Attitude towards telephones essay in English. Essay who am I. Essay on the importance of mobile phones

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovlev"

Faculty of Technology and Economics

Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship

Essay on the topic of:

Successful leader: a person whose example inspires me

Completed by: 5th year student

TSHI, gr. B-1

Grigorieva Veronica


Ignatiev Alexey Mikhailovich

Cheboksary 2010


Today, a successful leader is one who knows how to inspire other people, lead them to achieve their goals and is able to convince his team members to accept their values ​​​​in life without hesitation.

What do you need to successfully build relationships with people - responsiveness or amazing intuition? What is required to work fruitfully with people - strictly follow the rules or use the abilities given to us by God?

Most of us can instantly tell when we are with someone who truly knows how to work with people. Such people easily come into contact, focus their attention on our positive sides and help us grow. Interacting with them turns into a positive experience that makes you want to spend even more time with them.

Some people can be called great masters in the field of relationship building. These include people such as Dale Carnegie, John Wooden, Ronald Reagan and Norman Vincent Peale. At the same time, there are those whose attitude towards others makes them masters of ruining relationships. This reputation was earned by Leona Helmsley, Henry Ford (Sr.), Frank Lorenzo and Dennis Rodman.

Oddly enough, I want to better understand the meaning of the success of a particular leader. Therefore, the purpose of my essay is to study the qualities of a successful leader using a specific example, the example of a person who inspires me.

A successful leader: who is he?

What price would you pay to learn people skills? Ask the leaders of leading corporations what quality is needed to become a leader, and they will tell you that it is the ability to work with people. Talk to experienced sales managers and they will tell you that knowing consumer psychology is much more important than knowing product characteristics. Talk to teachers and retailers, shop foremen and small business owners, clergy and parents, and they will confirm that the ability to get along with people is the main difference between those who reach the top and those who are left with nothing. The importance of people skills cannot be overstated. It doesn't matter what you are going to do. If you are able to win people over, then you are able to achieve success in everything!

Many people fall into the trap of mistakenly taking human relationships for granted. In fact, the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships is the most important factor for growth in all areas of life. People skills determine the scope of potential success. Robert W. Woodruff is the man whose leadership helped transform the company'sCoca- Cola"from a small regional manufacturer to a global organization and financial empire - understood the importance of the human factor in the process of achieving amazing results. In his book “Perfect Execution” (“TopPerformance") relationship expert Zig Ziglar quotes former general manager "Coca- ColaCompany" Sieg says Woodruff liked to hand out little notes he had written in his own hand:

“Life is a lot like being a salesperson. All our successes and failures depend mainly on how convincingly we motivate the people with whom we deal to “buy” us and what we offer.

A leader must have certain qualities that certainly characterize him as a leading unit. This is a combination of organizational skills, thinking characteristics (the ability to work on several problems at the same time, stability in situations of uncertainty), character traits (perseverance, energy, sensitivity). I believe that any successful leader (a financially successful person) is always a leader, and there are no exceptions. If you know how to adequately plan the activities of an enterprise in conditions of financial instability in the world, if you, on the one hand, are distinguished by perseverance in decision-making, and on the other hand, understanding in relation to the employees of your company - then you have leadership qualities that will help you retain avant-garde positions in the market. Leadership is a component of the competitive factor that provides an advance advantage over competing companies.

For me, an example of a successful leader are managers who integrate innovative solutions, since they have a sense of healthy risk, on the one hand, developing their industry by introducing new solutions, and on the other, betting on an as yet unexplored market. “Innovation leaders” are not the brainchild of just one “new idea”; all their achievements are based on extensive knowledge, implementation experience and were the result of research and processing of a large amount of information. For example, the founder of the companyGoogleSergey Brin came up with an effective mechanism for automatically searching for information on the Internet, and Bill Gates became an information tycoon, creating a companyMicrosoft- a leader in software development.

One of the important factors of a successful leader (and this is what a leader is) is considered to be the ability to understand staff, the ability to feel for subordinates and the ability to rely on others. So, I’m interested in a job where the manager willingly transfers his knowledge,bestpracticesskills that he possesses and is always ready to help the professional growth of his subordinates. Working in a large company with such a leader is my dream. It is in such a company, in my opinion, that it is possible to use the most competent personnel management structure. Large companies can afford to invest in training and professional development of personnel. Such corporations use attractive strategies for motivating staff; this is due to a strong personnel policy, because it is the company’s employees who are motivated for success that are the key to a developing business.

