How to replace the default folder icon. What are icon files? Changing the folder image

When creating shortcuts, sometimes default icons appear, standard ones. For unknown reasons, the shortcut does not want to take the icon from the program or game. Also, when creating site shortcuts, icons are often created in the form white sheet, or they are small on a white background, which look ugly. Or maybe you just want to change the shortcut image to your own. In this tutorial I will tell you how to make, change and create a picture for a shortcut on the Windows 7 desktop. Let's go.

How to make an icon for a shortcut

Let's try to create an icon first and then change it. After all, you won’t be able to put a regular image in PNG or JPEG format on a label, since they are not supported.

I found how I want to make an icon for the “Odnoklassniki” shortcut through the Google Images service. suitable image. Now we need to convert this image to ICO format, first making it square. Otherwise, it will turn out distorted. Let's go to online service Click review and download the file. After in additional settings We set the dimensions to 128 by 128 pixels. Click "Convert File".

Please note that shortcut icons can only be in the following sizes: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 and 128x128 pixels.

After a few seconds of waiting, a dialog box will pop up asking you to save the finished result. Now be sure to create a “Pictures for Shortcuts” folder on drive D and save or move all the necessary images there. After all, if you replace the shortcut icon and then delete this picture, then after restarting the computer it will the shortcut will disappear. This way, everything will be stored in one place and will not be deleted by mistake.

The first stage is completed. We were able to create an icon for the shortcut and save it to a specific folder.

Adding an image for the label

In this section of the lesson we will already change the label image. As you can see in the screenshot below, I created a shortcut with a white sheet. In a word, I'm not impressed.

We have already made the icon in ICO format in the lesson above. Now take the desired shortcut and right-click on it and select “Properties”.

In the window that pops up, you can also select the standard icons that are present in Windows system. But we want to add our own icon, click “Browse” and go to our created folder for the image.

Find our icon and click “Open”

Met in social network, she was like an angel among a nondescript world. With each new message, we became closer to each other and then came the final accompaniment “I invited her to a restaurant.” Is our real acquaintance It turned out to be much worse, the girl turned out to be not a beautiful fairy, we are absolutely not suitable for each other.

Why does this happen? A person in love cannot assess the situation realistically! He flutters around, does not notice the bad things of his companion, but like any “rose-colored glasses,” these too become unusable.

Inconsistency, that's the theme! Do you agree sir? When we see a folder on the desktop, we may not understand that what is inside this box or shortcut is not capable of reflecting the entire inner perfection of a program, game or movie.

The desired may not be deceptive, if we take the whole situation into our own hands, then we will learn to transform the folder, make it the one, the only one...

Changing the shortcut icon

For example, here is a shortcut Google Chrome Let's take it as a basis and find out how to change the icon in Windows 7? We use the right mouse button (RMB) on the shortcut and click “properties”.

Now in the properties we need to select the “shortcut” section and click “change icon”.

Select the icon that suits you and click “OK”. We confirm actions if necessary.

As we can see, the icon has changed! It is done! Rejoice, motherfucker!

Changing the folder icon

If you want to change the folder, then again, right-click on it and click properties

Go to the “settings” section and click “change icon”.

All you have to do is select the picture you like and click “OK”.

Replacing system icons

Please note that it is not possible to change in the same way system shortcuts, for example, “My Computer”, “Trash”.

What to do? Find the “Start” button on the desktop and go to “Control Panel”.

In the control panel we need to select “Appearance and Personalization”.

Just like when changing the theme, we need to go to the “personalization” tab.

Now in the left border we should note “change desktop icons”.

Select the shortcut you plan to change and click “change icon”.

Select the preferred icon and click “ok”.

Don’t forget to confirm, click “OK” again

How to add your own icons?

1) Standard icons are not inviting, attractive and they seem ordinary, but you want something trendy! Download from the site - a lot of interesting icons, choose the one you like!

2) Have you chosen? Click “Download ICO” - the download begins, quickly and without any telephone numbers and other fucking things. We need the ico format, because with other image formats it was not possible to put our own icon.

3) By default, all uploaded images and other files will be sent to specific folder– depending on the browser.

