How to create an Apple ID without a credit card. Free registration of American Apple ID

An Apple ID is required for all owners of Apple devices. Without it, it is impossible to download an application or music, purchase a movie or book, or use the iCloud network service. In addition, using Apple ID, users can place orders for products at Apple retail stores.

In this material we will look at 2 ways to create an Apple ID without a credit card, and also describe possible errors during registration.

It is worth noting that the process of creating a new identifier is quite simple. Users need to fill out a number of fields and come up with a password. Many people are confused by the need to enter payment card details when registering. This step is required to make purchases from the iTunes Store. But if desired, users may not fill out this item. To do this you need to use a little trick.

You can create an Apple ID in 2 ways - from a mobile device or using iTunes. However, we would like to immediately highlight several key features:

  1. When registering, be sure to indicate your existing E-mail. In the future, you will receive a link to complete registration.
  2. Apple does not allow you to register an Apple ID under 13 years of age. In addition, some restrictions apply for users under 18 years of age.
By the way, registering in the App Store requires the same steps, and many people confuse these concepts. It's just that in this case, the ID is created automatically. But you can register in the App Store with a ready-made Apple ID.

How to create an Apple ID from iPhone

Here we will describe a method for creating an Apple ID without a credit card. If you want to make purchases later, you can always link your card.

The only thing needed is an Internet connection.

1. On your mobile device you need to open the App Store application.

2. Go to the "Top Charts" section and select any free application to download.

3. The “Enter” window will appear where you need to select “Create an Apple ID”.

5. Here you need to understand and forgive Apple's privacy policy.

6. Fill in your information (E-mail, password, answers to security questions, etc.) and press Next.

Nuances when registering:

  • The Apple ID password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • The password must contain numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
  • The password must contain small letters (lowercase).
  • The password must contain capital letters (CAPITAL).

7. If you did everything correctly, then you will have a no item in your payment information. Select it.

If the "no" option is not available, check your regional settings. If you are specifying a Russian address, then make sure that in “Settings - General - Language and Region” in “Region” you have set “Russia”. Change region if necessary.

8. Click on the Create Apple ID button.

How to create an Apple ID from a computer using iTunes

Here are instructions on how to create an Apple ID without a credit card using iTunes.

1. Download and install iTunes. You can download the Apple media combiner on the official Apple website.

2. Launch the application and go to the top menu to “Account” -> “Login”.

3. In the window that appears, select "Create a new Apple ID."

4. On the next page, enter your account information: Email, password; Select your country and check the box to agree to the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions.

Click the "Continue" button.

5. In the new window, enter your personal information and ask security questions/answers.

6. In payment methods, check “no” and enter the data: zip code, city, street, telephone.

7. You have all successfully registered your Apple ID.

If the "no" option is not available, check your regional settings. If you indicate a Russian address, make sure that there is a Russian flag in the lower right corner of the program. By clicking on the flag icon you can change the region to the desired one.

Let's register a mailbox at Gmail— it is needed to create an account in iTunes. If you already have a Gmail mailbox (YAHOO mailbox is also suitable), proceed to step 2.
During registration, you must specify the location "United States".

To download the iTunes program, click. Click the “Download” button and save the setup to your computer.

Install and launch the iTunes program, and go to the iTunes Store section (in the left menu). Be sure to choose United States.
Selecting the United States country is a very important step when registering an iTunes account. If we skip this step, we will have to reinstall iTunes and delete some files manually, and go through the entire registration process again.

To register an account in iTunes, you need to “buy” any free application - for example, iBooks, this application is always useful on the iPhone or iPad. Enter “iBooks” into the search box (top right). In the search results, select the iBooks application for iPhone or iPad and click on the “Free” button.

In the window that appears, click the “Create a new account” button.

In the next window, click on the “Continue” button.

Scroll through the license agreement, checking the “I have read and agree to these terms and conditions” checkbox and click the “Agree” button.

In the iTunes account registration window that appears, enter your Gmail mailbox (step 1), password and confirmation, security question and answer, select your date of birth. After that, click the “Continue” button.

To register an account in the American appStore, you need a real mailing address and telephone number in the USA. The easiest way to get an address and phone number is through Google Maps. We enter any hotel into the search, for example, hotel miami FL and use its address and telephone number to register. By choosing Florida, we avoid additional taxes.

Let's return to iTunes. In the “Payment Method” section you need be sure to select “None”(This option is only available for United States). Enter your first and last name, postal address and telephone number obtained in the previous step and click “Create Apple ID”.

In the next window you will be informed that an email with a registration confirmation code has been sent to your Gmail inbox. Go to your email and click on the confirmation link.

