Such postal and. Find out the postal code by address, how to find out the postal code, find out the postal address by postal code, how to find out the postal code online

Conventional digital designation of a postal address assigned to a postal service facility;... Source: Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176 FZ (as amended on December 6, 2011) On postal communications... Official terminology

postcode- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN zip code ...

postcode- 296 postal code: Conventional digital designation of a postal address assigned to a postal service facility. Source: GOST R 53801 2010: Federal communications. Terms and definitions original document... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

- (postal code) a system of digital (sometimes including letters) designation of communication enterprises, which greatly facilitates the sorting of boxes. and allowing it to be mechanized and automated (see POST PROCESSING MACHINES). P. and. in the last 3... ... Large philatelic dictionary

Postcode- a conventional digital designation of a postal address assigned to a postal facility that receives and delivers postal items. Federal Law of 09.08.95 N 129 Federal Law, Art. 1 ... Dictionary of legal concepts

US zip code- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN Zone Improvement Planning Code ... Technical Translator's Guide

POSTAL CODE- POSTCODE … Legal encyclopedia

- No. 1923, plying on ... Wikipedia

- (Latin index list, register, index) a number, letters or other combination of symbols indicating the place of an element in the aggregate or characterizing the state of some system, for example an indicator of activity, productivity, development, ... ... Wikipedia

An ambiguous term. Toponym Postal Farm in the Belokalitvinsky district of the Rostov region. Postal farm in the Kasharsky district of the Rostov region. Postal farm in the Konstantinovsky district of the Rostov region of Russia. Postal farm in Krasnosulinsky... ... Wikipedia


  • Moscow 1973. Brief address and reference book, Yu.S. Bratko. The brief address and reference book "Moscow" contains information about thousands of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the capital. But due to the fact that it is impossible to cover all the material in one reference book,...
  • Ukraine. Map of postal indexation of settlements. 1:1 100,000, . From Yakaboo: The postal indexation map of Ukrainian settlements is extremely useful and necessary for everyone. You will no longer need to call and ask for your postal code and address...

Anyone who has ever had to write a letter by filling in the empty address lines of an envelope has wondered about the zip code of their post office or the recipient of the letter. These seemingly meaningless six numbers determine the fate of any mail item. If you indicate them incorrectly, the letter simply will not reach the addressee. Let's find out all the ways you can find out the exact post office code of any city.

First you need to understand that the index is not a simple set of some six digits. It contains the following information: the first three digits indicate the city where the addressee lives, and the second three allow us to find out the number of the post office at the destination. Now it has become clear to everyone what the importance of these numbers is. For those who are not particularly comfortable with the Internet, the index can be found by calling any post office. In order for you to be provided with the required information, you need to tell the operator the city, street and house number of the addressee. Only then will they tell you the exact post office code to which the recipient is attached.

For Internet users, even with the slightest experience, it will be quite easy to find out the index on the official website of the Russian Post or any other website containing information about the indexes of different cities of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need to go to the main page of Russian Post and find the link called “search for post offices”, which is located on the left. By following this link you can determine the index in two ways. It all depends on what recipient data you have. If you know the exact full address of the recipient, i.e. region, name of a locality, neighborhood or street, as well as building number, then it will be most convenient for you to use the “delivery address” tab. By filling out all the lines in this tab and clicking the “find” button, in one second the system will give you not only the index of the desired post office, but also its address, as well as a telephone number, by calling which you can verify the accuracy of the result. Moreover, using the “map” tab you can see the location of this post office. All found information can be easily printed using the “print” icon with a picture of a printer. It also happens that you need to find an index knowing only the region and the name of the locality. In this case, the “by location and services” tab will help. After clicking on it, enter the name of the city in the search bar. The system will give you all possible options with a similar name, from which you must choose the appropriate one. Additional tabs “Operating hours” and “Services provided” will help you narrow down your search, but they are not required to be filled out. Once you click the search button, you will be provided with a complete list of all post offices with individual zip codes that match the search queries you entered. The post office address and map will help you select the desired zip code, thanks to which you can determine the location of the recipient to whom you are sending the letter. To be completely sure, you can contact the selected post office and clarify the details.

As you can see from the article, finding out the index is not at all difficult, regardless of your location and time of day, if you have a computer with Internet access at hand and you know the name of our website with many detailed instructions for all occasions.

Technological progress moves at such a speed, and so deeply influences the human perception of the world around us, that once familiar and most ordinary things are crowded out in just a few years, and then completely disappear from everyday life. This is what happened with the traditional postal code system. Agree that today most of us associate correspondence with electronic mail services, and not with the transmission of paper correspondence. Therefore, in rare cases when you have to deal with classical forwarding, some difficulties arise.

