IPhone “like new” - the whole truth about refurbished phones. M9 and constant Siri activity. Thick body, but no protruding camera lens ring

Apple's March event, the presentation of new products, is already approaching. And the closer this date is, the more rumors and leaks arise. Basically, they are associated with new products of this company. Some sources began to spread rumors that the new iPhone model(which is 4 inches) will have a special name. Its name will not be iPhone 5se. Many of us are already very accustomed to this name. What will the new name of this new product be? Let's look at this issue.

iPhone SE

There is evidence that new smartphone Apple will be called iPhone SE. There are rumors that the name will be spelled this way. The letters SE will be capitalized. As you can see, the name will now be very original and unusual. What do the producers want to show with such a new name? There is an assumption that with the help of such trademark marketers want to focus specifically on the status of the Special Edition type, which will be encrypted in the name of the phone. Overall, the iPhone SE will have to get started newest line products from Apple.

Last news

A little earlier it became known that in size, as well as in appearance smartphone iPhone SE will be very similar to the model with called iPhone 5s. The release of this new product will take place on March 15 this year. This day will also mark the release of other Apple software and hardware products. Among them I would like to mention new ipad, as well as several new bracelets for the watch Apple Watch. There may also be updated Macbook models. As for the start of sales of this phone, Apple will most likely deviate a little from proven strategies - literally three days after the presentation, the new products will already be on the shelves.

iPhone SE photo

They are now available for those who could not be with us yesterday.

The presentation lasted only an hour, it took place in a small hall at Apple’s headquarters in California, there was none of the chic that the company demonstrates at its main September presentation, but that’s understandable, no one was expecting chic.

During the presentation, the company's new small smartphone was presented - iPhone SE, you can see how it turned out; ; iOS 9.3; update for tvOS; and spoke about the results of the company’s work on medical and social programs, and in order to develop this theme, Apple has released two SDKs that will allow you to create applications for iOS and watchOS with an eye to health.

War of opinions

After demonstrating the new smartphone, users literally immediately divided into two camps. Some were very disappointed with what they saw, for example, Valentin Wylsacom, others were, as always, delighted with everything that the legendary Apple does.

So, why worth hating new iPhone S.E.?

The company that was presented to the world Steve Jobs, positioned itself as developing only innovative and perfect products. This is how Apple has proven itself. After Steve's death, the company was already creating products that seemed controversial to its "ideal" policy, such as the iPhone 5c. Now the new controversial product is the iPhone SE. Its main disadvantages:

  • old building . The appearance of the new iPhone has not changed at all compared to the iPhone 5s, the only thing is that the color “rose gold” has been added;
  • old display. 1136x640 is already very small these days, especially for games and other content. Yes, I remember, just recently people were unhappy with “shovels,” but now everyone has gotten used to it and big screen seems more practical. In addition, many complain that it was even possible to insert a new display into the old case, for example, by removing the frames;
  • regular glass front panel. Well, that is. no rounded 2.5D for you, which everyone has been waiting for;
  • lack of 3D Touch. Coming out previous paragraph. There is no 3D Touch in an expensive smartphone from Apple in 2016;
  • low memory. The proposed 16 and 64 GB are extremely small for modern smartphone, which stores everything more information. If you can still live with 64 GB, then 16 does not fit at all with the ability of a smartphone, for example, to shoot 4K video, 12 minutes of which will take up all the memory;
  • cost in rubles. In the American market, iPhones are some of the cheapest, especially considering sales with a contract from an operator and all sorts of loyalty programs such as Trade In. iPhone SE in the US sells for $399 for 16 GB, $499 for 64 GB, and free for the 16 GB version with a contract. In Russia, the cost in the official store turned out to be incredibly steep - 37,990 rubles for 16 GB and 47,990 rubles for 64 GB, despite the fact that we don’t have any contracts with operators or Trade In (we don’t even have official store Apple, if you don't know);
  • Name. Apple approached the name in such a way that the user would associate it with a completely new device. But this is where the big deception lies. Still, this smartphone is a slightly improved version of the old one, so it would be more honest to call it iPhone 5e, or iPhone 5se, as some had previously suggested. Yes, the number 5 would immediately make it clear that the smartphone is not an innovation, but the letter “e” would clarify that it is still in better side different from 5s. I think in the case of such a name there would be a little less complaints.

Now let's think about why iPhone SE is worth loving?