Therefore, you need to find our downloaded image in “ico” format and move it to a prominent place, for example, on the desktop or create a folder.

4) Now, for example, we will start changing the folder icon: RMB (right mouse button) – properties – settings – change icon and click browse

5) Find our downloaded icon, which I asked you to move to a prominent place and click “OK”. Be sure to set the format to “ico” to find it.

6) Click “OK” again and now the folder should change its appearance. If everything worked, but the icon has not changed, right-click on the desktop and click “Update”.

Thus, you can replace even system shortcuts with your image.

Complete replacement of icons for Windows

Want to change all icons? Exists great way! Complete replacement Not only system icons, but also files of various formats, for example, all zip files will change the appearance.

1. Download and use

Install the multifunctional – click “Get it Now”.

2. All opportunities are issued immediately, but for 30 days.

3. To download, you must provide an e-mail

Enter email address, a download link will be sent to your inbox.

Let's open ours virtual mail and in the “Inbox” folder we find a letter from Stardock Corporation. Click on the picture and it will take us to the site to download the file.

5. Let's start the jump

Now you can finally download this software perfection.

6. Preparing for installation

The download has started, if it hasn’t started, click on the link, and we are also given instructions:

Open the downloaded exe file;

We confirm our actions;

We follow further instructions.

7. License agreement

Loaded? Open it and start installation. We agree and click “Next”.

8. Shelter for use

We select a location to install the program: specify the folder or leave it as default (don’t touch it). The program weighs 143mb - I would say the norm. Click “Next”.

9. Launch

The installation has started, all you have to do is wait.. After completion, leave the checkbox and click “Finish”.

Working with Icon Packager

Let's go to the program. Click “Continue” and move on.

Replacing icons with your own or standard ones

In the “Icons Cursors” section, we can literally replace every icon. We move along the bottom tab and left-click twice on the icon that we plan to change. You can again download from the Internet or use standard icons.

For the changes to take effect, be sure to click “Apply changes”.

With Icon Packager, you can change system shortcuts, standard folders and files various formats(mpeg,gif,zip and so on). I say again, this is a treasure for a complete and large-scale replacement of the visual background. Even the cursors can actually be changed.

Yes, it turned out to be an unusual article – rich! You can also view others

Changing the folder icon on Windows 7 and 8

To quickly visually search or decorate the appearance of folders (directories), add custom icons. The recommendations will show you how to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8 to your own.

There are enough ways to change the icon of a specific directory or all, involving windows tools, third party programs. Create new folder or select an existing one and follow the steps below.

How to change the appearance of a folder

To change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8 you will need to do a few things simple actions. In Explorer, select a directory and right-click on it. In the menu, click “properties”.

In the properties window, go to the “settings” tab. In the third area, click the "change icon" button.

In the dialog box, select from the list standard icon(located in the SHELL32.dll file) or click “browse”, specify the path to your image (ico) and click “open”. To practice, download the archive with icons here.

Recommended to use graphic files with a resolution of 256 by 256 pixels so that the icon sizes on the desktop or in Explorer are displayed correctly. If you decide to return standard view folders, click the “restore defaults” button. Once you've made your final selections and completed the steps, click OK.

In the properties window look at preview. Next, click “apply” and OK.

As a result, it is created in the folder configuration file desktop.ini, which contains the parameters and path to the image. To see it, you need to display hidden folders And windows files 7.

You can manually create or edit the file instead of using dialog boxes. Create Text Document(txt), name it desktop and change the extension to (ini). Open it and copy these lines:

[.ShellClassInfo]IconFile=full path to the icon (ico)

Save the changes to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8. The lines in the existing desktop.ini may differ, you just have to enter the path to the picture.

It is not always possible to change the folder icon to your own picture; for example, this is not applicable for the windows directory. You also cannot change the icon inside the library, first right-click on the folder and select “folder location” from the menu. Then follow the recommendations above.

How to change the icons of all folders

Using this method, you can change all folder icons in Windows 7 at once by setting a custom image. You will need administrative access. This will change the icons for all PC accounts. More icons change when changed Windows themes, if it supports such features.

