The entry for the expiration date of your Windows license appears. Your Windows license is about to expire. What to do (see)

The message “Windows 10 license is expiring” can appear at any time if you purchased a temporary code or did not activate the OS at all. We'll tell you what to do.

If you used a trial key to activate the system, you may soon see a message stating that your Windows 10 license is about to expire. After this, the operating system itself will not allow you to perform certain actions with it. For example, you will not be able to change the image on your desktop, but instead you will constantly look at the corresponding message. But you can get out of this situation in some ways. They will be discussed below.

Please note that some OS licenses are still temporary. This means that you have gone through all the activation procedures, and in the end you still have a chance to find yourself in an unpleasant situation when the OS requires you to enter the code again. Please note that this can also happen by mistake. Therefore, before hacking the OS, it is better to find out what caused it. Of course, all this is only relevant if you purchased the code.

How to remove the message that your license is about to expire

There are users who do not want to immediately switch to Windows 10. But they do not refuse the opportunity to test the operation of this system, at least using a trial key. Such actions are fully justified in cases where:
  • The user is just looking at the “ten” and thinking about buying it;
  • The owner of a licensed “seven” also wants to switch to a “ten”, but the free update procedure is no longer available to him;
  • Perhaps the user also wants to get acquainted with the “top ten”, and then simply activate it for free using special utilities.
Some users may have several options to choose from. For example, it is important to decide for yourself whether to buy a system for a year, try to deceive the developers and pose as a person with disabilities, or, in general, activate the system for free using illegal methods.

If you really want, you can turn off the notification that your Windows 10 license is about to expire. To do this, you will need a system interpreter, in the line of which you will need to enter “cmd”. The command line (or as it is also called, the console) will open. Here you will need to type “slmrg -rearm” and press Enter.

Then you will need to call system services and work a little with the License Manager. You need to choose:
  • Startup type - Disabled;
  • Perform similar actions on the Update Center;
  • Start the PC reboot procedure.
Well, as the most radical method, you can use the system activator -. You don't have to pay to use it, but you need to work with it with administrator rights. You should also take care to install the package version 4 or higher. It should be noted that it will certainly be useful for activating the entire office suite from the same company.

It is also important to remember that unless you activate the system in the correct way, there is always a chance that the OS will give you a message like this. Therefore, if you want to solve the problem once and for all, then it is better to initially take, although not the easiest path, but it is the most effective. You can remove the “Windows 10 license is about to expire” message by simply activating your system.
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  • Useful programs for Windows 10

If you have Windows 10 license expires and what to do you don’t know anything about the OS in this situation, then it’s time for you to read this article, because with its help, we will try to tell you in more detail about what we ourselves do in such situations and recommend that all our acquaintances and friends do.

Before you decide to take actions on your part that will directly affect the renewal of the license of your operating system, we recommend that you think carefully about: “Do I need this?” Only by answering this question, you can easily make the right decision in one direction or another in order to choose one of the ways we offer you to solve a specific problem.

What methods exist for renewing a Windows 10 license?

In fact, there are not so many methods for extending the use of the Windows 10 operating system, since there are a number of reasons why using certain methods of extending the OS is not advisable or is simply useless.

  • The main method can be considered using a license activation key. The peculiarity of this method is that with its help it is possible to activate the operating system once and forget about the numerous problems that you may have had before. In addition, this method gives you at least some guarantees that are directly related to receiving updates and more, so this license activation option is the most optimal compared to others.
  • Using a “gray key”, which can be found on the Internet. We call a “gray key” a once-licensed activation key for the Windows 10 operating system, which was distributed over the Internet and became public domain. These types of activation keys can be blocked at any time, even if you used them before blocking from 1 day to several weeks.
  • “Pirate activation keys”, which are generated by special programs so that they are used by unauthorized PC users who have Windows 10 license expires and they don’t know what to do at the moment, other than how to use this activation option. The peculiarity of this method is that although it is completely free in terms of using the OS, its full functionality is in question, because no one knows how long this license will be able to work until the moment when your computer is practically useless. operating system, as it will be blocked.

Where can I get a license activation key for Windows 10?

In fact, finding a license key for an operating system is not so difficult, because there are a number of Internet sites where high-quality software is distributed at reasonable prices. One of these sites is http://site, where you can purchase a high-quality license for the OS at the most attractive prices.

