How to entrust receiving a parcel to another person. How to write a power of attorney to receive mail

A power of attorney for receiving correspondence is a document granting the right to a trusted person to receive correspondence at the post office on behalf of the addressee. To receive the parcel, you can go to the post office, both the recipient and another person who has a trust form from the addressee. The document must be prepared in writing.

How to receive a parcel by mail

FSUE Russian Post is the national operator of the Russian Post, whose functions are determined by state regulations. The operator provides a variety of communication, business and financial transfer services. The most used service is working with international postal parcels (IPO). The official website of the operator is

After the parcel arrives at the local post office, its employees issue a notice, and the courier delivers it to the recipient at the address displayed on the parcel. The recipient, going to the post office, writes down the required fields on the form issued by the post office employees, signs for receipt of the parcel and presents a passport or other document confirming the identity of the recipient. The postal worker looks for the parcel and hands it to the addressee.

As you can see, everything is simple. And this, of course, is true if the parcel reached the addressee on time, the notification found the right addressee, and the shipment turned out to be intact.

Unfortunately, not every time the parcel arrives safely. From the time it sets off, various troubles can await the parcel at every step, for which the recipient needs to be prepared.

Step one - waiting for departure

The recipient is waiting for the parcel, but all transportation deadlines have passed, but it is not there. What to do?

First of all, you need to find where the shipment is located. To do this, you need to go to the postal operator’s website and use the track number to find where the parcel is stuck.

It should be noted that all parcels weighing more than 2 kg are assigned a track number made up of 13 characters, where:

  • the first two characters are a code indicating the type of parcel.
  • The next nine characters are a set of numbers, including the parcel number of 8 characters and one control character, calculated by calculation.
  • The final two characters display the country of origin code, reflecting the UPU ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code format.

With small packages it is more difficult. They may be unregistered and searching for them is much more difficult and may be fruitless.

So, thanks to the assigned track number, the recipient, as well as the sender, can monitor the movement of the parcel through the search website of the postal operator. Therefore, if the delivery time is exceeded, the system will tell you where the shipment is “stuck”.

You need to know that a claim for late delivery of a parcel is filed after 6 months from the time it was sent.

Step two - wait for notification of the parcel's arrival

Let’s say that when searching for a parcel, the “system” found the parcel at the recipient’s post office and assigned the status “Arrived and waiting for the recipient.” However, there is no notification in the recipient's mailbox.

Sample notice

The question arises again - what to do?

Everything is simpler here. You need to go to the recipient's post office and present your passport and tracking number of the shipment. Postal employees will write a notice on site. The recipient will only have to fill out the back of the form.

As stated earlier, the problem with receiving registered parcels is solved more or less normally, but the recipient may not find unregistered ones at all, so before receiving the parcel, the recipient needs to negotiate with the sender about registering the shipment.

Step three - receiving

To purchase a parcel, the recipient needs to come to the post office, taking an identity document.

List of documents that can be used to receive a parcel:

  • Citizen's passport
  • Diplomat's passport
  • Seaman's passport
  • For the military - identification card or military ID
  • A temporary certificate issued for the period of passport re-issuance.

When filling out a notification form, usually the post office employee asks the recipient to immediately sign for receipt, but the recipient has the right to first inspect and weigh the parcel. It must be borne in mind that the parcel, until signed by the recipient upon receipt, belongs to the sender. That is why a preliminary inspection of the integrity and safety of the shipment is important.

How to write a power of attorney to receive a parcel at Russian Post in 2019

A power of attorney is a frequently used document. A form is a convenient way of transferring authority from one person to another.

How to fill out such a form for purchasing a parcel post in the Russian Federation?

Any power of attorney is written in a free style. This is reflected in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The power of attorney must display the following information:

  • Title of the document.
  • Date of issue of the form.
  • Place of writing (city, town, village).
  • Principal's personal information:
  • Full name - full name.
  • Date of birth, passport details (series, number, by whom, when and where issued, department code, place of registration).
  • The same information of the person who is entrusted with receiving it.
  • Content section (what actions are trusted).
  • Principal's signature

The text of the power of attorney can be typed on a computer or filled out by hand. When filling out the form by hand, the handwriting must be legible.

