What does the international global version of the OS mean? What is Xiaomi Global Firmware

This information may be interesting, and perhaps even extremely useful. Not everyone understands the differences between firmware versions. What is global, and how does it differ from development? We will answer these questions below.

In this article, we decided to give a brief overview of MIUI firmware and help you understand the variety of firmware, so that in the future you will know what it is “weekly”, “homemade” and what to expect from the firmware. All MIUI firmware is divided into several types and subtypes.


Initially, MIUI is presented in two versions: English-Chinese (China ROM) And global (Global ROM).

China ROM, "Anglo-Chinese" The version is focused on China and is equipped with various functions and software relevant only for China. Of the available languages, only English and Chinese are represented in it, as is clear from the name. We are not interested in her.

Global ROM, she's the same "Global", "Multilingual" in turn, is aimed at users outside of China and is not supplied with services for China, but on the contrary, Google services are installed. There are many more languages ​​available, including Russian.


Developer ROM, she's the same “Weekly”, “Developer”, "Beta". The developer firmware is the most current and innovative, as it receives all the innovations first. This firmware is official from Xiaomi itself and primarily it was created for advanced users to test innovations. It is updated every week, usually on Friday, with the exception of Chinese holidays and the presence of serious bugs, when the developers delay the release of the update. However, don't be alarmed if you encounter an error; most likely, it will be fixed by next Friday. And many users use the weekly firmware without worrying about bugs.

The name of the developer firmware release is the date of its release. For example, the firmware is called MIUI 8 6.11.3, which means that it was released on November 3, 2016. The first digit is the year, the second is the month, the third is the day.

Stable ROM, she's the same “Stable”. This firmware, like the Weekly one, is official and released by the MIUI development team at Xiaomi. It is the main assembly and is a kind of standard: it is stable, all functions are debugged and optimized, all bugs that are found in the weekly firmware are fixed. It is recommended to install it if you do not strive for all the innovations and associated bugs, but you need stable operation of the system without surprises. The name of stable firmware versions is not tied to the release date, but to the accumulated updates, so it is updated irregularly. Updates can come either once every two weeks or once every three months.

Ported ROM, she's the same “Custom”, “Unofficial”. Custom builds include various localized versions from third-party development teams, enthusiast builds, and firmware versions for smartphones from other smartphone brands. Custom builds are always based on the Stable or Weekly official builds. They can also be updated either once a week or at longer intervals. Many Custom builds are not updated over the air, so you will have to install them yourself each time.

Samopal ROM- this is a kind of subspecies, an offshoot from Custom firmware. We apologize for such a loose interpretation of the names of these “versions” of firmware, however, recently there have been even more of them and unscrupulous sellers do not hesitate to install them on the smartphones of gullible buyers. Basically, these are homemade firmware with disgusting translation, frequent errors and ubiquitous bugs. Stable operation of such firmware is absolutely not guaranteed and often spoils the impression of the device. It is always recommended to install assemblies of the first three types, or better yet, just Stable.

Other firmware versions.

There are several other types of firmware that are no longer so common. TD ROM And WCDMA ROM- firmware created for a specific type of communication in a specific country. For example, the TD version was created for the same type of 3G connection only in China. Phones with TD ROM will work only within China, and in our region they will be of little more than zero use. Phones with WCDMA ROM created for 3G communications, widespread throughout the world. However, there are some varieties such as WCDMA HK, WCDMA Singapore, WCDMA Taiwan, WCDMA Malaysia, which also will not work outside of these countries.


Full ROM, aka “Full firmware package”. This is a complete firmware file that is usually used when installing software from scratch or for the first time. Also, installing firmware by downloading the full package often helps eliminate some errors that were previously in the device. The full version of the firmware includes all applications and services, even those that did not change in the update. Typically, a complete update package weighs from 600 MB to 2 GB.

Incremental ROM, aka “OTA update”, “Renewal”. Includes only new files, as well as updates, fixes and additions. Typically, this type of update comes to devices via OTA (over the air). Such updates, as a rule, are not significant and weigh from 20 MB to 200 MB.

Thus, you receive both Developer firmware and Stable firmware in the form of an OTA update, and if you wish, you can download the full firmware package in the standard Updater application of your device.


Official (global, English-Chinese / weekly, stable) firmware is always updated over the air, except in cases of incorrect installation or any other incorrect user actions that could lead to damage to system files. If your official firmware does not want to be updated, you need to install the firmware manually. You can download official and some custom builds of MIUI from the official MIUI forum.

