Photos for the channel header. How to make a beautiful YouTube channel header from any picture. rule. Creating a general cover style

This is the first question asked by a person who wants to upload his video to a world famous site. You must make a video so that you will want to watch and review it, as well as recommend it to your friends. Feel like a real director. Not worth posting on a public site quality material. If you are filming an emergency event and you only have a mobile phone at hand, then the quality is not very good, but if you are filming yourself and your own unit, then the issue of quality should be taken seriously. Everything about promoting videos on YouTube you can read this by following the link.

Videos posted on Youtube are increasingly available in HD quality. Therefore, the viewer is accustomed to high quality, and is unlikely to watch a video with a low score. You can find all services for boosting YouTube on the following page .

How to make an intro for a YouTube video

Everything is quite simple, but the main thing is to do everything correctly, because it is the correctly positioned icon that will attract people to your video additional number views (read how to get views for free). Before making an intro for your video, you must carefully select the image. The YouTube website has its own requirements for the screensaver. Initially, what should be observed is the size, which should not exceed 2MB.

The picture should not violate general rules, i.e. it should not contain scenes of a sexual or erotic nature. But, unfortunately, this rule is increasingly being violated. The picture should be attractive so that a person sees it and wants to open your video to watch. On our resource you can at an inexpensive price buy real views on video on YouTube.

The picture should look good in both small and large formats. Make your video look great no matter where it is placed. A bright and unusual picture will attract views faster.

How to make a cover for a YouTube video

A beautiful, eye-catching video cover can be created quickly and in just a few minutes. For this you will need Photoshop any versions, a sketch of the proposed cover and a thematic drawing that conveys the essence of your video.

Creating a cover, although simple, is an extremely important moment. There is no need to be upset if you don’t succeed the first time, try, experiment and soon you will achieve the desired result.

Youtube is a modern popular site with big amount video. Users from all over the world add videos here, exposing them to everyone, and want to receive feedback about their “brainchild”. You can post a ready-made video on Youtube, or you can slightly modify and supplement it. Most often, videos filmed on YouTube end up on YouTube. mobile phone. This is what concerns non-standard situations when the video is shot spontaneously. You can increase the number of likes for videos on YouTube in this

So, in order to interest the viewer and encourage him to watch the video, you need only 2 components: a high-quality cover and correct name. But now let's talk about the cover. Think for yourself, what do you see when you go to YouTube? You see a large number of different “tiles”, and choose only the one with the best wrapper, i.e. from the very beautiful cover. To create a good, attractive and interesting cover, the following rules must be followed:

1 rule. Matching the topic of the video

This is the most important and banal rule. “Well, that’s understandable,” you say. It’s clear, but not always. The cover should most fully reveal the meaning of the video, show viewers that it contains exactly what they want to see. You can even write the title of the video on the cover so that you can immediately see what will be discussed. If, for example, you made a video in which you create a drawing, then the cover should contain your drawing, and not a picture taken from the Internet.

Rule 2. Quality

For the cover, choose a high-quality picture or photograph. It should be clear, legible, and light enough. Everything should be clearly visible on it. Bad pictures immediately repel viewing, especially if they were taken on a phone, and with bad camera, when the photo turns out “in squares”. So don’t be lazy to choose nice pictures. Let's look again at our example. Your drawing should be clear, the lines should not be blurry, all the details should be clearly visible, otherwise the drawing will lose its beauty.

Rule 3. Size

On YouTube, the standard for videos and covers is 1920x1080, so choose a cover that is exactly this size, or in proportion to it. After all, it looks very ugly when there are two black stripes on both sides of the photo. It looks unprofessional and will most likely not attract the viewer.

Rule 4. Brightness

The cover should catch the eye - be bright. When there is a choice between, we choose what is immediately visible and attractive. A bright colors and contrast will definitely make your cover stand out from the crowd of other, more faded ones.

Rule 5. Creating a general cover style

When your channel gains popularity, your videos are viewed, and you gain subscribers. You need to be recognized, and it becomes easier when the video covers are the same type. A person who logs into YouTube will immediately see your video if he has any distinctive features, some special style.

Rule 6. Video type matching

For different types video is usually used miscellaneous information on the covers. Let’s say that for conversational videos you cannot take pictures of some objects, since they will not correspond to the meaning. IN in this case the viewer needs to be tuned into a pleasant, warm conversation, and this can only be achieved by a photograph of the person himself, who will narrate the video, this will inspire trust. In the case of gaming videos, you need, on the contrary, to show the game that you want, for example, to comment on. And on the cover you need to place either a frame from a game moment or the cover of the game itself. If they already know you, then it’s good to put your photo on the cover of any type of video.