But there are also advantages to this smartphone; as they say, the glass is still half full. Let's look at these advantages:

  • size. There are many people who large smartphones They don’t fit, it’s a matter of habit or small hands, small pockets and handbags. But now, find powerful smartphone with a small body it is simply impossible, everyone is accustomed to a huge form factor, and even in large body it’s much easier to place a good filling;
  • filling. The hardware of the iPhone SE is decent, the A9 processor is worth it. In terms of performance and graphics, this baby is on par with the iPhone 6s;
  • camera. Compared to the iPhone 5s, the SE has increased by as much as 4 megapixels, now it has 12 megapixels. This, of course, is not a phenomenal indicator, but for photos on a quick fix(and not even immediately) is more than enough. And she doesn’t stick out;
  • accessories. Unlike the “experimental” 5c, the new SE has the same body as the time-tested 5s, so it inherited from its predecessor great amount all kinds of accessories different forms, sizes, manufacturers and prices. Before the presentation, many were afraid that Apple would move the power button to side edge, just so that the old covers could not be used, but, thank the gods, they did not do this;
  • Apple Pay. Yes, you can finally take 5s and pay with it in the supermarket, well almost. It will only be externally 5s. Although, in Russia, of course, this is a very weak plus.
  • support 5 communication standards and 19 LTE ​​bands. In general, there will be no place where the iPhone SE, in the presence of a tower or satellite, will issue poor quality connections (most likely);
  • Siri always on. The advantage of Apple flagships also went to the iPhone SE; in the case of the new product, you can use the assistant in any situation, even if your hands are stained with blood, but you don’t want to spoil your rose gold.

Total iPhone SE - victory or failure?

If we take into account the opinions of some eminent bloggers, for example, Wylsacom, it may seem that the new smartphone is so unpromising that it is impossible to seriously consider it. And this is so, there are enough arguments for such an opinion. On the Russian market, the price turned out to be decisive; indeed, the game is not worth the candle.

But besides Valentin, there are many other people with their own opinions and interests, for them a powerful smartphone, albeit in an old (but successful) design, is what they need. Such a smartphone costs, like any Apple product, expectedly more expensive than its counterparts, but it is significantly cheaper than Apple flagships, which do not differ in performance and camera. Plus, gray suppliers will most likely sell it cheaper. Moreover, among Android devices there are no powerful representatives in a 4′ body. Previously, there were Sony with their Compact, but now they are gone.

Thus, the iPhone SE will find its buyer, just as it found its buyer iPhone time 5c. Moreover, the iPhone 5s has disappeared from official sales since yesterday. The iPhone SE is ideal for those who just want to try an Apple smartphone, or who previously had a very outdated 4s (or any other smartphone with a small screen). Definitely, it’s hard to perceive it well if you’re used to a large diagonal and you like it.

Personally, I would not buy such a smartphone for myself. Mainly due to the fact that I feel comfortable with a large diagonal, all other disadvantages are not significant for me.

Firstly, I can’t say that I was really looking forward to it - it was clear that the SE wouldn’t work out as tall, and I’m not a fan of displays smaller than 4.5′. Secondly, it was clear as day that the new iPhone would not surprise anyone. Or rather, it will be no more surprising than the iPhone 5c. And when the device was officially presented, everything that was happening inside me can be described as absolute calm.

That is, I don’t feel angry, like I was expecting something cool, but Apple deceived me; there is no joy: “Hurray, this is a super-smartphone in an old case, that’s why it’s cheap!” No. All that comes to mind: “Yes, this is clearly not for me, but there will be people who will like it.”

Was there a lot of hype around the iPhone 5c? Well, except for the first week after the presentation. No. And when it began to be sold, those people who had fallen in love with it (there were few of them, but they existed) silently bought it for themselves and rejoiced. Sometimes at the same time showing off your new clothes to curious friends. Unfortunately, even here iPhone SE will attract less curiosity, because people are always interested in models without “S” in the name. New design cooler than having Siri or Touch Id. And this isn’t even an S-model; this is the third time we’ve seen this design. This will play into the hands of owners of a new smartphone when looking for cases and films, but nothing more. However, the big plus is its speed and operating time, so I understand that it is these two factors (and the camera) that will influence iPhone sales SE.

So when I read something about the new iPhone, I feel neither glee nor anger. I’ve already seen the design of the 5S, and I’ve already appreciated the speed of the 6S. It’s very cool that these two parameters are found in one device and someone will like it. But not for me.