Have you purchased a new Xiaomi phone from Aliexpress or any other store from the Middle Kingdom? Quite satisfied with the quality, but can’t find the Russian language in the settings? Don’t understand why all the inscriptions are depicted in hieroglyphs? Most likely, you have come across a smartphone with a Chinese shell MIUI China ROM. This happens quite often, so the user needs to know how to distinguish the global Xiaomi firmware from the Chinese one.


MIUI firmware is a great combination of comfort, simplicity and versatility. But, unfortunately, its main disadvantage for beginners is its confusion.

The user hears dozens of different names and versions, not understanding which one is right for him. So we'll figure it out.

China ROM

This is the MIUI version, intended exclusively for the domestic Chinese market. It is installed on phones that will be sold in China. Moreover, new Xiaomi products operate first on China ROM. If you want to be one of the first to buy a cool smartphone and order it from AliExpress, be prepared to reflash it yourself.

And only a few months after the release of the Chinese firmware, Global ROM appears, which we will discuss below. Why is China not suitable for us?

  • This firmware does not have multilingual capabilities.. Living in any European country, you will not be able to set your native language on your phone. Only Chinese and English are available.
  • Chinese services available. Such as a local geolocation service, browsers with limited access to some services (the Great Internet Wall of China), “dialers” that do not recognize Russian operators. At best, such programs will be simply useless, and at worst, they will refuse to work at all and slow down the operating system.
  • No Google services. Agree that it is difficult for an Android user to do without the Google Play store, Gmail, Chrome, etc. When purchasing a device with a Chinese shell, be prepared to install the necessary utilities yourself.

But there is also an advantage - a lower price. Such smartphones are an order of magnitude cheaper than phones with a global version, while all the characteristics, of course, are identical.

Global ROM

website China Stable China Dev Global Stable Global Dev
Google Services No No Yes Yes
Changing the font Yes Yes No No
Music player Online and regular Online and regular Regular only Regular only
Themes Some are paid Some are paid All free All free
Theme availability All All Global only Global only
Updates Once a month Once a week Once in two months Once a week
Language support Only Chinese and English More than 50 languages More than 50 languages
Chance to catch a bug Short High Short High
ROOT access No Built-in No No
website China Stable China Dev Global Stable Global Dev

But this one is already international version of firmware released outside of China. It is the global firmware that is suitable for European users because:

  • Multilingual. Almost all languages ​​are supported, including Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.
  • Availability of Google services. You don’t have to implement Google Play yourself and endure constant slowdowns in its operation.
  • There are no inscriptions in Chinese, sections, settings and menus are perfectly translated. Also there are no unnecessary programs from the Middle Kingdom.

You can find out how to properly install Global ROM on your device in our article dedicated to this topic. Meanwhile, we continue to understand the features of the global system. It is divided into two main types: MIUI Stable ROM and MIUI Developer ROM. And here most users are perplexed.

Developer ROM

This firmware is officially released by Xiaomi developers and contains the latest functionality.. Most often, these are beta tests, during which new features are introduced into the shell. After installing the developer firmware, the user will receive new updates every week, hence the second name of the version - weekly.

But you can’t do without minuses. Assemblies arrive “raw”, no one excludes slowdowns, lags, failures in the operating system and the refusal of some applications to work. Yes, problems will be eliminated after a certain time, but for people who adored stability and comfort, Developer ROM is absolutely not suitable.

If you decide to upgrade, read and use useful tips, instructions and life hacks.

Stable ROM

This is the best solution for most users, focused on stability and smooth operation of the operating system. Almost all problems are excluded, but updates, of course, come less frequently, about once every two months.

For beginners who are just getting acquainted with Xiaomi products, we strongly recommend choosing for comfortable work with a smartphone Global Stable ROM. This will eliminate unwanted flashing and problems with your mobile device.

Vietnamese firmware

The most controversial version of MIUI. It is in no way official and most often associated with great harm to the smartphone. Phone owners are afraid that such a shell steals personal information, and the device on it cannot function fully and normally.

In fact, there are some “homemade” ones that are quite normal, but you definitely won’t be able to receive updates on them.

Custom/localized firmware

MIUI Ported ROM is the second name for custom firmware. What are they? Such versions are produced by third party developers, which are not directly related to Xiaomi. Also, firmware can be localized, that is, targeted at a specific region.

Advantages of custom: possible built-in, initially, higher version of Android, useful functionality ported from other brands, etc. Updates may come every week, every month or not at all, depending on the team. Most often, custom firmware is based on the official versions of Stable ROM or Developer ROM.

