Modern operating system windows 10. What is provided for people with disabilities? Forced driver update

Windows users have always been worried about one question: will Microsoft release the Windows 11 operating system or not? Since the official announcement of Windows 10, it has been said that this is the last version of Windows. Despite this, users are excitedly awaiting the future arrival of Windows 11; there is a wish list of what I would like to see in it. A new format with several new applications and no software compatibility issues are the most requested wishes of Windows users.

About Windows 11

The tech world is waiting for news about Windows 11 and even minor information is causing a stir. The problem for Microsoft is that some users are not interested in the update strategy used in Windows 10, but instead want to see more global innovations in the form of a new version of Windows. Microsoft is not ready to announce a new big project in the development of Windows 10. By the way, an update called Redstone is expected to be released in the summer.

While many don't mind seeing Windows 11 launch, Windows 10 has had an extremely successful launch. The reason for the success may be Microsoft's focus on developers, who are an important part of any platform. A full-fledged strategy was created that gave users reasons to download updates. In addition to the attractive appearance, many useful functions were presented, including with the aim of luring businesses to Windows 10.

Microsoft says no to Windows 11: why?

Official news coming from the Microsoft office says: Windows 10 will be the last Windows operating system, there will be no Windows 11. Since technical resources mentioned the release of Windows 11 in 2017-2018, Microsoft decided to dispel these rumors and announce that they are not going to release anything new after Windows 10.

"We're working on Windows 10 now because Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows," Microsoft's Jerry Nixon said at the Ignite conference.

Windows as a service

Microsoft adopted the "Last Windows" strategy. At the press conference, Nixon made a statement in which he said that Microsoft has no plans to release a new Windows after Windows 10, so Windows 10 will be the last version for users. But this does not mean that everything will end there and there will be no innovations. Microsoft will not release a new version of Windows, but Windows 10 will receive regular updates to improve the user experience. Nixon was not the only one to make such statements; Microsoft itself said the same thing, promising to regularly update Windows 10 instead of releasing a separate new version of Windows. This was said in Chicago at the Microsoft Ignite conference. Microsoft will apply a specific pattern of Windows 10 updates, using the Windows as a service method to serve its users. Microsoft believes that this method is more useful in fulfilling user requests.

Steve Kleynhans, a Microsoft spokesman, also confirmed there are no plans for a new Windows. Creating a new version takes a lot of time, exactly 2-3 years - during this period the product already becomes outdated.

“There will be no Windows 11,” says Kleinhans. "Every three years, Microsoft would sit down and create a 'big new version of the OS.' Third-party developers did not have access to it, and the product that the world wanted three years ago appeared.”

About the next Microsoft operating system update

Following the news that there will be no new Windows, several rumors have emerged that have caught the attention of the tech world. This was information that Microsoft would release something significant in the summer of 2016.

It was about the appearance of an operating system update codenamed Redstone. Many experts believed that the update would not be as significant, but would bring expanded support for Windows 10 on different devices, such as HoloLens. At the time of these rumors, it was not clear how much this update would affect Windows 10. Many wondered what the name Redstone meant. As it turns out, this is a popular object in the game Minecraft, used to create new technologies and improve items.

Release date for the next Windows update

Microsoft had a surprise in store that the company was not going to share ahead of time. The company promised to regularly release useful Windows 10 updates for its users. The summer Redstone update is coming, which will be the most significant since the release of the final version of Windows 10.

Some technology experts have written that Microsoft will create a new operating system not under the name Windows, but there is no evidence of this.


So, you might think that there is no need to wait for Windows 11, and you would be partly right. You just need to analyze everything wisely and understand that now there are other people at the helm, not Ballmer and Bill Gates. I do not rule out the fact that after Satya Nadella leaves, everything may return to normal. Moreover, progress still does not stand still. When the full-fledged 9th generation of consoles, DirectX 13 and new PC hardware are released, which may require new or well-modified software, then Windows 11 may be released, or whatever it will be called. Although, on the other hand, Microsoft wanted to completely abandon product numbering, as in Steam or Google Chrome, although there is essentially product numbering, it is not too obvious and intrusive.

