How many hours does it take to charge a new phone? How to properly charge a new phone or laptop. Types of telephone batteries

Anyone who has bought a mobile phone has heard the advice that phone batteries need to be completely discharged the first time and only then need to be charged to 100%. If you don’t do this, then, it seems, you will ruin the battery and that’s it, the brand new phone can be taken to a landfill. In fact, this advice made sense ten to fifteen years ago, when nickel batteries were widely used in mobile electronics. Now times have changed, but habits remain the same.

In fact, the first thing you need to do is find out what type of battery is installed in your new device. This information can be obtained from the seller, read on the Internet (on the manufacturer’s official websites), or, if the battery is removable, simply remove the back cover and look at the markings.

Ni-MH or Ni-Cd

This is very, very unlikely, but if you bought a rarity such as a Samsung SGH-M100 from 2000, or some very ancient phone only as a dialer, then you may find such an inscription on its battery. This means that the model has a nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) battery. And you really have to tinker with it: this type of battery has a memory effect, i.e. “remembers” at what percentage it was set to charge and reduces its capacity. Only these batteries make sense to discharge to zero and charge to 100%.

But today this is rare. If you buy a more or less modern smartphone, it will have a lithium battery installed.

Li-Ion or Li-Pol

Partner Samsung lithium-ion battery, or its improved version, lithium polymer, is not subject to memory effect. And even more: it is highly not recommended to completely discharge them and store them 100% charged for a long time. Conscientious sellers sell li-Ion batteries two-thirds charged in order to retain their capacity longer and serve the buyer longer.

Any lithium battery is designed for a specific number of charge-discharge cycles. A new cycle begins from the moment the charge percentage reaches zero. The more often your smartphone reaches this mark, the faster the battery will become unusable. In addition, if the battery is deeply overdischarged, it will stop charging altogether.


When buying a new phone, ask what kind of battery is installed in it. With a 99.9% probability it will be a lithium-ion battery. It already has 60 percent charge, so you can use the phone right away. Do not wait until the gadget requires recharging; connect it to the charger at 20-30%.

How to make your battery last longer, read

Typically, new phones come with new batteries that are half drained. There has long been an opinion that the phone must first be completely discharged, and only then charged. Moreover, discharge it so that it goes to zero and turns off, that is, “until the pulse is lost.” But, we hasten to disappoint you - this is not so! And for a long time already!

In fact, only nickel-metal hybrid batteries are charged using this technology, which practically do not exist today, if we talk about new phone models. Hence the immediate question - what types of batteries for phones exist? There are 2 types in total.

Types of batteries and their properties:

  • Nickel metal hybrid;
  • Lithium ion.

Nickel metal hybrid batteries

They were used 5 years ago, or even more, when cell phones, and especially smartphones, were not as common as they are now. Nowadays such batteries are used extremely rarely, except in a few budget models where energy consumption is very low.

But phones with such batteries still exist. For example, for used phones they buy batteries that were purchased several years ago and they are nickel-metal hybrid.

Again, the question is: how to properly charge a new phone with such a battery? These batteries use a “memory effect”. Therefore, it only needs to be charged when it is completely discharged. And if, for example, you charge a phone with 10-20% charge, then the battery capacity will “conditionally” be reduced to this level. Accordingly, they had 100%, and now they are all 80%. It is enough to repeat the cycle several times and then charge the phone the way it works.

Lithium ion batteries

Today, phones mostly use lithium-ion batteries because they are much easier to use and have more capacity. Moreover, they are used not only in phones, smartphones, but also in other equipment, for example, netbooks, laptops, cameras.

However, there are also certain requirements for lithium-ion batteries, or, more simply, charging tips.

How to properly charge a new phone with a lithium-ion battery

  • Try to charge your phone more often, namely, do not wait until the charge threshold reaches 20 percent or lower. Moreover, the phone does not have to be constantly connected to the mains. As soon as the strip reaches 100%, disconnect it. If your smartphone is often connected to the network, then even a lithium-ion battery will last you a very short time!
  • Lithium ion batteries, on the other hand, cannot be charged until they are completely discharged. That is, you should always monitor the battery charge and try to connect the phone to the network before it turns off!
  • Do not forget about the procedure for restoring batteries of this type. Its essence is that About once every 3 months you need to discharge the phone until it is completely discharged so that it turns off and charges to 100%. Average charging time is 12 hours.
  • Use only original battery chargers. In some cases, the deterioration of the battery quality is caused by the device being used that is connected to the mains. As a rule, a certain percentage of Chinese chargers are made either poorly, or completely “anyhow”. The fact is that Chinese counterfeits cannot guarantee you stable operation, for example, when overcharging - when your phone is already 100% charged, but is still connected to the network. Original devices use special algorithms that automatically turn off the power supply, even if the charging itself is connected to the network.
  • Try not to use your smartphone in the cold. Perhaps nothing will happen to the device itself, but the battery may suffer, as you will soon learn about.