Now let's get down to practice - how can a user find out which version of Miyuai is on his smartphone? In fact, it is quite easy to distinguish between the global and the Anglo-Chinese assemblies. To do this, go to "Settings", go down to the section "About the phone", and we see the tab "MIUI Version".

At the top it is indicated whether you have global or Chinese firmware, and at the bottom it is stable or developer. A more detailed study is described in the installation article.

What to do if you do not have the original firmware

After looking at the firmware version, some owners of Xiaomi phones are horrified that their version is Vietnamese, or they have installed a terribly low-quality custom one. What to do?

  1. If you just purchased a phone and find such a problem, immediately contact the store with presentations. No seller has the right to offer you a self-made smartphone at the price of the original! Does the store tell you that they simply received such a shipment and are not aware of the counterfeit? Then ask for the contact information of the supplier company.
  2. Did you buy the device not from a local store, but from a Chinese or regional Internet service? Here, unfortunately, complaints are unlikely to help, since you simply will not be able to reach the seller by phone after receiving the parcel.
  3. If you are completely satisfied with the custom version, you can continue to use it without any problems. The main thing to pay attention to is the following parameters: are there frequent slowdowns, crashes, or crashes of the operating system? Are there updates coming? Are you satisfied with energy saving? If the answer is yes, the firmware is of high quality.

    I have a Chinese version of my smartphone, can I upgrade to global firmware?

    Just recently, Xiaomi approved a new rule: flashing from China to an international shell and back is prohibited, otherwise you will get a brick.

    As you can see, it is quite easy to distinguish global firmware from Chinese firmware on your Xiaomi. All you need is a little time and care. Follow our instructions and everything will work out. Good luck!

Many have already heard or encountered such a common name for the firmware on Xiaomi as Global version - what kind of operating system is it and what it is used with, we’ll figure it out in the review.

To determine the OS version on Xiaomi, go to settings and find the “About phone” option. In different models, it is hidden either at the bottom of the list or at the beginning. When you click on the option, we get comprehensive information about the device, including the operating system.

Since the Xiaomi company began with the proprietary MIUI shell, it is easy to determine whether this is an original or a fake at this stage of getting to know the phone. The first word of the name indicates the company's brand. Further, in the name you will find an indication of its type, what will be discussed further.

Global version and its types

So, MIUI Global ROM, or global firmware, also known as international or multilingual version. Already in the name itself there is an answer to the question of what is global firmware for Xiaomi.

That's right - this is the ability to translate phone control options into the user's native language. The Chinese version only has two languages: Chinese and English. But when the company’s plans to conquer the world acquired a cosmic character, and the quality of its products began to stand out noticeably on the Chinese market, interest in it spread beyond China. The international version contains almost all the common languages ​​of the world. This is perhaps the main thing in which it differs and why it was developed. For the foreign market, they urgently came up with a global version or Global Rom.

A phone equipped with this version no longer has pre-installed Chinese software, links to Chinese resources, and completely lacks incomprehensible characters. In addition, there is a link to a Google account and its usual services: disk, music, Play Store and others. At the initial launch of the phone, it is now possible to add an account, however, only as an addition to the main Mi account.

I remember the times when enthusiasts of the Chinese brand independently updated the firmware, and the lack of Google services was solved by installing special programs.

Global Version Types

Further classification of global firmware follows two paths, which are reflected in the name.

This is a development or weekly version, strictly called Developer ROM. It comes out every week, with the exception of holidays, and pleases advanced users with all sorts of features and new products. Here, many solutions are tested, various options are tried, old bugs are eliminated and, sadly, new ones are added. This is the price for progress. Anyone who wants to have the most current global firmware today chooses this one and will put up with floating quality. If a developer wins in one thing, he will definitely lose in another. But if you want to be ahead of the rest, choose development.

The second way is related to reliability. That's what it's called - global stable firmware. The main difference is that all the solutions contained in it are time-tested and represent an undoubted high-quality product of the company.

The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to wait for the next version; the release is delayed for several months. But the end result will be distinguished by the balance of all components and uninterrupted operation.

Firmware formats

Here it is worth mentioning the format of the firmware data, united under the general name “Global”. There is a so-called Full ROM size, this is a voluminous full version produced for uploading to the phone in the form in which it is. There are several ways to install:

The size of this shell reaches 2-3 GB.

And the firmware in the form of OTA updates is the main and main format used when changing firmware. The update arrives, in the case of development, once a week, in the case of stable, once every few months. The updates themselves are small, 200-300 MB.

