Recovering your email password for a secret question. How to recover your email if you forgot your login and password

The portal offers its users many convenient services that greatly facilitate their virtual existence. One of these convenient functions is email, without which it is impossible to perform any actions on the Internet, be it registering on a website or online purchases. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to restore your mail if it is unavailable or you have deactivated your account yourself.

Recovery after deletion

So, you deleted your mailbox, but then changed your mind and now want to have access to it again. What do I need to do?

The answer is simple: go to the website and enter your username and correct password in the account login field. This way, you will again gain access to your mailbox, but the information that was stored on it will not be restored.

What to do if you forgot your password?

To do this, you will need instructions on how to recover your mail password. There are several ways to do this. The specific method you choose depends on what information you can remember about your profile. Let's consider all the possible options for restoring your email.

Tip: to avoid losing access to your mailbox, set up your email on Android. In this case, you will be able to log into your profile from your mobile device and change its settings.

Well, if you remember your login, you will need it during recovery. In any case, the first step is to click the “Forgot your password?” button.

Recovery by phone number

When creating a profile on the website, you were asked to confirm your phone number, which is not visible to other users, but can be used to manage your account. If you have confirmed your number and have access to it, then feel free to choose recovery via SMS message.

Select a number and enter its last 4 digits in the special field.

  1. Open the message that arrives on your phone.
  2. Use the received access code to recover your password.

When registering an account, you had to select a specific question and write an answer to it. Enter the necessary information in the appropriate field so that the system can identify you, and also enter the secret code from the picture. If you cannot indicate the correct answer, click "I don't remember the answer."

A similar method often has to be used if you need to recover your Skype password, so there is nothing special or difficult about contacting technical support. Moreover, the site has a convenient form for this, which opens immediately after clicking the “I don’t remember the answer” button.

You will be asked to provide your personal information that you used to create your account and can remember.

In the column “When was mail created?” it is necessary to indicate how much time has passed since registration: from “less than 3 months” to “more than 3 years”. Select an approximate value - this will help specialists find your registration data faster.

The line “Password for registration” is required. You can write any set of characters in it if you don’t remember this information.

If you choose this method, you will also have to provide another email address that you have access to. Otherwise, support specialists will not be able to answer your request and send you a link to gain access to your account.

After entering the required information, click “Submit” and get ready to answer a whole series of questions.

As you can see, you have to provide maximum information that only the real owner of the account can know. Try to write as much as possible, then the chances that access to your mail will be returned to you faster will increase significantly.

After filling out the request form, all you have to do is wait for the support service to process your request. Once you receive an email with a recovery link, you will need to follow it and enter a new password.

Today we will talk about password recovery. Your email was hacked or your password was stolen, how can I restore my mailbox? This happens every day and no one is immune from it. This, of course, is a little upsetting and you are wondering how to restore mail on, Google or Yandex.

There are several ways out of such situations:

  • Standard recovery products
  • An unofficial way that helped me

Standard password recovery tools

First of all, you need to go to the site and under the window where you enter your email username and password, you need to click on the “Forgot your password?” link.

We get to the password recovery page, where we enter your login and click Next.

We are offered several options, depending on what you selected and filled out when creating your mailbox. You need to answer a secret question or use the second option, write the phone numbers or something else.

If you answered correctly, then in the next window you will be offered instructions for further recovery actions.

If you answered incorrectly, then this method will not help you and you need to move on to other options.

Formal support request

Go to the mail site again, click reset password, enter your username and click Next. At the bottom there will be a small text preceded by an exclamation mark.

If you were unable to recover your password, fill out the support request form and follow the link. A window will appear in front of you where you need to fill in as much information as possible. Fields marked with asterisks must be filled out.

After you fill out everything, do not forget to indicate the contact e-mail address to which you will receive a response from the support service.

The official processing time for your request is three business days, after which you should receive a response with further instructions. When I filled out this form, I specified my email address as gmail.

More than three working days have passed, but I still have not received a response. Perhaps and do not get along with each other and I will not wait for an answer. If you indicate your contact email, the chances of receiving a response from the support service will increase.

Unofficial way

After my email was hacked, my security question and additional email were changed (I didn’t indicate my phone number), I started looking for information on the Internet about how I could recover my password. The search went on for a couple of hours and on one of the sites I found out an alternative option on how to restore your mailbox to

The first step is to create a new mailbox on the mail. Use the mailbox of a friend or relative you trust. If you already have spare mail, here's what to do.

