Personal webmoney certificate of withdrawal amount. Why do you need a personal Webmoney passport? Limitation on the volume of transactions performed


Aye, boys. Today is my holiday, and I received a letter in the mail with the following content:

Your application for a WebMoney certificate has been approved. To view your certificate, open the page

For several years I constantly put off receiving the Persian in the hope that I would finally drive to Yekaterinburg and receive it without sending papers by mail. But suddenly motivation appeared and I did it in a few days.

How to get a personal WebMoney passport

So, first, go here and search for your city, maybe you will find a regional representative, so you can do without the post office. If it is not there, you need Certification Center No. 1. On the website of the Certification Center, fill out and pay for an application for a certificate (you can do this by following the link “get personal certificate"). By the way, certification by mail used to cost 9WMZ, now it’s 19.

Go here and download Application for certificate applicant WebMoney systems Transfer for Russian citizens. Print out several copies (in reserve) and go to the notary. Under his strict guidance, fill out the application, wait until he certifies it, pay for the service (I got 100 rubles) and that’s it, you can send the document. Just don’t forget that you also need to send photocopies of your passport (pages with photo and registration) and notary contacts (you can use a business card, but I just wrote my work phone number on a piece of paper).

Since I don’t really trust our mail, and I wanted it faster get a personal certificate, I used DHL services. Here the letter will arrive quickly, and I’m not afraid that they will lose it.

It just turned out to be “a little” expensive. I expected a maximum of 500 rubles per shipment. I was wrong three times and gave away 1,476 rubles. It turned out to be very expensive, but the letter was in the WebMoney office the very next day.

Oh yes, few people point out address to send the letter to. Here it is: 119049, Russia, Moscow, Koroviy Val street, building 7, building 1, WEBMONEY.

OK it's all over Now. On Tuesday I sent a letter, this afternoon the treasured email arrived with the text that I published at the beginning of the article. It cost almost 2,000 rubles to get the certificate, but it was quick, and it gave me peace of mind.

Summarize. In short, you need to follow the steps below.

So, your actions:

  • Complete and pay for the application at Certification Center No. 1.
  • Print the application for a certificate.
  • Fill out and have the application certified by a notary.
  • Make a photocopy of your passport.
  • Send an application, a photocopy of your passport and notary contacts to WebMoney.

OK it's all over Now.

I still look at the fact that I now have a personal certificate, and I’m in a good mood. :)

And yes, what do you think was the first thing I did when I received my certificate? That's right, on the page

Hello dear friends!
Just a few days ago I received a personal certificate and it took me one day. Today I will try to write in detail how to get a personal webmoney certificate, and why it is needed at all.

If you just earn a little money on your website, then in principle there is no need to open a personal certificate. But if you want, then you will definitely need it, and here’s why:

  • Having a personal certificate, you can easily obtain a seller's certificate. To do this, you will need to add your online store to the Megastock Catalog. This means that you can automate payment acceptance on your website or blog.
  • You will be able to participate in affiliate program The certification center for issuing initial certificates, which means that you will earn money.
  • You will be more trusted on the Internet. For example, if you work with, you can always say that you have a personal certificate and offer payment only after work. The same applies to the sale of any goods, people have now become quite smart and no one will pay money to an anonymous person. But if you have a personal certificate, then that’s a different matter.
  • You will be able to participate in the WebMoney Transfer credit exchange.
  • Post news on websites,, etc.

Besides this, there are also many other advantages, you can read more about them. As you can see, getting a personal certificate is a very profitable business, and if you decide to work on the Internet for a long time and seriously, then I advise you to do it.

Well, now you will find out how to open a personal webmoney passport:
1. First, you need to go to this page and find a person from your city who issues personal certificates. If this is not the case, then you can find a registrar from any other nearby city where it is not difficult for you to travel. There was no registrar in my city, but in the city of Lviv there are 3, I chose this one. Since I study at the Lvov military department, meeting the registrar after the department is not so difficult.

If the registrar is generally very far from you, and you don’t want to go there, then it’s okay, later I’ll write what to do in such cases.

2. Find the person’s phone number, call him and ask if he is currently issuing personal certificates, as well as when and where you can meet him. I called one person first, he said that he would be in Lviv only in 2 weeks. The second one didn’t communicate very well with me on the phone; I didn’t like the phrase “pay, and then we’ll talk: smile:”. As for the third guy, I quickly agreed with him where and when to meet.

