How to make a group cover in contact. How it works? VKontakte updated cover for group design

Hi all!

The article will be short, but interesting. Today I learned how to make a new cover in the VK group!

This evening, I’m sipping some tea and then a message comes from a friend, look, in VC new cover appeared in groups and communities. I looked at the links and gasped at how beautiful it turned out, and began to deal with this matter!

VKontakte updated cover for group design!

In general, I won’t drag my feet, I’ll show you how to create a new banner for a group on VK!

First thing to do:

VKontakte group cover size

Next, find the community cover - download (see screenshot). A window opens and you are asked to upload from your computer a picture prepared for you for the group on VKontakte, and Dimensions indicated: 1590 x 400.

We upload your prepared image, adjust it to the size you need and save it, and voila, you have a new horizontal cover for a VK group or community!

If you don’t like something, feel free to delete it and do all the steps again, achieve a better and more attractive design!

Personally, I really liked this innovation! It turns out very beautiful and interesting! Apply and saddle up the new cover on VK for your groups!


For those who want to learn how to make money by running groups on VKontakte! Click on this banner and see the information!

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

The main thing that has changed is another imitation of Facebook in the form of a community cover. Covers personal pages not yet, but I think it will be in the near future because... imitation of a competitor in person.

VK community cover sizes and new features

To download the cover, go to the community management page and on the first page, click “Download” next to the “Community Cover” item. The cover size is 795x200 px or 1590x400 px for high definition screens.

The buttons that were on the avatar were conveniently located under the cover along the entire width. The community avatar at the beginning of the cover also remains, but in the form of a small miniature of the community.

In place of the pinned entry, three types of information are now located in the form of tabs:

  • pinned post
  • community information
  • community menu (if made)

By the way, this is quite convenient. Previously, in the community header there was one of 3, but now it is possible to let users see all 3 by switching between tabs.

As was originally intended, the first tab is the pinned entry, and then the rest are given priority.

Also among the innovations - the block of friends who have joined the community has been slightly changed.

By the way, as was the case with goods at one time, this innovation does not yet work on mobile devices oh, but they promise to improve this omission in the future.


Many community owners want to create a cover for a group on VK online. In our article we will try to understand all the nuances of the procedure and provide advice for users.

VK is a site that is constantly updated and improved. Group admins now have many tools to personalize their community. One of them is creating a cover for an online VK group.

But what is it? This is a special image placed in the group header. Why do you need a cover?

  1. It allows you to improve the design.
  2. It manages to give the page a special style.
  3. You'll like it new design.
  4. The cover can tell about the theme of the community.
  5. Groups with beautiful design arouse the greatest interest among users.
  6. People will be more willing to subscribe to the community.
  7. It is possible to adapt the image to the full and mobile version of the site.
  8. Creating a cover is quite easy, this procedure should not cause problems.

How to make a beautiful cover for a group in VK?

Labor costs for creation depend on your wishes. In general, group administrators have two options:

  • Take the finished picture and post it.
  • Create your own unique image.

Of course, the second method is much more complicated. To create a unique cover you will need to use a photo editor. You need to have at least minimal skills in working with programs like Photoshop to achieve the desired result.

Cover for VK group: size

Sizes may vary. For example, on a PC the cover is displayed at a resolution of 795x200 pixels. On smartphones it adapts to the device’s screen.

But it’s not always possible to find a picture with exactly this resolution! Don't worry, when you upload an image, the system will prompt you to crop it. Select the part you want, the edges will be automatically removed.

It is important to remember that the cover image displays differently on mobile devices than on PCs. It is cropped at 83px at the top, this space is occupied by system icons. Also, on smartphones with a display width of up to 400px, the edges are cropped by 196px.

As a result, a small area will be invisible to mobile device users. It is better to leave it empty so that only the background of the image is at the edges, then the elements will not be cut off.

Program for creating a cover for a group on VK

Available ways to create a header for a group:

  1. Download the finished image for the cover.
  2. Do it through an online service.
  3. Order from specialists.
  4. Use photo editors and create your own.

The Internet is full free pictures and templates in psd format. You can adapt them to your group and put them in the community header. This is the simplest option today.

You can use special programs– Adobe Photoshop, Pixelmator, etc. But you must be able to work with these applications; mastering them will take time.

How to make a cover for a group on VK in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular program for image editing. It allows you to quickly create a cover if you have certain skills. Main advantage this method– manages to develop a unique design.

Important! As a base, always select pictures that are larger than the recommended sizes. You will need to adjust the image to the desired resolution. But in the case of stretching, the quality of the picture deteriorates significantly, which is unacceptable.

Open Photoshop. In the menu, select the item to create a new file. To save it you need to set the following parameters:

  • Immediately indicate the file name.
  • Size – 1590x
  • The background is transparent.
  • Color Mode – RGB colors 8 bit.
  • Resolution – 72 pixels per inch.

Now find a picture on the Internet, copy it and paste it into the program. To adapt the size you need:

  1. Go to the “Editing” item.
  2. Then to "Transformation".
  3. Now select the “Scaling” section.
  4. Hold Shift.
  5. Use the left mouse button to capture a corner of the image.
  6. Adapt the picture to fit the borders.
  7. To confirm the action, press Enter.