So, in order for the cover to be good, catchy and attractive, it must be of high quality, bright, of the correct size, it must correspond to the meaning and type of video and have its own style. Having completed all these points, you will receive a successful cover, and the video will gain a large number of views.

When buying a magazine, the first thing that catches your eye is the cover. The same thing happens when visiting your virtual page - the first impression is created by the photo on the cover.

And this happens regardless of what social network you are on - Facebook, VKontakte, LinkedIn or a YouTube channel - first of all, you will pay attention to the cover. The first impression is created even before viewing your page.

Key factor perfect cover- this is its size. If you upload an image of inappropriate dimensions, you risk getting a “cut” image and your subscribers will not be able to see its important details. The problem is that there is no single cover size for all networks and this article will tell you about them in detail. So when you get to checkout social networks- This guide will help you create covers for your bands.

Briefly: what is the size of covers for groups on VK, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn

There is some difference in the size of the covers when loading the site - this is noticeable when visiting a page from two of its different versions– desktop or mobile. Below are the dimensions for Facebook, VK, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and the YouTube channel.

VK group cover size

The ideal cover size for your VKontakte group will be 1590 by 400 pixels. This size takes into account display on high-definition (Retina) screens. A minimum size VK covers - 795 by 200 pixels.

Facebook Cover Size

The ideal cover size for your Facebook profile will be 820 by 462 pixels. These are ideal parameters for your Facebook page, and the minimum width should be at least 720 px.

When creating a photo for a Facebook page, it is very important not to miss 4 important details:

1. Your Facebook cover will be different sizes on the mobile version of the site

The mobile version of this social network is different in that your photo will look taller or narrower. If the photo is long, it will be displayed in full; if it is wide, the edges will be cut off. Through trial and error, it was found that the above dimensions are ideal for both versions.

On a computer, the size of the visible part will be 820 by 312 pixels. And in mobile version 820 by 462.

2. You specify which part of the cover to show

If your picture contains important details at the top or bottom and you're worried that Facebook might cut them off, you have the option to control how much of the photo you want to show on your page. Drag the picture up or down.

3. Your page photo, name and buttons are superimposed on your cover photo

If you noticed in the example above, several components are superimposed on the cover photo. It's worth paying attention to this when choosing and creating your cover photo. In the mobile version of the site, the profile photo will slightly overlap the photo in the middle. You should make it a rule to avoid important details at the bottom of the photo, as they may be obscured by the profile photo.

4. When you go to your Facebook profile, only half of your cover photo is displayed.

This means that the photo will not be shown in full - you will need to scroll the pages to see it. In order to attract attention with a photo and make you look at it in full, it is worth adding a highlight to the photo or something attractive at the bottom of the cover photo.

Facebook cover size - for page (group)

The ideal cover size for your Facebook page would be 820 by 462 pixels.

Below are key points to select and create an image for the page your audience will subscribe to:

  1. Unlike the photo on the cover of yours personal profile, nothing overlaps the Facebook page cover. And this is just great - you don’t have to worry about something important being blocked from the audience’s attention.
  2. Just like your profile photo, your cover photo looks different on mobile.

It is worth considering that the Facebook cover size on the page is displayed at 820x312 pixels in the desktop version, and 640x360 in the mobile version. This data was provided by Facebook itself and will allow you to show the whole picture. However, dimensions of 820x462 px would be more suitable - this will allow you to lay out your pictures in the way you yourself would like.

Use PNG file for more high-quality picture. The Facebook website states that if your cover photo contains company logos, it is best to use a PNG file - this will improve the quality of the image.

Facebook Cover Video Size

Finally! You have the option to use a video instead of a picture. Isn't this wonderful?

Below are tips from Facebook for your cover video:

  • Your video must be at least 820 pixels wide and 312 pixels long. For more best quality, upload videos with dimensions 820x465px.
  • The length of the video should be between 20 and 90 seconds.

Facebook group header size

The ideal header photo size for your Facebook group will be 820 by 462 pixels.

The cover photo for the group is virtually the same as the cover photo for the pages - it just looks a little shorter. However, the dimensions displayed through the computer version are 820x250. This means that the image must be at least 400x150px.

Although in computer version the cover image does not overlap with the inscriptions; in the mobile version, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Another thing to consider is how your cover photo appears in the "groups" section of mobile application Facebook.

To fully display the picture (so that the inscriptions do not move), it is best to place the photo in the center - it will look much better.