The difference between the global version and the rest

The main difference is multilingualism, but there are some other features that are definitely worth mentioning. This is due to the fact that Chinese mobile communications differ from international ones, and in particular from Russian ones. Domestic mobile operators use different frequency ranges compared to Chinese networks. And if, for some reason, forgetfulness or dishonesty of the seller, you get a phone with Chinese firmware intended for the domestic market, then it’s worth checking the phone’s performance on local 3G and 4G networks.

A radio module programmed for China will not be able to receive a signal, since its parameters will not have the necessary frequencies. This issue can be corrected by completely reinstalling the OS, but only if the phone itself supports these frequencies at the hardware level.

Important! The firmware format for Russia is WCDMA ROM, and for China it is TD ROM.

This difference between the global version and the Chinese version is the second most important factor due to which you need to choose the international version.

Finally, it is worth mentioning “custom” firmware, assembled by craftsmen using their own methods. It’s difficult to talk about the quality of these developments; they were made in different ways and by different people. There are some successful ones, but there are also a lot of mistakes in them.

What is the difference from the global version? It's just that the latter was made by a whole team of professionals, custom firmware is assembled by enthusiasts of their craft, tested on one or two phones and has a rather sad operating experience.

Although it cannot be said that they are all completely unsuccessful. You decide. As they say on the 4 PDA website, the responsibility for using these firmwares lies solely with you and claims will not be accepted.

Xiaomi's global firmware has received worldwide recognition for its versatility and thoughtfulness. Numerous Xiaomi fan clubs are gathering more and more members, where global firmware problems are actively discussed and solutions are found.

If you have just switched to Xiaomi smartphones or are just preparing for such a step, then you have probably already heard how fast and functional the MIUI shell is. However, if you dig deeper, you can think about the problem of choosing a firmware version, since their choice is huge. For this reason, someone may be afraid to update their phone, or wait for an update that will never appear. This problem of choice has led us to this review of the main MIUI ROMs. Now you will have clear instructions for all versions of MIUI with a brief description of the features, pros and cons.

How are MIUI firmware divided by region?

First of all, let's divide MIUI firmware by region. Everything is very simple here.

Two versions are officially released:

  • for the domestic market, also known as Anglo-Chinese – China ROM;
  • for the international market, global – Global ROM.

These are two basic versions of MIUI firmware, on the basis of which custom firmware is created. Below is a little more detail about each of the two.

MIUI Global ROM (global firmware)

This firmware is intended for smartphones and tablets manufactured outside of China. The international version of MIUI already has pre-installed applications and services from Google. There is a choice of languages, including Russian.


This version is released exclusively for smartphones sold in the domestic market. The firmware has 2 pre-installed languages ​​- Chinese and English; there are also no Google services and installed software that works only in China.

How do MIUI firmware differ by type?

So far everything seems very simple, but MIUI is also divided by type:

  • MIUI Developer ROM – for developers, beta version of MIUI;
  • MIUI Stable ROM – stable firmware version;
  • MIUI Ported ROM are unofficial versions of MIUI firmware, supported by developers in local markets;
  • homemade firmware based on MIUI - the same as custom ones, but often their “creators” are unknown;
  • regional MIUI firmware - usually released for models that support a specific type of mobile connection.

MIUI Developer ROM

These firmwares are released officially by Xiaomi developers. Initially, such assemblies are intended for more experienced users, for whom it is important to be the first to gain access to new functions of the operating system. Developer ROM is designed for testing innovations and often contains various shortcomings.

That's why updates appear weekly on Fridays (except holidays). As soon as bugs are discovered, they are quickly fixed and the next version of MIUI usually does not have previously identified flaws.

It is very easy for developers to figure out the firmware – even by name. For example, if you see that the build is called MIUI 8 7.21.4, then it was released on April 21, 2017.


With these firmware versions everything is much simpler. They are also produced by the Xiaomi development team, however, these builds are official, stable, tested, with fully functioning functions and without obvious glitches that are eliminated in developer builds.

You can safely install such firmware on your phone, but you will not be among the first to gain access to innovations. Here the choice is made in favor of stability. Stable ROM firmwares are updated without a specific schedule, so you may see an update every couple of weeks, or even not receive anything new for months.


Most custom builds belong to this type of MIUI firmware; of course, they are all unofficial. You can often encounter such firmware for one main reason - outside of China, Xiaomi smartphones usually install localized versions of MIUI compiled by third-party developers.

We also include high-quality builds of enthusiasts who port MIUI to devices from other manufacturers besides Xiaomi to this type of firmware.

Basically, Ported ROM MIUI is built on the basis of a stable version of the firmware, or on a developer version with bugs eliminated. Often these custom builds are updated on a specific schedule, but installation will be done manually.