And now you have a unique chance in the comments to prove to Valentin Wylsacom that he is wrong and the iPhone SE is worthwhile thing, no matter how hard he strained himself.

Yesterday's presentation left mixed impressions.

Has anyone had " emizing"When was the new iPhone shown? I wasn't impressed either. And all because I was really looking forward to the updated design; I was pretty fed up with the body of the 5.

But as soon as Apple showed its cards, everything fell into place. The small 5s fit 6s filling. This is really cool! “Shovels” are already making me sick, but here - top iron With convenient size screen.

How many people, so many opinions. Here's what foreign media write about the iPhone SE.

    The iPhone SE is Apple's best compromise: it has flagship hardware, but at the same time its design and smaller form factor make the device cheaper. If the company goes the aggressive route, we can expect country-specific pricing or even an 8GB version of the iPhone.

    This is not a scaled down 6s. It is no coincidence that the iPhone SE was made the same as the 5s, but the smartphone was not given a number. The number 5 in the model name would immediately make it obsolete, but this is certainly not the case.

    Apple focused on what Last year About 30 million 4-inch iPhones have been sold. Therefore, the company decided to create a new smartphone. Many buyers value the 5s as small screen, and at a low price.

    Once we had the SE in our hands, we realized that the smallest iPhone (since the 5s) performs just like the top-end 6s and 6s plus. He's really smart. Moreover, the iPhone SE easily fits into a shirt pocket. Like good old times.

    You don't need to sell a kidney to buy an iPhone SE. We've forgiven Apple for a long time, gritting our teeth every time the company introduces a new device. The stereotype worked that Apple equipment must be expensive, and we were preparing in advance for the blow to our wallets. Amazingly, the SE costs less than the iPhone 6, although the new product is superior to the six in almost all respects.

From Roma Yuryev
- from Artyom Surovtsev

website Yesterday's presentation left mixed impressions. Did anyone get excited when they showed off the new iPhone? I wasn't impressed either. And all because I was really looking forward to the updated design; I was pretty fed up with the body of the 5. But as soon as Apple showed its cards, everything fell into place. The small 5s fit 6s filling. This is really cool! “Shovels” are already making me sick...

Unfortunately, the market situation compact phones at the end of 2017 does not change and choose from productive models practically nothing. The uncontested iPhone SE is getting closer Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact, Sony Xperia X Compact and an even larger one. The iPhone SE is still quite popular, and that's why I wanted to review this model. I thought it would be quite boring, because... I already did a review and it didn’t have any widespread, serious problems. But when I started studying reviews on the iPhone SE, reading discussions on forums, then magic Apple started quickly dissipate. I had the feeling that I was writing a review of the shortcomings of a not-so-successful Android phone model. In principle, the size of the 4pda forum thread “iPhone 5/5C/5S/SE – Marriage” alone, about 400 pages, should already lead to certain thoughts. There are even branches on individual problems. For example, problems with the camera: “Problems with the camera iPhone 6s, 6s plus, SE, 7, 7plus.” You can also read the threads discussing iOS 10, iOS 11 and you begin to understand that today Apple is an unremarkable phone manufacturer, with a standard bunch of problems with the quality of hardware and software, like other brands. So, the iPhone SE has a number of points discussed on forums and in reviews that you should pay attention to when purchasing:


Perhaps iOS was once “polished” operating system, but now, judging by the discussions on the forums, this is not the case. The number of various bugs, in my opinion, is no less than that of Android phones. But iOS has a significant difference. Apple smartphones receive updates noticeably more often, and many bugs are quickly fixed. With the release of new iOS versions New errors appear, but they are eliminated fairly quickly. For Android phones, you can wait months for firmware fixes.
Therefore o iOS problems difficult to write because... the situation is changing quite quickly. The list of shortcomings is as follows (mostly it is common to all iOS devices):
— to work with files you have to use iTunes program. You can copy files only by syncing with iTunes. If you want to use a more familiar way of working with your phone as a external drive, you need to use third-party programs, for example, Itools. For me personally, an important limitation of iTunes is that it does not accept the FLAC music format. For transfer FLAC files needs to be installed third party application;
— limit on the amount of data downloaded from App Store through Mobile Internet. On iOS 11 it is 150 MB, and on more later versions operating system 100 MB. Reading articles that describe ways to circumvent this limitation was surprising to me, to say the least;
— not everyone is happy with the range of programs in the App Store. Users switching to iOS from Android cannot always find the analogue applications they need;
- there are problems with optimization third party programs(particularly games) to a 4-inch screen. Fonts may be too small and unreadable. There are also complaints about small interface elements different programs(for example, in Viber or in a stock audio player) that are difficult to work with;
- on stock firmware Call recording is prohibited;
— there were complaints about pedometer calibration data flying off when rebooting;
- at incoming call swiping right may not work the first time, and you may not be able to answer the call.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all the bugs here. They are different on different versions operating systems, and mostly they are not widespread. In addition, they may depend on the method of updating the OS and the set of programs used. If there are bugs, then try flashing it through iTunes from scratch, with a factory reset, without installing a backup. If there are no problems at this stage, then start installing the software.


— it’s not uncommon for owners to complain that the iPhone SE receives a signal cellular communication worse than their previous phones. Metal body small sizes are not conducive good welcome signal. Unfortunately, this point can only be verified in practice. A lot depends on your operator, terrain, surrounding buildings, etc. In general, checking the reception quality of this phone should be taken seriously. special attention;
- check if there is wheezing when talking on speakerphone. There have been complaints about this;
— there are complaints about problems with connecting to the Internet via WIFI. This is due to the setting automatic selection channel in the router. Some routers with this setting do not work well with Apple technology. Users recommend disabling the roaming helper, disabling channel auto-detection and manually installing the most free channel;
- many people are annoyed by the requirement to send paid SMS abroad for iMessage activation. There are articles online on how to treat this problem.


— a lot has already been said about the crunchy “Home” button. The cause is most likely dust or debris getting into it. People are trying to treat the button by cleaning it with plastic stickers and lubricating it silicone grease;
— everyone and everyone is talking about loose volume and mute buttons on the forums. This was already starting to annoy me when every couple of pages another person appeared complaining about it. Everyone is tired of discussing the play of the buttons just like the crunchy Home button. In general, it's like this iPhone feature SE. If you have it, then just deal with it;
- after Android, most likely you will have to get used to controlling your phone with one button. It’s good that there is also control using a swipe on a button, but you also need to get used to it;
- although rare, there are phones with small paint chips on the edges. Carefully inspect the phone when purchasing;
— It should be noted that the phone is not protected from moisture;
— some people don’t like the large frames and somewhat outdated body design. But this is already from the area of ​​like/dislike. A matter of taste.


— the screen is probably the most discussed topic. The screen is the same as the 5S, i.e. that's enough already old model. Compare screens modern phones With iPhone screen SE and decide if this color quality is right for you. Screens of different quality can be installed on your phone. There are no complaints about some screens; they have a uniform, clean White color, but there are screens with a warm, yellow tint. This is also not so scary, because... You can try to adjust them using the OS settings. It's worse when you come across screens with a yellow tint at the top of the screen. This tint may or may not go away over time. There are screens that distort colors more when viewed from an angle. The screen may appear pink or purple shade. Check if the screen has any glare or spots. In short, when buying a screen you need to be careful, it is weak point this model;
— in principle, you can get used to the color rendition, but what you can’t get used to is the way the sensor of this screen works. It's not uncommon to hear complaints about the sensor not responding at the edges or corners of the screen (especially check the top left corner of the screen). Moreover, this is a floating problem. It may disappear for some time after a reboot, and then appear again. The sensor either works normally, or ceases to be sensitive to touch;
— pay attention to whether the screen is loose, how it is attached to the body in the corners. Pay special attention to the upper right corner;
- don't forget about the screen size. Playing on a 4-inch screen is not much fun.


— The previous generation Touch ID is a little slower and makes mistakes more often than, for example, the sensor on the iPhone 6s. On the fingerprint sensor Apple fingers saved a little;
- there have been many complaints about unstable work headsets, headphones when connected via bluetooth. In one of the firmware versions bluetooth work improved, and there are significantly fewer such questions from owners, but sometimes there are still problems with bluetooth. For example, wireless headphones may lose connection and immediately connect to the phone again. When this happens regularly, it is very annoying;
— NFC has been reduced and works mainly with Apple Pay;
— there are phones with a weak squeak or crackling sound in the area of ​​the apple logo. Most likely, these sounds are made by the processor. For some owners, this was the reason for contacting service;
— Not everyone likes the bundled headphones. I don't like the way they sit and the sound quality. In general, I don’t remember now which smartphone manufacturers use the in-ear headphone format;
— there are, although not often, complaints about dust particles found in the camera. They do not create problems when shooting, but it would be better not to have them. When purchasing, check the phone for dust in the camera.


- not in the camera optical stabilization;
— lens aperture f2.2, which is not very good for shooting in low light conditions;
- there are complaints about long startup cameras in iOS 9 and iOS 10. You have to wait 5-7 seconds. When you turn on the camera, the phone may freeze and not respond to anything. In later versions of iOS 10 and iOS 11, this problem was resolved. At least there are no complaints about it;
— there are complaints about the operation of the hdr mode. The difference between photos taken in automatic and hdr modes is not very big. But reviewers will turn this in favor of Apple. In a review on 4pda they write about hdr: “There is a very light and unobtrusive HDR with an almost imperceptible effect”;
front-camera it just is. Expect a lot from a 1.2 MP camera that was installed on the old one Apple iPhone 5S is not worth it.


— the main complaint about the battery is the significant charging time from 0 to 100% with the included charger. Judging by the reviews, charging can last up to 2 hours. This is a very long time for a 1624 mAh battery. Also, when I wanted to know the time Apple chargers iPhone SE from the reviews collected in the card of this model on Yandex.Market, it turned out that no one had this data. It’s just that all the bloggers had amnesia at the same time and everyone forgot to count the time iPhone charging SE. For other brands, whose phones with 3000 mAh batteries charge in a little more than an hour, they do not forget to write about charging time;
- absence wireless charging;
— the phone may not work in the cold. Remember that the temperature range environment For iPhone work- from 0 to 35 °C. The metal body cools down very quickly when low temperatures, and following the case, the battery freezes very quickly, losing its capacity. Although in general, phone owners are satisfied with the autonomy of the phone. In this regard, the model turned out to be successful;
- sometimes there are complaints about the quality of the cable charger, it breaks quickly.


When purchasing, carefully check the phone right in the store, otherwise the magic of the Apple brand may let you down. You should no longer rely on the brand, especially for inexpensive Apple models. The company has chosen a strategy of expanding price niches and the iPhone SE is a cheap phone by Apple standards. Reducing prices does not leave its mark on quality. Inexpensive Apple models− these are ordinary phones that have problems with both the assembly and the operating system. Everything is like everyone else. Also, don’t forget to “punch” your phone

Do you know how these two iPhone SE models A1723 differ? The left phone is for England and the right one is for Hong Kong. But the whole joke is that the sound of the Hong Kong phone is better than that of specialized players costing more than 30 thousand rubles. A phone from England is practically no different in sound quality from regular iPhone 5S.

How could this happen? Let's find out!

First, I’ll tell you the background of the question, so that it is clear where I got several SEs, which, quite by chance, were intended for two different markets. It all started with the fact that I, like many, was faced with the problem of the right top corner screen on 5S. At first it just plays a little, then dust gets clogged there, a crunching sound appears, and the top microphone and/or proximity sensor may stop working. If anyone doesn’t know, this is an officially recognized factory defect and if your phone is model A1457, then it is covered by a 2-year warranty. In this case, this defect is corrected by completely replacing the device with a new one. I had 4 5S phones bought a year ago for the whole family at the same time on the same day early last year. The problem of a peeling screen affected all phones, with the only difference being that it mostly affected phones that were actively used.

I took all 4 phones to an authorized service, but only three of them were accepted for replacement, because... on one phone (which my mother used) the defect appeared only at an early stage. I note that the phone will be accepted for replacement even if there are obvious impacts on the case (although they may probably refuse a warranty replacement). Having lost my main working tool while replacing the devices, I decided that it was good sign in order to update your smartphone to new model- SE (one of the arguments is the ability to use contactless payments apple pay). Moreover, it now costs only 23 thousand rubles for a new sealed and non-activated device in Moscow. I will not give addresses and contacts so that there are no accusations of advertising. Don't even ask. // I REPEAT: I will not give any contact information in a personal message. Yandex.Market will help you, you will weed out the scammers yourself. //

To begin with, I decided to buy one smartphone for myself, because... I felt like I was without hands without him. The iPhone SE has only three modifications: A1662 (American market, there is a discrepancy with some LTE bands in Russia), A1723 ( international version) and the rarest A1724 (international and for the Chinese market). Obviously, you need to take the A1723 version because... applies to her official guarantee and in Russia. The most low price on SE of this modification in Hong Kong. That's why I chose this model for purchase.

After activation, I paired the phone via Bluetooth with the car audio system and immediately noticed the change in sound quality. Returning home, I connected the phone to my high-end home audio system and took my mother's remaining 5S for comparison. For audio files I use AAC256 from the service Apple Music. The sound quality was amazing!

I invited friends over to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. Absolutely everyone confirmed the enormous difference in sound quality. On the new SE the sound was very light and spacious. At the same time, I connected all my existing Apple equipment as a sound source: iPad Mini 1, iPad Air 2, Macbook Air 11, Macbook Air 13, iMac 27, iPhone 5S. Everyone has sound listed devices was approximately the same, and only with detailed listening could any changes be detected.

iPhone SE A1723 sounded much better!

My father was most impressed by the sound and said that he also needed such a phone. This is not surprising, because the easiest way to describe the sound of the SE is this: after it, the sound on the 5S will simply make you sick - it’s absolutely meaningless.

2. Just at that moment, the service gave me 5S replaced under warranty, I wrote about them on my Instagram and they were all sold out within 10 minutes! I sold another 5S (mother) on Avito, but this is decay, if we talk about the secondary one Apple market technology. If there is interest, I can tell you a couple of heart-warming stories about what a “gray ref” is. The scale of the scam will make your hair stand on end.

So, let's return to our sheep, that is, SE. I went and bought 3 more new SEs from the same store. I repeat: these are new, sealed and never activated phones. But the seller ran out of Hong Kong ones and they gave me 2 phones from England and only 1 from Hong Kong. I didn’t attach any importance to this because... Both modifications have model A1723 and there shouldn’t even be any problems with the warranty.

A shock awaited me at home when I brought new phones to my parents. After activation and initial setup father eagerly connected his new phone to the audio system and... a miracle did not happen. It turned out that I gave my father a phone intended for the English market. And the sound quality on it was practically no different from the old 5S.

3. I remembered that in Europe there are regional restrictions on the maximum power in headphones and opened the corresponding menu in the settings. Yes, on English phone There is a volume limit option, but it is disabled by default.

4. And when the player is turned on with the headphone output connected, the volume control on the phone for England looks like this. Enabling or disabling the volume limit only affects the maximum power, but not the sound quality.

To make sure we weren't imagining things, I activated the other two phones. So, in front of me lay 4 iPhone phone SE: 2 pcs. from Hong Kong, 2 pcs. from England. I again invited my friends over for a blind (!) audition. Absolutely everyone confirmed that the sound of phones from Hong Kong is completely different. This is especially clearly audible on high-quality acoustics and does not apply to standard EarPods (nothing will help them).

I decided to delve into the specifications to get to the truth and collected this information about what audio codecs, DACs and amplifiers were and are used on Apple devices. These are chips manufactured by Cirrus Logic.

iPhone 4 - 338S0589
iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus - 338S1201 and 338S1202
iPad Mini 1, iPad Air, iPod touch 6 - 338S1116
iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5 - 338S1077
iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 2, 3, 4 - 338S1213
iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus - 338S00105 and 338S1285
iPhone 7, 7 Plus - 338S00105 and 338S00220 (x2)

iPad Pro 12.9 - 338S1213 Audio Codec

iMac 21.5, 27, 27 5K - Cirrus Logic 4206BCNZ
iMac 21.5 4K - Cirrus Logic 4208-CRZ
Macbook Air 11 2013, Macbook Air 11 2015, Macbook Air 13 2015, Macbook Pro 13 Retina - Cirrus Logic 4208-CRZ

Macbook Pro 13 Function Keys 2016 - Cirrus Logic CS42L63A
Macbook Pro 13 Touch Bar- Cirrus Logic CS42L83A

4. It is also worth noting here the new iPhone 7, which does not have an analog audio output on the case. At the same time, the Lightning port is completely digital. Therefore, the same Lightning - Jack adapter contains a separate DAC, ADC and amplifier inside it! This is what it looks like on an x-ray, and you can see the detailed laceration.

At the same time, I still don’t have an answer to the question - why do iPhone SE models, assembled from the same components, have such a dramatic difference in sound quality? This will likely require assistance in conducting detailed research from an authorized(I don’t want to open the devices myself to verify microcircuits). I can only assume that this is a software flaw and when installing a “crutch” to limit the maximum power, destructive changes were made to the operation of the audio codec.

It's surprising that if you didn't happen to be with me at the same time, two identical phones from different countries- I would hardly have paid attention to this.

The most a big problem The thing about this story is that now, in principle, I can’t listen to music from the aimag or air, because... after SE it is not a sound, but some kind of nonsense.