Beeline gives you internet in just a few steps. “Gigs for Steps” campaign from Beeline

Cool promotion from Beeline!

Mobile operator Beeline launched new promotion « Gigi for steps" According to it, he gives up to 3 GB of mobile traffic per month for the steps taken. The promotion is valid for subscribers of all tariffs of the “EVERYTHING!” line. This article tells us more about the “Gigs for Steps” campaign and how to get traffic for your physical activity.

Beeline credits 100 MB of mobile traffic for 10,000 steps taken per day. Per month, therefore, subscribers of the “EVERYTHING!” tariffs can get 3 GB additional traffic only for your own activity. The received traffic can be used for any purpose - there are no restrictions.

In order to take part in the “Gigi for Steps” campaign, you need to download the “My Beeline” application from App Store or Google Play, launch it and click on the “Participate in the promotion” button. The app will request access to use data from the Health apps on your iPhone or Google Fit on Android.

Exactly these standard applications and will count the steps and transmit them to Beeline. If the steps taken during the day are more than 10,000, then the next day 100 MB of traffic will be added to your account to the main amount of traffic. Of course, the rate of 10,000 steps = 100 MB of traffic cannot be called extremely profitable, however, given that the traffic is added to the base amount, an increase of the maximum 3 GB will definitely be pleasant.

If you count your steps using a fitness tracker or smart watch, then the information from your gadgets can also be used to participate in the “Gigs for Steps” campaign. This requires syncing your wearable with the Health app on iPhone or Google Fit on Android. A fitness tracker or smart watch will start transmitting step data to standard iOS apps and Android, and then Beeline will take them into account.

PJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) expands the capabilities of the new tariff line"All is mine!" and offers to receive an additional 3 GB of Internet every month.

Now users of the “EVERYTHING!” tariffs can change not only minutes and SMS to gigabytes and vice versa, but also convert the number of steps taken into additional Internet traffic.

Take advantage new option tariff plans “EVERYTHING!” possible by joining the “Gigs for Steps” campaign. The conditions are simple - by performing usual activities, for example, shopping or walking with friends, subscribers can receive an additional 100 MB daily to their package mobile internet. To do this, it is enough to walk 10 thousand steps or more during the day. Internet traffic is accrued the next day, subject to a positive account balance. 100 bonus MB can only be credited once per day.

Participants will be able to track the number of steps taken in the “My Beeline” application, which aggregates data from the “Health” applications on iPhone (iOS 9 and above), as well as Google Fit for Android (OS versions 4 and above), and then converts steps daily in megabytes of additional traffic.

Step count data may be affected by individual technical features types of wearable fitness devices and mobile applications, as well as individual characteristics of the Promotion participants (step length, speed of movement, etc.).

Expands the capabilities of the new tariff line “EVERYTHING!” and offers to receive an additional 3 GB of Internet every month.

Now users of the “EVERYTHING!” tariffs can change not only minutes and SMS to gigabytes and vice versa, but also convert the number of steps taken into additional Internet traffic.

Take advantage of the new option of tariff plans “EVERYTHING!” possible by joining the “Gigs for Steps” campaign. The conditions are simple - by performing usual activities, for example, shopping or walking with friends, subscribers can receive an additional 100 MB daily to their mobile Internet package. To do this, it is enough to walk 10,000 steps or more during the day. Internet traffic is accrued the next day, subject to a positive account balance. 100 bonus MB can only be credited once a day.

Participants will be able to track the number of steps taken in the “My Beeline” application, which aggregates data from the “Health” applications on iPhone (iOS 9 and above), as well as Google Fit for Android (OS versions 4 and above), and then converts steps daily in megabytes of additional traffic.

“The launch of the “Gigs for Steps” campaign was a continuation of the implementation of Beeline’s strategy aimed at anticipating and meeting current customer needs. Every year there are more and more people in fitness rooms, on sports grounds in parks and in courtyards. Focusing on these passions, in the new offer we have combined two key trends: the ability to manage your services and the desire to lead healthy image life. For those who are already leading active image life, participation in the promotion is a great opportunity to receive real benefits for habitual actions, and for those who are less athletic, it is a pleasant additional incentive to start acting. We are confident that our customers will like how easy it is to turn the steps taken into Internet traffic, and the results and health benefits will make them happy,” commented Irina Lebedeva, vice president of mass market marketing at VimpelCom PJSC.

