How to make a business page on Facebook. ✓ Studying the interface. Performer, music group, public figure

Hello, dear readers! Welcome to second lesson free course ""!

So, we move on to creating a page to promote your company, brand, organization or project on Facebook.

If you are not very familiar with Facebook, then I recommend that you do not skip the lessons and follow all the instructions step by step. There are some page elements (for example, short link, page title, etc.) that are difficult or impossible to change in case of an error. For this reason, it will be better if you consistently follow my recommendations so as not to mess things up and do everything right the first time.

If you do not yet have a personal Facebook profile, register

If you already have a personal Facebook profile, that’s very good! You can start creating right away new page.

If suddenly you are not yet registered on social media. network, then I recommend that you start with registration. Note not personal profile with the name of the page, namely the profile with your real name. Facebook is now actively blocking anyone who uses personal profiles for other purposes or who fictitious names like Vera Veronica. Be careful and don’t joke with Facebook, because if you lose your profile, the page will go with it (if it only has one administrator).

Registration of a Facebook page without reference to a personal profile. Is it worth doing?

Facebook has the ability to create pages without a personal profile, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND this option, since such pages have fewer functions, and Facebook is more strict about them.

For example, you will not be able to fully interact with other users (personal profiles), searching on Facebook will not be as convenient, you will not be able to share posts from your page and you will not be able to invite friends. Moreover, if you decide to create your own Facebook profile (or if you already have one), then you will need to constantly switch - log in and out of Facebook. It is very uncomfortable! It will be better if you manage the page as a manager from the very beginning, i.e. using your personal profile.


2. Enter your details and register a profile

Note: Facebook loves only real names , so use yours real name, not Vika Vikusya, etc. Sooner or later, Facebook will determine that this is not your real name and may block your profile, so be careful. At any time, Facebook may ask you to verify your name using an official document (passport, driver's license). If you cannot prove that your real name is Vladimir Putin, then you are in trouble! If you are blocked as the manager of a business page, then you may lose the entire page, since you will no longer have access to it. For this reason, I advise you to take Facebook’s rules seriously and act as it requires.

Let's start creating a Facebook page

To create a new Facebook page, follow the instructions in the video. Link to create a new page.

Facebook business pages are a place where you can develop a relationship between your brand and the world.

Business pages provide the opportunity to respond to customer reviews, nurture leads, distribute content, or simply communicate to a select number of the 2 billion Facebook users, what time the store widget closes on Tuesday evenings.

Business pages on Facebook - necessary tool for companies operating in the 21st century. To start building your target audience, create a business page right after .

They also consist of many elements that can make creating a business page a bit of a hassle. Just look at these red squares.

Some would call them a headache, while others would call them opportunities.

This article will tell you how to create a Facebook business page for a small business.

But first…

How to create a business page on Facebook

First of all, you need to go to your Facebook page and click “Create a Page”. Direct link - .

There are six various types pages that you can create on Facebook, but now you need to select “Local (local) business or establishment.”

If other options from top row(“Company, organization or institution” and “Brand or product”) describe the company more accurately, if you choose one of them: most of the steps will still be the same.

There is also a second row of page types from which to choose. These options are designed to promote arts, entertainment, and online communities. These niches have less commercial intent, and some of the nuances that will be covered in this guide do not apply to them. Many components of these pages overlap with SMB pages, in which case this article may be of value to them as well.

You need to select the first option in the menu, and the cute little display will disappear from view, and in its place the following form will appear:

Pretty straight forward, but if you fill out the fields now, you won't have to do it later. If you are having trouble with the “Page Category” field, you just need to choose something that best suits the company; in any case, you can edit your selection later.

After finishing, you need to click on the blue “Start” button, and a completely new and empty business page will appear.

How to design a business page on Facebook - templates and tabs

Before you start adding images and writing text, it's worth spending a little time in the settings tab.

Despite its banal appearance, this page is filled useful information, which needs to be checked and taken seriously.

First of all, you need to change the page template to something more businesslike. Under the “Edit Page” option there is a section called “Templates”.

Changing the page template will change the tabs that visitors can access on the page. The new tabs will look like this:

  • Homepage
  • Publications
  • Reviews
  • Video
  • Photos
  • About company
  • Community
  • Offers
  • Groups

It is worth noting that you can remove tabs or change their order directly under the “Templates” section in the page editing menu.