Custom low-quality MIUI builds

Still, we have to single out a separate subtype from the overall picture of custom MIUI firmware - homemade assemblies that pop up on “gray” Xiaomi smartphones. Often such firmware has a terrible translation, terrible optimization and contains uncorrected bugs.

If this is your first time encountering MIUI firmware of this type, then your impression of the operating system and the phone as a whole will probably be spoiled for a long time. Never use such assemblies.

Regional MIUI ROM / Other versions

These are far from the most common types of MIUI firmware. We noted above that these are mainly regional localized assemblies designed for a specific type of mobile communication or for a specific operator. The most well-known firmware are WCDMA ROM MIUI and TD ROM - the first will work on models only with support for 3G WCDMA communications (more or less common), and the second - only on the domestic market of China.

We can also divide MIUI firmware according to the simplest criteria - size.

Full ROM is a full-fledged version of the firmware that you can safely install from scratch on your smartphone. Often, installing such an assembly eliminates all errors and other problems that could not be dealt with in other ways. This MIUI package offers all the necessary services, which is why the firmware file will not weigh so little - up to 2 GB.

Incremental ROM is just an addition to the firmware, updating it with the necessary fixes. You can often get them via OTA (downloading via WiFi) if you have the official MIUI firmware installed - stable or for developers. These updates are small - from 20 to 200 MB.

And in conclusion, we note the implicit division of MIUI firmware according to the update method - by OTA or manually.

Any official MIUI firmware has the ability to receive an update over the air at any time, but only if you have not manually changed anything in the system files. Because of this, there may be an issue with OTA updates. You will have to fix the problem manually - by installing the assembly, which can always be downloaded from the official Xiaomi MIUI forum.

Friends, we receive a lot of questions about firmware. I propose to finally dot the I’s and deal with MIUI firmware for Xiaomi devices. There are a great many of them and they are very diverse. But today, we will try to divide them into several types and types. You can view the list of official firmware for your Xiaomi device on this page.

So, what kind of firmware are there? Let's consider two main types:

  1. China ROM
  2. Global ROM

1. China ROM

These firmwares are intended for the domestic Chinese market. They do not support the Russian language (but have English) and are full of various services that will not work (or are useless) in other countries. The name has letters CN, for example “MIUI 8.2 | Stable (MAD CN DL)".

2.Global ROM

These are the so-called global firmware. They are multilingual and designed for the European market. They have Russian language support. As a rule, almost all or all menu items are translated. Hieroglyphs and Chinese applications are cut out from them. They have the word in the title Global or Global, and also letters MI. For example, "MIUI Global 8.5 Stable (MHO MI ED)".

These two types, in turn, can be divided into types:

  1. Developer ROM
  2. Stable ROM
  3. Ported ROM

1.Developer ROM

This is firmware for developers. It contains the latest and most relevant functions, as well as new products that have not yet been released to the masses. But there are also a lot of bugs and shortcomings here. Actually, its main purpose is testing. Released and updated weekly. Supports over-the-air (OTA) updates.

The name has three numbers that indicate the year, date and month of the firmware release. For example, "MIUI9 7.11.9 ", indicates that it was released in 2017, in the 11th month (November), on the 9th.

2.Stable ROM

From the name it is clear that these are stable firmware. Installed on smartphones for sale. This is exactly what will be on yours if you purchase it in a store. They are characterized by stable operation, have a minimum of bugs and, in general, are preferable for installation if you do not want to have unnecessary problems with the operation of the device. Rarely released and updated. They have the word in the title Stable and four numbers that indicate the version. They also support OTA updates.

3. Ported ROM

These are so-called assemblies from third-party developers, like miui.su, miuipro, xiaomi.eu, etc. Such firmware has been redesigned and supplemented by people who are not directly related to Xiaomi, i.e. not official. However, this does not mean that they are bad. Some work quite well and stably. Also, such teams are engaged in localizing Chinese firmware for other markets, because Xiaomi does not always release global firmware. You can recognize them when you boot your phone. Each team has its own logo, which is displayed when turned on. Actually, the name is written there. Their release schedule is varied and each team has its own.

In addition to the above, there are also author's firmware. As a rule, these are firmware upgrades by one person. He added or removed from them what he considered necessary. They need to be placed with caution, because... you don't know the developer's intentions for certain. names usually consist of three numbers, for example 7.10.26.

The last option we will highlight is homemade firmware. They can most likely be classified as copyrighted, but their quality leaves much to be desired, if not terrible. The name has four or five numbers, for example: , which can be more than 10.

You can easily view your firmware version by going to:

  • Settings—>About phone
  • Find the line “MIUI Version”.