How I bought the new iPhone SE. Opinions of foreign media about the iPhone SE. Compatible with Apple Pay

Unfortunately, the market situation compact phones at the end of 2017 does not change and choose from productive models practically nothing. The uncontested iPhone SE is getting closer Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, Sony Xperia X Compact and an even larger one. The iPhone SE is still quite popular, and that's why I wanted to review this model. I thought it would be quite boring, because... I already did a review and it didn’t have any widespread, serious problems. But when I started studying reviews on the iPhone SE, reading discussions on forums, then magic Apple started quickly dissipate. I had the feeling that I was writing a review of the shortcomings of a not-so-successful Android phone model. In principle, the size of the 4pda forum thread “iPhone 5/5C/5S/SE – Marriage” alone, about 400 pages, should already lead to certain thoughts. There are even branches on individual problems. For example, problems with the camera: “Problems with the camera iPhone 6s, 6s plus, SE, 7, 7plus.” You can also read the threads discussing iOS 10, iOS 11 and you begin to understand that today Apple is an unremarkable phone manufacturer, with a standard bunch of problems with the quality of hardware and software, like other brands. So, the iPhone SE has a number of points discussed on forums and in reviews that you should pay attention to when purchasing:


Perhaps iOS was once “polished” operating system, but now, judging by the discussions on the forums, this is not the case. The number of various bugs, in my opinion, is no less than that of Android phones. But iOS has a significant difference. Apple smartphones receive updates noticeably more often, and many bugs are quickly fixed. With the release of new iOS versions New errors appear, but they are eliminated fairly quickly. For Android phones, you can wait months for firmware fixes.
Therefore o iOS problems difficult to write because... the situation is changing quite quickly. The list of shortcomings is as follows (mostly it is common to all iOS devices):
— to work with files you have to use iTunes program. You can copy files only by syncing with iTunes. If you want to use a more familiar way of working with your phone as a external drive, you need to use third-party programs, for example, Itools. For me personally, an important limitation of iTunes is that it does not accept the FLAC music format. For transfer FLAC files needs to be installed third party application;
— limit on the amount of data downloaded from App Store through Mobile Internet. On iOS 11 it is 150 MB, and on more later versions operating system 100 MB. Reading articles that describe ways to circumvent this limitation was surprising to say the least;
— not everyone is happy with the range of programs in the App Store. Users switching to iOS from Android cannot always find the analogue applications they need;
- there are problems with optimization third party programs(particularly games) to a 4-inch screen. Fonts may be too small and unreadable. There are also complaints about small interface elements different programs(for example, in Viber or in a stock audio player) that are difficult to work with;
- on stock firmware Call recording is prohibited;
— there were complaints about pedometer calibration data flying off when rebooting;
- at incoming call swiping right may not work the first time, and you may not be able to answer the call.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all the bugs here. They are different on different versions operating systems, and mostly they are not widespread. In addition, they may depend on the method of updating the OS and the set of programs used. If there are bugs, then try flashing it through iTunes from scratch, with a factory reset, without installing a backup. If there are no problems at this stage, then start installing the software.


— It’s not uncommon for owners to complain that the iPhone SE receives a cellular signal worse than their previous phones. Metal body small sizes are not conducive good welcome signal. Unfortunately, this point can only be verified in practice. A lot depends on your operator, terrain, surrounding buildings, etc. In general, checking the reception quality of this phone should be taken seriously. special attention;
- check if there is wheezing when talking on speakerphone. There have been complaints about this;
— there are complaints about problems with connecting to the Internet via WIFI. This is due to the setting automatic selection channel in the router. Some routers with this setting do not work well with Apple technology. Users recommend disabling the roaming helper, disabling auto-detection of the channel and manually installing the most free channel;
- many people are annoyed by the requirement to send paid SMS abroad for iMessage activation. There are articles online on how to treat this problem.


— a lot has already been said about the crunchy “Home” button. The cause is most likely dust or debris getting into it. People are trying to treat the button by cleaning it with plastic stickers and lubricating it silicone grease;
— everyone and everyone is talking about loose volume and mute buttons on the forums. This was already starting to annoy me when every couple of pages another person appeared complaining about it. Everyone is tired of discussing the play of the buttons just like the crunchy Home button. In general, it's like this iPhone feature SE. If you have it, then just deal with it;
- after Android, most likely you will have to get used to controlling your phone with one button. It’s good that there is also control using a swipe on a button, but you also need to get used to it;
- although rare, there are phones with small paint chips on the edges. Carefully inspect the phone when purchasing;
— It should be noted that the phone is not protected from moisture;
— some people don’t like the large frames and somewhat outdated body design. But this is already from the area of ​​like/dislike. A matter of taste.