In addition to a dedicated set of available tabs to assist page visitors, you can also add a custom CTA (call to action) button. Before returning to the business page, take the time to familiarize yourself with all the customizable options available on the settings page.

This is probably not the most the right time, to set a page specialization or launch a chatbot (there will be a lot of time for this), but you still need to set the page's preferred audience.

Facebook will use this information to help match users with these criteria to find this page. This works in the same way as creating an audience in Facebook Business Manager. You don't have to go into too much detail, but a general picture of your prospect will help Facebook market your page to the right people who might like it.

Profile picture and page cover

Now you can start designing your business page.

The cover photo (or video!) will be the first thing a page visitor notices. Therefore, the cover must serve its purpose. You can post a video there of team members deciding common problem to highlight the company's team spirit (especially if the Facebook page will promote the company's corporate culture and increase brand awareness).

You can also use the cover photo for advertising. upcoming event, offering a discount card, or simply highlighting the benefits of a product or service.

Simply put, your page cover should make an impression.

A profile photo, on the other hand, should directly represent the brand. Due to the limited size, it's better to just use a logo rather than try to fit something thoughtful into a tiny square in the top left corner.
Here are some more guidelines and successful methods for creating a profile picture and cover photo.

Facebook profile picture

For a profile picture to be successful, it must be recognizable and customizable.

In truth, most people won't even notice it exists. Their attention will be drawn to the larger, more dynamic picture on the cover, or to the bottom of the screen, where the information they need is located. There's no need to try to draw extra attention to your profile photo: it's just an addition.

On a computer, the profile avatar is displayed with a size of 170x170 pixels; on a smartphone - 128x128. Therefore, you should not include text there: no one will be able to read it. Instead, you need to choose something clear. If you don’t have time to develop, you can simply use your logo:

Also keep in mind that when using Facebook ads or communicating with page visitors, your profile photo will be cropped to an even smaller round image.

If key components of the logo are on the edges, you will need to reposition the image so that design elements do not disappear from it.

Facebook page cover image (or video)

It's more difficult task because here more space for work. If the cover element has not yet been added to the page, you will only see a large gray box at the top of the screen. To add a photo or video, you need to click on the “Add Cover” button in the corner of this field.

The cover photo displays at 820x312 on computers and 640x360 on smartphones. If using a video instead, it should be 20-90 seconds long and no smaller than the cover photo.

Regardless of whether there is a photo or video on the cover, it should not be a hindrance. Visitors can scroll down the page to read the text. The cover should be a branding element, something pleasant and memorable, and not a guide with practical recommendations. For example, the cover of Whole Paycheck:

Photos of various pumpkins are not unique to the network grocery stores, but they indicate the season and provide a wonderful backdrop to the list of recipes that can be found on the page. Sometimes the simpler the better.

It's also worth changing up your cover at times to see how it affects engagement (for example, come July, those pumpkins will become irrelevant).

Catchy Facebook Page Name

A username associated with a business page will allow current and potential clients, like complete strangers, tag the company in posts and comments. A username is an important part of establishing and maintaining a brand. It's also the easiest thing to do.

Now, obviously, you need to use the company name as your username.

If someone has already assigned the name, you'll have to get a little creative. You can always add alphanumeric characters and come up with something at least five characters long.

Advice: if we're talking about about a local business, or the page is created for a specific location, it is better to add a geo-modifier to the user name (instead of “@businessname” use “@namebusinesslocation”). This may help install trusting relationship with clients and will provide the opportunity to share the most relevant content.

Improve Engagement with a Call to Action Button

Adding a button to your Facebook business page is easy and profitable way push visitors to action.

Whether they book an appointment, download an app, or make a purchase, the button at the bottom of the cover is free way induce them to take action that would otherwise have to be paid for.

How to tell potential clients about your company? How to get attention target audience? Do advertising! But do you need to print advertisements in newspapers or publish videos on local TV? Absolutely not necessary! Today there is a publicly available resource for advertising - social media. By creating a company page on Facebook, you can reach a huge audience and generate interest in your brand in as soon as possible.