3. Carefully fill in all your passport information on the webmoney website. Moreover, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise you will need to correct it later. And one more thing, if your Last Name, First Name and Patronymic are not in Russian, then you need to write here so that they can correct it for you. For example, I had it in Ukrainian, I wrote a letter and they corrected it very quickly.

You should also understand that you can only get a personal certificate when you have a formal certificate. And it is issued free of charge, you just need to fill out your passport details.

4. Select a registrar and pay for the application. To do this, go here and click “more details” next to the registrar you have chosen:

5. We write down our wmid, take our passport and go to meet the person. I was told to take only a wmid and a passport, but in any case, just in case, you can also clarify what you need to take with you so as not to go a second time.

The receptionist gave me a form to fill out my personal information and also answer a few questions. simple questions, like, “what is webmoney” or “what is it for? webmoney keeper" It is not difficult to answer these questions, but personal data must be filled out very carefully, otherwise you will have to rewrite everything from the beginning: smile:.

OK it's all over Now. The next day I opened this page and saw that my certificate had been changed to personal.

Great! Now you need to add your site to the Megastock catalog to receive a seller certificate.

But what should those who live in a city where there is no such a good person nearby do? You can choose a registrar who issues certificates based on certified documents. Such registrars are located. I would choose " certification center No. 1", since the opening cost is only 19 wmz. As you can see, I could even save 11 wmz, but the problem is that I will have to wait until the letter with your notarized documents arrives to them. If you want to quickly get a certificate, then it is better to meet in person.

That's it for me this article I'm finishing. I think now it should definitely be clear how to get a personal certificate webmoney:smile:. Good luck, friends!

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog site!

Not long ago I finally received a personal Webmoney certificate. Why is it needed, what opportunities does it provide and how to get a personal Webmoney passport?

You will learn the answers to these questions from this article.

On the topic electronic money I have already written several posts on the blog, here they are:

I needed identification in Yandex.Money for linking Webmoney wallet to an account in Yandex.Money, as well as to remove a number of restrictions that apply to unidentified users, with an eye, so to speak, for the future.

Any online business is unthinkable without electronic wallets and accounts. Depending on what you are going to do in the future, the need to obtain various certificates is determined, namely a personal Webmoney certificate.

If you do not plan to earn a lot of money on the Internet, then there is no need for a personal certificate. You can transfer money, pay for goods and services, and also withdraw earnings without a personal certificate. However, you will have limitations that, in principle, you can live with.

But if you have big plans to make money on the Internet, then you simply need a personal certificate.

Why do you need a personal Webmoney passport?

Providing your personal data to payment system Webmoney is needed, first of all, to build trust in you as a person who is engaged in serious business on the Internet, and not in fraud and deception. This is the most important point personally for me.

The next point is that I am going to seriously engage in Internet business in the future, and I will need a Webmoney seller certificate, which is impossible to obtain without having a personal certificate.

In addition, holders of a personal certificate have advantages over holders of formal and initial certificates:

— participation in the WebMoney Transfer “Credit Exchange” credit exchange, which will allow you to earn money by issuing loans, as well as receive loans;

— participation in the budget planning and automation service “Capitaller” (Capitaller) – web service collective management of wallets and funds on them;

— the ability to submit applications for registration in the Megastock catalog (any sections);

— You will receive the status of “System Consultant”;

— the opportunity to participate in the certification center’s affiliate program for issuing initial certificates;

— posting news on different Webmoney system sites;

— in case of loss of control over WMID, it will be possible to restore it using a simplified scheme;

- the possibility of obtainingto withdraw funds from the system,Star/Plus cards;

— the possibility of filing claims against other participants in the arbitration system without restrictions;

— the ability to automate the receipt of funds from customers using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service.

These are the benefits that WebMoney Transfer system participants who have a personal certificate have.

2. Then select a registrar from the list provided on this page.

The simplest and fast way is a personal meeting with a person authorized by the system to issue personal certificates or a visit to the Webmoney office (personal meeting with the registrar). Therefore, if your city has such an opportunity (there is a registrar), then it is better to choose this method.

After choosing a registrar, you need to pay for your application, the amount is from 15 WMZ.

3. Then you need to download the application from this page, print and fill it out.

4. After this, you need to call the registrar and make an appointment. When meeting, you must have a photocopy of your passport and a completed application with you.