You need to write the name of the community. To do this you need:

  • Select the option to create a new layer.
  • Click the button to add text.
  • Select an area for its placement.
  • Select size, color, font.
  • Enter the name of the community.
  • Open the styles panel.
  • Choose the appropriate one so that the text looks beautiful.

You've got a pretty simple cover. According to the instructions, almost any user can do it. Naturally, creating a header with many elements will take much more time.

  1. Open in the "File" menu.
  2. Select "Save for Web".
  3. Specify the PNG-24 set.
  4. Save the picture.

How to upload a finished image?

To upload a picture to the group you will need:

  • Enter the community.
  • Select an item to control from the menu.
  • Find an option with a community cover.
  • Select an item to download.
  • An add form will open.
  • You can select a picture in Explorer or drag it into the window.
  • Upload it to the site.
  • Confirm saving.

Go to the main community page and evaluate the result. If you followed the size recommendations, the picture will fit completely.

You learned how to create a cover for a group in VK. The process is not that complicated, it is enough to take into account all the tips provided.

Dynamic cover for VK group

Now there is an opportunity to create dynamic cover. The process of preparing it is much more complicated, and you will have to spend much more time.

What is the difference between a dynamic header and a regular one? In it, images can be updated. The change frequency is configured separately during creation.

But why do you need a dynamic header? There are many options for using it:

  1. You can display your CRM system.
  2. It is possible to create a timer.
  3. Display the day of the week, date, time.
  4. Show the names of the last people who joined.
  5. Provide additional information.
  6. Such covers are suitable for groups of companies.

Can be placed in a hat various information, which can be obtained from VK or from any other site. The options for using it depend only on your needs.

How it works?

The principle is quite simple:

  • A standard template is being prepared.
  • Zones for updated data are allocated in the right places.
  • For full-fledged work you will need a special script.

Why do you need a script?

The script is used to receive data and display it in designated areas. That is, it downloads information from the source and transfers it to the cover, and is a connecting element.

The update frequency is adjusted based on your wishes. Can be picked up optimal value to display actual information in a hat.

Creating a dynamic cover with a script is more difficult than a regular one. Much more knowledge and specialized software will be required. Therefore it is better to trust this procedure professionals. Then you can be sure of perfect functioning.

How to connect the script?

After completing the project, specialists will provide you with:

  1. Design layout.
  2. Sources in PSD format.
  3. Script.
  4. License key for binding.

Professionals involved in developing design for communities take on the main tasks. Due to this, it is possible to save time and not delve into all the nuances of creating such covers.

For the script to work, you will need to install it somewhere. There are several options:

  • On your home computer.
  • On the server of the company that was involved in the development.
  • To a remote server.

You can install the script on your PC. But the computer must work around the clock. If the device is turned off, the information in the header will no longer be updated. Therefore, few community owners use this method.

You can pay for hosting and install the script on remote server. The cost of service starts from 80 rubles per month. But you need to choose reliable hosting that can ensure uninterrupted operation.

Many companies that design communities offer to install the script on their server. The cost of the service is small, subscription fee usually does not exceed 100 rubles per month. Also, company employees will support the functioning of the script.

Nowadays, only the laziest people don’t have VKontakte groups. But creating a group and organizing it correctly are two different things.

If you want people to be interested in you and follow you, you should take care of creating a cover for the VKontakte group. It is advisable to do this before you start driving traffic to the newly created page in social network.

A trick that will help make the company’s image more complete: order a cover for a VK group and for a Facebook page of the same type. The sizes will differ, but it is better to make the design the same.

  • Making the cover for a VK group attractive and informative is important for several reasons:
  • This is a chance to make a first impression and get the visitor to subscribe to the page. There will be no second chance like this.
  • This is an opportunity to literally create in a second using an image needed by the company image in the mind of the visitor. Pictures are much faster and more accurate than text.
  • This is the right place to talk about the most important things. Is there a big event coming up, a major sale coming up, a new direction opening? What is your business doing now? You can write information on the cover and convey it as quickly as possible to everyone who comes into your group.

Before you start learning how to make a cover on top in a VK group, you should decide which path is closer to you:

1. Make a cover for a VKontakte group to order. Result of work good designer will be great. But you will have to pay for quality, and you will also have to spend time and effort searching for a performer and interacting with him.

2. Figure out how to make a cover for a VKontakte group yourself. This option will probably be inferior in quality to the previous one, unless, of course, you have graphic editors at least at the advanced user level. On the other hand, it will give you new knowledge and skills and allow you to save on design.

If you choose the second path, the question arises of where to make the cover for the VK group. Welcome to Community Management. This function is in the first place in the drop-down list that opens when you click the button in the form of three dots. We've highlighted it in red:

The “Community Cover” option is the fourth item after the name, description and group type. VK offers two options: upload or delete the cover.

If you figure out on your own how to make a cover on VK in a group, you will find that the site itself tells users the answer to this question. The ideal image size for the cover is 1590×400 pixels, format – JPG, GIF or PNG.