1. In the search bar of the start menu, write regedit and click enter.

2. When the UAC window appears, click “yes”. These messages are annoying, so I suggest you read how to disable User Account Control in Windows 7.

3. In the left pane of the registry, find Explorer section(the picture shows the full path). Right-click Explorer, point to "New" and select "Partition". Give the Shell Icons a name and press enter. If this section exists, skip this step and go to step 4.

4. Select the created, existing Shell Icons. In the right pane, right-click, hover over “new” and select “string parameter”. Write it type 3 and press enter.

5. Right-click on parameter “3”, click “edit”. In the value area, write the path to the ico file, for example, C:\iconca\papka.ico and click OK. The recommended image size (ico) is 256x256 pixels.

6. Pay attention to Windows bit depth 7, if you have a 32-bit system, go straight to step 7. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows 7 installed, then go to the section shown in the picture below and follow steps 3 to 5.

7. To change the folder icon on Windows 7, restart your PC.

If you want to return regular folder icons, then visit the Shell Icons subsection and remove type 3 by right-clicking on it. Select “delete” from the menu, then click “yes.” For the 64-bit edition, do these steps in two places. Restart your computer.

Programs for changing folder icons

There are paid and free utilities to change the folder icon. Let's consider free products. I would like to emphasize that programs do not bring more benefit than using regular funds. Such applications include IconTo (we’ll look at it in more detail), FolderIco. To change a folder icon or group of folders, do this:

1. Download IconTo here and install.

2. Launch the program, click “specify folder/file” and select installation for one folder, for several or for specific type file.

4. Select one icon from the standard ones, in the “favorites”, “software” tabs, or click “specify an icon” to select your picture. Then click “install icon” and enjoy the result.

That's all, I explained how to change the folder icon in Windows 7, 8. Feel free to use the capabilities of the operating system itself. The programs do not give the desired result. If the theme goes beyond icons, find out how to change the Start menu icon in Windows 7 to improve the appearance of the OS.

How to replace icons in Windows 7 using standard and software methods?

Good day.

Many users want their operating system to be unique. This is primarily due to convenience. In addition, some also hope to be different from others in some way, because in general, different computers the same ones are installed windows versions. IN latest builds Users have the ability to set the background, change the overall color of the panel and windows. In addition, it is possible to choose the appropriate sound scheme. But it does not provide the ability to install new icons. In this article I will tell you how to replace icons in Windows 7. And I will try to cover everything possible options.

About formats (to contents)

In windows 10 and previous versions There are various scenarios for installing non-built-in icons. But they must have the extension *.ico. At the same time, many developers offer images in *.png format. What to do in this case? It's simple - you need to do the conversion.

To do this, you can try changing the format in various graphic editors.

But it’s worth saying right away that this won’t always work.

The most effective way is the use of small simple applications, allowing you to achieve literally in a few clicks desired results. One of the most compact, convenient and fastest is Aveiconifier2.

Conversion(to contents)

This process is simple - anyone can figure it out. Download the above program and install it. After launch, a small window opens. Transfer the corresponding image to the “PNG” field. As a result, an image will appear in the “ICO” section. We just drag it to the place we need.

If you right-click in the last field, you can select suitable size. In the case when you need to translate several elements at once, simply select them all and do the same.

Replacing icons (to contents)

Microsoft's OS provides many options for replacing standard icons. So, the simplest is the manual procedure. To do this, we make several movements:

Despite the fact that this tool is built into the system, changing even a dozen shortcuts will be problematic. In addition, not everyone knows how to replace system icons, because using the above options you can put new images on only a few links.

Program (to contents)

If you want to replace several icons that belong to the same group with new ones at once, you should use the IconPhile application.

It is worth noting that this tool even allows you to install other icons on file formats.

Easy to use. Launch it and immediately select in which section you want to install other images. After that we call context menu and click “Change Icons”. A explorer will appear in which we select the path to the desired images.

Many computer users want, but do not know how to replace the Start icon. After all, this element is almost always shown on the display. And many people are already tired of his usual appearance.

All this can be done using the program. However, I have already talked about this in the article Topics for windows launcher 7.