Effective relations between the manager and employees in the company should be built on the principle of the leader’s personal example. The boss must become a model of high self-organization, of which the creation of a system of adequate self-esteem is one of the components. An important feature of the work of a boss is the organization of the work of subordinates, one of the main conditions of which is the selection of optimal elements of work with personnel. In essence, a manager has three main ways of influencing employees: 1) force; 2) agree; 3) create conditions in which the employee will motivate himself (self-motivation).

An example of a leader who inspires me

Qualities such as the ability to make quick decisions, defend one’s own opinion, and independence have long been considered unique to men. But recently the situation has changed. Women have proven their right to make decisions. And today we increasingly hear the phrase “woman leader”.

The stereotype of the perception of a strong woman was described by a classic: “She will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” Here, of course, the question arises: “Who lost the horse and who set the hut on fire?” But that is another story…. The classic’s saying fully confirms scientific data about the greater adaptability and vitality of the female body. Psychologists argue that a woman remains a woman even in a leadership position, therefore her strength, as in life outside of work, lies in her weakness. Another fairly common belief is that a successful female leader compensates for her failures in her personal life by being completely immersed in work, which in practice is often far from the case.

Each of these opinions has a right to exist, and examples can be found among female leaders to confirm their truth. In my essay, I want to focus on the example of a female leader, an example that inspires me. After all, shebecamefirst female leader, daring to encroach on the holy of holies of men - the governance of the city of Petra. Valentina Matvienko has served as governor of St. Petersburg since 2003.

The leadership style used by V.I. Matvienko, is a combination of such qualities as kindness and severity, femininity and efficiency, calmness and exactingness, gentleness and will. Much attention is paid to establishing constructive relations with central and regional authorities, which is due to the desire to seek and find support and readiness to cooperate. Flexibility and diplomacy combined with perseverance allows V.I. Matvienko effectively builds relationships with business partners, finding mutual understanding and support from them. The combination of emotionality and a calm reaction to criticism, as well as sensitivity and intuition, allows V.I. Matvienko use a humanistic approach and social support, and also easily adapt to the current circumstances. IN AND. Matvienko achieves success not as a result of copying the male management style, but through the creative use of her abilities, the implementation of her inherent traits and qualities. Today, she is developing a new approach to management. It must become less hierarchical, more flexible, faster and more agile. A new generation manager knows how to listen well, motivate and support his subordinates. Thus, the above qualities are more in demand in modern management. Managers who effectively use the so-called “feminine” leadership style receive higher public support than when using traditionally male management methods. Margaret Thatcher, whose prestige far exceeded that of any other British leader since Churchill, said: “A woman is always successful when she remains a woman.”

In the image of V.I. Matvienko’s motives for achievement and affiliation are more pronounced, that is, the ability to set goals and achieve them. She is also characterized by a lack of authoritarianism and a desire for cooperation, which appeals to older and poor voters.

Valentina Ivanovna’s achievements in public administration are a brilliant example of a female leadership style, which combines flexibility in communication, a penchant for compromise and dialogue in resolving conflict situations, the ability not only to understand, but also to feel the aspirations of people, the ability to spend a budget economically and in a businesslike manner. at the same time, strong will, perseverance in achieving the goal. According to Valentina Matvienko, the mentality of our society is still masculine, so she feels a double responsibility. It is no coincidence that she consistently defended in the government the idea of ​​changes in the electoral legislation aimed at increasing the number of women at all political levels. With every right and not without reason, Valentina Ivanovna believes: “Increasing the number of women in politics will make it more humane, aimed at people, meeting the interests of people.”


Matvienko leadership innovative competitive

A.P. Lukoshkin (Rector of the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation): ... the most important thing for a leader is the ability to think strategically. Also insight, love for people, the ability to treat them exceptionally attentively. The power of a leader is in creating a school and educating students. And a leader must love people.

In my opinion, these words can also be attributed to Valentina Matvienko’s leadership style.Matvienko, as a successful leader, is not only a good organizer who knows how to establish business communication between people, but also a deeply erudite, highly cultured person with inner independence, courage, the ability to create a team of like-minded people, inspiring and leading them. After all, without the ability on the part of the manager to establish business communication with subordinates, partners, and establish business connections, neither effective management nor effective production is possible.

Valentina Ivanovna's achievements in public administration are a brilliant example of a female leadership style. Her example as a successful leader is for me a collective image that reflects all the qualities that real leaders should have.