We write a letter to this address [email protected]. Subject - password recovery.

Here is a sample of my query letter:

The next day I received an answer:

We will send you detailed information that was requested in the previous letter.

I indicated almost all the data and sent them in a reply letter. The next day I received a response that my mailbox would be restored. The recovery link will be emailed to me within an hour and will be valid for 72 hours.

Literally half an hour later, an email arrives with a link to restore my hacked mailbox. My joy knew no bounds; I no longer thought that it would be possible to restore my mail. Iyyyyyyyy.

After going through the password recovery procedure, I immediately went to the mailbox security settings and configured everything to the maximum: changed the password; indicated the mobile number: security question and set up some other things.

If none of the methods helped you, then write to support. If they can’t help you there, then create a new mailbox, preferably on Gmail. If you don’t know how to do this or have difficulties, you can use two instructions:

And now I suggest you watch a video tutorial on mail recovery.


Today I showed you three ways to recover your password or how to recover mail on mail. This recovery procedure took me three days, yours may be a little different. Create complex passwords and use good antivirus programs, then your data will be safe.

Perhaps you have any questions or questions about how to restore your mailbox. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

It is unpleasant when a stranger gains access to personal correspondence. Moreover, it can harm you. Users often encounter the problem of hacking mailboxes, but do not solve it, but create a new one. In vain. In addition to losing access to information, you risk becoming an “absentee” spammer or fraudster, because it is unknown what goal the hacker of your account was pursuing. The vast majority of RuNet users use services, which are based on creating a mailbox. In this case, let's look at how to recover your email password.

Restoring using the standard method

For this type of recovery you need to know your login.

  1. On the main page of, click on the “Forgot your password” button.
  2. Enter your mailbox address and click the "Continue" button.
  3. Attention! If you haven't used your mailbox for 5 years, it could be permanently deleted.

  4. If the mail exists, you will be taken to the recovery page, where you enter the necessary information about the registration data.
  5. After filling out all the fields and entering the captcha, click the “Continue” button.
  6. Attention! Account recovery is only possible by submitting the form. The key question method was found to be ineffective.

  7. Next, a second page will open with empty fields.
  8. After filling them out, click the “Submit” button, thereby your application will be sent to the support service for consideration.

Advice! Do not fill out all fields if you do not know some. With clear answers to 2-3 questions, the answer will be positive and access will be restored.

Alternative option

If nothing works and you receive a refusal, don’t be upset, try writing directly to the technical specialists. Explain to them in simple language the reason for losing the password (hacking, long-term non-use) and the circumstances why it is important to restore access to this particular account. Send the letter to: [email protected]. Topic: password recovery. All that remains is to wait for the answer.

Recovering using a mobile phone

If you indicated your phone number during registration, you can’t think of an easier way. You will receive a confirmation code in the form of an SMS message, with which your password will be restored in two clicks. You just need to come up with a new combination.

Attention! If you have changed your number since registration, use the standard recovery method.

How I was hacked or preventive measures

There are viruses that create an exact copy of the main page of a particular Internet resource. You, suspecting nothing, enter your username and password. But instead of opening the inbox, either nothing happens, or a pop-up window appears with content of a different nature: an error, an incorrect password, or even extortion of money under a false pretext. In this case, you need to check the system for viruses and urgently change the password for your mailbox.

Attention! If accounts on social networks and bank accounts were linked to the hacked email, urgently change your home mailbox on the appropriate resources!

In another case, the password could be found out by deception. If you responded to a “technical support” message with an email containing information about your account, the email is no longer yours.

Attention! Technical support never requires personal user data. Such messages are deception!

So, we have become familiar with the types of hacking and methods for recovering a password from mail. If you do not believe in conspiracy theories, please indicate your phone number when registering. This will make your life easier and minimize the risk of losing your account.

