What are the monitor diagonals? What monitor size is suitable for work and home. Which monitor to choose for your computer

Due to numerous requests that poured in after the publication of the article about choosing a mouse, I’ll tell you today how to choose a monitor for computer.

From this article you will learn what you first need to pay attention to in the technical characteristics of a monitor, what types of matrices and backlights exist, what is the best monitor resolution to choose, at what distance is it optimal to install it, what kind of “legs” are there for monitors and how to free up your workplace on the table, “nailing” the monitor to the wall.

I will describe to you the selection of available monitors, for ordinary users, which are suitable for most daily tasks, and not for professional ones and at exorbitant prices.

Monitor selection- a very responsible undertaking and you should not trust it to idiot consultants in stores. The vast majority of them have absolutely no idea what they are selling. I personally love driving them into a state of deep stupor by dumping on them all the baggage of my knowledge about their product.

Read this rather long article and store owners will beg you to work in their monitor department.

I'll probably start with what matters when choosing a monitor... its size.

Which monitor diagonal to choose

Whatever your friends and acquaintances tell you, who still use ancient 17-inch monitors, the truth in this matter is ironclad - the larger the size, the better!

True, I think that for a computer monitor you still need to limit yourself to 30 inches. Otherwise, you will simply have a sore neck from constantly moving your head from one edge of the screen to the other, or you will have to sit 1.5 meters from the monitor. And I'm not kidding, it's true!

A bigger screen is better in every way. Starting from the appearance and the effect of “Wow!” everyone who sees your brand new monitor measuring 27 or even 30 inches, ending with the ability to display more information on the screen and super-comfortable watching movies.

Our youngest son (two of them are already adults and live separately) has a computer with a monitor of only 23.6 inches - so when he goes to school, my wife and I almost fight for this workplace!

First conclusion- don’t listen to anyone, if possible, choose a larger monitor diagonal and you won’t regret it, I assure you.

As you already understand, the monitor size is usually calculated in inches and diagonally...

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

What is the optimal distance to the monitor?

With a large monitor size, it is very important to maintain the correct distance to it. It is generally accepted that the optimal distance to the screen is based on the formula - diagonal multiplied by a factor of 1 or 1.5

I'll explain it with my fingers. Let's say the diagonal is 27 inches, convert it to centimeters: 27 x 2.54 = 68.58 cm. Now we multiply by 1 and 1.5, we get the optimal distance to the monitor with such a diagonal from 69 cm to 103 cm.

Having positioned the screen at a distance that is safe for health, you can use standard operating system tools to set the scaling of fonts, labels, and so on, so as not to tire your eyes peering at these elements.

Screen resolution and aspect ratio

Everything is very simple. Screen resolution is a value that determines the number of pixels per unit area.

If you look very closely and carefully at the image on the monitor, you can see the following picture...

The picture is formed from such points. So, the more such points the monitor can display, the better and clearer the image.

Most people spend several hours a day in front of a computer screen. Health, namely human vision, depends on the quality of the monitor. Therefore, it must be selected with special care. A little exercise will help preserve your vision and relieve eye fatigue. You need to look up from the monitor every half hour and look out the window for a couple of minutes. If properly cared for, it will serve the user for at least 7 years. This part of the personal computer is the most durable. LCD screens have long replaced their predecessors operating on a cathode ray tube. This is because the advantages of LED and LCD monitors are obvious.

What should you pay attention to first?

What characteristics should you pay attention to when buying a monitor?

Diagonal - screen size

This is the characteristic that the buyer pays attention to first. The screen size is measured diagonally in inches. Average parameters range from 19 to 30 inches. It is clear that a too large screen is inconvenient, as is a very small one. Of course, it can open more windows, but it takes up too much space. Also, a large diagonal consumes a lot of electricity and is demanding on the video card. However, not every computer desk can accommodate a huge screen.

The best option would be 22 - 23 inches!

Aspect Ratio

Screen aspect ratio is often confused with diagonal. But the diagonal of the monitor is the same, but the aspect ratio is different. There are wide-format and classic. The first ones have a rectangular shape and a ratio of 16:9 or 16:10. The second ones look like squares with a ratio of 5:4 or 4:3. Below is a visual representation of the monitors. The first is widescreen, the second is classic. Classic models have practically disappeared from store shelves. They were replaced by wide-format ones, which began to appear about seven years ago. Back then there were practically no games or programs for rectangular screens, but now the situation has changed. This monitor can accommodate more information and windows, and is suitable for any purpose.

What monitor resolution should I choose?

The number of points vertically and horizontally is called resolution. You can make it lower by changing the settings, but you cannot increase the resolution. The higher the indicator, the more information can be placed on the screen. The size of the resolution depends on the size of the diagonal. For example, a 15-inch screen has a resolution of 1024x768, a 17- and 19-inch screen has a resolution of 1280x1024, and a 20-inch screen has a resolution of 1600x1200. And 16x9 starts from 1366x768 and up to Full HD, which is 1980x1020 pixels, this is exactly the extension you need to buy a monitor for games with.

Which matrix should I choose for my monitor?

