I want to be a classmate what needs to be done. Odnoklassniki - social network: registering a new user using login and password: registration rules. How to go to the main page on Odnoklassniki and register for the first time and again: login. How to fill

We will help you register with Odnoklassniki. Registration on this social network is completely free. Having successfully completed it, you receive your new page.

We will open Odnoklassniki in a separate window, and this article will remain in previous tab(or in a separate window), and you can switch to it at any time to get help. First, let's check if everything is ready!

What do you need to prepare for registration?

You need to have:

  • A mobile phone whose number you know and which you are not going to part with. You may need it in the future to restore access.
  • Preferably, but not required - address Email, where you have access.

In addition, you need:

  • Create a password ( a codeword from 6 to 12 characters, you can use large and small letters, numbers and any of the symbols: .!#$%^&*()_-+ ). The most important thing is that you must always remember the password, but no one but you should know it! In other words, the password must be complex enough that it cannot be guessed, but at the same time it can be remembered. The password has a distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if your password starts with a small letter, then comes with a capital letter, and then again with small letters, then this is how you should always enter it. And it’s also important what language you enter it in. If you initially set a password for English layout, and then you enter it in Russian, the site will not understand you.

Let's start registering!

So, let’s open the Odnoklassniki website. Press on this link, and Odnoklassniki will open in a new tab or window. Then switch here (back).

Attention: if, when you open Odnoklassniki, you see another person’s page or your own old page, which is no longer needed, click "Exit" in the right top corner. Only then will you be able to register a new page.

The very first thing you will see is an invitation to log into the site or register. We can’t log in yet, since we don’t have a login or password yet. But we see the link “Register.” Just click on it in the window that opens:

Or this picture could be:

Filling out personal data

Now you need to provide basic information about yourself. This is necessary, firstly, in order to register your page, and then, when you go to it, you will be able to see your name and confidently say that this is your page. And secondly, so that your friends and classmates can find you on the site:

Let's get started. You must specify:

  • Name. What is your name?
  • Last name(the fairer sex having a maiden name can indicate it in parentheses, that is, first write current surname, then a space and maiden name in brackets).
  • Date of birth- day, month and year. Each day or month must be selected from the list: for example, click on "year", Find your year of birth in the list, then click on it.
  • Country of residence— most likely, your country has already been selected there, for example, Russia. But if you need to specify another one, you can do it right away. Selected from the list - the same as the year of birth.
  • City— enter the city here or locality, where do you live. When you type the first letters, Odnoklassniki suggests cities so as not to type until the end. You can simply choose from options that begin with these letters.
  • Email or login: here you need to indicate one of two things - your email address (for example, [email protected] ) or a login you created (for example, petr.ivanov). Please note once again that if you indicate your email address, this is done for a reason! You must have access to this mail. If you do not want to contact the mail and indicate your login, then it must be no shorter than 6 characters. And if someone has already taken such a login, then you will have to invent another one. Finally, you need to remember your login. Same as the password.
  • Password: Everything is clear here, enter the password you came up with. You need to remember the password, because it is knowing the password that allows you to enter the site.

When everything is entered, press the button “Register.” If something is wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will indicate the error (highlight it in red and write the reason). If everything is in order, you will immediately move on to your new page. Hooray!

Page activation

Now it’s important to take one more step: indicate your number mobile phone. This is necessary to activate the page and receive full access to the site. Activation is free, after which your page is, as it were, linked to your phone. If you need to restore access and you order a recovery code via SMS, it will be sent to your number.

Now an SMS will be sent to your number with a code that you need to enter on the website. That's it, your Odnoklassniki page is now activated. You can use all the functions of the site. We advise you to do the following:

  • Upload your photo from your computer.
  • Specify educational institution(or several institutions) where you studied.
  • Look for friends and classmates.

If you need to change any information about yourself, you can do this on your page at any time - just click on your name, which is written large print. There you can indicate your interests, and follow the link "Edit personal data"— change first name, last name, gender, date of birth, city of residence. In addition, you will be able to indicate your hometown.