Thus, when creating the “EVERYTHING!” line, which was presented in March of this year, we analyzed and took into account current trends market mobile communications, one of which is customization of services.

The first results of the launch confirmed that Beeline chose the right approach: independent management of tariff plans is in demand by subscribers. Within two months, more than 4 million clients connected to the new line, and about 37% of users exchanged Internet traffic for voice traffic.

When developing the “Gigs for Steps” campaign in April 2018, Beeline conducted a study among subscribers, in which 42% of smartphone owners noted that they regularly engage in physical activity. More than 71% monitor their workouts using smartphones, and 43% set a goal for the number of steps taken per day.

The “Gigs for Steps” promotion is valid for individuals, served on one of the tariffs of the prepaid payment system of the “EVERYTHING!” line. from May 29, 2018 to September 30, 2018 on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. To participate in the promotion, you must agree to the collection and processing by VimpelCom PJSC of data on the steps from the above applications. The organizer of the promotion reserves the right to change the conditions for accruing/spending bonuses for steps. The organizer of the action is PJSC VimpelCom address: 127083, Moscow, Eighth March St., 10, bldg. 14, OGRN 102770016663

More detailed information information about the promotion is available on the website

Ecology of health: ​​​​​​​No matter how many gadgets, exercise machines and types of workouts people come up with, regular walking is still one of the best ways to lose excess weight. If you decide to lose weight by walking, the first thing you need to do is go out and buy a pedometer. You can now find very inexpensive pedometer models that can help you calculate how many kilometers you walk a day and how much you need to walk to lose weight.

No matter how many gadgets, exercise machines and types of workouts people come up with, regular walking is still one of the best ways to lose weight.

Walking is the best way to lose weight

If you decide to lose weight by walking, the first thing you need to do is go out and buy a pedometer. You can now find very inexpensive pedometer models that can help you calculate how many kilometers you walk a day and how much you need to walk to lose weight.

To find out how many miles you need to walk to lose weight, first find out how much you already walk every day. This will let you know how much you need to increase the time/distance you walk each day to finally see a difference on the scale.

For example, using a pedometer you found out that you walk 8,000 steps a day without gaining weight. Finding out how many steps/kilometers you need to add to lose weight is a matter of simple mathematics, calculated according to the number of calories you need to burn.

How many kilometers should you walk a day to lose weight?

The average human step length is approximately 0.7-0.8 meters. Taking into account this length, there are approximately 1250 steps in a kilometer.

For walking 1 kilometer, a person burns approximately 60-70 calories. If a person walks 3 km more per day (4 km in total), then 240 calories are burned.

Walking 5 km a day will burn approximately 300 calories. 300 calories per day - 2100 calories burned per week (if you walk daily).

After a month, you will have burned approximately 9,000 calories, which equates to losing 1 kg of weight. In a year, you will lose 14 kg from walking.

Adding another 4 km to your daily walk (for example, 1 km) is quite easy. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk while talking on the phone, if you drive a car, park further away from work, if public transport- try to walk part of the way to and from work, etc. To walk 5 km at a time will only take 45-60 minutes - this is very little!

Now let's calculate how many steps to walk a day to lose weight

There are 1250 steps in 1 km. To lose 1 kg per month, you need to walk 5 km = 6250 steps daily. This is without reducing the number of calories per day.

If you cut your calorie intake by 250 per day, you will have a daily deficit of 550 calories, allowing you to lose 1 kg per week.

Very important!

If you decide to lose weight by walking, be sure to include strength training 3-4 times a week. Women who are losing weight often think that strength training with dumbbells/barbells/kettlebells will make them muscular like men, or that they need to wait until they lose weight and then start toning their muscles.

