Where to sell an old phone. How to sell your old phone correctly: collecting money for a new one. What do they do with phones in other countries?

Nowadays, progress forces us to part with our usual technology from time to time, as it becomes outdated. The same thing happens with mobile phones. However, everyone wants to say goodbye to their phone on fairly favorable terms, and not just by throwing it in the trash.

It is our company that claims that buying phones in Moscow is expensive - this is quite possible. We offer such buyback conditions when it becomes really profitable to hand over your equipment. Mobile phones have always been, and will continue to be, at a certain price, since these devices are truly necessary for almost every citizen.

Nowadays, a mobile phone is no longer just a means of keeping in touch. This is a real personal computer into which you can download anything. However, only new and modern devices can provide such functions.

Buying old and used phones for spare parts

Let us immediately note that buying outdated models of mobile devices is practically no different from buying, for example, tablet computers, laptops or functional desktop computers. The owner comes to us, and our technician checks the equipment for serviceability. It is also inspected for any defects. After all, a really high-quality model can be quite expensive. Our purchase of old and used phones for spare parts happens quite quickly and, most importantly, honestly.

Our center specialist always determines the following product parameters:

  • Mobile device configuration;
  • The exact age of the product;
  • What percentage of the phone is operational?
  • Are there visible as well as hidden defects?
  • Number of equipment units;
  • The desired cost, etc. is discussed.

In any case, we can guarantee that the product assessment by our specialist will be carried out efficiently, without any underestimation of cost. Therefore, buying phones in Moscow by our company is always quite a profitable business for anyone who wants to say goodbye to their old equipment. Let us remind you that we offer a service where

When the idea of ​​purchasing a new phone or tablet comes to us, the question always arises, what to do with the old one? There is an ancient tradition in our families when an old device passes from parents to children (a cool career for a device to turn from an office steal into a school puck). Someone, succumbing to sentiment, prefers to keep the old device at home, and according to the custom of fairy-tale dragons, like an unfortunate princess, the device is locked in some “dungeon” (desk drawer or mezzanine), finally depriving it of its connection with the world, rearranging it -card into the new device. And there is another option for the development of events: sell your old phone, add the accumulated money and buy a new one. That's what we'll talk about. There are two options: sell it yourself or take the “old man” to a pawnshop. Although the second option is fast, in the first case you will get much more money.

Preparation for sale

The first thing you need to decide is how much you are willing to give your device for and how much a potential buyer will want to pay you. This will be influenced by two factors: the number of similar offers on the market and the condition of your device. To do this, you need to look through all the offers (city stores and sites with sales advertisements) with the same type of device in your region and decide on the average price.

After this, you should evaluate the condition and completeness of your device (usually this takes from 5 to 15 minutes, longer to read and write about it). Every little detail will benefit your equipment here! So here's the list:

1. Availability of store packaging with documents for the device. This point is one of the most important and accounts for approximately 30-40% of the resale price. So this is the main and only evidence of the non-criminal origin of your device.
The fact that your device is still under warranty service from the store will have a positive effect on the price. If the device is “foreign” (purchased and brought from another city, country), then there is a reason to visit (you can just call) the service center in your city and find out if there is any hope that repair services (even if paid) will be provided if necessary. This will help reduce the degree of “anxiety” of a potential buyer, usually aimed at “bringing down” the price.

2. Complete set: instructions, charger, flash card, spare sockets, etc. Basically, everything that was in the box when you first unpacked it. If something is missing, then there is a reason to either find a replacement for the “lost” ones (you can buy inexpensive Chinese components), or proportionally reduce your price, because The buyer will have to purchase the missing items at his own expense.

3. Cases, replaceable cases, additional batteries, more capacious and high-speed flash drives. Each owner of the device gradually becomes comfortable with this goodness if he values ​​personal comfort. There is no point in taking care and storing these gizmos if they are not universal and will not fit your future device. Either include them in the price, or the famous “as a gift”.
Remember that a future buyer will not be able to fully appreciate your efforts to decorate your phone with rhinestones and personal stickers, so it is better to remove them. If your creative nature constantly requires an outlet and often leaves marks on the phone body, then spare panels or cases may be an ideal option, on the surface of which you can show off your talents. They are easy to remove and replace if necessary.

4. Some owners sell the phone with a number. This aspect can attract consumer attention if: a) the number is beautiful, b) some rare and very pleasant tariff is assigned to it, or c) the operator gives bonuses every month. If the number is really beautiful and respectable, this is a huge plus for your phone; decide the price yourself based on the market value. And if this is a promotional or bonus room/rate, then call it the famous phrase “as a gift.”

5. The presence of “combat” scratches, “manic” abrasions, “tragic” chips and cracks on the body of your device, as well as bacchanally designed holes in the charging and headphone connectors can only reduce the value of your phone.