To activate your iTunes account, you will be asked to select a program. If iTunes is already installed on your computer, it will definitely be in the list of suggested programs; you need to select it.

Your appStore balance status will be displayed in the top right corner of the iTunes Store. To top up your balance, click on the “Redeem” link.

In the “Redeem Code” window you need to enter the iTunes Gift Card code. After entering the code, press the “Redeem” button.

Each user of an iOS device simply needs to have a personal Apple ID (Apple ID), because without it it is impossible to gain access to the mass of proprietary services of the Apple giant and, accordingly, the functionality of the device is seriously limited.

Unfortunately, for many, the requirement to provide credit card information when registering a personal account becomes a serious obstacle to creating an Apple ID. Some people are purely psychologically not ready to share this kind of information for fear that it will leak into the wrong hands, while others simply do not have a bank card - in Russia, at least, there are still quite a lot of such people.

Well, we have great news - registering an Apple ID is possible without a credit card, and in this material we will introduce you to how to complete this procedure

How to create an Apple ID without a credit card on an iPhone and other iOS mobile device?

First of all, it is worth noting that you can create an Apple ID with or without a card in two ways - directly from the device itself or via a PC with the iTunes utility installed on it.

Both methods are very similar, you will have to perform almost the same steps, so the choice in this case is determined only by which gadget is closer to you at the moment - as a rule, of course, it is easier to register an Apple ID directly from the “apple”, without using any, let’s say , intermediate links, so we will start with this method of creating an identifier.

So, you just purchased, say, an iPhone (or another Apple mobile gadget) and turned it on. What awaits you? Not an instant loading of the interface, but an initial setup, during which the SIM will be activated, and a number of important parameters for the system will be set. Also, during the initial setup stage, you will be asked to provide an Apple ID, but you can skip this step, so we will do so by tapping on “Skip this step.”

After completing the initial setup, we will receive an activated clean device, which is just waiting to have its own ID. So let's start creating it:

  1. Open the “App Store”, tap “Top Charts”, switch to the “Free” collection. We select any program that you want to install - and you definitely want to install some - Instagram and VKontakte at least - click opposite it “Free”, then “Download”.

    Important!!! The system allows you to start registering a personal account in other ways, but it’s important for you to start with this step, otherwise you won’t be able to create an Apple ID without a card.

  2. In the pop-up window, click “Create an Apple ID”, then indicate the region - Russia and accept the privacy policy.
  3. Now a registration form will appear - “New Account”, in which you will first need to enter your email - your Apple ID will be linked to it, and it will serve as your account login.

    Important point! Take your email as seriously as possible - it absolutely must be your mailbox! You also need to make sure that you have not forgotten the password for the specified mailbox and can log into it, because it is through the mailbox that your personal Apple account will be managed.

  4. Next you will need to enter your password twice. The “secret key” of the identifier must contain 8 or more characters, of which one must be a capital letter, one must be an uppercase letter, and one must be a number.
  5. You also need to answer special verification questions, indicate your birthday (if you are under 18, then keep in mind that the App Store and some other services will have age restrictions, and if you are under 13 years old, the Apple ID will refuse to be “created” at all) and a backup e-mail. The last step is optional, but it is the backup email account that can become your lifeline to restoring your Apple ID if, say, your first email is hacked and the answers to special questions fly out of your head.

    Important point! Practice shows that 99% of users do not remember the answers to the questions specified during registration, and therefore, when asking them, adhere to the rule - the simpler the better.

  6. Well, now we come to the most interesting part - the “Payment Information” section. And here everything will be very easy - you just need to select “No”.

    There is no such thing? This situation is possible only in one case - if you started registering an identifier from a step different from step 1 of this instruction. Click "Back" on the ID creation page and start over, this time without deviating one step from this guide.

  7. Now, despite the fact that you did not indicate a card, you are required to provide some of your data - first name, last name, address, etc. However, it is not at all necessary to indicate real information; if you want, you can play Agent 007. Only one thing is important here - we write all the fields in Latin letters.
  8. All! Click further in the “New Account” menu and wait for the system to check the entered parameters - if all fields are filled out without errors, you will only have to go to your e-mail to which you have assigned your Apple ID and click the “Confirm Now” link (located in the body of the letter).

Well, congratulations! You have created a personal Apple ID and can start enjoying all its benefits. By the way, if you suddenly decide that you are ready to make purchases, for example, in the App Store, then you can always easily provide payment information. To do this, you need to click “Download” on the paid application that you want to have, and the system will automatically redirect you to the page for specifying payment information.

Creating an Apple ID without a bank card on a computer?

