Disable connections on mts. Independent disabling of paid services on MTS. You can unsubscribe from such paid SMS from any short numbers by dialing *111*919#

Some users mobile operator Beeline notices that their balance is shrinking faster than it should. Sometimes the reason lies in inattention, but most often the money goes to pay for various additional services. You can suspect this if:

  1. Funds are debited every day, regardless of the number of conversations, SMS sent and access to the Internet.
  2. Money goes away at certain intervals, for example, the account is reduced on a specific day of the month.

Mobile operators earn no less from providing additional services than from providing basic ones. They also rent short numbers to companies that can also offer a variety of services for payment (games, horoscopes, the ability to monitor exchange rates, etc.).

The problem is that often additional service included in starter pack. In addition, many services are initially free, but after completion trial period They will take money from you. Auto-renewal is specially organized to be as invisible as possible. But how to turn it off? Let's figure it out.

To opt out of additional services, you must first inquire about availability. This can be done through the “Personal Account”. Everyone has access to it. You can log in via the Internet by receiving a password on your phone.

  • scroll down the entire list of services;
  • go first to the “Services” section, and then to “Connected services”;
  • Look at your “Profile”, there is a special sub-item “Subscriptions”.

Phone owners have another opportunity - to use the “My Beeline” application. All you need to do is go online and login will happen instantly. A list of paid services is displayed automatically on your screen.

What should a subscriber do if there is no Internet, but he still needs to get information? Refer to USSD commands. You can dial *110*09# and then call. You will receive an SMS with full list all services.

Another option is to use the service menu

and call again. A list will appear on your screen where you will need to find the “My Beeline” section. It's easy and many people use it often. Look at the “My data” item, this is what you need. From there you will be taken to the “My Services” submenu. Then everything is intuitive. And you will soon receive a message with all the necessary information.

You can also use the numbers

What are the ways to disable paid services from Beeline?

Let's figure out how to refuse imposed services. If you are not familiar with sites, and generally don’t want to delve into it, you can simply take your SIM card, passport and go to the nearest branch of the operator. It’s enough to explain there that you want to know how to disable additional services on Beeline so as not to go into the red. They will either tell you how to do it, or they will do all the manipulations for you.

Another option is technical support. Beeline has it available by number

After the call, you will need to either follow the instructions of the autoinformer, or wait for a connection with the operator and, with his help, unsubscribe from everything that does not suit you. Unfortunately, not everyone can figure it out on their own, even with the help of hints. And sometimes you have to wait a long time for live communication.

Beeline also provides the ability to disable services one at a time through your account. You can also see the cost structure there. But the controls are not convenient for everyone. Especially if the Internet speed is not enough.

USSD requests to cancel paid services

If the previous options for how to disable paid services on Beeline, if for some reason they did not suit you, you can again turn to USSD commands. You do not make a call, but simply use a combination to disable a specific subscriber option.

But sometimes you need to find out how to disable specific services on Beeline. There are certain commands specifically for this:

  1. To remove the Black List service, just dial *110*770#.
  2. If you connected Chameleon, you need the combination *110*20#.
  3. Voice mail – *110*010# .
  4. You can delete “Hello” by typing and pressing the button.
  5. If you don’t know how to disable Beeline’s “SMS dialogue,” dial .
  6. You can remove any of the “Highway” options by calling.
  7. You can refuse “Stay informed” by dialing *110*070#.

The above is only an approximate list of services and ways to disable them. Each of them has similar options; just type its name into a search engine.

How to block connections from short paid numbers?

The provision of services by content providers also significantly affects the frequency of account replenishment. In the same time this service has nothing to do with Beeline. Therefore, the previously listed methods will not help in this case.

Are you not satisfied with all the subscriptions? You can send a message with the word “STOP” or “STOP” (English or Russian - in in this case does not matter) to the short number. If you still need certain content, but you want to give up only entertainment (infotainment, more precisely), then an SMS with similar content should be sent to the number.

If you have refused all operator services, you better know your tariff plan, who and when they called from your phone (or only you had access), but the bill is still not satisfactory, which means the problem is with the content providers. To find out why you are being charged, please contact technical support. There they will tell you how much money is spent in national currency (rubles), and will also introduce a free ban on the establishment of such services.

If you don’t want to deal with how to disable short numbers on Beeline (or wouldn’t mind keeping such an option), you can open a separate account to pay for content. This will be done at any nearest operator’s branch. To prevent money from being spent in unclear places, it is enough not to replenish your account. And one more thing: you can find out how to disable services on your phone immediately when purchasing a SIM. Remember your rights - and nothing will be imposed on you!

If money constantly disappears from the account, this means that some paid services are connected to the number - there is no theft in this, the subscriber just once used certain services with his own hands, without familiarizing himself with the terms of their provision. One of the common services activated by Beeline subscribers is the paid service “Hello”, which connects a melody instead of a dial tone to your phone. You can learn how to enable and disable this service by following the link.

In order to prevent leakage of funds, you just need to disable the connected services. IN this review We will look at how to disable all services and options on Beeline that eat up your balance. Before you start disabling services on Beeline, you need get a list of what is connected to a given number.