Event photo size for Facebook

The ideal photo size for a Facebook event banner would be 1920 by 1080 pixels.

Recommended size for photos on page upcoming events, from Facebook's point of view, is 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels long (in a 16:9 aspect ratio). For an event in open access everyone who views the event has access to this image, while for private events - only those who are on the invite list.

LinkedIn Cover Size

The ideal cover size for your LinkedIn page is 1584 by 396 pixels.

The ideal ratio for a cover is 4:1

Photo for background Displayed in 4:1 ratio on LinkedIn profile; It's also worth noting that it is recommended to use photos that are 1584 pixels wide by 396 pixels long. However, there is one problem - your photos may become blurry after uploading, the following tips will help you fix it:

If background image looks blurry or breaks up into squares, choose images with a file size as close to the maximum size as possible, as images with these dimensions look much sharper. It's also worth considering that photos will look better than images with logos. If the image still looks blurry and appears to be split into squares, you should use compression tools such as Trimage forWindowsor ImageOptim forMac, before uploading to your profile.

LinkedIn will crop photo background when switching to mobile device

As the picture below clearly shows, LinkedIn will crop your photo on the right and left sides.

LinkedIn Company Page Cover Size

The ideal cover size for your LinkedIn company is 1536 by 768 pixels.

LinkedIn will crop the image on the desktop version. Despite the fact that it is recommended to use an image with dimensions of 1536x768px, when uploading the image, it will be cropped in any case. This is shown in the screenshot above. Therefore, if possible, it is best to place important parts of the picture in the center. It is also worth considering that the minimum image size is 1192x220px.

The cover photo looks larger on the mobile version of the site. This is most likely one of the reasons why LinkedIn recommended the above dimensions.

YouTube cover size

Ideal cover size for YouTube channel will be 2560 by 1440 pixels.

Your cover has different visibility on TV, mobile and desktop versions

The channel cover photo is called a banner and is displayed completely differently depending on what device you are using. The ideal dimensions for a cover, as recommended by YouTube, are 2560x1440px.

Below are some important details:

  • Minimum dimensions for uploading an image: 2048x1152px.
  • Ideal dimensions for uploading images with logos and inscriptions: 1546x423px. Larger images are not loaded completely (depending on the type of device from which they are viewed).
  • The maximum image dimensions are 2560×423 px. The above dimensions will be viewed from any device. It is also worth considering that part of the banner for your channel will be cut off when viewed from different devices.
  • The file size of the uploaded image is 4MB (or less).

YouTube created lovely template for the cover of your channel - it is convenient for comparing the final appearance on various devices.

The template is loaded into Photoshop file and a Fireworks file, allowing you to overlay it on an image; This will give you an idea of ​​how the image will be cropped and appear on your channel.

Below is an example of adapting the cover size for a YouTube channel.

Pay special attention to your profile photo and channel links

When creating your channel, you will most likely not place important details in the top left and right corners of your banner. And that's right - your profile photo and channel links will be placed at the top of the banner in both mobile and desktop versions. This is what the picture will look like on the desktop and mobile versions of the sites along with the profile image:

Twitter cover size

The ideal cover size for your Twitter account would be 1500 by 500 pixels.

Your Twitter photo should be 1500px wide and 500px long. And this, mind you, is much broader compared to other social networks.

By the way, it is very important to use an image of sufficient width - this will prevent the image on Twitter from stretching and becoming blurry.

The profile photo will cover the main photo

Just like on Facebook, your Twitter profile photo will obscure a small portion of your header image. It is very important not to miss this nuance.

You can zoom and select a fragment of the photo uploaded to your profile

Here you can freely choose which fragment you really need - and not be afraid that it will be cut off.

The header image looks larger on the mobile version

On mobile device, provided that your photo is of sufficient size, it will be displayed in full length. (Please note that my boots appear on mobile but not on desktop).

If the title photo is 500 pixels long (or shorter), scaling may occur and it will be cropped on both sides.

Google+ Cover Size

The ideal cover size for your Google+ account will be 1600 by 900 pixels.

Google+ cover photos are displayed at dimensions starting from 1084x610px, which in proportion is close to 16:9. If you want to make sure your image looks sharp, you should stick to dimensions of 1600px wide by 900px long.

The most important details of the photo should be centered

The great news is that cover photos are hover sensitive. What does this mean? The cover photo will gradually move out as you scroll the page, so that it is always in view.