Is it possible to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Unfortunately no. To register, you need to provide a valid phone number, which you always have at hand. This number may be required in the future to restore access. Some people use "virtual" telephone numbers who buy on sites, but in fact, if you don’t want to show your personal number, much easier to buy additional SIM card. But keep in mind that if you do not use this SIM card, the operator will disconnect you, and it will be difficult for you to restore access (and anything can happen in life). Therefore, it is better to register with your main phone number.

If I deleted my page, can I register again with the same phone number?

If you turn to the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find the following information there:

A mobile phone number can only be registered on one page. It won't work on the other one. If the page is deleted, you will not be able to register a new page with this phone number immediately, but after some time.

Since “some time” can mean several months, we advise similar situation buy a cheap SIM card, activate a page with it, and then, after “some time,” try to change the number to the old one. This is done like this:

  1. Under your main photo press "more".
  2. Choose "change settings" and onwards "Phone number".
  3. Click "Change number."
  4. Enter the number to which you want to link the page.
  5. Confirm your choice.
  6. You will receive a code via SMS, which you will need to enter to confirm the number.

Email address confirmation

Don’t forget one more thing: if you indicated your email address when registering, now is the time to go to your mail and look at new letters. You should receive a letter like this:

Quick login to Odnoklassniki

Good luck! For quick login use Odnoklassniki home page“Login”, on it you will always see if anyone has written to you or come to visit you to look at your page. Or maybe I rated your photo! You will see this before entering the site.

If there are any other incomprehensible moments during registration, look help section on Odnoklassniki- most likely, there will be an answer to your question.

Communication in Odnoklassniki provides users with the opportunity to find lost relatives, new friends, school classmates, classmates, colleagues and just good people.

But to use this opportunity, you need to go through the registration process, which is difficult for inexperienced people, since they have no idea how to do it in Odnoklassniki for the first time. You can register on the site quickly and completely free of charge.

How to register

Follow the link https://ok.ru/. Click the “Registration” button. Those users who are already registered must enter their LOGIN and PASSWORD in the appropriate fields and click the “Login” button.

We don’t have an account yet, so click “Register”. A window will open in which you need to indicate the user’s country of residence and mobile phone number - an activation code will be sent to it. Click the “Next” button and wait for the SMS.

The phone signal notifies you that an SMS has been received - find the code in the messages and enter it in the appropriate field.

As soon as you confirm your intentions, a registration field will open in front of you, in which you must provide all the information:

  1. Last name (can be fictitious).
  2. Date of birth, which will determine the user’s age in the system.
  3. Gender (must match the name).
  4. Country and city of residence (it is not necessary to indicate reliably).
  5. Email.
  6. Login.
  7. Password.

Selecting a login and password

Once you provide your first and last name, you can choose a login. But it often happens that the login that you want to assign to your profile is already taken by another user. There is no need to be surprised, because this social network is used by millions of people around the world and coincidences do happen. The system will offer you options for free logins. Choose the one you like best.

The login is selected, we come up with a password. To protect your account from unauthorized intrusion, try to create complex password, which contains numbers and letters of different case. If the password is secure, the corresponding message will be displayed.

Now you need to repeat the password in the additional field. If everything is done correctly, you will see the message “Passwords match.”

By clicking “Continue” you confirm the information (don’t forget to save it for yourself in a notepad or on your computer in a document).

How to proceed

The page is registered and the user is taken to the site. To make it easier for your friends and classmates to find you among millions of other accounts, leave as much information about yourself as possible. First of all, indicate the school or other educational institution.

Now the information is available to other network participants. Next, you need to add a photo that will be your business card.

If you want to communicate more often and share photos with relatives, friends and acquaintances, create an account on this social network. On the Odnoklassniki network, registration is not difficult and will take very little time. In this article we will give instructions on how to do this from a computer and mobile phone.