— the screen is probably the most discussed topic. The screen is the same as the 5S, i.e. that's enough already old model. Compare screens modern phones With iPhone screen SE and decide if this color quality is right for you. Screens of different quality can be installed on your phone. There are no complaints about some screens; they have a uniform, clean White color, but there are screens with a warm, yellow tint. This is also not so scary, because... You can try to adjust them using the OS settings. It's worse when you come across screens with a yellow tint at the top of the screen. This tint may or may not go away over time. There are screens that distort colors more when viewed from an angle. The screen may appear pink or purple tint. Check if the screen has any glare or spots. In short, when buying a screen you need to be careful, it is weak point this model;
— in principle, you can get used to the color rendition, but what you can’t get used to is the way the sensor of this screen works. It's not uncommon to hear complaints about the sensor not responding at the edges or corners of the screen (especially check the top left corner of the screen). Moreover, this is a floating problem. It may disappear for some time after a reboot, and then appear again. The sensor either works normally, or ceases to be sensitive to touch;
— pay attention to whether the screen is loose, how it is attached to the body in the corners. Pay special attention to the upper right corner;
- don't forget about the screen size. Playing on a 4-inch screen isn't much fun.


— The previous generation Touch ID is a little slower and makes mistakes more often than, for example, the sensor on the iPhone 6s. On the fingerprint sensor Apple fingers saved a little;
- there have been many complaints about unstable work headsets, headphones when connected via bluetooth. In one of the firmware versions bluetooth work improved, and there are significantly fewer such questions from owners, but sometimes there are still problems with bluetooth. For example, wireless headphones may lose connection and immediately connect to the phone again. When this happens regularly, it is very annoying;
- NFC has been reduced and works mainly with Apple Pay;
— there are phones with a weak squeak or crackling sound in the area of ​​the apple logo. Most likely, these sounds are made by the processor. For some owners, this was the reason for contacting service;
— Not everyone likes the bundled headphones. I don't like the way they sit and the sound quality. In general, I don’t remember now which smartphone manufacturers use the in-ear headphone format;
— there are, although not often, complaints about dust particles found in the camera. They do not create problems when shooting, but it would be better not to have them. When purchasing, check the phone for dust in the camera.


- not in the camera optical stabilization;
— lens aperture f2.2, which is not very good for shooting in low light conditions;
- there are complaints about long startup cameras in iOS 9 and iOS 10. You have to wait 5-7 seconds. When you turn on the camera, the phone may freeze and not respond to anything. In later versions of iOS 10 and iOS 11, this problem was resolved. At least there are no complaints about it;
— there are complaints about the operation of the hdr mode. The difference between photos taken in automatic and hdr modes is not very big. But reviewers will turn this in favor of Apple. In a review on 4pda they write about hdr: “There is a very light and unobtrusive HDR with an almost imperceptible effect”;
front-camera it just is. Expect a lot from a 1.2 MP camera that was installed on old Apple iPhone 5S is not worth it.


— the main complaint about the battery is the significant charging time from 0 to 100% with the included charger. Judging by the reviews, charging can last up to 2 hours. This is a very long time for a 1624 mAh battery. Also, when I wanted to know the time Apple chargers iPhone SE from the reviews collected in the card of this model on Yandex.Market, it turned out that no one had this data. It’s just that all the bloggers had amnesia at the same time and everyone forgot to count the time iPhone charging SE. For other brands, whose phones with 3000 mAh batteries charge in a little more than an hour, they do not forget to write about charging time;
- absence wireless charging;
— the phone may not work in the cold. Remember that the temperature range environment For iPhone work- from 0 to 35 °C. The metal body cools down very quickly when low temperatures, and following the case, the battery freezes very quickly, losing its capacity. Although in general, phone owners are satisfied with the autonomy of the phone. In this regard, the model turned out to be successful;
- sometimes there are complaints about the quality of the cable charger, it breaks quickly.