“Launch” the company in the FB space

Technically, creating a public page on a social network cannot be called difficult - the whole process takes about 5-7 minutes. The developers of the social network tried to make registering a new brand clear and convenient, so each step is accompanied by explanations and tips. So that you have no questions at all, we offer our detailed instructions:

1. Enter the website address into the address bar - You immediately see an offer to log in or register. If you already have a personal account, log into it using your registration details. If not, create a personal profile.

2. In the left column in the “Pages” subsection, select the “Create Page” item.

3. The system prompts you to select the area of ​​activity of your brand. Clicking on the most suitable type business, select the category that suits you, enter the name of the company/brand and click “Start”. If the name is unavailable for some reason, the system will offer to replace it.

4. Next, you go directly to the settings of the company’s future public page. First, you need to briefly write what it is dedicated to. You need to keep it within 155 characters, so no details - clear, concise, interesting. If the brand has its own website or, for example, a Twitter account, you can indicate it. And finally, you need to come up with a unique address for your Facebook page. This will make it easier for interested users to find it. When the fields are completed, click “Save Information.” If desired, you can enter this data later - click “Skip”.

5. Then you need to set a public avatar. Photos can either be uploaded from your computer or transferred from your website. Once the picture is selected, simply click Next. If you want to install an avatar later, select "Skip."

6. The system will also prompt you to send the public to Favorites. This is optional, but very convenient from the point of view of use.

7. Finally, in the settings you can define your preferred audience. Using the data you provide, the system will try to attract as many target audience representatives as possible to your newly created brand page.

Congratulations! Now you officially have a Company Page, which will most likely help you promote your brand in the future!

What else can you configure?

Working with a public site does not end with its registration. Now the most interesting and difficult part begins - setting up the Page and maintaining it. First of all, go to Settings. There is a wide range of tools for administrators here. For example, you can set restrictions on the age or place of residence of visitors, set a filter obscene language, configure notifications, add administrators and view the Activity Log. In addition, in the Settings section you can download all the public information and, if necessary, delete it.

Another important section of the Page is Information. Here you should fill out as many fields as possible so that users increase their level of interest and trust in you. In particular, you can indicate the founding date and mission of the public, add company products and awards, as well as contact information.

Of course, it is necessary to engage in attracting an audience. The easiest way is to Invite Friends. Those, in turn, may want to invite their friends on Facebook. This creates a chain of invitations. However, you are unlikely to be able to significantly expand your audience through standard invitations. Therefore, in some cases it is wise to immediately address paid promotion business public according to the schemes offered by the social network.

Naturally, the materials that will be published play a huge role in the popularity of the Page. Many companies prefer to adhere to a policy of “dry” information posts. In some cases this actually works, but for small firms and those just starting to promote brands require more serious work. On Facebook you need to interest users, because the number of public pages and, accordingly, competitors is simply crazy. To maintain interest in your brand, it is not enough just to register a company. You need to publish useful and exciting posts that users will follow. This should be done regularly, not occasionally.

Thus, creating a Page for a company on Facebook - effective method advertising and brand promotion. Thousands of companies have already resorted to it, and every day the number of actually working business publics is increasing. So get creative and start promoting your brand on the most popular social network!

Facebook's interface design changes with enviable regularity. The same applies to all procedures/actions in social media. network, including the procedure for creating new public pages. Consequently, at the time when the reader gets acquainted with the contents of this article, some points ( appearance certain elements social networks, required actions and their sequence) may change.

The point is not important, because within the framework of this article we will not so much show which buttons to press, but rather give answers to slightly more fundamental questions: how to correctly create a page on FB, how to come up with a name, how to decide on a category, etc. So, from words to action...

On any Facebook page, click on the rightmost navigation bar icon (the arrow on the blue stripe at the very top of the site), and in the drop-down menu, the first item is “Create a new page.”

First screen (1 of 2) creation public page on FB with the same title. In the text gray we are reminded: “it’s free” :). Below, in the center of the screen, there are 6 squares, they are also categories, you need to select one of them. Which one? Now we'll tell you...

UPD. 04.07.2018

Not long ago we noticed that the procedure for creating a business account on FB has changed somewhat. Now the category selection looks a little different:

If you have a company (firm), brand, product/goods, online store, or you sell something without your own website, choose the 1st category. In all other cases – “Community or public figure" In the second step, you will be asked to select the name of your Page and the most appropriate category.