However, mail has not lost its relevance completely and is still used in cases where it is necessary to deliver a parcel. In particular, online purchases rarely occur without postage. This means that everyone who at least occasionally engages in virtual shopping should know their postal coordinates, and first of all, their postal code. It is assigned not to every home, but to a specific post office - that is, without its indication, your parcel will not be able to be delivered not only to your home address, but even to a PO box or post restante post office.

What is a postal code
The index is an integral part of the postal address. In fact, these are several numbers and/or letters arranged in a certain sequence. It must be strictly observed, because modern postal services in many countries use an automatic letter sorting system. It focuses specifically on indexes, and an incorrectly indexed letter will simply be lost or delivered to another recipient. A postal code is assigned to each post office, and its format depends on the norms of the address system of a particular country.

There are cases when a private enterprise or official organization receiving a very large volume of correspondence was assigned its own index. But usually in member countries of the Universal Postal Union the index carries encrypted information about the name of the state, the locality on its territory and the number of a specific post office. The symbols and form of transmission of the cipher from different countries differ from each other. So, for example, in Ukraine these are five digits without spaces between them, in Russia – six digits, and in the USA – nine digits, written with a hyphen.

Each state creates and controls the classification of zip codes. This information is not classified; it is freely available to all citizens and foreigners. But the state directory of postal codes is not a stable, once and for all established list of codes. It is regularly updated taking into account relevant address, topographic, and geographical changes. Therefore, even if letters in envelopes were often delivered to your house in the past, and the correspondence of your grandparents, yellowed from time to time, is stored in your chest of drawers, it is possible that the postal code indicated on them has since changed and is no longer valid. This means that, if necessary, you will need to find out the current index.

Determining postal code by address
The easiest way, of course, is to find out the index from your household or neighbors. But they, too, may turn out to be adherents of electronic communications and simply do not have the information you need. The likelihood of success will be greater if you contact your post office directly for clarification. The postal code must be indicated in a visible place or the postal employees will tell you it. But if the need to find out your postal code overtook you in the middle of the night while filling out an order form in an online store, then you have only one way: find out your postal code right here on the Internet. And, by the way, this is the fastest and most reliable way, consisting of just a few steps:

  1. Open the “Russian Postal Codes” classifier located on the website (or find a similar virtual directory of another country).
  2. Find the desired republic, region or region in the main list, compiled in alphabetical order, and open the corresponding page. Then select a locality. For small towns and cities this may be enough, but large cities are divided into several postal zones with their own postal codes.
  3. To be sure not to make a mistake, find the desired street in the city and house number. Next to this number is a postal code: six numbers that should be carefully copied onto the envelope or entered without errors in your address.
  4. Even houses located on the same street in the neighborhood or across the street may have different indexes. Don’t rely on chance and find out the zip code of your house, and not the one closest to it.
Let's go along this path together as a test and find the index of some imaginary address - for example, let it be: Moscow city, Tverskaya street, house number 5. We go sequentially: find Moscow in the alphabetical list and click on this link. On the page that opens we see an alphabetical list of streets and look for “T” among them, and then specifically “Tverskaya”. After this, it is important not to get confused, because it turns out that on Tverskaya Street in Moscow, houses with even and odd numbers have different indexes. And, since we are interested in house No. 5, then we select the range No. 1-17, which corresponds to the six-digit postal code 125009.

As you can see, it is not difficult to find out the index of your or any other house; you just need to be attentive and punctual. You can use the above method when expecting or sending a parcel. You might want to embrace the retro trend and send your loved ones holiday cards with a real postmark. But in this case, first make sure that your recipients still have physical mailboxes and have not abandoned them by completely switching to electronic correspondence.
In such a situation, a letter and/or parcel can be sent to the Main Post Office marked “post restante”. This will even simplify your task of finding the index, because it will be enough to indicate only the first digits, which encrypt the name of the locality. In this case, the post office number is replaced with zeros. But you also need to know the index number of your house just in case - or at least be aware of how to quickly find it out.

Index- this is the number of the post office to which your postal address is assigned. In Russia it looks like a sequence of 6 numbers. Where the first three numbers are the city code, and the rest are the post office number. The index is added to the postal address and is used to automatically sort mail.
The speed of delivery of your parcel depends on how correctly the index is written. Almost the entire way, namely to your post office, the parcel travels solely based on these numbers. And only when the parcel falls into the hands of a local postal worker, attention is paid to the address indicated on your postal item.

What happens if the index is written incorrectly?

If the postal code is entered incorrectly, the parcel will first go to a completely different post office. And only when they get there, postal workers realize that the specified address does not correspond to the post office number and that the index was written incorrectly. They will, of course, fix it, and then send the parcel in the right direction. This will take quite a long time. Therefore, it is better to immediately indicate the index correctly.