When purchasing, carefully check the phone right in the store, otherwise the magic of the Apple brand may let you down. You should no longer rely on the brand, especially for inexpensive Apple models. The company has chosen a strategy of expanding price niches and the iPhone SE is cheap by standards Apple phone. Reducing prices does not leave its mark on quality. Inexpensive Apple models− these are ordinary phones that have problems with both the assembly and the operating system. Everything is like everyone else. Also, don’t forget to “punch” your phone

Hi all! The article will discuss the so-called official restoration, for such devices in stores the phrase “like new” is attached to the model name. And immediately the answer to main question- is it worth buying such an iPhone? The correct answer is yes, and you need to do it if you want to save a fairly decent amount of money. All those who were thinking about only one thing - whether to buy it or not, can already run to the store for a brand new phone and have no doubt about the correctness of their choice.

And for those readers who want to know a little more about the company’s Refurbished Apple smartphones I invite you to read this article (which, by the way, is constantly updated - the author is trying his best :)). Sit back, I hope it will be interesting.

What is a “like new” iPhone and where does it come from?

In short, these are former iPhone use(no need to rush and say - “What!? This is used!”), who have gone approximately this way:

  1. A person buys a new iPhone – no matter what size memory or color.
  2. The phone is found to be defective (speaker, charging connector, etc.)
  3. He contacts the service center under warranty and if the defect is “factory”, he receives a new device ( Interesting fact! The buyer receives in return exactly the phone described we're talking about in the article - restored).
  4. The “broken” gadget is sent to the Apple factory, where defective parts are repaired and replaced, packed in a new box along with new headphones and a charger, and sent for sale under called iPhone"like New".

Buying this device, you get a completely new iPhone, because it definitely changes:

  1. Display case and glass.
  2. Connectors and cables.
  3. The battery is being replaced.
  4. Plus, the defect with which he entered into marriage is corrected.

In fact, all that remains is motherboard and some components (for example Wi-Fi module, cameras, cables, etc.) which were tested again and did not cause any complaints in operation. Naturally, all these manipulations take place exactly at the same Apple plant.

Now I think it’s clear that there’s no talk of any second-hand goods, in the familiar understanding of this word to you and me, and there’s no catch. iPhone “like new” is a truly new (straight from the factory) device.

What models are currently sold in Russia and what about the warranty?

On this moment, in the Russian Federation only refurbished iPhone 5S 16 GB are officially sold. Even if in the past it was a model with 32 or 64 gigabytes, then during the restoration process at the Apple factory, the free space is software limited to 16 GB. Important! Please note that there are no other officially refurbished models - only iPhone 5S 16GB (can be any color), if you are assured otherwise, this is a blatant deception.

Updated! As I was rightly corrected in the comments (thanks to readers “IvanYch” and Natalya), the iPhone 5S 32GB and 64GB were indeed restored. But apparently it was such a small batch that it passed me by :)

Of course, if the situation changes in the future, I will change this article, but for now this is only one model.

Updated #2! Since this article was written, changes have indeed occurred and now Apple is offering Russian customers the opportunity to purchase an officially refurbished iPhone 6. However, the cost of a “like new” Apple phone of the 6th model, at the time of launch, is only slightly different (2000 - 3000 rubles) and is less than completely new. Therefore, a “restored” 6 is not yet a great buy (solely because of the price).

Updated #3!

This is how the article turned out - we have to constantly update it. But nothing can be done, you need to keep the information up to date. So, at the moment (1st quarter of 2018) in Russia they are officially sold (sold) following models refurbished iPhones:

  1. iPhone 5S.
  2. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
  3. iPhone 6S.

Please note that in in this case This means deliveries to large authorized resellers - all these “like new” iPhones are certified by Rostest and have a year () factory warranty in service centers Apple.

But! The following iPhone Refurbished are also available for sale on the American Apple website:

  1. iPhone 6S Plus 32GB.
  2. iPhone 7 32, 128 and 256GB.
  3. iPhone 7 Plus 32, 128 and 256GB.

This means there is hope that Apple will soon begin officially selling these models in the Russian Federation. It would be great!

Updated #4!

All hopes came true. At the moment (late 2018 - early 2019), the following refurbished iPhone models are officially sold in Russia:

  1. iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus.
  2. iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
  3. iPhone SE.
  4. iPhone X

The amount of memory can be very different: from 16 GB to 256 GB.

