How to turn off the windows button on the keyboard. How to disable the windows button on the keyboard. Hiding a watermark using Re-Loader Activator

Hello. As you can imagine, the keyboard is a constantly used tool for me. Both as an author of articles, and as a gamer, and even banal surfing on the Internet, I am associated with constant typing to search for new ideas. And, of course, I still have problems pressing the Win key (the one with the Windows icon). Yes, this happens much less often now, but it does happen. Due to the specifics of my site, I cannot disable it; I need it for work. But for you, those who don’t need it in principle and who never use it, I can tell you how to do it.

So, for this we need in the registry, in the branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

create binary parameter Scancode Map. And give it a value:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00

But you cannot do this through the built-in Windows registry editor. And everything written above is indicated for professionals who can do it manually themselves. For ordinary users I have simpler solutions :)

So, since the registry editor is not suitable for us, we have several options left:

1) Add a parameter via cmd

3) Using registry export files

A more primitive, but no less effective method is reg files. Let's move on

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to disable autorun of some programs in Windows 7 in order to reduce significant resource consumption and speed up the computer, namely Reduce system boot time when turned on.

The fact is that some programs, after installation, set themselves to autostart when you turn on the computer.

Now we will look at several ways to disable autorun of programs that you do not need.

But be careful, because some programs are necessary for the system to operate and are utility programs. Disabling them may affect some functionality of the Windows 7 operating system and its security.

We remove programs from the startup folder through the start menu

This method may already be familiar to you; if you have been using a computer for a long time, you could accidentally discover it yourself without any additional information, but for beginners the information may still be new.

Go to the Start menu > All Programs and find the Startup folder.

Everything that is there starts when the computer is turned on. To prevent these programs from running, simply remove them from there.

We use the standard Windows 7 utility - MSConfig

This utility, MSConfig, is already on your computer by default and you don’t need to install it, you just need to run it and use it.

And it’s very simple to launch it:

Open the Start menu again and type msconfig in the search bar.

It will be found immediately, all you have to do is click on its shortcut to launch it.

If for some reason you don’t have a search bar in the Start menu, you can simply press the Win+R key combination and the following window will open:

Enter msconfig there and click OK.

As a result, the msconfig utility should start. It looks like this:

Go directly to the Startup tab. By unchecking the boxes you will disable unnecessary programs. But if you don’t understand what each of them is responsible for, then it’s better not to disable it.

After you click OK, you will be prompted to restart your computer, but you don't have to.

This utility is very convenient, but it is also not functional enough, because... is not able to provide us with the ability to disable absolutely all (any) programs from startup.

So we'll look at a few more ways.

Manual removal from the Windows 7 registry

Launch the registry editor. To do this, press the usual key combination “Win ​​+ R” or again in the search bar in the “Start” menu we type the words “regedit”.

A very scary, incomprehensible window opens with many folders that look more like gobbledygook than names.

But we are not afraid, but calmly understand everything and gain knowledge!

Among these folders, in the distant wilds, there are two autorun sections of the “seven”:

general (local registry), which is used for all users, the address is:

personal register - for the current user, at the following address:

That is you need to go to the Run folder, expanding the folder tree one by one.

They contain files that run along with Windows and you can easily delete them as usual - by right-clicking and selecting “delete”.

You can first go to the first address, clean it there, and then start on the second.

Disabling autorun of programs using third-party software

Now we will talk about the third-party program Autoruns, which is distributed completely free of charge (freeware), but at the same time is very powerful and functional - in just a couple of clicks it can disable absolutely everything that can automatically start when you turn on the computer.

Download Autoruns program You can follow the link from the official website: KB)

At the office The website has an English version, but we can easily understand it, even without knowledge of this foreign language.

The downloaded archive has a .zip extension and can be unpacked with any archiver.

There are 4 files in the folder. We are interested in “autoruns.exe”, which we launch (it is advisable to right-click on the file icon and select “run as administrator”).

When we first launch, we will be asked to accept the license agreement, which we will do by clicking on the “Agree” button.

The program looks like this:

We immediately see the “Everything” tab, which is a list of absolutely all startup objects.

But in order not to get lost there, there are tabs in which all this is broken down separately: Winlog, Drivers, Explorer, etc.