From computer

First, search by name through your browser and go to the website of this social network. Further instructions on how to register in Odnoklassniki for free look like this:

  • You are on the authorization page. On the right side there is a form for entering a login and a “Login” button below it. And below is the “Registration” button. We click on it.
  • On next page indicate your phone number, country (Russia) and click on “Next”.

  • Confirm your phone number with the code from SMS (it will arrive in a few seconds).

  • Create a username and password. Login - your phone number. The password must meet the system requirements and be strong enough.

  • Log in to the selected service.

  • Next, follow the system prompts.

After completing the registration process on Odnoklassniki, we supplement your profile on OK with the missing information for free.

From phone

We will not describe how to register in Odnoklassniki through a browser installed on a smartphone, since the functionality mobile version and the computer one is not particularly different. Next instructions will be about how to create an account on OK through the mobile application.

  • Download (via Google Play or App Store), install and launch the application.
  • Click on the “Register” button. It's at the bottom of the screen.

  • On the screen requesting access to phone services, click “Continue”.

  • Allow access to phone calls and contacts for registration in OK.

  • Indicate your phone number and country. Then the “Next” button.

  • An input field will appear on the screen verification code, and the code itself will be sent via SMS. Enter it and click “Next”.

  • Now you have a form for entering personal information, as well as your login and password. Let's fill it out.
  • Click on “Continue”.

Don’t forget that the accuracy of your full name and place of residence determines whether your relatives and friends can find you on this social network.

Please note: registration of a new user in Odnoklassniki via Google, Facebook and Mail.ru in mobile application happens in the same way as through a browser on a computer.

How to re-register in Odnoklassniki

Now this service provides users with several options to help restore access to their profile in force majeure situations; they just need to contact the Support Service. But anything can happen, sometimes “the stars align” in such a way that you can’t get your profile back. All that remains is to register again on Odnoklassniki (you can do it right now and for free).

What is needed for this:

  1. Create new account using another free number and email. mail.
  2. When filling registration form indicate the same data that was indicated in the lost profile. After entering the number, a window will appear in front of you asking if this is your profile - click on Yes, this is mine. Then you will be able to restore the page.

Unfortunately, create new profile It won't work on the same phone.

If you remember, not so long ago registration on the social network, which our site is dedicated to, was paid. As it turned out, this experience was not the most successful (the share of new project participants decreased significantly), and therefore now you can create a page for yourself without any investment!

New User Registration

In fact, everything is very simple. First of all, we go to the address odnoklassniki.ru or ok.ru and see the following picture:

Here we click on the “Registration” button, after which we get to a page where you need to enter your data:

Date of Birth
Country of Residence
E-Mail or Login

Another very important detail. The login can be any word that you can come up with yourself (read more about this in the final part of the article), or the email address to which the account will be registered, or your mobile phone number. We recommend using on at this stage the email address and phone number can be attached to the page a little later.

Of course, you can use your login instead of your email address, but if something happens to your account, you can only restore it using your mobile phone. What if it’s not at hand? This is why it is highly advisable to use an email account.

So, you have filled out all the required fields. After you click on the “Register” button, you will immediately be taken to the page you just created.

All? Oh, if only it were that simple... Now there's something else you need to do.

Profile activation

Now you need to go to the email address you specified earlier and confirm your registration. On Mailbox You should receive a letter something like this:

Immediately after this you will be taken to your page. True, the functionality will be incomplete. For example, you simply won’t be able to go to a friend’s page. Why? It’s simple - the system requires linking a mobile phone, so we recommend linking yours as quickly as possible cellular telephone to the page. It's free, don't worry. After linking, you will be able to fully use Odnoklassniki.

Filling in data

After you provide your cell phone number and confirm it, you can begin filling out your information. For example, you can add a photo - this can be done by directly clicking on the avatar:

You can easily change data such as first name, last name, city of residence, or, say, gender in your account settings. Click "Change settings", then click on the name and replace the necessary data.

To add a school, university, college, military unit or organization, click “Tell me where you studied” all in the same settings menu.

As you can see, Odnoklassniki is simple and convenient.