Using the resource site, any PC user can independently purchase a key for the operating system and, at the same time, save quite a lot. And if you have more than one computer or you are going to purchase 2 or more license keys at a time, then you will notice that the discount on the purchase has increased significantly. You can also reduce the cost of the purchase, for example, by buying three activation keys for the OS by sharing with a friend or relative.

Why are Windows 10 license keys superior to pirated ones?

In fact, answering the above question is as easy as shelling pears, since we are talking about comparing an activation key, which will never be blocked by Microsoft, and an OS activation key, which can be blocked at any time. To be honest, blocking the activation key is not the worst thing; what’s worse is that the operating system itself may one day turn out to be 100% inoperable, and this is several times worse than partially blocking the OS. In addition, it is the licensed OS that has the ability to be updated constantly and is always under not only your user control, but also under the control of the developer company - Microsoft, which is not possible to say about dubious activation keys, in 95% of which during the first update they turn out to be completely blocked.

What should I do if I already have a Windows 10 activation license key?

In this case, you don’t have to think anymore: “ What should I do if my Windows 10 license expires?“And all from the fact that you just need to activate your Windows program. By the way, activation proceeds very quickly and if you are unable to activate the OS on your own, then your best bet is to use the Microsoft hotline, where they will certainly help you deal with your problem.

As you can see, using high-quality licensed software is exactly what most of you need, and all of this depends on the fact that it will work for as long as possible and will not require any additional actions from you, as can happen with dubious activation keys, which are so often used by newcomers to the world of computers and programs.

A modern PC user strives to use the latest versions of Windows in practice. The developer always promises something unique and universal and offers free versions of the program for testing, promising that the program will work without licensing requirements and updates, because it is original and you can use the product endlessly.

However, there is a certain catch in this, which comes to light only after a certain time has passed. Developers are still in no hurry to share the rights to permanently use their product, and Windows 10 in this regard is no exception to the rule.

Having installed the OS on their computer, many people encounter a problem after a certain period of time; the following message appears on the display: “Is your license expiring?” How should the user react to this? After all, the product is distributed completely free of charge and is offered unlimited use. What should I do? - people are sounding the alarm.

Well, it’s impossible to hack Windows 10; it’s a very serious product of our time. But for every problem there is a solution, even on Windows 10 it is found, although sometimes it does not work.

Why do I receive a license expiration message?

The first versions of Windows 10 were truly distributed free of charge. They were called Technical Preview products. These were the so-called home versions, which underwent certain testing among users to ensure their perfection. The developers removed something, updated something, and moved towards creating a truly unique and new functional product.

Let's be honest, a perfect product cannot be distributed for free. Even a child can understand this. Those who really wanted to be the first to try out the product for updates were in the forefront of getting the original free version. Well, the rest, unfortunately, were simply given a wrong version - a non-original one, which requests license updates.

If in other versions of Windows nothing significant happens and you can safely continue to work on the computer, then with Windows 10 everything is worse, all programs begin to slow down, even with the office it is difficult to work.

Windows 10 problems

How to solve a problem with a license? If the installed version is not original, then this means that the installer simply cheated you, promising a license as a gift. If the original version is installed, then the license message does not suddenly pop up out of nowhere. This is absolutely impossible.

There are a huge number of offers to install Windows 10. Many users even face a forced transition to a new operating system. Those who have weaker nerves rush to get this Windows 10 in any way and calm down, and then end up with a lot of problems. And all because they do not download the OS from official resources, bypassing the only correct option - the website of the developer - Microsoft Corporation, where the MST utility is offered for download. But even from the official website, the utility is not available to many users, which is why they are looking for simpler solutions to their problem.

Pirate intervention

The new perfect Windows 10 is not protected from pirated distribution. The creators of KMS software offerings took advantage of this. Their utility also works when registering an office suite.

How much does the original version of Windows 10 cost?

This product is not cheap and always comes with a high cost. For installation on the PC of domestic users, the price is unlikely to be less than 20 thousand rubles, and even then this is not the ceiling of modern prices for advanced software. So there’s no point in trying to get away with the free versions.

Many who are faced with a message about their license expiration try to solve the problem by searching the Internet for keys, so-called cracks, which we strongly advise against doing.

To install Windows 10, it is still acceptable to use the MST developer utility. This is the only correct option for installing the original free version. It is not downloaded for one reason - the future user does not agree to officially register. If you don’t go through this process, then, of course, the system eventually starts to become stupid. And if a so-called account is created, then Windows 10 works like clockwork.