This is what the monitor matrix looks like

There are several technologies for manufacturing a matrix for a monitor - TN, PLS and IPS. All of them have their disadvantages and advantages. The TN matrix was invented earlier and has a lower cost. Also, a screen with such a matrix has a low response time. There are few disadvantages - poor color rendering and small viewing angle. But manufacturers came up with a solution to one of the problems, namely, they increased the viewing angle using a kind of film. The IPS matrix has become available to ordinary users quite recently. Previously, very wealthy people could afford a screen with such a matrix. There are many varieties of this matrix: S-IPS, H-IPS, UH-IPS, P-IPS and others. There is also a more expensive matrix - this is MVA/PVA. Manufacturers are trying to produce improved matrices. Basically they reduce the price, but the image quality suffers. My advice is simple - the best matrix for 2014 is the IPS!

Response time

The higher this indicator, the worse. Response time is the period required for a pixel to switch from white to black and vice versa. If the switching takes a long time, then the picture stretches with a noticeable trail. Modern monitors have response times from 2 to 18 milliseconds.

The optimal option is from 5-8 ms.


A monitor with high contrast will cope better with reproducing dark images. The best contrast value is 1000, but 250 is also considered a normal level.


The indicator is measured in candelas per square meter. Brightness shows how intense the screen will glow. High brightness is needed in rooms with bright lighting, because otherwise the image will be difficult to see.

Screen surface

The surface can be glossy or matte. The glossy one gets dirty more and glares from the light, but the image is transmitted perfectly. The matte surface has the opposite characteristics.


Monitors are now available with DVI, HDMI and VGA connectors. The last option is considered the best. You need to select the connector according to the parameters of the system unit. These are the main characteristics. Additional ones are presented below:

  • Presence of a video camera;
  • Availability of speakers;
  • The stand must be metal and movable;
  • Availability of three-dimensional image;
  • Touch buttons.

Before you buy a monitor, you need to decide on its purpose. Basically, you need to focus on the location of the computer and the type of work to be done.


Its optimal size is from 19 inches, high resolution. It is desirable to have a detachable HDMI input, Full HD support and a TN matrix.


The main indicator is compactness and price. Diagonal - up to 19 inches, TN matrix, VGA connector.


You need to pay attention first of all to the IPS matrix.


Here, the best indicators are 22-inch screens, faster response time, dynamic contrast, and digital connectors.

The best monitors

When buying a monitor, you need to focus on the popularity of the models. It wouldn’t hurt to look at the ranking of the best monitors of 2014-2015 to identify the best-selling ones. The list of the best models will help you navigate the variety and choose the right one that will match the price and quality, both for the office, home, and for games. Immediately before purchasing, you need to carefully check the screen for dead pixels, although with new technologies they are very, very rare. To do this, you should turn it on right in the store so that it shows one color. Non-working pixels are not eligible for warranty service, so you need to check them carefully before purchasing; only the store will be able to exchange more than 3 for you with another one.

Best 22 inch monitor

  • Asus VH228D
  • LG 22EA53S-P
  • LG 22MP55HQ-P
  • Dell S2240L
  • BenQ GW2265HM
  • Asus VW22ATL
  • Philips E-line 227E4QSD/01
  • Samsung SM S22C300B

Top best 23-inch monitors

  • Dell UltraSharp U2312HM Black - the choice of professionals!
  • LG 23MP65HQ-P
  • Asus VS239HV
  • Philips E-line 237E4QHSD/01
  • Asus VX239H
  • Samsung LS23B350TS
  • ViewSonic VX2370Smh-LED
  • Dell S2340L
  • Asus MX239H
  • LG 23MP55A-P is the best budget 23-inch monitor!

I've been thinking about writing an article like this for quite some time. Well, confirmation that this is indeed worth doing was the repeated questions from our readers in the comments to reviews of monitors. Indeed, with such a variety of models on the market, it is very easy to make a mistake in choosing, and a direct head-to-head comparison of the monitors you like in a retail store is, as a rule, simply impossible - for a variety of reasons. Static or dynamic scenes on a dozen different displays (mostly, by the way, those that sell poorly), connected to one hub on the shelves of well-known chain stores, even force the buyer to quickly leave the premises. In such a situation, figuring out who is better is an impossible task even for a professional.

This is how the buyer ends up on the Internet - Yandex.Market with its reviews and technical forums. But even here you need to strain, study the equipment, collect the information received together, separate the wheat from the chaff - and then make a choice. However, all people are busy, most are looking for ready-made solutions, and only a few can afford to delve into the study of a new topic.

Well, that’s why our test laboratory exists, through which dozens of different displays have passed, but I myself have been setting up monitors for many years, so I’ve seen dozens of other models - about 500 in total. So in this material I I’ll go through each class of monitors and highlight the best solutions, based, among other things, on my experience.

Why you should buy: There’s nowhere more affordable, BenQ’s ability to squeeze all the juice out of *VA matrices, good factory settings.

What can stop: There are virtually no options for adjusting the stand - only tilt in a small range.

Alternative: the good old BenQ GW2760HS for 12,000 rubles - as the most trouble-free *VA Full HD solution with a screen diagonal increased to 27 inches. We will not recommend the new, but more problematic GC series for purchase. If you want to get a similar monitor with an ergonomic stand, then you should take a look at the XB series models manufactured by Iiyama.

