How to make all capital letters capital letters. Keyboard shortcut to make large letters small. How to make all letters capitalize in excel. Convert lowercase letters to uppercase

According to the rules of the Russian language, a sentence must begin with a capital letter. The rest of the statement will be framed in small signs. If you have a pen, there will be no problems when writing text. What if the sentence needs to be entered into the computer's memory from the keyboard? The answer to this question is contained in this article.

Using the Caps Lock key

Interesting! Uppercase letters are capital letters. Lowercase characters are called lowercase.

Using the Shift key

Note! If you press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard and hold down the Shift button at the same time, the letters entered from the keyboard will be lowercase.

Using the keyboard shortcut “Shift+F3”

After changing the case in a text document, other characters may also undergo changes. For example, a slash after pressing the capsize key will turn into a vertical bar.

Note! If the Caps Lock light is not on, but text editor Capital letters are entered, which means one of the Shift keys is pressed. Check both buttons.

Buttons on the on-screen keyboard for writing lowercase letters

To open the on-screen keyboard:

Using the Caps Key

Using the "Shift" key

Changing capital letters to lowercase letters using the Microsoft Word toolbar

Microsoft Word 2003

Microsoft Word 2007

This is interesting! There are other types of character conversions in the Register window.

So the user can choose the following letter spellings:

Change letter size using the Font menu

Note! For quick call In the “Font” menu, the user can press the “Control + D” hotkey, located in the lower left corner of the keyboard.

If it is difficult to find the buttons, the “Font” menu can be called up by clicking on the arrow located in the lower right corner of the group of the same name.

Note! In the Font dialog box, the user can change not only the text size, but also the font itself, the color of characters, the spacing between characters, etc.

The first device for entering information appeared 150 years ago, when the first typewriter was invented at the end of the 19th century. The signs intended to display information on paper were arranged alphabetically. This layout caused inconvenience to the owners of this device, which is why the location of the keys was changed. Frequently used characters have been moved to the middle of the keyboard, while the rest have been distributed around the edges of the device.

Video - How to make large letters small

The word “register” has come to us since the time of typewriters. It was special key, when turned on, the printing of capital letters switched to capital letters.

Essentially, nowadays for a keyboard personal computers little has changed and the case of switching letters is now performed by the “Shift” and “ Caps Lock».

How to change case in Word

In addition to the key on the keyboard for switching case, there are several commands in the menu ribbon. To see them, you need to open the “Home” tab and find the “Register” command in the “Font” tool block. This command includes the following items:

  • As in sentences. The command replaces the first letter in each sentence with a capital letter, and all others automatically become lowercase.
  • All lower case. After enabling this command, the entire selection consists of only small (lowercase) letters.
  • All capitals. This command replaces all letters with capital letters.
  • Start with capitals. A command to write each word with a capital letter.
  • Change register. This command performs letter inversion, i.e. changes all letters to their opposites.

In addition, the Word editor has the ability to change the case of individual letters and assign them upper or lower case. Very useful when working with mathematical or chemical formulas.

You can change the case of letters to upper or lower on the “Home” tab, “Font” block using the buttons of the same name:

  • Subscript;
  • Superscript.

That's probably enough with the theoretical part, let's get down to practice and use a few examples to figure out how changing the register works.

How to make small letters big

It is not always possible to predict which register is appropriate in a particular case. Fortunately, Word provides a function with which you can convert small letters to large ones.

This procedure is performed using the tools in the “Home” menu ribbon, or using the “Font” advanced settings window.

Let's take a closer look at how this is implemented in practice.

Convert lowercase letters to uppercase

Function to replace lowercase with capital letters on the scale of the entire text or entire fragment, it is useful to use for filling out questionnaires and other official documents where there is an instruction to write data using capital letters. And also for highlighting text fragments that need to be addressed Special attention reader.

To make the text in capital letters, you need to meet the following conditions:

  1. Select the text that needs to be converted.
  2. Go to the “Home” tab, in the “Font” section, click on the arrow of the “Register” button (looks like “Aa”);
  3. From the list available options select "All caps".

Note. You can change the letters to capital ones if, after selecting a fragment or entire document, check the “All capitals” line. To find it, you need to follow the chain of command selection: “Home” → “Font” (arrow in the lower right corner) → Font window → “Modification” → “All capitals”.

This command replaces all text with standard sized letters.