There were no registrars in my city, so I had to send all the documents by mail. Now I will tell you more about this.

When receiving a certificate via mail, you need to follow steps 1 to 3 exactly as I described above. You just need to choose a registrar with the ability to send documents by mail.

Opposite such registrars there is special icon -

The personal meeting icon looks like this -

Personally, I chose Certification Center No. 1 from the list, which is located in Moscow. Then I paid for the application, it cost me 19 WMZ.

Attention!!! There is no need to sign or date when filling out the application! You will do this later in the presence of a notary!

Before going to the notary, I made photocopies of important pages of my passport (the main photo page and the page with the place of registration).

The next step, going to the notary, did not go very smoothly for me. I only managed to get my signature certified by a notary the third time with another notary.

If you are refused certification of your signature (not a statement, but a signature!), then It’s better to contact another notary, because it’s useless to argue with them and prove anything!

After you have certified your signature, you need to obtain information about him and contact information from the notary: this is required by registrars. I took the business card.

Attention!!! If you have not yet reached the age of majority (18 years), then you must have your signature certified by a notary in the presence of your parents!

That's it, now all you have to do is go to the post office, put all the documents (application, notary business card, photocopies of important pages of the passport) in an envelope and send it by registered mail to the registrar's address. I sent an email to:

119049, Russia, Moscow, PO Box 38, WebMoney.Ru LLC

About a week later I received a call on mobile phone and asked a couple of simple questions:

did I really apply for a Webmoney personal certificate? ;

why do you need a certificate?

After which they said that they would issue me a certificate within 24 hours.

Right after telephone conversation I went to the certification center and saw the following picture:

That's all for me. I hope my article was useful to you.

    Congratulations! You've taken your online business seriously. I respect you!

    Super article)

    Congratulations on receiving)

    and what did you answer to the question “why do you need a certificate?”?


    I wanted to ask this too, but I was embarrassed :)

    P.S. Where are the emoticons?

    I think that obtaining a seller’s certificate will not be a problem for you either! 🙂

    Congratulations! Very useful article. I’m just thinking about doing this, now I’ll know how)

    And I’m trying to move away from using webmoney) This schizoid defense system is killing me. I try to use Yandex money. Who cares - what kind of crap is this when anyone can block your wallet for $5 by writing a complaint? In general, the only thing I like about webmoney is the clink of coins - when the money comes, it’s always nice))

    It’s a pity we don’t like PayPal!

    Toha is damn right. WebMoney's parodic protection system

    For example, formal suits me, all transactions go smoothly...

    When I applied for a personal certificate, at first I thought it was such a red tape and took a very long time... the natary took only 100 rubles and that’s it... everything was sent without any problems, no one called. After 1.5 weeks, I received a message by email that the application had been reviewed and a type of personal certificate was assigned.

    But the next step - obtaining a seller's certificate, it seems worth thinking about... I recently encountered such a problem that transferring money to a seller's certificate is impossible... or rather, I sent money for a prize place in a competition with such a certificate, but their trace disappeared... and before It was an inconvenience for the person... she made me wait a long time. After contacting technical support, they found the money and returned it to me again, warning that it was impossible to transfer money to a seller’s certificate, only to one that was the same as mine or lower...

    Alexander, will it be possible to sell with a personal certificate?


    Perhaps you can give me some advice.

    I sent documents by regular, not registered mail (nowhere on the site is there information that you need to send them by REGISTERED mail) two weeks ago.

    Should I ask technical support how things are going with the consideration of the application or should I wait a little longer?

    Alexander Bobrin

    Of course it's worth it!

    What I don’t like about WebMoney is that it takes long and expensive transactions all the time, not like in Yandex Money, but I still use WebMoney =)

    How muddy everything is. It's a pity $19) I'll get it later, there's no need for it right now. Although transferring funds between Wevmaney and Ya.Money would not hurt now.

    Depending on what certificate is in the system, will this be the percentage when cashing out money in the Republic of Belarus?

    Interesting article. And I kept wondering why this WebMoney certificate is needed, but here it’s all written, and now I know. Thank you.

    I have so far received an initial certificate, but in the future I plan to receive a personal one.

    It’s good, Alexander, that you wrote this article. It is really useful for those who have wallets. And for those who don’t have wallets, this information will also come in handy.