All that remains is to make the design. To do this, you can use graphic editors such as Photoshop or CorelDRAW, or you can take advantage of the possibilities of more simple online services for working with images.

One of the most popular and intuitive online image and photo editors is With its help it will be easy to understand how to do horizontal cover in the VK group

The service allows you to use ready-made stylish fonts and options for placing text in pictures. Some of the templates are in free access, some designs will require payment.
When the cover is ready, upload it to the VK group - and enjoy all the benefits of a beautifully designed community.

Today we figured out how to make a cover on VK in a group, and in the next issues we’ll talk about other marketing tools that will definitely come in handy for your business.

Try your hand at the 10-day business game “Your Start”, in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

In it we tried to collect the most efficient services, so use and implement them into your business processes.

Stay in touch!

Greetings, friends! In this article we will talk about a recent innovation on VKontakte: covers in communities. This article will be of interest to group administrators, novice web designers, and entrepreneurs promoting their business on this social network. And web designer Lyudmila Puchenkova will tell us about the intricacies of cover design.

A little background

On April 1, the social network VKontakte began global testing of the so-called new design. At the same time, a customizable header was announced. At RIF+KIB (, representatives of VKontakte said that this will be a block that can become a showcase for an online store on VKontakte, and in the cinema group it will be possible to post a video there. Month after month passed. On August 17, VKontakte switched all users to a new design, but there was still no header. Many began to redesign their communities with a new design, and then on October 31, 2016, VKonakte finally launched headers.

New VK cover design

What do we end up with: now in all communities - groups, publics, events - you can set a wide image:

Characteristics and size of the VKontakte group cover:
  • size: 795x200 px and 1590x400 px for high definition screens;
  • format: JPG, GIF, PNG;
  • loading: from community management, administrator rights required;
  • recommendations from VK: post important information closer to the center for mobile devices.

This is what the design looks like mobile version In contact with

In addition, there have been other changes in communities. They touch key points commercial groups, and this can and should be used when creating cover designs.

Location of CTA buttons

  1. CTA buttons (“write a message”, “subscribe”, “join a group” and so on) are lined up under the lower right edge of the cover, one after another.
  2. Communities now have miniatures.
  3. Tabs have been added: the pinned entry comes first (if it is in the community), followed by the “community information” tab (now it is available to users). The third tab contains a menu for groups and events. This tab is not available in the public page. The menu is now also always available to users.
VKontakte cover design

Let's look at what data we need to place on the cover:

  1. Name of the business (or its direction).
  2. City, address (if the project is regional).
  3. Phone number for quick ordering (with area code).
  4. Unique trade offer(what makes you different from others).
  5. Appeal (corresponding to your conversion path).

Visually long horizontal cover for better perception can be divided into several parts.

2 piece design example

For example, into 2 parts:

On the first part, we place a catchy photo that reflects the direction of the project, position the photo so that the movement of the user’s gaze leads the user to the second part of the cover, where we place the USP and the benefits of subscribing. Add a call to action.

The cover is easier to understand when divided into 3 parts, linked together by style, each of which makes up a complete block:

3 piece design example

Perhaps, similar to Facebook covers, V mobile applications Only the center of the cover will be visible. And that's where I put the company name or logo, city, address and phone number. On the left I place the USP of the project or the benefits of subscription. Right - interest target audience project and/or appeal.

How to post a cover of a VKontakte community

Now let's figure out how to install the cover in your community.

  • Go to community management (administrator rights required).
  • You are in settings. Find the “community cover” item, click “download”.
  • In the window that opens, click “select file.”

Loading the community cover

  • Go to the folder with the photo you prepared in advance, select it. If a photo is selected in a custom size, it will be cropped at an aspect ratio of 1:3.975.

Select the desired image

  • Click "save and continue."

Save the result

Done, your cover has been successfully installed in the group.

Cover set

Removing a cover

Please note that a full-fledged avatar, if it was previously displayed in your group, disappears from visibility when you install the cover. Its function is to become a miniature that represents your group in the list of all user groups (its size is 200x200 px) and is present on the wall next to the name of the community (its size is 100x100 px). The most logical thing to do here is to place the logo on a contrasting background.

Changing the community thumbnail

To change the thumbnail, you need to move the cursor to its display under the cover and select the “update photo” item. Upload a photo, set the visible area and save the changes.

The cover in the mobile version of VK is cut off at the edges (on IOS it doesn’t exist at all yet), it’s better to place the main information in the center, and it’s also a good idea to use a pinned banner describing the essence of your offer.

  • prohibited on the cover third party advertising, do not neglect this VK rule, so as not to lose the function of adding covers to your community or get banned;
  • When creating a document, use sRGB mode for correct display colors of your cover in the web space;
  • do not use bright colors, gradients, small patterns (remember that VKontakte compresses images, red, orange, pure white are especially affected);
  • save the cover using the “save for WEB” function in PNG format, it is most resistant to compression;
  • To speed up loading, you can drag the cover directly from the folder onto the cover upload window.

Move the selected image

Here are the main points that you should study if you want to design your VKontakte group in a new design.

Happy ideas everyone!

In we will talk about why the community needs quotation books, what they are and how to make them.