Microsoft wanted to do this when it released Windows 8, but the product failed in sales and the system itself was associated with inconvenient crap and no Start menu, so Windows 10 was released, which, thanks to its arrogant obsession, made great sales and massive updates. Who knows, maybe Microsoft is deliberately avoiding the Windows 11 conversation in order to hide the true truth of the development of the new OS, or maybe we will have to come to terms with a new reality that we cannot escape.

Microsoft has released the so-called Windows lifecycle fact sheet, which shows the deadlines for basic and extended support for Windows operating systems.

Mainstream support or main support- This is support when Microsoft releases security updates, operating system functionality, or adds new functionality.

Extended or expanded support– this is support during which Microsoft releases only security updates to the operating system, or provides paid support, as a rule, to the corporate segment.

Transferring your new one to the category of services raised a lot of questions among users, especially considering that Windows 10 should be the latest OS with further updates. Questions mainly arose about payment for such a service, because services are paid, as a rule, for a certain period. Or, if Windows 10 is completely free (with a one-time fee), will it be bogged down with advertising?

With the release of the lifecycle fact sheet, Microsoft partially answered the questions raised. From the point of view of using the Windows 10 operating system, there is absolutely no difference whether it is a service or not. Windows 10, like all previous versions of Windows, has a life cycle with a period of standard support and extended support. And for this period there will be no subscription fee.

A logical question is, if Windows 10 is the latest, then what will happen after its support ends?

Everything here is quite predictable. There will be other versions of Windows 10 (for example, Windows 10 2018 edition or Windows 10.1, it doesn’t matter at all) with their own life cycle. For example, now the life cycle of Windows 7 and Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is different, and the same will happen with Windows 10.

Will there be a cost for the update?

Perhaps, but most likely not, competitors Google and Apple provide their OS for free as part of a common information system, in addition, free Unix alternatives do not stand still. All these factors will most likely encourage Microsoft to develop and support the creation of applications for Windows from developers, and simply hook ordinary users on Microsoft technologies, creating a closed system based on the Apple principle.

Judge for yourself, now it is possible to use a personal computer with Windows, a tablet, or a smartphone. For relaxation there is an Xbox game console, and for sports there is a fitness bracelet, and all this works well together with services from Microsoft. In the future, you can predict the appearance of watches from Microsoft with Windows 10 on board, of course, you need to calculate everything and take into account many factors, but the external situation and the trend in the development of software and services from Microsoft indicate that the formation of a closed IT system is a priority for Americans from Redmond .

How will the new OS be updated?

The footnote to Windows 10 on the Windows lifecycle fact sheet states that updates will be cumulative and support requires a current update to be installed, and new features added to the system may not be supported on all devices. Accordingly, users must independently ensure that the hardware is up-to-date, although given the extremely new OS, this is unlikely to be a problem, and support for some, at the moment, is not decisive.

The updates themselves will be installed in at least two ways: the first - for small ones, when the update is downloaded and installed in the background, the user only needs to restart the computer to complete the installation, and the second - for large-scale ones, which is more reminiscent of the process of reinstalling the operating system system on the computer, during such an update the system is not available for operation.

We could see this type of update when Windows 8 was updated to version 8.1, as well as recent updates. In this case, you can see the Windows.old folder on the disk, which is created if you install a new Windows over the old one, and contains files and programs of the old operating system.

As a result, we can say that we already had the first experience of “Windows as a service”, during the update of Windows 8 to 8.1, from 10 there will be the same small and large updates, and when the time comes, there will be ABOUT A very major update with a new life cycle and support period.