    By the way, I will say that I recently received an “entry” certificate. After checking it, I want to get a personal one. But I was lucky. The initial certificate was given to me by a person who lives in my city. But the documents for obtaining a personal certificate will need to be sent by mail.

    To anyone who has doubts about whether to get a certificate or not, I say - definitely get it! Don't even doubt it.

    Alexander, hurray! I received my initial certificate. More precisely, I received it on September 11th. It just had to be checked and confirmed. It happened. Now I will order a personal certificate. Thank you for the article and for telling us about your personal experience.))

    Alexander Bobrin

    Great, Vadim, congratulations!

    I received it in person! I rewrote the application 10 times, that’s a minus for you computer technology, I’ve already forgotten how to hold a pen)))) Something cheap, $15, I paid $29.34.

    I had to use a more in-depth scheme to get a certificate, since I am under 18 years old. But anyway, I managed it based on your instructions. Shake your hand. Thank you.

    I paid 19 wmZ for verification + 500 rubles in cash for the application + 7 rubles for stamps for the letter.

    Alexander, is it possible to withdraw money from WebMoney with an initial certificate?

    I have a completely idiotic case with a notary - I certified everything, sent everything. The moderator called her, and she refused to confirm the fact of certification, guided by the law. That is, it is not even disclosed that I came and called another notary - they said the same thing. WebMoney says that “Unfortunately, a certificate cannot be issued without notarization.” I do not know what to do. There are no registrars in our city. Russia is a country of idiots.

    Alexander Bobrin

    Maxim, look for another notary. Some people refused me too.

    Can you tell me what number they called from? Mobile, landline? Can you at least remember roughly?)

    I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks already, no call, no certificate... Either send the notary again, but it’s money, and again time. Maybe, I’m thinking, send by courier service, and not by Russian Post - expensive, but quickly and in your hands, as they say))

    I already sent the documents a month ago, but there was no result. I wrote to the registrars two weeks later and they replied that they were waiting for my documents. The day before yesterday I wrote - they answered “Tomorrow the mail is being collected”, I wrote today - how did the excavation bring results? They are silent...

    You could have said yourself, “Apparently your docks have been lost...” and I would have continued to act according to the scheme. They see the payment date, the correspondence continues for almost a month, but no results are achieved. Overall I'm very pleased with the system. And as someone here already advised - those who have wallets, be sure to get a Persian.

    Well, I (see above), after waiting about 5 weeks, sent the notary again, this time by courier service (SDEK has such, 510 rubles, delivery in a day)... Sent it on Friday, delivered to Mon at lunchtime, received by a security guard (I controlled the delivery process, I learned about the delivery 2 minutes after the fact of delivery), next. day I asked for technical support, they answered “docs are under review.” On the trail. day the docks were “considered”.

    In total, I waited 2 days for the review - and oops, I just received my certificate yesterday))

    So, guys... forget about Russian Post, well, at least about simple items - it takes a long time and is completely unreliable. Where is my envelope now? In the trash after opening a dishonest employee? Or did he simply “disappear”, as if he had sunk into a black hole? It’s generally incomprehensible and in some ways even offensive. Yes, okay with them, I forgot.

    And the personal passport cost me $10, they also made the card for free, now it’s very easy to withdraw money directly to the card

    We do not charge less than $75 for a personal meeting. Some more.

    In Belarus, there is only one bank that deals with webmoney transactions, and it made a regular visa card. And my commission will be higher...3% if I'm not mistaken.

    I received it in person! I rewrote the application 10 times, that’s the minus of computer technology, I’ve already forgotten how to hold a pen)))) Something cheap, $15, I paid $29.34.

    Now it seems that you can even get a Persian without a trip to the bank. And I remember going all the way to the capital, to the bank, to stand in line and get a personal certificate.

    Of all the listed advantages of a personal passport, the last one is important for an ordinary blogger - the ability to automate the receipt of funds from customers. I'll try to do it next month.

    Thanks Alexander for the information, I’m just thinking about getting a WebMoney certificate. No matter what they say, I think it’s a necessary thing.

    The article is interesting, described in detail.

    Alexander, you are on top as always.

WebMoney - online wallet, allowing you to make various operations with electronic money. Many people compare it to by bank card. And this analogy makes sense. After all, WebMoney is easy to use, and you can also pay for goods and services with electronic money without leaving your home. True, simple registration in the system is not enough - having a pseudonym certificate, a person has no right to withdraw cash and pay for some categories of services. That is why many citizens are interested in how to obtain a personal webmoney certificate.