The Eights, by the way, have not yet been delivered. However, it seems to me that this is a temporary phenomenon - they will appear soon.

Regarding the warranty - everything is simple here, since the device is new, then so is it. Without any pitfalls and restoration clauses.

How to distinguish a refurbished iPhone from a new one?

Externally - almost nothing, because these are two almost identical devices. Therefore, to avoid being sold a refurbished one under the guise of a new one, you should pay attention to the following details:

Now I think you are confident that you can buy such devices. And considering the difference in price (up to 10,000 rubles), compared to a completely new one - it’s also necessary! The only remark is that it is better to do this with official representatives of Apple (such as a liaison officer,, etc.).

In my opinion, Apple offers an excellent alternative for those who want to save “a little” and get the desired device. It’s a pity that not many models are currently participating in this celebration of life.

Updated! In the comments, questions are often asked: “where to buy refurbished iPhones and where not?” and, most importantly, “how to buy cheaper”? To avoid writing the same thing over and over again, here is the answer:

  1. It is worth buying in trusted stores: Beeline, MTS, M.Video, etc. Why? Because I need it official guarantee. Without her - nowhere.
  2. When purchasing at all of these establishments (and many others), you can save money.

We register on the website, look where it’s cheaper, buy and get part of the money back (!!!). I won’t lie, you won’t be able to get half the price back. But on useful accessories There will always be enough - a glass or a case “for free” will obviously not be superfluous.

P.S. Do you want to be able to buy different equipment Apple "like new"? Give it a like!

Finally Apple released a new smaller iPhone model, and it seems to be not as compromised as the iPhone 5c. Prices for iPhone SE start at RUB 37,990. (and it's inexpensive compared to other iPhones), the phone feels like a 5s, and has almost the same hardware as a 6s. Everything seems to be simple. However, when it comes to choosing and purchasing a phone, you need to take into account a bunch of parameters, characteristics and features in order to understand whether a particular model actually meets your expectations. Let's see what the iPhone SE is like.

1. The most powerful 4-inch smartphone

For last couple We probably haven’t seen truly interesting things for years compact smartphones. Sony released several models, but they were not good enough - they were always compromises.

The SE doesn't look like a compromise. It inherited almost all of its components from the current flagship: A9 processor, 2 GB RAM, Apple Pay, amazing 12MP camera, 4K videos, live photos and much more. The hardware performance of the iPhone SE should not raise any doubts.

For the first time in two years, a four-inch phone doesn't leave the impression that it's missing something. After all, SE is a Special Edition!

2. This is the beloved iPhone 5s

Compared to the curved and smooth shapes of the iPhone 6 and 6s iPhone design The 5s was sharper, boxier and more angular. And even after two and a half years, it doesn't seem outdated. Fans of this model would even call it a classic. In addition, this phone can be easily put in your pocket or held with one hand!

SE looks almost like 5s. The only difference is that the edge of the phone is matte rather than shiny. Additionally, the Apple logo on the back is designed to match the color of the phone. Oh, and still available color scheme Rose Gold.

3. Slight differences

Everyone tends to compare the iPhone SE to the 6s rather than the 5s due to its similar configuration. But this is not quite a 6s in a smaller body, there are some minor differences.

Do you know how these two iPhone SE models A1723 differ? The left phone is for England and the right one is for Hong Kong. But the whole joke is that the sound of the Hong Kong phone is better than that of specialized players costing more than 30 thousand rubles. A phone from England is practically no different in sound quality from regular iPhone 5S.

How could this happen? Let's find out!

First, I’ll tell you the background of the question, so that it is clear where I got several SEs, which, quite by chance, were intended for two different markets. It all started with the fact that I, like many, was faced with the problem of the right top corner screen on 5S. At first it just plays a little, then dust gets clogged there, a crunching sound appears, and the top microphone and/or proximity sensor may stop working. If anyone doesn’t know, this is an officially recognized factory defect and if your phone is model A1457, then it is covered by a 2-year warranty. In this case, this defect is corrected by completely replacing the device with a new one. I had 4 5S phones bought a year ago for the whole family at the same time on the same day early last year. The problem of the peeling screen affected all phones, with the only difference being that it affected phones that were actively used to a greater extent.