Why you should buy: high quality.

What can stop: so much money for a 23-inch Full HD panel, also with a standard color gamut.

Alternative: recently reviewed by us for 19,000 rubles, which cannot boast of such capabilities as the NEC presented above, but is distinguished by a modern “frameless” design, small dimensions and a completely sufficient set of technologies and features characteristic of the Pro-solutions segment.

Why you should buy: You can find a better monitor among competitors, but it will be much more expensive.

What can stop: simple design, the case gets dirty quickly, limited ergonomics of the stand.

Alternative: Acer XF290Cbmjdprz for 24,000 rubles - if you want, get a practical matte case and an ergonomic stand. Or the 34-inch LG 34UM58 for 28,000 rubles - in case the “fat” pixel does not hurt your eyes and you want to get the largest possible computer monitor with the minimum allowable budget, without sacrificing quality.

⇡ For players

Working on a monitor with a vertical scan frequency of 60 and 120 Hz are two big differences. Well, for those who mainly play on the computer - even more so.

Contender: LG 34UC79G.

The most real gaming solution in the segment of UWFHD solutions with almost the maximum diagonal for it - and it has only recently been sold. The monitor is lost in the wide range of the manufacturer, little is said about it, but this does not make it lose its relevance. When compared with 35-inch *VA models with the same resolution, the IPS version from the Koreans, with an increased vertical scanning frequency to 144 Hz and support for AMD FreeSync, definitely beats them in speed, which you will also get without obvious artifacts Pictures.

Why you should buy: a huge, 34-inch curved beauty with a good IPS gaming panel, high-quality build, materials and support for AMD FreeSync.

What can stop: deep stand, low backlight uniformity on black.

Alternative: If you still really want a gaming A-MVA option in order to get the deepest black color with the same resolution, then you should look at the AOC C3583FQ for 42,000 rubles - among several identical monitors, this one has the best price. But do not forget about artifacts on moving objects and other features of such *VA matrices.

⇡ WQHD standard models (2560 × 1440 pixels)

Models of the WQHD standard, according to our observations and impressions, are beginning to take over the popularity of Full HD solutions. Moreover, firstly, they have fallen in price - if you look at the rest of the market segments, and secondly - options have appeared with a diagonal other than 27 inches: you can find displays from 23.6 to 32 inches - for every taste.

Why you should buy: if you want to buy your first WQHD monitor without overpaying for the name, better materials and design.

What can stop: brand, not the highest build quality - you should choose your copy more carefully.

This monitor was tested in our laboratory and left a good impression. The model uses an A-MVA panel produced by AUO, which is successful from all points of view, the only drawback of which is the Black Crush effect, inherited from the *VA technology itself. This solution has a huge list of advantages and a very short list of disadvantages. In addition, at the moment it is almost the most affordable 32-inch WQHD of those that generally make sense to consider.

Why you should buy: large diagonal coupled with a resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels for the possible minimum amount of money in this class.

What can stop: Not the highest level of pixel density (ppi), appearance, workmanship.

Alternative: BenQ BL3200PT for 33,000 rubles, if you are not satisfied with the Philips design and want to get a monitor made from higher quality raw materials to higher standards.

⇡ For players (IPS-type)

The most interesting, from my point of view, class of monitors in 2016, and in 2017 too. In the last two years, its development was obviously hampered by the desire of manufacturers to get as rich as possible from such models, which is why their prices still frighten Russian consumers, and sales against the general background do not exceed 1-2% of the market volume. However, looking at the development of technology, one can come to the conclusion that one day high scan rates will become the absolute norm. For now, it remains the prerogative of game models.

Due to my line of work, I managed to get acquainted with all the gaming WQHD IPS-type models among those presented on the Moscow market, but none of them managed to outdo the model from ASUS. The ROG PG279Q is the first to be released in its class, and it still remains the leader. Yes, it is not cheap, but when it comes to 60-70 thousand rubles for a device that you will use for at least a couple of years, it seems to us that it is better to overpay than to bite your elbows later.

Why you should buy: high quality, the best that is on the market (provided that an NVIDIA video card is used in the PC).

What can stop: high price, low backlight uniformity on black in almost all copies (the problem with such monitors).

Alternative: in many ways similar to the above model ASUS MG279Q for 48,000 rubles - for owners and fans of GPUs from AMD, but with reduced capabilities for increasing picture smoothness (there is no ULMB mode).

⇡ For players (TN+Film)

Gaming TN+Film with WQHD resolution, in my opinion, is a very controversial segment. With not much of a difference in price relative to IPS-type options, you get a slightly higher matrix speed, but lose in picture quality and stability (we’re talking about viewing angles). It's comfortable to play, but not so much to work. You can convince yourself for a long time that TN+Film panels have a noticeable advantage in speed, but in reality this has not been the case for a long time, especially among WQHD models. But if you still want to save money and have a large workspace at your disposal, then there is a choice, albeit a small one.

The first Dell gaming monitor - and it immediately hit the target. The company's engineers did a great job, and the new product came out without serious flaws. The manufacturer installed a high-speed, 144-Hz TN+Film panel in a body familiar from other models, flavored it all with support for NVIDIA G-Sync technology and ULMB mode, as well as excellent matrix overclocking settings. The result is quite a decent display.