A document issued by a legal entity must be drawn up on the institution’s letterhead and signed by its director or other responsible person. The issued form is certified by a seal. The document is filled out in the official language of the country. The content section of the form details the clear functions assigned to the citizen.

Sample form

Download the form

How long is a power of attorney valid for receiving a parcel at Russian Post?

The validity period of the power of attorney is limited. The form can be one-time or long-term. A one-time power of attorney is used for a one-time purchase of specific mail, which indicates the date of purchase. After the specified date, the trust form loses its validity.

If a trusted person needs to constantly acquire correspondence and other materials, then a long-term form is issued. Such a document can be valid for up to 1 year. The form is presented each time a parcel is purchased.

Instructions for writing a power of attorney

A power of attorney for the purchase of parcels and other mail is usually issued by institutions and businessmen. Individuals rarely issue powers of attorney, except perhaps during their long absence. An important feature in the preparation of such a form is the date of its issue.

Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indicates that a power of attorney without an issue date is considered invalid. It is not necessary to display the validity period of the form, since the same article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that this document is valid within 1 year from the date of issue.

A correctly executed document must display the following parameters:

  • Display information about the principal (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport details, place of registration).
  • The same is shown about the authorized person.
  • Describe the rights and list of actions that are delegated to the authorized person. This point needs to be displayed as clearly as possible. Responsibility for carrying out activities not reflected in the power of attorney rests with a third party (in this case, the post office).
  • If the recipient is a minor, then the power of attorney is issued by his parent or guardian.

In paragraph 4 of Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that if there is an agreement to receive mail at the post office, which indicates the responsible person, then a separate form for receiving registered mail is not needed. It is also necessary to note this feature - a power of attorney to receive correspondence can be drawn up for several persons at once. This is relevant for institutions.

A power of attorney for the purchase of mail can be drawn up for both an individual and an organization. The format for compiling such documents is almost the same. Let's look at the rules for preparing such forms.

Power of attorney from an individual to receive mail

The following authorized persons have the right to certify the identity and signature of an individual:

  • In small settlements there is a local administration.
  • At work or study - the head of the institution
  • At a sanatorium-resort or medical complex - administration.
  • At the post office - the management of the postal department.

It should be noted that postal employees, as a rule, are reluctant to provide such services due to the lack of positions in the staffing table with similar responsibilities.

Sample power of attorney to receive correspondence from a legal entity

Legal entities often issue powers of attorney to work with mail, including parcels. To draw up such a document, it is enough for the head of the institution to take the company letterhead, fill out the document in accordance with the accepted rules (either on a computer or manually), sign the trusted employee and his own signature, the date of issue, and certify the form with a seal. In the absence of the manager, such a form can be certified by any employee authorized by the institution’s Charter.

Power of attorney to receive mail correspondence from the organization

The document is filled out on company letterhead, the form is arbitrary, signed by the manager and certified with a seal. Having such a form, an employee has the right to receive company correspondence at the post office. Most often, such a form is issued to secretaries and accountants.

When registering a power of attorney, you must indicate its validity period. The law limits the validity of such documents to 3 years. However, the manager may reduce the validity period of this form. In addition, the form must display the company name, address, tax identification number, and registration number. It is also necessary to display the passport information and other data of the employee who is entrusted with the acquisition of correspondence.

In this article, the topic of our conversation will be a power of attorney to receive a parcel through Russian Post. We will learn how to formalize and write a power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail. We will understand all the subtleties and nuances of the issue. At the end of the article, you will have the opportunity to download a sample power of attorney to receive a parcel.

But let's start with the basic concepts to avoid misunderstandings. A power of attorney to receive a parcel is, in fact, a kind of paper that documents that allows a certain person to come to the post office to receive a parcel that is intended for another person. This paper is relevant when the addressee, due to circumstances, is not able to pick up the parcel in person.