To ensure that your phone lasts for a long time, think in advance about purchasing a device with a large capacity, based on your needs. For example, some users need a phone only for calls, others need it to access the Internet, for example, to communicate on social networks, others need it to play games via the network, and others need it for all actions at once!

Moreover, for most models you can buy additional batteries with increased capacity and special external batteries that are connected via Micro USB and other connectors to your phone. But, again, in this case, we recommend that you purchase products only from trusted companies and under no circumstances buy Chinese goods from forums and online stores.

Now you know how to properly charge a new phone, what types of batteries exist today, and also what factors affect the battery. But, no matter how much talk there is on the Internet about proper charging, no one will say anything about it 100%, since there are many manufacturers, both for batteries and for smartphones. New technologies are being introduced every year, and perhaps tomorrow you will be charging your phone not from the mains, but using solar panels!

The main element of any device, regardless of its cost, brand and size, is the battery. Firstly, without this part, an electronic gadget turns into a completely useless thing, and secondly, the duration of operation of the smartphone itself depends on its technical characteristics. It is important to consider that a battery, even one with the highest potential, can quickly fail if used incorrectly. That is why there are many different opinions around charging rules, which can simply be boiled down to one question -How to charge your phone correctly so as not to damage the battery?

Every user knows that after a certain period of use of a smartphone, its battery fast discharges and therefore has to be charged more and more often and longer. The reason for this is not only the incorrect operation of the gadget, but also mistakes made when charging a new smartphone for the first time. The efficiency of the further operation of the battery largely depends on this factor. About,how to properly charge a new battery,there are a lot of discussions going on, and the standard advice is usually given:

    a new phone must be completely discharged immediately after purchase;

    then charge the smartphone again and let it work again until completely discharged;

    do this procedure three times.

But, before you start performing all these steps, you need to find out what type of battery it has and read the recommendations from the manufacturer. As a rule, all modern gadgets are equipped with new types of batteries: lithium-ion and lithium-polymer. They have completely different technical characteristics than their outdated nickel predecessors, which, although they held a charge for a long time, had one drawback, which was called the memory effect. It was from old batteries that the advice about three charging cycles remained. Therefore, today users should be more interested in the question -how to charge a new lithium-ion battery,which, most likely, is on his new gadget.

Correctly charge a li-ion battery

Lithium-ion battery is a new type of battery that has high power and safety, and has no memory effect at all. Therefore, it does not require any complete discharge and charge cycles. But there are a few tips to keep in mind when charging this battery that will help increase the battery life:

    lithium batteries do not like either low or high temperatures;

    optimal state of charge from 40% to 60%;

    wireless The charger should be used when necessary, since such devices always generate excess heat, which negatively affects the condition of lithium batteries;

    It is very necessary to remove the battery from the phone carefully and always when charging is turned off;

Many people are also interested in the question m Is it possible to use a smartphone while charging?In principle, this can be done, but the processenergy gain will slow down significantly. And most importantly, so that your smartphone does not run out of charge at the most crucial moment, you should always have a standard charger with you. But if for some reason socket is unavailable, then they will help USB, which will allow you to connect to a laptop or portable charger at any time.

When purchasing a mobile device, many people believe that they are buying a device that is completely ready for use, and do not take a number of important steps that experts advise to increase battery life. In this article you will find more than one useful tip that will come in handy in the future and can save your gadget’s battery from sudden death.

First of all, you should determine what type of battery your new smartphone is. There are nickel metal ion batteries and lithium ion batteries. The latter type is considered more modern and frequently encountered, however, due to its later appearance, many users prefer to use them in the same way as metal hydride batteries.

The peculiarity of using nickel metal ion batteries is to discharge them to the maximum from time to time, and then charge the device to one hundred percent. After purchasing such a new battery, it is necessary to run it, that is, empty it and replenish its energy five times. This need is associated with the so-called “effective memory”. The effect is a loss of capacity. The device will record the energy used and will not allow you to use previously unused reserves.

Owners of devices with lithium-ion hearts must charge the smartphone to 100% for the first time, and then discharge it. The procedure must be completed 2 more times. After such actions, you should not charge your new smartphone to 100%. Also try not to empty the charge by less than 10-5%.

Another important aspect is recharge. Many users like to leave the gadget on charge all night, but overcharging is just as harmful as completely discharging it. Modern smartphones are able to control this process and disconnect from the network, but if you are using a non-original cable, you better monitor the charging time. Also, you shouldn’t replenish your energy as much as possible all the time. Alternate partial and complete cycles, interrupting the process at 80-90 percent.