Why you should buy: I want to save money, but get a 27-inch WQHD gaming monitor.

What can stop: clearly visible crystalline effect, poor factory settings and average build quality.

Alternative: We dare to suggest that as an alternative we can only consider the BenQ ZOWIE XL2735, which went on sale for the same 42,000 rubles. It does not support G-Sync adaptive synchronization technology, which is an obvious disadvantage compared to Dell. But you can hope for high-quality factory settings and receive light-protective curtains in the kit.

Just a year ago we would never have thought that this place could be taken by a BenQ product, but the reality is that the new PV270 monitor captivated us with the combination of its capabilities, build quality, configuration and, of course, price. It can't compete on equal terms with alternative models, the manufacturers of which are easy to guess even without our hints, but it earns every dollar invested in it and offers almost everything (or even everything) that 99% of buyers of such displays require.

Why you should buy: you don't want to overpay for the brand.

What can stop: mistrust of BenQ professional monitors, real need for exclusive features of NEC and Eizo displays.

Alternative:“coffin” NEC MultiSync PA272W-SV2 for 85,000 rubles - with ideal factory settings, an ambient light sensor and a license for SV2 software. Well, or Eizo ColorEdge CG277 for 180,000 rubles with a built-in colorimeter, automatic calibration system and other amenities.

Extremely simplifying the principles of choosing a monitor for a PC in accordance with its main purpose, modern devices can be grouped into three categories:

  • On fast TN+Film matrices - for eSports;
  • With GB LED backlight and extended color gamut - for working with graphics;
  • Universal displays - with IPS or VA panels.

In this material we will try to talk about the best computer monitors with diagonals of 19, 24, 27, 32 and more inches.

Choosing the best matrix type for a monitor

Sadly, not a single LCD monitor can display all the variety of visual information equally well. There are three main types of liquid crystal displays:

The number of colors the monitor can display depends on matrix capacity. The simplest ones (6 bits) are capable of outputting 262 thousand shades. Most modern models are equipped with 8 or 10-bit panels (16 million and billion colors, respectively). Naturally, the higher the bit depth, the more expensive the final device.

There are models in which greater color depth is achieved through clever technical solutions. In particular, frame rate control(Frame Rate Control). In such cases, they talk about pseudo-bit (for example, 8 bits + FRC). From the point of view of the final number of shades, such monitors have everything “fairly”, but sensitive eyes may react to the additional blinking of pixels.

The pulse width method of brightness control can also cause eye fatigue ( PWM). Please note that the term Flicker-Free can mean anything from different manufacturers. Let's say PWM is used only for low brightness levels or high frequency modulation is used. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find out this point.

Diagonal matters

The first mass-produced LCD monitors were simply “ridiculous”, by today’s standards, diagonal. These days, purchasing even a 21-inch monitor involves force majeure. Of course, the comfortable size is different for everyone, just like the screen resolution. As for the best combinations, they are approximately the following (for an aspect ratio of 16:9):

  • Full HD (1920×1080) - 24 inches;
  • 2K WQHD (2560×1440) - 27 inches;
  • 4K UHD (3840x2160) - 32 inches and larger.

Ultrawide monitors(21:9) are not small at all, and their acceptable pixel size starts from a diagonal of 29 inches. Well, we don’t consider diverse “exotics” in our rating. Our ranking of the best is basedmonitors based on customer and expert reviews and analysis of the technical characteristics of popular models in 2017.

Having finally collected the full amount to purchase a gaming configuration, many exhale with joy - a monitor, keyboard and other hard drives will no longer require large expenses. The average person exhales and... makes a mistake. A monitor worthy of a top-end configuration will also cost its owner a pretty penny. Is it worth buying a real gaming palantir for a tidy sum, or can you limit yourself to inheriting from an old configuration? Let's look into the details.

A Minute of Retrospect

Oldfags remember well the times when a monitor was bought along with a system unit, keyboard, mouse and speakers. An adult audience will probably remember this chimera from a work PC in the office or at home, while a younger audience will remember a computer bought by their parents exclusively “for study.” In those days, it was generally not customary to think about the frequency and resolution of the screen. Gamers killing hours playing the third Heroes or some Quake had no time for frame rate and response time - they were guided by the principle “A good computer, nothing slows down.” By “good computer” we meant the absence of very obvious drops in FPS. In those days, no one had measured them yet, let alone the monitor response time.

But as old Solid Snake once said, "War has changed" and now on the fields of multiplayer (and single-player) battles, some “ms” in the time between the mouse click and the display of the action on the screen are also taken into account. Yes, the amount of RAM, video card and powerful processor, as they say, still “decide”, but much more has begun to depend on the monitor than ten years ago.

This is both picture quality and, no matter how trite and hackneyed it may sound, safety for the eyes. Here, rather, it is not the overall harm from screen flickering that will be taken into account, but the influence of different levels of technology on this indicator. A situation familiar to many - circumstances forced me to sit down at an old PC with a “box” monitor (CRT monitor), and after half an hour my eyes popped out of my head. Yes, and getting a frag, especially for a player in some top league, will be problematic if the game process is perceived with a slight delay.