Well, now let’s look at the method of registering an ID using a PC. Here, too, everything will be quite simple, the only condition is the availability of iTunes. If you don’t have it, we highly recommend downloading the utility from the official Apple website, because it is the main link between the iOS device and the PC, in particular, it allows you to reset music and other content, set ringtones, etc. In short, it will certainly come in handy.

So, if you have iTunes, let's start creating an account:

Ready! You see, as we promised, the registration methods are identical.

How to unlink a card from Apple ID?

You need to understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with linking a card to an Apple ID, with only one condition - if a conscientious person uses the iOS device. For example, the following situations are very common. A parent buys a device for his child and does not know that an Apple ID can be created without a card, but he knows that he can create an electronic card with a balance of 0 rubles. So the parent makes such a card and indicates it when registering the ID.

Unfortunately, there is one very subtle point here - the system, when accepting card data, does not take into account its balance, and payments may be debited with a delay. That is, your little daughter can download paid programs or content to her heart’s content, and after a couple of days you will find that the account is blocked because there are no funds on the specified card, and until you put money on the card and the payment goes through, you can use your Apple ID will be impossible.

You probably have a question - what can be done in such a situation, how can I unlink the card from the Apple ID? Is this even possible? Certainly! And it's very simple:

That's all! The child will still be able to download free applications and content without problems, but he will not be able to get paid ones, and you will not receive any unexpected bills.

Let's summarize

Well, now you know how to create an Apple ID without entering payment information using the device itself and a PC, as well as how to unlink a card if it is already linked to your ID. We hope our article helped you!

Many of our owners of Apple mobile devices probably know that the American AppStore has much more programs, games, music or videos than is represented in the CIS countries. This is why many would like to create an American Apple ID in order to access this content. There is nothing complicated about this, but there are a couple of nuances and questions, without understanding which the registration procedure will become useless or cannot be carried out at all.

What is an Apple ID?

Let's start with the simplest. In fact, the Apple ID on Apple devices is exactly the same identifier as a Google account based on a link to a Gmail email address on Android devices, which allows access to software and multimedia storage, as well as some services.

The only difference is that the information presented in the AppStore and focused on the countries of the post-Soviet space differs quite strongly from the American service.

What's the point of creating an American registration?

Let’s leave aside the question of how to create an American Apple ID for now and look at the feasibility of such actions. One of the main reasons for American registration is the fact that new products appear on the American software market and entertainment industry much earlier than in Europe, not to mention the CIS countries. On the one hand, if you create an American Apple ID, an undoubted advantage will be the ability to access such content before others. But there are also disadvantages.

This is primarily due to the fact that most of this content is paid (although some free services can also be found). In addition, in America the prices for similar content are much higher than here, so you have to pay. True, our specialists know how to circumvent such restrictions in ways that would never even occur to the average American.

How to create an American Apple ID on a computer?

So, creating a registration can be done in two ways - using a computer with iTunes installed or directly on a mobile device.

On your computer, with iTunes running, you need to select the main account menu and log out of it if it is currently active.

Next, select the applications section and go to the AppStore. In the list of countries and regions, scroll down the contents and click on the US flag to indicate the region. In the sidebar, look for some free application and click the Get button.

Next, a window will appear asking you to enter your login and password, in which you need to use the button to create a new account, then click the continue button, agree to the terms of the license agreement and proceed to the data filling form.

Here you will have to specify an email address without using European domains or domains of the countries of the former USSR. Then a password is entered, security questions and answers are indicated, and then the date of birth is set.

After this, you should uncheck the mailing confirmation boxes and proceed to setting up the payment method for the content. The main problem here is how to create an American Apple ID without a credit or debit card. It's simple - indicate as a payment method that it is not available (None).

At the next stage, you need to enter a real American address and phone number, in which you will need to enter the last seven digits. Most experts recommend using localities and organizations in the state of Florida, since there is no tax on software purchase transactions in the AppStore service. Finding such establishments is quite simple through the Google Maps application, which provides comprehensive information.

The following parameters should be used for input:

  • Street (street);
  • City (city) - for example, Orlando;
  • State - Florida (FL);
  • Zip Code (index) - for Florida 32830;
  • Area Code (city index) - for Orlando 321;
  • Phone (telephone) - the institution number indicated on the map and corresponding to the selected address (last 7 digits).

We enter the mailbox, open the letter, enter the data of the created Apple ID and click on the verification button (Verify). As soon as the email address is confirmed, the identification window will change to a congratulatory one.

How to create a US Apple ID on a mobile device

On a mobile device, this entire procedure is almost completely similar to that described above, only the last ten digits are indicated as the phone number, not the seven, and the initial actions are performed directly from the accounts section.