The simplest and affordable way– call 067409 or dial USSD command *110*09#. After a few minutes, you will receive a message on your phone containing information about all connected services. After that, you can start disabling them using the tools below.

Disabling paid services through your Personal Account

The easiest way to disable services is through your Personal Account located on the Beeline website. For this it is necessary pass the simple registration (if it is absent), then enter authorization data. The convenient Beeline Personal Account will display all connected services, which can be disabled with a simple mouse click.

For example, this way you can disable Jokes on Beeline. Here you can get details of all conversations and money debits. Managing your number using your Personal Account is very easy, since all the information is presented here in the most visual form - no need to look for control codes.

Disabling services using commands

How to disable paid services on Beeline using commands? Here we will need the list of all services connected to the number received in an SMS message. We look into it and look for the services and options to be removed on the official Beeline website, where the commands for disabling them will be published. Commands are presented in the form of USSD requests, as well as short service numbers.

If you want, we have a separate article about this. We choose the most convenient way and proceed to remove the selected services. Confirmation information will be delivered via SMS. As soon as everything you need is disabled, you should re-query the list of connected services to make sure they are missing. But the easiest way to do this is using your Personal Account - it’s more convenient and clearer.

We call the operator

You can get information about connected services and options by calling the help desk. Experienced specialists will tell the subscriber about all connected services, after which they will be able to disable them. True, some services can only be disabled using commands or your Personal Account. In this regard, before talking with specialists, you need to prepare a pen and a piece of paper. Also the subscriber will need a passport.

Service management with the help of support specialists is carried out only after verification of passport data. If they do not match, further service will be denied - if the number is not registered to you, use commands or your Personal Account.

You can manage the services connected to the number not only through the support service, but also by calling the number 0674, where the voice assistant works.

Find out about paid subscriptions and disable them

In order to obtain information about mobile subscriptions, you should call the operator technical support or go to your Personal Account. This is where you can find out about all the subscriptions connected to a particular number. Here you can get rid of everyone unnecessary subscriptions, eating up money. But you can do it easier by unsubscribing from everything at once - for this you need call number 0684006. The call is free and allows you to disable all subscriptions on the current number.

To attract the largest number users many operators cellular communication They offer to purchase a variety of services, which are often simply not necessary. Beeline is also one of these operators. The question of how to disable services on Beeline becomes relevant when the user connects a function by mistake, or earlier required service is becoming unnecessary.

In order to find out the list of services connected by you (or you), you need to dial *110*09# one by one, and then press the call button. Within a few minutes you will receive an SMS notification containing the requested data. Disabling Beeline services is also possible after dialing the following combinations:

  • “AntiAon” service - combination *110*070 and call key;
  • “Chameleon” service - dial *110*20#, then call;
  • “SMS-movement” service - enter *110*2010# and press send call;
  • “Chat” service - a combination of numbers *110*410# and then sending a call;
  • “Stay up to date with Beeline” service - dial *110*400# and press the call key;
  • “Stay informed + Beeline” service - enter *110*1062# and press call;
  • “Voicemail” service - combination *110*010# and call;
  • “I have a contact” service - *110*4020#, call;
  • “Favorite number” service - *139*880# and call.

IN Lately Beeline subscribers are at risk of losing money from their phone account due to a virus or due to the connection of paid services. You can lose money by believing scammers who offer to send a message to the provided number, which in turn turns out to be a toll number, and the subscriber loses a considerable sum of money.

To avoid similar situations Beeline offers the service " black and white lists" With its help, the subscriber has the ability to block voice calls, receiving and sending paid sms, as well as messages to paid short numbers. Although this service does not completely save you from spam, it significantly reduces the risk of unwanted waste of money.

Often, subscribers become interested in how to disable paid Beeline services after they get tired of paying every day a certain amount from your account mobile phone.

Disabling Beeline “Beep” and “Lottery” services

Disabling Beeline “Beep” and “Lottery” services is possible only with the help of sending sms, or making a call to service center operator. To disable the “Beep” function, you need to dial the service number 0770 and then follow the instructions of the answering machine. To disable “Lottery 1010” you should send an empty sms to number 3003.

Disabling other paid Beeline services

Disabling the Beeline “Hello” and “Internet from an unconfigured phone” services is possible either by dialing certain combinations of numbers or by calling service number. To disable the “Hello” function, you can dial 067409770 or enter the number combination *111#, then press the call key. After this, select the “My Beeline” item in the menu, then “Services” - “Hello”, and finally the “Disable” item. You can cancel the “Internet from an unconfigured phone” service by dialing 0622. You should be aware that this service is not displayed in the list of connected ones when requested via the combination *110*09#.

Cancellation of the “Follow” service is possible by selecting the “Disable” option in the menu that appears after dialing *566#. Disabling Beeline services is also possible through your Personal Area, which you can enter using the link. When registering in your personal account, you must enter the digits of your phone number in the “login” line, and in order to receive a password, you must dial *110*9# and press send call.