What to do if the index is incorrectly specified?

If you entered the postal code incorrectly and the package has already been sent, please contact the seller immediately. Explain the situation to him and indicate the correct index for him. While the parcel is in China, the seller can contact the postal service and change your address details. In some cases, he will be able to do this even in the recipient’s country. It should be noted that sellers are not required to do this. Especially when it comes to budget unregistered mail, since this procedure may be paid or simply impossible.

How to find out your postal code?

The postal code can be found on the official website of your state post office.

Today, fewer and fewer people send letters for communication - this opportunity is more than covered by the Internet. However, the rise of online commerce has breathed new life into postal services around the world. How to find out the zip code by address is often of interest to everyone who has decided to order a parcel from China.

What is a postal code?

A postal code is a unique combination of letters, numbers or - in rare cases - other characters that is assigned to a post office. Used to speed up and simplify the process of sorting correspondence and is added to the postal address. Each post office is assigned an entire geographic district, which bears this index.

The postal indexation system is used in almost two hundred countries around the world. Despite the generality of the methodology, each country has its own characteristics. As a result, the entire set of communication enterprise codes can be divided into the following types:

  • Numerical- represent a unique sequence of Arabic numerals. They are in circulation, for example, in Russia and all neighboring countries;
  • Letter- letters of the Latin alphabet are used;
  • Alphanumeric(in Canada, the Netherlands, etc.)

The total number of characters used to encode a post office can also vary - from three characters (as, for example, in Australia) to ten (in Iran).

History of postal codes

Historically, the first country where special codes began to be used to facilitate the work of the mail sorting service was Great Britain. It was there that in 1857 the authorities came up with the idea of ​​dividing the urban area of ​​London into ten districts and assigning each a so-called “postal district number”.

The second city where this invention was used was Liverpool, where city authorities introduced it seven years after the London experiment. By the beginning of the First World War, many European cities had adopted the innovation of the practical British. In the 1920s, something similar was used in the United States.

However, for a long time, postal codes were applied only to very large cities, often capitals, and did not cover the entire territory of countries. The first state to use postal codes in the modern sense of the word was the Soviet Union.

Initially they consisted of the following elements:

  • City code (number);
  • Republic code (letter);
  • Code of a more specific postal district (number).

The use of these codes was so effective that by the 1970s they were being used across the globe.

Russian specifics and the Crimea index

Russia, represented by the Soviet Union, is one of the pioneers in the postal business. Domestic indices consist of six digits, which include:

  • Code of the subject of the federation (for example, the numbers 308 and 309 are assigned to the Belgorod region);
  • Code of a specific post office. Three zeros indicate the central post office in Moscow.

The peculiarity of the Russian system is that one street can in some cases have more than one index, so clarification in the form of an address is mandatory.

The total number of communications service offices reaches 42,000, making it the largest in the world in terms of territorial coverage.

In its current form, indexation was introduced in 1971 in the USSR and underwent minor changes in 2004, when the new federal law “On Postal Services” was adopted. In general, over the past 40 years the system has remained virtually unchanged, only new subject numbers were added.

For example, one of the latest innovations is the addition of the code of the Republic of Crimea - 298 to the database.

How to find out the postal code of an address?

Postal codes must be used when sending various postal correspondence, such as:

  • Letters;
  • Parcels;
  • Parcels;
  • Aerograms;
  • Packages;
  • Postcards, etc.

Fill in the destination point index in the lower right corner of the letter envelope, where there is a special numeric field for it. In the upper left field you should indicate the sender's postal code.

Sometimes it happens that a person does not know his postal code. It also happens that the sender knows only an outdated code (numbering has undergone some changes over time), left over from Soviet times. An error when filling out adds work to communication service workers: the letter may even end up in another place or not be sent at all.

Finding out your zip code, as a rule, is not difficult: all you have to do is go to the nearest post office. Usually his identifier is indicated in large print in a visible place, but you can also inquire from ordinary postal workers, telling them your exact address.

How can I find out the postal code of an address online?

However, finding out your postal code from the communication service is not always convenient. It often happens that the department is located quite far from home, and its work schedule is not always suitable for working people. In addition, the speed and quality of service of the Russian Post have become the talk of the town and a synonym for disrespect for customers. Therefore, it is often more expedient to turn to the information ocean of the Internet for data.

Resources that provide free access to zip code information include:

  1. The website of the Russian Post, where there is a special service at;
  2. On the resource, where you can easily find out your identifier by address. Information is available for both Russia and some CIS countries;
  3. If the user speaks English at least at the high school level, he will be able to find out the index in absolutely any country using the capabilities of the site