If you want the text to be in capital letters, but their height corresponds to the size of lowercase letters, you can check the box next to the “small caps” line in the “Font” advanced settings window.

Automatically change the first letter to capital

At fast typing text, typos pop up every now and then. One of the most common is to lowercase the first letter of a new sentence.

In Word, it is possible to automatically change the first letter from lowercase to uppercase. Converting only the first letter of a word to a capital letter can be done using two tools from the Register command:

  1. Select the desired piece of text.
  2. In the “Home” tab, find the “Register” tool and select from possible options“Start with capitals.”

This tool is used for text that uses proper names or other words that begin with a capital letter.

When text is typed in a case-insensitive manner, but there is a beginning and an end to a sentence (there are periods at the end of the sentence), you can change the case from small letters to capital letters by applying the “As in sentences” command to such text.

Remove automatic capitalization of the first letter

To remove automatic conversion capitalize the first letter of each sentence when entering text, you need to change the default AutoCorrect settings:

  1. Open the “AutoCorrect: Russian” window: “File” → “Options” → “Spelling” → “AutoCorrect Options”;
  2. In the window, open the “AutoCorrect” tab and uncheck the box next to the line “Capitalize the first letters of sentences.”

How to Make Large Letters Small in Word

Replacing capital letters with lowercase ones is used in cases where the Caps Lock key is accidentally pressed, or it is necessary to change the size or type of font.

Using examples, we will understand how this is implemented.

Superscript and subscript

Sometimes you want individual words or characters to be positioned above or below the main line of a line in a document. For example, designations of mathematical degrees, chemical elements. In the corporate document flow, explanations for empty lines are also written in superscript to separate them from the main text.

Customize display superscript can be done as follows:

  1. Select text or individual letters to change;
  2. Open the advanced settings window “Font” (“Home” → “Font” → arrow in the lower right corner);
  3. In the “Modification” section, check the “superscript” line.

Note: This tool is also located on the menu ribbon in the "Font" section or is activated by pressing the three keys "Ctrl" + "Shift" ++.

To display an interlinear type of text writing, you need to perform the same algorithm, but just check the box next to the “interlinear” line, or press the key combination “Ctrl” +=.

Change font size

You can change a large letter to a small letter by reducing the font size without changing the case of the letters. To perform a quick font replacement smaller size, you need to use the “Reduce Size” tool, which is located in the “Home” menu ribbon in the “Font” section.

Looks like "A▼". Works for selected text, or for text typed after clicking on specified button. Each click reduces the font by 0.5 pt.

You can increase the font size by using the Increase Font tool, which is located on the menu bar next to the Decrease Font tool and looks like “A▲”. Enlarges the font by 0.5 pt.

Make capital letters lowercase

When you accidentally turn on the Caps Lock key and then type text by mistake, you do not need to retype it. In this case, using the “Change Case” function will effectively and quickly correct the situation.

Using this function, you can convert capital letters to lowercase and then lowercase will become uppercase, and capital letters will become lowercase.

You can also find this function in the list of options for replacing the Register tool.

In order for the selected text to be written in lowercase letters in full, after selecting the text, use the “all lowercase” tool (“Home” → “Font” → “Case”).

As in any other program, in text Word editor You can easily make mistakes during the work process. I think I won’t be wrong if I say that the most common mistake users make is that they forget to turn on or, conversely, turn off the magic button.

For example, it happens that you are typing text, and then it turns out that it should be done exclusively in capital letters. Don't retype everything again! Of course not, the thoughtful developers made sure that you can perform this action in a matter of minutes! So let's talk about how to do capital letters in Word.

Method one

Getting to know Word capabilities, you probably noticed that almost all actions in it can be performed in several ways. And this is very convenient, because all people are different, and what one is used to doing in his own way may not suit another at all. You can also make all the letters of the text capital in several ways, which I will introduce you to.

Let's start with the first method, in my opinion, the simplest and most accessible:

  1. Press the combination on your keyboard Ctrl keys+A, after which .
  2. After that, press Shift+F3, and all the words that were highlighted will become large. Very simple, isn't it?

Method two

If you are not looking for easy ways, I suggest using another method, the essence of which is this: select all the text with the combination Ctrl + A. Now click right click mouse over any selected area, and select the “Font” line from the drop-down menu. Next, a window will open, and in the “Modification” block you need to check the box next to the “All capitals” item. After you click "OK", all small letters will turn into large letters. In the same window you can.