We'll tell you how to come up with a name for the community. In the Category field simply enter 1-2 keywords characterizing your future community - “ smart search» will tell you the category. We entered only 1 letter and found the required section.

P.S. The information in the next subsection is slightly outdated due to the update of the FB Page creation interface. However, if you cannot decide on the choice of category, it will be useful to you...

Which category should I choose for my Facebook page?

1. Local organization or place

If your business has a physical address and if your business is regional in nature, that is, Globe localized in one specific place - this category is for you. For example, you are the owner of a Shawarma stall in the beautiful city of Zhashkiv, and you want to create a company business community to promote your business/enterprise on Facebook.

However, this category is suitable not only for business owners, but equally for any other, both commercial and non-profit regional organization (school, hospital, cinema) or specific location (stadium, railway station, local landmark). This is also the case if, for example, you provide any services at home (haircuts, manicures), etc. and so on.

Select the most suitable subcategory from the drop-down list. Fill in other fields: name, address, telephone.

2. Company, organization or institution

Everything is the same as in previous paragraph, but for companies or organizations NOT regional. For example, if your business has branches in several cities, or several representative offices in one city, or is represented in several countries. Including if a company or organization is physically located in one place (enterprise office), but conducts activities (provides services or sells goods) throughout the country.

In any of these cases: select a subcategory, indicate the name, click “Start”.

3. Brand or product

Perhaps the most popular category on Facebook and, with a high degree of probability, this section is suitable for your business page, because almost anything can be classified in one way or another in the “Brand or Product” category. P.S. Again, if you have a regional/local business, it would be more correct to choose the first category.

“Brand or product” is a universal category. In particular, it is perfect for any online business. Creating a fan community for our site (site) on Facebook fits very well into this category, select the “Website” subcategory, enter the name, click “Start”.

4. Performer, music group, public figure

This category is for all those who want to create a business account on Facebook, linked not to a company, organization, product, website, etc., but to a specific person or group of people. Ideal for promoting a personal brand.

Politician, showman, singer (musical group), fitness trainer, writer, scientist, blogger, etc. etc. – any public figure, including if you post photos of yourself in a bikini on Instagram, you have fans and you want to create a community around your person on Facebook.

And of course, for photographers, event organizers (toastmaster), and all those who do business as individuals, on their own behalf.

5. Entertainment

If the topic of your future public page on FB can somehow be attributed to the “Entertainment” section, as an option, you can consider this category. It implies (it goes without saying) that the page is of a non-commercial nature. It can be anything or anyone both online and offline ( real life): site about cinema, computer games, radio station page, TV shows, festivals, non-professional sports team community on Facebook, group of fans of some fictional character movies or books, etc.

6. Common cause or community

The only category that has no subsections. Designed for anything that does not fit into any of the 5 categories listed above. The subject of the page in this section can be anything (besides the obviously prohibited topics).

For example, it is suitable for creating an unofficial fan community of something “official”. That is, if you create a page dedicated to your favorite football team or music group, or a specific person, with a hint of the “officiality” of your page, sooner or later Facebook will block it. But in this category you can easily create, for example, a fan community “Connoisseurs of Ukupnik’s creativity”, or an unofficial page “I can’t live without HOUSE 2” dedicated to this TV project.

What to name the page?

The correct page title is important not only because it is the first thing that reflects the essence of your community, and not only because: “As you name a ship, so it will sail,” but will have great importance when promoting a Facebook page in search engine results.

When coming up with a name for a new page, try to make it as short as possible, ideally up to 3 words. And in order to completely save you from the need to rack your brains over naming issues, follow 3 universal rules:

  1. Ideally, if you are creating a Facebook business community for a company, their names should match exactly. For the company "GlobalInvestPromStroyTehBud" best name“GlobalInvestPromStroyTehBud” will become a public Facebook page. For a community page on the website, a better name would be This name will be displayed on the community page on Facebook and in the news feed. Every time subscribers on FB will see Domain name your website will ultimately be remembered well.