None of this is true. Firstly, women do not have enough “male” hormones to gain more muscle mass, and, Secondly, strength training is simply necessary for losing weight - it speeds up metabolism, enhances fat burning, all exercises can be modified to suit your physical level.

And don't forget to cool down and stretch after walking.

Conclusion: Walking is a great way to get fit and lose weight. Combining walking with strength training and proper nutrition gives incredible results - you will burn calories even while resting!

Why do you need to walk 10,000 steps a day and how to do it?

Can you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight by walking 10,000 steps a day? Yes!

Regular walking provides both weight loss, fitness and health benefits. And this applies to both beginners and advanced workout enthusiasts.

When you increase your number of steps per day (like the program above), you become more active throughout the day, outside of individual, specialized workouts. And if you're just getting started with fitness, walking is ideal for increasing your fitness level for more challenging workouts. And even if you've been exercising for several years, it may not be enough to counteract the negative health effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

All in all, Walking more isn't just good for your waistline, it's also good for your health.

Benefit for health:

    Walking reduces risk high pressure, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

    Walking reduces the risk of dementia and cancer.

    Walking can relieve fibromyalgia pain.

In addition to that, walking has no side effects, as opposed to running. Running puts the strongest and not very useful load on the joints, frequent injuries among runners - harsh reality. Walking is the most natural set of movements for a person, and for beginners it is the safest.

Even if you exercise for an hour a day, but spend the rest of the time sitting (due to the nature of your work, for example), you will not be able to reduce the risk of disease with these workouts. That's when walking helps - you move more often throughout the day.

Have you already heard about the treasured 10,000 steps per day- This recommendation is given by many. This is, of course, a good goal, but not the most The best way start walking with this number of steps.

Based on the latest research, an adult walks an average of 5,900 steps per day. And if you don’t take the average, then the majority go much less. That's why you can't immediately switch from 2000-5000 steps to 10,000. A sudden increase in load will not bring great benefit, rather harm. It's better to start adding 500 steps a day, gradually increasing the number of times a week. And so on until you start walking 10,000.

We offer two more ways:

By time: 15 minutes of brisk walking - approximately 1.5 km (these numbers may vary as people's stride lengths vary).

Step by step: 10,000 steps are approximately equal to 8 km, so count 2,000 steps as 1.5 km.

Well, don't forget that there is pedometers.

It turns out that 1.5 km is 15 minutes, and 8 km is 1 hour 20 minutes.

Thus, You will walk 10,000 steps in about 1 hour 20 minutes at a brisk pace.. Accordingly, the slower you walk, the more time you will need.

More about pedometers

Very important note: Pedometers and other fitness devices are not always accurate. In particular, they only count steps forward. One study actually found that pedometers don’t count about 30% of steps! This is very a big difference. For example, if you take steps back, left and right, walk in place - all this will not count.

Is walking alone enough?

A reasonable question arises: “Is 10,000 steps all a person needs? If walking is enough, then other training is not needed?” The answer depends on your level of preparation. If you have not been involved in fitness before, you can start by increasing your steps - this will make it easier for you to start exercising regularly.

But as soon as your body gets used to the stress, it will rise to new level, you should start incorporating other types of training into your regimen: strength training (to combat the loss of muscle mass that begins in your 30s), stretching (to increase your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury), and other forms of cardio training ( interval training, which help produce anti-aging growth hormone). Combining walking with other forms of physical activity will help you stay in top shape, both externally and internally.

Walking program for weight loss and health for 4 weeks

So, we now know that walking really does help you lose weight (as long as you also do strength training and stretching). Did you know that lack of exercise poses a serious risk of developing cardiovascular disease (British Journal of Sports Medicine). So how can you start walking for weight loss and health? Is there any plan? Yes, fitness expert Chris Powell created a 4-week walking program for weight loss and health.

In just a month, you can get in shape, and by continuing to walk, you will significantly reduce the health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

4 week walking program

Week 1

Day 1: use a pedometer to calculate how many steps you take per day that day (in normal life, without special additional walking). This is your base number of steps. Write it down wherever it is convenient for you: in your smartphone, tablet, notepad.