Registering a second account

So you have created your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network. Now you can search for your comrades, add them as friends and communicate as much as your heart desires. But what if your husband or sister also wanted to create an account on the project? Start another page!

Registering another one profile is very easy - to do this, you just need to follow all the instructions that we have already provided to you. However, to do this, you will need to be from your main (your) account - there is a small “Logout” button in the upper right corner, you need to click on it.

If you don't want to do this, then you can do it differently. Open another Internet browser and start registering directly in it. And remember to use the same email address or mobile phone number for different accounts FORBIDDEN! Otherwise, you will no longer be able to access the first page.

Login and password

And now - several important points, which you need to know when registering with Odnoklassniki.

Firstly, now you can also use your mailbox address as a login, which in any case will need to be specified during registration. In fact, it is very convenient when you can access the site with two logins at once, for example, when you accidentally forget one of them.

Secondly, the password needs to be made as complex as possible. For what? And then so that it cannot be picked up by attackers who will probably try to steal your account. Many experts do not recommend using simple passwords, such as 123456 or qwerty. It is necessary that the word consist of at least 10-12 characters, which should contain not only letters of different registers, but also numbers, as well as various signs. You can, say, take Russian word and write it in English layout, for example, k.,jdybwf(this is a mistress) plus you can add several numbers or signs to it. However, it is advisable that you yourself be able to remember this set of characters, since otherwise you will have to recover the password every time... By the way, do not forget to write it on a piece of paper and put it away where no one will find it, except you, of course.

Thirdly, be sure to indicate your mobile phone number when registering. Many people don’t do this, fearing that they will start recording from their mobile phone. cash. This is a completely wrong opinion - nothing will be written off. Entering your number is necessary, firstly, so that you can fully use the site (which we wrote about just above), and secondly, this will protect you from account theft. That is, if this does happen, you can easily return it after the phone receives New Password. In this case, you don't even need a mailbox. Very comfortably. The main thing is to be sure to enter only the phone number that is officially registered in your name, so that you always have access to it.

In this video tutorial we will tell you how to register on the Odnoklassniki social network. http://youtube.com/teachvideo- our channel http://www.teachvideo.ru/course/365- even more educational videos about social networks. http://facebook.com/teachvideo- join us on facebook https://plus.google.com/101051633986902739434/posts- our group on Google+ http://vk.com/club19054655- our VKontakte group http://www.softkey.ru/catalog/company.php?partner=1734742&ID=1734742- here you can buy our video courses and watch videos without access to the Internet. How to register with Odnoklassniki? The Odnoklassniki website is one of the most popular social networks on the RuNet. In this lesson we will tell you how to register on this site. To register in the Odnoklassniki social network system, you must click on the “Registration” button on the main page of the site. On the updated page you must fill out registration form, entering all the data required from you in the fields. Here you need to fill in fields such as “First Name” and “Last Name” - this data will be displayed on personal page, and your friends will be able to find you easily. Then you need to indicate your gender in the appropriate fields, enter your date of birth, as well as your country and city of residence. In the “Login” field you must enter a unique short name required to enter the site. It is worth noting that the login can only contain letters of the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers and some symbols. In the “Password in Odnoklassniki” field, you must enter the password used to log into the site system. As you can see, to the right of the password entry field the strength of the password is displayed. The higher the strength of your password, the more secure you will be against hackers hacking your page. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with a password consisting of both letters and numbers. In the “Repeat password” field, you must confirm the correctness of the information entered by entering the password again. The correctness of the entered password will be indicated by the inscription “Passwords match” that appears on the right. And finally, in the last field you must enter the code located in the picture. If you cannot decipher the code, then click on the “Show another picture” button and the code will be updated. After entering the verification code, click on the “Register” button. After this, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire, including personal information about the new registered user. This operation will consist of four steps, the description of which you can see at the top of the page window. The first step is to fill out information about the educational institution where you studied. Enter basic information about your educational institution and click the "Find" button. In the list that appears, select the required educational institution and left-click on it.