The main thing is that the new OS becomes better than the previous one, because in Windows 8 there was no launch, but in Windows 10 there is :)

With the advent of the tenth version of the Windows operating system, many users of previous systems faced a rather serious problem: whether to switch to a new OS or still work on an outdated one. Reviews of Windows 10 are divided. Some praise the system for its unprecedented performance, others hate it due to too many simultaneously running and unnecessary background processes and tracking user actions. So who is right?

Windows 10: reviews of the first version

Initially, the first modification of the Technical Preview became available for upgrading existing systems of the seventh and eighth modifications. Please note, precisely in the form of updating the existing OS without losing the functionality of all installed programs and devices. The Windows 10 update service was launched only with the user’s consent and provided that all the latest updates and service packs for the existing system were installed on the computer.

Its icon was constantly “hanging” in the system tray, offering a suggestion for queuing (at first, this was the only way to download the necessary distribution). True, Microsoft specialists left a loophole for all those users who did not want to wait their turn by posting the Media Creation Tool utility on the official website, with which they could immediately install a new system.

The Windows 10 update (upgrade) service in this case worked in such a way that the installer files were first downloaded, and then the installation was carried out. But! The most important thing was that all this, unlike previous systems, was done for free (but only for users of licensed versions of Windows 8 and 7).

In addition, another huge advantage is the ability to return to the previous system within thirty days, which has never happened before. But if the user did not intend (or does not intend) to roll back, the old system files and installation packages can be painlessly deleted. And this is about 30 GB. But the removal should be done using the built-in disk cleanup tool, and not manually.

System requirements

The first reviews of Windows 10 looked rather chaotic, although the vast majority of users who tried the system at work said that this OS does not have too high hardware requirements.

Indeed, for normal operation the system only needs a 2-core mid-range processor and 1 GB of RAM for a 32-bit OS and 2 GB for a 64-bit architecture. The paradox is that the “seven” with this configuration can work quite slowly, while Windows 10 (reviews confirm this) looks much faster.

Interface: what's new?

The main interface elements remain unchanged. True, if you look at the Windows 10 “Desktop” and “Taskbar”, you will notice that the developers have returned the start button, which they tried to get rid of in the eighth version of the system.

Actually, the Start menu itself has undergone quite a lot of changes, since, along with the classic look, it contains controls for the Metro interface, which the “ten” inherited from the eighth modification. Apparently, this was done to simplify work in tablet mode, which can be switched to through the notification section in the system tray. There are also quite a lot of additional functions that can be configured as desired (for example, quick duplication or screen projection).

The Windows 10 “desktop” has another interesting property that many simply do not know about - it can not only be expanded, but also made into several analogues with different widgets similar to how it looks on smartphones and tablets.

Finally, the emergence of the improved Cortana assistant, which can not only give advice, but also perform some custom actions to control the computer, was a real breakthrough. Apple's Siri or Windows 8.1's similar service don't compare. But without a foreign language interface, Russian-speaking users will not be able to activate it.

There are now two “control panels”: the standard one and the settings section. The usual one is not so easy to get to, although you can use the control command in the Run menu. The settings, although sometimes duplicated, are quite different in some respects (for example, deleting programs).

Performance comparison between Windows 7 and Windows 10

As for performance, no matter what anyone says, the “ten” is still head and shoulders above the “seven”. Not to mention specialized tests, which will not tell the average user anything in terms of performance, but as an indicator we can cite reviews of loading both OSes on the same configuration.

Windows 7, with all startup services disabled, starts in about a minute to a minute and a half. But Windows 10, under the same conditions, loads in up to 30 seconds. Some, however, claim that startup on a Core i5 3.4 GHz processor with 8 GB of RAM takes 5 and 6 seconds, respectively. Absolute nonsense! A Dell laptop with 8 GB of RAM and a 2-core, 2-thread second-generation Core i7 processor has exactly the parameters indicated above (tested). But everyone recognizes that Windows 10 comes out of sleep and hibernation mode much faster.