Cart(to contents)

This element, like the previous one, is systemic. But in latest versions Microsoft operating systems developers have provided the ability not only to change the view, but also to hide it from the desktop. The same cannot be said about Windows XP. So, how to replace the trash icon standard methods?

You need to go to “Personalization” and select the appropriate item. However, I also mentioned this earlier.

Often users want to get completely updated design An OS, each element of which is stylized in a certain direction, be it a film, musical group or something similar. So, installing a theme for Windows 10 with replacing icons will allow the user to get almost new system. You can find out more in this article.

At the same time, if someone has heard about the method using “imageres.dll”, it is worth saying right away that the idea is not the best. After all, this system file, which contains icons, sounds, background and other elements. If changed incorrectly, the operating system may completely fail.

Well, I hope I was able to answer all the questions regarding this topic.

Changing the appearance of icons in Windows

If you're tired standard design icons in Windows 10 and 7, you can change it. Who needs monotonous folders that are no different from each other? After all, they can choose individual icons. For books - a volume in a beautiful binding, for documents - a stack of papers with a paper clip, for music - sheet music, for games - a joystick. If you do the same with shortcuts and system directories, you get a unique design theme. Find out how to change icons in Windows 7 and other versions. You can decide for yourself how your desktop elements will look.

What images are suitable for icons?

There are several requirements for the image. She must be:

  • Square.
  • In .ICO format.
  • Suitable size (16x16, 32x32, 48x48 or 256x256).

The image can be corrected and reduced in the built-in graphic windows editor- Paint. It is available in all versions of the system: 7, 8, and 10.

  • Find it in the Start menu - Programs - Accessories.
  • Click File - Open (blue button at the top left).

Window Paint programs

  • Specify the path to the drawing.
  • When it opens, click on the “Resize” button.
  • If the picture is not initially square, uncheck the “Maintain proportions” checkbox. This may cause the image to become very distorted. Therefore, it is better to select icons in advance that have equal sides. Or trim the edges of the original design (if you only need the functional part of the composition).
  • Set the appropriate size in pixels. 256x256 is the maximum possible. It is designed for large monitors.
  • Save the resulting image as a .PNG (File - Save As).

Now you need to change the file format if it was not originally in .ICO. This standard definition windows icon all versions (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10). For fast conversion A simple utility “AveIconifier2” will do.

  • Find it on the Internet and download it.
  • Launch it.

  • Drag the original image into the window that says “PNG”. Bring it directly from File Explorer.
  • A picture will appear next to it. It will already be in.ICO. Drag it out of the converter just like you would a PNG file.

You can also use the IcoFX program to change the extension.

Here's how to change folder icons in Windows 10. The method is relevant for others Win versions.

  • Right-click on the directory. It's better not to touch system data. Select your own directory.
  • “Properties” item.

Click on Properties

  • "Settings" tab.
  • "Change Icon" button.

Click on Change icon

  • A list of images that are already available in Win will appear. You can use any of them.
  • If you want to set your own icons, click on the “Browse” button.
  • Specify the path to the ICO file.

Now the folder will look different.

Shortcut icons

If folders look boring, the shortcut icons are initially varied. But what if you don’t like the picture? Or gets out of general style? In windows 10, 8 and 7, these drawings can also be customized.

  • Right-click on the object.
  • “Properties” item.
  • Shortcut tab.
  • "Change Icon" button.

Click Change icon

  • As with folders, you can select icons from the list or use your own (click Browse and specify the path).

System catalogs

The icons for the “Computer”, “Trash”, “Users”, “Network” directories cannot be changed through “Properties”. But there is another way.

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Personalization menu (in the Appearance and Personalization category).
  • On the left there will be a section “Changing desktop icons”.
  • You can put your own icons there system folders.
  • In Win 10, this menu is located in Personalization - Themes.

Icon options in Windows 10


There are utilities that change icons in automatic mode:

  • Iconpackager.
  • Theme Source Patcher.
  • IconPhile.

On the Internet you can find resources with collections of icons. Look at the screenshots and choose what you need.

Changing icons of all folders at once

Through the registry you can change the icons of all folders at once. For example, if you don't like the look of Win 10 and want to make directories like Windows 7.