Today we decided to talk about how you can recover data from your mailbox on the Mail service. Many users know that the Mail postal service is one of the most popular sites in our country. The service appeared relatively long ago; at that time, even connecting to the Internet was made through ancient dial-up modems, and from this it can be revealed that only a small part of the population used the Internet. But today, the majority of users choose this particular mail service, since in reality registering on it is quite simple, and the plus is that after registration the user gets the opportunity to use not only his mail, but also other services that are provided this is a major project. Another important advantage is that provides truly high-quality services for its users. There are many different reasons by which you can lose your data from your mailbox, and in most cases, passwords, as well as all important information, are recorded on the computer, therefore, if it is lost, it is simply impossible to remember your data. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is find out how to restore mail.

The main "troika"

So, currently there are only three options, with the help of one of which you can restore access to your mail. email has technical support, so you can contact them directly with a question about restoring your mailbox. The second option means entering your mobile phone number, but this will only be relevant if you entered it and confirmed it during registration. Of course, nowadays few people do this action, since no one has the desire or there is simply a fear of exposing their number. However, if you still have access, we recommend that you confirm your phone number; do not worry about its safety and confidentiality, the system has powerful protection installed, and accordingly, your data cannot end up in third hands. Setting up mail is actually very simple, but recently many additional points have been added there, but if you do not want to waste your time, then you can fill in only the basic parameters. The third way is to answer the security question that you specified during registration, although if you lost all your data, then you may probably not remember the answer to the security question.

Let's try it in action

Let's now move on to practical work, or rather, begin the procedure for restoring a mailbox. First of all, you directly need to go to the mail service, and then click on the “Forgot your password?” button. Once clicked, you will be taken to a password recovery page where you will be asked to provide your email address. If you don’t remember your mailbox address, then you need to remember who you previously sent letters to, then you can contact this person and clarify your details. However, if you have developed logic, then you can find a solution to this issue. You can also find out how to restore mail in the answers on the service itself. But there, in principle, ordinary users answer, so various kinds of disagreements can be identified, which will only help you get even more confused.

Free mail and its control check

When you provide your mailbox address, you will be asked a question that you need to answer. The answer, as we wrote earlier, you set yourself during registration and if you remember it, then you should enter it in the line, then enter the numbers or letters from the picture and click the “Recover Password” button.

Forgetfulness is not a vice

If you don’t remember the answer to your security question, don’t be immediately disappointed and think that you won’t be able to restore your mailbox. Click on the “I don’t remember the answer” button. Now you will have a form in front of you in which you will need to indicate your data, while the system itself does not prompt you to enter it correctly. You must enter the data as you remember it when you entered it during registration. Of course, if you entered your real data, then it will not be difficult for you to indicate them in this form.

There should be a lot of mail

Before restoring, we recommend that you register a new mailbox, if, of course, you do not already have one. You need a new mailbox so that the Mail service support service can contact you and send you instructions for further proceeding with account recovery, or you will simply be sent a new password. In the form you will need to enter your First Name, Last Name, as well as your date of birth, indicate your old password (if you do not remember it, then you may enter the wrong password), and the approximate time when the account was registered, for this you will be offered several temporary options . I would also like to remind you that it will be a little more difficult to restore, since other data will be required from you, and if the mailbox was deleted a long time ago, then it will be almost impossible to remember the data. Of course, there is a way out in such a situation, but it relates to a more problematic issue. After filling out the entire form, you should submit your request.

Let's wait a little

Now you know how to restore mail, all that remains is to wait for a response from the support service. In principle, if you do not want to wait several days, then from your new mail account you can directly contact the technical support of the Mail mail service. Of course, the overall result will only depend on what data you currently have, and if there is enough of it, then most likely the technical support team will give you a link to set a new password.

After setting a new password for your mailbox, you can go to the main page “ - login”. Next, authorize with a new password.

How to restore mail using a mobile phone?

In fact, this is all done very simply, and most importantly - quickly. Of course, when entering data, we recommend that you take your time so as not to make mistakes. So, as we mentioned earlier, you can restore your mail account using your phone only if you entered it during registration, otherwise this recovery option is no longer available, and you should consider other options that we just talked about .

Mobile recovery

First, you should go to the password recovery page and there enter the phone number that was specified during registration. If you enter the number correctly, then after a few minutes you will receive an SMS message with a short verification code. You will need to enter this verification code into the form on the page, and then click the “Continue” button. This recovery option is extremely fast, since after successfully confirming the code, you will immediately be able to enter a new password and then log into your mailbox.