Main characteristics of a gaming monitor

Now the hardware market is not suffering - of course, the crisis darkens the picture a little, but this is more likely for the buyer; dozens of new products can still be found in the windows. Let’s keep silent about online stores; Amazon alone is worth it. It’s very easy to get lost in the ocean of assortment; a sales consultant will most likely try to sell you the most expensive model, while the community on Amazon will try to sell you the most “average” one in terms of price and quality ratio. Let's try to understand the main characteristics of monitors and their properties, so as not to regret wasted money.

Monitor diagonal

Perhaps the very first factor that both buyers and manufacturers pay attention to. The size of the screen directly affects both its attractiveness for gamers and the cost of production for the developer company. For gamers, several main diagonals can be defined:

The mass audience is increasingly choosing 24-27-inch diagonals. If you want something exotic, then go ahead - 30" monitor to help. But it is worth considering that eyes are simply not able to capture such a wide screen, so approximately 20% of the space will remain useless. The manufacturer increases the price for every inch, so the choice is not the most profitable. How to get out of the situation - models with curved display. Curved just to cover the maximum space visible to the eye.

Screen resolution and aspect ratio

The second indicator of screen size, responsible for number of pixels in the image. The main principle is More is better. But it is worth considering the complete dependence of the performance level on the set resolution.

The main layer of all modern media products is designed with an aspect ratio of 16:9, which replaced the outdated 4:3. This is a classic “rectangular” format, familiar to every modern user, perhaps the most relevant and popular of all those present on the market. In addition to convenient gaming, it also allows you to comfortably watch movies without black bars along the borders of the screen. The 16:10 monitor will be slightly taller than its predecessor and will be more suitable for working with office applications and media editors.

As for resolution, everything is much more transparent here:

  • HD - 1366x768 pixels

It won’t require much hardware investment, but it won’t reveal the full potential of modern graphics.

  • Full HD - 1920x1080 pixels

There is a standard high requirement for hardware with the graphics cranked up to the maximum, and, accordingly, a high level of that very “graphonia”.

  • Ultra HD or 4k -2560x1440\3840x2160 pixels

The youngest standard presented. This standard is no longer a lordly luxury, but remains a representative of the premium segment. A number of top games already make it possible to enjoy the game in 4K. For example, in Watch Dog 2 the screen of the gaming mobile phone looks clearer than mine in real life. And YouTube has long been ready to happily show cats in UHD - a reason to think about it.

Matrix type

The main parameters of the monitor depend on the type of matrix:

  • Color rendering level

The quality of transmitted colors and their “reality” are in accordance with real analogues. This parameter is especially important for working with photos and videos, but in the case of games, let’s not forget it either. Every year the graphics become more realistic, which means the number of colors and shades increases. And on a 10-year-old monitor, a fresh Battlefield will not look very “fresh.”

  • Response time

The time during which an image point changes in brightness is usually 2-5 ms. A length longer than 6ms is fraught with blurring in dynamic scenes.

  • Contrast

Everything is clear here - the ratio of the brightness of the lightest point of the screen to the darkest.

  • Viewing angle

The minimum distance at which various “artifacts” on the screen become noticeable.

Without going into long technical descriptions, here is a table with the main characteristics of various types of matrices.

Matrix type





Response time

Viewing angle

Color rendering level


Update frequency

The indicator responsible for the number of frames per second is called fps. It is set manually in the game settings. Stable gaming “classics” were considered to be 60 frames per second at 60 Hz, respectively. But, like any gaming hardware, gaming monitors are several steps ahead, and therefore 120 -144 Hz is considered normal. This hardware allows you to display the most dynamic scenes more realistically than their 60 Hz counterparts. The price also increases with increasing frequency, and without a powerful video card, a 144 Hz monitor will be of little use.

Available video connectors

The quality of the resulting image depends not only on the matrix installed in the monitor, but also on the video connector. The presence of an additional video connector will provide you with the ability to connect a second image source - be it a laptop or a TV. In modern monitors you can find the following video connectors (both individually and several at once):

  • HDMI

A digital connector that allows you to connect modern audio and video equipment, as well as laptops, to image output devices. The main advantage is the transmission of the audio track over one cable with the video stream.

  • DisplayPort - DP

Digital connector, the most “progressive” of those presented. Provides ample opportunities for audio transmission, surpassing the popular DVI. It is expensive and occurs quite often. If you are already thinking about buying a monitor with such a connector, then only for the long term. It is worth considering that the fact that the old type Display Port does not support HDR.

  • AV, SCART, S-Video

Analog connectors typical for TV monitors with built-in TV tuners. In addition, it allows you to connect outdated audio and video equipment such as cassette players.

TOP 10 best gaming monitors

Below we will present the best, in the opinion of our editors, monitors that a gamer can find on the market in the spring of 2017. We can only correct your course and protect you from completely useless purchases. But you will still have to choose the most suitable one yourself - be guided by personal preferences and financial status.

Best 144Hz Monitor - ASUS VS278Q

Asus has established itself in the market as a supplier of high-quality equipment at relatively inexpensive prices. What do we have in this model for ~18 thousand rubles?