Editing registry entries can be dangerous. It is better to limit yourself to design themes. But if you still decide to do this, create a backup copy.

  • Go to Start - Run.
  • In the window that opens, enter “regedit” without quotes and click OK. The Registry Editor will appear.

"regedit" command

  • Click File - Export.
  • Come up with a name for backup copy and indicate where to save it. If something goes wrong, you can restore them all.

Now start changing icons.

  1. In the registry, open the folder “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”
  2. Go to "SOFTWARE".
  3. Then in Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer.
  4. Right-click on Explorer.
  5. Item “Create - Section”.
  6. Name it "Shell Icons". If such a directory is already in the list, open it.
  7. In the right part of the window, call the context menu and select “Create - Stock parameter”.
  8. Write type 3 (three).
  9. Right-click on the newly created parameter “3” (“Three”).
  10. “Change” item.
  11. In the “Values” section, enter the path to the icon along with the file name and extension.
  12. If you have a 64-bit system, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE folder again.
  13. But this time go to Wow6432Node\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\explorer
  14. And repeat all the steps described above.
  15. Restart your computer and evaluate the new kind icons

How tired of these standard icons on labels and folders! In this article I will tell you how to diversify your desktop and change icons on folders and shortcuts. I will carry out various operations V operating system Windows 8. In Windows 7 you can do the same.

Changing the shortcut icon

1. In order to change the shortcut icon, you need to right-click on the shortcut. Select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.

2. In the “Shortcut” tab, click “Change icon”.

3. A window with many icons opened. Select the one you like best and click “OK”.

1. Right-click on the folder and select “Properties”.

2. Go to the “Settings” tab.

3. Click “Change icon”.

Changing the Recycle Bin and Computer icon

1. Go to the “Control Panel”. See below for how to do this in Windows 8.

Click on the “Menu” button

2. Select “Design and Personalization”.

Open “Design and Personalization”

3. Then “Personalization”.

Among the list we need “Personalization”
On the left click “Change desktop icons”

5. Now select Recycle Bin or My Computer and click “Change Icon”.

Select a computer, a recycle bin, or something else. Click “Change icon”

6. Select the icon that you like and click “OK”.

If you want to change the file icon from exe extension, then you can download the program “ Resource Tuner" or "Restorator". But it's better to make a shortcut of this file and carry out all the operations that we did above.

That's all. This way you can change the icons on your computer!

In addition to desktop backgrounds, screensavers, and window color styles, Windows users 7 have the ability to change the standard icons of folders and program shortcuts to any others. Diversify the design working environment you can use icons from system libraries or from third party sources. Various collections of beautiful miniatures are available for free download on many web resources.

Installing icons from the Windows 7 collection

So you want to change standard image folders for something more original. Where can I get badges? The simplest and fast decision– find them in the system.

Change icon

  • Open the folder properties.

  • Go to the “Settings” tab and click the “Change Icon” button.

  • Specify the location to search for the icon. The default is system library Shell32.dll, but you can choose another source. Click the appropriate image and click OK.

Now the folder looks like this.

The Shell32.dll library as a source of icons for folders is not always the best choice. The icons in it are not particularly beautiful and there are not too many of them. Other images can be found in the libraries Aclui.dll, Ddores.dll, Moricons.dll and many others.

To make it easier to view icons on your computer, we suggest using the free Icon Viewer utility: it shows all the icons that are stored in different files selected folder. So, in the C:Windowssystem32 directory alone there are several hundred of these images.

By clicking on the icon you like, at the bottom of the window you will see which file it contains.

Changing the image

  • To change the folder image, leaving the standard icon, on the same tab, in the “Folder Image” section, click “Select file”.

  • Select any image of a suitable format and click “Open”.

Our folder looked like this. The picture selected as an image is not moved inside the folder.

Installing folder icons and desktop shortcuts from third-party sources

Many design-related web resources offer collections of icons for folders and desktops. This is usually a set of images in ico format and, less often, files dynamic libraries supported by Windows 7.

Changing the folder icon

To change the standard folder icon to one of the new ones, you need to do the same as we discussed above: open the folder properties, click the “Change Icon” button, indicate the location where you unpacked the collection of icons, and select one of them.