In the last article we talked about, today we’ll talk about recovery. Restoring a mailbox from is required for various reasons, but this is mainly due to the lack of a password. Without writing down data, it is difficult to remember it later. There are also frequent cases when a mailbox is deleted, and then the user wants to restore it. Is it possible to get my data back? There are several ways and everyone will find the easiest one for themselves.

How to restore access to mail if you deleted it?

There are cases when mail is not needed, but after some time, it turns out that without it it is impossible to access some service or it is impossible to communicate with other users. What can I do?

In this case, you first need to go to the main page of the search engine. Then write your username and password in the data entry field. If you remember them, then you don't need to do anything else. The mailbox will be restored and you will be able to use it again. However, there is one caveat - you will no longer be able to restore the data that was stored in the box.

This is perhaps the simplest and most obvious way to restore mail on But only ideally can you remember your login and password. What should those who don’t remember this data do?

In this case, there are several options for resolving the issue, but everything will depend on what data you remember about your mailbox and profile.

Recovering mail by phone

It's good if you know your mail login on First, click on the link “Forgot your password?”

You will be offered ways to recover your password. Among them you will also find an option to restore access via a mobile phone. But this method will only work if you entered this information when registering your profile.

Usually the phone number is connected to the mail and account at once. The phone data is not shown to anyone and is only needed to confirm login in such specific cases. If you used a phone number during registration, then simply select the “recovery by phone message” method.

Confirmation via SMS is already practiced in many services and is no different in the same VKontakte or Google. You enter your phone number as usual, and the last four digits are entered in the field provided for this purpose.

The message arrives quickly enough. The code must be entered in the window that appears and your mail will be available to you again.

What to do if the phone number does not help in your case? For example, you did not enter your data and now you cannot use such a function? Then choose an answer to the security question.

It was initially entered when registering an account and mail. You had to choose one of the questions and write your answer. This is one way of identifying users so that the system can only grant access to the user who remembers the answer to the question asked.

If you know both the question and the control answer to it, then just select your question from the list and write your answer, which you entered during registration. Only this one will work.

After entering the required data, the system will ask you to enter the code in the image. At this stage, after confirming the data, you will resume access to your mail.

If you don’t remember the answer, you need to click on the “I don’t remember the answer” link and select other options.

If the security question and answer option is not your option, then try contacting technical support for help. In fact, this is a common practice, and it is supported in many other services, for example, Skype.

The website has a special form for this. After you click on the “I don’t remember the answer” link, you will be offered this very contact form.

In order for you to be able to access your remote mail, enter the personal information that you used when creating it. That is, you will have to remember what you can. Specialists will use this data to not only verify that it is your email, but also to quickly find the data you used to register and restore your access.

For example, you will have a question - “when was mail created?” Of course, you won’t remember the specific date, but you can probably give an approximate range. Select the most appropriate value and continue to indicate the remaining data.

Among the data you will see a line with a password. It will be called “Registration Password”. It will need to be filled out and if you do not remember your password, then enter a new set of complex characters and be sure to write it down in a separate file.

You also need to take into account that you have an additional mailbox. If it is not there, then it is unlikely that you will be able to restore access to using this particular method. When you registered your mail for the first time, you specified an additional mailbox so that in case of problems you could access the second mailbox. If you missed this moment during registration, then nothing can be done. If you did, then this is where the specialists from the support service will send you the data for recovery. Enter your email and specialists will send you a link to it if the email can be restored.

When all the data is filled in, click on the “Submit” button and now you will need to answer a series of questions.

Even though the recovery process through support seems long, this is what protecting your personal data and your personal information looks like. You will need to answer questions that will help the support team understand that you are the owner of the account.

The more information about yourself you write, the greater the chance that your access to your mail will be restored.

After filling out, all you have to do is wait for a specialist from the support service to respond. The time always varies and depends on the workload of specialists. A letter will be sent to your additional mailbox containing a link. Follow the link and enter your new password in the window that appears. This will restore access to your deleted mail.

Video instructions for email recovery

Watch the video instructions to understand exactly how to restore a mailbox from

Thus, it is possible to restore remote access to your mailbox, but to do this you need to remember as much information as possible that was entered when registering your mail. If you manage to remember the data, then recovery will not take you even two minutes. Otherwise, you need to contact technical support, and what decision the specialists will make will depend on the correctness and completeness of your answers.