Registration only requires specifying an email and receiving an SMS with a code that will allow you to open access to downloading this original utility, which, by the way, is compatible with all versions of Windows and does not raise any questions during installation.

Not long ago, all users of the Windows operating system were able to switch to the free tenth version as part of a special program from Microsoft. If at first using the updated OS was simple and problem-free, over time these problems appeared. Many people have encountered an intrusive message on the screen that reads: “Windows license is about to expire. You need to activate it in your computer settings.” The solution to the problem depends entirely on the nuances of your system.

How can I remove the Windows message?

First of all, you need to remember which version you upgraded to Windows 10 from. Not all users prefer to buy licensed software, which is why similar problems appear later.

If you previously used Windows 7/8/XP and decided to upgrade to the tenth version for free, then your product license keys will also be transferred. As you might guess, a huge number of unlicensed keys are immediately cut off and a message of this type appears.

Another problem: when your key supported the KMS activator, but was quarantined by the antivirus.

The most common problem is simply the preview version. The thing is that initially the company distributed its product free of charge for testing. Microsoft followed up and took into account the comments of users, as a result of which they made a full-fledged tenth version, and many people remained on the preview, which expires.

Solving the problem by updating

If you think that you have become a victim of a preview version of the system and are absolutely sure of the license, then it is better to simply update the top ten on the Microsoft website.

This method will not delete your files or format your computer - it will simply download a new update.

  • Go to the Microsoft website;
  • Download the update by clicking on the “Download tool now” button;
  • Run the file and follow all instructions from the installer.

During the update process, you can register your Microsoft account. It will make it easier to monitor the status of the system, and technical support will be available to you. After the update, the notification will disappear.

Removing an alert via the command line

This method will relieve you of the license message in a number of cases.

Press the WIN + R keys on your keyboard at the same time. This will bring up the search bar. Write down three letters in it - cmd. Click “OK”.

Immediately you will see a dark window in the middle of the screen. This is the command line or console. Enter the command

  • slmgr – rearm. No dots or extra spaces. Press Enter.

Do not touch the computer for a few seconds.

A series of similar windows will appear on the screen. They just need to be closed. There will be 5-6 windows.

Open the search bar again using the combination WIN + R and enter another command:

  • services.msc

This command opens Windows services. You can also access them through the control panel, but this is much faster.

Among the many services, you need to find a licensing center, namely “Windows License Manager”. Once you find this line, double-click on it. In the window that appears, select “Rejected” or “Disabled” and click “Apply” in the corner of the window.

In the same window with services, find another line “Windows Update”. Double click on it.

From the drop-down list in the “General” tab, select “Disabled”. All you have to do is click “Apply”. This method disables Windows updates and license verification, so the message will disappear from the screen.

Alternative methods of dealing with alerts

Two more options can be offered as additional options.

The first is to run the command:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml

You already know how to open the command line. This method uses the Power Shell, which may also be the reason for the window.

And the last method could be clearing your antivirus quarantine. If you had an unlicensed version before updating Windows 10, now the OS is actively fighting it. Your KMS activator is most likely in quarantine. Add it to the exceptions.

So, another problem: in January 2014, activation failed for many Windows 8 users, the computer began to reboot every 2 hours, etc. Here is the verbatim message: “Reinstall Windows 8 now. Your license to use this trial version of Windows has expired. After an hour, the computer will reboot and will continue to reboot every 2 hours. To prevent these interruptions, get the latest version of Windows." What should you do in this situation? how to activate Windows?

What to do if activation fails?

In this situation, each user must decide for himself: buy or acquire a license and use the operating system with a clear conscience; surf the Internet a little, download the Windows 8 activator, activate Windows and continue to use it with a guilty conscience. Actually, let’s go straight to the second option, since the majority will choose it.

How to activate Windows 8 and other versions?

In order to activate Windows, we need to download the activator and do a couple of manipulations.
1. Launch the command line, to do this, type cmd in the search for Windows, then right-click on the one found and select run as administrator

In the command line you need to enter the following command spp-restore, press enter and restart the computer.

2. After reboot download the activator, if you haven't downloaded it yet. Before launching the activator, disable the antivirus. The activator is launched and we see a big button ACTIVATION, click on it.