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Personally, I put communication with people first, and the activity itself second. I don’t care what I do at a given time. The priority goal is a comfortable psychological environment, which is achieved by the right people, the right level of relationships, which in turn are achieved by the right words in conversation. This is my communication philosophy.

Absolutely all the test results that I performed in pairs reflect my true behavior in communication. For example, in the first test I received the following result: “You have problems communicating with people, someone considers you closed and taciturn. You prefer to do everything alone. It’s hard for you to speak in front of an audience.” I wouldn't say that I prefer to do everything alone. Although, recently, I realized that a teacher is a profession for a single person. You don't need a group of assistants to teach lessons, you don't need a partner to make plans for future classes and performances. In college, we are prepared for our future profession precisely with the help of this collective-group form of training (in practice, the work of 3-5 people, in other practice - 2-3). No one will remember the group of teachers who delivered an excellent lesson. People will remember one who came up with a new technique, introduced a new concept, a new theory, and will carry his ideas into the mass consciousness. Only such people are capable of turning people’s minds upside down, and all my life I will strive for such a vague ideal of a person. And let society call such people crazy. I will call them geniuses. After all, only a madman believes that he has the power to change the world... And therefore he changes it.

I did not spread out over several tests, because it was said that one page of the essay is enough, but, as you can see, you can reason and stretch your thoughts on one test over many, many pages, given the fact that I briefly analyzed only part of my test result. Here, for example, is the phrase: “It’s hard for you to speak in front of an audience.” An ambiguous phrase, which, at first glance, suggests that I experience certain problems in communicating with people. In part, this may be true, but there are some nuances. I decided to do a little soul-searching and learned that I actually experience discomfort when speaking in front of an audience. I observed myself throughout the entire six months, and especially paid attention to the “Rhetoric” course taught by Marina Ivanovna. I carefully analyzed each of my performances, even if I didn’t really prepare for it. The following results are obtained:

  • I treat any (constructive or unconstructive) criticism DURING a speech quite aggressively.
  • Particularly annoying are small comments that kill the entire pace of the speech.
  • The age and gender of the interrupter does not interest me at all.

After I made some conclusions for myself, I thought: why are they exactly like this? Why am I aggressive towards criticism? Everything turned out to be much more complicated than I could have imagined. I thought for a long time, and it turned out that this aggression was born in childhood, when I had just crossed the threshold of high school. In the fifth grade of a regular secondary school, with a regular teacher of Russian language and literature, we studied the topic “Phonetics”. This was the only topic that I understood very poorly. I was very annoyed by the very fact of analyzing each letter, which does not really affect anything. We just did it because it was supposed to expand our knowledge. I was motivated to study and learn something new, but I desperately lacked the time and help of adults. My parents were very bad at helping me with my homework, because they themselves did not understand the school curriculum well, and it was not possible to explain it to their child. Then, the only way out of this situation was to teach this knowledge at school.

It was a normal school week. We sat in a very ordinary Russian language lesson and did a phonetic analysis of the word. The teacher specifically called me to the board so that I could try to understand this topic. Then I didn’t understand why she was constantly nagging me and calling me to the board, but now that I myself am studying at a teacher training college, I understand her intentions. She did this purposefully so that I could better consolidate the material. Like any student, I started doing analysis, but I always had difficulty understanding each sound, because somewhere, somewhere, something wasn’t explained to me, or I didn’t understand something. It was very unpleasant to hear ridicule from classmates. Some watched indifferently as I answered, some laughed, and some were afraid that he, too, might be called to the board. All this put a lot of pressure on me. There was a very scary psychological atmosphere. Everyone was afraid to go to the board. Now I understand what was the reason for all this. When I started doing sound analysis, I was always faced with the problem of determining deafness-voiceness and hardness-softness. I needed time to think, to say the sound to myself and out loud. I needed just a little more time to analyze the situation, but only time prevented me from doing so. Then, when I started to be “stupid” at the blackboard, the teacher would scream and ridicule me from the beginning, and when she realized that this could drag on for a long time, she simply sat me down and gave me a bad grade. This went on about three or four times during the week. I didn't ask for much. I just needed a little time. Moreover, the most turning point, or rather moments, were when I was almost ready to say the answer, when the teacher prompted me or said the answer for me. This went on constantly, and became so ingrained in my head that I automatically developed an extremely aggressive reaction to such hints and advice. Much has changed since then, but gaps in morphological analysis, as well as difficulties in answering at the board, have remained with me for the rest of my life. Of course, you can’t look at this situation only from my side, because it’s selfish. The teacher has a limited amount of time and cannot teach one student when most of the class has mastered the material. As a future teacher, I understand her like no one else, and that’s why I don’t hold a grudge against her. We both ended up just hostages of this lousy education system.