To run your channel and enjoy it, you need to know what the picture (cover), header, icon and video should be. That's why, from the very morning, I set out to write a useful post. I hope the article will live up to my hopes, and people who constantly visit the site and the Clear TV channel will be able to find out:

- Which image size for youtube choose;

- correct header sizes for youtube;

what size is the video on youtube(maximum).

Whatever you say, youtube sizes play a fairly significant role when it comes to developing and attracting new visitors to the channel. I advise you to either write down all the parameters on a piece of paper, or add this article to your bookmarks.

Header sizes for youtube

The YouTube header is the face of the channel. I agree that many exaggerate her role, but I think that title page should look nice. To be honest, I have created about 3-5 hats over the entire period of time.

Header dimensions for youtube (in pixels): 2560×1440. I’ll say right away that the design is displayed differently on a computer, mobile device, and TV.

So that the size of the header for YouTube does not become the reason for lost time, I advise you to pay attention to the following concepts:

— visible header area: 2048x1152 pixels. By choosing the recommended size for the header, 2560×1440, and placing the most important information within 2048x1152 (if you look at it, it’s in the center), rest assured that on most devices the image will be fully visible.

The file size for a YouTube header should not exceed 4 MB.

Maximum video size on Youtube

I used to think that there were no restrictions on YouTube, but I was wrong - maximum size The uploaded video should not exceed 128 GB.

If you cannot add videos longer than 15 minutes, try going to the “Channel” section, then select “Status and functions” and read what you need to do to add longer videos (from 15 minutes).

What is the size of a video on youtube

YouTube players have an aspect ratio of 16:9. Videos of other formats will be displayed without distortion, however empty place will be filled with a black background.

That's what optimal size video on youtube select:

2160p: 3840×2160;

1440p: 2560×1440;

1080p: 1920x1080;

720p: 1280x720;

People who record screen videos can choose the 1280x720 size. By the way in Camtasia Studio this format is prescribed.

YouTube channel icon size

What you have to fuss with much less is the channel icon. It is enough to upload a round or square image, which, when scaled down, will be distinguishable (visible) in the format: JPG, BMP, PNG.

Well, it is advisable to choose the size of the channel icon on YouTube 600x600 or 400x400 pixels. Once downloaded, it will be compressed to 98x98 size. Hint: to see in advance how it will all look on the channel, you can set the image size to 98x98 before uploading.

Picture size for youtube

A picture for YouTube, in the understanding of many users, is a personalized icon for a specific video. It is not difficult to guess that the size of a picture for YouTube will be similar to the size of a video on YouTube. In numbers - 1280x720 pixels and no more than 2 MB. Formats: JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP.

I think now you know:

- what is the optimal image size for YouTube to choose;

correct sizes headers for youtube (visible area);

— what is the maximum size of a video on YouTube (dimensions, weight).

A YouTube channel can be a pretty boring platform if you don't set it up. Setting the cover size on YouTube is great way do this, and in this regard, YouTube offers many options to make it work on all platforms.

As much as we would like to immediately tell you the size of the cover on the YouTube channel... Well, it should be 2560 × 1440, but not everything is so simple. There are some caveats and subtleties that you should keep in mind.

Google has a pretty extensive page on this topic, but we decided to take it one step further!

Art characteristics of the channel

For optimal results at all Google devices recommends uploading one 2560 x 1224 px image that has been optimized to fit the template below.

The new channels will have variable width on the desktop, meaning the site will scale to show more content on larger browser windows. There is a minimum size at which the site will no longer be responsive and scrollbars will appear in the browser window. This will happen with a minimum channel width of 1546 x 423 pixels (this is the “safe area”, given that text and logos will not be cut off) and a maximum width of 2560 x 423 pixels.

Google+ integration

YouTube has been integrated with Google+. This means that everyone additional channel on YouTube that you create appears along with own page on Google+. The channel icon syncs with yours Google page+, so it will need to be changed and configured on the same site. The visible area differs between the two sites.

Channel icon

The channel icon is fully visible on YouTube, but on Google+ it appears as a circle. Keep important content inside this circle. The full image is a square image, the size of which is at least 250 x 250 px.

Unlike the channel icon, the cover photo is not associated with Google+. Check out the Google+ page for tips on setting up an image for best results.

The optimal cover size on YouTube is 2560 x 1440 px. Depending on the screen size, it is cut to fixed breakpoints so that it can fit the image.

So, you can use it to make a sort of “call to action” - to encourage your visitors to click through to your site(s).

PSD template

Exists PSD template(Photoshop) to make it more convenient. This document provides guidelines on important breakpoints.