If you uncheck the box, we will disable autorun. If you click on a line, below you can see a description of the object: the version of the program, where it is located on the computer, size, etc.

In the “Logon” tab there is a list of programs that we could disable using the previous methods described in the article.

You may notice that some lines are highlighted in pink - these are simply objects that do not have a detailed description, and those whose files are deleted and can no longer be loaded, but are simply listed, are marked in yellow. Those. they may not be deleted.

Again, be careful when disabling something you know nothing about. Perhaps this is necessary for the main operation of Windows 7 and after disabling these services, the computer will not work as it should.

For the laziest we provide video tutorial of the whole process:

In this article we will touch on the age-old question that torments inquiring minds trying to squeeze the last drop of performance out of a computer.

What are Windows services

Windows Services are essentially the same applications, just without a user interface. They run in the background and provide the operating system with various features and functions. Not all services are developed by Microsoft and not all are available immediately after installation. Many applications and drivers install their own services on the system. The services are actively used by antiviruses, as they constantly monitor the health of your system and provide protection against malware. The advantage of services is the ability to start during the operating system startup even before applications start, as well as the ability to monitor everything that is running on your computer. This is why antiviruses can reliably protect the computer they are running on.

Many “computer specialists” recommend disabling some Windows 10 services, pursuing a wide variety of goals. Some are tinkering with the list of operating system services in an attempt to improve their privacy (a tin foil hat, unfortunately, is not included with Windows 10), while others are trying to squeeze out the last drop of performance. Disabling Windows 10 services is a double-edged sword. Yes, disabling services can indeed partially improve the performance of your system, but the effect will be extremely small, if noticeable at all. Often, or upgrading any other component gives a much more noticeable performance increase than experimenting with Windows services.

Generally speaking, we are against disabling Windows 10 services. You see, Microsoft developers sometimes release crooked software, but they are not fools - they know much more than the average “tyzhprogrammer”. Windows services, processes, and components have been polished and improved over the years. They are optimized well enough to minimally load your computer's resources (here we are not talking about exceptions when a bug or virus leads to abnormal loads on the processor, disk, memory or network). In this case, the principle “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” applies. Often, users harm their computer rather than improve its performance by blindly trying to disable some Windows 10 services. If our statement about optimizing Windows 10 services is not enough for you and you still want to experiment, in this article we have compiled a list of services that can be safely disable it without making your computer worse.

To be fair, it is worth saying that along with third-party software, third-party services come into the system. Sometimes it is worth disabling them if it becomes known about malicious practices of developers or if the code is simply crooked. It is also worth disabling Windows services if you are trying to diagnose your computer and detect the causes of performance degradation, freezes, or other anomalies.

Disabling Windows 10 services

Before proceeding directly to disabling Windows services, we strongly recommend that you. This is your insurance against the unforeseen consequences of disconnecting a particular service. If you did something wrong and the system began to work worse, rolling back to a previous restore point will quickly return everything to its place and save you from headaches and time spent on computer software repair.

How to disable a service in Windows 10

Everything is done quite simply:

Important: There are so-called “optimizers” that take on the task of disabling operating system services. Don't use them! Don't let third-party software decide which services will work on your PC and which won't. Carefully study the services that you want to disable, and also decide for yourself whether to disable them or not. In addition, do not use third-party software to disable or enable them. This procedure is extremely simple and, if you have already taken up this matter, it is best to know how to configure such a sensitive section of the operating system.

What services can be turned off in Windows 10

Please note that some of these services may not be available on older versions of Windows, such as Windows 7 or Windows 8 / 8.1. By the way, many of the truly unnecessary and unnecessary services for the average user are already in the “Manual” mode. Here we return to the point above, where we said that Windows developers are not fools and do not push ordinary consumers with services they do not need.