Check out how you can change the situation. Carefully open and wipe the inside of the case dry, blow out the connectors, in general, remove the dust of time and do not show the future buyer what color your pet’s fur is. In particularly tragic cases, there is a reason to completely replace the device body at the service center, if the cost of replacement is more than covered by the profit from the sale. In easier situations, you can get by with polishing the case - this will return some of the former gloss and hide small and minor scratches. There is no need to spend money on polish; you can use an existing ordinary furniture or car polish (transparent waxes in the composition and a manual processing method). Sometimes they change the film on the screen: 45-47% of the surface of your phone covered with new plastic will make it look neater. The main thing at this stage is to remember that all your investments should not exceed the amount of 200 rubles. (1000 tenge), otherwise it will become an economically unprofitable enterprise.

Well, externally and completely the phone is ready for sale. Now there is a reason to prepare him for the “presentation”. You understand that the buyer will look not only at the body, but will also want to check the functionality of the product. Therefore, here is what you should pay attention to:

6. “Reset” the phone to factory settings, delete all personal information, I think it will be superfluous for the future owner to know that your account is on Google [email protected] or [email protected], simultaneously finding out the phone numbers of all your friends.

7. Custom and firmware will only attract a teenage audience - this is not bad, but this part of the audience does not have large quantities of money, so get ready for capricious bargaining for every penny. Among adults, standard shells and OSes have a greater chance of successful resale. But high-quality wallpapers, launchers/themes are a big plus, although they don’t play a special role, but they will help form a positive impression on the buyer about your product.

8. Bring all installed software up to date. Install the latest versions of programs for communication and surfing the Internet, update your navigation program and book reading program (there is a reason to download a couple of masterpieces).
You can please your future buyer with modern and high-quality games. Remember that during a presentation it is better to show a bright, colorful and fast-loading application, because... Waiting for a minute (or even two) for some level to load (in your opinion, the most gorgeous toy) is comparable to failure.
To test/demonstrate the capabilities of the audio/video part of the device, upload some video or movie in excellent quality so that the buyer can appreciate it. You can also give a lucky recipient a dozen new films as a gift.

Working with an ad

The most tedious moment, because... all you can do at this stage is wait patiently and actively offer your product.

Take one(!) photo of your device; it should show: the front of the device, the box/packaging and the sales kit (charger, cords, etc.). There is no need to arrange a photo shoot, your phone is not a porn actress, I doubt anyone would have the desire to scroll through 20 photos and get to the point where the back cover is removed and the battery is removed. Try to include a minimum of your home/work interior into the frame with your phone. Moreover, there is no need to take a photo with the cat.

Place an advertisement for sale on an advertisement website, on social networks, describe in detail all the advantages of your product, try to keep it within 5-7 lines, because a person looks through dozens of advertisements (attention is already occupied by a lot of small details), rather than looking for a work of art to read before going to bed. Write with restraint, without emotions and personal influence, try to avoid the words: “URGENT!!!” and “ALMOST FOR FREE!!!” When communicating with people based on your ad, beware of any rascals and schmucks, but, in any case, communicate with the utmost politeness and restraint.

Moment of sale

When a real client appears, arrange a meeting and decide on the place where you will conduct the transaction. It’s better to immediately abandon all “at home”, “around the corner”, “behind garages”, because... Your goal is to get your money, not concussion or penetration. The best option would be a place in the area of ​​your residence (you are not going to pay transportation costs), open/with a good view and “under the gun” of CCTV cameras or even under the watchful eye of the external security of the facility. It is better to set the time close to the lunch break or the moment when all employed people return from work, but also during daylight hours!

Tell your family or friends that you are going to a meeting about the sale, as well as the contact information of your potential buyer, just in case. Arrange for a friend or family member to cover you. When you approach and see that the buyer is alone, then ask a friend to wait aside (about 5-10 m), there is no need to irritate the client. But if the buyer also decided to insure himself against a possible “divorce” on your part (yes, yes, he is also afraid) and came with friends, then “stomp” to a meeting with your friendly company.

During the “presentation”, try to make sure that the client has only one item in his hands: either a box with a kit, or just a phone. Moreover, nothing should fall into the hands of the buyer’s “friends”; there are options when the devices are replaced and the sale is refused. Therefore, manage the so-called “presentation” yourself, seize all the initiative. Show the documents for the device, but give it back after you receive the money.

It remains to wish you a successful completion of negotiations, a successful transaction and a sea of ​​positive emotions from your future acquisition. I hope the tips will be useful.

You can read about how to buy a new phone correctly.

A mobile phone is a technical device that is designed for communication between two people or a group of people. Just recently, in every apartment or house, people communicated with each other using stationary devices. Time moves forward, and now every person has a personal portable telephone.

However, gadgets have a big disadvantage. They break and fail. What to do if you no longer need the device, but it’s a pity to throw it away? Let's figure out where you can return your broken phone for money. After all, during a crisis, no one will refuse the opportunity to earn a little money.