The launch of programs remained unchanged. But the “ten” “thinks” a little longer when starting an executable file as an administrator. This is understandable, because there are built-in protection tools, in addition to already well-known services like the firewall and TrustedInstaller, the built-in antivirus also works here. And the rights of the so-called super administrator are significantly expanded.

Licensing issues

If we talk about how to find out if Windows 10 is licensed, first you need to decide on the system installation method. If you used the MCT utility described above, you can rest assured that the distribution was downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

On the other hand, you can decide on the license and activation of the system quite simply by using the usual RMB menu (right mouse button) on the computer icon (which, by the way, is not on the “Desktop”, but is located exclusively in “Explorer”).

If the system is not activated, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen after a while, and most system functions will be blocked. How to get out of this situation? Elementary (albeit illegal)! You must use the portable utility KMSAuto Net, which is capable of activating any of the known Windows systems, and agree to create a task in the Task Scheduler, after which the “reactivation” will be performed in the background without user intervention.


Initially, Microsoft stated that Windows 10 was so flawless that it would not require updates, and there were no plans to release them at all. As is already clear, all this turned out to be a huge fake, since under the influence of even the most primitive viruses the system began to crash. In general, frankly speaking, the security system is not the strongest point of Microsoft operating systems.

Nevertheless, updates are released constantly and do not have the “jambs” that appeared when installing some packages in Windows 7 (to restore the system’s functionality, some had to be not only removed, but also isolated so that they would not be installed in the future). And if you take into account special updates like the Anniversary Update or Creators Update (for Windows 10), they can be compared to the service packs that were once released for versions XP and 7.

What is provided for people with disabilities?

Now a few words about what Windows 10 offers for people with disabilities. If earlier there were tools like a screen magnifier, now there are many more of them (and even in stationary versions).

In order for people with disabilities to use Windows 10, they simply need to update the system using a special version of the Anniversary Update package. Here you can convert text into voice pronunciation (Text-to-Speech), and assigned keyboard shortcuts to perform a particular operation, and add a variety of recognized languages, and scan (determine) interests in website navigation mode, and six levels recognition of multi-word combinations, and the presence of a so-called voice narrator (Narrator), and much, much more.

Drivers and programs

As for drivers and programs, initially no one released anything specifically for Windows 10, since after the upgrade everything worked fine. But over time, some software developers began to focus exclusively on the tenth version, taking into account all its capabilities.

For example, games and applications related to multimedia began to require the DirectX 12 platform in the system, which is simply impossible to install on the “seven” (not to mention XP). Some programs and drivers that were newly installed into the system may not have worked, but now there is no such problem.


Unfortunately, it’s impossible to single out the best programs for Windows 10. It all depends on what exactly each user prefers. Nevertheless, we can say with confidence that the tenth version is largely focused on games (for this there is even a means of recording their progress in real time and support for game consoles) and processing multimedia content. But overall, the new operating system, despite the tracking, deserves all sorts of praise. Well, as for those users who complain about tracking their actions, we can only say one thing: “It’s their own fault.” All these options could be disabled at the installation stage, although this can be done in a running system. True, you will have to spend a lot of time.

Windows 10 is a PC system produced by Microsoft. After version 8, the system immediately received the number 10. From July twenty-ninth, users had the opportunity to update their OS to Windows 10. The developer decided to make the best operating system out there. Correct the main disadvantages and shortcomings of previous operating systems, combining all their advantages and disadvantages.

Judging by the reviews, Windows 10 turned out to be not 100% good, nevertheless, more than one hundred and twenty million people have installed this system. In any case, since the number of users is constantly increasing, this OS will certainly be brought up to the stated level over time. And owners of other versions of Windows will want to upgrade to ten. The interface features of this operating system, in fact, are at the stage of study by users, however, its strengths and weaknesses have already been identified. Should you upgrade to Windows 10 today?