    27 inches

    Full HD 1920x1080

    144Hz refresh rate

    Built-in speakers

    Response time 1ms

    Connectors: DP, VGS, 2xHDMI

    Web camera: 2 MP.

Not every PC monitor can boast an excellent price range and, at the same time, sufficient equipment for both gaming and ease of use. However, ASUS has introduced a new model that comes with amazing color reproduction and refresh rates. Let's look at the main features of the device.

Diagonal. The wide diagonal will provide the user with a vast picture, and the high definition Full HD will give the image not only brightness, but also a natural color gamut. However, you will have to spend a sufficient amount of time to calibrate the preset modes.

Number of colors: 16.7 million It is worth considering that it may be difficult to adjust the color palette in relation to natural colors. The problem lies in the matrix itself: TN is starting to become outdated in comparison with IPS matrices.

Viewing Angles can also spoil the impression a little. The vertical viewing angle is 160 degrees and the horizontal viewing angle is 170 degrees.

Let's move on to the monitor itself.

The first thing that catches your eye is the good design and build quality, but the black glossy plastic will require special care. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the control is push-button, not as convenient as touch. The device has connectors such as: HDMI, Display Port. There are also built-in speakers with satisfactory sound levels.

Sound power - 4W. The built-in components include a web camera, a light sensor, and 4 interfaces. It is possible to install the monitor directly on the wall. The presence of a “web”, but the absence of a microphone and vertical adjustment introduces serious inconvenience.

This device gives me mixed impressions. On the one hand, this is a sufficient diagonal and brightness, but on the other hand, the location of individual buttons and a rather long time to set up certain modes bring a lot of inconvenience. Despite these incidents, a monitor in its price category can become an integral device in your work and leisure.

Best PC Monitor - BenQ RL2755HM

Still the same Full HD, but a more budget model from BenQ. It offers slightly worse performance, but for an acceptable amount - for example, this 27-inch model will cost approximately 15,990 thousand rubles. See for yourself:

    27 inches

    Full HD 1920x1080

    Update frequency 75 Hz

    Response time 1ms

    Connectors: HDMI (2x), HJ (headphone jack)

Several interesting details can be noted. First - technology Black eQualizer, which solves the problem of too dark scenes in games: the brightness in them will be automatically adjusted. I'm also pleased with the technology Flicker-free, which ensures that the picture does not flicker at any brightness. AND RTS Mode, designed for comfortable play in you guess what genre. The only thing that stands out in the design is the unusual protruding leg-stand.

Budget monitor - ViewSonic VX2452MH

Another budget model that will cost the owner 7947 thousand rubles. Its main characteristics:

    24 inches

    Full HD 1920x1080

    Refresh rate 75 Hz

    Response time 2ms

    Connectors: HDMI, VGA, DVI

Available similar to Black eQualizer Game Mode, which also solves the problem of game scenes that are too dark. By the way, the main difference from the previous model is contrast. Here it is a little higher, which affects the detail. Everything looks very juicy and fresh, both in the brightest and darkest scenes.

Monitor 27 inches - ASUS MX279H

First, let's briefly go over the main characteristics of the model:

    27 inches

    Full HD 1920x1080

    76Hz refresh rate

    Response time 2ms

    Connectors: 2xHDMI, D-Sub

    Built-in speakers

ASUS presented an ultra-thin monitor model MX279H for ~23 thousand rubles. , which is distinguished not only by its stylish design, but also by high-quality images thanks to AH-IPS technology. The LCD panel has wide viewing angles and good color rendering, which allows it to be used for various purposes. Thanks to this, the picture on the screen looks the same from any angle at 178°, both vertically and horizontally.

The first thing that catches your eye is the absence of a frame around the display. But if you take a closer look, you will notice an 8 mm border, which is not noticeable at all when the monitor is off. On the lower part of the front panel there are touch control buttons. At the same time, the sensor response is very fast; you just need to touch the buttons and you immediately get to the selected menu to adjust the image settings. Despite the excellent operation of the touch buttons, the menu is not very convenient, that is, not intuitive enough, so at first you may miss the desired option.

Availability of technology in the ASUS MX279H modelASUS Smart Contrast Ratio, which serves to automatically change the brightness during operation, allows you to achieve high image quality, especially when watching videos. Although the relatively low resolution (1920 x 1080) for this diagonal leads to the fact that there is slight grain in the picture, especially when viewed closely. Despite this, the 27-inch matrix with Full HD resolution reproduces black shades well without a gray reflection. But the backlight uniformity is not entirely ideal and you can find lighter areas at the top of the screen. But since this error is present in many models, in general, LED backlighting can be considered successful.

Good image quality is complemented by good sound, although the sound quality is not amazing. Built-in SonicMaster audio enhancement technology delivers more powerful volume without any extraneous noise, which is especially important for gamers. Despite the rather thin body, the monitor has built-in 32mm speakers.

The ASUS MX279H monitor is aimed at a wide audience of users thanks to its fast connection to PCs, game consoles and media players. The MX279H is a prime example of how you can make an inexpensive monitor that offers the following benefits:

    modern stylish design without pronounced display boundaries;

    wide viewing angles of 178°;

    high picture and sound quality for this price category.