    P.S. As, for example, in our case. With an intricate, hardly simple and easy to remember website domain, we simply couldn't name our Facebook page anything else. P.P.S. However, we are not sure that even after this our readers will remember the name of our site 😉

  2. If the brand/company is not particularly well-known, or there is no point in promoting the brand, the name should be composed of a set of keywords. So, for a regional company that deals with m/n windows, your business account on a social network can be called “ Metal-plastic windows in Mariupol."
  3. In addition to using keywords, you can simply come up with a laconic name that will best reflect the essence of your page. In particular, this is suitable for a fan page united by some theme, for example: “Sport is life”, “Lose weight lightly”, or “Pokakushiki godasika-tuggoseri”.

Uploading an avatar and page cover

  1. Step one. Uploading a profile image (avatar);
  2. Step two is to upload a picture for the cover of the business community (background image).

If you haven’t had time to prepare the images yet, just click “Skip”; you can do this at any time later. If you already have pictures (avatar and cover) – click on “Upload photo”, in the dialog box for selecting a file to upload, mark the necessary images.

After loading the last image, the user is redirected to the newly created Facebook page. Social the network immediately starts distributing advice on further work with your community, the first of which is: creating a publication.

However, it is too early to do this, because, despite the fact that the page is already displayed, it has not yet been formally created.

Brief description and URL

There are only 2 manipulations left to do, again, for a minute or two of your time. Let's use the hint in the central part of the screen immediately below the area with the background image.

Short description. Your task is to present your business page, succinctly tell “what is it about?”, while limiting it to 155 characters. It’s good if you manage to come up with something that is not as mediocre as we wrote for our page.

A short description will be displayed on the Information tab. This line of text can hardly be called significant in the case of a community that is more likely to be entertaining or informational (as in our case) in nature. But this should not be neglected by any official organizations or businesses.

The second and final item on the list of tasks within the current article is creating a “Username” for the page, or its URL. In the case of a Facebook page of any website, including an online store, it makes sense to specify the domain as the “Username” (together with the domain zone, FB allows you to use a dot). A not very beautiful, but acceptable option (for example, for a regional enterprise) is to use keywords written in transliteration. One way or another, you should strive to keep your “Username” as short as possible. This is especially important if you plan to place a link to your Facebook business account on printed materials (business cards, etc.).

After creating the "name" you will receive a notification containing a short url the following type: It is through it that your page will be accessible, and it is it that will be displayed in address bar browser of your page visitors.


Why do you need a company page on social networks?

Social networks are increasingly integrated into our everyday lives and go beyond places where we can communicate - more and more companies from a variety of fields are successfully running their pages and positioning themselves as socially active (for example, Sberbank’s business page on Facebook is becoming a leader in number of subscribers).

This is understandable and explainable - when you have representation on social networks - you become closer and clearer to the audience.

Facebook consistently holds 3rd place in terms of the number of users in Russia: according to data from March 2015, this social network was used by 25 million Russians (research by Mail.Ru Group, TNS, comScore and Brand Analytics), 3 years ago there were 12 Facebook visitors in RuNet million More recently, Facebook's audience in Russia has been decreasing compared to previous years, but at the beginning of this year it showed an upward trend in the number of subscribers. This is associated with the regression of two leaders - VKontakte and Odnoklassniki - the increase in the number of subscribers there has almost stopped.

We will look at how to create and promote a company page on Facebook. Why on this social network? Because it has advertising tools that others don't have.

If you don't already have a corporate Facebook page, it's time to create one. This article will guide you step by step and answer the questions:

What exactly needs to be done for this? What should you consider? What are the ways to attract subscribers? How to evaluate effectiveness?

If you already have a page on Facebook, you will learn practical tips on using page elements for its promotion and promotion.

1 . What are your goals?
We wrote in the article How to win the love of clients and consumers through social networks, a company’s activities in social media are an effective way of interacting with the audience, which can:

  • increase the recognition of the organization and its offerings to potential audiences;
  • build and maintain a reputation;
  • create demand for new offers;
  • increase user confidence in the company and its offerings;
  • promptly inform users about promotional events and company life;
  • manage image (even change extremely negative consumer attitudes);
  • increase community traffic.

SMM is divided into 3 sections:
1 . promotion in social networks
2. reputation management
3. customer support

Its primary task is to earn the trust of a large audience in the company and increase the company's awareness, and not to directly increase sales. This is achieved due to the fact that the organization communicates on the “territory” of its audience, becomes closer and more understandable, then in the event that they have to make a choice of offer, they will give priority to the one whose brand they are familiar with.