Money from your mobile phone balance is flying in an unknown direction? You don't talk as much as you pay? Most likely, the reason lies in connected paid services that you do not know about. Save yourself from unnecessary expenses by disabling options you don't need. We'll tell you how to do this.

One call to disable all paid services

The easiest way is to call the customer support service of your telecom operator and ask a question: what paid services are linked to your number? If you find out that it turns out that you are regularly charged money for something you don’t use, present your claims to the operator. Usually lost money is returned. Now let's find out what methods each operator has to disable paid services." big three": MTS, Beeline and Megafon.

How to disable paid services on MTS

1. Visit the MTS office or call 0890 (calls from MTS are free for MTS subscribers). At your request, employees will deactivate any paid service. Be sure to take your passport with you.

2. Internet assistant. Go to the website ihelper.mts.ru and click the “Login to your personal account” button in the upper left corner of the page. In the "Login" field, enter your phone number without a prefix, and in the "Password" field - the password you received earlier. To receive a password, you must click on the “Get password” link and wait for the SMS message. You can also get a password by dialing *111*25# on your phone and then creating your own password of 5-7 digits.

So, once in your personal account, go to the “Internet Assistant” tab and the “Tariffs and Services” section. Here you will receive all the information about connected paid services and options, and you can disable them.

3. SMS and USSD commands. To find out what paid services are connected to your number, use the USSD command *152*2#. You can also disable paid services using USSD commands and SMS messages.

How to disable paid services on Beeline

1. Visit the Beeline office or call 0611. At your request, employees will turn off the paid service.

2. Personal Area. Log in to the subscriber’s personal account at www.uslugi.beeline.ru, indicating the phone number as the login and the previously received password. To receive the password, dial *110*9# on your phone. In your personal account you can manage all operator services.

3. SMS, USSD commands and autoinformer. To find out what paid services are connected to your number, use the USSD command *110*09#. You can also disable services using USSD commands, SMS messages and calls to the call center number. You can enter the command *111* on your phone, and then select “My Beeline” - “Services” - “service name” - “Disable” or use special requests for each option.

How to disable paid services on Megafon

1. Visit the Megafon office or call 0500. At your request, employees will deactivate the paid service.

2. Service Guide. The self-service system allows the subscriber to mobile use a range of opportunities and, in particular, manage paid services. Working in the system is available in several ways:
- send a USSD request to *105# and follow further instructions. To view the list of connected paid services, go to the menu
- use the application for your computer or mobile phone. To do this, you need to download the Service Guide application from the official Megafon website and install it on your computer or phone. Then log in to the system by entering your phone number in the “Login” field, and the previously received access password in the “Password” field. To receive a password to access the system, send a free SMS message with the text “41” to the number 000105. After authorization, select the menu “Services” -> “Set of additional services”. You will see a list of all current options. By consistently selecting services, you can quickly connect and disconnect them.
- log in using your phone number and password to the “Service Guide” through your personal account on the website www.megafon.ru. At the bottom of the page there is a list of connected services, where all your options are indicated. Go to the service connection/disconnection page by selecting "Change the set of services" in the "Services and tariff" menu on the left side of the page. A menu will appear with available services. To disable, uncheck the features you do not need.

3. SMS, USSD commands and autoinformer. If you know which paid services you need to disable, simply enter the appropriate command on your phone or call special number, and the option will soon be disabled.

And MTS subscriptions without knowing which ones you currently have. To do this, dial the command *152*2# using the keys and press the call button. Information about paid services, which are on your number. To disable all paid services on MTS yourself, use the combination *152*2*2*3#. After this, you will receive a notification that the operation was successful.

You can disable all paid services on MTS through your personal account on the company’s official website. The entrance to the office is at the bottom of the page. All recommendations upon receipt personal login and the password will be given on the screen, and the procedure will not take much time. Appearance-the assistant changes periodically, but in any case you will see a section of current services. Through service management, select those that are unnecessary and disable them yourself.

Contact help desk operator at 0890 by selecting voice menu chapter direct connection. First, ask your operator to name the connected paid services, and then tell them which of them you want to disable. The operation is performed right on the spot and upon completion everything will be turned off.

How to disable all subscriptions to MTS

The “Expense Control” service will help you disable everything on MTS, and USSD-*152# will help you switch to it. Using instructions text menu you can deactivate unnecessary mailings. You can also find out information about connected services via an SMS request with the number 1 to number 8111. As soon as you find out which information Services active on this moment, look on the Internet or on the operator’s website for codes that disable them, for example, *111*29# for the “Beep” service, *111*20# for WAP and *111*4751# for weather forecast.

You can completely disable all paid services and subscriptions to MTS, even refusing the MTS newsletter. Just enter the command *111*375#. You will receive an SMS notifying you of successful deactivation. It is worth considering that in the future this may prevent you from learning information about your balance.

Contact any MTS communication store and ask employees to disable all paid services and subscriptions. A passport is required for this. However, recently, office employees are increasingly redirecting subscribers to their personal account on the operator’s website, citing the fact that some services can only be disabled there. As a subscriber, you have the right to insist that everything unnecessary is turned off immediately in the salon.