In general, the model is not bad for this price category and fully copes with all the assigned tasks, according to its technical characteristics.

Review from a real buyer I can only recommend this option to those who can correctly adjust the backlight and color. If you don't do this, you definitely won't like the screen. Nothing bothers me, I calmly set everything up and recommend it for purchase.

Best Eye Monitor - Dell Computer Ultrasharp U2415

Monitor specifications:

    24 inches

    Full HD 1920x1080

    Refresh rate 60Hz

    Response time 5ms

Dell has once again pleased lovers of clear images by releasing a 24-inch Ultrasharp U2415 model in a modern frameless style for ~21 thousand rubles. The screen aspect ratio is 16:10, which makes it more comfortable to do not only office functions, but also watch videos and play games. For maximum comfortable work, the model is equipped with a matte IPS screen with LED (WLED) backlighting.

Despite the fact that the U2415 model has a narrow screen border of 6.9 mm, the front surface looks like a monolithic block no limits. Only at the bottom of the screen can you notice a small frame, which gives this model sophistication and modern style. On the bottom panel of the screen there are touch control buttons and a power icon.

When you turn on the monitor for the first time, you will notice good color rendition, since the manufacturer carries out factory calibration, the proof of which is accompanied by a special report. But, even despite the built-in automatic brightness and color calibration function, you can notice that the black color is not quite deep. This shortcoming can be corrected by manual adjustment by opening the settings menu: Brightness, Contrast and Sharpness. Manual adjustment significantly improves color depth. Viewing angles are quite acceptable for viewing images at a distance of 60-70 cm. Moreover, the greater the distance from the monitor to the eyes increases, the more noticeable color rendering defects are. We also cannot fail to note no flicker or PWM– this is confirmed by almost all gamers who use this monitor.

Particular attention should be paid to the universal stand, with which the monitor can be positioned in the most convenient way for the user. The stand allows you to tilt the monitor up, down and to the sides. In addition, the screen can be fixed on a stand at any height, which gives maximum use of the monitor. These rotations of the stand, as well as the absence of clearly visible boundaries on the screen, allow you to use two monitors placed side by side to display the overall picture.

From all of the above, we can highlight the following advantages of the Ultrasharp U2415 model:

    decent color rendition;

    Russified menu;

    convenient adjustment of the universal stand;

    ability to rotate the screen to portrait position;

    presence of four digital inputs.

Review from a real buyer Tilt and height adjustment, design, thin frame, several usb ports, the ability to rotate the screen vertically, a separate port for charging - now it’s very convenient to work) I didn’t like one thing - when the personal computer goes into sleep mode, why is the monitor - then as many as five times it reports that there is no power, why doesn’t it turn off immediately?

Best monitor for gaming - AOC e970swn

The manufacturer gives the following description of the AOC e970swn monitor:

    19 inches

    HD 1366 x 768

    Refresh rate 60Hz

    Response time 5ms

    Connectors: 2xHDMI, DP, mDP, 5xUSB

AOC e970swn 18.5-Inch LED-Lit Monitor is a very budget model, because its price is ~4.5 thousand rubles. Assembled in China. You can attach it to the wall, sit on a comfortable sofa and, of course, enjoy games.

The monitor displays 16.7 million colors. The brightness is 200 cd/m2, which is enough for most games. Monitor response time is 5 ms. Therefore, dynamic movements are reflected smoothly. A good option, for example, for football simulators, but not for shooters.

The normal contrast of the monitor is 700 to 1, the dynamic contrast is 20 million to 1, the brightness is 200 cd/m2. The monitor has an HD resolution of 1366 by 768 pixels. The diagonal of 19 inches is the average on the market. The width is to the length as 16 to 9. It is also equipped with an economy mode and e-Saver: these options allow you to reduce energy consumption.

The design of the monitor is standard: the base of the body is black plastic, and the display has a matte surface that does not reflect anything except sunlight.

The device comes with:


    VGA cables that allow you to connect the monitor to your computer;

    Power Cable - power supply device.

The monitor has a built-in power supply. The maximum power of the latter is 15 W/h.

Perhaps the most significant drawback of the monitor is its small viewing angle. The horizontal indicator is only 90 degrees, vertically - 65. It’s also not very pleasing that this model has a primitive menu with limited customization options. The English layout is well done, the Russian layout requires minor improvements.

The monitor reflects 2D graphics elements well, so it can be called a good choice not only for office workers, but also for gamers: fast response time, wide color gamut display and acceptable contrast levels will completely provide you with the desired level of play. In general, if you don’t demand too much from the picture, then it’s quite a decent option for a gaming monitor among its peers.

Review from a real buyer I was pleased with the appearance and price, but the image quality is still a little blurry. I set the settings to maximum, but the quality did not improve. A couple of minutes and your eyes are already starting to hurt, and it’s not always possible to be at a distance from the PC. Even our old monitor showed a better picture. This screen is now just gathering dust.