It is better to remove the new smartphone battery from the mobile device if you do not plan to use it for a long time. It would be appropriate to store it at a forty percent value and in a cool place, but not cold, since it also reacts negatively to low temperatures.

Many experts note that the optimal value for long battery life is between 60 and 40%.

After learning how to properly charge a new smartphone battery, also check out a few interesting facts:

  • The device's battery is designed for 500-1000 full charge and discharge cycles. Its service life will directly depend on its correct operation.
  • experts from Microsoft Mobile Devices claim that reasonable use of the unit will allow the battery to last more than 2 years. After this, its capacity will decrease by a quarter and the device will discharge faster.
  • special applications for Android phones, such as CurrentWidget: Battery Monitor, can extend the life of the battery.

Be careful with your new acquisition and don’t be lazy to follow the advice of professionals so that you can enjoy this interesting and new gadget for as long as possible.

Almost all new smartphones suffer from one problem - they discharge too quickly. Many users remember with nostalgia those times when a mobile phone “kept its charge” for almost a whole week. This is the price to pay for constantly increasing power and performance.

In such a situation, the question becomes more relevant than ever: how to properly charge a new smartphone?

Each of us has probably heard that a new mobile phone needs to be charged in a special way so that the battery subsequently holds a charge longer. Taking into account the problem described above and the fairly high cost of modern smartphones, I want to save myself from any problems.

Even in the store, the sales assistant usually mentions how you need to charge the phone after purchase. You can also find entire instructions from manufacturers and various specialists on what to do.

The most commonly expressed advice is the following:

· The phone needs to be allowed to work for a while, and then fully charged;
· You need to complete 3 full charge/discharge cycles;
· After purchase, the phone must be installed immediately and then charged for 12 hours.

From this it becomes unclear, so how to charge a new phone? Is it necessary to "bleed" the battery? And what exactly should you do so that you don’t need to change the battery in six months or a year?

Battery Features

The bottom line is that batteries, like the devices themselves, are constantly being improved, so the characteristics and requirements for operating conditions are constantly changing. And the advice, in turn, remains the same.

Before you start “pumping” the battery or putting your phone on charge for a whole day, it’s worth finding out what type of battery is installed and what recommendations the manufacturer gives.

Battery types

The battery is a fairly important part of any mobile phone; it’s just that behind the design, performance and other new “tricks” they are usually forgotten about. Engineers from leading companies in the world, in turn, are working to improve mobile batteries.

There are several varieties:

· Ni-Cd (Nickel-cadmium);
· Ni-MH (Nickel metal hydride);
· Li-ion (Lithium-ion);
· Li-Pol (Lithium polymer).

Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries were used in older devices. If you still have a handset with a monochrome or simple color display, then it probably has Ni-Cd or Ni-MH.

They were distinguished by a fairly high degree of reliability and durability, but very high power. There was another drawback - the “memory effect”. Over time, the structure of the electrolyte changed, so it was recommended to fully charge and discharge it at least from time to time.

This is where the advice about charge-discharge cycles came from.

Nickel batteries have been replaced by lithium batteries - Li-ion and Li-Pol (lithium-ion and lithium-polymer). They are used in almost all modern smartphones, laptops and tablet computers. Therefore, you need to know how to charge a new smartphone with just such a battery.

Their advantage lies in their small size, fairly high power and safety. They have almost completely no “memory effect”, so they do not require any charge-discharge cycles. Now developers are still working on improving these types of batteries, trying to increase durability and reduce dependence on various operating conditions.

Tips on how to charge a new smartphone

As already mentioned, the batteries of modern smartphones are practically independent of any operating conditions - manufacturers are constantly working on this. Although it cannot be said that they manage to do this 100%. In this regard, sometimes certain problems arise, and some of them arise precisely because of ineffective recommendations.

There are a few tips to follow:

· Lithium batteries are sensitive to low temperatures, so it is not recommended to use smartphones outdoors for a long time in winter, but it is better to carry them in internal pockets;
· For lithium batteries, the extreme states - completely discharged or fully charged - are not very useful, so it is better to leave a few percent;
· The optimal state for lithium batteries is 40-60% charged; in this state they can be stored for quite a long time without any problems. That is why in stores the charge of a new smartphone is always at this level.
Thus, there are no particular difficulties in how to charge a new smartphone. You should not “run” it on a full charge - this is not very useful for it. You should not leave it in the cold for a long time, otherwise the AB may lose its potential. Although new models are usually made less susceptible to low temperatures.

It is always better to have a standard charger with you, a USB cable or a car charger, and periodically recharge it during the day if possible. If you can connect it to a laptop or outlet for at least 20-30 minutes, then this is enough, and most likely the smartphone will not die at the most inopportune moment.

If necessary, you can purchase a higher-power battery or simply have a spare one with you. In this case, you can save yourself a lot of problems and not be one of those who constantly complain about a discharged mobile phone.