registering different phones. Now every time the 2nd page (my son’s page) opens, but the 1st page (my page) does not open. What to do? Please tell me. I tried to delete the 2nd page. Unsuccessfully.

  • Alla

    My classmates have old page since 2012, how can I go there, where to start. And now I have another page and I use it.. thanks in advance

  • Ibadullaeva Elvira

    Good evening! Please tell me what to do, I once created a second page in OK, and entered the same password. Now the first page is blocked, and I can only enter there as a guest. There is a lot of valuable stuff left for me... Closed albums, which are now They’re not accessible to me. Not only that... they write there to comment on who wants and what they want, using obscene language. I can’t enter there as a hostess, and I can’t delete it. I asked the admin for help. OK, also silence. What should I do? help me please

  • Inna

  • Galina

    hello, my laptop is broken, I went to my son’s computer, I found my page in classmates, but the second one is missing, I enter a phone number and the answer is that such a number does not exist

  • Paul

    Gentlemen, from one computer we registered pages in Odnoklassniki for one person, one page is known, how to find the other two if they are under different names.....

  • Galina

    I can’t go to the page, I haven’t used the email address listed in Odnoklassniki for a long time. AND FROM PELEPHONE
    I can log in, how can I log into Odnoklassniki from a computer?

In the Odnoklassniki public network, one person can create several accounts. This may be necessary when your page is blocked, when you have lost access to it, or if you want to create a separate profile for yourself, say, to communicate with special friends or for work. In order to register with Odnoklassniki for the second time, you only need a few minutes of free time and Internet access.

You will need

  • — computer or laptop; - Internet access; - browser.


1. Connect to the Internet, launch the Internet browser you use. After that, in the search engine, set the “Odnoklassniki” parameter and follow the first link that opens. Or you can do it even simpler. To do this, enter in address bar browser address to go to the main page of the site.

2. In the next window, click on green button“Register.” Now follow the steps required to create a profile. Indicate your first and last name in the appropriate lines. For the second account, in these columns you can indicate both real and fictitious data, depending on what goals you are pursuing when creating a new page. But keep in mind that in this case your friends and employees are unlikely to be able to find you on the site.

3. It turns out that we have decided on our first and last name. Now enter your date of birth, preferably required parameters in the entire pop-up window. Later, you will be able to determine for yourself which users will see information about your birthday.

4. After that, mark your gender: female or male. Please indicate your country of residence. By default, this item is set to Russia, but if you wish, you can change the region with one click on the button with a triangle icon, then select the country you need in the drop-down window.

5. In the "City" column, indicate your locality. You will also be able to select it from the window that drops down when you click the corresponding button.

6. After this, you will need to enter your email address or login with which you will log into your Odnoklassniki page.

7. In the next column, write your password. It can be any combination of letters or numbers that only you will know. Be careful not to use your own first or last name as a password, and never make the password similar in spelling to your login. Remember: login and password do not have to match.

8. Check again that all fields are filled out correctly, then click the button labeled “Register” and go to your new page. This completes your registration. Fill out your profile and start chatting.

Tip 2: How to register on the website

Along with others social networks the website is one of the most famous similar sources in Russia. Millions of people now spend almost everything here free time in search of their acquaintances, friends and, of course, classmates. Anyone who does not yet have an account, but wants to register on the site, must take a few simple steps to create it.


Go to the main page, to do this, type the address in your browser - To register on the site, on the page that appears, indicate the city/region where you completed school. In the updated window, enter the number in the search engine educational institution, which you have completed, and click on the “Search” button. Select the school number from the options that appear.

Enter information about your school life on the site - indicate when you graduated and how many classes you completed.

Just below is the required data entry field for registration (last name, first name, country, city, etc.). Please note that you can register on the website only by providing information that corresponds to reality.

Enter your e-mail (do this carefully, because this box a confirmation code will be sent), enter the password and captcha (code from the picture) twice. Click "Register".

Please check your email later. You should receive a letter stating that you have successfully completed registration. It will contain a link for authorization. Click on it. It will mechanically redirect you to your page on

Now you can use the public network yourself, tell your friends how to register on the website, and help them with this.

Video on the topic

Source – one of the large-scale public networks in Russia. In order to find a school friend, a former classmate or a primitive friend, you need to register with Odnoklassniki.


1. The registration process is standard, it is slightly different from registration on other sites, it takes a few minutes, and even a user just starting to understand how to work online can figure it out.

2. Go to the official Odnoklassniki website. To do this, use any search engine(Yandex, Google, and so on) or type in the address bar of your browser the address: and press the Enter key.

3. The site login page will open. On the left side of the page, click on the “Register” button. I-Pad owners (or users who do not see the button) can use the “Registration” link located under the login form.

4. You will be taken to the registration page. Fill in the available fields. Enter your first and last name, indicate your gender, date of birth, country and city of residence, and email address (optional). Come up with a login that you will use to log in to Odnoklassniki.

5. Enter your password in the appropriate field and verify it. This is necessary so that the system makes sure that you do not use a random combination of letters and numbers that you will forget in a few minutes.

6. Read the terms of use of the site and click on the “Continue” button. Your page on Odnoklassniki will be created. Finish filling out the form by entering your education information and adding a photo. You can skip these steps if you wish.

7. At the “Profile Protection” stage, enter your cell phone number and click the “Get Code” button. You will receive a message with a four-digit code that you must enter into additional window. This procedure will help you protect your profile from theft.

8. If you previously provided an email address, please check your inbox. Open the letter from the Odnoklassniki source and follow the link provided in it. Using this method, you will verify your registration in this public network.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
In order not to forget your credentials - login and password, save them in your phone, notebook or text document on the computer. Never give your data to third parties. In order to have a chance of improving your account, link your profile to your phone number.