The object of influence in social networks is a community - users united by similar needs can easily communicating between each other and the brand, which can be based in any social networks. Organizing your own community is desirable for any organization.

1 . Where to start creating a company page on Facebook?

At first register account . Nothing could be easier: go to www. and follow the system instructions.

2. Your account has been created. If you are a representative, create a business page on Facebook

Do you want to create a company page, but are not an official representative? Create a group on Facebook, everyone has this opportunity.

What are the differences between a personal account and a page? Facebook provides special options for managing, editing and interacting with visitors for pages that are not available for a personal account:

  • Ability to manage more than one page administrators;
  • Pages are publicly available and are ranked in the social network search engine;
  • Anyone can join your community.

It is possible to set restrictions on certain sections of the page. Access rights are edited in the category " Control access rights."

Creating a Facebook Page is a free feature similar to creating a profile.

So let's get started:

1 . Let's go to www. Select your company's business category.

2. Enter the name of the company and determine its topic.

Be careful, if you want to change the name in the future, you will have to send a request to the Facebook administration, and your request may be approved or rejected.

3. Upload the logo and add the URL of the company website. The logo will be displayed next to any administrators post in the chronicle of events (similar to a personal profile photo). Change your logo so that its parameters are 180 * 180 pixels and read in size 32 * 32 pixels.

4 . We load the cover of the page, its parameters are 851 * 315 pcs (then it can be updated whenever you want). Think about what exactly you want to tell your subscribers with the cover - because this is the first thing people will see when they get to your page. But remember that Facebook puts forward certain requirements for what is depicted on it. For example, it is prohibited here to post organization contacts, prices, and a call to like.

We fill in information about the company (a short description of the business, work schedule, contact information.

You are the administrator of the page and can post content and comment on posts on behalf of the company (your personal account will not appear in the publication feed unless you specify this).
To manage multiple pages administrators, indicate those in the “Roles” section administrators».

2. Page structure


Business pages on Facebook are displayed in Timeline mode (event chronicles). You have the opportunity to tell the entire history of the company, starting from its creation, and highlight important events.

We design the page attractively and interestingly for visitors.
1 . We create tabs and applications on the page.
For structuring information about the organization, tabs are used.

Links to applications available to visitors to your page are also displayed. It will help to develop and install an application created specifically for your page professional developer

Tabs and apps give your audience the opportunity to explore additional information about your company and buy without leaving your company page (for example, an online store cart displayed in your applications). This greatly increases audience loyalty.
There should be no more than 12 tabs and applications. The avatar parameters for them are 111 * 74 pixels. Their order can be set in a manner convenient for you. sequences.

2. Adding key events to the Chronicle. Key events accompanied by powerful images will help you highlight important company achievements, such as winning awards.
To create a key event, publish it. Set the date, upload the image (843 * 403 px) - voila! the event will automatically be reflected in previous publications. Visitors have the opportunity to view Key Events:

3. We give visitors the opportunity to send a letter to the page administration. After all, are you interested in real feedback from clients? You can allow users to write a private message to the administrator. This is convenient when you need to resolve some issues related to customer service, but not in front of all visitors.
Not abuse this function - it will often be more useful to resolve the questioner's questions publicly. In this case, you will turn a dissatisfied visitor into a loyal one, and show the community audience the openness of your brand.

4 . Celebrating the best notes in the Chronicle of Events

You can pay attention to some posts by expanding them to the width of the page. In order to highlight a note, point at the arrow in the corner And choose paragraph « Select above».

Important posts are displayed V left upper corner Chronicles V flow 7 days And marked icon.

Fasten costs publications, announcing which-That events yours companies, Events And etc.. By expiration 7 daytime deadline fast will return on yours place V Chronicle events.
Messages from tapes news Can hide or delete.

Further We let's give adviсe, which will help yours page attract more audience :

1 . Like, If like
Publications, containing call, collect V 1 .4 times more likes By comparison With publications, Not containing call.
On 70 % higher answers on posts, containing request answer.

2 . Not long And clear questions (before 144 characters) collect V 1 ,29 once more answers.
On 37 % more