Here it is worth paying attention to one more point. Many people are wondering how to create an American Apple ID without a (geographic) card, when there is no information on the real institution or the map service is unavailable. Yes, just log into your browser and search for information about an American company by entering central office or office in Florida in the search field. You can enter any name known throughout the world, for example, General Motors or something else. The search engine will provide full text information with phone numbers, addresses, etc.

What should you pay attention to?

Finally, you need to be especially careful when choosing an institution or entering data on it, since all information will be instantly verified. Why is it better to use organizations rather than individuals just because they may have thousands of employees, and it is simply physically impossible to determine which of them created an account.

In some cases, you may need to turn off geolocation on your system, but this is generally not necessary.

Instead of a total

As you can see, creating an American Apple ID is not so difficult. The main thing is to enter real data correctly. True, the advisability of using such registration remains a big question, since America is the country in which you have to pay for everything. And the latest content, especially, will be paid.

And stores in many countries around the world, but their list, as well as the amount of content in each country is different. In Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, you can freely buy applications, movies and music, use most Apple services, but still not all. The state Apple ID still has advantages over regional ones. In this article we will look at them, and also tell you how to create an American account for free and use your Apple devices to the maximum.

Why do you need a US Apple ID?

Of course, the most important advantage of a US account is access to the American App Store, where applications and games appear earlier, and the range is wider, including exclusives that are not available in our country. In addition, there is also iTunes Radio and other music services like Spotify, Rdio, which do not work in the Russian Federation (the restriction can be bypassed through a proxy, but you cannot do without applications, and they are only available in the US App Store). This also includes the possibility of free installation of paid applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac through the FreeMyApps service, which works only with the American App Store.

As for the purchase of other digital content - for example, music and films - the US Apple ID will be worse, since its prices are higher than in the Russian one. Please keep this in mind if you purchase content from the iTunes Store.

How to register US Apple ID

In fact, there is nothing complicated in registration and it can be easily done both from a computer and directly from an iOS device. Which method is more convenient for you - choose for yourself, we will tell you about both.

Registering an Apple ID from a computer

Open iTunes and sign out of your existing account, if you have one.

We indicate the region of the USA. It is carefully placed right in front of your eyes.

We look at the side menu on the right and find any free application there. Let's take YouTube as an example.

On the application page, click the Get button.

In the pop-up window where you enter your username and password, select the “Create Apple ID” option.

On the invitation screen, click Continue.

Now you need to enter the required data:

We indicate the payment method, in our case we select None.

Now you need to indicate your first and last name, as well as your real American address and telephone number. I recommend choosing Florida because it doesn't have a tax on App Store purchases (some other states do).

The easiest way is to use the address of a public institution or hotel, which is easy to find through Google Maps. We need:

  • Street - street with the selected building, see screenshot.
  • Phone - telephone number (we only need the last 7 digits).

All that remains is to check the data and click the Create Apple ID button.

If everything is entered correctly, you will see a verification screen that will change after your email is confirmed.

I’ll check the mailbox that you specified during registration; you should receive a letter from Apple with a link to activate your account. Let's move on.

Log in to your Apple ID using your username and password.

That's it, your email has been verified. Congratulations, you now have a US Apple ID!

Registering an Apple ID from an iOS device

Creating an Apple ID using an iOS device is as easy as it is from a computer. All steps are completely similar.

Open the App Store and sign out of your existing account. On the “Selection” tab, scroll to the very bottom and click on the login and select “Log out”.

Now go to the search tab. We find any free application. I will use YouTube again.

Click the Get button. From the pop-up menu, select “Create an Apple ID.”

Now you need to select a country. The check mark will already be on United States. We accept the license agreement by clicking the Agree button.

Enter registration data:

  • Email - it’s better not to use Russian domains, but to choose, for example, Gmail.
  • Password - one capital letter and number is no longer enough, do not forget to put some special character in your password.
  • Security Info - select security questions and indicate the answers to them (this is important, in the future they will be used to recover the password).

Now you need to enter your date of birth. It is better to put your own so as not to forget, since it is also used to recover the password. In the Billing information section, select the payment method None and click Next.

Enter your real US address and phone number. We use Google Maps and find any hotel, preferably in Florida, since this state does not have a tax on purchases in the App Store. We need the following information:

  • Street - the street with the selected building.
  • City - a city, in my example Orlando.
  • State - state, I have FL - Florida.
  • Zip Code - index for Florida - 32830.
  • Area code - city code, for Orlando - 321.
  • Phone - telephone number (note that the last 10 digits are needed here)

After this, you will find yourself on the verification screen. Now we check the mail and follow the link from the Apple letter to verify the email. That's all. Our application will begin downloading, which means the Apple ID has been successfully created. Congratulations!