Day 2: Increasing steps! Add to yours base number another 500 steps. Maintain the new number of steps until the next "Increase steps!"

Day 3: While walking, give yourself visual distance markers - a tree, a store, a post office, etc. - and keep it in sight until you reach this marker. This tactic will make the walk seem shorter than it actually is.

Day 4: While walking, think about what motivates you to do fitness - health, family, upcoming vacation at sea. At home, make pictures with your motivation and attach it to the refrigerator or mirror - so that you have inspiration 24 hours a day.

Day 5: Strong core muscles prevent back pain that can sneak up on you while you walk. Add 5 minutes of corset muscle exercises to your daily walking immediately after your walk.

Day 6: Powerfully, energetically walk through the mall ( shopping center), then treat yourself to some new walking shoes.

Day 7: Add more steps to the base number 1000 steps .

Week 2

Day 8: Increase your walking pace while listening to uplifting, fast music(steps must be in rhythm with the songs). This will make the workout easier.

Day 9: Get into the habit of placing your walking shoes by the breather door at the end of each day. you'll have fewer excuses and won't have to look for sneakers before walking.

Day 10: Increasing steps! Add 1500 steps to the base number. Stick to this number of steps until the next "Increasing Steps!" marker.

Day 11: Keep walking interesting by downloading a new playlist of music you haven't heard before.

Day 12: Introduce intervals - this will enhance the effect of walking for weight loss and help burn more calories. walk for 1 minute at a very fast pace (you should be breathing heavily, but not out of breath), then 2 minutes - easy step. Repeat 4 times.

Day 13: When you need a boost of inspiration, walk in circles around your room or office. Experts believe that walking helps in developing creative ideas.

Day 14: Take a walk after dinner and share your walk on social media. People who communicate their goals have a greater chance of losing weight.

Week 3

Day 15: Add 2000 steps to the base number. Now you walk 1.5 km more than when you first started.

Day 16: In the middle of the walk, take a short break by stretching your calf muscles: one leg is slightly bent, the other straightened forward, pulling your toes towards you, you can even try to reach your toes with your hand and increase the stretch. Repeat with the other leg. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds on each side.

Day 17: Add some more walking while talking on the phone.

Day 18: Don't let bad weather derail your progress - change your shoes if it's icy outside, walk in the shade if it's hot, with an umbrella and rubber boots when it's raining.

Day 19: Add another set of intervals to your walk. This time, reduce the time of easy walking by 2 times. Very quick step- 1 minute, easy step - 1 minute. Repeat for 15 minutes or more (if you can).

Day 20: Add 2500 steps to the base number.

Day 21: Walking in place also counts!

Week 4

Day 22: Ask a friend to accompany you on your walk. Just choose friends who are cheerful and active. Together, you will achieve much more with a positive attitude.

Day 23: Listen to an audiobook while walking - it will help you work not only your muscles, but also your head, and the time will fly by.

Day 24: Add 3500 steps to the base number.

Day 25: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. 2 extra minutes Climbing stairs a day (about 3 floors) can burn enough calories to keep you from gaining weight.

Day 26: Follow the 1.5 km rule - if you need to get somewhere less than 1.5 km away, walk briskly instead of taking a car or public transport.

Day 27: Add 4000 steps to the base number. You are now walking 3 km more than you started!

Day 28: Try running 3 km instead of walking - regular jogging. If you walk at an average pace, it will take about an hour.

The unique offer of the Beeline provider, which allows you to receive additional traffic in exchange for the distance traveled, is known to many as “Gigs for Steps”. If you use its terms, you can get free 3 gigabytes of Internet for 30 days. Face advertising campaign became the famous showman Alexander Revva, and representatives of various categories of the population hum the viral lines from the advertising video “Take steps - get gigs!”

The service probably has no analogues among those offered on the mobile communications market Russian Federation. You can exchange your completed steps in mobile application operator. However, it is recommended to study the terms of the promotion, because not all subscribers of the provider can take part in it.

The offer has become quite popular, because the conditions for receiving gigabytes of traffic do not seem complicated. But before connecting the service, you need to pay attention to current tariff– only subscribers who have connected certain tariff plans Beeline.

Main parameters of the “Gigs for Steps” campaign

Users learned about interesting promotion in May 2018. In order for it to become available, you must remember the following conditions:

  • the service operates in the operator’s mobile application and requires access to fitness application data (“GoogleFit” for Android devices and “Health” for iOS gadgets);
  • To participate, you need to accept the agreement with the terms of the promotion, and then click on the “Participate in the promotion” button;
  • correct use of the sentence is possible on mobile devices with operating system versions starting from Android 4.0 and iOS 9.0.

You can control the number of steps taken, like most other options, in Personal account provider. The number of steps, distance and some other parameters are displayed in fitness applications, so the accrual of gigabytes is absolutely transparent. The operator invites users who have installed the “ ” mobile application to take part in the promotion.

The connection is not available for subscribers who live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

Residents of the following cities can exchange completed steps for free gigabytes of Internet traffic:

Joining the “Gigs for Steps” campaign is easy. Considering the fact that mobile traffic- not the cheapest pleasure, subscribers are happy to use the opportunity to get 3000 megabytes for surfing and working on the Internet.

Who will not be able to participate in the promotion?

As noted above, not every user mobile services Beeline will be able to use advantageous offer. Therefore, it is necessary to find out whether the service will work for each specific subscriber. Beeline has limited the timing of the promotion period 05/29/2018 - 09/30/2018.

Only subscribers who have subscribed to certain tariff plans can take part, including:

  • “All for 1800 + roaming”;
  • “ALL 1 and ALL 2 for tablet”;
  • “ALL 2 and ALL 3 for the computer”;
  • Tariff family from “ALL 1” to “ALL 4”;
  • Tariff plan " ";
  • “Absolutely EVERYTHING”;
  • New tariff "".

The operator draws attention to the fact that for correct participation OS mobile gadgets clients cannot be lower than 4 Android version and version 9 iOS.

How are steps counted and free megabytes awarded?

Receiving non-tariffed traffic occurs with certain rules:

  • To use bonus traffic, the application must register minimum 10,000 steps, otherwise the accrual will not be made;
  • per day no more than 100 megabytes regardless of the distance traveled;
  • The number of steps is checked in the mobile application, for which you need to find a button with the name of the promotion in the “My Beeline” application on the “Balance” tab.

The provider does not have the ability to control steps using its own means. All accounting is carried out by fitness applications " GoogleFit" And " HealthKit", therefore eliminating the possibility that Beeline will be able to somehow change the data on the distance traveled.

To gain the required 10,000 steps, you need to walk about 7 - 8 km with an average step length. Such actions will not only have a positive impact on your overall well-being, but will also allow you to get 100 megabytes of Internet. In addition, a person loses from 300 to 500 kcal, or rather a special application will tell you about this.

How are steps exchanged for Internet traffic?

The exchange of steps is carried out by default, it is necessary to additional set There are no commands or other actions. The provider automatically receives the information and makes necessary calculations. At the end of the day, the user will be credited with a promotional 100 megabytes (of course, provided that he has completed 10,000 steps). Large quantity The steps taken will not affect the amount of additional traffic, and you can get no more than 3 gigabytes per month.

Having this information, there is no problem in monitoring the amount of accrued traffic yourself. The conditions are simple, and their fulfillment allows the participant to receive 100 megabytes per day. The operator claims that the promotion works correctly, and if the subscriber followed all the rules, then there will be no problems receiving bonus traffic. For information about the number of steps to be updated, the device must be connected to the Internet.

Exclusion from participation in the promotion

If a promotional offer has lost its relevance for a subscriber and there is no longer a desire to participate in it, then you can disconnect from it at any time. However, it is still worth weighing all the pros and cons, because at stake is a double benefit in the form of health benefits and gigabytes of traffic for work and entertainment on the Internet.

The promotion can be disabled:

  • by calling special number 067412320 from a mobile device;
  • using a mobile application;
  • calling Beeline subscribers.

For the day on which the user disabled his participation in the promotion, extra megabytes will not be credited.