The OS is free, which is new for Microsoft owners. Owners of a licensed version of Windows 7 or 8, 8.1 will be able to install it on their PC for free.
- This version contains constant updates. Since the company decided that it would work constantly releasing updates. Therefore, there are no plans to release Windows 11. Updates are installed “without asking”.
- Multifaceted interface - in this version, the developers met the users halfway, taking into account opinions and recommendations. Thanks to this, the system turned out to be convenient for a wide range of users, because it combines a futuristic, intuitive, visual interface, as well as the familiar “Seven” desktop - there are “Start” buttons. The user, at his own discretion, creates a panel with tiles, adding those that interest him or, conversely, removing unnecessary ones from the menu.

- The manufacturer promised that this OS will be more productive than previous versions. Now the owner will be able to evaluate the performance and energy consumption of the battery, disable especially “gluttonous” programs to increase the speed of the processor.
- Windows 10 has become simpler and more comfortable to use. This system has introduced a lot of new things for convenient use of the system. Now it’s easy to switch between open applications, and the desktop will be able to comfortably place the windows of 4 programs at once, while the windows themselves will choose the most desired size.
- New browser on OS 10 - Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is also present. They did a great job on the new browser. We removed the old options and introduced many new features, including voice control.
- Cortana, known for its Windows-based smartphones, has become present here too. With its help, the user can easily cope with many questions that arise: it will inform you about the current weather forecast, play your favorite musical compositions, open the necessary application, or a file from your hard drive. The only inconvenience is that for now it only works in English.
- The security system has been improved, in addition to the usual password, there is fingerprint recognition, or retinal scanning, face recognition.
- It is possible to purchase programs, literary works, films and much more from the Windows Store. At the same time, on other devices you only need to enter your account information, since now all devices on the top ten are perfectly synchronized and become one.

Office has also become free.

Any innovation has its drawbacks, and this OS is not spared either.

The manufacturer will work steadily to update the OS without notifying the owner.
- Not everyone will get an operating system for free. If you are the owner of Vista, XP, then you will have to pay for it.
- You won’t find the usual Media Player in the top ten. Despite the fact that users are accustomed to using it, the manufacturer considered it necessary to exclude it, deciding that the player was losing its relevance.
- Often in everything new, unknown, and in Windows 10, when you start using it, errors may appear that will be isolated in the future. Therefore, many decided to wait a little and install it later.
- The Cortana assistant, as previously stated, although it has great potential, works only in English.
- Regarding security, not everything is clear. Not every user will be able to use it (a camera for scanning the retina or a fingerprint scanner is required).
- The good old “seven” and “eight” will function well until 2020 and 2023; the possibility of choice prevents the ten from becoming a leader.

The Windows 10 operating system is the latest build at the moment, created by Microsoft. We can say with confidence that the developers put maximum effort into creating the presented version and the result was an excellent product. There are practically no errors, bugs or glitches in it. What is attractive about the Windows 10 operating system? Why is it so rapidly gaining popularity among the vast majority of users?

After an unusual experience with the eighth build, the developers decided that it was necessary to return the Start menu to the interface, which most users loved so much. Interestingly, Windows 10 offers something in between the Windows 7 and 8 start menu, which had a regular start menu and a tiled list of popular programs. If someone doesn't like it, they can switch to another display option that will satisfy the user's needs.

Another advantage or innovation is a single graphical interface of the Windows 10 OS for all types of devices. Smartphone, tablet, computer, laptop, virtual reality glasses and even all-in-one PCs - on all devices, the system functions the same and looks exactly the same. This means that everywhere there will be the same, identical location of system settings and files. Users who quickly get used to one thing will really like this.

Windows 10 system requirements

If you decide to install a new version of the system, but have doubts about your computer, you can focus on the following parameters:

  • Processor with a clock frequency of 1 GHz or more;
  • RAM of 1 and 2 GB for x32 and x64 bit assemblies, respectively;
  • 16 GB of free hard disk space;
  • Modern video card.

We hope that you liked our description of Windows OS in Russian and you decide to download and install this system on your computer.