  • AllJoyn Router Service. This service is responsible for communication between the operating system and nearby IoT devices.
  • Fax. Explanations are unnecessary here. If you don’t use a fax in conjunction with a computer, you can safely disable the service.
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service. If you don't need encryption of your drives and don't use BitLocker software, you can disable the service.
  • Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service. If you don't have Bluetooth on your computer or don't plan to talk to Cortana through a headset, turn off the service.
  • Bluetooth support. Disable it only if you don’t use Bluetooth at all (or don’t have it at all). Disabling this service while you have connected devices may cause them to stop working with your computer.
  • Client License Service. We recommend disabling this service only for those who do not use applications from the store at all. If you have programs installed from the Microsoft Store, they may no longer launch after you disable this service.
  • Smart card. It is unlikely that your home PC is configured to work with smart cards. Disable this service if you do not use smart cards. Especially if you don’t even know what it is. This also includes Smart Card Reader Enumeration Service, Smart Card Removal Policy.
  • Downloaded map manager. Can be disabled if you do not use the built-in Maps application. If you use it, disabling the service may cause problems with the application.
  • Encrypting File System (EFS)) . Required for data encryption technology to work within the NTFS file system. Not needed if you do not use and do not plan to use data encryption.
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service. iSCSI is an acronym for InternetSmallComputerSystemInterface. This service allows the user's computer to access information in highly remote data centers using existing infrastructure. You can turn it off.
  • Offline files. You can disable it if you don't use the Offline Files feature or don't know what it is. By the way, this feature is not available in the home edition of Windows.
  • Payment manager and NFC/ Protected elements. It does exactly what it says, namely processes payments using NFC. It is useful on devices with the appropriate chip, but the vast majority of tablets and laptops (and even more so on desktop PCs) do not have such chips, so you can disable it.
  • Parental control. If you have no one to control, disable this service.
  • Print Manager. You only need to disable it if you do not have a printer, you do not use network printers, or virtual printers. This service is directly linked to the service Fax.
  • Nvidia Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service. This service is available on computers with Nvidia video cards. Allows you to work with stereoscopic images. You can turn it off if you don't use it.
  • Hyper Guest Service Interface-V. Disable it if you do not use virtual machines. This also includes Service Hypwer-VPowerShellDirect, Pulse service, Time synchronization service Hyper-V, Data exchange service, Hyper-V, Remote Desktop Virtualization Service, Shutdown service as a guest.
  • Remote Desktop Service. With this service, users can remotely connect to and control other computers. Disable it if you can’t imagine yourself in such scenarios.
  • Geographic Location Service. Disabling this service will prevent apps from receiving location information.
  • Store demo service. Unless you put your computer up for sale at a retail store, you definitely won't need this service.
  • Wi-Fi Services Connection Manager Service-FiDirect. This service is needed to connect your computer to wireless screens and docking stations using Miracast technology and its analogues.
  • Windows Insider Service. If you don't plan to test early versions of Windows 10 in the Insider Program, feel free to disable this service. Don't forget to turn it on if you change your mind.
  • Windows Player Network Sharing ServiceMedia. This service allows you to share media libraries from your computer with other playback devices on your network.
  • Windows serviceMobileHotspot. The service is needed only for devices with cellular modules and allows you to distribute mobile Internet. If a SIM card cannot be inserted into your computer, then you do not need the service.
  • Secondary login. With this service, users can perform tasks as an administrator from an account with normal rights. If you are the only person using the computer, you do not need this service.
  • SuperFetch. This service is described in detail in the article "".
  • Remote registry. This service allows users to remotely edit the operating system registry. Someone thinks that activating it jeopardizes the user's safety, so they disable it.
  • Sensor service, Sensor Data Service And Sensor Monitoring Service. Feel free to turn off these services if you have a desktop PC. They are needed for laptops and tablets that use auxiliary sensors, such as a light sensor, screen rotation, and so on.

If you want to disable a service that is not mentioned in this list (it's safe to say that we didn't include a lot in this article), we recommend that you search for information about it online. The best is in the official Microsoft documentation. Alternatively, read several resources to gather several opinions on the justification of a particular service.

After the initial installation of the Windows 10 operating system from removable media, it is necessary to activate it to confirm the license rights to own this version. This is required to prevent the use of pirated content and to verify the product license key with valid Microsoft keys. Before entering the key, the system will operate in trial mode for thirty days, after which it will stop starting. Within the prescribed period, the user is obliged to activate or uninstall the system. Windows 10 will automatically remind you to activate every time you start it by displaying a watermark with reminder text in the lower right corner of the display. This sometimes annoys many users, which is why they start looking for ways to remove the automatically pop-up message. The removal process itself is not difficult and does not require special preparation.