I took all 4 phones to an authorized service, but only three of them were accepted for replacement, because... on one phone (which my mother used) the defect appeared only at an early stage. I note that the phone will be accepted for replacement even if there are obvious impacts on the case (although they may probably refuse a warranty replacement). Having lost my main working tool while replacing the devices, I decided that it was good sign in order to update your smartphone to new model- SE (one of the arguments is the ability to use apple pay contactless payments). Moreover, it now costs only 23 thousand rubles for a new sealed and non-activated device in Moscow. I will not give addresses and contacts so that there are no accusations of advertising. Don't even ask. // I REPEAT: I will not give any contact information in a personal message. Yandex.Market will help you, you will weed out the scammers yourself. //

To begin with, I decided to buy one smartphone for myself, because... I felt like I was without hands without him. The iPhone SE has only three modifications: A1662 (American market, there is a discrepancy with some LTE bands in Russia), A1723 ( international version) and the rarest A1724 (international and for the Chinese market). Obviously, you need to take the A1723 version because... it is covered by an official guarantee in Russia. The most low price on SE of this modification in Hong Kong. That's why I chose this model for purchase.

After activation, I paired the phone via Bluetooth with the car audio system and immediately noticed the change in sound quality. Returning home, I connected the phone to my high-end home audio system and took my mother's remaining 5S for comparison. For audio files I use AAC256 from the service Apple Music. The sound quality was amazing!

I invited my friends over to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. Absolutely everyone confirmed the enormous difference in sound quality. On the new SE the sound was very light and spacious. At the same time, I connected all my existing Apple equipment as a sound source: iPad Mini 1, iPad Air 2, Macbook Air 11, Macbook Air 13, iMac 27, iPhone 5S. Everyone has sound listed devices was approximately the same, and only with detailed listening could any changes be detected.

iPhone SE A1723 sounded much better!

My father was most impressed by the sound and said that he also needed such a phone. This is not surprising, because the easiest way to describe the sound of the SE is this: after it, the sound on the 5S will simply make you sick - it’s absolutely meaningless.

2. Just at that moment, the service gave me 5S replaced under warranty, I wrote about them on my Instagram and they were all sold out within 10 minutes! I sold another 5S (mother) on Avito, but this is decay, if we talk about the secondary market Apple technology. If there is interest, I can tell you a couple of heart-warming stories about what a “gray ref” is. The scale of the scam will make your hair stand on end.

So, let's return to our sheep, that is, SE. I went and bought 3 more new SEs from the same store. I repeat: these are new, sealed and never activated phones. But the seller ran out of Hong Kong ones and they gave me 2 phones from England and only 1 from Hong Kong. I didn’t attach any importance to this because... Both modifications have model A1723 and there shouldn’t even be any problems with the warranty.

A shock awaited me at home when I brought new phones to my parents. After activation and initial setup father eagerly connected his new phone to the audio system and... a miracle did not happen. It turned out that I gave my father a phone intended for the English market. And the sound quality on it was practically no different from the old 5S.

3. I remembered that in Europe there are regional restrictions on the maximum power in headphones and opened the corresponding menu in the settings. Yes, on English phone There is a volume limit option, but it is disabled by default.

4. And when the player is turned on with the headphone output connected, the volume control on the phone for England looks like this. Enabling or disabling the volume limit only affects the maximum power, but not the sound quality.

To make sure we weren't imagining things, I activated the other two phones. So, in front of me lay 4 iPhone phone SE: 2 pcs. from Hong Kong, 2 pcs. from England. I again invited my friends over for a blind (!) audition. Absolutely everyone confirmed that the sound of phones from Hong Kong is completely different. This is especially clearly audible on high-quality acoustics and does not apply to standard EarPods (nothing will help them).