Over time, I overcame all these problems within myself. I've gotten pretty good at public speaking, and that's no thanks to my Rhetoric course in college. I solved all my problems in the same school, when we defended projects in the tenth and eleventh grade in front of the board of directors, as well as in front of the board of teachers many times. I would even say that this course taught me practically nothing. I did not speak more eloquently, and my vocabulary hardly increased by a couple of words. I was just once again convinced that self-education and independent (single) preparation for work activities, for example, for public speaking, will definitely bring you results, provided, of course, if you try and put your heart into it.

I don’t understand who teaches such methods of conducting lessons. A simple situation in a class on “Rhetoric”. The man came out with a speech. The man carefully prepared it at home, working on intonation, working on the structure. In a word, the man tried. He goes to the board and starts talking. Here, out of the blue, the teacher interrupts him and begins to correct his speech as he speaks. The pace of speech drops, the speaker’s mood changes every time after another interruption, and not for the better. The teacher is guided by an ironclad argument: “I’d better correct your speech now, so that later you won’t have problems somewhere on the exam.” Everything is quite logical and obvious. But do we need such an adjustment? When I was in school, we were criticized only when we finished our performance. We were given the opportunity to convey our, albeit clumsy, but logically complete thought to the end. Everyone was given the opportunity to make mistakes and no time or effort was spared. This is the only way I learned to express my thoughts more or less beautifully and coherently. I don’t like to brag and put myself above others, but when I gave my speeches several times in class, I felt an insurmountable advantage over the vast majority of my classmates. Everything was very simple. I already have experience in public speaking, but they don’t. By the end of the first half of the year, nothing had changed. I still feel this gap when I can go to the board and start talking on absolutely any topic in such a way that it will be interesting to listen, even if I talk complete nonsense, and another person comes out and cannot connect two words, even if this material is very close to his liking. Yes, this sounds extremely “peacocking”, and here my ego rises to the skies, but I don’t want that at all. I'm just describing what happens in reality. Of course, there are those who, just like me, come out to answer and show their oratorical skills very remarkably, but they can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

At the moment I am preparing for the second half of the year. Soon we will go to the most important and important practice in my life. Finally we will give lessons in elementary school. I hone my style of communication with children, peers and adults as much as possible. I'm working on myself. In particular, this essay is a good preparation for teaching lessons. I am infinitely happy not only to perform in front of people, but also to analyze my performances. I'm happy to analyze the results of this test because I'm developing as I move forward. Every year I plunge more and more often into the psychology of children's communication, communicating more and more with elementary school students. I am beginning to delve into the intricacies of communicating with the younger generation. I can proudly say that I was not in the wrong profession. I will continue to move forward, studying the psychology of communication, rhetoric and other psychological-pedagogical disciplines and interdisciplinary courses in the hope of becoming a true professional in my field!

Essay on the topic “What kind of person am I in communication?” updated: June 7, 2018 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

For my birthday, my parents gave me a new beautiful mobile phone. It is very modern, stylish and has all the features I need. The mobile phone has a large touch screen, and it also has a lot of different pictures and melodies. I'm delighted with the eight megapixel camera with built-in flash. I can also send text and multimedia messages. The phone has such functions as: bluetooth, Wi-Fi Internet. The phone has a powerful processor, thanks to which I can play various interesting games in my free time. I download games for free thanks to the Android software. The phone came with headphones so I can listen to the music I downloaded or the radio. My new phone can easily replace a laptop or tablet, since it can install programs for printing text documents, dictionaries, reference books and translators. He is everything to me: a means of communication, a toy and a study assistant. I am very grateful to my parents for such a gift.

Essay: mobile phone - luxury or necessity.

Not a day goes by, there is not a place where we cannot hear the familiar tonal melodies, the source of which is a mobile phone. A mobile phone today can fit in a small pocket. Just a few years ago, the owner of a mobile phone felt interested and envious glances at himself, because at the beginning of the new century only well-off people could afford a mobile phone, and now even small children have them.