By the way, if you don't have the text yet, but want to type it using only capital letters, just turn on the button before starting the process. By typing required material

, click on it again to turn it off.

Method three And finally, another simple way that will help you make letters in. Again, highlight the text in your document as suggested above. Now open the "Home" tab, "Font" category. On the bottom right side there is a small button labeled "Aa". After clicking on it, a small menu will appear; select “All capitals” from the listed items. Now, as ordered, all your text is written in capital letters.

When the user forgets to turn off the “Caps lock” key, the text ends up being typed in capital letters. If, of course, the text fragment is not large, then you can easily make capital letters lowercase using special sign. When the author faces an article of 10 pages with capital letters, a slightly different approach to solving this problem will be required.

Lowercase and uppercase

Some users are still confused about which letters are called uppercase and which are lowercase. To clarify this point a little, let's look at a clear example.

“THE SENTENCE IS PRINTED IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY” - in other words, “Capital LETTERS”, using the caps lock button.

“here is a version of a sentence written only in lowercase letters” - or as they say, using small letters. IN in this case, you need to disable caps lock.

On such simple examples types of spelling of words, both with capital letters and uppercase, are considered. Now let's look at ways to replace capital letters with lowercase ones.

Converting ""CAPS" to "lowercase" letters

If part of the text in an article is typed in capital letters, then two methods will help to make them capital letters.

Method 1: Case sign

Select a specific paragraph in which you want to remove capital letters. Go to the "Home" tab in the "Font" area. Click on the "Case" button and select the "all lowercase" option. Deselect the text by clicking once in an empty area of ​​the sheet.

Method 2: Keyboard shortcut

First, you need to select a part of the text to which the font size change will be applied. While holding down the Shift button, press the F3 key several times.

Stop at the desired option, release the “Shift” button and deselect the text by clicking on an empty space.

which has very wide possibilities for processing various text documents, is a Microsoft Word program included in the Microsoft Office package. It is very important that Word has everything necessary funds to format any text. For different fragments You can set almost any setting for one text: color, size and font type, visual effect, and also apply big set styles in order to format what is written. This article will discuss the capabilities of this program, as well as how to make all letters capitalize in Word and vice versa.

Key features in Microsoft Word

In Word you can set the alignment of lines and paragraph indents relative to the sides of the page. You can display any selected text as a bulleted or numbered list. In addition, in Word it is possible to divide what is written into columns, the parameters and number of which can be set additionally.

Using Word, you can insert various pictures, inscriptions, formulas, diagrams and other objects into text. You can also use the built-in tools in Word and create your own diagrams and drawings. For more convenient use The program has the following service capabilities: hyphenation, verification mode correct spelling document text, automatic replacement process various combinations symbols for the desired phrases or words. Decor title page When preparing a document for printing, you can do it using standard blanks, as well as create header and footer contents, margins, orientation and page format. In addition, before printing, you can preview several pages of the desired document at once.

How to make all letters capitalize in Word

Here's a little instruction. In order to make all letters capitalize in Word, you should follow a number of steps:

  • First you need to select the printed text.
  • Then you should go to the toolbar, and on the tab called “Home” click the “Register” button.
  • IN this list select the “All caps” entry.

This way you can change capital letters to lowercase, and also give a command to change the first letter in a word to capital and vice versa.

How to make capital letters small in Word

A similar problem often worries those people who do not know how to touch-type, looking at the computer or laptop screen rather than at the keyboard. If you press once Caps key Lock, you may not notice that all the text will be written in capital letters. Therefore, in order to make capital letters lowercase, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. First, you need to select the part of the text in which the letters need to be made small.
  2. After this, you should open the tab called “Home” and find the “Font” section there.
  3. Then you need to left-click on the “Aa” icon. This icon, depending on which version of Word is installed on the computer, may be located in different places, including in the “Home” tab.
  4. Then you need to click on the combination Shift keys+ F3 or select the “All lowercase” tab in the menu. Immediately after the action is completed, all highlighted words and letters will become small.

How to make text in capital letters in Word? You should remember that the “Aa” icon is responsible for the register, and if you click on it, you can format the text in the right way: change capital letters to small ones and vice versa. If you know this, then there should be no questions left about how to make all letters capitalize in Word.


So, the Microsoft Word program has truly extensive functionality. With its help you can very quickly convert small letters into large ones and vice versa. It is very important and useful for all users to study in more detail and thoroughly all the possible functions of this text editor.