Nya 27 inch gaming monitor - Dell UltraSharp U2715H

The characteristics of this model differ in many ways from those of other models:

    27 inches

    QHD 2560 x 1440

    86Hz refresh rate

    Response time 6ms

    Connectors: 2xHDMI, 2xDP, 4xUSB

27-inch Dell UltraSharp U2715H monitor for ~30,140 thousand rubles. from a well-known manufacturer will appeal to those who love beautiful and high-quality pictures, since, one might say, the image clarity of this monitor is excellent: QHD quality (2560 x 1440) will appeal to both avid movie fans and fans of various games, ranging from MOBAs to exciting action games. The monitor's response time is 6 ms.

The dimensions of the monitor allow you to place a large amount of information on the screen, in addition, this monitor can be used as part of a multi-screen configuration for multitasking, for example, for streaming and other useful things. Behind the monitor there is a standard stand that allows you to tilt the screen block and lift it - extra convenience for your eyes. This stand allows you to stack multiple monitors in portrait orientation with narrow borders to each other.

For those who spend a lot of time in the gaming space, the Dell UltraSharp U2715H is a great companion. Thanks to the black anti-glare surface, limited by a plastic frame at the bottom, your eyes will not get tired.

Main advantages of Dell UltraSharp U2715H:

    High quality color rendering, which will allow you to enjoy the game without eye fatigue.

    Multifunctionality and wide possibilities: suitable for both beginners and avid gamers.

    Supports MHL 2.0 (up to 1080p at 60 fps), viewing angle 178°/178°.

    A simple menu in Russian that even a beginner can understand.

    Using the special Easy Arrange program, you can organize windows on your desktop for more convenient work.

The disadvantages include the following:

    Not the fastest response time. There are monitors with a response time of 2 ms.

    Not the highest resolution (not 4k after all).

    The price may seem significant.

The best 4k monitors

We decided to separately highlight the best gaming monitors with 4k (or Ultra HD) resolution. We present to you 2 models: one is more widespread, and the second is suitable for those gamers who agree only to the best picture.

28 inch monitor - Samsung U28E590D

Representative UHD(or 4k) at a higher price than other monitors in our top (~15,690 thousand rubles), and with more acceptable performance for gaming - a 1ms response and 60Hz updates feel very smooth, largely thanks to FreeSync from AMD, a higher quality (tailored for 4k) analogue of Gsync.

    28 inches

    UHD 3840 x 2160

    Update frequency 60 Hz

    Response time 1 ms

    Connectors: HDMI, DP, DVI

Of note - "eye saver" mode, which is important for such a diagonal. As a result, we have an excellent choice from the 4k category, which is suitable for online battles without suffering in response.

Review from a real customer The size of this screen is almost the same as that of a TV. It's a pleasure to look at him. Even when I work for a long time, my eyes hardly get tired.

Gaming Monitor - ASUS PB287Q 28

Let's study the main characteristics:

    28 inches

    UHD 3840 x 2160

    Refresh rate 60Hz

    Response time 6ms

    Connectors: HDMI, DP

The appearance of the monitor is traditional for the "PB" series. Black matte plastic, strict design, straight lines, absence of roundness and metal inserts - in general, the design of the monitor resembles a typical office model, with the exception of the diagonal - 28" is rarely seen on an office desktop. The slightly rough plastic case does not create an expensive feeling that is somewhat reduces the joy of the purchase, taking into account the cost of the model at ~34 thousand rubles.

For a monitor that is far from a budget class, it is surprising that there is no built-in USB splitter and webcam. At the same time, the user was provided built-in speakers with good sound. The model also has an audio output for headphones. Signal transmission is carried out via DisplayPort 1.2 or HDMI 1.4. The settings control buttons are located on the rear side of the monitor. The user will have to press the buttons blindly, since there are no identification marks on the front side.

It uses a 28" diagonal TN matrix with a resolution of 16:9 and a resolution of 3840x2160. The viewing angles are not as wide as those of PLS, IPS and OLED monitors - in any case, they cannot be called narrow. Possibility of flexible adjustment of screen position very important. In this regard, the manufacturer has nothing to blame. Rotating the display around a vertical axis, adjusting the height, tilt angle and switching to vertical mode can be done without hassle.

High resolution looks very good in games, but gamers will have to pay for a super-detailed image with low performance. Many modern gaming systems are unable to fully provide normal FPS in games at maximum graphics settings.

Best curved gaming monitor

Let us present to you very cool monitors, which, due to their current price, cannot yet become a mass product, but are the embodiment of a gamer’s dream.

Large 144Hz monitor - BenQ XR3501 35-inch

Best 2k monitor

Curved Gaming Monitor - MSI Optix

Known primarily for its laptops, MSI clearly intends to conquer the gaming monitor market, fortunately, it is growing at a high rate. Another device designed to help her with this has the following characteristics:

  • 27 inches
  • WQHD 2560x1440
  • 144Hz refresh rate
  • Response time 1ms
  • Connectors: 1×DVI-D; 1×HDMI 2.0; 1×DisplayPort 1.2a

All parameters are impressive: from response time and refresh rate to picture brightness and clarity. In short, nothing will distract from the gameplay or interfere with your enjoyment - the monitor will withstand the test of the most dynamic shooter. But the main trump card is the latest SVA matrix, which has a radius of curvature of 1800R. The curvature of the screen provides the effect of enlarging the image on it and complete immersion, and at the same time comfort for the eyes.