Windows 7 supports formats ico files, icl, dll and exe (the latter can also contain images that can be used as icons and shortcuts).

Changing desktop shortcuts

A program shortcut on the desktop is a graphical miniature that is installed on the computer during installation of this program. Physically, the shortcut image is stored in the executable (exe) file of the application and, as in the case of folders, it can be changed to another.

  • Open the properties of the application shortcut and go to the “Shortcut” tab. Click the “Change Icon” button.

  • Specify the path to the folder with the desired image(as in the previously discussed example, we can use files ico formats, icl, dll and exe). Select an icon and click “Open”.

  • Confirm your selection by pressing OK.

After this, the label of our “experimental” Total programs Commander has taken on an updated look.

Using the same method, you can change any desktop icons, with the exception of system ones.

Changing system icons on the desktop

To change the appearance of the Computer, Recycle Bin, Network, and root directory account user, you need to enter the personalization panel (but note that the “Personalization” component is not available in the start and home basic editions of Windows 7).

For this:

  • right-click to open desktop properties and click “Personalization”;

  • on the left side of the panel window, click on the menu item “Change desktop icons”;

On your monitor screen there is a large number of different folders and icons that have a standard appearance. Perhaps you are tired of their usual look and would like to change it. It's possible! But in order to do this, you need to download some collection of different icons for files and folders. For example this one.

Download icon set. IN this set icons in two formats.

How to change a folder icon.

To replace the folder icon, move the cursor over the desired folder and press the right mouse button. A list will appear. Select “Properties” in it.

A window with icons will appear. You can choose your favorite folder icon from this list or select an icon from downloaded icons.

If you want to select an icon among the icons you have downloaded, then to do this, click the “Browse” button, go to the folder with icons, select the one you like among them and click “Open”, then click “OK” in the windows that appear. The icon you like will be applied to the folder.

For example, here is the folder that I got.

How to change a file icon?

Let's do it the same way! Right-click on the file, go to the “Properties” section, but here go to the “Shortcut” tab, click “Change Icon”.

By following these simple rules, you can gradually change all the folder and file icons to the ones you like best. The folder icons are all the same, so they most often need to be replaced. Then you will be able to distinguish them not only by name, but also by color and shape.

Now that you have tidied up your folder icons, you need to figure out how easy they are to use. Some programs are better used in portable version, so that in case of emergency you always have them at hand, namely on a flash drive. However, in this case, folders with programs become like a dump, and searching for an .exe file in them to launch becomes inconvenient. This problem can be solved by creating individual shortcuts, located in the root of the flash drive. These “smart guys” run everything on their own necessary programs on absolutely any computer, regardless of where you place the storage device.

2. Return to its root and click on empty space right key mice. Now select the “Create” and “Shortcut” functions.

3. After that, we need to specify the path to it like this:

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C start /B /D \*path to the program folder* \*path to the program folder*\*file name.exe*

When you write it down, don’t forget to include the backslash “\“. In our case it looks like this:

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C start /B /D \Soft\OpenOffice \Soft\OpenOffice\X-ApacheOpenOffice.exe

A quick footnote: if you decide to place all the shortcuts in separate folder, having created an additional flash drive in the root of the flash drive for this purpose, indicate on the command line that it will need to go back to this folder. Just put a dot as the first slash. In our specific case it looks like this:

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C start /B /D .\Soft\OpenOffice .\Soft\OpenOffice\X-ApacheOpenOffice.exe

6. To window command line was not displayed at startup, select the “Collapsed to icon” function in the “Window” field:

7. Right on the tab at the bottom of the window, click the “Change icon” button, and then in the window that appears, open the program’s executable file, since this is what we are creating the shortcut for. Mark it and click “OK” - the same as in the properties window.

8. Now the shortcut will automatically change its icon, and we can launch the program from the root of the flash drive. You can easily move this folder, along with the program and the shortcut, to any convenient place. In this case, they will work normally with preservation relative path from a shortcut to a working executable file.

We hope that each of our articles helps you become more confident and not be afraid of any actions when working with a computer. Have a positive working mood!