Let us give an example when such a power of attorney may be needed. As you know, many people order and buy things from foreign online stores. If you order, say, a T-shirt from the United States of America to Russia, it will take a long time to reach the recipient - a month, or even more. The Russian post office will not tell you the exact arrival time, so it is quite possible that you are leaving for another city, and the desired package with a T-shirt arrives at your place of residence. In such cases, some time before departure, a power of attorney is issued to receive the parcel at a Russian Post office. Agree that it will be a shame if the package you have been waiting for a whole month is sent back to your “residence” address. That is why conscientious citizens use a power of attorney to receive parcels.

In general, in such cases, powers of attorney are either long-term or one-time. A durable power of attorney to receive a parcel implies an unlimited validity period. In the event that the expiration date of the power of attorney is not indicated, the document has legal force for exactly one year from the date of signing.

How to certify a power of attorney to receive a parcel?

Not many people know, but there is also the concept of a power of attorney to receive parcels at Russian Post offices. Let us immediately warn you that a power of attorney that is not accompanied by a certificate has no legal weight. The most convenient option for certifying a power of attorney is to visit a Russian Post office. What will you need? The power of attorney and passport. You will need to talk to the post office manager. Do not forget that ordinary Russian Post employees do not have the authority to affix certification to your document. This can only be done within the authority of the head of a given post office. Who else can certify your power of attorney to receive the parcel? For example, the head of the organization where the principal is registered, or the head of the educational institution where the principal is studying. There are times when a person is not able to receive a parcel from a Russian post office because he is in the hospital. In this situation, even the head of the medical organization where the patient is being treated can certify the power of attorney. If you want to make a power of attorney to receive a parcel for a long period of time, we recommend that you have it certified by a notary.

How to receive a parcel at a Russian Post office using a power of attorney?

Now we will figure out how you can receive the desired parcel at Russian Post offices with a power of attorney. The following options are possible:

  • First you show your passport. Then you show a “one-time” power of attorney, and it will remain in the Russian Post office
  • First you show your identification document. After this, you present the durable power of attorney along with a copy of it. If you, as the recipient, refuse to give your copy to Russian Post employees, then a mark will be placed in the postal documents indicating that these services were performed for you
  • First, you leave a long-term power of attorney with Russian Post employees for safekeeping. Naturally, you will have to pay for this service. But then, when you receive parcels, all you need to do is show your passport

How to issue a power of attorney to receive a parcel at a Russian post office?

So, let's now figure out how to fill out the power of attorney to receive the parcel. We remind you that you can download a sample power of attorney at the very end of the article. What information must be indicated in the power of attorney:

  • Name of official paper
  • Indication of the period of time when this document will be valid
  • Listing of those rights that are transferred from the principal
  • Naturally, a personal signature and decrypted initials on the part of the principal
  • Do not forget that this document must indicate the date of issue and place of issue. This is an important point. Without this data, your power of attorney will not be considered valid.
  • The power of attorney must contain the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, individual tax identification number, addresses of both the principal and the authorized person, both actual and legal
  • At the end, you must put down all the signatures, seals, names of legal entities, and there must also be a stamp of the company that confirmed the authenticity of this document

How long is a power of attorney valid for receiving a parcel at Russian Post?

Now is the time to find out about the validity period of the power of attorney. As we have already mentioned, the timing may vary. A power of attorney can be one-time or long-term. In accordance with Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the principal can specify absolutely any period of validity of his power of attorney to receive the parcel. In the event that the power of attorney does not contain information about the validity period, this document is considered valid for one year from the date of preparation and signing.

Thus, we have found out the basic information about this document. We advise you to download a sample power of attorney to receive a parcel, which is located below the link. This will help you clearly see the simplicity of its design.

In accordance with existing rules, only the person to whom it was addressed by the sender can receive a parcel by mail.

The sample will open in a new window by clicking on the image. Next, right-click and select “save as”

But there are situations when the recipient, due to some circumstances, is not able to personally come and receive the parcel that has arrived in his name. In such a situation, you can carry out the procedure for registering a power of attorney to receive the parcel, using which another person will have the right to pick up the parcel.

Often, the execution of such a document is necessary for those recipients who purchase things in foreign online stores. Due to the fact that these parcels sometimes take 1.5 months, a situation may arise when the parcel is delivered, but the recipient is in another city. Therefore, when a postal item is expected from abroad, it makes sense to issue a power of attorney in advance so that there is complete confidence that the postal item will not be sent back due to the fact that the customer did not receive it in a timely manner.

Types of powers of attorney to receive parcels

Powers of attorney to receive parcels are:

  • one-time;
  • long-term.

For long-term powers of attorney, it seems possible, in accordance with Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to set any validity period. If the durable power of attorney does not indicate its validity period, then it will remain in force for a year from the date of its issuance.

The procedure for drawing up a power of attorney to receive postal items

Powers of attorney providing the opportunity to receive various postal items to another person indicate:

  • document's name;
  • locality;
  • the date on which the document is issued;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (in full), date of birth, passport details, place of registration, tax identification number, postal address of both the person who trusts and the person who is trusted to receive parcels;
  • the entire list of delegated powers;
  • period of validity of the document (this is an optional detail);
  • personal signature of the person entrusting the receipt of shipments with mandatory decryption;
  • certification of a document, which includes the signature, surname and initials, name and seal of the organization certifying the document.

Regarding the certification of the power of attorney, it would be useful to note that without this requisite the document has no legal force and is not recognized as valid.

The most convenient way to certify a power of attorney is to do it directly at the post office. To do this, the principal needs to contact the head of the post office and present him with a passport and a drawn up power of attorney. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 No. 221 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services”, paragraph 47, subparagraph “e”: “Postal operators are required to certify free of charge the powers of attorney of citizens for their representatives to receive postal items and postal orders addressed to them” .

Powers of attorney for receiving valuable postal items, as well as long-term powers of attorney, are recommended to be certified by a notary.

Power of attorney to receive the parcel. In certain life situations, this document may become simply necessary. Some features of its compilation are outlined in this article.

When is a power of attorney needed?

Over time, the popularity of postal items among ordinary citizens not only does not fall, but, on the contrary, increases. It is worth noting that the nature of such shipments has changed. If in the past, parcels were sent to each other by relatives living in different countries or cities, now the senders are organizations and entrepreneurs who trade via the Internet, as well as in other remote ways.

At the same time, the rules in postal organizations regarding the receipt of correspondence remain the same: it must be collected directly by those persons indicated as the recipient. It is in such cases that a power of attorney can come in handy, when the recipient is physically unable to come to the post office. Moreover, no matter for what reason a person cannot receive the parcel himself, postal employees will require this document and will not issue correspondence without it.

Another circumstance that requires the issuance of a power of attorney is the situation when a legal entity is indicated as the recipient. Naturally, the organization itself cannot appear at the post office; an employee authorized by the director receives the package for it.

Design rules

If a citizen knows that he should receive a postal item in the near future, but he himself will not be able to receive it due to various circumstances (business trip, illness, busy work, etc.), then it is necessary to take care of preparing a power of attorney in advance.

First, you need to determine the person who will be the trustee. At a minimum, this person needs to believe that he will not deceive or let you down.

Secondly, a power of attorney to receive a parcel, a sample of which will be issued at any post office, must be written on paper. An authority conveyed orally will have no legal force. As a general rule, all powers of attorney are certified by a notary. However, to receive postal items and other types of items, it will be enough to certify the document at the housing department at the place of registration (residence). The head of the service organization must carry out the certification free of charge.

If it is difficult for some reason to certify a document at the housing department, you can certify it at your place of work. In this case, the responsibility to perform this action rests with the management of the organization.

As already noted, you can ask for a sample power of attorney to receive a parcel at the Russian Post. But you can write the text yourself. The main thing is to comply with all legal requirements and provide all the necessary details. The approximate text of the power of attorney form to receive a parcel is as follows.

“I, Lunov Sergey Aleksandrovich, born on October 16, 1981, passport series 01 04 No. 693093 issued on September 26, 2010 by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central District of Moscow, with this power of attorney I authorize citizen Ekaterina Anisimovna Lunova to receive at post office No. 4 of Moscow the name correspondence, including parcels, letters, parcels, etc.”

A power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail should have approximately this content. In this case, you must remember to indicate the date of its compilation and the place (city, village, etc.). At the end of the document, the person certifying it makes an appropriate entry and affixes the organization’s seal.

Validity period of a one-time power of attorney

There is no general validity period of a power of attorney as such in the legislation. However, there is a reservation that if this written authority does not indicate the period of its validity, then the document will be valid for only 1 year. Based on this definition of the situation, it seems possible to write out powers of attorney, indicating in them various terms, even 100-200 years. Of course, the document will not be valid for that long, but will cease to be valid with the death of the principal.

Speaking about a one-time power of attorney to receive a parcel, it can be noted that its period is further limited by the performance of a certain action - contacting the post office and receiving correspondence. It is quite simple to distinguish a one-time power of attorney from a long-term document - either it directly states that it was issued to receive mail only 1 time, or instead of the word “receive” it says “receive”.

Invalidity of power of attorney

In order to avoid getting into a difficult situation when postal workers do not accept a power of attorney, it is better to formalize it in advance as required, without violating the law. Thus, this document will be invalid if the date is not indicated when drawing it up. A simple formality, but without it, a power of attorney is not a document.

Important nuances about the power of attorney

A few more points you need to know about the document in question. It may be cancelled. The form of such cancellation is not provided for by law. However, it appears that there should be appropriate notice to the post office where the power of attorney is to be applied.

In certain cases, the document ceases to be valid. This, as stated above, is the death of the principal. Cancellation and expiration also constitute termination. Other grounds for termination: death of the trustee, liquidation of the principal organization, recognition of the principal or his counterparty as insane, and others.

Thus, a power of attorney is an important and necessary document that should be prepared in advance and executed in accordance with legal requirements. The need to issue a power of attorney can arise quite unexpectedly, so it is always better to keep the form of this document at home, so that at the right time all you have to do is fill it out and take it to an organization that can certify it. In turn, knowledge of the above information will make it easier to complete this action and will resolve many possible questions that arise for a person who needs to receive a parcel at a post office.

All mail usually goes to the manager. But, as a rule, no director has either the time or the desire to run to the post office. And in order for another employee of the enterprise to receive and send registered and other correspondence on behalf of his company, he must have an authorizing document signed by the manager. The law does not provide for any special form of power of attorney for mail from a legal entity, however, when drawing up this document, it is necessary to take into account certain legal requirements. Otherwise, the paper may be declared invalid.

How to compose

A sample power of attorney by mail from an organization 2019 must contain the following mandatory details:

  • date and place of issue;
  • name of the legal entity, full name and the position of the manager who issued the document;
  • Full name, passport details of the authorized person;
  • description of powers - which mail items are entrusted to receive and (or) send to the representative;
  • signature of the manager who issued the document.

Please note that the validity period of the authorizing document is currently not limited by law. If such a period is not specified in it, the power of attorney remains valid for a year from the date of its execution. But if it does not indicate the date of issue, it is void.

Also, according to the Federal Law of 04/06/2015 No. 82-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the abolition of the mandatory seal of business companies”, such companies are currently not required to have a seal, therefore, if an organization does not have a seal, certification by it Accordingly, the manager’s signature is not required.

Do I need to get it certified by a notary?

A power of attorney for sending letters from a legal entity and receiving them does not need to be certified by a notary. With one exception: notarization is required when a document is issued by proxy. For example, the manager issued authority to receive correspondence with the right to delegate it to the clerk. And he, going on vacation, decided to entrust these powers to the courier - in this case, the paper will have to be notarized. But in practice this is rarely done. It is easier for an organization to immediately issue powers of attorney in simple written form for several employees.

What to pay attention to

A power of attorney form to receive mail from an organization is usually filled out for one of the employees. This is usually done by a secretary or accountant. But this is optional. By law, such a representative can be any adult citizen. Therefore, it is also not necessary to indicate in the document the position of the person entrusted with receiving and sending correspondence.

When receiving mail addressed to a legal entity, you must present the representative's passport to the post office employee, as well as the original power of attorney, even if this is not the first time you have received correspondence, and a copy of the document confirming your authority is stored in the department.