Why does the Windows 10 activation watermark appear?

A watermark with an activation reminder may appear in test versions, in pirated copies of a licensed OS, or if the user for some reason forgot to activate Windows 10 after installation on the computer.

A Windows 10 activation message appears on the desktop

This function is fixed in the registry and does not have any effect on the speed and performance of the computer. You can also use an unactivated version of Windows 10 (with some restrictions), but this is not very convenient. Most users try to remove the annoying reminder using third-party programs or editing branches in the registry.

There are a certain number of rules that must be followed when removing the activation watermark, since in most cases third-party software is used. Often, not everyone wants to take risks and change entries in the registry, rightly fearing that they will disrupt the normal operation of the computer.

Basic rules that must be followed when removing a watermark:

  • Always create a system restore point before starting to remove a watermark using the registry;
  • use software only from the official websites of manufacturers;
  • Methods for removing watermarks and activation reminders should have good recommendations on the web and be tested many times.

If you do not follow at least one of these rules, then no one can guarantee you that deleting a small problem will not result in a big problem that entails a complete reinstallation of Windows 10.

How to remove the Windows 10 activation message

There are several ways to remove the system's automatic reminder about the need to activate the software product. Sometimes the result is achieved immediately, sometimes you need to try several methods to achieve success. The main ways to remove the Windows 10 activation watermark include using third-party programs and adjusting the registry. You can also use the system's built-in software, but in home versions, not all notification removal features are included in the Windows 10 installation package.

How to remove the activation message through the registry

There are two easiest ways to remove the activation message.

First way:

The second method (for those who are afraid to manually enter registry corrections):

Remove notification about activation by third-party programs

You can remove the watermark that says you need to activate Windows 10 using third-party programs. There are several such programs, and they have been repeatedly tested in practice by various user groups.

The Universal Watermark Disabler utility has the following advantages:

  • can quickly erase watermarks on any version of Windows;
  • provides support for any languages ​​during operation;
  • does not harm system files;
  • instantly removes all watermarks on the display.

How to use the utility:

Video: Removing watermarks using the Universal Watermark Disabler utility

In addition to the most common utility, Universal Watermark Disabler, two small utilities are used for the same purposes:

How to remove the activation window and disable pop-up notifications

You can remove the activation window and turn off notifications in Windows 10 using the built-in Notifications and Actions service.

This service includes the following features:

  • Allows and disables pop-up notifications from Windows 10 and third-party programs;
  • allows you to show the system alerts about various events and updates received from the network;
  • Using pop-up menus, it speeds up the process of removing removable media, activating and disabling various adapters.

Using this service, you can turn off annoying notifications, block them, and turn off the notification center.

Disable Action Center

In Windows 10, you can disable the Action Center in three different ways:

  • using changes to Windows 10 settings;
  • by editing the Windows 10 registry;
  • changing system group policies.

Disable notifications by changing the settings

This is the fastest way to prevent unnecessary notifications from appearing on your display. It is performed in several stages:

Video: Disabling notifications by changing Windows 10 settings

Disable pop-up notifications using the Registry Editor

This method is suitable for users who already feel quite confident working in the Registry Editor. Changes that need to be made to the registry and disabling alerts require the following steps:

Pop-up alerts are now disabled.

It should be taken into account that in the latest versions of Windows 10 developed, regardless of the user’s wishes, the settings for turning off notifications in the registry may already be created. This can only be tracked during a clean installation from a licensed distribution.

Disable notifications when general group policy changes

Video: Disable Notification Center and Toast Notifications

Removing watermarks and notifications in Windows 10 is a fairly easy process. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand that they were not developed by chance. It is quite possible that activation for some reason did not go through or there was a failure in the system files. A watermark that was previously removed as annoying will not appear. This may lead to the fact that at the most inopportune moment you will not be able to start the system and will see a warning on the display about the end of the period allotted for activating Windows 10. You will need to waste time searching for the key, which, as always, will not be at hand. Therefore, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth removing watermarks and inscriptions about the need for activation.