Return the battery

This is the first option that comes to mind. First you need to disassemble the phone a little and remove the battery. Today, large companies such as Svyaznoy hold promotions for the recycling of technical equipment. They place special bins around the city designed for telephone batteries.

The battery can also be sent to a specialized workshop. In this case, there is no need to disassemble the phone yourself. Just give them the non-working device, and the specialists will take the necessary actions themselves. But this process will not bring us any revenue. But the question is exactly this: “Where can I sell my broken phone for money?” Therefore, we should understand further.

Precious metals

A mobile phone consists mainly of plastic and glass. But modern devices also use various microcircuits and boards. They contain small amounts of precious metals. These are gold, silver and platinum. However, their number is very small. Therefore, in order to earn a little money, you need a large number of devices. In addition, you have to pay to extract precious metals. As a result, the revenue will be small.

There is a lot of information on how to extract precious materials from your phone. This will help you not to pay for services, but to perform all the necessary actions yourself. But if you do not have sufficient knowledge, then experts do not recommend conducting such experiments at home. This can only be done by highly qualified companies in specially equipped places.

Sale by advertisement

Any thing can always be traded for money. Everything will depend on the price. This method is great if your phone is not in perfect condition, but you can communicate with other people from it. The answer to the question of where you can sell your broken phone for money is to sell it through an advertisement.

Many people, left without a means of communication, buy themselves an inexpensive replacement. While their mobile phone is being repaired or under warranty check, a busy person should be available to their partners or clients. Therefore, he will happily buy a slightly faulty device for a short period of use.

Buying broken phones

An old device, the cost of repairing which is more than half of its price, can be sold for spare parts. In any large city there are companies that buy used mobile phones. The only condition for delivery is the presentation of a passport. This will help the company not to deal with stolen copies. The payment for such devices is small, but this is a serious reason to sell the phone for spare parts.

Special stores and service centers conduct a complete check of the device before purchasing it. Broken cell phones undergo a special examination, which will help to set the price as efficiently and truthfully as possible.

Stages of checking the device

First. During negotiations with a specialist, the client indicates the main parameters, model make, date of purchase and general condition of the phone. The technician may also ask about the availability of packaging, instructions, charger, flash card and cable. After analyzing this data, the owner is given the assessment result. If he is satisfied, then move on to the next stage.

Second. The appearance and functionality are checked. After this, the specialist announces the final price for the device. If it suits the client, then a contract is concluded. Now the company itself will determine what to do next with the technical tool. Send the phone for spare parts or, after repairing, put it up for sale.

What do they do with phones in other countries?

The issue of environmental pollution has been raised by environmentalists for a very long time. The main danger is batteries. In Europe, Asia and America, there are special points where you can bring non-working electronics for recycling. You can also donate your cell phone here.

Phone manufacturers themselves are involved in this process. And the state supports them and encourages them with concessions or new laws that are beneficial for companies.

Unfortunately, in the countries of the former USSR they are just beginning to think about this problem. It is difficult to recycle your phone here. Only a few companies have begun to develop in this direction.

Thanks to the main options considered, now every device owner knows the basic answers to the question of where to sell a broken phone for money.

I, the subject of personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data,” provide the owner of the form (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) with consent to the processing of personal data specified by me in the calculator form and/or product order form and /or services on a website on the Internet, owned by the Operator.

  1. The personal data I provide is as follows: full name, email address and telephone number.
  2. The purposes of processing my personal data are: ensuring the exchange of short text messages in online dialogue and ensuring the functioning of a call back.
  3. Consent is provided to carry out the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out as with using automation tools (automated processing) and without the use of such tools (non-automated processing).
  4. I understand and agree that providing the Operator with any information about myself that is not contact information and not related to the purposes of this consent, as well as providing information related to state, banking and/or commercial secrets, information about racial and/or nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, intimate life are prohibited.
  5. If I decide to provide the Operator with any information (any data), I undertake to provide only reliable and up-to-date information and do not have the right to mislead the Operator regarding my identity, or provide false or inaccurate information about myself.
  6. I understand and agree that the Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by me and is not able to assess my legal capacity and assumes that I provide reliable personal data and keep such data up to date.
  7. Consent is valid upon achievement of the purposes of processing or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these purposes, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
  8. Consent may be withdrawn by me at any time based on my written statement.
  • Dear clients, the purchase is carried out on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement, in the presence of a passport or other documents confirming identity (18+), and in some cases it may be necessary to provide additional documents confirming ownership.
  • Please note that all applications are considered but may be rejected without explanation.
  • The response to the application is carried out during business hours, and only if we are interested in purchasing the goods, there is no need to resend the application!
  • The final assessment of the product is made during its detailed inspection; we do not provide an accurate assessment by telephone or other types of remote communication.
  • The use of obscene language in text dialogues, emails and calls is strictly prohibited. Such requests will be ignored and added to the blacklist.