If you earn money at home and receive payment in WebMoney, then having a wallet becomes a necessity. As soon as you register and install the program from the company’s official website, you need to receive a personal certificate. This is easy to do, but you need your passport information.

Alias ​​certificate and formal certificate

As soon as registration has occurred, your identity will be assigned a WMID. This is a kind of account number, like in a bank. It consists of 12 digits. Next, you need to create a wallet for any currency you will use to pay. Available different currencies, including ruble, dollar, euro. Each currency has its own personal letter code (WMR, WMZ, WME).

Once you create a wallet, you must receive a formal certificate. It's absolutely free. This is easy to do: just enter your personal information and fill out personal information and passport details. All currency wallets can be replenished through terminals and some bank ATMs. You must specify the wallet number, starting with the letter of the currency. As soon as the funds are credited to your account, you can manage them.

With a formal certificate you can pay for the phone, cable TV, Products & Services. In addition, it is possible to withdraw cash. But there are limitations. Formal certificate makes it possible to withdraw only in certain ways, which are not so cheap. You also have the right to transfer money to other participants.

Instructions for obtaining a personal certificate

So why do you need a personal certificate? It allows you to automate the process of receiving and transferring funds. This is a very beneficial feature for sellers who get paid for their services or blogs. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for regular customers. After all, payment for the service occurs almost in one click. Having such a certificate, you have the right to participate in the credit exchange, be a member of an affiliate program and earn money from it, receive debit card For instant withdrawal funds from an electronic wallet.

The certificate is received within five calendar days. So how to do this?

  1. You need to log into your personal account on the official website.
  2. Then you must pay for the application. The cost of such a procedure is 9 dollars or rubles with conversion at the internal rate.
  3. Click get a certificate.
  4. Choose a registrar who has the right to issue this type certificate There is one caveat here: you must meet him in person. But if there is none in your city, then you need to choose someone who will receive the documents by mail.
  5. Next, you need to go to the “certification documents and rules” tab and view them and print them.
  6. Then fill out this form. All items are required to be completed and are not difficult to complete. ordinary person. You must enter 12 digits in the VM ID field.
  7. Go to the nearest notary to certify the correctness of the data. You need to have your passport and money to pay for the service. The cost of the procedure is 200 rubles.
  8. After receiving the notary's stamp, scan your passport.
  9. Then you need to go to the Russian Post Office, buy an envelope with first class shipping, put in a notary's business card, a scan of your passport data and an application.
  10. Wait for notification by email or personal account.

Is it possible to get a certificate for free?

If you want to receive a personal passport without investing your hard-earned money, you need to transfer funds to a ruble wallet through a WebMoney partner: Uniastrum, Contact, Anelik via do it from the same site to a dollar wallet. In this case, you will still spend money, but much less than with the standard approach.

Nuances upon receipt

  1. There are various situations when a personal certificate cannot be issued. First of all, this concerns incorrect data. Perhaps you did not change this data yourself in your personal account or deliberately entered non-existent information. This may also be affected human factor, namely employees of the Russian Post.
  2. The processing time for an application for a personal certificate may take 10 days or more. This depends on the registrar's available time and other system-related factors.
  3. The registrar can call the number you specified. Most often this is a call mobile operator. But there are also situations when they are interested in the purpose of the certificate, the activities of the citizen, the full cost of paying for the certificate, and how the data of the place of residence was confirmed.

Online money circulation system

Many citizens working online are forced to register here. All exchanges work directly with this wallet, due to its stability and automation. But it has many significant features:

  1. Throughout its operation, the service has had problems with the Central Bank, which is still ongoing. Some functions overlap, such as output to cards and transfers through partner services.
  2. If access is lost, it is a labor-intensive recovery process. You need to write a statement or call. This takes several hours. The recovery itself can last more than a week.
  3. For a beginner to understand the site.
  4. Dispersion of functions according to certificates. Also an inconvenient feature. To understand which service is needed for which certificate, you need to read a lot of information. And you still need to find it in the vastness of the incomprehensible interface.

Whether you need a personal certificate or not is the choice of each person.


Learn more about all the stages up to receiving a personal certificate in the following video:

More detailed instructions on registration of a personal certificate, filling out the documents below: