Standard iOS programs. Pre-installed applications on iPhone: how to delete (and restore) them. Create a profile and disable applications

IN App Store you can find a wide variety of programs - from amazing to very bad. Vesti.High-Tech selected the most useful applications on a platform that will allow you to use the capabilities of your new iOS device to the maximum. Even if you are an experienced Yabloko, it is quite possible that you will find something new for yourself in our selection.

Evernote is designed primarily for text. Built-in capabilities text editor quite impressive. A tag system has been implemented, notes are divided into lists, and there is a notepad. Notes can be shared on social networks or sent by mail.

The program has a nice design iOS style 7, made in green tones. However, it should be noted that at first the interface seems somewhat confusing; you have to spend some time to understand how everything works here.

Standard player Video in iOS is far from perfect. For example, it cannot play the most popular .avi format. This is where you will come to the rescue VLC player, familiar from my desktop computer. This is an omnivorous program that can recognize great amount video formats.

Note that you can transfer videos to VLC without going through iTunes. You can download videos directly from the application by entering the link to the video file. Downloading from Dropbox is also supported, from local network. The application allows you to download files via iTunes without adding them to your library (to do this, you need to connect the device to your computer, find it in the list of installed VLC programs and transfer the necessary files into it).

If you plan to store overly personal videos in VLC, you can set password protection when logging in. Among the shortcomings of the application, one can only note the inexpressive design - the combination of black and bright orange looks somewhat alien in iOS 7. However, the player does its job perfectly, seriously surpassing it in functionality staffing program"Video".

One of best apps for delayed reading, which allows you to select and systematize all interesting content, found on the web. It often happens that when you go, for example, to the Vesti.Hitek website, you see a large review that you want to read, but now you don’t have time. If you're a Pocket user, all you have to do is press one button and the interesting text will be securely saved in your Pocket account, waiting until you have an extra minute to read it.

The Pocket app is available on desktop, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Web OS, S60 - that is, everywhere. To save browser pages in Pocket, you just need to install the appropriate browser extension.

In Pocket you can save not only articles, but also, for example, videos from YouTube; the content can be organized with various tags. It is more convenient to view materials transferred to Pocket than from the web - the application optimizes pages for reading, enlarges the text, and removes advertising.

If you join the Pocket ecosystem, the application gradually becomes almost indispensable, allowing you to always keep all your most important materials at hand. The program can load content into background. This way, you can read articles, for example, during subway runs, when Mobile Internet does not work. Pocket is integrated with many applications. For example, you can save tweets to the service from official client Twitter.

Yahoo Weather
Since in latest versions iOS information weather information was integrated into the notification panel, many users decided to abandon special weather applications. But standard iOS client provides only the most basic information about weather conditions, so meticulous people will still need separate applications.

One of the most beautiful weather apps on iOS is Yahoo Weather. It not only accurately predicts the meteorological situation, but also pleases the eye with beautiful fonts, beautiful animation, background pictures and so on. Yahoo clearly put a lot of effort into the program, resulting in Apple (apparently by agreement) using the same design in its own weather app on the iPhone. Weather data from the application can be sent via SMS, via e-mail, or save on social networks.

The program provides data on temperature at each hour of the day, wind speed, pressure, moon phase, shows a map of cloudiness, shows how many degrees the current weather “feels”, what level of visibility, humidity, UV index. Thus, the data provided by the application will be more than enough for most users.

The stock camera app, especially in iOS 7, is capable of meeting the needs of most users. However, many people lack functionality in it. If you want more advanced options for creating and processing photos, we recommend trying a program with the laconic name Camera+.

The program is sold on the App Store for two dollars. Once you try to take pictures in Camera+, you are unlikely to want to return to the standard “Camera” - it’s like trading a “DSLR” for a cheap “point-and-shoot” camera.

The app provides various grids to create more high-quality images. The photos you take don’t have to be saved to your smartphone’s gallery right away; the app can keep the photos in reserve so you can select and save only a few really successful ones. This is convenient, especially for those users who like to “click” something many times in a row.

The application interface is very simple, intuitive and well thought out. There are flash settings, switching between cameras, zoom. In addition to the standard, there are various additional options shooting - stabilized (the photo will be taken only when the smartphone is completely motionless), timer shooting, there is a "fast" photography mode, in which pictures are taken in a little worse quality, but very quickly.

Separately, we should mention the ability to separate the focus point from the exposure metering point by tapping on the screen in different places. Sometimes this really helps to take a really high-quality photo.

Also, the application could not do without filters and subsequent editing of pictures. Photos can be rotated, cropped, overlaid various frames and effects - in general, to indulge.

If Camera+'s photo editing capabilities aren't enough for you, try downloading Snapseed. This is a free, but convenient and functional photo editor for iOS. Not long ago, Snapseed became free after Google bought it. If you want to quickly but efficiently improve your photo, Snapseed is the best option.

The program looks simpler than Apple's iPhoto photo combiner, but it's still very nice. The main feature of the editor is its advanced control system, which is built on a single principle. Thus, you can perform any actions in the application simply by learning a few gestures.

Snapseed has a huge number of filters and various fine settings, which will allow you to edit pictures quickly and very subtly.

Works great and automatic correction, which will help if you don’t want to bother with self-improvement. There are not only numerous filters, but also various frames - in general, everything your heart desires. Snapseed cannot exchange data directly with other devices, but it does support “sharing” in Google+.

In general, Snapseed is an excellent amateur program that will satisfy almost all photo processing needs that the average user may have.

Chrome on iOS is a great browser for you, especially if you use Chrome on your desktop computer. The browser supports full synchronization with your PC, you can even send pages from your computer directly to your phone with the press of a single key if, for example, you want to move away from your PC,

You can note the beautiful and slightly unusual interface, which, nevertheless, is convenient. Chrome promises to soon feature a data compression mode, as well as browser applications and extensions.

I would especially like to note that it works very well with the Russian language voice input search queries. Chrome does a great job formatting pages and works well with videos. There is an "Incognito" mode.

Tabs opened in Chrome on a computer with the same Google account will appear in the Other Devices list. It is very comfortable.

The Chrome browser allows you to change the default search engine and can save passwords. The downside is that Chrome is more heavy-handed than standard Safari. If you open many tabs at the same time, the application will begin to slow down noticeably, especially on older ones iPhone models, or maybe even fly out.

Yandex browser
Yandex made its own browser completely cross-platform by releasing special versions for Android tablets and iPhone smartphones(previously, only the iPad version could be found in the App Store). The new product supports synchronization of bookmarks and the list of frequently visited sites between different devices.

An important advantage of the new browser is the presence of a “Turbo” mode, which significantly speeds up the loading of pages in conditions of a slow Internet connection; this is not the case in standard Safari. " Smart line"Search distinguishes between website addresses and search engine queries and gives hints. The browser can also answer specific questions immediately - for example, display photos or maps.

Panel quick access represents large tiles with frequently visited sites. They can be deleted, modified or dragged - this saves time. Subjectively, Yandex.Browser looks much more beautiful than the standard Safari. At first, it may seem unusual that the search/address bar is located at the bottom of the screen rather than at the top, but it soon becomes clear to the user that it is much more convenient to reach it with a finger.

All these advantages of the new browser are largely canceled out by the fact that in iOS it is impossible to configure a non-Safari browser as the main browser. So the links from various applications will still open in the preinstalled browser by default. In Chrome for iOS, this problem is partially solved by the fact that in other Google applications you can configure the ability to open links by default in Chrome, this is especially true for Gmail. But the same “Yandex.Mail” still can open links only in Safari; it has not yet been paired with “Yandex.Browser”.

Perhaps the best third party browser for iPad. The application was developed by Opera. The Norwegians made an attempt to rethink the entire accumulated experience of “communication” between a person and a tablet. The effort resulted in Project Coast, a "browser of the future" for iPad designed in a minimalist spirit.

An innovative product is devoid of targeted and search strings, "Back" and "Forward" buttons, tabs, bookmarks and other familiar things - almost everything free place Web pages occupy the screen. At the bottom, Opera designers decided to leave only two buttons: one of them returns to the start window, and the other shows a list of recently visited sites.

Even a beginner who has never held an iPad in their hands can easily understand Coast's intuitive navigation. To go back or go forward, he just needs to slide his finger across the screen in the desired direction, and to refresh the page, he needs to “pull” it down. The field for searching or entering a URL is located on the "express panel" Speed ​​Dial(it also greets you when you start the program).

The app looks absolutely amazing. Background pictures, which can be changed at your own discretion, polished interface animation, a convenient and beautiful “tab-tile” system, all this is simply very pleasant to use.

When we buy a smartphone, we receive an impressive set of pre-installed applications and services. Phone book, alarm clock, email client, calendar, maps - all this and much more allows us to start working immediately after purchase full-time work with the device and not think about the need to immediately open the App Store to download various software. It happens that once we start using pre-installed applications, we get used to them and don’t feel the need to use them. alternative options. This is not surprising, since standard applications are developed in such a way as to satisfy the basic needs of the widest possible range of users.

However, some “grow out” of the proposed functionality and begin to notice that somewhere behind the neighbor’s fence the grass is, as usual, greener. Third Party Applications often offer more features packaged into attractive interfaces. In this case, there is nothing else left but to send standard applications to a distant folder on home screen and download something new from the App Store. We've collected a dozen best options to replace standard applications on your iPhone.

The alarm clock is one of the most inhumane inventions in the world. Even though we can't sleep as much as we want, the process of waking up can be made a little more pleasant. Great preset ringtones, a stylish interface with blur and gesture controls, and a night clock - Rise does it all Alarm Clock excellent and perhaps the best candidate for replacement standard alarm clock. And if you don’t like minimalism, you can try the uber-functional Sleep Time alarm clock, which can not only wake you up, but also put you to sleep pleasant melodies and even tracks sleep cycles.

When playing video using a standard player, you cannot do without converting. It takes time and forces you to spend money on additional applications, and sometimes also understand numerous settings. Fortunately popular players AVPlayer and VLC are ready to save users from the vast majority of hassles and are ready to show movies, TV series and clips in almost any format.

Standard Notes are good for their simplicity and speed of synchronization between devices. But once the user has acquired big amount notes, you will inevitably think about advanced tools for organizing notes, such as dividing into packs or using tags and search. Evernote copes with all this perfectly, offering a huge number of functions for storing and creating a variety of notes with text and even multimedia content. But if the green elephant is not to your taste or seems too difficult, excellent choice could be the simple and minimalistic Simplenote, also available for tablets and Mac computers.

By by and large, the standard “Calendar” on the iPhone does not make you want to find a replacement for it as soon as possible. But you should have seen how beautiful the recently released Google Calendar! If you chase not only appearance, it's worth paying attention to Sunrise, which was recently acquired by Microsoft. This application offers integration with a huge number of services, allowing you to subscribe to events that interest you and interact with other users without having to launch other applications. For example, you can congratulate a Facebook friend on his birthday directly from the calendar.

Branded apple cards They cope well with their duties abroad, but in Russia they work mediocrely. Everyone who at least sometimes uses navigation or looks for addresses is forced to download alternative applications. Yandex.Maps is the leader in our country, and in the world - Google Maps, who know a huge number of companies, update information in a timely manner, and the first ones can even tell you the exit numbers of the Moscow metro. However, for those who are interested in the most inconspicuous streets, courtyard driveways and other cartographic details, you should definitely pay attention to Here Maps, which offer some of the most detailed maps for mobile devices.

Most iPhone owners are so used to standard keyboard that they can type text with almost eyes closed. But don't you want to try something new? Swiftkey offers users great system typing hints and the ability to enter text by swiping. Strengths Fleksy - convenient gestures to simplify input, resizable keyboard height, as well as special mode for one-handed operation, which will be very important for owners of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

This is not to say that the Music application does its job poorly, but downloading and storing tracks offline is gradually going out of fashion. You can use your smartphone memory for something more useful if you start using streaming services. Of course, I would like to recommend Beats Music or Spotify, but for users from Russia the easiest way would be to download Yandex.Music or Deezer, so as not to have to worry about VPN during registration and the difficulties of paying for a premium account.

You can keep to-do lists in the Reminders app, but for some reason few people use this opportunity. In most cases the choice falls on alternative services such as advanced Wunderlist and Todoist, which allow you to work in a team, maintain several lists at once, add files and comment on things, and, if necessary, pay for a premium account and get maximum functions.

A standard email client is good until active correspondence begins. Push is only supported for iCloud, and minimum time updates for all other accounts are 15 minutes. Sometimes this is an unforgivable amount, and manually pulling updates can hardly be called a pleasant experience. Postal Outlook clients, myMail and Mailbox from Microsoft companies, and Dropbox support instant notifications about new emails and have integration with cloud storage for convenient sending of attachments. In addition, they offer tools for sorting emails into important and unimportant, or clearing the list of incoming messages for more productive work.

The Messages app can only be liked when you need to write an SMS or communicate with others iPhone owner. We usually try to avoid the first; the second is not always possible. In this case, various messengers come to the rescue, erasing the boundaries between owners of smartphones controlled by different operating systems and help you save on text communication. At iGuides, we most like Viber and Telegram, but it’s best to focus on the service that most of your friends use.

A built-in camera, a library of images, advanced photo editing tools and most importantly - some of the highest quality filters developed by professionals. By and large, VSCO Cam is the only application that should be installed for everyone who actively uses a smartphone camera and likes to upload pictures to Instagram and social networks.

Once again, I must admit that iBooks works great. But its problem is limited format support and a modest selection Russian-language books in the shop. Less fastidious readers can handle the first one third party developers like iBouquiniste, which also offers nostalgia for a “retro interface” with wooden bookshelves. But the selection and purchase of books should be entrusted to completely different applications. For example, you can subscribe to the Bookmate service and get access to hundreds of thousands of different books.

What applications do you use instead of the standard ones? Or for some reason do you avoid third-party products? We are waiting for your comments about the confrontation between pre-installed and alternative software.

Let's talk about standard applications. However, first a few words about two important changes that remained outside the scope of previous materials. The first thing that was not said is the search Spotlight. The search system itself remained unchanged,

In contact with

its launch has been reworked. Now in iOS there is no dark screen to the left of desktops, Spotlight called by simply swiping down anywhere on the springboard. The search window is displayed on top of the icons and, together with the keyboard, is slightly transparent.

The second in order, but not in importance, of the changes is. These are the ones we saw in Cydia. The panel is now similar to switching between tabs in Safari on the iPhone. Again, a lot of space at the top and bottom is empty and no more than three can fit on the screen running programs. To close, you need to swipe up on the desired window. Swiping down doesn't do anything. There is also no way to close all windows at once.
Now, with a clear conscience, you can move on to the description of standard applications. Let's start with the Calendar, the program has become easier and more enjoyable. The main interface colors are white and red. For some reason, the transition between day, month and year is carried out only when you press a button; I would like to see “pinches” or swipes. In general, everything looks good, but you can’t help but feel that this is a “women’s” calendar.
The weather vane icon or the eight-flowered flower hides the Photo application. The authors tried to simultaneously add the ability to sort pictures by location, date, and simply into folders. It turned out not very clear, since navigation between Albums, Moments, Collection and Years is carried out in two different tabs.

From Photo we move on to Camera. Now she can take not only pictures and videos, but also “squares” for Instgram. The app design is now also flat and translucent.

I would like to note Weather in iOS 7. The application has become much more beautiful than its predecessor, and the design is similar to.
Notes and reminders have become too simple, it feels like you are working with a notepad in Windows. White color still predominates in the design.

How to remove default apps in iOS

Uninstalling stock apps in iOS 10 is as easy as uninstalling any other app!

Step 1: Open the folder or find standard application , which you want to delete, for example “Calendar”.

Step 2. Press lightly on the application icon until she starts dancing.

Step 3. Find the little "x" icon, which is reflected in the upper left corner and click on it.

After deleting an application, its icon will disappear from the desktop iPhone backgrounds or iPad.

A note about removing stock apps from iOS: Because some apps, like Siri, are part of the system and deeply integrated into iOS, they don't actually uninstall and free up memory. Instead, their icons are simply hidden from the device's desktop. (Like a switch, in iOS settings 9).

How to install a standard application in iOS

Step 1: Go to the App Store App Store.

Step 2: Go to the tab "Search" at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Enter application names in the search bar. If you don't find it, type in the stock Apple search and select the developer page, all standard applications are there.

Step 4. Find remote application And click on the “cloud” icon, this is to reinstall the previously removed application.

I'll notice! IN this moment, it's a little difficult to find the stock pre-installed apps in the App Store by typing their names, so head straight to Apple's developer page. I hope that search will work better in future versions of iOS 10.

Have questions?

Can't find an app you deleted? Would you like to give some advice? Go ahead, write and ask in the comments!

Let's briefly tell you how to delete pre-installed applications in iOS 10. By the way, there are minimal difficulties, since with the latest iOS update in iPhone this option Now it has also become stock.

However, “delete” in in this case- the term is not entirely appropriate. Technically pre-installed apps (which always take up quite a lot of space) from iPhone using new option the user cannot delete.

But he can remove some of them from the desktop of his smartphone.

The feature only works after updating the operating system to iOS versions 10, which, we remind you, can be installed on the iPhone, starting with the iPhone 5 (read more about the characteristics of the models, and, most importantly, about the current prices), on all iPads and on the iPod touch generation 6.

So, you can also remove stock applications from Apple tablets and players using this method.

  • how to remove pre-installed apps from iPhone

Just like regular mobile apps. As we have already said, not all stock applications can be removed this way, but most of them can now be removed from the desktop. This is done as follows: select unnecessary program, tap on its icon once and hold down until all the icons on the screen vibrate and small circles with crosses appear next to them.

Next, simply tap the cross on our icon unnecessary program, confirm the decision with the “Delete” button, and the application disappears from the desktop. After uninstalling a program, you can also delete the user data and configuration files associated with it. However, if you use Apple Watch, then you need to consider that deleting some stock applications and associated data may affect the functionality of the smartwatch.

Pre-installed applications, which you can delete from your iPhone (and free up approximately 150MB of storage space):

My friends
iCloud Drive
iTunes Store
Goos notes

Once removed from the iPhone, stock apps are automatically removed from the paired Apple Watch. In addition, some functions in CarPlay and probably in " Notification Center". After uninstalling the application " Calculator "from the desktop, it is also deleted from " Control Center«.

  • how to restore pre-installed apps that were deleted

Let us repeat, in iOS 10, stock applications are not actually deleted using the described method. You simply remove their icons from the device’s desktop. On the one hand, this is, of course, a minus, but on the other hand, this solution also has its plus, since it is also easy to restore any of the hidden programs. Opening App Store on your iPhone, in the search we type original name remote program and click " Download "(icon in the form of a cloud with an arrow). The iPhone will download the application and restore it to the desktop.