However, even today, when everyone has two or even more mobile phones, you can also distinguish yourself from the crowd by purchasing a fashionable, very expensive phone, the cost of which is sometimes equal to the cost of the most modern personal computer. But is a phone worth this money, which, due to its price, turns from an everyday necessity into a real luxury?

If you look at this from one side, then even today a mobile phone can be an indicator of the level of financial condition of its owner. Now almost everyone can determine at first glance how expensive the phone is in their hands. Expensive phones incorporate the latest developments and have a prestigious appearance. Therefore, the buyer pays money not only for functionality, but also for design, quality and warranty. They are most popular among representatives of the modern business world and young people.

But inexpensive phones are in great demand among practical people, who first of all need to make calls and receive calls from others. They don't care about color, weight or size doesn't matter.

If we look at the problem from the other side, it is well known that people very quickly get used to the conveniences that include mobile phones. Moreover, the offers of phone manufacturers and mobile operators are becoming more and more attractive... After all, having bought a phone or smartphone for the first time , you are unlikely to want to part with him. Having purchased an inexpensive phone, after a year you will want to change it to a more advanced one.

Zaitseva Tatyana. Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Other.

Communication in our life

Every day we communicate with scores of people; we talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. After all, do we know what communication is? An encyclopedia says that “communication is a process whereby information is enclosed, channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver than decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback.” So, this is a scientific explanation of the concept “communication”. But what dies communication mean for common person of any age, sex, rank and social position?

Communication is one of the most important necessities of every human being. Even millions of years ago when primitive men could not speak, they communicate with the help of gestures, sounds and pictures. If we try to imagine our life without communication with each other, the picture will be dull and unemotional, like the science fiction where people are replaced by robots.

Besides exchanging the information, we exchange our feelings, emotions, gestures and so on. Communication can reveal different feelings. According to the theme of the communication, communicator, conditions, communication can leave us happy, satisfied, indifferent, irritated or enraged. Sometimes good communication can replace medicine in the case of depression. Our relatives and close people can understand anything without words just looking at our eyes, and that is communication too.

Now people can communicate even if their dialog is not face to face. Modern gadgets give us such an opportunity. For instance, sending a short messageby the mobile phone, you can put different marks or smiles conveying your emotions; using the program Skype for chattering you can see your partners face and all gestures he uses.

On the other hand, there is a great detail that cannot substitute communication face to face. When you communicate with a person who can even keep silence, you can understand this person by his or her gestures, eyes and body language. During our communication we often unconsciously touch each other, and that also gives us a piece of information.

To draw a conclusion, I suppose that all modern and fashionable gadgets for communication are really useful things when you have no opportunity to meet a person. Nevertheless, if you have one, enjoy every moment of this process because it is a real treasure and “Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.”

Every day we communicate with dozens of people; we talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. But still, do we know what communication is? The Encyclopedia says that “communication is the process in which enclosed information is transmitted through certain communication channels to the recipient. The recipient decodes this information and transmits the response to the sender.” This is a scientific explanation of the concept of communication. What does this concept mean for an ordinary person, regardless of his age, gender, occupation and social status?

Communication is one of the most important human needs. Even millions of years ago, when primitive people did not yet know how to speak, they communicated through gestures, sounds and drawings. If we try to imagine our life without communicating with each other, the picture will turn out to be quite boring and emotionless, reminiscent of a science fiction film in which robots replaced humans.

In addition to the fact that in the process of communication we exchange information, we also exchange feelings, emotions and gestures. Communication can bring out different feelings in us. It can leave us happy, satisfied, indifferent, irritated and even angry. Sometimes good communication can take the place of medicine in case of depression. Our relatives and close people can understand us without words, just by looking into our eyes, and this will also be communication.

Now people can communicate without even seeing the other person. Modern technologies give us this opportunity. For example, when sending a message via mobile phone, we can add various characters and emoticons to convey our emotions; Using the Skype program to communicate, we can see the face of the interlocutor and all his gestures.

On the other hand, there is one significant point due to which nothing can replace face-to-face communication. When you communicate with a person, he may not even say a word, but you will understand his feelings with the help of his gestures, eyes, body movements. In the process of communication, we often unconsciously touch the interlocutor, and at the same time we also receive some information.

To summarize, I would like to say that all modern and fashionable means of communication today are certainly useful if you do not have the opportunity to talk with your interlocutor face to face. However, if such an opportunity does exist, enjoy every moment of this process, because communication is a treasure, because “good communication wakes you up like black coffee, and after it it is also difficult to sleep.”