I decided to delve into the specifications to get to the truth and collected this information about what audio codecs, DACs and amplifiers were and are used on Apple devices. These are chips manufactured by Cirrus Logic.

iPhone 4 - 338S0589
iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus - 338S1201 and 338S1202
iPad Mini 1, iPad Air, iPod Touch 6 - 338S1116
iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5 - 338S1077
iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 2, 3, 4 - 338S1213
iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus - 338S00105 and 338S1285
iPhone 7, 7 Plus - 338S00105 and 338S00220 (x2)

iPad Pro 12.9 - 338S1213 Audio Codec

iMac 21.5, 27, 27 5K - Cirrus Logic 4206BCNZ
iMac 21.5 4K - Cirrus Logic 4208-CRZ
Macbook Air 11 2013, Macbook Air 11 2015, Macbook Air 13 2015, Macbook Pro 13 Retina - Cirrus Logic 4208-CRZ

Macbook Pro 13 Function Keys 2016 - Cirrus Logic CS42L63A
Macbook Pro 13 Touch Bar- Cirrus Logic CS42L83A

4. It is also worth noting here the new iPhone 7, which does not have an analog audio output on the case. At the same time, the Lightning port is completely digital. Therefore, the same Lightning - Jack adapter contains a separate DAC, ADC and amplifier inside it! This is what it looks like on an x-ray, and you can see the detailed laceration.

At the same time, I still don’t have an answer to the question - why do iPhone SE models, assembled from the same components, have such a dramatic difference in sound quality? Here, you will probably need help in conducting a detailed study from an authorized Apple service (I don’t want to open the devices myself to verify microcircuits). I can only assume that this is a software flaw and when installing a “crutch” to limit the maximum power, destructive changes were made to the operation of the audio codec.

It's surprising that if you didn't happen to be with me at the same time, two identical phones from different countries- It’s unlikely that I would have paid attention to this.

The most a big problem The thing about this story is that now, in principle, I can’t listen to music from the aimag or air, because... after SE it is not a sound, but some kind of nonsense.

After a week using iPhone SE I decided that I was ready to write a review of it and tell what it is like wonderful device, but never finished the review. After two months of use, I came across a draft version of the same text. In short, I spent the entire review praising it like best smartphone and that I don’t need a phablet, but I play on an iPad, and even if necessary big screen? then can I use it? So I don’t feel any discomfort.

These statements once again prove that you need to first walk around with the gadget and then write a review. I told you what a wonderful camera it was and how wonderful it was that the phone was compact and wouldn’t fly out of your hands, and also praised the speed of operation. This, of course, is all true, but you simply don’t need all this with such a small screen. It’s impossible to read anything in a car or minibus because of the small screen and font; if the font is enlarged or made bold, it doesn’t look very good, to put it mildly, and even less information fits on the screen small screen. You won’t be able to answer someone quickly, because you will have at least one correction in each word. Play games while you are standing in line or waiting for someone – forget about it altogether. If you're a fan of scrolling through your Instagram feed, then get ready to squint more than usual. Surf the Internet on sites that are not optimized for mobile device, you won’t succeed, you’ve scrolled too much and clicked on the wrong link. After spending two months with it, I no longer had any strength and I bought myself a OnePlus 5. It was after buying the “Chinese” that I became 100% satisfied with the SE, simply because I stopped demanding from it the convenience of a phablet. I used it as a simple phone and took it on runs to listen to music and record all the indicators of that very run. In all other scenarios, using the device turned into torture.

By the way, when unpacking this phone did not experience any aesthetic pleasure, there was no feeling that I had acquired New Product. When I bought Redmi Note 3 there was more joy and interest in the product, not to mention the iPhone 6, which I “doted on.” All the time, walking around with my phone, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was walking around with an old device, the feeling that you had been deceived and sold the old 5s, which you used in 2012 at a double rate. The camera in it is good only if you take pictures during the day; if you go indoors or shoot at dusk, the quality of the pictures noticeably deteriorates. My current OnePlus 5 takes much better photographs, although this only applies to photographs; in videos it completely outperforms the SE. I also noticed the quality of the connection and wifi range the iPhone is also lame, after Redmi Note 3 I noticed that the places in which cellular it was full and 3g worked on the SE, one or two communication sticks, also the places where wifi was caught without strain SE doesn’t even see this point.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this: if you need a dialer with which you will run, listen to music and not use it for frequent correspondence, you can buy it. If you hope that it will replace your phablet, then don’t even hope, there are too many compromises that you will have to put up with. For this money you can get it today Chinese flagship, which will be in everyday use much more efficient and convenient. This is me telling you, a person who at one time did not recognize anything other than iPhones, until he bought Redmi Note 3 and learned all the charm modern system Android, even in a cheap phone. But I’ll talk about this in my next post, where I’ll tell you about the experience of using OnePlus 5.